Kansas » Kansas Kennedy Kennedy Aff

Kansas Kennedy Kennedy Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 15:16
  • GSU Rd 4

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 4 | Opponent: Trinity BU | Judge: Corrigan

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    • 2AC Saudi Prolif DA
      Saudi Arabi is ignoring the US now and trying to assert its independence as their intervention in Bahrain proves- all because the US continues to go after every nation with oil interests- the 9/11 bombers came from Saudi Arabia and the US’s logic of revenge leaves the King worried that the Saudis are next
      US-Saudi relations will collapse over Palestine’s U.N. status
      Daily Star, 9/13
      The Daily Star, 9/13/11 Saudi Arabia, Russia back Palestinian bid, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2011/Sep-13/148619-saudi-arabia-russia-back-palestinian-bid.ashx#axzz1Y9uiGmbq
      Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia’s former top U.
      world, empower Iran and threaten regional stability.”
      Other issues swamp democracy assistance, the plan won’t crush relations
      CNN July 3, 2011 ("Obama adviser discusses 'scratchy' ties with Arab allies" http://articles.cnn.com/2011-07-03/us/mideast_1_saudi-arabia-saudi-monarchy-washington-and-riyadh?_s=PM:US, SRM)
      "We did have some scratchy periods with
      basis on which we work with the Saudis."
      Relations are resilient – Doesn’t matter what it looks like from outside, Substance is the same
      Boucek 9/12 Christopher, Ph.D. and M.A., School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London; B.A., Drew University is an associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program where his research focuses on security challenges in the Arabian Peninsula and Northern Africa. He is a leading authority on disengagement and rehabilitation programs for Islamist militants and extremists and a recognized expert on terrorism, security, and stability issues in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Before joining the Carnegie Endowment, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University and lecturer in Politics at the Woodrow Wilson School. He was also previously a media analyst at the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C., and worked for several years at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies in London http://www.carnegieendowment.org/2011/09/12/terrorism-out-of-saudi-arabia/53pw#awakening
      Will heightened tensions between the United States and
      both countries recognize the importance of the relationship.

      No Saudi prolif - prefer nuclear energy
      Nucleonics Week 2010 ("Middle Eastern nuclear growth expected, but obstacles remain" LEXIS, SRM)
      The GCC countries are compliant with international conventions
      radioactive waste," Bandar Al-Sudairy said.
      Plan is an order of magnitude less than their evidence speaks to- millions instead of billions of dollars, plus it is not new spending it comes from cutting existing military aid
      McInerney ‘11
      Stephen McInerney, is Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED). He has extensive experience in the Middle East and North Africa, including graduate studies of Middle Eastern politics, history, and the Arabic language at the American University of Beirut and the American University in Cairo. “The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012: Democracy, Governance, and Human Rights in the Middle East”. Project on Middle East Democracy Report, July 2011. http://pomed.org/the-federal-budget-and-appropriations-for-fiscal-year-2012-democracy-governance-and-human-rights-in-the-middle-east/
      Even if the overall level of $1
      that appear in separate sections of the bill.
      Continuing to aid the military alienates the people and massively increases the risk of instability, factionalism and fundamentalism
      Goldstone ’11 – Professor of Public Policy @ George Mason
      Jack A Goldstone, is Virginia E. and John T. Hazel, Jr., Professor at George Mason University's School of Public Policy. “Understanding the Revolutions of 2011: Weakness and Resilience in Middle Eastern Autocracies”. Foreign Affairs. New York: May/Jun 2011. Vol. 90, Iss. 3; pg. 8. ProQuest.
      The greatest risk that Tunisia and Egypt now
      Inclusiveness should be the order of the day.
      Fundamentalism makes massive violence inevitable and locks down dialogue
      Sohail ‘7
      Khalid Sohail, Chowk, Dr. Sohail is a practising Psychotherapist, “Human beings are conditioned by their families and communities and violent cultures produce violent people,” December 10, 2007, http://www.chowk.com/Views/Society/Fundamentalism-and-Violence
      When we study human history we become aware
      that might end in collective suicide or homicide.

      Conditionality is a voting issue- skews 2AC time and divides answers which guts aff strategic decision making and encourages lazy negs that undermine advocacy skills

      2AC SKFTA Trade Version
      Won’t pass—
      A.) Boehner
      Miami Herald 9/6
      Politics on trade trumps common sense, http://www.kansascity.com/2011/09/09/3130427/politics-on-trade-trumps-common.html
      Only in today's bitterly partisan atmosphere in Washington
      Obama won't send the trade pacts to Congress.
      B.) No TAA deal
      Bennett 9/12
      David, Southwest Farm Express, http://southwestfarmpress.com/government/house-vote-precursor-ftas-passage
      On Wednesday, legislators in the House approved
      who lose their jobs due to the FTAs.

      China bill thumps the DA
      Reuters 9/16/11
      (“UPDATE 1-US senator wants China bill vote before trade pacts” pg online @ [http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/16/usa-china-trade-idUSS1E78E20V20110916]greenhill-au)
      A senior Democratic senator said on Thursday he
      currency manipulator on his first day in office.

      Asymmetry turn- The FTA increases asymmetrical nature of the alliance bolsters nationalists and collapses the alliance
      Lee and Kim ‘9
      Dong Sun Lee, Research Fellow, East West Center, Ph.D. Political Science, University of Chicago, and Sung Eun Kim, Research Fellow at the Asiatic Research Institute. "The Impact of a Free Trade Agreement on the U.S.-South Korean Alliance: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the ISA's 50th Annual Convention. February 15, 2009.
      The asymmetrical nature of the U.S
      desired security effect because of the aforementioned reasons.

      And that collapses Asian trade and regionalism
      Bowring ‘8
      Philip Bowring. 6/16/2008. “A potent, troubling nationalism”. New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/16/opinion/16iht-edbowring.1.13741367.html
      Much has been written about the rise of
      Korea that continue to irritate foreign trading partners. 

      The Korea which wants to buy up manufacturers
      in pursuit of the aspirations of its nationalists. 

      FTA causes Korean adventurism
      Lee and Kim ‘10
      Dong Sun Lee, assistant professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Korea University, and Sung Eun Kim, Research Fellow at the Asiatic Research Institute. "Ties That Bind: Assessing the Impact of Economic Interdependence on East Asian Alliances". January 2010. East Asian Institute. http://www.eai.or.kr/data/bbs/eng_report/201002251819214.pdf
      In the long run, however, Seoul
      these risks to its long enduring security alliance.
      Nuclear war
      Raska '10
      Michael, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, The Statesman "Why Can't South Korea Retaliate?" 11/25
      However, since the early 1990s, South
      rapidly spill over into a broader regional crisis. 

      Trade wars are the economic result of the institutional revenge logic- we will inevitably lash out at countries like China that deviate from our vision of acceptable liberal trade and frustrate our attempts to create an international trade order- only the aff’s institutional change solves those wars

      Trade wars don't escalate
      Bearce 3
      David, Associate Prof. Pol. Sci. @ U. Pittsburgh, International Studies Quarterly, ìGrasping the Commercial Institutional Peaceî, 47:3, Blackwell-Synergy
      Even as we accept that such trade dispute
      or power to resolve  highly contentious territorial disagreements.
      The context of the TRC is key- combination of security/war on terror logic and the truth and reconciliation propels exceptionalism and transforms it into a tool for winning the hearts and minds- Morocco proves that leads to failure and security lockdown
      Hazan ‘6
      (Pierre, senior fellow at the United States Institute of Peace, “Morocco: Betting on a Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, www.usip.org/files/resources/sr165.pdf)

      The IER cannot be understood outside the political
      conducted the war against terrorism weakened the IER.

      2AC Shift Funding CP
      Instability in Egypt will cause a massive war with Israel now
      Brady ‘11
      Brady, PolicyMic, ’11 (Kyle, August, “A Dangerous Time For Egypt and Israel” http://www.policymic.com/articles/a-dangerous-time-for-egypt-and-israel)
      Egypt and Israel have never been friendly neighbors
      given, more so now than ever before.

      That draws in great powers
      Russell ‘9
      Russell, Editor of Strategic Insights, ‘9 (James- Senior Lecturer Department of National Security Affairs, Spring, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East” Security Studies Center Proliferation Papers, http://www.analyst-network.com/articles/141/StrategicStabilityReconsideredProspectsforEscalationandNuclearWarintheMiddleEast.pdf)
      Strategic stability in the region is thus undermined
      , with substantial risk for the entire world.
      Only a TRC prevents this instability
      Fadel ‘11
      ammad Fadel, law professor at Univeristy of Toronto, primary focus on Islamic law and liberalism, March 21, 2011, http://shanfaraa.com/2011/03/toward-a-practical-platform-for-the-jan-25th-revolution/
      • Torture: While the decision to dissolve
      perpetrators directly and attain prompt and adequate compensation.

      2AC Israel TRC CP

      B.) Arbitrary- their interpretation doesn’t have an exclusive intent and there is no clear definition in the literature- any choices the neg’s authors make do not reflect the literature base.
      Wodzicki ‘7
      Michael Wodzicki, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Queen’s University, 1 December 2007, “Public Sector Reform and Democracy Assistance: A Literature Review”
      Finally, perhaps one of the biggest challenges
      a science” (2004, 43).16
      2AC Topicality: Democracy Assistance
      Better to include the aff than exclude it- only a broader topic checks against Eurocentric educational focus and error replication
      Lappin ‘10
      Richard Lappin is a Ph.D. candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium. He researches issues associated with the delivery of democracy assistance to post-conflict countries. “Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance: A State of the Art”. Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies. Vol. 85. 2010. soc.kuleuven.be/web/files/9/51/Vol85.pdf
      From a fundamentally contrasting perspective, several scholars
      conventional mainstream understandings of elections and democracy.’40

      We meet and counter-interpretation- the plan is one of four types of democracy assistance
      Mitchell and Phillips ‘8
      Lincoln Mitchell, Assistant Professor of International Politics @ Columbia and Chief of Party for the NDI, David Phillips, project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, The National Committee on American Foreign Policy, “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” January 2008
      This report offers recommendations to hone proven approaches
      to insure their rapid response to democratization opportunities.

      We’re directly rule of law assistance your Burnell evidence cites
      HSC ‘4
      Human Security Center, “DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS: GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL WAR,” 7-9 June 2004
      Promoting the Rule of Law The incentives offered
      transitional justice and the prosecution of war criminals.

  • GSU Rd 2

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 2 | Opponent: MoState FR | Judge: Watts

    • 1AC
      Plan: The United States federal government should hold a truth and reconciliation commission on the U.S. relationship with the Mubarak regime for Egypt, providing all relevant information.
      9/11 mediates our relationship to the Arab Middle East- cycles of revenge have been diffused throughout US foreign policy and create a discursive matrix that transforms grief into abstract security logic
      Sadiki 9/11
      (Laribi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The 9/11 state of mind”, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/09/2011910134022241376.html)

      Nothing compares to 9/11 - two odd numbers
      The future of all should not be constrained by the rigid reproduction and memorialisation of 9/11.

      The result is a framing of Arab Spring that codes transitions in terms of a fantasy of absolute American control- current US policies seek to topple leaders at any cost to create a global cascade of revolutions that removes all checks on American power- engaging this framing is key
      Russia Times 9/14
      (“US backing for Arab Spring bearing ‘strange fruit’”, http://rt.com/news/arab-spring-us-backing-509/)

      The US has strongly backed the Libyan opposition and is now enthusiastic
      enflamed by religious animosities, tears communities apart".

      The impact is extinction- 9/11 exposed the vulnerability of the US, locking us into a fantasy of total control of world history- this superpower syndrome exaggerates the reality of threats, producing a series of apocalyptic confrontations that end in the destruction of the planet
      Lifton ‘3
      (Robert Jay, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Psychology, The City University of New York, Superpower Syndrome, pgs. 8-11)

      More than that, 9/11 is not over. We are still in it
      they must, they come up against the irredeemable stubbornness of reality.

      9/11 has particularly shaped the relationship between the US and Egypt- the Mubarak regime maintained its strangehold on power through US military aid and support, administered in exchange for support with counter-terror operations- the US policy of extraordinary rendition executed there is part and parcel of an American logic of revenge that consistently places concern for terrorism above democracy
      Napoletano ‘11
      (Brian, member of the International Socialist Organization and the former Public Relations officer for Purdue University Students for Justice in Palestine, “The Egyptian Revolution and Democracy”, February 16, 2011, http://www.eurasiareview.com/16022011-the-egyptian-revolution-and-democracy/)

      By most accounts, the popular uprising in Egypt formed
      occupied Palestinian territories, and countless others.
      The institutional logic of revenge has bled into the Egyptian protest movements- cycles of revenge throughout the country threaten to collapse democratic movements and make long-term regional stability impossible- creating a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation is key to short-circuit cycles of vengeance
      Ignatius ‘11
      (David, former executive editor of the International Herald Tribune, “The whiff of revenge taints the Arab Spring”, May 27, 2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-whiff-of-revenge-taints-the-arab-spring/2011/05/26/AGqytyCH_story.html)

      “Revenge, at first though sweet, Bitter
      as happened in post-Hussein Iraq.
      Attempting to purge the Mubarak regime ensures cycles of revenge and escalation- framing politics in terms of vengeance means the revolution creates a social order more violent than the one it replaced
      Minow ‘98
      (Martha, Dean of Harvard Law School, Between Vengeance and Forgiveness, pgs. 10-11)

      The danger is that precisely the same vengeful
      fruit of revenge for perceived past harms.
      These institutional logics of vengeance end in extinction- they create a cyclical culture of violence that risks escalation- you should prioritize methodology because only creating patterns of thought outside of post-9/11 foreign policy can overcome knee-jerk demands for retribution
      Rosenberg 9/11
      (Paul, Senior Editor of Random Lengths News, “9/11's self-inflicted wounds are the worst”, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/09/2011910115157366771.html)

      In short, it's indisputable that Al Qaeda wanted
      ways of thinking of others as well.
      A truth and reconciliation commission is key- the current framing of the transition in terms of vengeance against Mubarak ensures an arbitrary witch hunt for those accountable for past political repression that prevents the country from resolving structural concerns- only a TRC can transform institutional logics
      Michael ‘11
      (Marc Michael, Open Security, “Egypt After Mubarak: Finding Truth in Transition,” 22 February 2011, http://www.opendemocracy.net/opensecurity/marc-michael/egypt-after-mubarak-finding-truth-in-transition)

      As the angry slogans, joyous roars and festive dances of Tahrir
      step in that direction.
      Specifically a TRC over the role of war on terror in Egypt creates an atmosphere of accountability and dismantles post-9/11 logic of exceptionalism and vengeance
      Giraldi ‘9
      (Philip, Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest and former counter-terrorism specialist, “Truth and Reconciliation”, http://original.antiwar.com/giraldi/2009/04/13/truth-and-reconciliation/)

      Circumstances in the United States and
      president of the United States.
      An international TRC is key- merely involving the US is not enough, holding the US accountable is the only possibility of beating back exceptionalism and producing a shift away from logics of revenge
      Parodi ‘5
      Carlos A. Parodi, Illinois State University Professor in the Politics and Government Department “Truth Commissions and US Hegemony,” Charting Transnational Democracy: Beyond Global Arrogance, Pages 104-106, 2005

      Truth commissions are institutions created to find
      process of national reparation and reconciliation.
      TRC fails arguments miss the point- the process creates an affective transformation away from vengeance and produces democratic agonism
      McAdams ‘11
      (A. James, William M. Scholl Professor of International Studies @ University of Notre Dame, “Transitional Justice: The Issue that Won’t Go Away” The International Journal of Transitional Justice, Vol. 5, 2011, 304–312)

      At this point, I can imagine that anyone who is inclined to see transitional justice
      this man for the last time.

      2AC T- DA
      We meet and counter-interpretation- the plan is one of four types of democracy assistance
      Mitchell and Phillips ‘8
      Lincoln Mitchell, Assistant Professor of International Politics @ Columbia and Chief of Party for the NDI, David Phillips, project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, The National Committee on American Foreign Policy, “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” January 2008
      This report offers recommendations
      rapid response to democratization opportunities.

      Prefer our interpretation-
      A.) Aff flex- constantly changing nature of the topic and lack of clear solvency literature means that the aff should get leeway when they actually have evidence about a program that supports democracy in one of the topic countries- neg gets consult, conditions, agent counterplans, PIC’s, politics and critiques, all of which can be conditional.
      And, transfers of information are the most common form of “transfer of expertise”- the aff is the core of the topic
      Carothers ‘2k
      Thomas Carothers, he vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program and leading authority on democracy promotion and democratization worldwide as well as an expert on U.S. foreign policy. “Taking stock of democracy assistance”, in: M. Cox, G. J. Ikenberry & T. Inoguchi, (Eds) American Democracy Promotion. Impulses, Strategies, and Impacts. 2000. Questia. P.191
      The term 'aid' conjures up the idea of
      legal protections for independent media.
      B.) Arbitrary- their interpretation doesn’t have an exclusive intent and there is no clear definition in the literature- any choices the neg’s authors make do not reflect the literature base.
      Wodzicki ‘7
      Michael Wodzicki, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Queen’s University, 1 December 2007, “Public Sector Reform and Democracy Assistance: A Literature Review”
      Finally, perhaps one of the biggest challenges in
      necessarily more an art than a science” (2004, 43).16

      2AC CP Just Disclose
      *B.) “Bad apples” myth takes out the counterplan’s solvency- must recognize the systemic nature of rights violations in order to change the meta narrative of the war on terror, rather than see torture practices as a mistake that we use that to avoid making sweeping changes
      Chanbonpin ‘11
      Kim D. Chanbonpin, Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, “We Don't Want Dollars, Just Change":1Narrative Counter-Terrorism Strategy, an Inclusive Model for Social Healing, and the Truth About Torture Commission,” Winter 2011 Edition, http://www.law.northwestern.edu/journals/njlsp/v6/n1/1/index.html
      During a September 16, 2001 speech to world
      are, respectively the symbols of Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo."114

      Plan is an order of magnitude less than their evidence speaks to- millions instead of billions of dollars, plus it is not new spending it comes from cutting existing military aid
      McInerney ‘11
      Stephen McInerney, is Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED). He has extensive experience in the Middle East and North Africa, including graduate studies of Middle Eastern politics, history, and the Arabic language at the American University of Beirut and the American University in Cairo. “The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012: Democracy, Governance, and Human Rights in the Middle East”. Project on Middle East Democracy Report, July 2011. http://pomed.org/the-federal-budget-and-appropriations-for-fiscal-year-2012-democracy-governance-and-human-rights-in-the-middle-east/
      Even if the overall level of $1.55 billion in annual aid is maintained
      entirely separate accounts that appear in separate sections of the bill.
      Continuing to aid the military alienates the people and massively increases the risk of instability, factionalism and fundamentalism
      Goldstone ’11 – Professor of Public Policy @ George Mason
      Jack A Goldstone, is Virginia E. and John T. Hazel, Jr., Professor at George Mason University's School of Public Policy. “Understanding the Revolutions of 2011: Weakness and Resilience in Middle Eastern Autocracies”. Foreign Affairs. New York: May/Jun 2011. Vol. 90, Iss. 3; pg. 8. ProQuest.
      The greatest risk that Tunisia and Egypt now face
      Bahrain's monarchy instead of its reform. Inclusiveness should be the order of the day.
      Fundamentalism makes massive violence inevitable and locks down dialogue
      Sohail ‘7
      Khalid Sohail, Chowk, Dr. Sohail is a practising Psychotherapist, “Human beings are conditioned by their families and communities and violent cultures produce violent people,” December 10, 2007, http://www.chowk.com/Views/Society/Fundamentalism-and-Violence
      When we study human history we become aware that
      start a cycle of violence that might end in collective suicide or homicide.

