Kansas » Kansas Bevens-Miller Aff

Kansas Bevens-Miller Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32


Contention 1: Patriarchy

Women are being excluded from a male dominated revolution – strengthening civil society and challenging patriarchy within Islam is key

Al-Saeid 12

Najat Al-Saeid, Ph.D. researcher in media and development at U of Westminster, “No Arab Spring without women” 1-25 http://english.alarabiya.net/views/2012/01/25/190506.html

Women in the

such a union is crucial.


Divorce laws are patriarchal in nature – subjecting women to legal hurdles making it impossible to escape violent marriages

Meky et al 11

Dina Meky, Farah Najjar, Yousra El-Ghor, all staff writers, “For Better or Worse: Why divorce is difficult for Egyptian Women, Caravan  9/25 http://academic.aucegypt.edu/caravan/story/better-or-worse-why-divorce-difficult-egyptian-women

Dalia, an Egyptian

life," Kamel said.

Islam and feminism are not mutually exclusive- the theme of equality resonates within both

Fakhraie 12

Fatemeh Fakhraie is an editor, author and blogger who writes from her perspective as an Iranian-American Muslim woman. She is the founder and former editor-in-chief of Muslimah Media Watch., “Being A Muslim And Being A Feminist Are Not Mutually Exclusive – OpEd”, CGNews  1-15 http://www.eurasiareview.com/15012012-being-a-muslim-and-being-a-feminist-are-not-mutually-exclusive-oped/

People, Muslim and

oppression on the ground.

History proves patriarchy produces war – transformation of gender relations necessary for lasting peace

Cockburn 10

Cynthia Cockburn, honary professor in the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, Warwick University, “Militarism and War”, Gender Matters in Global Politics- ed by Laura J. Shepard. Pg. 110-11

In the patriarchal

a doomed war.

Egyptian patriarchy is dehumanizing

Shihada 07

(Isam M., Assit. Professor, Department of English, Faculty, of Education and Human, Sciences, Al-Aqsa University, “The Patriarchal Class System in Nawal El Saadawi’s God Dies by the Nile,” http://www.nobleworld.biz/images/Shihada.pdf

For Socialist feminists,

psychologically and sexually

Dehumanization make war, genocide, and extinction inevitable.

Maiese 03

Michelle, research member at the Conflict Research Consortium, July, “Dehumanization,” http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/dehumanization/

Once certain groups

the former Yugoslavia





Plan: The United States federal government should provide civil society assistance to the National Council for Women to facilitate a joint participatory dialogue for gendered bodies in Egypt.

Contention 2: Solvency

The National Council for Women is an empowering tool with the ability to affect Egyptian law

Mostafa 10

Wesam Handy Mostafa, American University in Cairo, “The National Council for Women: Reassessing the social, economic and political empowerments for Egyptian females” http://dar.aucegypt.edu/bitstream/handle/10526/2274/ETD_2011-Spring_Wesam-Hamdy_Thesis.pdf?sequence=4

Empowering women is a crucial

power and authority?

The US and the NCW have teamed up for women’s rights- civil society included

US Embassy to Cairo 11

“Egypt and the U.S. Partner to Reduce”, US Embassy to Cairo, December 1 http://egypt.usembassy.gov/pr120111.html

Egypt and the

based Child Protection Committees.


No SCAF backlash - the new leadership of the NCW were handpicked by the SCAF to remedy the old leadership who weren’t supporting women’s participation

Mayton 12

2-12 Joseph Mayton, Editor in Chief of Bakyamasr, “ Egypt’s military junta orders formation of new National Council for Women”, 2012  http://bikyamasr.com/56809/egypts-military-junta-orders-formation-of-new-national-council-for-women/

CAIRO: Egypt’s head

forward,” she continued.


