Kansas » Kansas Bevens Mapes Neg

Kansas Bevens Mapes Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32
  • Round 1 Neg

    • Tournament: MoState | Round: 1 | Opponent: UCO AV | Judge: S.Tiffy

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    • 1NC

      Not Democracy Assistance

      A. Definition—Gender programs are distinct from democracy assistance

      Berdiyev ‘10
      Larissa Ogertschning-Berdiyev. Office for the Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy. “Getting Acquainted: Setting the Stage for Democracy Assistance”. August 2010. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/pdf/oppd/Page_8/getting_acquainted_web.pdf
      The following list
      in developing countries’.157

      B. The affirmative violates – They give aid for gender assistance

      C. Negative interpretation is better

      1. Better preserves ground—The affirmative expands the topic to helping any specific marginalized group rather than focusing on broader democracy issues crippling negative link ground

      2.  Better limits – Only preserving a narrow definition of democracy assistance can keep the topic limited

      3. FX – The plan directly impacts women in marriage and not in the political system. This is unpredictable action killing ground. This prevents out of round research and in round clash. Independent voter for fairness and education. 

      D. Topicality is a voting issue for reasons of fairness and ground.

      Spending Shell
      Uniqueness—The U.S. AAA Credit rating has been stabilized now because of perceptions that the U.S. is committed to deficit reduction
      Bernard   9-08-11 Stephen analyst for DOW JONES NEWSWIRES   DBRS Initiates Rating On US Government At AAA, Stable Outlook http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20110908-714692.html
      NEW YORK (Dow Jones)Seeing the opportunity
      to DBRS's expansion plans. 


      Ratings Agencies are carefully monitoring federal spending to determine if the U.S. is serious about deficit reduction.  Perceptions of a commitment to spending restraint are key to preserve credit ratings
      Cowan  9-7-11 Richard, financial analyst Reuters, Q+A-What's ahead for US Congress deficit-cutting panel?  http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/07/usa-debt-idUSN1E7850TG20110907
      When a new "super
      country's fiscal health. 

      New Credit Downgrades will happen if there is new unexpected federal spending
      Kelley 11 Karen, Senior Managing Director of Invesco 8-11-11, Web 9-13-11 https://www.invesco.ca/publicPortal/ShowDoc?nodePath=/BEA%20Repository/common/document/pdf/Deficits_Debt_Ceiling.pdf
      The Budget Control
      is currently expected.

      Impact is economic collapse
      Further Credit downgrades will crush the economy
      Gingery 9-1-11
      Phil, Reprentative from Georgia and MD  http://economiccrisis.us/2011/09/real-economic-recovery-demands-balanced-budget-amendment/
      For the first time
      politicians in the future.

      Economic collapse causes global nuclear war
      Mead 9—Senior Fellow in US Foreign Policy Studies @ Council on Foreign Relations
      Walter Russell, Only Makes You Stronger, The New Republic, 2-4-09, http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=571cbbb9-2887-4d81-8542-92e83915f5f8&p=1
      If current market turmoil
      may still have to fight


      Uniqueness and Link – Republican-Democrat relations strong enough to pass SKFTA now – Perception of other plans taking precedence will derail cooperation ensuring SKFTA won’t pass multiple warrants
      Knox 9/22 (Olivier, AFP writer, “US free trade deals hit new political roadblock,” http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5iT_WTzuLhk0B05jVcp45Twh8f4oA?docId=CNG.156d3cefd419e60ff44c454055dd53e3.21)
      The White House
      workers to the bill.

      Capital is key
      Reuters 9/2 Obama's trade legacy in a crucible this fall, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/02/us-usa-obama-trade-idUSTRE7814CZ20110902
      In addition to the
      for International Economics.

      Failure to ratify SKFTA kills the US-ROK Alliance
      Yonhap News 8/30 Severe damage to alliance expected if FTA fails: CRS, http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/national/2011/08/30/52/0301000000AEN20110830000400315F.HTML
      A collapse in
      see it as a betrayal."