      2AC Neolib
      And, questioning the rules of the US’s leadership is critical to resolve neoliberalism
      Ghannoushi 11
      Soumaya Ghannoushi is a researcher in the history of ideas at the School of Oriental and African Studies. "Obama, hands off our spring" May 26 2011 www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/may/26/obama-hands-off-arab-spring
      Washington hopes that these rising forces
      losing their popular base in return for US favours.
      Marxism structures the world in advance according to ideology- that removes interpretative agency and creates horrific vanguard violence
      Parodi ‘4
      Carlos A Parodi, Illinois State University Professor in the Politics and Government Department, Acclaimed international truth commission expert, Meeting of Latin American Studies Association October 7-9, 2004, “Readings of the Final Report of Peru’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission”
      Several CVR members believed that their fundamental
      learned and the PCP-SL who repeated its mistakes.”60
      2AC SKFTA DA
      Won’t pass—
      A.) Boehner
      Miami Herald 9/6
      Politics on trade trumps common sense, http://www.kansascity.com/2011/09/09/3130427/politics-on-trade-trumps-common.html
      Only in today's bitterly partisan atmosphere
      Obama won't send the trade pacts to Congress.
      B.) No TAA deal
      Bennett 9/12
      David, Southwest Farm Express, http://southwestfarmpress.com/government/house-vote-precursor-ftas-passage
      On Wednesday, legislators in the House approved
      lose their jobs due to the FTAs.
      China bill thumps the DA
      Reuters 9/16/11
      (“UPDATE 1-US senator wants China bill vote before trade pacts” pg online @ [http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/16/usa-china-trade-idUSS1E78E20V20110916]greenhill-au)
      A senior Democratic senator said
      China a currency manipulator on his first day in office.
      KORUS inflames tensions with North Korea and risks conflict.
      Stevenson 12/13
      Ian Stevenson. “KORUS: Good for South Korea, but Who Else?”. December 13, 2010.
      KORUS is already being seen by other
      push the two sides closer to war.
      FTA collapses the alliance-
      A.) Losers backlash
      B.) Increased trade dependency
      -“losers” attack the alliance because it put them out
      -high interdependence magnifies economic frictions over trade imbalances
      Lee and Kim ‘9
      Dong Sun Lee, Research Fellow, East West Center, Ph.D. Political Science, University of Chicago, and Sung Eun Kim, Research Fellow at the Asiatic Research Institute. "The Impact of a Free Trade Agreement on the U.S.-South Korean Alliance: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the ISA's 50th Annual Convention. February 15, 2009.
      Third, the increased international commerce
      away at public support for the alliance.

      The alliance is resilient
      Ireland ‘9
      Corydon Ireland.. Harvard Gazette. “Firm allies, past and present: Two experts assess U.S.-South Korea relations”. September 14, 2009. http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2009/09/firm-allies-past-and-present/
      She visited the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum
      on the issue of that presence, she said.

      Korean war won’t escalate.
      Kang, prof of IR @ USC, ‘10
      David, 12/31/2010. http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/koreas-new-cold-war-4653
      However, despite dueling artillery barrages
      keep smaller incidents in their proper perspective.
      No risk of aggressive action by North Korea
      Gelb December ‘10
      Leslie, President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations. He was a senior official in the U.S. Defense Department from 1967 to 1969 and in the State Department from 1977 to 1979, November/December Foreign Affairs, Proquest
      Regarding rogue states
      advocate obliterating Tehran to stop such activity.

      2AC Saudi Relations DA
      US-Saudi relations will collapse over Palestine’s U.N. status
      Daily Star, 9/13
      The Daily Star, 9/13/11 Saudi Arabia, Russia back Palestinian bid, http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2011/Sep-13/148619-saudi-arabia-russia-back-palestinian-bid.ashx#axzz1Y9uiGmbq
      Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia’s former
      empower Iran and threaten regional stability.”
      Relations lowest EVER
      Plant 9/4 Harsh V. writer, India Business-standard, 9/4/11 Harsh V Pant: A new balance of power in the Middle East http://www.business-standard.com/india/news/harsh-v-pantnew-balancepower-inmiddle-east/447953/
      The brutal crackdown in Bahrain
      in to back Shiites in Bahrain or Saudi Arabia.
      Relations are resilient – Doesn’t matter what it looks like from outside, Substance is the same
      Boucek 9/12 Christopher, Ph.D. and M.A., School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London; B.A., Drew University is an associate in the Carnegie Middle East Program where his research focuses on security challenges in the Arabian Peninsula and Northern Africa. He is a leading authority on disengagement and rehabilitation programs for Islamist militants and extremists and a recognized expert on terrorism, security, and stability issues in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Before joining the Carnegie Endowment, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Princeton University and lecturer in Politics at the Woodrow Wilson School. He was also previously a media analyst at the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C., and worked for several years at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies in London http://www.carnegieendowment.org/2011/09/12/terrorism-out-of-saudi-arabia/53pw#awakening
      Will heightened tensions between the United States
       recognize the importance of the relationship.

      2AC to Leadership Bad DA
      Collapse inevitable-
      – asymmetrical warfare, BRIC rise, deficits
      – gradual military reduction in Asia through mutual agreements and economic links, normal decline in history
      Kennedy,10 director of International Security Studies @ Yale
      Paul, professor of history and director of international security studies at Yale University. “Back to Normalcy: Is America really in decline?”. The New Republic, Vol. 241, Issue 20. 12/30/2010.
      America's military strengths are
      It will be more normal.
      Israel-Palestine conflict won’t escalate
      Rubin ‘6  - Director of the Global Research in International Affairs Center
      Barry Rubin, is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. "Israel's New Strategy.(politics and policy)." Foreign Affairs 85.4 (July-August 2006): 111. Expanded Academic ASAP.
      At the same time, a number
      make real peace for a long time to come.

  • GSU Rd 6

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 6 | Opponent: Emory CM | Judge: Crossan

    • 1AC Changes
      Plan: The United States federal government should hold a truth and reconciliation commission with Egypt.

      The plan reframes international relations around the New International- the human rights regime is governed by a system of sovereignty grounded in metaphysics, subordinating questions of ethics to the whims of the United States- forcing American responsibility for violence in Egypt produces a new transnational conception of ethics that de-actives the violent force of sovereignty even as it confronts it, gesturing towards a democracy-to-come
      Caputo ‘97
      (John D., David R. Cook Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Villanova University, Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida, pgs. 116-120)
      This is not to say that Derrida lacks
      in a nutshell, by their "difference."

      2AC Cap K
      Revolution is grounded in a logic of revenge that moves against relations of domination- reproduces the impacts of the 1ac- only a logic of agonism can avoid transforming resistance into the worst kinds of violence
      Newman ‘00,
      (Saul, Postdoctoral Fellow @ Macquarie University, Anarchism and the Politics of Ressentiment, muse)

      What is the point of this distinction between
      our position to enhance our possibilities of freedom.

      Their framing of communism as a culminating event is teleological and creates new relations of powers- our Caputo ’93 ev says that creates a second of capitalism based on the “capital city”, subordinating the Arab Spring to its “epicenter” in Egypt 

      Only the permutation solves- combining the New International with Marxism creates a spectral criticism that questions capitalist modes of relation without falling back into dogmatism
      Lewis (Department of English at the University of Oklahoma) 2k
      (Mitchell R., Modern Fiction Studies 46.2, 480-495, Timely Materialisms: New Combinations of Poststructuralism and Cultural Critique, ProjectMUSE)

      In the 1990s, however, this state
      when the end of history is being heralded.

      2AC "Hold" Word PIC
      The perm solves and is net beneficial- pure rejection of terms leads to linguistic idealism and leaves us unable to address material reality- only juxtaposing terms through the permutation can create space for productive dissent
      Bleiker ’00, (Roland, Ass. Prof. of International Relations @ Queensland U, Popular Dissent, Human Agency, and Global Politics, pgs. 224-226)

      Noam Chomsky provides another example of the links
      objectivised through a series of transversal discursive dynamics.
      Language doesn’t shape reality- cultural differences shape language differences not the other way around- they can’t win an internal link to their impact
      McWhorter ’10
      (John, The New Republic, September 2, 2010, Don't Believe the Hype About Aborigines, Yiddish, or Ebonics, http://www.tnr.com/blog/john-mcwhorter/77631/dont-believe-the-hype-about-aborigines-yiddish-or-ebonics?passthru=NTYzYWMzYjE4YWIxYTA3ZmYwNDA3M2EyNDE0NTM3ODU)

      But don’t we all cherish poking and sucking
      their language puts the cart before the horse. 

  • Ky RR Rd 1

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1.     Egyptian Environmental Governance


      The new transitional government in Egypt does not have environmental governance capabilities

      S  | June 8th, 2011
      “There Is Hope Now”- Conservationist On Egypt’s Post-Revolution Futurehttp://www.greenprophet.com/2011/06/hope-conservationist-egypt/

      Environment and nature conservation wasn’t


      to NGOs and the public to speak out.




      Egypt needs development of its environmental governance capacity to prevent environmental destruction

      Egypt Today 9-14-11


      But it is not only policy makers that bear the


      large-scale mass psychosis that is going to kill us.



      2.     Egyptian Environmental Catastrophe


      We isolate 3 scenarios


      Scenario 1—Egyptian bio-regions


      Egypt sits at the juncture of four critical bioregions and while it has created protected zones the bio-regions are in danger

      U.S. Forest Service 2010



      The Arab Republic of Egypt is situated


      as they address these myriad threats.


      Egypt has a unique geographical position at the juncture of three continents that makes protecting its biodiversity of vital importance


      Barakat 10

      Environmental voices: Biodiversity our key to life

      Hala Barakat  Sun, 17/10/2010 -

      From a biodiversity point of


      forces. This is life, this is biodiversity.”



      Scenario #2 , Migratory birds


      Egypt is the critical lynchpin to protecting vital migratory birds and global ecosystems

      Barakat 11

      Environmental Voices: Migratory birds threatened in Egypt

      Hala Barakat   Mon, 27/12/2010 - 13:06  


      During their migration


      crucial for bird migration.



      Migratory birds are in danger in Egypt- it’s irreversible

      Barakat 11

      Environmental Voices: Migratory birds threatened in Egypt

      Hala Barakat   Mon, 27/12/2010 - 13:06  

      The situation at Gebel al-Zeit is just


      will be very high.




      Egypt’s Nile Delta is vital to protect  global biodiversity

      National Geographic Society 01

      For about a billion birds that fly


      Egypt but for much of the world.




      The newest comprehensive studies show preserving biodiversity is key to prevent extinction

      ScienceDaily (Aug. 14, 2011)

      Biodiversity Key to Earth's Life-Support Functions in a Changing World


      In an international research


       in maintaining Earth's life-support functions.



      The loss of global biodiversity outweighs other threats because of its irreversability


      Chen, 2000

      Professor of Law at University of Minnesota and Dean of Law School at Louisville, 2K (Jim, Globalization and Its Losers:, 9  Minn. J. Global Trade 157’ LexisNexis Legal)

      Conscious decisions to allow


      perhaps a hundred million.348



      The most recent studies conclude that preserving biodiversity is more important than previously thought and we should err on the side of preserving as much as possible

      ScienceDaily (Aug. 19, 2011)

      Biodiversity Critical for Maintaining Multiple 'Ecosystem Services'

      By combining data from 17


      good precautionary approach."




      Scenario #3 Fungi

      Egypt is failing in protection of fungi now

      Soliman & Abdel-Azeem 11

      Gihan Samy Soliman and Ahmed Abdel-Azeem, Ph.D. 8-21-11


      Conservation of


      contain any trace of them.


      Egypt is critical to the preservation of vital fungi

      Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem 10

      The history, fungal biodiversity, conservation, and future perspectives for mycology in Egypt 

      IMA FUNgUs · vOlUME 1 · NO 2: 123–14

      It is generally accepted that


      registered with the WFCC.



      Fungi are critical to life on Earth

      Soliman & Abdel-Azeem 11

      Gihan Samy Soliman and Ahmed Abdel-Azeem, Ph.D. 8-21-11


      Meanwhile, in Egypt, the


      among other concerns as citizenship.




      Fungi in Egypt have global impact

      Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem 10

      The history, fungal biodiversity, conservation, and future perspectives for mycology in Egypt 

      IMA FUNgUs · vOlUME 1 · NO 2: 123–14


      The Egyptian fungi are presently


      unexplored areas remains a priority.



      Protection of Fungi is key to global survival

      Minter 10

      Dr David Minter, Chair of IUCN's Cup Fungi, Truffles and their Allies Specialist Group

      A future for fungi - the orphans of Rio

      06 October 2010  

      It's difficult to over-emphasize


      no explicit legal protection for fungi.


      3.     Solvency



      Post-Mubarak transition makes now key time for transformation of environmental governance

      Barakat 11

      Environmental Voices: Environmental concerns in post-revolution Egypt

      Hala Barakat , 20/03/2011 -   


      In my view, we are currently


      unregulated use of chemical pollutants.




      A commitment to the rule of law and enforcement of existing environmental laws allows protection of biodiversity through Egypt’s natural parks

      Barakat 11

      Environmental Concerns III: Protected areas and beyond

      Hala Barakat  , 09/05/2011 -   


      Anyone concerned with short- and long-term environmental


      caused by industry and agriculture.



      The U.S. has established rule of law programs for providing democratic governance assistance for environmental protection

      Diamond 2000

      Nancy K. Diamond, Ph.DGreening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field

      USAID DG [Democracy & Governance] projects, with


      related to enforcement of environmental regulations.


      The U.S. has used democracy assistance for environmental governance

      Diamond 2000

      Nancy K. Diamond, Ph.DGreening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field

      DG [Democracy & Governance] approaches are incorporated


      Regional Urban Development Offices.



      These rule of law democracy projects incorporate U.S. environmental expertise into assistance to assure environmental governance

      Department of Interior 10

      In 1995, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. Department


      businesses that provide visitor services.


      U.S. Assistance for environmental governance is uniquely effective

      Business Word Online 05


      The USDOI assistance will help


      long-term program sustainability.



      U.S. Rule of law assistance is empirically effective

      Diamond 2000

      Nancy K. Diamond, Ph.DGreening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field

      The rule of law, including human rights, have been strengthened


      s and enforcement of national policy.


      Rule of law assistance has empirically been effective at creating effective environmental governance

      Glass 2000

      Ronald Glass, DG Officer, USAID/DR Greening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field

      In 1999, the USAID/DR[Dominican Republic] Rule of Law


      Prosecutors Office/Environmental Crime Unit was created.


      The U.S. has unique expertise in environmental governance

      Department of Interior 10


      Unique Strengths of the DOI-ITAP Program

      DOI-ITAP fosters direct, sustained


      assistance projects while leveraging resources.




      The U.S. is the best in the world at environmental governance assistance

      Lapham 04

      Nicholas, Vice President for policy at Conservation International, Senior Program Officer for environment at the UN Foundation, and Senior Adviser to the White House Climate Change Task Force under President Clinton." In, Rising Stakes in Africa:  Seven Proposals to Strengthen U.S. Africa Policy  A Report of the Africa Policy Advisory Panel- Center For Strategic and International Studies  p. 88

      The United States has a distinct


      resources; and unsustainable commercial wildlife exploitation.




      Only the U.S. has the expertise and experience for developing effective park protection assistance

      Lapham 04

      Nicholas, Vice President for policy at Conservation International, Senior Program Officer for environment at the UN Foundation, and Senior Adviser to the White House Climate Change Task Force under President Clinton." In, Rising Stakes in Africa:  Seven Proposals to Strengthen U.S. Africa Policy  A Report of the Africa Policy Advisory Panel- Center For Strategic and International Studies  p. 91

      No country is better positioned to help


      systems, cultures, and economies.




      Egypt will not say no-- What they reject is aid to unregistered NGO’s – Not government to government aid

      Associated Press 8-12-11    

      Mr. Bever has been at the center of a


      funding non-governmental organizations.



      Egypt empirically is continuing government to government assistance projects – They consulted on projects this week


      U.S. Embassy in Cairo 9-23-11


      Cairo – Building on the


      the Forum and Site Visits.



      Empirically Egypt is not saying no to government to government training programs

      U.S. Embassy in Cairo 7-30-11


      U.S. Sponsors International Border Protection Workshop in Cairo


      U.S. Customs and Border


      , Port Said, and Noweiba.



      We control uniqueness – global calamities on the decline now

      Fettweis 11—political science professor @ Tulane

      Christopher, Professor of Political Science @ Tulane, Dangerous Times?: The International Politics of Great Power Peace, pg. 85-86

      The evidence supports the latter. Major wars


      indeed he changing.

      Err on our side- the burden of proof is on them to prove wars can still happen

      Fettweis 6—political science professor @ Tulane

      (Christopher, professor of political science @ Tulane, International Studies Review, 8, 677-697, EBSCO)

      However, one need not be convinced


      anyone should believe that it could not.


      Geopolitical theories are biased – they rely on conflict to survive – prefer our evidence

      Fettweis, 6—political science professor @ Tulane

      Christopher, National Security Decision Making Department, US Naval War College, 'A Revolution in International Relation Theory: Or, What If Mueller Is Right?,' International Studies Review, 8 (4), 677-697, pg. blackwell

      Unlike some of the other


      in a zone of turmoil still might.


      Your args are wrong – they romanticize the past and ignore empirical evidence

      Fettweis, 6—political science professor @ Tulane

      Christopher, National Security Decision Making Department, US Naval War College, 'A Revolution in International Relation Theory: Or, What If Mueller Is Right?,' International Studies Review, 8 (4), 677-697, pg. blackwell

      Mueller (1995:14) described the tendency of


      believe they never will.



      The United States federal government should substantially increase its rule of law assistance for promotion of environmental governance for Egypt.

  • Ky RR Rd 8

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2ac

      2ac AT Topicality


      We meet and counter-interpretation- the plan is one of four types of democracy assistance

      Mitchell and Phillips ‘8

      Lincoln Mitchell, Assistant Professor of International Politics


      Policy, “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” January 2008

      This report offers recommendations to hone rapid response to democratization opportunities.


      Prefer our interpretation-

      A.) Aff flex- constantly changing nature of the topic and lack of clear solvency literature means that the aff should get leeway when they actually have evidence about a program that supports democracy in one of the topic countries- neg gets consult, conditions, agent counterplans, PIC’s, politics and critiques, all of which can be conditional.

      B.) Arbitrary- their interpretation doesn’t have an exclusive intent and there is no clear definition in the literature- any choices the neg’s authors make do not reflect the literature base.

      Wodzicki ‘7

      Michael Wodzicki, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Queen’s University, 1 December 2007, “Public Sector Reform and Democracy Assistance: A Literature Review”

      Finally, perhaps one of the biggest challenges in measuring PSR is that it is not always clear how it is being pursued. As noted above, capacity building or capacity development, which is the main activity used to pursue PSR and democracy assistance, remains an ill- defined and unclear concept (Riddell 2007, 207). The Organization for Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) has found that most donors, including the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), do not have explicit and comprehensive approaches to capacity development (OECD 2007, 61).15 The World Bank also identifies this problem (cf. Riddell 2007, 209). These challenges are perhaps summed up best by Francis Fukuyama, who reminds us that “there are no globally valid rules for organizational design [therefore] public [sector] reform is necessarily more an art than a science” (2004, 43).16


      C.) Literature Bias - the neg’s interpretation narrows the field of democracy assistance to only those activities the US and EU undertake in transitioning countries, reflecting the literature’s bias towards assistance modeled off of European influence democratic transitions- this bias is poor pedagogical practice


      Substantially and literature eliminate any risk of limits explosion


      Competing interpretations is a race to the bottom to limit out the aff –reasonability is logical since we can’t win on T


      2ac AT Revenge K


      9/11 has enabled a massive military-academic complex, rendering Middle East scholars complicit with the expansion of American empire- criticizing the historical context of knowledge production is crucial to produce new pathways for foreign policy

      Bromwich 9/10

      (David, Prof. of Literature @




      The piety attached to a collective memory can


      who will last "more than a generation."


      2ac AT WOT K


      The war on terror is the worst outgrowth of the trauma of 9/11- it demands state violence and revenge and creates international blowback without achieving any of its terminal goals- changing the political imagination is key

      Jackson 9/2

      (Richard, Reader in International Politics at


      ”, http://richardjacksonterrorismblog.wordpress.com/)


      I really hope that in commemorating the events


      fight an irrational war against an abstract noun.

      The war on terror engenders practices of state terrorism- that outweighs their impacts, state terrorism creates exponentially greater destruction and fails to solve non-state violence

      Jackson et al ‘10

      (Richard, Reader in International Politics at Aberystwyth University, Eamon Murphy, Professor of History and International Relations at Curtin University of Technology, Sam Raphael, Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Kingston University, “Introduction: terrorism, the state and the study of political terror” in Contemporary State Terrorism: Theory and Practice edited by cited authors, pgs. 1-2)


      By all accounts, state global war on terrorism.

      The war on terror makes extinction inevitable- its rooted in revenge not military planning, ensuring error replication and disproportionate escalation

      Lifton ‘3

      (Robert Jay, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Psychology, The City University of New York, Superpower Syndrome, pgs. 115-116)


      The amorphousness act in concert with the Islamist apocalyptic.



      Dawson and Malini, 2007

      Ashley Dawson, Associate Prof. of English


      Johar Schueller, Prof. of English at the

      Univ. of Florida, 2007 “Introduction


      .S. Culture and the New Imperialism,

      pp. 14-15, JT//JDI

      But as events on

      in his book bearing that title."


      Deterrence doesn’t solve nuke terror- targeting problems

      Perkovich & Acton ‘9, (George




      There is very good reason to doubt that


      role, as US military officials privately recognise. 