The NCW has worked in the past- quota, women’s agenda, and outreach

Mostafa 10

Wesam Handy Mostafa, American University in Cairo, “The National Council for Women: Reassessing the social, economic and political empowerments for Egyptian females” http://dar.aucegypt.edu/bitstream/handle/10526/2274/ETD_2011-Spring_Wesam-Hamdy_Thesis.pdf?sequence=4

Ms Amina believes

politically and economically.


SCAF says yes- forced to after crackdowns

Keleman 12

Michelle Kelemen, Correspondent, Diplomacy, Foreign Desk - has been traveling with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from Asia to the Middle East and Europe, tracking the Obama administration's broad foreign policy agenda. 1-31-2011, “Longtime Allies, Egypt And U.S. Now Have Differences”, NPR, http://www.npr.org/2012/01/31/146100987/longtime-allies-egypt-and-u-s-now-have-differences

Lawmakers have placed

countries around the world.

The US should provide support for women in Egypt to ensure interests are translated into policy

Hudson 11

[Valerie, Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University, US Must Step Up for Egypt’s Women, August 1st, 2011, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/9641/u-s-must-step-up-for-egypts-women]

Monitoring is also key

for Egyptian women.


Diversity of perspectives key to social transformations and reconciliations within women’s movements – Dialogues solve

Carline and Pearson 07

Dr. Anna Carline LLB (Hons), LLM, Phd. Carline teaches independent learning in law, criminal law, and Sex, Crime and Society and Human Rights at Liverpool John Moores University and is the module director of family law and gender and the law. Zoe Pearson LLB (1996), LLM (1998), Phd from Australian National University (2002). Pearson served as Barrister and solicitor of the high court of New Zealand and currently has a professorship at Keele University’s school of law. “Complexity and Queer Theory Approaches to International Law and Feminist Politics: Perspectives on Trafficking”. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law. 2007.

Given the reluctance

decisions to be made.

This is the best method of politics- the current order is a liberal feminist strategy to force gender neutrality. Rather we should assume genders differ and organize a space for the disempowered to be heard

Verloo 05

Mieke Verloo has a B.A. in Sociology and a M.A. I Urban planning and a ph.D. in Policy sciences. She’s worked for IVA the institute for social science research at Tilburg University, for the SCP. She is a visiting fellow at the University of Hamburg-Harbug and at the IWM, institute for human sciences in Vienna. “Displacement and Empowerment: Reflections on the Concept and Practice of the Council of Europe Approach to Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Equality”. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, Fall 2005.

As Judith Squires notes

prolong its dominance.


Women’s political participation snowballs into social change: affecting everyone of different races, classes, sexual orientations

Rodriguez 03

Carolina Rodriguez  November 2003, Research Associate at CUNY Dominican Studies Institute, works in sociology, “Women and Political Participation” http://www.onlinewomeninpolitics.org/beijing12/03_1201_wip.htm

Women's agenda Aside

carry a feminist agenda.


The plan does not designate any perspective as right or wrong- our method seeks to evaluate all experiences of the Egyptian- key to transform oppressive institutions

Carline and Pearson 07

Dr. Anna Carline LLB (Hons), LLM, Phd. Carline teaches independent learning in law, criminal law, and Sex, Crime and Society and Human Rights at Liverpool John Moores University and is the module director of family law and gender and the law. Zoe Pearson LLB (1996), LLM (1998), Phd from Australian National University (2002). Pearson served as Barrister and solicitor of the high court of New Zealand and currently has a professorship at Keele University’s school of law. “Complexity and Queer Theory Approaches to International Law and Feminist Politics: Perspectives on Trafficking”. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law. 2007.

Valuing plurality does

are outside dialogue.’


New feminist standpoint epistemology no longer conflates all women- dialogue is key to societal improvement

Brooks 06

Abigail Brooks, PhD Candidate of Sociology at Boston College, “FEMINIST STANDPOINT EPISTEMOLOGY Building Knowledge and Empowerment Through Women’s Lived Experience, Ch 3 http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/12936_Chapter3.pdf

Feminist standpoint epistemology

condition within them.