      Alliance key to stop South Korean proliferation
      Hughes 2007 Christopher W., PhD University of Sheffield, 1997, Reader/Associate Professor, University of Warwick. “North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons: Implications for the Nuclear Ambitions of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan,” January, Asia Policy No 3, http://www.nbr.org/publications/asia_policy/AP3/AP3Hughes.pdf
      South Korea’s history
      U.S. security guarantees.54

      Escalates to global nuclear war
      Cirincione 2000 Joseph, Director of the Non-Proliferation Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Foreign Policy, “The Asian Nuclear Reaction Chain”, JStor
      The blocks would
      weapon since 1945. 

      *EU CP*
      Text: The European Union will should substantially increase support for the Safe Age of Marriage program throughout Yemen.

      The EU has pre-existing channels for effective, equal-partner democracy aid
      Tocci and Cassarino ’11 Nathalie Tocci is Deputy Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome. Jean-Pierre Cassarino is parttime professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, and scientific advisor at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome “Rethinking the EU’s Mediterranean Policies Post-1/11” IAI WORKING PAPERS 11 | 06 – March 2011 www.iai.it/pdf/DocIAI/iaiwp1106.pdf, AD 9/13/11
      The Arab revolts do...
      neighbouring countries too.


      Their moral tunnel vision is complicit with the evil they criticize.
      Isaac ‘2—Professor of Political Science at Indiana-Bloomington
      Jeffery C., Director of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life, PhD from Yale  Dissent Magazine, Vol. 49, Iss. 2, “Ends, Means, and Politics,” p. Proquest.
      As a result, the most
      undermines political effectiveness.

      Assistance fails—anti-Americanism
      Terrill ’11 –PhD in International Relations
      W. Andrew, Middle East Specialist, Strategic Studies Institute, “The Conflicts in Yemen and U.S. National Security,” January 2011, p. 67-8
      The government of
      doubt in any confrontation

      Anti-Americanism fueled by US Middle East policy
      Munzner ‘06
      Frank, edited by Sigrid Faath, senior lecturer at the Dept of PoliSci at the University of Hamburg and scientific director of the Middle East research programme "Menavision 2010" of the German Institute of Middle East Studies, “Anti-Americanism in the Islamic world”. http://books.google.com/books?id=6t2-KTobVX4C&dq=anti-americanism+AND+yemen&source=gbs_navlinks_s, AD 8/26/11, p.107-108
      The Yemenis are self
      has increased.4

      Assistance fails – corruption
      Terrill ’11 –PhD in International Relations
      W. Andrew, Middle East Specialist, Strategic Studies Institute, “The Conflicts in Yemen and U.S. National Security,” January 2011, p. 14
      An additional Yemeni problem
      as is widely expected.

      Turn- US intervention ensures backlash
      Fuller ‘11
      Graham E. Fuller, a former Central Intelligence Agency station chief in Kabul and vice chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council, is author of The Future of Political Islam. “The Arab Revolution is Beyond America’s Control”. New Perspectives Quarterly. Volume 28, Issue 2, pages 35–39, Spring 2011. Wiley Online.
      It had to come
      and anti-American expression?

      Rejection of prediction dooms all policymaking, including the implementation of their alternative.
      Chernoff ‘5
      Fred, PhDs in Philosophy and Political Science, Prof. of Political Science at Colgate, THE POWER OF INTERNATIONAL THEORY, p. 9
      Various IR theorists
      beliefs can be justified.

      Advantage 1: Dehume

      U.S. involvement in the Middle East lead to sexual assault and Subsequent Abandonment lead to Taliban takeover
      Abu-Lughod 2
      Lila, PhD, Professor of Anthro @ Columbia, Do Musliam Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others, American Anthropologist, New Series, vol 104, No 3, Sept 2002, pp. 783-790
      It is also not to fault
      commu-nities are organized.

      Retrenchment Turn- Western feminism values create a reinforcement of Traditional Female Roles
      Krause 9
      Wanda, PhD in Middle East Politics from U of Exeter, Gender and Participation in the Arab Gulf, The Centre for the Study of Global Governance, 2009, Scholar 11
      There is increasing
      members of this family.