      No risk of terrorism on US soil

      -their evidence speaks to popular imaginsation

      -9/11 upped the stakes to every attack has to be large

      -no al-qaeda in the US

      -can’t sneak into the US

      Schneier ‘10

      Bruce, internationally renowned security technologist and author. Described by The Economist as a "security guru," May 5, Schneier on Security, http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2010/05/why_arent_there.html

      Why Aren't There More you're probably going to slip up and get caught.


      The risk of nuclear terrorism is exceedingly low – their authors are all trumpeting inflated threats.

      Mueller ‘11

      John Mueller is Professor of Political Science at



      The chief lesson of 9/11 should


      al Qaeda is remotely ready to go nuclear.



      AT Russia DA


      Zero risk of a unique link- US calls for Mubarak and Assad to step down prove


      No logical link story- supporting the vetting of the military regime doesn’t equate to an influence grab

      And, US influence in the Caspian proves there is no risk of oil freak-outs

      Trenin ‘9

      Dmitri Trenin is the director of the Moscow Center of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and a member of the editorial board of The Washington Quarterly, “Russia’s Sphere’s of Interest, Not Influence,” 2009, CSIS, Washington Quarterly

      The enlargement of NATO Soviet UnionÑnothing more, nothing less.


      And, this Russophobia collapses credibility and causes US lash-outs and incoherent foreign policies

      Lieven ‘1

      Anatol Lieven was a Senior Associate at the



      Instead, we would do better to listen


      fatal drawback for an indispensable nation."17



  • KY Rd 2 v. MSU MR

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1ac
      Plan: The United States federal government should hold a truth and reconciliation commission for Egypt.
      9/11 mediates our relationship to the Arab Middle East- cycles of revenge have been diffused throughout US foreign policy and create a discursive matrix that transforms grief into abstract security logic
      Sadiki 9/11
      (Laribi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The 9/11 state of mind”,
      Nothing compares to 9/11 - two
      rigid reproduction and memorialisation of 9/11.

      The result is a framing of Arab Spring that codes transitions in terms of a fantasy of absolute American control- current US policies seek to topple leaders at any cost to create a global cascade of revolutions that removes all checks on American power- engaging this framing is key
      Russia Times 9/14
      (“US backing for Arab Spring bearing ‘strange fruit’”,
      The US has strongly backed the Libyan opposition
      enflamed by religious animosities, tears communities apart".

      The impact is extinction- 9/11 exposed the vulnerability of the US, locking us into a fantasy of total control of world history- this superpower syndrome exaggerates the reality of threats, producing a series of apocalyptic confrontations that end in the destruction of the planet
      Lifton ‘3
      (Robert Jay, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Psychology, The City University of New York, Superpower Syndrome, pgs. 8-11)
      More than that, 9/11 is
      come up against the irredeemable stubbornness of reality.

      9/11 has particularly shaped the relationship between the US and Egypt- the Mubarak regime maintained its strangehold on power through US military aid and support, administered in exchange for support with counter-terror operations- the US policy of extraordinary rendition executed there is part and parcel of an American logic of revenge that consistently places concern for terrorism above democracy
      Napoletano ‘11
      (Brian, member of the International Socialist Organization and the former Public Relations officer for Purdue University Students for Justice in Palestine, “The Egyptian Revolution and Democracy”, February 16, 2011,

      By most accounts, the popular uprising in
      the occupied Palestinian territories, and countless others. 

      The institutional logic of revenge has bled into the Egyptian protest movements- cycles of revenge throughout the country threaten to collapse democratic movements and make long-term regional stability impossible- creating a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation is key to short-circuit cycles of vengeance
      Ignatius ‘11
      (David, former executive editor of the International Herald Tribune, “The whiff of revenge taints the Arab Spring”, May 27, 2011,

      “Revenge, at first though sweet,
      , as happened in post-Hussein Iraq.

      Attempting to purge the Mubarak regime ensures cycles of revenge and escalation- framing politics in terms of vengeance means the revolution creates a social order more violent than the one it replaced
      Minow ‘98
      (Martha, Dean of Harvard Law School, Between Vengeance and Forgiveness, pgs. 10-11)

      The danger is that precisely the same vengeful
      the fruit of revenge for perceived past harms.
      These institutional logics of vengeance end in extinction- they create a cyclical culture of violence that risks escalation- you should prioritize methodology because only creating patterns of thought outside of post-9/11 foreign policy can overcome knee-jerk demands for retribution
      Rosenberg 9/11
      (Paul, Senior Editor of Random Lengths News, “9/11's self-inflicted wounds are the worst”,

      In short, it's indisputable that Al Qaeda
      the ways of thinking of others as well.
      A truth and reconciliation commission is key- the current framing of the transition in terms of vengeance against Mubarak ensures an arbitrary witch hunt for those accountable for past political repression that prevents the country from resolving structural concerns- only a TRC can transform institutional logics
      Michael ‘11
      (Marc Michael, Open Security, “Egypt After Mubarak: Finding Truth in Transition,” 22 February 2011,

      As the angry slogans, joyous roars and
      would be a first step in that direction.
      Engaging the US role in Egypt is key- produces accountability and dismantles post-9/11 exceptionalism
      Giraldi ‘9
      (Philip, Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest and former counter-terrorism specialist, “Truth and Reconciliation”,

      Circumstances in the United States and its "
      ordered by the president of the United States.

      Failure to create US-lead TRC ensures error replication- institutional logics of revenge have invaded all levels of American political discourse- only the aff’s act of creating accountability can solve
      Rosenberg 9/11
      (Paul, Senior Editor of Random Lengths News, “9/11's self-inflicted wounds are the worst”,

      Of course, the moment for making such
      challenge we face. As it always is.
      An international TRC is crucial- it activates a responsibility that transcends sovereignty and challenges it as the limits of ethics
      Parodi ‘5
      Carlos A. Parodi, Illinois State University Professor in the Politics and Government Department “Truth Commissions and US Hegemony,” Charting Transnational Democracy: Beyond Global Arrogance, Pages 104-106, 2005

      Truth commissions are institutions created to find the
      for a process of national reparation and reconciliation. 

      Imagining reconciliation is good- creates a space for pedagogical dialogue that re-frames the way we understand policy towards Egypt- key pre-requisite to political agency
      Bishop 8
      (Peter, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of South Australia, The Shadow of Hope: Reconciliation and Imaginal Pedagogies, T. Leonard, P. Willis (eds.), Pedagogies of the Imagination,

      Reconciliation, as a social process, aims
      ” (Derrida 1982, p. 213).

      You should place questions of knowledge production first- acting to change theory is an effective form of practice, all their evidence obscures non-state actor agency and overestimates the role of the state in security
      Bilgin 5
      (Assistant Prof of International Relations at Bilkent University, Regional Security in the Middle East: A Critical Perspective, pgs. 54-59)
      The state, as noted above, has
      future' (Kubalkova 1998: 193-201).

      2ac T
      We meet-
      Mitchell and Phillips ‘8
      Lincoln Mitchell, Assistant Professor of International Politics @ Columbia and Chief of Party for the NDI, David Phillips, project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, The National Committee on American Foreign Policy, “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” January 2008
      This report offers recommendations to hone proven approaches
      to insure their rapid response to democratization opportunities.

      We have contextual evidence- TRCs are democracy assistance
      Burnell 10
      Peter, Prof of Politics and International Studies at Univ of Warwick
      Democracy assistance: international co-operation for democratization  google books

      Finally, international interventions to resolve or prevent
      and reconciliation' commissions, might qualify as well.

      Transitional justice is exactly the actions their interp talks about-
      A.) Political reform
      Bonino et all ‘11
      Emma Bonino, Mark Leonard, Ana Palacio and Daniel Sachs, Huffington Post, “Europe Must Rise to the Challenges Presented by the Arab Spring,” 06/ 3/11,
      What is more, it has many assets
      protection of the European Court on Human Rights. 

      B.) Rule of law
      HSC ‘4
      Human Security Center, “DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS: GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL WAR,” 7-9 June 2004
      Promoting the Rule of Law The incentives offered
      transitional justice and the prosecution of war criminals.

      D.) Material assistance like necessary funding to hold the TRC

      Counter-interp- transitional justice is one of four major types of democracy assistance- political reform, party assistance, rule of law programs and transitional justice.
      Allen ‘11
      Michael Allen, Democracy Digest, June 6, 2011, “EU ‘needs a Euro-NED’ to promote Arab democracy,”
      The EU can support political reform through election
      and effectively delivered, a recent analysis contends.

      Prefer our interpretation-
      A.) Aff flex- constantly changing nature of the topic and lack of clear solvency literature means that the aff should get leeway when they actually have evidence about a program that supports democracy in one of the topic countries- neg gets consult, conditions, agent counterplans, PIC’s, politics and critiques, all of which can be conditional.
      B.) Arbitrary- their interpretation doesn’t have an exclusive intent and there is no clear definition in the literature- any choices the neg’s authors make do not reflect the literature base.
      Wodzicki ‘7
      Michael Wodzicki, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Queen’s University, 1 December 2007, “Public Sector Reform and Democracy Assistance: A Literature Review”
      Finally, perhaps one of the biggest challenges
      a science” (2004, 43).16

      C.) Literature Bias - the neg’s interpretation narrows the field of democracy assistance to only those activities the US and EU undertake in transitioning countries, reflecting the literature’s bias towards assistance modeled off of European influence democratic transitions- this bias is poor pedagogical practice

      Competing interpretations is a race to the bottom to limit out the aff –reasonability is logical since we can’t win on T

      2ac Case
      Hege good is not responsive- the superpower syndrome makes hege unsustainable and creates irrational policymaking that ensures escalation
      Lifton ‘3
      (Robert Jay, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Psychology, The City University of New York, Superpower Syndrome, pgs. 128-130)

      Ironically, superpower syndrome projects the problem of
      world it acts upon may become dangerously destabilized.
      Hege decline inevitable
      – asymmetrical warfare, BRIC rise, deficits
      – gradual military reduction in Asia through mutual agreements and economic links, normal decline in history
      Kennedy,10 director of International Security Studies @ Yale
      Paul, professor of history and director of international security studies at Yale University. “Back to Normalcy: Is America really in decline?”. The New Republic, Vol. 241, Issue 20. 12/30/2010.
      America's military strengths are, by contrast,
      bad thing. It will be more normal. 

      Transition will be slow and peaceful
      MacDonald and Parent 11—Profs of Political Science @ Williams and Miami
      Paul K. and Joseph M., Graceful Decline?, International Security, Spring 2k11, Volume 35, Number 4, Muse
      Most important, the United States is not
      expand its increasingly advantageous position through direct confrontation.

      Aff key to sustainable hegemony-
      solves client state relation to Egypt- key to avoid collapse
      Weisbrode ‘11
      (Kenneth, diplomatic historian at the European University Institute, “The U.S. and Egypt: The Limits of Hegemony”, 08 Feb 2011,

      The Obama administration's reaction to the dramatic events
      past, or would be future, patrons.
      shift to multilateral policy approach
      Chanbonpin ‘11
      Kim D. Chanbonpin, Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, “We Don't Want Dollars, Just Change":1Narrative Counter-Terrorism Strategy, an Inclusive Model for Social Healing, and the Truth About Torture Commission,” Winter 2011 Edition,
      The idea of a narrative counter-terrorism
      is critical for a counter-terrorism strategy.

      Multilat solves their withdraw impacts
      MacDonald and Parent 11—Profs of Political Science @ Williams and Miami
      Paul K. and Joseph M., Graceful Decline?, International Security, Spring 2k11, Volume 35, Number 4, Muse
      In short, the United States should be
      grand strategic problems and risk unnecessary clashes.101

      Econ decline doesn’t lead to war
      Naim in ‘10
      Moises Naim, Editor in Chief of Foreign Policy Magazine. Foreign Policy. “It Didn't Happen”. January/February 2010.
      Just a few months ago, the consensus
      predictions about the crisis that have been proven wrong

      No risk of terrorism on US soil
      -their evidence speaks to popular imaginsation
      -9/11 upped the stakes to every attack has to be large
      -no al-qaeda in the US
      -can’t sneak into the US
      Schneier ‘10
      Bruce, internationally renowned security technologist and author. Described by The Economist as a "security guru," May 5, Schneier on Security,
      Why Aren't There More Terrorist Attacks? As
      probably going to slip up and get caught. 

      No Asian war unlikely
      Bitzinger and Desker ‘8 – Senior Fellow @ International Studies Perspectives
      Richard and Barry, PhD from UCLA and Senior Fellow @ International Studies Perspectives, Dean of the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Why East Asian War is Unlikely, Survival, Volume 50, Issue 6 December 2008 , pages 105 – 128
      The Asia-Pacific region can be regarded
      Asia - while not inconceivable - is unlikely.

      India-Pakistan war won’t go nuclear
      Duke News ‘2
      “News Tip: Despite 'Intractable' Differences, Nuclear War Between India And Pakistan Unlikely, Duke Experts Say”. June 4, 2002.
      Though India and Pakistan probably will never agree
      Kashmir is held by India in the south."

      The democratic peace theory is obsolete
      Henderson 2
      Errol Henderson, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Political Science at the University of Florida, 2002, Democracy and War The End of an Illusion?, p. 145
      I n this chapter, I summarize the
      best, or conflict exacerbating, at worst.

      2ac Politics

      KORUS inflames tensions with North Korea and risks conflict.
      Stevenson 12/13
      Ian Stevenson. “KORUS: Good for South Korea, but Who Else?”. December 13, 2010.

      KORUS is already being seen by other Asian
      actually push the two sides closer to war.

      FTA collapses the alliance-
      Losers backlash
      Increased trade dependency
      Lee and Kim ‘9
      Dong Sun Lee, Research Fellow, East West Center, Ph.D. Political Science, University of Chicago, and Sung Eun Kim, Research Fellow at the Asiatic Research Institute. "The Impact of a Free Trade Agreement on the U.S.-South Korean Alliance: A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the ISA's 50th Annual Convention. February 15, 2009.

      Third, the increased international commerce generated by
      chipping away at public support for the alliance.

      C.) Rising expectations that cause Korean adventurism
      Lee and Kim ‘10
      Dong Sun Lee, assistant professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Korea University, and Sung Eun Kim, Research Fellow at the Asiatic Research Institute. "Ties That Bind: Assessing the Impact of Economic Interdependence on East Asian Alliances". January 2010. East Asian Institute.
      In the long run, however, Seoul
      these risks to its long enduring security alliance.

      FTA displaces rural farmers—leads to cocoa production and FARC recruitment
      Nicholls 11Executive Director, U.S. Office on Colombia
      Kelly, The Unanswered Questions Surrounding the U.S.-Colombia FTA, 6/22/11,

      It was a concern echoed by many of
      to officially support and implement such a proposal.

      That causes Latin American instability
      Bonner 10
      Robert C Bonner, Senior Principal of the Sentinel HS Group. He was Administrator ofthe U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration from 1990 to 1993 and Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection from 2001 to 2005. “The New Cocaine Cowboys”. Foreign Affairs. New York: Jul/Aug 2010. Vol. 89, Iss. 4; pg. 35. ProQuest.
      Mexico is in the throes of a battle
      threaten the stability of Central and South America.

      Latin American wars go global – even absent escalation, they cause counterbalancing and conflict
      Rochin, Professor of Political Science, 94
      James, Professor of Political Science at Okanagan University College, Discovering the Americas: the evolution of Canadian foreign policy towards Latin America, pp. 130-131
      While there were economic motivations for Canadian policy
      as will be discussed in the next chapter.
      2ac Israel DA

      Relations are low—incoherent US policy
      Bolton 11—Former Ambassador to the UN
      John, On Deck: Why I May Run for President, 8/8/11,
      No ally has been more victimized by Obama's
      , let alone defend, core American interests.

      Neg’s link args are only true if the region backslides—plan is key to alleviate Israeli concerns
      Byman 11Professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University and the Research Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at Brookings
      Daniel, Israel’s Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring, The Washington Quarterly • 34:3 pp. 123136,
      Israel’s fears are much more likely to become
      problems, the political logic of scapegoating grows.

      Israel and Iran will deter each other – neither side will risk escalation.
      Madson ‘6
      Peter N. Madson, U.S. Navy Lieutenant, March 2006. “THE SKY IS NOT FALLING: REGIONAL REACTION TO A NUCLEAR-ARMED IRAN”. Naval Postgraduate School Thesis, ,
      Israel will be very concerned at the prospect
      as both would be reluctant to risk escalation.

      Dozens regional conflicts disprove escalation.
      Drum ‘7
      Kevin Drum, political bloger. September 9, 2007. “The Choas Hawk...”. The Washington Monthly’s Political Animal Blog.
      Having admitted, however, that the odds
      war for a decade. No regional conflagration.

      1ar T

      American democracy assistance is both development and political
      Thomas Carothers is vice-president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the author or editor of many books on democracy promotion, January 2009. “Democracy Assistance: Political vs. Developmental?” JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY, Volume 20, Number 1

      The way around this quandary is to recognize
      the developmental approach. [End Page 15]

      1ar Case

      Multilat k to solve extinction
      Feffer 9—co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies
      John Feffer February 2009 “A Multipolar Moment”
      But times have changed, argues FPIF contributor
      the sound of dirt hitting a coffin lid?  

      1ar Politics

      And, passing the deal is a psychological blow to the alliance
      Chun et al. ‘11
      Jung Bae Chun, Jong Kul Lee, and Ki Kab Kang, representing the Korean National Assembly Members’ Caucus Against the Korea-US FTA, Joint Statement of Korean lawmakers, labor unions, farmers and civil society groups on the proposed Korea-U.S. FTA,
      Finally, the proposed agreement has the potential
      country among the ordinary people of both countries.

      Proves not a psychological blow to the alliance- core security alliance unchanged
      Won’t benefit the alliance
      Cooper ‘10
      William, Coordinator Specialist in International Trade and Finance @ CRS, The Proposed U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA): Provisions and Implications,
      The United States and South Korea negotiated the
      interests on the Peninsula or in Northeast Asia.

      KORUS leads to more bilateral agreements and breaks down multilateral trade.
      Wolf ‘7
      Martin Wolf, the FT's chief economics commentator. “A Korean-American strand enters trade’s spaghetti bowl”. April 4, 2007.
      This month marks the 60th anniversary of the
      not call it the "World Trade Organisation"? 

      Kills global economy – rollback of financial regs and prevents Korean capital controls
      Lopez ‘10
      Beatriz Lopez is Global Trade Watch's Senior Field Organizer and oversees our national and international campaigns at the grassroots level. Global Trade Watch. “Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA): Problematic Foreign Investor and Financial Deregulation Provisions”.
      The Korea FTA’s Financial Services chapter reflects the
      critical policies needed to restore global economic stability.

      No war – economics
      Maisaia ‘8 – USAFA Defense Fellow
      Vakhtang, PhD USAFA Defense Fellow, Military Expert, A War With Russia: Real Concern or Fabricated?, 3/3/8. Online

      The Russian economy is in deep recession due
      social disorder, including in the Armed Forces.
      No war – politics
      Maisaia ‘8 – USAFA Defense Fellow
      Vakhtang, PhD USAFA Defense Fellow, Military Expert, A War With Russia: Real Concern or Fabricated?, 3/3/8. Online

      Moscow is seeking to communicate with the new
      number 1 priority for Obama Administration policy making.

  • 1ac Harvard Round 2 vs Cal HP

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    • Credibility Adv

      Iraq withdrawal makes US credibility in the Middle East possible- signals a shift towards policy consistency

      Smith 10/14

      Jordan Michal Smith is political analyst who writes for Solon, New York Times, Boston Globe and Newsweek

      Iraq pullout: The quicker the better  


      As it happens, the United States …“through diplomacy and development,” Duss says.

      Response to the Arab Spring is key- failure destroys the signal and maintains perception of hypocrisy

      Carpenter ‘11

      (Ted Galen, senior fellow of foreign policy studies at The Cato Institute, July 18, 2011, “Obama Fumbles His Opportunity with the Arab World”, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=13573


      The results of a new Zogby poll confirm that ….something more than hollow rhetoric.

      That’s specifically true in Egypt- US denial of support for Mubarak is killing credibility now- only a TRC can create sufficient policy shift to restore American credibility

      Zeese 11

      Kevin, Executive Director of Democracy Rising, is an attorney, and has worked with various non-profit organizations on peace, justice, and democracy issues since 1978. February 5, 2011  .


      The people of the region ….“whatever is left” of its credibility.