Voting aff creates anxiety that helps create space for new modes of thinking necessary to reclaim the political, which has been conflated with a particular American and masculine world view

Clark 04

M. E. (2004). Rhetoric, patriarchy & war: Explaining the dangers of "leadership" in mass culture. Women and Language, 27(2), 21-21-28.


Changing modern militant

of dominance and control.

Muslim intellectuals key to articulating gendered agendas and empowering women-dialogues solves

Weirich 06
 Sarah Weirich, graduate cum lade from Rhodes college in 2005. MA in Women’s and Gender Studies. (“The New Muslim Intellectuals: Gender Equality and the Public Sphere”) 2006.

First: Islam has been

Western cultural norms.


Dialogues between the US and Egypt over human rights have worked in the past and inform American policies

State Department 11

Interview with Hilary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State.  2/23  “Social Media Dialogue with Dr. Ahmed Ghanim of Egypt's Masrawy.com”, State Department  http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2011/02/157005.htm


into a better future.

Contention 3: Impact Framing



Obama resuming funding for Egypt’s military despite Congressional opposition

Wan 3/16

William Wan, “U.S. funding for Egyptian military to resume, senior administration officials say” Washington Post, 2012, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-funding-for-egyptian-military-to-resume-senior-administration-officials-say/2012/03/16/gIQAoMTeGS_story.html

The Obama administration

still controls the country.

Overemphasize structural violence in your assessment of magnitude- accepting everyday acts of violence is the largest cause of genocide and interstate war

Scheper-Hughes and Bourgois 04

(Prof of Anthropology @ Cal-Berkely; Prof of Anthropology @ UPenn) (Nancy and Philippe, Introduction: Making Sense of Violence, in Violence in War and Peace, pg. 19-22)

This large and at first

of emergency” (Taussig, Chapter 31). 

Conforming to the current epistemology is not an innocent choice- it leads to a male centered view of politics that justifies the oppression of marginalized groups

Pandey 06

(Anupam, thesis submitted to faculty of graduate studies and research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctorate of philosophy department of political science Carleton university, forging bonds with women, nature and the third world: an ecofeminist critique of international relations, proquest) <103-105>

Both traditional IR theory

relationships between humans.

View realist claims with suspicion- they were formed through the masculine mindset

Tickner 92

(J. Ann, prof at the School of International Relations, USC,  Gender in International Relations  Feminist Perspectives on Achieving Global Security, p.13-14)

Since, as I have suggested

our contemporary dilemmas.

Our impacts are the only ones that matter – Impossible to predict war

Payne 10

Keith B. Payne 2010 (http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/228975/precision-prediction/keith-b-payne, 1/18/2010) Payne is head of the Graduate Department of Defense and Strategic Studies at Missouri State University and president of National Institute for Public Policy. He is a former deputy assistant secretary of defense.

The journal boasts

careful Western observers.


We must be constantly vigilant in gendered examination- each endorsement of the movement is critical

Spender 80

Dale Spender, Man Made Language p. 74-75

For generations women

must be constant.


 Probability comes first- don’t let exaggerated potentialities overshadow the real violence happening every day

Reher 83

(Nicholas, professor of philosophy at Pitt U. "Risk: A Philosophical Introduction to the Theory of Risk Evaluation and Management,” p.50)

The “worst possible

situation of hazard.




Contention 1: Patriarchy

Women are being excluded from a male dominated revolution – strengthening civil society and challenging patriarchy within Islam is key

Al-Saeid 12

Najat Al-Saeid, Ph.D. researcher in media and development at U of Westminster, “No Arab Spring without women” 2012 http://english.alarabiya.net/views/2012/01/25/190506.html

Women in the Arab

such a union is crucial.

Divorce laws are patriarchal in nature – subjecting women to legal hurdles making it impossible to escape violent marriages

Meky et al 11

Dina Meky, Farah Najjar, Yousra El-Ghor, all staff writers, “For Better or Worse: Why divorce is difficult for Egyptian Women, Caravan  9/25 http://academic.aucegypt.edu/caravan/story/better-or-worse-why-divorce-difficult-egyptian-women

Dalia, an Egyptian housekeeper

my life," Kamel said.