  • T/Framework

    • Tournament: MoState | Round: 4 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Our interpretation—the affirmative should have to defend that action by the United States federal government is normatively desirable.
      Resolved means to enact by law
      Words and Phrases 64  
      Permanent Edition
      Definition of the …establish by law”.
      The United States federal government refers to the actual government
      Black’s Law Dictionary 90
      6th Ed., p. 695
      In the United …and township governments.
      Should implies obligation to action
      Merriam-Webster 2
      Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 2002, 10th Edition, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/should
      Used in …or expediency.
      B) Violation—the aff does not defend the United States federal government action
      C) Vote Negative—
      1) Without Limits debate becomes impossible—T is a jurisdictional voting issue
      Shively 2k—Professor of Political Science, Texas A & M
      Ruth, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 181-2
      The requirements thus …agreement or harmony.

      2) Role of the negative: Our interpretation has a clear vision for the function of the negative team. We must disprove the desirability of their advocacy. If there is no predictable limit on what the affirmative can do, the negative is excluded from the debate. We become passive observers of their presentation. Our interpretation is the least exclusionary because it provides a place in the debate for negative teams.
      3) Process impact:– this is the only academic forum where we get education based on clash and competition. If we aren’t able to prepare in advance for affirmatives the round becomes a 2 hour conference presentation about whatever books & articles they are reading, This education o/w any content specific education because
       a) you can get content specific education in any other forum
      b) Without critical thinking skills developed through clash and competition we can’t effectively act on content-specific knowledge  
      English et al 7
      Eric English, Stephen Llano, Gordon R. Mitchell, Catherine E. Morrison, John Rief & Carly Woods, all former debate coaches, “Debate as a Weapon of Mass Destruction” http://www.pitt.edu/~gordonm/JPubs/EnglishDAWG.pdf
      It is our position, …of mass destruction.’’

      c) without clash-based education we are likely to come to the wrong conclusions about the content b/c we don’t see both sides
      4)  Epistemology: All aff claims are uncertain. Unpredictable advocacies are not subject to the type of rigorous scrutiny and testing that is required for a claim to be granted. If their claims are not predictable it means they are not subject to rigorous testing and should not be treated as true. You cannot evaluate the validity of their aff arguments until you conclude that it is topical because unTopical advocacies are not subject to the same amount of scrutiny and testing.  This means the aff can only claim offense from their interpretation, not from the value of the 1AC since the value of the 1AC has not been established through rigorous debate. 

      5) Switch-side debating on the topic is uniquely important.  It allows debaters to become better advocates and increases critical thinking
      Dybvig and Iverson 99
      Kristin Chisholm Dybvig, and Joel O. Iverson, Can Cutting Cards Carve into Our Personal Lives: An Analysis of Debate Research on Personal Advocacy, http://www.uvm.edu/~debate/dybvigiverson1000.html
      Not all debate …stance on issues.
      6) This debate is about competing interpretations. They must have a sustainable interpretation of debate that includes their affirmative they should lose. If their interpretation provides no limit on affirmative action, it doesn’t matter if we have good arguments against their aff b/c they can’t provide an interpretation that would allow their aff and protect good, predictable debates in the future.

  • Case vs. KSTATE Yemen Aff

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Stability
      Instability has already demolished Yemen’s economy –no impact
      The Economist ‘11
      Print Edition, “Yemen's economy: Up the spout,” 7/21/11http:www.economist.com/node/18988886, AD 8/24/11
      “IT’S shit, the … it is corrupt.
      Future Yemeni government can’t fix the economy
      - High prices, devalued riyal, no government money
      Boucek ’11 –PhD in Oriental and African Studies
      Christopher, associate Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Middle East Program, “Higher Stakes in Yemen: Video Q&A” 6/14/11, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/publications/index.cfm?fa=view&id=44616&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CarnegieEndowmentForInternationalPeaceGeneralPublicationsAndEvents+%28DC+-+General+Publications+and+Events%29&utm_content=Google+Reader, AD 8/26/11
      While the current … to be focused on.
      The democracy movement is undermining the Yemeni economy
      McCormick ‘11
      Ty, editorial researcher at Foreign Policy, “The Arab Recession,” 7/22/11, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/07/22/the_arab_recession?page=0,7, AD 8/26/11
      The economic situation … than $2 per day.