      A truth and reconciliation commission is key to re-frame current US Middle East policy- only a non-military approach can create credibility and resolve hypocrisy

      Chanbonpin ‘11

      Kim D. Chanbonpin, Assistant Professor of Law, The John Marshall Law School, Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, “We Don't Want Dollars, Just Change":Narrative Counter-Terrorism Strategy, an Inclusive Model for Social Healing, and the Truth About Torture Commission,” Winter 2011 Edition, http://www.law.northwestern.edu/journals/njlsp/v6/n1/1/index.html

      The idea of a narrative counter-terrorism ….for a counter-terrorism strategy.

      Credibility in Egypt is key to solve Iran influence- largest country in the region and a key model for transitions- failure collapses US regional power

      Bipartisan Policy Center 10/12

      (“Strategic Public Diplomacy: The Case of Egypt” http://www.bipartisanpolicy.org/library/report/strategic-public-diplomacy-case-egypt, pgs. 10-11)


      Egypt may not have been the spark that ….security of the entire region.

      That emboldens Iran- allows them to expand their naval presence in the region

      Morrow and al-Omrani 6/27

      Adam Morrow and Khaled Moussa al-Omrani. Inter Press Service. “Mideast: Post-Mubarak Egypt Inches Towards Iran”. June 27, 2011. http://www.globalissues.org/news/2011/06/27/10246


      Based on several recent statements ….'as soon as possible.'

      Makes US-Iran miscalculation inevitable- emboldened Iranian Navy ensures escalation because there’s no hotline and tensions are high now- plan key to de-escalate

      Goldberg 10/17

      (Jeffrey, national correspondent for the Atlantic, “U.S. Shouldn’t Ignore Iran’s Speedboat Threat: Jeffrey Goldberg”, http://mobile.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-18/u-s-shouldn-t-ignore-iran-s-speedboat-threat-jeffrey-goldberg)


      In a new report issued by the Institute ….downing of an Iranian jetliner in 1988.

      US attack on Iran leads to extinction- draws in great powers

      Hirsch ‘6

      (Seymour, professor of physics @ the University of California @ San Diego, April 10, pg. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=HIR20060422&articleId=2317)


      Iran is likely to respond to any US ….gone before anybody has prevailed.

      Egypt key to US credibility- White House spin failing now because of perceived hypocrisy, plan reverses that trend and restores global credibility- key to solve all major problems

      Lagon 10/18

      (Mark, chairs and coordinates the International Relations and Security Concentration for the Master of Science in Foreign Service Program at Georgetown University, “Soft Power Under Obama”, http://www.isn.ethz.ch/isn/Current-Affairs/ISN-Insights/Detail?lng=en&id=133416&contextid734=133416&contextid735=133415&tabid=133415&dynrel=4888caa0-b3db-1461-98b9-e20e7b9c13d4,0c54e3b3-1e9c-be1e-2c24-a6a8c7060233)


      The underwriting of Hosni Mubarak…., something is seriously amiss.


      Credibility theory is true and key to all global issues- solves rival coalitions, influences developing states, empowers moderates, and leads to burden sharing

      Stanley 7

      Elizabeth Stanley, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Security Studies in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and the Department of Government, 7 “International Perceptions of US Nuclear Policy” Sandia Report,http://www.prod.sandia.gov/cgi-bin/techlib/access-control.pl/2007/070903.pdf

      How important is soft power, anyway? ….to address such threats effectively.

      The alternatives are worse- inequalities in material power are inevitable, credibility solves resentment and leads to effective international coalition building

      Nye ‘3,

      (Joseph, Prof of Gov @ Harvard School of Gov, The Paradox of American Power: Why the World’s Only Superpower Can’t Go It Alone, pgs. 15-16, questia)


      A good case can be made that inequality ….others to coordinate to escape its hegemony.

      Key to solve extinction- multilateral coalitions key to resolve every major global dispute

      Feffer 9

      (co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies

      John Feffer February 2009 “A Multipolar Moment” )


      But times have changed, argues FPIF contributor. Or is that the sound of dirt hitting a coffin lid?  …

      Transition/Stability Adv


      Egypt is massively unstable now- post-revolutionary demands for justice are tearing the country apart and ensure collapse and violence

      Pillar ‘11

      (Paul, veteran of the CIA, visiting professor @ Georgetown for security studies and a member of the Center for Peace and Security Studies, “The Coming Implosion of the Egyptian Revolution”, July 6, 2011, http://nationalinterest.org/blog/paul-pillar/the-coming-implosion-the-egyptian-revolution-5576)


      The Egyptian revolution is not ….political opening in Egypt are high.

      Plan solves internal rifts- uses inclusive dialogue to bring together disparate groups, ensures a stable transition and solves conflict

      Shaikh ‘11

      , Director, , “A Way Forward in Egypt,” Feb 7, 2011, http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2011/0207_egypt_shaikh.aspx

      The departure of Mubarak would start ….another key factor in Egypt's transition.

      Egypt instability leads to multiple scenarios for extinction

      Erickson, 11 (Allan Erickson, The fall of Egypt and the prospect of nuclear war, ,

      Worldwide attention has been focused ….conflict like nothing we have ever seen.

      US-Egypt stable transition is key to the Suez and Israel-Egypt peace

      Sharp 9/21

      (Jeremy, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs Congressional Research Service, “Egypt in Transition”, www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33003.pdf)


      If Egypt’s transition continues on schedule and a ….Arab countries as well as Israel.

      Egypt and Israel on the brink of war now- small events quickly magnify into miscalculation

      Wisner 9/13

      (Frank, External Affairs AIG, former ambassador to Egypt, Interviewed by Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor @ CFR, “Repairing the Egypt-Israel Breach”, September 13, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/egypt/repairing-egypt-israel-breach/p25841?cid=rss-analysisbriefbackgroundersexp-repairing_the_egypt_israel_bre-091311)


      These are emotional times, and it doesn't take ….might have been a bunch of "football fans."

      Egypt-Israel war leads to extinction

      Zitun 9/5

      IDF General, 9/5/11, ,7340,L-4118220,00.html


      IDF general: Likelihood of regional war ….

      publication by censorship officials.

      Egyptian trials cause leaders to fight to the end- produces instability

      Arrott ’11

      (Elizabeth, Voice of America, “Egypt Mulls How Much Justice is Too Much”, May 23, 2011, http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Egypt-Mulls-How-Much-Justice-is-too-Much-122453794.html)


      As Egypt decides how to deal ….Egypt, have already provided a certain sense of justice.

      Plan is a signal of moderation- solves violent crackdown and provides a model for transition- produces broader regional stability

      North ‘11

      (Ray, spent a decade inside the Westminster bubble writing for and advising politicians, “Could Truth and Reconciliation be the way forward for the Middle East and North Africa?”, May 7, 2011, http://www.allthatsleft.co.uk/2011/05/could-truth-and-reconciliation-be-the-way-forward-for-the-middle-east-and-north-africa/)


      There are no simple solutions. But, one ….accede to demands of their people.

      Regional instability leads to war and escalation- multiple factors ensure extinction

      Russell ‘9

      Russell, Editor of Strategic Insights, ‘9 (James- Senior Lecturer Department of National Security Affairs, Spring, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East” Security Studies Center Proliferation Papers,

      Strategic stability in the region ….substantial risk for the entire world.

      Substantial support for reconciliation and rule of law- intervention is key to stop a slippery slope to retribution

      Cook ‘11

      (Steven, Hasib J. Sabbagh Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, CFR, “Egypt's Post-Mubarak Political Uncertainty”, Interviewed by Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor, CFR.org, August 18, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/africa/egypts-post-mubarak-political-uncertainty/p25652)


      There is a tremendous desire ….the court can function properly.


      Egyptians trust US non-military aid- positive experiences with USAID

      Frierson ‘11

      (Elizabeth, associate professor in the Department of History and former director of Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Cincinnati, “Eye on Current Events: Egypt, Libya and the Middle East”, Apr 7, 2011, Interviewed by Kim Burdett, http://www.uc.edu/profiles/profile.asp?id=13399)


      KB: How does the U.S. involvement ……have in Iraq and Afghanistan recently.



      Plan: The United States federal government should provide necessary democracy assistance for a truth and reconciliation commission in Egypt.


  • 2ac Harvard Round 2 vs Cal HP

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    • 2ac t

      We meet and counter-interpretation- the plan is one of four types of democracy assistance

      Mitchell and Phillips ‘8

      Lincoln Mitchell, Assistant Professor of International Politics @ Columbia and Chief of Party for the NDI, David Phillips, project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, The National Committee on American Foreign Policy, “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” January 2008

      This report offers recommendations ….response to democratization opportunities.


      We have contextual evidence- TRCs are democracy assistance

      Burnell 10

      Peter, Prof of Politics and International Studies at Univ of Warwick

      Democracy assistance: international co-operation for democratization  google books


      Finally, international interventions ….commissions, might qualify as well.


      Prefer our interpretation-

      A.) Aff flex- constantly changing nature of the topic and lack of clear solvency literature means that the aff should get leeway when they actually have evidence about a program that supports democracy in one of the topic countries- neg gets consult, conditions, agent counterplans, PIC’s, politics and critiques, all of which can be conditional.

      B.) Arbitrary- their interpretation doesn’t have an exclusive intent and there is no clear definition in the literature- any choices the neg’s authors make do not reflect the literature base.

      Wodzicki ‘7

      Michael Wodzicki, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Queen’s University, 1 December 2007, “Public Sector Reform and Democracy Assistance: A Literature Review”

      Finally, perhaps one of the biggest …art than a science” (2004, 43).16


      C.) Literature Bias - the neg’s interpretation narrows the field of democracy assistance to only those activities the US and EU undertake in transitioning countries, reflecting the literature’s bias towards assistance modeled off of European influence democratic transitions- this bias is poor pedagogical practice


      Substantially and literature eliminate any risk of limits explosion


      Competing interpretations is a race to the bottom to limit out the aff –reasonability is logical since we can’t win on T

      2ac stability adv

      Military won’t block transition- they perceive governance trades off with cohesion and warfighting capability

      Cook ‘11

      (Steven, Hasib J. Sabbagh Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, CFR, “Egypt's Post-Mubarak Political Uncertainty”, Interviewed by Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor, CFR.org, August 18, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/africa/egypts-post-mubarak-political-uncertainty/p25652)


      All the signs suggest the military …an effective fighting force.


      2AC CP

      Perm do both


      Perm do cp


      Allows them to choose. We don’t force them to confess – solves confession arguments.


      TRC are good and solves offense

      Yoneyama ‘10

      (Lisa, Assistant Professor of Japanese Studies and Cultural Studies in the Department of Literature, University of California, San Diego, “POLITICIZING JUSTICE:

      Post–Cold War Redress and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, Critical Asian Studies 42:4 (2010))

      I would like to close with this ….and the meaning of justice.


      US does not have to account for things on their own – does not solve credibility impact arguments.


      Link inev – they force people to confess in their model – just don’t call it TRC

      2AC K


      Perm do both

      The perm is key- only successfully combining Euro-American and indigenous knowledge can hold regimes accountable for violent institutional practices without regressing into exceptionalism- the alternative is incomplete theoretical universalism

      Sadiki ‘9

      (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics @ University of Exeter, Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy, pgs. 8-10)


      **AME = Arab Middle East


      Arab states and societies are caught in the vortex …that on agency, a point to be returned to below.




      Engagement bad is racist and destroys the Arab Spring- only generating interconnectedness solves

      Sadiki ‘11

      (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The mathematics of the Arab Spring”, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/05/2011531132934920499.html)


      Two fundamental principles must be understood in order… and an incapacity to speak back.


      Engagement is key- shift to a global liberal world order is key to solve multiple scenarios for extinction

      Shaw ’1  

      (Martin, Professor of IR & Politics  @U of Sussex, The Unfinished Global Revolution: Intellectuals and the New Politics of IR, )


      The new politics of international relations ….international relations and politics, are intertwined.


      Rejection of current IR paradigm leads to instability and international intervention – doesn’t enable radical democracy – turns their impact

      McCormack 10 – Lecturer in International Politics

      Tara McCormack, is Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Leicester and has a PhD in International Relations from the University of Westminster. 2010, Critique, Security and Power: The political limits to emancipatory approaches, pg. 127-129

      The following section will briefly raise … and emancipatory theoretical approaches.

      Plan focus good a) key to topic specific education or they can keep running the same generic Ks every topic b) key to aff ground—any other interp justifies K-ing/PICing out of one word in the 1AC—infinitely regressive and impossible to generate offense—counterinterp—get K with link to plan action, not only reps/discourse


      2AC Jobs

      Won’t pass.

      Hiltzik 10/26

      Michael, “Dissecting Obama and GOP jobs plans,” Los Angeles Times, October 26, 2011, Lexis

      Obama's version, dubbed the American …tax-related incentives for small business hiring.

      Obama will use XOs to solve when Congress votes no.

      Kapakos 10/25

      Leo Kapakos, NY Political Buzz Examiner. “President Obama's use of executive power to battle GOP's political games overdue”. http://www.examiner.com/political-buzz-in-new-york/president-obama-s-use-of-executive-power-to-battle-disgraceful-gop-long-overdue

      The series of executive authority …Jobs Act bill each time the GOP says no.

      U.S. economy growing.

      Matthews 10/27

      Dylan Matthews is a student at Harvard and a researcher at The Washington Post. The Washington Post. WonkBook  Blog. “Wonkbook: Boehner says no”. 10/27/2011. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/wonkbook-boehner-says-no/2011/10/28/gIQAMjzvOM_blog.html

      Economic growth is way up, …down substantially over time."

      Fights coming now over defense authorization.

      Johnson 10/25

      Carrie Johnson. NPR. “Big Fight Brewing In Senate Over Defense Policy Bill”. October 25, 2011. http://www.npr.org/2011/10/25/141649237/big-fight-brewing-in-senate-over-defense-policy-bill

      A big fight is brewing in the Senate …the situation in the U.S. Senate."

      Obama PC low – elections and no votes on jobs

      Blake 10-13

      Aaron Blake, 10-13-2011, “Democrats thwart Obama’s bipartisan goals again,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/democrats-thwart-obamas-bipartisan-goals-again/2011/10/12/gIQAk9IShL_blog.html

      We’ve talked in this space …the Republicans a pass to vote no.”

      Transitional justice measures incredibly popular- LRA Act proves the Senate will fast track them and eliminate floor debates

      Nehrenz ‘10

      Mark Nehrenz, “Holding Out for Justice,” RELEVANT Media Group, 2010, http://rejectapathy.com/violence/columns/20828-holding-out-for-justice

      Last spring, a bipartisan bill man was standing in the way.


      Seriously, this is the most popular aff on the topic- it’s empirically proven by previous aid for this specific cause

      TheResolve.org ‘10

      TheResolve.org, an anti-LRA organization in Uganda, “LRA Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009,” 2010, http://www.theresolve.org/lra-disarmament-and-northern-uganda-recovery-act-of-2009

      On May 24, 2010 President Barack …and preventing future conflicts.

      Extraordinary rendition extremely controversial- no Congressional support and nobody wants to support torture

      US Fed News ‘4


      Rep. Markley released the following …outlaw outsourcing torture."


      Extraordinary rendition unpopular- even the people who like it don’t want to defend it in public, so no risk of backlash

      Waterman ‘4

      SHAUN WATERMAN, United Press International, “Hastert defies White House on intel bill,” October 5, 2004, Lexis

      Both the House bill -- and its …Saudi Arabia that routinely practice torture.


      Political capital not key to the agenda

      Dickinson 9 – Professor of Political Science

      Matthew, professor of political science at Middlebury College and taught previously at Harvard University where he worked under the supervision of presidential scholar Richard Neustadt, 5-26-2009, Presidential Power: A NonPartisan Analysis of Presidential Politics, “Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power,”. http://blogs.middlebury.edu/presidentialpower/2009/05/26/sotamayor-obama-and-presidential-power/

      As for Sotomayor, from here ///order to play Halo III on his Xbox. 



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    • //




      //Libya TRC Aff

      Plan: The United States federal government should hold a truth and reconciliation commission for Libya.

      9/11 has particularly shaped the relationship between the US and Libya--

      Shimatsu 11

      Yoichi Shimatsu, a former associate editor of Pacific News Service and editor of the Japan Times Weekly


      Following the 9-11 attacks, Libya became a key ally in America's war on terror, particularly in the hunt for Osama bin Laden, who escaped to the Saharan region at the start of the Afghan War, as I was told by sources from the Taliban while war reporting at that time. The Pentagon has since established a special forces base in the southwestern region of Fezzan. Under a $165 million contract, General Dynamics provided high-tech communications for Libya's mobile elite forces.

      Recently some documents were found in Libya that disclose the fact that the U.S. used Libya as a central location for extraordinary rendition and torture


      Human Rights Watch 9-8-11

      Documents recently discovered by Human Rights Watch in


      torture and other ill-treatment of detainees.

      It continues…

      Human Rights Watch continues                9-8-11



      certain documents have uncovered more than 100 cases.

      The U.S. also gave intelligence to the Libyan government to help round up Libyans

      Hauslohner 9/2

      How Libya Seems to Have Helped the CIA with Rendition of Terrorism Suspects

      By Abigail Hauslohner  http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2091653,00.html

      The CIA also apparently provided their Libyan counterparts


      , aliases, passport and their suspected locations.

      The U.S. role in Libya entrenched 9/11 experience as a rationalization for torture

      Bonabam 11

      Isidore Bonabom SJ

      Isidore Bonabom SJ is studying for a doctorate in Human Rights Law.



      The documents uncovered in Libya outline the way


      in a jurisdiction other than one’s own backyard.

      Unfortunately the details of the historical record of U.S. complicity are being seized by the U.S.

      Madsen 8/25

      Wayne Madsen investigative journalist for Intrepid Report, The CIA’s top priority in Libya: Seizing the rendition and torture files and the anti-corruption dossiers http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/3013

      With Muammar Qaddafi’s rule at an end in


      now NATO’s proxies’ invasion and occupation of Libya.

      Records in Libya are being taken

      Newscore 10/6

      Agencies, Businesses Distance Selves From Gadhafi Dealings  http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/dpps/news/agencies-businesses-distance-selves-from-gadhafi-dealings-dpgonc-km-20111006_15365819

      Middle East security sources confirmed that intelligence agencies


      any other incriminating material that cannot be removed.


      The institutional logic of revenge has bled into the Libyan protest movements- cycles of revenge throughout the country threaten to collapse democratic movements and make long-term regional stability impossible- creating a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation is key to short-circuit cycles of vengeance

      Pack & Zaptia 10/13


      (Jackson Pack and Sami Zaptia are reporters for the Guardian, Libya needs a truth and reconciliation commission 'De-Ba'athification' was disastrous in Iraq. Libyans must choose how far to purge public life of those linked to the old regime, Thursday 13 October 2011)

      The most contentious popular debate in post-


      focusing Libyans on moving forward with shared purpose.

  • 2AC Havard Quarters vs. MSU LR

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    • //




















      //T- Democracy Assistance

      B.) Arbitrary- their interpretation doesn’t have an exclusive intent and there is no clear definition in the literature- any choices the neg’s authors make do not reflect the literature base.

      Wodzicki ‘7

      Michael Wodzicki, Centre for the Study of Democracy, Queen’s University, 1 December 2007, “Public Sector Reform and Democracy Assistance: A Literature Review”

      Finally, perhaps one of the biggest challenges


      a science” (2004, 43).16

      We meet and counter-interpretation- the plan is one of four types of democracy assistance

      Mitchell and Phillips ‘8

      Lincoln Mitchell, Assistant Professor of International Politics @ Columbia and Chief of Party for the NDI, David Phillips, project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, The National Committee on American Foreign Policy, “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” January 2008

      This report offers recommendations to hone proven approaches


      to insure their rapid response to democratization opportunities.


      We have contextual evidence- TRCs are democracy assistance

      Burnell 10

      Peter, Prof of Politics and International Studies at Univ of Warwick

      Democracy assistance: international co-operation for democratization  google books


      Finally, international interventions to resolve or prevent


      and reconciliation' commissions, might qualify as well.


      Libya will say yes to a TRC, especially with international involvement

      Campbell 8-25-11

      Leslie Campbell is senior associate and regional director for Middle East and North Africa programs at the National Democratic Institute. He traveled to Benghazi in May. The institute has been working in Benghazi since April to support Libya’s political transition  http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/is-the-bar-set-too-high-for-libya/2011/08/25/gIQAWbedeJ_story.html

      But there are signs that the Libyan transition


      is most needed and will be long remembered.

      U.S. allocating $40 million to Libya now.

      All Voices News 10/18

      “According to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton U.S. allocated 29 million euros to destroy stockpiles of Libya”. October 18, 2011. http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/10649548-according-to-the-secretary-of-state-hillary-clinton-us-allocated-29-million-euros-to-destroy-stockpiles-of-libya

      The U.S. government allocated $


      ) in medical aid, food and supplies.