Women’s inclusion stops violence and promotes gender equality

Mahmood 11

Mohamed Mahmood. A Harvard University scholar and Mauritanian diplomat and academic, who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation from 2008 until 2009. He is currently a Visiting Professor at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, and an Associate Fellow at the Geneva Center for Security Policy and is regarded as a leading international specialist on the new forms of transnational terrorism. August 18,2011.

A coalition of women's rights

in the last election.

Islam and feminism are not mutually exclusive- the theme of equality resonates within both

Fakhraie 12

Fatemeh Fakhraie is an editor, author and blogger who writes from her perspective as an Iranian-American Muslim woman. She is the founder and former editor-in-chief of Muslimah Media Watch., “Being A Muslim And Being A Feminist Are Not Mutually Exclusive – OpEd”, CGNews  1-15 http://www.eurasiareview.com/15012012-being-a-muslim-and-being-a-feminist-are-not-mutually-exclusive-oped/

People, Muslim and non-Muslim alike

of oppression on the ground.

Patriarchy creates conditions favorable for war historically true – transformation of gender relations necessary for lasting peace

Cockburn 10

Cynthia Cockburn, honary professor in the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, Warwick University, “Militarism and War”, Gender Matters in Global Politics- ed by Laura J. Shepard. Pg. 110-11

In the patriarchal gender

into a doomed war.

Egyptian patriarchy is dehumanizing and kills all value of life

Shihada 07

(Isam M., Assit. Professor, Department of English, Faculty, of Education and Human, Sciences, Al-Aqsa University, “The Patriarchal Class System in Nawal El Saadawi’s God Dies by the Nile,” http://www.nobleworld.biz/images/Shihada.pdf

For Socialist feminists,

psychologically and sexually

Human rights violations and other forms of dehumanization make war, genocide, and extinction inevitable.

Maiese 03

Michelle, research member at the Conflict Research Consortium, July, “Dehumanization,” http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/dehumanization/

Once certain groups

and the former Yugoslavia




Plan: The United States federal government should provide civil society assistance to the National Council for Women to facilitate a joint participatory dialogue for gendered bodies in Egypt.


Contention 2: Solvency

The National Council for Women is an empowering tool with the ability to affect Egyptian law

Mostafa 10

Wesam Handy Mostafa, American University in Cairo, “The National Council for Women: Reassessing the social, economic and political empowerments for Egyptian females” http://dar.aucegypt.edu/bitstream/handle/10526/2274/ETD_2011-Spring_Wesam-Hamdy_Thesis.pdf?sequence=4

Empowering women is a crucial issue

power and authority?

The US and the NCW have teamed up for women’s rights- civil society included

US Embassy to Cairo 11

“Egypt and the U.S. Partner to Reduce”, US Embassy to Cairo, December 1 http://egypt.usembassy.gov/pr120111.html

Egypt and the U.S.

Child Protection Committees.

The NCW has worked in the past- quota, women’s agenda, and outreach

Mostafa 10

Wesam Handy Mostafa, American University in Cairo, “The National Council for Women: Reassessing the social, economic and political empowerments for Egyptian females” http://dar.aucegypt.edu/bitstream/handle/10526/2274/ETD_2011-Spring_Wesam-Hamdy_Thesis.pdf?sequence=4

Ms Amina believes

politically and economically.

The US should provide support for women in Egypt to ensure interests are translated into policy

Hudson 11

[Valerie, Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University, US Must Step Up for Egypt’s Women, August 1st, 2011, http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/9641/u-s-must-step-up-for-egypts-women]

Monitoring is also

for Egyptian women.