      No resource wars – no defensible method and empirically true
      -their “you just wait mantra” has been repeated for decades
      Fettweis ‘11 – Professor of Political Science @ Tulane
      Christopher, Professor of Political Science @ Tulane, Dangerous Times?: The International Politics of Great Power Peace, pg. 110-111
      This resource-wars, … yet been reached.
      Alternative energy investment is high
      Sadorsky ‘11
      Perry Sadorsky, Schulich School of Business, York University. “Correlations and volatility spillovers between oil prices and the stock prices of clean energy and technology companies”. Energy Economics Article in Press, Corrected Proof. 2011. Science Direct.
      The renewable energy …approximately 7 years.
      Keeping oil prices high is key to successful transition to alternative energy
      IBT ‘11
      International Business Times. “Why lower Saudi oil prices kill alternative energy”. May 30, 2011. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/154524/20110530/saudi-arabia-oil.htm
      The biggest obstacle …alternative energy sources.
      Renewable energy is key to avoid oil dependence, high prices and warming
      Baker ‘4
      Mark, RadioFree Europe, ‘World: Rise In Oil Price Shifts Focus To Use of Renewable Resources,’ June 1,
      Some 2,900 delegates, … research and development.
      Warming leads to extinction
      Burkett 8 – Professor of Law
      Maxine Burkett, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Law School, 2008, “Just Solutions to Climate Change: A Climate Justice Proposal for a Domestic Clean Development Mechanism,” 56 Buffalo L. Rev. 169, Lexis
      The unparalleled scale …with its consequences. 

      Advantage 2: Terror
      Their link is exaggerated—Saleh created the terrorist threat to obtain support
      Spencer ‘11
      JAMES SPENCER is a retired British infantry commander. He is a strategic analyst on political, security, and trade issues of the Middle East and North Africa and a specialist on Yemen, Foreign Affairs, “A False Dawn for Yemen’s Militants,” 6/8/11, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67883/james-spencer/a-false-dawn-for-yemens-militants?page=show, AD 8/5/11
      Throughout Yemen's political…. support for Yemen.
      The threat is overblown—attacks are misattributed to AQAP, and other groups are mislabeled as al Qaeda cells
      Spencer ‘11
      JAMES SPENCER is a retired British infantry commander. He is a strategic analyst on political, security, and trade issues of the Middle East and North Africa and a specialist on Yemen, Foreign Affairs, “A False Dawn for Yemen’s Militants,” 6/8/11, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67883/james-spencer/a-false-dawn-for-yemens-militants?page=show, AD 8/5/11
      But this catalogue …Abyan's capital, Zinjibar.)
      Yemeni state collapse won’t increase the risk of terrorism—already safe havens
      Spencer ‘11
      JAMES SPENCER is a retired British infantry commander. He is a strategic analyst on political, security, and trade issues of the Middle East and North Africa and a specialist on Yemen, Foreign Affairs, “A False Dawn for Yemen’s Militants,” 6/8/11, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67883/james-spencer/a-false-dawn-for-yemens-militants?page=show, AD 8/5/11
      Of course, Western …than enable it

      Demo causes terrorism
      Freeman 05 (Michael Freeman, Professor of political science at the University of Chicago, CIA analyst, “Fighting Terrorism with Democracy: A Losing Strategy,” All Academic, http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p69880_index.html)
      ABSTRACT: Does the …a losing strategy.

      US lost all standing in the Middle East – No chance of cooperation with opposition
      Blomfield and Spillius 9/22 (Adrian and Alex, Writers, “Arab fury at Obama UN speech,” http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/8782527/Barack-Obama-UN-speech-Arab-fury-over-Palestinian-statehood-speech.html)  
      More than 1,000 …as he did. 

