Kansas State » Kansas State Hallinan-Ziegler Aff

Kansas State Hallinan-Ziegler Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:31
  • We are occupied 1ac - 9/11

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • bservation 1- the meaning of Today:

      Today on the 10th anniversary of 9/11/2001 we are reminded over and over that 9/11 never ended – planes crash into the twin towers once, twice, again, again and over again, rewind the tape, watch it in high def and every burning limb can be seen, a spectacle made especially for the big screen. Slow it down to half speed and you can almost see the faces of those damned radical Islamic terrorists. They all look the same, of course, just angry brown men.

      And now 9/11 is a family affair, in the form of
       A colouring book a... our society is FREE."
       (8-31-11, Alison Flood, “9/11 children's colouring book angers US Muslims”

      “This is history,” publisher Wayne Bell claims. “It is absolutely factual.”
       (8-31-11, Alison Flood, “9/11 children's colouring book angers US Muslims”

      9/11 has become the black hole of history, the Great Distractor meant to overshadow all other events of the last 10 years and beyond
       Rothkopf 8-19
       DAVID J. ROTHKOPF | AUGUST 29, 2011, The Black Hole of 9/11,

      Recently, I've started ... get a grip back on reality. 

      Yvonne Ridley argues that the narrative of 9/11 is the birthplace of the War on Terror’s claim to valid occupation:
       The events of 9/11 ... not right,” she said.
       (IRNA 9-5-11, “Arab Spring borne out of 9/11 rubble, says UK journalist”

      Domestic policies are not isolated - Anti-Arab racism practiced within the United States emerges from the tradition of slavery, exceptionalism, Japanese internment camps, and xenophobia and shapes foreign policies in the Middle East and North Africa
       Salaita 6
       [Steven, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, “Beyond Orientalism and Islamophobia: 9/11, Anti-Arab Racism, and the Mythos of National Pride”, CR: The New Centennial Review]

      This article will ... in American foreign policy.

      9/11 enabled the US to self-immunize itself from criticism – our failure to see ourselves as internationally culpable is what also shapes our ability to interfere at will in MENA politics
       Chomsky 9/7/11
       [Noam, “9/11- was there an alternative response” Institute Professor emeritus in the MIT Department of Linguistics and Philosophy. ]

      The imperial mentality ..., contrary to received doctrine. 

      Further, 9/11 while a source of national unification is meaningless to those in the countries we’ve invaded – most Afghanis have never heard of 9/11
       WSJ 9-8-11
       Wall Street Journal, Yaroslav Trofimov, Many Afghans Shrug at 'This Event Foreigners Call 9/11',

      The Sept. 11 attacks ...description of the attacks.

      Ridley explains how those who violate the dominant 9/11 narrative become the targets of the biopolitical state:
       “9/11 was not ...she told IRNA.
       (IRNA 9-5-11, “Arab Spring borne out of 9/11 rubble, says UK journalist”

      The biopolitical war has already begun – racism begins from within, granting the state permission to put to death those that do not fit within its narrative
       Mendieta ‘02
       Eduardo Mendieta, 2002, “To Make Live and to Let Die – Foucault and Racism

      This is where racism ,...are biological in nature.

      United States did not catalyze the popular uprisings that have taken place in the Middle East and North Africa, and is instead directly responsible for upholding the oppressive regimes under attack. Now the US welcomes the uprisings conditionally - not as a fight for quality of life but rather as an embrace of imperial nationalism. Concerns over military and economic power determine US policies in the region. So long as the systematic racism rampant in US foreign policy remains unchallenged, exploitation will continue.

      The narrative of 9/11 replayed to us on big screen TVs, taught to our children by coloring books, and reflected in United States’ foreign policy cannot be allowed to go unchallenged. We have not been told The History and The Facts about 9/11 – the capital T Truths are nowhere to be found. US Democracy Assistance to The Topic Nations relies on a particular narrative of 9/11- a new 9/11 narrative is a precondition to responding to democratic movements in the MENA.