      Libya is the model for the region- violent retribution is causing other regional leaders to grasp desperately to power- the plan creates a mechanism for smooth transitions that solve your DA

      Arrott ’11

      (Elizabeth, Voice of America, “Egypt Mulls How Much Justice is Too Much”, May 23, 2011, http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Egypt-Mulls-How-Much-Justice-is-too-Much-122453794.html)


      As Egypt decides how to deal with its


      have already provided a certain sense of justice.

      No Saudi Prolif

      Jacobs ‘11

      Joshua Jacobs is a Gulf Policy Analyst at the Institute for Gulf Affairs. “Saudi's Bluff on the Bomb”. July 19, 2011. Institute for Gulf Affairs. http://www.gulfinstitute.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=175:saudis-bluff-on-the-bomb&catid=25:analysis&Itemid=22

      Saudi Arabia set off alarm bells in Western


      of billions of dollars and years of development.

      Bishop/Silence DA

      Aff solves best- creates a language of silence that re-appropriates TRCs to challenge masculinist imaginaries

      Bishop 8

      (Peter, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of South Australia, The Shadow of Hope: Reconciliation and Imaginal Pedagogies, T. Leonard, P. Willis (eds.), Pedagogies of the Imagination, )


      Ngugi cites Cheikh Hamidou Kane, who insists


      , but to use the old ones differently.

      Reps Bad "F/W"

      Debating about the theoretical and empirical disputes that arise in the Arab Spring policy literature is the most useful contribution scholars can make- method debates lead to the best policymaking-scholarly bridge and ensuring more effective policy analysis

      Walt 11 – Stephen M. Walt, Professor of International Affairs at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, July 21, 2011, “International Affairs and the Public Sphere,” online:

      Furthermore, if academic scholars made a practice


      that policymakers would pay attention to the results.


      Won’t pass.

      Hiltzik 10/26

      Michael, “Dissecting Obama and GOP jobs plans,” Los Angeles Times, October 26, 2011, Lexis

      Obama's version, dubbed the American Jobs Act


      tax-related incentives for small business hiring.

      Obama will use XOs to solve when Congress votes no.

      Kapakos 10/25

      Leo Kapakos, NY Political Buzz Examiner. “President Obama's use of executive power to battle GOP's political games overdue”. http://www.examiner.com/political-buzz-in-new-york/president-obama-s-use-of-executive-power-to-battle-disgraceful-gop-long-overdue

      The series of executive authority steps aimed at


      Act bill each time the GOP says no.

      U.S. economy growing.

      Matthews 10/27

      Dylan Matthews is a student at Harvard and a researcher at The Washington Post. The Washington Post. WonkBook  Blog. “Wonkbook: Boehner says no”. 10/27/2011. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/wonkbook-boehner-says-no/2011/10/28/gIQAMjzvOM_blog.html

      Economic growth is way up, reports Neil


      bring the unemployment rate down substantially over time."

      Housing policies thump the disad

      Nixon 10/25

      York Van Nixon III, DC Mortgage Examiner, October 25, 2011, “HARP: Help for homeowners”, http://www.examiner.com/mortgage-in-washington-dc/harp-help-for-homeowners

      Well, I guess anything is better than


      on their mortgage than the current market value.

      Obama PC low and can’t persuade Dems or Republicans

      Blake 10-13

      Aaron Blake, 10-13-2011, “Democrats thwart Obama’s bipartisan goals again,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/democrats-thwart-obamas-bipartisan-goals-again/2011/10/12/gIQAk9IShL_blog.html

      We’ve talked in this space before about how


      gives the Republicans a pass to vote no.”

      Reid will spend political capital – not Obama.

      Bolton 10/22

      Alexander Bolton. 10/22/2011. “Sen. Reid spends heavily in political capital to in effort to help Obama”. The Hill. http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/189189-reid-spends-heavily-in-political-capital-to-help-obama

      Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-


      and he’s a good guy,” said Conrad.


      Transitional justice measures incredibly popular- LRA Act proves the Senate will fast track them and eliminate floor debates

      Nehrenz ‘10

      Mark Nehrenz, “Holding Out for Justice,” RELEVANT Media Group, 2010, http://rejectapathy.com/violence/columns/20828-holding-out-for-justice

      Last spring, a bipartisan bill came before


      , one man was standing in the way.


      Extraordinary rendition extremely controversial- gets involved in debates on the plan because nobody wants to look pro-torture

      US Fed News ‘4


      Rep. Markley released the following statement today


      . 4674 is passed to outlaw outsourcing torture."


      The plan is popular

      Margon 11

      Sarah Margon is the Associate Director for Sustainable Security at American Progress., 8/22, “Libya Will Still Need Help After Qaddafi’s Departure”, http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/08/libya_next_stage.html

      Going forward, the United States must once


      can’t afford to do it any other way.


      Won’t have the capital to pass.

      Cohen 9/6--Executive Director, Columbia University’s Earth Institute

      Steven, Hopeless Obama, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/steven-cohen/hopeless-obama_b_950260.html?ir=Green

      President Barack Obama is the brightest guy to


      him, but hope has turned into hopelessness.

      Winners win – Obama must look strong now.

      Blow 9/9

      Charles Blow, writer for the NYT. September 9, 2011.“Rise of the Fallen?” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/10/opinion/blow-rise-of-the-fallen.html

      So why does it feel as if we’ve


      middle: you take fire from both sides.

      Political capital not key to the agenda

      -their evidence misuses the term

      -ideological and partisan leanings outweigh

      Dickinson 9 – Professor of Political Science

      Matthew, professor of political science at Middlebury College and taught previously at Harvard University where he worked under the supervision of presidential scholar Richard Neustadt, 5-26-2009, Presidential Power: A NonPartisan Analysis of Presidential Politics, “Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power,”. http://blogs.middlebury.edu/presidentialpower/2009/05/26/sotamayor-obama-and-presidential-power/

      As for Sotomayor, from here the path


      order to play Halo III on his Xbox. 

      Can’t solve warming

      Hamilton 10 – Professor of Public Ethics @ ANU

      Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics in Australia, 2010, “Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth About Climate Change,” pg 27-28

      The conclusion that, even if we act


      to the problem was deferred for several years.

      Warming doesn’t lead to extinction

      Barrett 6 – Professor of International Policy @ Johns Hopkins

      Scott, Professor and Director of International Policy, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 2006, “CATASTROPHE: The Problem of Averting Global Catastrophe,” Chicago Journal of International Law, Lexis

      Less dramatic changes are more likely. Abrupt


      climate shifts could directly destroy all humanity." 76

      Steal IAEA Funding CP

      Must get support for Congress or the agency will reject it and won’t have funding.

      Breul and Kamensky ‘8

      Jonathan D. Breul and John M. Kamensky, IBM Center for the Business of Government. “Federal Government Reform: Lessons from Clinton’s “Reinventing Government” and Bush’s “Management Agenda” Initiatives”. Federal Government Reform. 2008. http://www.govexec.com/pdfs/120308rb1.pdf

      Obtain support from Congress . Without support from


      the political ability to point to “success.”

      USAID cannot commit funds without allocation by Congress-no fund shifting

      USAID ‘8

      “ADS Chapter 634 Administrative Control of Funds”. December 15, 2008. www.usaid.gov/policy/ads/600/634.pdf

      The administrative control of funds at USAID must


      are no longer available for incurring new obligations.

  • 2AC Harvard Rd 5 vs. Gtown AM

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • //









      2AC Case


      Mayton ‘11

      Joseph Mayton | 3 July 2011 Will the deaths of Mubarak, Adly bring Egypt peace? http://bikyamasr.com/35307/will-the-deaths-of-mubarak-adly-bring-egypt-peace/


      CAIRO: With Egyptians returning to the streets


      happen again. But it doesn’t have to.


      The TRC would not give amnesty to Mubarak since he is already on trial. TRCs are not set up to interrupt the trials already in progress. This solves all of their Mubarak trial good arguments and their Economist evidence that says the trials must come first. The “small fry” it talks about can be part of the TRC while the trials finish up that evidence assumes that Egypt is trying to sustain a TRC and its trials all on its own – plan solves this problem.


      Trials are failing in the status quo. The SCAF is losing credibility and prosecutions and convictions are rare.

      Negus ‘11

      Steve Negus is a journalist and commentator specializing in Egypt and Iraq.  August 2, 2011 Mubarak’s Trial and Errors Transitional Justice in the New Egypt http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/68011/steve-negus/mubaraks-trial-and-errors?page=show


      Although the cases against the old regime's big


      calling for "serious purging and serious judging."

      The trial will not be fair, will be drawn out and even their author does not believe that the Mubaraks will be held accountable.

      Van Bommel and den Tek ‘11

      Myrtille van Bommel and Klaas den Tek Mubarak trial: history in the making Published on : 4 August 2011 http://www.rnw.nl/english/article/mubarak-trial-history-making


      Emad El-Sharkawi, a Dutch-


      and that could prove advantageous for the Mubaraks.


      Michael ‘11

      Marc Michael, 22 February 2011 Egypt after Mubarak: finding truth in transition http://www.opendemocracy.net/opensecurity/marc-michael/egypt-after-mubarak-finding-truth-in-transition


      As the angry slogans, joyous roars and


      would be a first step in that direction.



      2AC Saudi DA

      1.     Relations Doomed in SQ

      a.     Israel Veto

      Bakir 9/23

      Ali Huseyin Bakir, USAK Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, 23 September 2011, “Palestinian Statehood Deepens the Saudi-U.S. Split,” http://www.turkishweekly.net/news/123954/palestinian-statehood-deepens-the-saudi-u-s-split.html

      Ignoring the new realities in the Arab world


      it has to bear alone the subsequent consequences.

      b.     Saudi Arabia and Washington relations are already decimated – Saudi Arabia is looking beyond the alliance.

      Takeyh ‘11

      Ray Takeyh is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. “A Post-American Day Dawns in the Mideast”. June 8, 2011. The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/09/opinion/09iht-edtakeyh09.html

      For nearly 60 years, Saudi Arabia predicated


      be seriously contemplated in the House of Saud.

      c.     US middle east strategy dooms US/ Saudi Relations

      World Now, 10/22 http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/world_now/2011/10/us-saudi-arabia-crown-prince-relationship.html


      U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia


      been both ineffective and harmful to Saudi interests.”



      2.     Saudi Arabia will not develop nuclear weapons

             developing nukes would jeopardize security guarantees from the U.S.

             would be incredibly difficult and expensive.

             Long time frame

      Jacobs ‘11

      Joshua Jacobs is a Gulf Policy Analyst at the Institute for Gulf Affairs. “Saudi's Bluff on the Bomb”. July 19, 2011. Institute for Gulf Affairs. http://www.gulfinstitute.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=175:saudis-bluff-on-the-bomb&catid=25:analysis&Itemid=22

      Saudi Arabia set off alarm bells in Western


      of billions of dollars and years of development.



      3.     Relations are resilient – only the U.S. can provide Saudi Arabia security assurances, and want to maintain cultural and business ties.

      Boucek ‘11

      Christopher Boucek, Associate at the Middle East Program @ the Carnegie Endowment. “U.S.-Saudi Relations in the Shadow of the Arab Spring”. June 21, 2011. http://carnegieendowment.org/2011/06/21/u.s.-saudi-relations-in-shadow-of-arab-spring/1s3

      At the same time, the United States


      this to the same extent in other places.

      4.     No increased risk of nuclear war from prolif

      Gavin 10

      Francis. Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin. Same As It Ever Was: Nuclear Alarmism, Proliferation, and the Cold War. International Security. Winter 2009/2010. Muse.

      Throughout the post–World War II period


      highly unlikely.38 [End Page 16]


      2AC SCAF DA

      NU crackdowns now-Christians

      Hanna 10/14, http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/10/in-egypt-military-and-christians-increasingly-at-odds/246678/

      As Egypt's generals wrapped up their defiant presentation


      largely Coptic protest would come at little social cost


      NU-crackdowns now

      Stern 10/14, http://www.wsws.org/articles/2011/oct2011/egyp-o14.shtml

      On Thursdaymilitary police attacked over 1


      also demand the fall of the SCAF junta.


      Military won’t block transition- they perceive governance trades off with cohesion and warfighting capability

      Cook ‘11

      (Steven, Hasib J. Sabbagh Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, CFR, “Egypt's Post-Mubarak Political Uncertainty”, Interviewed by Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor, CFR.org, August 18, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/africa/egypts-post-mubarak-political-uncertainty/p25652)


      All the signs suggest the military would very


      proved themselves to be an effective fighting force.


      An Egyptian TRC would allow for a smooth transition that creates an inclusive national dialogue and engages a wide variety of groups- it breaks down the current military dominated narrative.

      Shaikh ‘11

      Salman Shaikh, Director, Brookings Doha Center, “A Way Forward in Egypt,” Feb 7, 2011, http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2011/0207_egypt_shaikh.aspx

      The departure of Mubarak would start the search


      will be another key factor in Egypt's transition.


      The TRC is a critical step on the path to healing- it simultaneously holds those who have committed acts of violence responsible for their actions without seeking retribution and gives Egyptians that bore the brunt of the regime’s assaults the chance to share their stories with the world.

      Ahour ‘11

      Omar Ashour is a lecturer in Middle East Politics and Director of the Middle East Graduate Studies Program at the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter,

      History does repeat itself. The evening of


      will usher in a democratic transition in Egypt.


      Only a TRC prevents the creation of a violent backlash and renewed conflict between elites and the public, that’s critical to allow an effective transition

      Fadel ‘11

      ammad Fadel, law professor at Univeristy of Toronto, primary focus on Islamic law and liberalism, March 21, 2011, http://shanfaraa.com/2011/03/toward-a-practical-platform-for-the-jan-25th-revolution/

      · Torture: While the decision to dissolve


      perpetrators directly and attain prompt and adequate compensation.


      Can’t solve warming globally- no China co-op makes it inev

      Hale ‘11

      (Thomas, PhD Candidate in the Department of Politics at Princeton University and a Visiting Fellow at LSE Global Governance, London School of Economics, “A Climate Coalition of the Willing” The Washington Quarterly, Winter 2011, http://thewashingtonquarterly.com/11winter/docs/11winter_Hale.pdf)


      It is not hard to see why.


      , at least not in the near future.


      EU econ collapse inev- Eurozone

      Sanati 10/26

      (Cyrus, CNN Money contributor, “Europe takes a page from U.S. bailout playbook”, 10/26/11, http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2011/10/26/europe-bailout-problems/?section=magazines_fortune)


      The European proposals are similar to these programs


      it out completely. Time is running out.

      2AC China Bashing


      Boehner proposing new spending now

      Wingfield 10-27

      Brian, “Boehner Demands $2 Billion for Ohio Plant After Solyndra,” Bloomberg, http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-27/boehner-wants-2b-for-ohio-plant-post-solyndra.html

      House Speaker John Boehner attacked the Obama administration


      Southern Ohio and provide the loan guarantee now.”

      Empirically denied – House Republicans were angered over Boehner caving on social issues

      Foley 11

      “Jim Jordan: Boehner Will Need Dems To Pass Funding Deal,” 4-8, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/08/jim-jordan-john-boehner-shutdown-deal_n_846963.html

      A deal has been reached to keep the


      deal through the House without votes from Democrats.

      This was a top GoP priority

      Walsh 11

      Diedre, “Boehner: Barring federal funds for abortion one of GOP's 'highest' priorities,” http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/01/20/boehner-barring-federal-funds-for-abortion-one-of-gops-highest-priorities/

      House Speaker John Boehner announced Thursday that the


      America and we're continuing to fulfill our commitment."

      And, House GoP was angered over debt ceiling

      Rutten 5-11

      Tim, “Tim Rutten: They drank the tea,” LA Times, http://articles.latimes.com/2011/may/11/opinion/la-oe-0511-rutten-20110511


      That's pretty strong stuff, but it wasn't


      you get a '100' and you're a hero."

      Transitional justice measures incredibly popular- LRA Act proves the Senate will fast track them and eliminate floor debates

      Nehrenz ‘10

      Mark Nehrenz, “Holding Out for Justice,” RELEVANT Media Group, 2010, http://rejectapathy.com/violence/columns/20828-holding-out-for-justice

      Last spring, a bipartisan bill came before


      , one man was standing in the way.


      Extraordinary rendition extremely controversial- no Congressional support and nobody wants to support torture

      US Fed News ‘4


      Rep. Markley released the following statement today


      . 4674 is passed to outlaw outsourcing torture."


      Lack of Chinese currency appreciation makes all their impacts inevitable – increases risk of financial crisis, new protectionist measures, collapse relations.

      Bergsten ‘11

      Dr. C. Fred Bergsten, Director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics since its creation in 1981. He was previously Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs (1977-81) and Assistant for International Economic Affairs to the National Security Council (1969-71). “The Need For a Robust Response to Chinese Currency Manipulation – Policy Options for the Obama Administration Including Countervailing Currency Intervention”. Journal of International Business and Law. 2011. Lexis.

      The time has clearly come, indeed has


      in other countries to create jobs at home.


      Trade conflicts will not affect cooperation on other issues.

      Feigenbaum ‘10

      Evan A. Feigenbaum is head of the Asia practice group at the Eurasia Group and adjunct senior fellow for Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations. October 19, 2010. Foreign Policy. “Reluctant Warriors”. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/10/19/reluctant_warriors?page=0,2

      A third trend is the growing tolerance for


      2AC Assistance PIC


      Perm do both


      Perm do CP


      The perm solves- changing the meanings of individual terms acts as a bottom-up vehicle for transforming language

      Bishop 8

      (Peter, Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of South Australia, The Shadow of Hope: Reconciliation and Imaginal Pedagogies, T. Leonard, P. Willis (eds.), Pedagogies of the Imagination, http://www.springerlink.com/content/k37347m6088375v1/)


      Deleuze writes: “the terms major and


      , but to use the old ones differently.


      Its net beneficial- pure rejection of terms leads to linguistic idealism and leaves us unable to address material reality- only juxtaposing terms through the permutation can create space for productive dissent

      Bleiker ’00, (Roland, Ass. Prof. of International Relations @ Queensland U, Popular Dissent, Human Agency, and Global Politics, pgs. 224-226)


      Noam Chomsky provides another example of the links


      objectivised through a series of transversal discursive dynamics.

      2AC Democracy K


      The perm is key- only successfully combining Euro-American and indigenous knowledge can hold regimes accountable for violent institutional practices without regressing into exceptionalism- the alternative is incomplete theoretical universalism

      Sadiki ‘9

      (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics @ University of Exeter, Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy, pgs. 8-10)


      **AME = Arab Middle East


      Arab states and societies are caught in the


      , a point to be returned to below.


      Engagement bad is racist and destroys the Arab Spring- only generating interconnectedness solves

      Sadiki ‘11

      (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The mathematics of the Arab Spring”, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/05/2011531132934920499.html)


      Two fundamental principles must be understood in order


      inferiority, and an incapacity to speak back.


      Engagement is key- shift to a global liberal world order is key to solve multiple scenarios for extinction

      Shaw ’1  

      (Martin, Professor of IR & Politics  @U of Sussex, The Unfinished Global Revolution: Intellectuals and the New Politics of IR, http://www.martinshaw.org/unfinished.pdf)


      The new politics of international relations require us


      of international relations and politics, are intertwined.

      2AC Hold in US CP

      Our method solves the K- the aff acts as a point of metaphoric condensation/deconstruction- the transnational character of our TRC politicizes the binary between sovereignty and internationalism, creating new points of antagonism that subvert the violence of liberalism

      Yoneyama ‘10

      (Lisa, Assistant Professor of Japanese Studies and Cultural Studies in the Department of Literature, University of California, San Diego, “POLITICIZING JUSTICE:

      Post–Cold War Redress and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission”, Critical Asian Studies 42:4 (2010))


      Indeed, the current notion of transitional justice


      line between violence and post-violence.”34

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

  • Environmental Governance 1ac

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: BC MB | Judge: Hall, S

    • 1AC
      The United States federal government should substantially increase its rule of law assistance for promotion of environmental governance for Egypt.


      Contention One is the Squo
      The new transitional government in Egypt does not have environmental governance capabilities

      S Arwa Aburawa | June 8th, 2011 “There Is Hope Now”- Conservationist On Egypt’s Post-Revolution Futurehttp://www.greenprophet.com/2011/06/hope-conservationist-egypt/

      Environment and nature conservation NGOs and the public to speak out.

      Egypt needs development of its environmental governance capacity to prevent environmental destruction

      Egypt Today 9-14-11



      But it is not only policy makers mass psychosis that is going to kill us.