      Democratic countries advanced the threat of nuclear proliferation
      Ostrawski ‘2, (James, a trial and appellate lawyer and libertarian author from  Buffalo, New York.  He graduated from St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute in 1975 and obtained a degree in philosophy from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1980. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Buffalo News, Cleveland Plain Dealer and Legislative Gazette. His policy studies have been published by the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, the Ludwig von Mises Institute at Auburn University, and the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.  His articles have been used as course materials at numerous colleges including Brown, Rutgers and Stanford, “The Myth of Democratic Peace: Why Democracy Cannot Deliver Peace in the 21st Century,” Lewell Rock, http://www.lewrockwell.com/ostrowski/ostrowski72.html)
      Arguably, the greatest …of the problem.

      Proliferation leads to extinction
      Utgoff, 02 Deputy Director of Strategy, Forces, and Resources Division of Institute for Defense Analysis (Victor A., Summer 2002, Survival, p.87-90 Victor A Utgoff, Deputy Director of Strategy, Forces, and Resources Division of Institute for Defense Analysis, Summer 2002, Survival, p.87-90)
      In sum, widespread … even whole nations.

      Democracy promotion historically creates animosity preventing democracy
      Sharp 2006 (Jeremy M., Middle East Policy Analyst Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division, “U.S. Democracy Promotion Policy in the Middle East: The Islamist Dilemma,” http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33486.pdf)  
      Though many have … the Middle East.

      No consultation ensures Arab nations retaliate against America
      CQPress 2007 (Congress-Quarterly Press, “The Middle-East: Eleventh Edition,” pg. 127)
      Bush returned to … discussed the initiative

  • Russia Relations DA

    • Tournament: UCO | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • UQ/Link US-Russia relations are on the brink. New flashpoints of contention on the Arab Spring will collapse relations

      **The Arab Spring wasn’t perceived because it was handled internally

      Bridge 12/30 (Robert, Writer for Russia Times “Russian-US relations: Looking ahead to 2012,” )

      The year 2011 was a rocky

      certainly depends on it.

      A collapse of relations causes nuclear war

      Gottemoeller 2008 (Rose, Director of Carnegie Moscow Center 2006, senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment, where she held a joint appointment with the Russian and Eurasian Program and the Global Policy Program. A specialist on defense and nuclear issues in Russia and the other former Soviet states, “Russian–American Security Relations After Georgia,” )

      No holds barred

      we knew it.

  • EU Counterplan

    • Tournament: UCO | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: The European Union should fully fund the National Democratic Institute for its programs on technical assistance in political organization and elections monitoring in Egypt.


      The EU has pre-existing channels for effective, equal-partner democracy aid

      Tocci and Cassarino ’11 Nathalie Tocci is Deputy Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome. Jean-Pierre Cassarino is parttime professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, and scientific advisor at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome “Rethinking the EU’s Mediterranean Policies Post-1/11” IAI WORKING PAPERS 11 | 06 – March 2011 www.iai.it/pdf/DocIAI/iaiwp1106.pdf, AD 9/13/11

      The Arab revolts do

      neighbouring countries too.

  • T - Demo Assistance

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Interpretation – Democracy assistance by definition must be for advancing democracy within the recipient country as its first priority

      Carothers ‘2k Thomas Carothers, he vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the founder and director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program and leading authority on democracy promotion and democratization worldwide as well as an expert on U.S. foreign policy. “Taking stock of democracy assistance”, in: M. Cox, G. J. Ikenberry & T. Inoguchi, (Eds) American Democracy Promotion. Impulses, Strategies, and Impacts. 2000. Questia. P.188

      The term 'democracy

      educational exchange programmes.


      The word “for” proves.—It has to be for the purpose of benefiting democracy in the country

      Black’s Law Dictionary ’79 Black's Law Dictionary 579-80 (5th ed. 1979)

      connotes the end

      or takes place.

      Violation – The purpose of their assistance is not to advance democracy in the country.


      Voters –

      1. Fairness –

      a. Ground - Our interpretation creates a stable endpoint that assures the negative links to disadvantages and critiques of democracy that are the core of the literature


      b. Limits—Precise definitions of development assistance are essential to a limited topic.


      2. Education

      a. Prevents Bidirectionality - Their interpretation risks making the topic bidirectional.—They could give aid that is designed to undermine democracy or collapse democratic movements. Key internal for research.


      b. Breadth and Depth – Key to allowing us to look at all programs intent on promoting democracy and interrogate their implications.