SCAF says yes- crackdowns force them to

Keleman 11

Michelle Kelemen, Correspondent, Diplomacy, Foreign Desk - has been traveling with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from Asia to the Middle East and Europe, tracking the Obama administration's broad foreign policy agenda. 1-31-2011, “Longtime Allies, Egypt And U.S. Now Have Differences”, NPR, http://www.npr.org/2012/01/31/146100987/longtime-allies-egypt-and-u-s-now-have-differences

Lawmakers have placed

around the world.



Diversity of perspectives key to social transformations and reconciliations within women’s movements – Dialogues solve

Carline and Pearson 07

Dr. Anna Carline LLB (Hons), LLM, Phd. Carline teaches independent learning in law, criminal law, and Sex, Crime and Society and Human Rights at Liverpool John Moores University and is the module director of family law and gender and the law. Zoe Pearson LLB (1996), LLM (1998), Phd from Australian National University (2002). Pearson served as Barrister and solicitor of the high court of New Zealand and currently has a professorship at Keele University’s school of law. “Complexity and Queer Theory Approaches to International Law and Feminist Politics: Perspectives on Trafficking”. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law. 2007.

Given the reluctance

decisions to be made.

Women’s political participation snowballs into social change: affecting everyone of different races, classes, sexual orientations

Rodriguez 03

Carolina Rodriguez  November 2003, Research Associate at CUNY Dominican Studies Institute, works in sociology, “Women and Political Participation” http://www.onlinewomeninpolitics.org/beijing12/03_1201_wip.htm

Women's agenda Aside

carry a feminist agenda.

Voting aff creates anxiety that helps create space for new modes of thinking necessary to reclaim the political, which has been conflated with a particular American and masculine world view

Clark 04

M. E. (2004). Rhetoric, patriarchy & war: Explaining the dangers of "leadership" in mass culture. Women and Language, 27(2), 21-21-28.


Changing modern militant

rhetoric of dominance and control.

Muslim intellectuals key to articulating gendered agendas and empowering women-dialogues solves

Weirich 06
 Sarah Weirich, graduate cum lade from Rhodes college in 2005. MA in Women’s and Gender Studies. (“The New Muslim Intellectuals: Gender Equality and the Public Sphere”) 2006.

First: Islam has been

Western cultural norms.

Dialogues between the US and Egypt over human rights have worked in the past and inform American policies

State Department 11

Interview with Hilary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State.  2/23  “Social Media Dialogue with Dr. Ahmed Ghanim of Egypt's Masrawy.com”, State Department  http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2011/02/157005.htm

MR. GHANIM: Our first

forward into a better future.

Contention 3- Impact Framing

Aid coming to Egypt in status quo

Strobel 1/25

(Warren, writer, “Obama set to speed aid to Egypt: official http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-rt-us-davos-usa-egypttre80o24g-20120125,0,1854531.story)

President Barack Obama

President Hosni Mubarak.

Overemphasize structural violence in your assessment of magnitude- accepting everyday acts of violence is the largest cause of genocide and interstate war

Scheper-Hughes and Bourgois 04

(Prof of Anthropology @ Cal-Berkely; Prof of Anthropology @ UPenn) (Nancy and Philippe, Introduction: Making Sense of Violence, in Violence in War and Peace, pg. 19-22)

This large and at first

of emergency” (Taussig, Chapter 31). 

Conforming to the current epistemology is not an innocent choice- it leads to a male centered view of politics that justifies the oppression of marginalized groups

Pandey 06

(Anupam, thesis submitted to faculty of graduate studies and research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctorate of philosophy department of political science Carleton university, forging bonds with women, nature and the third world: an ecofeminist critique of international relations, proquest) <103-105>

Both traditional IR theory

relationships between humans.

We must be constantly vigilant in gendered examination- each endorsement of the movement is critical

Spender 80

Dale Spender, Man Made Language p. 74-75

For generations women

meanings must be constant.


Contention 4: Framework


Interpretation- the negative gets competing policy options or the status quo. The affirmative gets to leverage the 1AC as offense.