      Advantage One is Biodiversity
      Egypt has a unique geographical position at the juncture of three continents that makes protecting its biodiversity of vital importance

      Barakat 10

      Environmental voices: Biodiversity our key to life

      Hala Barakat  Sun, 17/10/2010 - http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/198698

      From a biodiversity point of view, This is life, this is biodiversity.”



      Scenario #1 , Migratory birds


      Egypt is the critical lynchpin to protecting vital migratory birds and global ecosystems

      Barakat 11

      Environmental Voices: Migratory birds threatened in Egypt

      Hala Barakat   Mon, 27/12/2010 - 13:06  http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/280784


      During their migration these large, bottleneck crucial for bird migration.

      Migratory birds are in danger in Egypt- it’s irreversible

      Barakat 11

      Environmental Voices: Migratory birds threatened in Egypt

      Hala Barakat   Mon, 27/12/2010 - 13:06  http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/280784

      The situation at Gebel al-be paid will be very high.

      Egypt’s Nile Delta is vital to protect  global biodiversity

      National Geographic Society 01 http://www.nationalgeographic.com/wildworld/profiles/terrestrial/pa/pa0904.html

      For about a billion birds that just Egypt but for much of the world.

      The newest comprehensive studies show preserving biodiversity is key to prevent extinction

      ScienceDaily (Aug. 14, 2011)

      Biodiversity Key to Earth's Life-Support Functions in a Changing World



      In an international research group maintaining Earth's life-support functions.



      The loss of global biodiversity outweighs other threats because of its irreversability


      Chen, 2000

      Professor of Law at University of Minnesota and Dean of Law School at Louisville, 2K (Jim, Globalization and Its Losers:, 9  Minn. J. Global Trade 157’ LexisNexis Legal)

      Conscious decisions to allow the Homo sapiens - in ten mil- lion years, perhaps a hundred million.348



      The most recent studies conclude that preserving biodiversity is more important than previously thought and we should err on the side of preserving as much as possible

      ScienceDaily (Aug. 19, 2011)

      Biodiversity Critical for Maintaining Multiple 'Ecosystem Services'


      By combining data from 17 possible could be a good precautionary approach."


      Scenario #2 Fungi

      Egypt is failing in protection of fungi now

      Soliman & Abdel-Azeem 11

      Gihan Samy Soliman and Ahmed Abdel-Azeem, Ph.D. 8-21-11 What will be the fate of the world’s fungi? http://earthsky.org/biodiversity/what-will-be-the-fate-of-the-worlds-fungi


      Conservation of biodiversity in don’t contain any trace of them.


      Egypt is critical to the preservation of vital fungi

      Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem 10

      The history, fungal biodiversity, conservation, and future perspectives for mycology in Egypt 

      IMA FUNgUs · vOlUME 1 · NO 2: 123–14 http://www.imafungus.org/Issue/2/15.pdf

      It is generally accepted that only is not yet registered with the WFCC.

      Fungi are critical to life on Earth

      Soliman & Abdel-Azeem 11

      Gihan Samy Soliman and Ahmed Abdel-Azeem, Ph.D. 8-21-11 What will be the fate of the world’s fungi? http://earthsky.org/biodiversity/what-will-be-the-fate-of-the-worlds-fungi


      Meanwhile, in Egypt, the National Biodiversity of education and biodiversity among other concerns as citizenship.

      Fungi in Egypt have global impact

      Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem 10

      The history, fungal biodiversity, conservation, and future perspectives for mycology in Egypt 

      IMA FUNgUs · vOlUME 1 · NO 2: 123–14 http://www.imafungus.org/Issue/2/15.pdf

      The Egyptian fungi are presently represented  in unexplored areas remains a priority.

      Protection of Fungi is key to global survival

      Minter 10

      Dr David Minter, Chair of IUCN's Cup Fungi, Truffles and their Allies Specialist Group

      A future for fungi - the orphans of Rio

      06 October 2010  http://www.iucn.org/knowledge/news/opinion/?6197/A-future-for-fungi---the-orphans-of-Rio

      It's difficult to over-emphasize how is no explicit legal protection for fungi.


      Advantage 2 Water Wars
      Preventable pollution is destroying quality of water in the Nile
      International Consultants Egypt 09

      Institutional framework and decisionmaking practices for water management

      in Egypt http://environ.chemeng.ntua.gr/ineco/UserFiles/File/Deliverables/Publishable%20Report%20-%20Egypt.pdf.

      Water quality degradation is becoming shallow groundwater to pollution.


      Inadequate environmental governance allows the pollution
      International Consultants Egypt 09

      Institutional framework and decisionmaking practices for water management

      in Egypt http://environ.chemeng.ntua.gr/ineco/UserFiles/File/Deliverables/Publishable%20Report%20-%20Egypt.pdf.

      Currently, discharge permits for to obtain a grace period for compliance

      Pollution of the Nile directly kills 17,000 a year

      Al-Youm 10

      Egypt Then and Now  http://allaboutegypt.org/2010/10/fatal-diseases-caused-by-nile-pollution-linked-to-floating-hotels/

      The Egyptian Organization for the Advancement higher in Egypt than in the rest of the world.


      It also is producing water shortages

      Egypt.com News 07


      "Egypt will face serious water the small towns in the respective governants.


      Pollution causes water wars

      Rahman 7-24-11

      Majeed A. Rahman is Professor of African Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milawaukee

      The Geopolitics of Water in the Nile River Basin http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=25746


      Kofi Anan reiterated that “Unsustainable the people of the north East African people.


      Water pollution exacerbates tension in water scare regions like the Nile, driving countries to war

      Amoa, 2004

      Abigail Ofori-Amoa, 2004, spring, Water Wars and International Conflict, http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Uu3ku4yUZtcJ:academic.evergreen.edu/g/grossmaz/OFORIAA/+Nile+Pollution+Egypt+scarcity+%22water+shortages%22&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a

      There has been much speculation in developing countries (Cause of Conflicts, Haftendorn).

      Cooperation defense is wrong- Egypt refuses to cooperate and talks have repeatedly broken down

      Cambanis ‘10

      (Thomas, Staff Writer for the New York Times, “Egypt and Thirsty Neighbors Are at Odds Over Nile”, September 25, 2010, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/26/world/middleeast/26nile.html?_r=3&hp=&pagewanted=2)


      But perhaps not for much longer. the colonial-era treaty should be preserved.

      We are on the brink of war now

      Rahman 7-24-11

      Majeed A. Rahman is Professor of African Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milawaukee

      The Geopolitics of Water in the Nile River Basin http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=25746

      My final alternative is that several water Nile river basin by riparian states.

      Access to water will escalate into a full blown war between Ethiopia and Egypt

      Crisis Boom July 26, 2011


      However, with the attainment of independence  has almost doubled in the last decade4.

      That draws in Israel and destabilizes the Middle East

      Rotberg, directs Harvard Kennedy School’s Program on Intrastate Conflict, 10

      Robert I. Rotberg, The Boston Globe, The threat of a water war: Egypt and Sudan draw battle lines with upstream nations over access to the Nile, http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2010/07/02/the_threat_of_a_water_war/, July 2, 2010

      NATIONS FIGHT over water, especially when . Rotberg is president of the World Peace Foundation.

      Egypt and Israel on the brink of war now- small events quickly magnify into miscalculation

      Wisner 9/13

      (Frank, External Affairs AIG, former ambassador to Egypt, Interviewed by Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor @ CFR, “Repairing the Egypt-Israel Breach”, September 13, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/egypt/repairing-egypt-israel-breach/p25841?cid=rss-analysisbriefbackgroundersexp-repairing_the_egypt_israel_bre-091311)


      These are emotional times, and  the embassy might have been a bunch of "football fans."


      Beres 8/17

      Louis René Beres 8-17, prof of poli sci and international law at Purdue, “Israel, anarchy and global chaos”, http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Op-EdContributors/Article.aspx?id=234092

      In history, there is a powerful These effects would be chaotic.

      Rule of law key to the Egyptian environment- only way to enforce environmental legislation, create oversight, and stop resource depletion

      Wardam ‘11

      (Batir, Editor of Arab Environment Watch, 10 years working experience in Academic institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, international environmental organizations (UNDP, IUCN, UNEP, World Bank, etc..), government and media institutions, “The Environmental Dimensions of Arab Revolutions”, February 28, 2011, http://bwardam.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/the-environmental-dimensions-of-arab-revolutions/)


      Egypt, the heart of the Arab world in the coming weeks and months.

      Empirical data agrees- corruption makes sustainability impossible

      Winbourne ‘2

      (Svetlana, Technical Director @ Management Systems International, this paper was part of a substantial contribution to a USAID-sponsored anti-corruption cross-sectoral study that directly supported the drafting of the new USAID Anti-Corruption Strategy, “Corruption and the Environment”, November 2002, pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNACT876.pdf)


      The multi-country surveys on corruption represented in these surveys.

      A commitment to the rule of law and enforcement of existing environmental laws allows protection of biodiversity through Egypt’s natural parks

      Barakat 11

      Environmental Concerns III: Protected areas and beyond

      Hala Barakat  , 09/05/2011 -   http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/428524


      Anyone concerned with short- from pollution caused by industry and agriculture.



      The U.S. has established rule of law programs for providing democratic governance assistance for environmental protection

      Diamond 2000

      Nancy K. Diamond, Ph.DGreening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field


      USAID DG [Democracy & Governance] projectsto enforcement of environmental regulations.


      The U.S. has used democracy assistance for environmental governance

      Diamond 2000

      Nancy K. Diamond, Ph.DGreening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field


      DG [Democracy & Governance] approaches are and work by the Regional Urban Development Offices.


      U.S. Assistance for environmental governance is uniquely effective

      Business Word Online 05


      The USDOI assistance will help strengthen  ensure long-term program sustainability.



      U.S. Rule of law assistance is empirically effective

      Diamond 2000

      Nancy K. Diamond, Ph.DGreening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field


      The rule of law, including human rights, local rules and enforcement of national policy.

      Rule of law assistance has empirically been effective at creating effective environmental governance

      Glass 2000

      Ronald Glass, DG Officer, USAID/DR3 Greening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field


      In 1999, the USAID/DR[Dominican Republic]  Prosecutors Office/Environmental Crime Unit was created.

      The U.S. is the best in the world at environmental governance assistance

      Lapham 04

      Nicholas, Vice President for policy at Conservation International, Senior Program Officer for environment at the UN Foundation, and Senior Adviser to the White House Climate Change Task Force under President Clinton." In, Rising Stakes in Africa:  Seven Proposals to Strengthen U.S. Africa Policy  A Report of the Africa Policy Advisory Panel- Center For Strategic and International Studies  p. 88

      The United States has a distinct unsustainable commercial wildlife exploitation.


      Only the U.S. has the expertise and experience for developing effective park protection assistance

      Lapham 04

      Nicholas, Vice President for policy at Conservation International, Senior Program Officer for environment at the UN Foundation, and Senior Adviser to the White House Climate Change Task Force under President Clinton." In, Rising Stakes in Africa:  Seven Proposals to Strengthen U.S. Africa Policy  A Report of the Africa Policy Advisory Panel- Center For Strategic and International Studies  p. 91

      No country is better positioned to help political systems, cultures, and economies.


  • Environmental Governance 2ac

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: BC MB | Judge: Hall, s

    • 2AC Topicality
      w/m- rule of law assistance is democracy assistance in US code

      Cornell University Legal Information Institute 10


      Title 22 of Foreign Relations and Intercourse…delivery mechanisms for United States democracy assistance.


      Government’s definition proves rule of law is democracy assistance

      GAO 03   GAO-03-358 Democracy Assistance  http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d03358.pdf


      Democracy assistance has four major … , as do several bilateral donors.


      Environmental governance is a subset of rule of law

      Miklaucic 01

      Michael Miklaucic, Rule of Law Advisor, USAID/G/DGEnvironment-Democracy Governance Exchange The EDGE Roundtable Series

      Session 5: April 4, 2001Translating into Success:DG 101 for Environmental Colleagues


      Donor programs for the rule … treaty adherence efforts in Madagascar).



      That’s empirically supported by our 1ac Diamond ev- environmental governance is democracy assistance- more ev

      Diamond 2000

      Nancy K. Diamond, Ph.DGreening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field


      USAID-Honduras-- A DG … crime prosecution within the Public Ministry.


      Counter-interpretation there are four areas of democracy assistance- rule of law, civil society, elections and political processes, and governance- the aff is direct rule of law assistance

      McMahon ‘2

      (Edward R. McMahon, Director, Center on Democratic Performance Department of Political Science Binghamton University. “The Impact of U.S. Democracy and Governance Assistance in Africa: Benin Case Study”. 2002. http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB068.pdf)


      Donor agencies may differ somewhat and more effective policy processes in the executive branch.16


      It’s key to aff ground- rule of law aid is 27% of overall democracy assistance

      GAO ‘9

      GAO 9 (Government Accountability Office, “DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE U.S. Agencies Take Steps to Coordinate International Programs but Lack Information on Some U.S.-funded Activities,” September, http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB950.pdf%29



      They kill predictability- abstracting away from the government definition is bad because it destroys any common referent for the literature base and ensures arbitrary list-based distinctions- that kills solvency advocates for counterplans and motivates stale research that kills strategic thinking- their Lappin ev proves this- definitions in the lit arg vague, you should defer to government definitions
      Default to reasonability- we can’t win on T which makes competing interpretations illogical


      Substantial means “of considerable amount” --- not some contrived percentage

      Prost 4

      Judge – United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, “Committee For Fairly Traded Venezuelan Cement v. United States”, 6-18, http://www.ll.georgetown.edu/federal/judicial/fed/opinions/04opinions/04-1016.html.

      The URAA and the SAA neither amend leeway to interpret a particularly broad term.

      “Substantial” means considerable or to a large degree --- this common meaning is preferable

      Arkush 2

      (David, JD Candidate – Harvard University, “Preserving "Catalyst" Attorneys' Fees Under the Freedom of Information Act in the Wake of Buckhannon Board and Care Home v. West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources”, Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, Winter,
      37 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 131)

      Plaintiffs should argue that the term "substantially prevail" of ample or considerable amount, quantity or dimensions"). 101


      2AC Infrastructure
      Won’t pass—filibuster

      LA Times 10/26

      Dianne Feinstein says Obama infrastructure plan won't pass Senate, http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-feinstein-jobs-vote-20111026,0,7357373.story

      Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Wednesday several major U.S. cities, including Los Angeles.

      Won’t pass

      Politico 10/21

      Infrastructure next on Senate Dems' agenda, http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/66583.html#ixzz1c2BRGioR

      The latest move is Obama’s call for also to the 0.7 percent millionaire’s surtax.

      Obama will use XOs to solve when Congress votes no.

      Kapakos 10/25

      Leo Kapakos, NY Political Buzz Examiner. “President Obama's use of executive power to battle GOP's political games overdue”. http://www.examiner.com/political-buzz-in-new-york/president-obama-s-use-of-executive-power-to-battle-disgraceful-gop-long-overdue

      The series of executive authority steps aimed  Jobs Act bill each time the GOP says no.

      U.S. economy growing.

      Matthews 10/27

      Dylan Matthews is a student at Harvard and a researcher at The Washington Post. The Washington Post. WonkBook  Blog. “Wonkbook: Boehner says no”. 10/27/2011. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/wonkbook-boehner-says-no/2011/10/28/gIQAMjzvOM_blog.html

      Economic growth is way up, reports the unemployment rate down substantially over time."

      Unemployment benefits thumps the DA

      NY Times 11/6

      The Next Fight Over Jobs, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/07/opinion/the-next-fight-over-jobs.html

      Tragically, the more entrenched the jobs be a major battle in the months ahead.


      The Plan is bipartisan

      Corson 10

      Shifting Environmental Governance in a Neoliberal World: US AID for Conservation

      Catherine Corson  Antipode vol 42: pp 576-602 June 2010

      The beginning of the twenty-first … one or more of the four ICP partners.

      Massive support for the plan

      Forum for International Conservation 11


      The ICCF directly supports the International Conservation  consciousness of sustainability in development and economic growth.

      Vote no means the link is inevitable

      Congress not involved- the president is authorized to internally reallocate State Department resources

      Rosa ‘1

      (Donna, U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of Inspector General, “The Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Act”, The Journal of Public Inquiry

      Fall/Winter 2001)


      Recognizing the role that the U.S. does play instability that corruption brings.

      Anti-corruption is insulated- foreign aid is unpopular because of perceptions of corruption

      Braga ‘11

      (Ana Carolina Sponza, Masters in Public Policy, evidence is from her Master’s thesis: “AID SELECTIVITY AND ANTI-CORRUPTION POLICY: A CASE STUDY OF THE MILLENIUM CHALLENCE CORPORATION”, advised jointly by Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation and the Hertie School of Governance, pg. 30)


      This debate was not limited to the academic  increase in corruption could lead to calls to cut aid.

      Logical policymaker could do both


      Bipartisanship fails

      Bai ‘9

      Matt Bai, staff writer. “Yes, More Mr. Nice Guy”. NYT Magazine March 8, 2009. Ebsco Host

      Not quite seven weeks into Barack Obama's counterargument made him an enduring enemy to the left.

      U.S. hegemony will decline inevitable, but decline will be peaceful.

      – asymmetrical warfare, BRIC rise, deficits

      – gradual military reduction in Asia through mutual agreements and economic links, normal decline in history

      Kennedy,10-- director of International Security Studies @ Yale

      Paul, professor of history and director of international security studies at Yale University. “Back to Normalcy: Is America really in decline?”. The New Republic, Vol. 241, Issue 20. 12/30/2010.

      America's military strengths are, by contrast, isn't a bad thing. It will be more normal.

      Leadership is jacked- military deficiencies and rise of other centers of power—showing strategic prudence key to manage the transition

      MacDonald 9

      Paul, doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science, Columbia University, Daedalus, “Rebalancing American foreign policy”, 2009, p. asp]

      The Obama administration has a unique also demonstrate prudence with the nation's limited resources.



      2AC Pakistan DA


      The U.S. has provide a massive amount of funding in democracy assistance to Egypt.

      Allen 8/10

      Michael Allen, special assistant to the vice-president for government and external relations at NED, editor of Dem Digest. Democracy Digest. “Egypt’s democracy aid backlash is ‘a strategy to control civil society’”. August 10, 2011. http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/08/egypts-democracy-aid-backlash-a-strategy-to-control-civil-society/

      Shortly after the ousting of former model for the rest of the Arab world.


      Aid now

      Xinhua News Agency 10/25, http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/news/2011/10/25/obama_stresses_full_support_for_egypts.htm


      President Obama on Monday called Hussein tasked with writing a new constitution.



      Plan is an order of magnitude less than their evidence speaks to- millions instead of billions of dollars, plus it is not new spending it comes from cutting existing military aid

      McInerney ‘11

      Stephen McInerney, is Executive Director of the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED). He has extensive experience in the Middle East and North Africa, including graduate studies of Middle Eastern politics, history, and the Arabic language at the American University of Beirut and the American University in Cairo. “The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012: Democracy, Governance, and Human Rights in the Middle East”. Project on Middle East Democracy Report, July 2011. http://pomed.org/the-federal-budget-and-appropriations-for-fiscal-year-2012-democracy-governance-and-human-rights-in-the-middle-east/

      Even if the overall level of $1.55 billion accounts that appear in separate sections of the bill.

      Continuing to aid the military alienates the people and massively increases the risk of instability, factionalism and fundamentalism

      Goldstone ’11 – Professor of Public Policy @ George Mason

      Jack A Goldstone, is Virginia E. and John T. Hazel, Jr., Professor at George Mason University's School of Public Policy. “Understanding the Revolutions of 2011: Weakness and Resilience in Middle Eastern Autocracies”. Foreign Affairs. New York: May/Jun 2011. Vol. 90, Iss. 3; pg. 8. ProQuest.

      The greatest risk that Tunisia and Egypt Inclusiveness should be the order of the day.

      Fundamentalism makes massive violence inevitable and locks down dialogue

      Sohail ‘7

      Khalid Sohail, Chowk, Dr. Sohail is a practising Psychotherapist, “Human beings are conditioned by their families and communities and violent cultures produce violent people,” December 10, 2007, http://www.chowk.com/Views/Society/Fundamentalism-and-Violence

      When we study human history in collective suicide or homicide.


      MAD prevents war between India and Pakistan.

      Khan ‘11

      A.Q. Khan, Doctor of Science, “Indo-Pak nuclear war unlikely”, 5/17/11, http://www.kashmirawareness.org/Article/View/6464 7/7/11

      Khan has said that despite sabre-rattling Germany and France live today," he added.