  • India CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: The Republic of India should…

      India is in a unique position to provide aid and promote democracy in the Middle East

      Fontaine and Twining 8/24 (Richard, a Senior Advisor and Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, and Daniel, Senior Fellow for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, “India’s Arab Spring Opportunity,” )

      The fall of Libya’s

      baggage of the latter.’



      Helping Arab Spring nations is key to India’s energy security

      Fontaine and Twining 8/24 (Richard, a Senior Advisor and Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, and Daniel, Senior Fellow for Asia at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, “India’s Arab Spring Opportunity,” )

      New Delhi hasn’t

      and investment partners

      India is going to need to find new energy sources to meet its growing demand

      Singh 2008 (Ajay Kumar, Major in the Indian Army “How Does India’s Energy Security Affect Her National Security?,” )

      Leena Srivastava and

      its energy needs.

      Without the counterplan China and India will compete for energy in South East Asia which will cause a resource war

      Tonneson and Kolas 2006 (Stein and Ashild, experts at the International Peace and Research Institute, “Energy Security in Asia: China, India, Oil and Peace,” )

      India and China

      and American analysts.


      The war would go nuclear

      Nazemroaya 2009 (Mahdi Darius, independent journalist, “Geo-Strategic Chessboard: War Between India and China?,” )

      Due to their

      the United States.


  • Demo Case DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A weak United States has weakened global democracy especially in the Middle East

      Eisendrath 10/5 (Edwin, an educator, policy expert, and reformed politician.served in the Clinton Administration as Regional Administrator of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development “It's the Democracy, Stupid!,” )

      It's not the

      danger to the world.


      Democratic countries advanced the threat of nuclear proliferation

      Ostrawski 2002, (James, a trial and appellate lawyer and libertarian author from  Buffalo, New York.  He graduated from St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute in 1975 and obtained a degree in philosophy from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1980. His articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Buffalo News, Cleveland Plain Dealer and Legislative Gazette. His policy studies have been published by the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, the Ludwig von Mises Institute at Auburn University, and the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.  His articles have been used as course materials at numerous colleges including Brown, Rutgers and Stanford, “The Myth of Democratic Peace: Why Democracy Cannot Deliver Peace in the 21st Century,” Lewell Rock, )

      Arguably, the greatest

      part of the problem.

      Proliferation leads to extinction

      Utgoff 2002 Deputy Director of Strategy, Forces, and Resources Division of Institute for Defense Analysis (Victor A., Summer 2002, Survival, p.87-90 Victor A Utgoff, Deputy Director of Strategy, Forces, and Resources Division of Institute for Defense Analysis, Summer 2002, Survival, p.87-90)

      In sum, widespread proliferation

      or even whole nations.

  • Payroll Tax Cuts

    • Tournament: Texas Swings | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Will pass but will be a fight

      Lee 12/31 Carol, staff writer, White House Looks to Shrunken 2012 Legislative Agenda, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204720204577131543017594740.html

      The president's aides

      the middle class.


      The plan generates a massive controversy

      Richter, LAT, ‘11  (Correspondent, LA Times. “Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition,” http://articles.latimes.com/print/2011/apr/12/world/la-fg-mideast-aid-20110413, accessed 9-28-11, CMM)

      Reporting from Washington

      almost every turn.


      Political capital is key

      Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/8

      POINT: Don't expect miracles on job growth; Some steps could help, but don't expect miracles, 9/8/2011, http://articles.philly.com/2011-09-08/news/30130709_1_jobs-plan-american-economy-rare-tax

      President Obama goes

      privatize Social Security.

      Failure to pass leads to a double-dip recession—makes us vulnerable to future shocks

      CNN Money 12/20

      Economists: Payroll tax deadlock could hobble economy http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/breaking/chi-economists-payroll-tax-deadlock-could-hobble-economy-20111220,0,7377025.story

      If Congress fails

      BMO Capital Markets.

      Nuclear war

      Mead (The Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations and the author of God and Gold: Britain, America and the Making of the Modern World) 2009 [Walter Russel, “Only Makes You Stronger“, Accessed: July 25, 2009, The New Republic,


      If current market

      still have to fight.



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