Reasons to Prefer

1.      Ground- the 1AC is the only source of 2AC ground, we should get access to it. The advantages are reasons that prove the 1AC is good, so we should get them to leverage against the end point of the K.


2.      Predictable Limits- there are a thousand ways we could question our assumptions before we act- it is an unfair research burden on the affirmative which has two impacts


a.      The aff can never win because we won’t have adequate answers

b.      It hurts topic education because we don’t focus on the plan but rather on their obscure criticism.


3.      Aff choice- the aff should choose the framework because it’s the most predictable and solves any offense about why their K is good.


It is a voting issue for competitive equity- if this is not responded to in the 1NC it is sandbagging and skews our 1AR because that is based off of 2AC decisions. This is an independent reason to reject the K.

Policy training is uniquely valuable for social advocacy—their engagement is defensive and doesn’t solve our advantages

Themba-Nixon 2k

—Exec Director of the Praxis Project… Makani, Colorlines, Changing the Rules: What Public Policy Means for Organizing  Jul 31, 2000. Vol. 3, Iss. 2; pg. 12, proquest

"This is all about

committed to making it so.


Contention 1: PATRIARCHY

The revolutionary call of Egyptian women is being silenced and reduced to a mascot of the male uprising- status quo success depends on men

Kirkpatrick 1/9

David D. Kirkpatrick, Washington Correspondent for NYT, “Egypt’s Women Find Power Still Hinges on Men” NYT 2012  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/10/world/middleeast/egyptian-women-confront-restrictions-of-patriarchy.html

Divorce laws are patriarchal in nature- subjecting women to legal hurdles making it impossible to escape a marriage that can be violent

Meky et al 11

Dina Meky, Farah Najjar, Yousra El-Ghor, all staff writers, “For Better or Worse: Why divorce is difficult for Egyptian Women, Caravan  9/25 http://academic.aucegypt.edu/caravan/story/better-or-worse-why-divorce-difficult-egyptian-women

Women’s inclusion stops violence and promotes gender equality

Mahmood 11

Mohamed Mahmood. A Harvard University scholar and Mauritanian diplomat and academic, who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation from 2008 until 2009. He is currently a Visiting Professor at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, and an Associate Fellow at the Geneva Center for Security Policy and is regarded as a leading international specialist on the new forms of transnational terrorism. August 18,2011.

Islam and feminism are not mutually exclusive- the theme of equality resonates within both

Fakhraie 1/15

Fatemeh Fakhraie is an editor, author and blogger who writes from her perspective as an Iranian-American Muslim woman. She is the founder and former editor-in-chief of Muslimah Media Watch., “Being A Muslim And Being A Feminist Are Not Mutually Exclusive – OpEd”, CGNews  2012 http://www.eurasiareview.com/15012012-being-a-muslim-and-being-a-feminist-are-not-mutually-exclusive-oped/

Patriarchy creates conditions favorable for war historically true -transformation of gender relations necessary for lasting peace

Cockburn 10

Cynthia Cockburn, honary professor in the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, Warwick University, “Militarism and War”, Gender Matters in Global Politics- ed by Laura J. Shepard. Pg. 110-11

Overemphasize structural violence in your assessment of magnitude- accepting everyday acts of violence is the largest cause of genocide and interstate war

Scheper-Hughes and Bourgois 04

(Prof of Anthropology @ Cal-Berkely; Prof of Anthropology @ UPenn) (Nancy and Philippe, Introduction: Making Sense of Violence, in Violence in War and Peace, pg. 19-22)



 The United States federal government should increase civil society assistance by facilitating participatory dialogues with gendered bodies in Egypt.


The US should foster dialogues with women’s groups in Egypt to build networks of civil society that ensure women’s interests get translated into policy


United States Institute for Peace. “Women and the Arab Spring”. May 5, 2011.