      AT EU CP 2ac


      Perm do the counterplan
      Perm do both
      Comparative ev- Lapham ‘4 says the US is the best in the world at environmental governance, conservation, and anti-corruption especially with respect to the EU- Diamond ev says the US has been empirically successful in Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic
      Err aff on counterplan solvency issues- its difficult to quantify solvency deficits even if broad consensus exists that the US is the best actor- you should hold them to a high burden for comparative solvency evidence
      US is best at conservation

      Lapham ‘4

      Nicholas, Vice President for policy at Conservation International, Senior Program Officer for environment at the UN Foundation, and Senior Adviser to the White House Climate Change Task Force under President Clinton." In, Rising Stakes in Africa:  Seven Proposals to Strengthen U.S. Africa Policy  A Report of the Africa Policy Advisory Panel- Center For Strategic and International Studies  p. 90


      Professional training is essential for  is uniquely positioned to address this need.

      EU on the brink of dissolution – debt crisis threatens the whole EU.

      Associated Press 9/17


      The latest backdrop for European financial bond issues may be backed by all euro countries.

      CP sends the signal EU is not solving the Eurozone crisis.

      Dergham 7/22

      Raghida Dergham, Columnist and Senior Diplomatic Correspondent, Al Hayat. “The European Role and the Aspirations of the Arab People”. The Huffington Post. 7/22/2011. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/raghida-dergham/the-european-role-and-the_b_907286.html

      For Europe, both the declining U.S. disregard for the demands of the people in those countries.

      The counterplan collapses the EU.

      The Independent 9/16


      The move came in the midst of greater fiscal integration".

      EU collapse risks major war and turns the CP.

      CNBC 9/16


      A collapse of Europe’s monetary in the long horizon, rises,” he said.


  • Environmental Governance 1ar

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: BC MB | Judge: Hall, s


      1AR EU CP
      Evaluate solvency deficits based upon comparative evidence- the EU doesn’t have the necessary expertise- Lapham evidence says the US is far better than the EU- EU doesn’t use the national park system- US is the leading expert in it and Egypt uses that system
      EU fails- policy incoherence and no environmental assistance mechanism

      GoverNat 10

      GoverNat is coordinated by the Division of Social Sciences, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research UFZ.   http://www.governat.eu/scope/governance.html

      EU governance necessarily is governance have been and can be addressed.

      EU doesn’t solve- delays and funding

      Carnegie Endowment ‘9

      (Thomas Carothers, Jacek Kucharczyk, Jeff Lovitt, Olga Shumylo, “European Democracy Assistance After EU Enlargement,” 2-25-09, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/2009/02/25/european-democracy-assistance-after-eu-enlargement/xw


      Shumylo compared EU democracy assistance overall has been directed to the grass roots level.


      EU is on the brink- solution to the debt crisis is super tentative and major investor fears about the Euro- that’s our AP evidence- CP signals a reversal of EU fiscal restraint- Dergham says that’s the nail in the coffin that undermines the Eurozone- that undermines EU economic cohesion which means they can’t fund the CP
      The counterplan collapses the EU.

      The Independent 9/16


      The move came in the midst of a single currency to greater fiscal integration".

      EU collapse risks major war and turns the CP.

      CNBC 9/16


      A collapse of Europe’s monetary union  war, in the long horizon, rises,” he said.


      EU influence is irrelevant and disintegration is inevitable.

      Walt 11—Prof of IR @ Harvard

      Stephen M., The coming erosion of the European Union, 8/18/11, http://walt.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/18/the_coming_erosion_of_the_european_union

      I began with the rather obvious point in a futile effort to hold back the tides of history.

      Eastern Europe is the EU litmus test – not MENA.

      Kraminski ‘11

      Matthew Kaminski of The Wall Street Journal examines Poland’s plans to position Europe as a global force for democratic reform in the East and South. “From Belarus to Benghazi: Europe Discovers Democracy Promotion”. July 1, 2011. Central Europe Digest. http://www.cepa.org/ced/view.aspx?record_id=309

      The EU may prefer to try to EU’s treaties and its declared principles.

      No China war – prefer our evidence.

      Fettweis ‘11 – Professor of Political Science @ Tulane

      Christopher, Professor of Political Science @ Tulane, Dangerous Times?: The International Politics of Great Power Peace, pg. 117

      The diminution of military influence step for which anyone can hope.


      The perm solves the net-benefit – influence isn’t zero-sum.

      Grant ‘3

      Charles Grant is director of the CER. Centre for European Reform. “The Decline of American Power”. April/May 2003. CER Bulletin, Issue 29. http://www.cer.org.uk/articles/29_grant.html

      When the war is over, the western allies will and soft on both sides of the Atlantic.

      1AR Pakistan


      Aid now- their evidence is about our political party aid not about the aid that the US is giving

      U.S. allocating $40 million to Libya now.

      All Voices News 10/18

      “According to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton U.S. allocated 29 million euros to destroy stockpiles of Libya”. October 18, 2011. http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/10649548-according-to-the-secretary-of-state-hillary-clinton-us-allocated-29-million-euros-to-destroy-stockpiles-of-libya

      The U.S. government allocated $ 40 million (in medical aid, food and supplies.


      Only a risk Pakistan aid causes more fights- no risk aid is effective

      Qureshi 10/16

      Faisal Qureshi, The Nation, “Can Pakistan survive without America?” October 16, 2011, http://nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/Opinions/Columns/16-Oct-2011/Can-Pakistan-survive-without-America


      Pakistanis can prosper only if Pakistan’s self-proclaimed saviours and leaders.



  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff: Kansas KK

      Round #5   Tournament: Shirley

      vs: Towson EM

      Judge: Ben Meiches



      Plan Text

      Same as on wiki


      1ac Advantages


                  -deconstruction of sovereignty and recognition of American vulnerability


      2ac Offense






      1ar Strategy





      2ar Strategy




  • New 1AC Wake Rd 8

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Adv 1

      Anti-corruption key to the Egyptian environment- only way to enforce environmental legislation, create oversight, and stop resource depletion

      Wardam ‘11

      (Batir, Editor of Arab Environment Watch



      Egypt, the heart of the Arab world


      Arab country in the coming weeks and months.

      Development aid now solves environmental capacity- assistance to solve enforcement is key

      UK Trade and Investment ‘10

      (“Environment Opportunities in Egypt”, www.




      Egypt has seen various aid programmes from international


      extra effort in the enforcement of environmental laws.


      Preventable pollution is destroying quality of water in the Nile

      International Consultants Egypt 9

      Institutional framework and decisionmaking practices for water management

      in Egypt


      Water quality degradation is becoming alarming in Egypt

      . A recent study revealed that industrial facilities


      tank, thus subjecting shallow groundwater to pollution.


      Inadequate environmental governance allows the pollution

      International Consultants Egypt 9

      Institutional framework and decisionmaking practices for water management

      in Egypt


      Currently, discharge permits for industrial premises are


      agreed upon to obtain a grace period for compliance

      Pollution causes water wars

      Rahman 7-24-11

      Majeed A. Rahman is Professor of African Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milawaukee

      The Geopolitics of Water in the Nile River




      Kofi Anan reiterated that “Unsustainable practices are


      the people of the north East African people.

      Lack of access to water will force Egypt to war with Ethiopia—drawing in Israel and destabilizing the entire Middle East

      Rotberg, directs Harvard Kennedy School’s Program on Intrastate Conflict, 10

      Robert I. Rotberg, The Boston Globe, The threat of a water war: Egypt and Sudan draw battle lines with upstream nations over access to the Nile, , July 2, 2010

      NATIONS FIGHT over water, especially AND


      . It needs to demand that all sides stand down. Robert I. Rotberg is president of the World Peace Foundation.


      Beres 8/17

      Louis René Beres 8-17, prof



      In history, there is a powerful difference


      and overwhelming. These effects would be chaotic.


      Adv 2

      Corruption kills investment in concentrated solar power- causes capital flight

      Petroleum Africa ‘11

      (“Egypt’s Renewable Energy Hopes Overshadowed by Corruption




      As Egypt struggles to meet its growing power


      other regions for investment," the chapter concluded.

      Egypt is key to MENA concentrated solar power- that’s key to the globe, illustrates commercial viability

      The World Bank Group ‘9

      (“Egypt: Renewable Energy and Clean Transport Are Cornerstones of Low Carbon Growth”, June 5, 2009, http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/NEWS/0,,print:Y~isCURL:Y~contentMDK:22203619~pagePK:64257043~piPK:437376~theSitePK:4607,00.html)


      Egypt’s greenhouse gas emissions have  AND


      Japan Bank for International Cooperation.

      Egyptian geography and environmental leadership make its clean tech initiatives key- can provide a model for the developing world

      Sterman ‘9

      (David, Intern @ the Climate Institute, “Climate Change in Egypt: Rising Sea Level, Dwindling Water Supplies”, http://www.climate.org/topics/international-action/egypt.html)


      While Egypt’s unique geography   AND


      international community to take similar action.

      Concentrated solar power key to solve warming- it’s the only silver bullet technology available

      Romm ‘8

      (Joseph, senior fellow at the Center




      Certainly we will need many different technologies to


      solar thermal has a long and fascinating history.

      Tech breakthroughs are the only way to solve warming

      -political will isn’t key because decisions are made based on cost

      -technological innovation is comparatively better than regulations because regs can’t achieve international consensus

      Shellenberger et al 8 – MA in Cultural Anthropology from UC-Santa Cruz, President of the Breakthrough Institute, a paradigm-shifting think tank committed to modernizing liberal thought for the 21st Century



      L. & Pol'y Rev. 93, Lexis

      Today, there is a dilemma--a


      in the U.S. Congress would establish


      Warming is real and human induced – consensus is on our side – numerous studies prove

      Rahmstorf 8 – Professor of Physics of the Oceans

      Richard, of Physics of the Oceans at Potsdam University, Global Warming: Looking Beyond Kyoto, Edited by Ernesto Zedillo, “Anthropogenic Climate Change?,” pg. 42-4

      It is time to turn to statement AND


      is a reality with which we need to deal.

      Warming is an existential threat

      Mazo 10 – PhD in Paleoclimatology from UCLA

      Jeffrey Mazo, Managing Editor, Survival and


      what to do about it,” pg. 122

      The best estimates for global warming to the


      mean profound social, cultural and political changes.

      Because climate change is irreversible we must err on the side of preventing it even if the scientific evidence is debatable

      Sunstein 7 – Professor of Political Science

      Cass R., Professor in the Department of Political Science and at the Law School of the University of Chicago, 2007, “Worst-Case Scenarios”, Harvard University Press

      Most worst-case scenarios AND


      measures than would otherwise seem justified.

      Global warming leads to mass and unending international conflict

      Klare 6 – Professor of Peace and World Security Studies

      Michael, professor of peace and world security



      It's official: the era of resource wars


      will escape involvement in these forms of conflict


      Positive feedback loops exponentially magnify our impacts

      Hansen 8 – Professor of Earth and Environmental Science

      James E. Hanson, head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City and adjunct professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at Columbia University, Al Gore’s science advisor, “Briefing before the Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming,” US House of Representatives, 6-23-2008, “Twenty years later: tipping points near on global warming,”

      Fast feedbacks—changes that   AND


      in all this will be wildlife.

      Not inevitable – even if temporarily over the tipping point, can be brought back down

      Dyer 9 – PhD in ME History

      Gwynne, MA in Military History and PhD in Middle Eastern History former  @ Senior Lecturer in War Studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Climate Wars

      There is no need to despair


       to stop it rising past 450.

      Warming outweighs dimming

      Reynolds 10 – PhD in Atmospheric Sciences

      Michael, PhD in Atmospheric Sciences, “



      On the other hand, aerosols can add


      create pollution and effect health at the same time

      Warming leads to weather disasters – this is comparatively worse for agriculture than the benefits of co2 fertilization

      -top ag experts agree

      Gillis 11

      Justin Gillis, Editor @ NYT, 6-11-2011, “A Warming Planet Struggles to Feed Itself,” Factiva

      Now, the latest scientific research   AND


      working in nine countries.


      Global warming is faster and comparatively worse than cooling

      -an ice age won’t start mass ice production for hundreds of thousands of years

      Chameides 8 – Professor of Environment @ Duke

      Bill Chameides, PhD, Yale University,



      Skeptics have been arguing that we should forget


      that problem is near term and very significant."



      US anti-corruption reform is key- past failures are due to lack of engagement with economic institutions- leads to effective small business, middle class management, youth inclusion and is a pre-req to effective governance aid in other sectors

      Sullivan 11

      (John D, Ph.D., the Executive Director of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE),  2-23-11, Project on Middle East Democracy, “Rethinking Development Assistance in the Middle East,” pgs. 3-5, http://pomed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/policy-brief-series_sullivan.pdf)

      In a section highlighting the need   AND


      and business, especially in public procurement.

      Anti-corruption is key- dismantles corrupt Egyptian capitalism and produces social justice

      Mustafa 10/12

      (Hala, the Editor-in-Chief of the Al-Ahram political quarterly “Democracy” (Al Dimocratiya), “Strategic Public Diplomacy: The Case of Egypt” produced by Bipartisan Policy Center, , pg. 7)

      Economically, Egypt is still  AND


      the promise of our revolution.

      Anti-corruption is a pre-requisite to effective foreign aid- only the US has the infrastructure

      Diamond, ‘8

      (Larry, Senior fellow at the Hoover Institute “End Foreign Aid As We Know It,” Democracy Journal, No 8, Spring 2008, http://www.democracyjournal.org/8/6584.php)

      But these new principles AND 


      to send money.

      US is the anti-corruption leader- most effective in creating partnerships

      Donnelly ‘11

      (Shaun, former USTR for the Middle




      Fighting corruption. Citizens across the Middle East


      business groups, along with strong policy advocacy.



      Plan: The United States federal government should provide support for transparent democratic governance for Egypt.

  • 2AC vs NU BM

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Water Wars

      Cooperation defense is wrong- Egypt refuses to cooperate and talks have repeatedly broken down

      Cambanis ‘10

      (Thomas, Staff Writer for the New York Times, “Egypt and Thirsty Neighbors Are at Odds Over Nile”, September 25, 2010, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/26/world/middleeast/26nile.html?_r=3&hp=&pagewanted=2)


      But perhaps not for much longer. Upstream countries, looking to …………… projects in any country, and with Sudan argues that the main provisions of the colonial-era treaty should be preserved.



      Their NASA evidence doesn’t take out the aff- only says warming at current levels won’t cause extinction- positive feedback loops also cause massive increased risk of fast warming


      Sat data concludes anthropogenic warming is real and a massive threat- two 1AC cards- best evidence proves that basic physics proves our warming claim even in absence of the other mounds of data


      We solve their China internal link- prices

      Warming leads to extinction

      Burkett 8 – Professor of Law

      Maxine Burkett, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Law School, 2008, “Just Solutions to Climate Change: A Climate Justice Proposal for a Domestic Clean Development Mechanism,” 56 Buffalo L. Rev. 169, Lexis

      The unparalleled scale of impact the ……….. adapt to warming as they struggle to moderate and cope with its consequences.


      Their alt causes are assumed by our Rhamstorf evidence


      Solar evidence about lame photovoltaic cells not the




      2AC Orientalism

      The perm is key- only successfully combining Euro-American and indigenous knowledge can hold regimes accountable for violent institutional practices without regressing into exceptionalism- the alternative is incomplete theoretical universalism

      Sadiki ‘9

      (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics @ University of Exeter, Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy, pgs. 8-10)


      **AME = Arab Middle East


      Arab states and societies are caught in the vortex of the challenges brought about by the global ………. This is evident in the rendition given to democratization in Arab scholarship in which, for example, emphasis on structure outweighs that on agency, a point to be returned to below.

      Engagement bad is racist and destroys the Arab Spring- only generating interconnectedness solves

      Sadiki ‘11

      (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The mathematics of the Arab Spring”, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/05/2011531132934920499.html)


      Two fundamental principles must be understood in order to grasp the mathematics ………. Orientalist narratives that have misrepresented Arabs for so long through images of invisibility, inferiority, and an incapacity to speak back.


      Engagement is key- shift to a global liberal world order is key to solve multiple scenarios for extinction

      Shaw ’1  

      (Martin, Professor of IR & Politics  @U of Sussex, The Unfinished Global Revolution: Intellectuals and the New Politics of IR, )


      The new politics of international relations …………. perhaps even nuclear conflicts. The practical challenge for all concerned citizens, and the theoretical and analytical challenges for students of international relations and politics, are intertwined.


      Rejection of current IR paradigm leads to instability and international intervention – doesn’t enable radical democracy – turns their impact

      McCormack 10 – Lecturer in International Politics

      Tara McCormack, is Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Leicester and has a PhD in International Relations from the University of Westminster. 2010, Critique, Security and Power: The political limits to emancipatory approaches, pg. 127-129

      The following section will briefly raise some questions about the ………… powerful states. In new security frameworks such as human security we can see the political limits of the framework proposed by critical and emancipatory theoretical approaches

      Plan focus good a) key to topic specific education or they can keep running the same generic Ks every topic b) key to aff ground—any other interp justifies K-ing/PICing out of one word in the 1AC—infinitely regressive and impossible to generate offense—counterinterp—get K with link to plan action, not only reps/discourse


      2AC Asia Focus DA


      The U.S. must focus on the Middle East to maintain hegemony in East Asia.

      Blumenthal ‘11

      Dan Blumenthal, current commissioner and former vice chairman of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, M.A., School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. “The top ten unicorns of China policy”. October 3, 2011. http://shadow.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/03/the_top_ten_unicorns_of_china_policy

      We need to extricate ourselves from the "distractions" ………… struggle in South Asia. We are the sole superpower, our foreign policy is interconnected. "Getting Asia right" means "getting the Middle East and South Asia right."

      Revived US influence in the Middle East allows effective management of Asian competition in the Middle East – the alternative is India-China conflict and collapse of U.S. influence in Asia.

      Alterman, 11

      Jon Alterman, CSIS Middle East Senior Fellow, May 2011, The Middle East Turns East, csis.org/files/publication/0511_MENC.pdf

      An increasing U.S. orientation toward ………. It is hard to imagine how the United States can continue its growth as a major Asian power without maintaining a strong position in the Middle East.

      The impact is regional conflict, Asian wars, and nuclear terrorism.

      Kemp ‘10

      Geoffrey Kemp, Director of Regional Strategic Programs at The Nixon Center, served in the White House under Ronald Reagan, special assistant to the president for national security affairs and senior director for Near East and South Asian affairs on the National Security Council Staff, Former Director, Middle East Arms Control Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 2010, The East Moves West: India, China, and Asia’s Growing Presence in the Middle East, p. 233-5

      A third scenario, Asian Balance of Power, ……….. manage since it is in the interests of the all major powers to resist the forces of radicalism and proliferation—particularly nuclear terrorism.


      2AC SK CP

      The United States federal government should propose, within the G20, that it should take a lead donor role in a G20 effort toward supporting transparent democratic governance in Egypt as a component of the G20’s Development Agenda. The Republic of Korea, through its Knowledge Sharing Program, should provide support for transparent democratic governance for Egypt. The Republic of Korea should propose that the G20 issue a joint diplomatic communiqué endorsing the goals and methods of this effort, and should contact the United States for information concerning best practices in providing assistance generated through United States experience in the field. The United States federal government should provide support for transparent democratic governance for Egypt.

      US credibility is shot in the region now because of a failure of Egypt policy- anti-corruption removes economic and political barriers to democracy, strengthens the US alliance, and reverses anti-American media narratives

      Bipartisan Policy Center 10/12

      (“Bipartisan Policy Center Releases Groundbreaking Economic and Public Diplomacy Recommendations for U.S. Policymakers to Enhance Relations with Egypt and Offer a Path Forward for Democracy”, General Jim Jones, Ambassador James Glassman, Secretary Dan Glickman, http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/bipartisan-policy-center-releases-groundbreaking-economic-and-public-diplomacy-recommendations-for-us-policymakers-to-enhance-relations-with-egypt-and-offer-a-path-forward-for-democracy-131590143.html)


      "Where Egypt goes  whether it remains in chaos, moves toward …….. only for Egyptians' opinion of America, but for the ability of the U.S. to work with Egypt—and other countries in the region—in the coming months and years.

      Solves extinction

      Stanley 7

      Elizabeth Stanley, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Security Studies in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service and the Department of Government, 7 “International Perceptions of US Nuclear Policy” Sandia Report,http://www.prod.sandia.gov/cgi-bin/techlib/access-control.pl/2007/070903.pdf

      How important is soft power, anyway? Given its vast ………… secure the international, multi-lateral cooperation that will be necessary to address such threats effectively.