Diversity of perspectives key to social transformations and reconciliations within women’s movements – Dialogues solve

Carline and Pearson 07

Dr. Anna Carline LLB (Hons), LLM, Phd. Carline teaches independent learning in law, criminal law, and Sex, Crime and Society and Human Rights at Liverpool John Moores University and is the module director of family law and gender and the law. Zoe Pearson LLB (1996), LLM (1998), Phd from Australian National University (2002). Pearson served as Barrister and solicitor of the high court of New Zealand and currently has a professorship at Keele University’s school of law. “Complexity and Queer Theory Approaches to International Law and Feminist Politics: Perspectives on Trafficking”. Canadian Journal of Women and the Law. 2007.

Women’s political participation snowballs into social change: affecting everyone of different races, classes, sexual orientations

Rodriguez 03

Carolina Rodriguez  November 2003, Research Associate at CUNY Dominican Studies Institute, works in sociology, “Women and Political Participation” http://www.onlinewomeninpolitics.org/beijing12/03_1201_wip.htm

Voting aff creates anxiety that helps create space for new modes of thinking necessary to reclaim the political, which has been conflated with a particular American and masculine world view

Clark 04

M. E. (2004). Rhetoric, patriarchy & war: Explaining the dangers of "leadership" in mass culture. Women and Language, 27(2), 21-21-28.


Muslim intellectuals key to articulating gendered agendas and empowering women-dialogues solves

Weirich 06
 Sarah Weirich, graduate cum lade from Rhodes college in 2005. MA in Women’s and Gender Studies. (“The New Muslim Intellectuals: Gender Equality and the Public Sphere”) 2006.

Dialogues between the US and Egypt over human rights have worked in the past and inform American policies

State Department 11

Interview with Hilary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State.  2/23  “Social Media Dialogue with Dr. Ahmed Ghanim of Egypt's Masrawy.com”, State Department  http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2011/02/157005.htm

Conforming to the current epistemology is not an innocent choice- it leads to a male centered view of politics that justifies the oppression of marginalized groups

Pandey 06

(Anupam, thesis submitted to faculty of graduate studies and research in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctorate of philosophy department of political science Carleton university, forging bonds with women, nature and the third world: an ecofeminist critique of international relations, proquest) <103-105>

The U.S. human rights policies are the model of the world

London 2k

Herbert London is president of Hudson Institute and professor emeritus of New York University, April 1, 2000, “The Enemy Within” http://www.hudson.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=publication_details&id=1398&pubType=HI_Articles

Contention 3: American Exceptionalism

Current US human rights policy is rooted in hegemonic discourse reproducing unequal power structures privileging countries that validate the notion of universal rights

Weirich 06
 Sarah Weirich, graduate cum lade from Rhodes college in 2005. MA in Women’s and Gender Studies. (“The New Muslim Intellectuals: Gender Equality and the Public Sphere”) 2006.

Universality is viewed as a western notion that gives rise to intolerance and islamaphobia- gendered dialogues transform western universalism, fight islamaphobia, and are necessary to bridge cultural and religious gaps in US democracy assistance policies- establishing a post hegemonic order in Egypt

Weirich 06
Sarah Weirich, graduate cum lade from Rhodes college in 2005. MA in Women’s and Gender Studies. (“The New Muslim Intellectuals: Gender Equality and the Public Sphere”) 2006.

The conflict between Islam and the US manifests itself in apocalyptic synergy- Radical Islamists challenge American dominance and America replies with bombs. This culminates in the US destroying the world

Lifton 03

Robert J. Lifton, Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at the Graduate School and Director of The Center on Violence and Human Survival at John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York, 2003, Superpower Syndrome, pgs 1-5

Current American model posits Muslims as lesser beings whose evolution is stunted.

Kull 11

Steven Kull.  CNN World, “Why Muslims are still mad at America,” September 5, 2011, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/05/why-muslims-are-still-mad-at-america.

Human rights violations and other forms of dehumanization make war, genocide, and extinction inevitable.

Maiese 03

Michelle, research member at the Conflict Research Consortium, July, “Dehumanization,” http://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/dehumanization/


Created by MatthewBevens on 2012/01/28 12:00


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