      Perm: Do both

      CP doesn’t solve the aff

      International Fiat is Bad:

      A)    No Rational actor – there is no one to determine which country should act

      B)     Aff literature – the aff literature is written the context of other countries not acting and there is no alternative actor which puts the aff at a competitive disadvantage

      C)    Bad policy-making – we should debate in the most realistic world possible

      D)    Unpredictable – nearly infinite number of actors ranging from countries to international organizations such as the EU or the UN – its unreasonable burden on the 2AC

      It’s a reason to reject the team – the unique nature of international counterplans means 2ac time, strategy, and research are irreparably skewed.

      Perm: do the plan and have the EU assist.

      Conditionality is a voting issue

      A)    Destroys affirmative time allocation and strategy for the 2AC

      B)     Destroys the value of offense to the CP, leads to bad research and contrived add-ons

      C)    Leads to Bad Policymaking – sacrifice best policy for least covered

      D)    Judge conditionality independent reason to vote aff – destroys 2AC strategy irreparably

  • 1AC Egypt Econ Adv (Corruption Aff)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • //



      Corruption is crushing the economy

      Ben-Meir 11/1

      Alon Ben-Meir’s is regularly involved in two-track diplomacy and continues to monitor closely events throughout the region,  “THE ARAB SPRING: Political Reforms Must Be Accompanied By Economic Developments,” November 1, 2011, http://www.alonben-meir.com/articles/read/id/521

      An essential part of the transition period in


      - who themselves became targets of public discontent.

      That generates violent protests and backlash

      AFP, 10/23

      “Opaqueness and unrest burden Egypt's economy,” http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/3/12/24869/Business/Economy/Opaqueness-and-unrest-burden-Egypts-economy-.aspx

      Labour protests -- by teachers, bus drivers


      tumbled by 40 per cent in nine months.


      The SCAF will distract the public by spreading sectarian violence

      Rubin 10/20

      (Trudy, Inquirer Columnist, “Worldview: A visit to the Mideast as nations' awakenings evolve”, http://articles.philly.com/2011-10-20/news/30301745_1_islamist-parties-arab-rebellions-islam-and-democracy/2)


      Far more problematic - and far more important


      media and blame Egypt's problems on outside agitators.

      The transitional government has no plan to solve the economy- means violent solutions are inevitable in the squo

      Coleman 10/13

      (Isobel, Senior Fellow for US Foreign Policy, Council on Foreign Relations, “Prospects for Egypt’s Economy”, October 13, 2011, http://blogs.cfr.org/coleman/2011/10/13/prospects-for-egypt%E2%80%99s-economy/)


      The impetus behind Egypt’s uprising was largely political


      more economic leeway than either Tunisia or Egypt.

      Sectarian violence causes US intervention

      Al Habtoor 10/17/11

       Khalaf Al Habtoor is a businessman and chairman of Al Habtoor Group. He is a former member of the Federal National Council and the Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government


      Civil war The irony is that the thuggish


      go in under the pretext of humanitarian intervention.

      Regional instability leads to war and escalation- multiple factors ensure extinction

      Russell ‘9

      Russell, Editor of Strategic Insights, ‘9 (James- Senior Lecturer Department of National Security Affairs, Spring, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East” Security Studies Center Proliferation Papers,

      Strategic stability in the region is thus undermined


      , with substantial risk for the entire world.

      Protests don’t lead to peaceful transition- they ensure an authoritarianism worse than the won they replaced

      Democracy Digest ‘11

      (“EU aid to Arab world must deliver on the ‘D’ word to avoid Russia’s democratic disillusion”, , May 9, 2011)


      The organizing role and emergence of genuine labor


      to create jobs and opportunities for the young.”


      Rule of law reform is key to transforming the underground economy and ending economic apartheid in Egypt

      DeSoto 11

      HERNANDO DE SOTO Op Ed Wall Street Journal February 3, 2011 http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=50953

      Egypt's underground economy was the nation's biggest employer


      many demonstrating in the streets will remain unfulfilled.

  • Environmental Governance 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • //





      The United States federal government should substantially increase its rule of law assistance for promotion of environmental governance for Egypt.


      Contention One is the Squo

      The new transitional government in Egypt does not have environmental governance capabilities

      S  | June 8th, 2011 “There Is Hope Now”- Conservationist On Egypt’s Post-Revolution Futurehttp://www.greenprophet.com/2011/06/hope-conservationist-egypt/

      Environment and nature conservation wasn’t given much priority


      to NGOs and the public to speak out.

      Egypt needs development of its environmental governance capacity to prevent environmental destruction

      Egypt Today 9-14-11


      But it is not only policy makers that


      mass psychosis that is going to kill us.



      Advantage One is Biodiversity

      Egypt has a unique geographical position at the juncture of three continents that makes protecting its biodiversity of vital importance

      Barakat 10

      Environmental voices: Biodiversity our key to life

      Hala Barakat  Sun, 17/10/2010 -

      From a biodiversity point of view, Egypt


      . This is life, this is biodiversity.”



      Scenario #1 , Migratory birds


      Egypt is the critical lynchpin to protecting vital migratory birds and global ecosystems

      Barakat 11

      Environmental Voices: Migratory birds threatened in Egypt

      Hala Barakat   Mon, 27/12/2010 - 13:06  


      During their migration these large, highly visible


      part of the bottleneck crucial for bird migration.

      Migratory birds are in danger in Egypt- it’s irreversible

      Barakat 11

      Environmental Voices: Migratory birds threatened in Egypt

      Hala Barakat   Mon, 27/12/2010 - 13:06  

      The situation at Gebel al-Zeit is


      price to be paid will be very high.

      Egypt’s Nile Delta is vital to protect  global biodiversity

      National Geographic Society 01

      For about a billion birds that fly from


      just Egypt but for much of the world.

      The newest comprehensive studies show preserving biodiversity is key to prevent extinction

      ScienceDaily (Aug. 14, 2011)

      Biodiversity Key to Earth's Life-Support Functions in a Changing World


      In an international research group led by Prof


      factor in maintaining Earth's life-support functions.



      The loss of global biodiversity outweighs other threats because of its irreversability


      Chen, 2000

      Professor of Law at University of Minnesota and Dean of Law School at Louisville, 2K (Jim, Globalization and Its Losers:, 9  Minn. J. Global Trade 157’ LexisNexis Legal)

      Conscious decisions to allow the extinction of a


      lion years, perhaps a hundred million.348



      The most recent studies conclude that preserving biodiversity is more important than previously thought and we should err on the side of preserving as much as possible

      ScienceDaily (Aug. 19, 2011)

      Biodiversity Critical for Maintaining Multiple 'Ecosystem Services'

      By combining data from 17 of the largest


      as possible could be a good precautionary approach."


      Scenario #2 Fungi

      Egypt is failing in protection of fungi now

      Soliman & Abdel-Azeem 11

      Gihan Samy Soliman and Ahmed Abdel-Azeem, Ph.D. 8-21-11


      Conservation of biodiversity in a developing country such


      below – don’t contain any trace of them.


      Egypt is critical to the preservation of vital fungi

      Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem 10

      The history, fungal biodiversity, conservation, and future perspectives for mycology in Egypt 

      IMA FUNgUs · vOlUME 1 · NO 2: 123–14

      It is generally accepted that only about 7


      AUMC is not yet registered with the WFCC.

      Fungi are critical to life on Earth

      Soliman & Abdel-Azeem 11

      Gihan Samy Soliman and Ahmed Abdel-Azeem, Ph.D. 8-21-11


      Meanwhile, in Egypt, the National Biodiversity


      education and biodiversity among other concerns as citizenship.

      Fungi in Egypt have global impact

      Ahmed M. Abdel-Azeem 10

      The history, fungal biodiversity, conservation, and future perspectives for mycology in Egypt 

      IMA FUNgUs · vOlUME 1 · NO 2: 123–14

      The Egyptian fungi are presently represented by 2


      of fungi in unexplored areas remains a priority.

      Protection of Fungi is key to global survival

      Minter 10

      Dr David Minter, Chair of IUCN's Cup Fungi, Truffles and their Allies Specialist Group

      A future for fungi - the orphans of Rio

      06 October 2010  

      It's difficult to over-emphasize how important


      there is no explicit legal protection for fungi.


      Advantage 2 Water Wars

      Preventable pollution is destroying quality of water in the Nile

      International Consultants Egypt 09

      Institutional framework and decisionmaking practices for water management

      in Egypt .

      Water quality degradation is becoming alarming in Egypt

      . A recent study revealed that industrial facilities


      tank, thus subjecting shallow groundwater to pollution.


      Inadequate environmental governance allows the pollution

      International Consultants Egypt 09

      Institutional framework and decisionmaking practices for water management

      in Egypt .

      Currently, discharge permits for industrial premises are


      agreed upon to obtain a grace period for compliance

      Pollution of the Nile directly kills 17,000 a year

      Al-Youm 10

      Egypt Then and Now  http://allaboutegypt.org/2010/10/fatal-diseases-caused-by-nile-pollution-linked-to-floating-hotels/

      The Egyptian Organization for the Advancement of Children


      Egypt than in the rest of the world.


      It also is producing water shortages

      Egypt.com News 07


      "Egypt will face serious water shortages by


      in the small towns in the respective governants.


      Pollution causes water wars

      Rahman 7-24-11

      Majeed A. Rahman is Professor of African Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milawaukee

      The Geopolitics of Water in the Nile River Basin http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=25746


      Kofi Anan reiterated that “Unsustainable practices are


      of conflicts and wars in the future.’’

      This statement by Kofi Anan is buttressed by


      the people of the north East African people.


      Water pollution exacerbates tension in water scare regions like the Nile, driving countries to war

      Amoa, 2004

      Abigail Ofori-Amoa, 2004, spring, Water Wars and International Conflict,

      There has been much speculation over what causes


      developing countries (Cause of Conflicts, Haftendorn).

      Cooperation defense is wrong- Egypt refuses to cooperate and talks have repeatedly broken down

      Cambanis ‘10

      (Thomas, Staff Writer for the New York Times, “Egypt and Thirsty Neighbors Are at Odds Over Nile”, September 25, 2010, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/26/world/middleeast/26nile.html?_r=3&hp=&pagewanted=2)


      But perhaps not for much longer. Upstream


      the colonial-era treaty should be preserved.

      We are on the brink of war now

      Rahman 7-24-11

      Majeed A. Rahman is Professor of African Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milawaukee

      The Geopolitics of Water in the Nile River Basin http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=25746

      My final alternative is that several water sharing


      over the Nile river basin by riparian states.

      Access to water will escalate into a full blown war between Ethiopia and Egypt

      Crisis Boom July 26, 2011


      However, with the attainment of independence by


      demand has almost doubled in the last decade4.

      That draws in Israel and destabilizes the Middle East

      Rotberg, directs Harvard Kennedy School’s Program on Intrastate Conflict, 10

      Robert I. Rotberg, The Boston Globe, The threat of a water war: Egypt and Sudan draw battle lines with upstream nations over access to the Nile, , July 2, 2010

      NATIONS FIGHT over water, especially when access


      Rotberg is president of the World Peace Foundation.

      Egypt and Israel on the brink of war now- small events quickly magnify into miscalculation

      Wisner 9/13

      (Frank, External Affairs AIG, former ambassador to Egypt, Interviewed by Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor @ CFR, “Repairing the Egypt-Israel Breach”, September 13, 2011, http://www.cfr.org/egypt/repairing-egypt-israel-breach/p25841?cid=rss-analysisbriefbackgroundersexp-repairing_the_egypt_israel_bre-091311)


      These are emotional times, and it doesn't


      have been a bunch of "football fans."


      Beres 8/17

      Louis René Beres 8-17, prof of poli sci and international law at Purdue, “Israel, anarchy and global chaos”,

      In history, there is a powerful difference


      and overwhelming. These effects would be chaotic.


      Rule of law key to the Egyptian environment- only way to enforce environmental legislation, create oversight, and stop resource depletion

      Wardam ‘11

      (Batir, Editor of Arab Environment Watch, 10 years working experience in Academic institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, international environmental organizations (UNDP, IUCN, UNEP, World Bank, etc..), government and media institutions, “The Environmental Dimensions of Arab Revolutions”, February 28, 2011, http://bwardam.wordpress.com/2011/02/28/the-environmental-dimensions-of-arab-revolutions/)


      Egypt, the heart of the Arab world


      Arab country in the coming weeks and months.

      Empirical data agrees- corruption makes sustainability impossible

      Winbourne ‘2

      (Svetlana, Technical Director @ Management Systems International, this paper was part of a substantial contribution to a USAID-sponsored anti-corruption cross-sectoral study that directly supported the drafting of the new USAID Anti-Corruption Strategy, “Corruption and the Environment”, November 2002, pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNACT876.pdf)


      The multi-country surveys on corruption that


      in the environment is represented in these surveys.

      A commitment to the rule of law and enforcement of existing environmental laws allows protection of biodiversity through Egypt’s natural parks

      Barakat 11

      Environmental Concerns III: Protected areas and beyond

      Hala Barakat  , 09/05/2011 -   


      Anyone concerned with short- and long-


      water from pollution caused by industry and agriculture.



      The U.S. has established rule of law programs for providing democratic governance assistance for environmental protection

      Diamond 2000

      Nancy K. Diamond, Ph.DGreening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field

      USAID DG [Democracy & Governance] projects


      law questions related to enforcement of environmental regulations.


      The U.S. has used democracy assistance for environmental governance

      Diamond 2000

      Nancy K. Diamond, Ph.DGreening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field

      DG [Democracy & Governance] approaches are


      and work by the Regional Urban Development Offices.


      U.S. Assistance for environmental governance is uniquely effective

      Business Word Online 05


      The USDOI assistance will help strengthen abilities to


      capacities to ensure long-term program sustainability.



      U.S. Rule of law assistance is empirically effective

      Diamond 2000

      Nancy K. Diamond, Ph.DGreening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field

      The rule of law, including human rights


      through local rules and enforcement of national policy.

      Rule of law assistance has empirically been effective at creating effective environmental governance

      Glass 2000

      Ronald Glass, DG Officer, USAID/DR Greening Democracy and Governing the Environment USAID Experiences from the Field

      In 1999, the USAID/DR[


      Prosecutors Office/Environmental Crime Unit was created.

      The U.S. is the best in the world at environmental governance assistance

      Lapham 04

      Nicholas, Vice President for policy at Conservation International, Senior Program Officer for environment at the UN Foundation, and Senior Adviser to the White House Climate Change Task Force under President Clinton." In, Rising Stakes in Africa:  Seven Proposals to Strengthen U.S. Africa Policy  A Report of the Africa Policy Advisory Panel- Center For Strategic and International Studies  p. 88

      The United States has a distinct comparative advantage


      natural resources; and unsustainable commercial wildlife exploitation.


      Only the U.S. has the expertise and experience for developing effective park protection assistance

      Lapham 04

      Nicholas, Vice President for policy at Conservation International, Senior Program Officer for environment at the UN Foundation, and Senior Adviser to the White House Climate Change Task Force under President Clinton." In, Rising Stakes in Africa:  Seven Proposals to Strengthen U.S. Africa Policy  A Report of the Africa Policy Advisory Panel- Center For Strategic and International Studies  p. 91

      No country is better positioned to help Africa


      different political systems, cultures, and economies.

      The U.S. has unique expertise in environmental governance

      Department of Interior 10


      Unique Strengths of the DOI-ITAP Program

      DOI-ITAP fosters direct, sustained government


      expertise to technical assistance projects while leveraging resources.

      Egypt empirically is continuing government to government assistance projects – They consulted on projects this week


      U.S. Embassy in Cairo 9-23-11


      Cairo – Building on the success of its


      of meetings during the Forum and Site Visits.

      Empirically Egypt is not saying no to government to government training programs

      U.S. Embassy in Cairo 7-30-11


      U.S. Sponsors International Border Protection Workshop in Cairo


      U.S. Customs and Border Protection


      , Alexandria, Port Said, and Noweiba.

  • Aff report

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • We read the following affs:

      GSU- TRC's K Aff (Egypt), all debates

      KYRR- Rd 1&3- Egypt Environmental Governance

      Rd 6&8- TRC K Aff (Egypt)


      Rd 2- TRC K Aff (Egypt)

      Rd 4- Environmental Gov

      Rd 6- TRC K Aff (Egypt)

      Rd 8- TRC K Aff (Egypt)


      Rd 2- TRC Policy Aff (Egypt)

      Rd 4- TRC K Aff (Egypt)

      Rd 5- TRC K Aff (Egypt)

      Rd 7- Environmental Gov

      Octas- TRC K Aff (Egypt)

      Quarters- TRC K Aff (Libya)


      Rd 2- TRC K Aff (Libya)

      Rd 3- Environmental Gov

      Rd 5- TRC K Aff (Egypt)

      Rd 8- Egypt TDGov (Warming, Water Wars)

      Doubles- Egypt TDGov (Warming, Econ)

  • New Liberal International Adv

    • Tournament: USC | Round: 6 | Opponent: NU LV | Judge: Hardy

    • //


      //The U.S. must capitalize on the momentum of the “Arab Spring” to reverse a decade of authoritarian momentum – failure emboldens Russia, China, and Iran to behave aggressively and challenge the liberal international order.

      Puddington ‘11

      Arch Puddington, researcher at Freedom House, responsible for preparation of Freedom in the World reports. September 2011. “Democracy’s Stake in the Arab Spring”. Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs. Vol. 5, No. 3. online: http://israelcfr.com/documents/5-3/5-3-3-ArchPuddington.pdf

      To be effective, this effort must be


      set back the cause of freedom everywhere else.

      Aggressive US support for Egyptian democracy is key- it’s a test case for US democracy policy- failure to engage is perceived as abandonment

      Bipartisan Policy Center 10/12

      (“Bipartisan Policy Center Releases Groundbreaking Economic and Public Diplomacy Recommendations for U.S. Policymakers to Enhance Relations with Egypt and Offer a Path Forward for Democracy”, General Jim Jones, Ambassador James Glassman, Secretary Dan Glickman, http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/bipartisan-policy-center-releases-groundbreaking-economic-and-public-diplomacy-recommendations-for-us-policymakers-to-enhance-relations-with-egypt-and-offer-a-path-forward-for-democracy-131590143.html)


      "Where Egypt goes – whether it remains


      region—in the coming months and years.

      The plan is key – it reinvigorates our national strategy in line with American values.

      Lajeunesse ‘11

      Gabriel Lajeunesse, Writer, Advocate. “The Arab Spring and the Illusion of a Pragmatic Approach to Foreign Policy”. October 12, 2011. The Huffington Post.

      As Arab Spring moves into Arab Fall,


      Arab, or African, or Asian Spring.

      Support for democratic movements is critical to securing a liberal international order – critical to dampen international conflicts and solve resource and environmental conflicts – only the U.S. can ensure success.

      Ikenberry ’11 – Professor of Politics and International Affairs @ Princeton

      G. John Ikenberry, the Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University. “A World of Our Making”. Democracy A Journal of Ideas. Issue #21, Summer 2011. http://www.democracyjournal.org/21/a-world-of-our-making-1.php?page=1

      This spring’s dramatic upheaval in the Middle East


      are congenial to its long-term security.

      Resource scarcity and environmental conflicts will escalate globally.

      De Souza 11

      Mike, National affairs reporter; BA from Concordia University, “Energy-starved future looms, military warns” Postmedia News 4/18 http://www.vancouversun.com/technology/Energy+starved+future+looms+military+warns/4634442/story.html

      The planet is running out of oil and


      environmental change are factors with the highest potential impacts

      A U.S. liberal leadership is critical to effective international institutions and cooperation that solves all global problems and great power conflict – there is no effective alternative.

      Kromah 9

      (Lamii Moivi Kromah, Department of International Relations University of the Witwatersrand, February 2009, “The Institutional Nature of U.S. Hegemony: Post 9/11”, http://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/bitstream/handle/10539/7301/MARR%2009.pdf)

      A final major gain to the United States


      without a broad measure of international security. 57

      Nuclear War

      Dyer 4

      Gwynne, staff writer, Toronto Star, The End of War, 12/30/04, http://www.commondreams.org/views04/1230-05.htm

      War is deeply embedded in our history and


      within the context of the existing state system.

      Independently, renewed Russian aggression threatens global nuclear war.

      Blank 9

      Dr. Stephen Blank, Research Professor of National Security Affairs at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College. March 2009. “Russia And Arms Control: Are There Opportunities For The Obama Administration?,” online: http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/pub908.pdf

      Proliferators or nuclear states like China and Russia


      on their neighbors or their own people.172

      And, Iranian aggression ensures regional conflicts that escalate.

      London ‘10

      Herbert London is president of Hudson Institute and professor emeritus of New York University. “The Coming Crisis In The Middle East”. The Hudson Institute. June 28, 2010. http://www.hudson-ny.org/1387/coming-crisis-in-the-middle-east

      The coming storm in the Middle East is


      the Iranian leadership looks to with imperial exhilaration.

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


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