      Observation two: Re-imagining 9/11

      The way narratives are put together and retold have real power – the narrative of 9/11 in particular has become the locus of the modern United States’ identification as a nation and a culture
       "Bruce E. Gronbeck's The Visual and Narrative Rhetoric of Redemption: American Culture Responds to 9/11"
       Bruce E. Bronbeck
       Critical Approaches to Television 2003
       pg 211-228

      September 11, indeed, ...values, behaviors, and identities.

      Counter-narratives of the events of 9/11 are key to challenging the distorted narrative of the Arab Other the event has perpetuated – 9/11 does not belong to the United States.
       We cannot understand 9/11 without first understanding the events of September 11th, 1973. The US’s imperialist policy has produced wars of aggression, constituting the same crimes against humanity so casually condemned in the Middle East and North Africa. An attitude of revenge, not security concerns, drives foreign policy engagements.
       Chomsky 9/7/11
       [Noam, “9/11- was there an alternative response” Institute Professor emeritus in the MIT Department of Linguistics and Philosophy. ]

      The first 9/11  Was t...guilty of judicial murder.   

      The aff matters right here, right now - Destructive nationalism is born in education - The university is a utopian space in which culture is nomadic and hybrid narratives can form – the ballot is key to affirming our counter-narrative
       Said 93
       (edward, prof. comp lit @ Columbia.  Culture and Imperialism xxv-xxvi)

      We are still ... reject the emerging groups.

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  • Inverse Double Consciousness Aff

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Round“Where is your call for democracy, freedom and human rights when you are trying to save your interests?”
      Egyptian journalist Samah-Sadek Mostafa asks.

      “We have been resisting and demonstrating for years throughout Egypt, but our efforts rarely were covered by international media…Mubarak makes us hate ourselves, hate our country and feel that we won't get our rights or dignity until we leave our homeland. Now for the first time, we are free…and we are the owners of our country. And only Egyptians have the right to choose our government — exactly as you Americans have the right to choose your president and government…When we choose our president we won't look at your interests but ours. It's not our problem that Israel is afraid, or that the United States government doesn't like the Society of the Muslim Brothers…Many fear that if we get democracy we will elect extremists, and therefore a dictator is better than an extremist. It is the right of a nation to choose its destiny. Many fear for the future of the Suez Canal and Israel. Again, do you believe your own message of democracy, freedom and human rights? We found your message in U.S.-supplied tear-gas bombs used to stop the protests. We found your message in your support for the dictator all these years. Your message has no connection to democracy, freedom or human rights, but instead is choked by fear that Islamists will take over… You have no legitimate claim to human rights, democracy and freedom when you make exclusions based on race, nationality and religion…The real danger to the United States is a loss of credibility among Arab nations that seek freedom and democracy…The real danger is that Arab nations will start to believe what extremists say: "Freedom, democracy and human rights are for Americans only."


      The United States did not catalyze the popular uprisings that have taken place in the Middle East and North Africa, and are instead directly responsible for upholding the oppressive regimes under attack. Now the US welcomes the uprisings conditionally, as an expansion of neoliberal rationality. So long as the systematic racism rampant in US foreign policy remains unchallenged, exploitation will continue.
       Blayton ‘11
       Oscar H Blayton. JD, Yale, 28 March 2011, “Rising Of Nations In The Face Of Neoliberalism And Racism,” ACC. 7-19-11, http://kimpavitapress.org/2011/03/rising-of-nations-in-the-face-of-neoliberalism-and-racism-by-oscar-h-blayton/, JT
       As people of several nations in North Africa AND that this error was completely innocent.   


      Relying on the image of itself as the oldest democracy in the world, the United States claims authority to bring global equitable governance. Such justifications rely on a gross distortion of history- forgetting all those exclude from the realm of humanity: the slave, the landless, the woman, the indigenous, the abject. The separation of democratic ideals from democratic practices ignores the mutually constitutive relationship between US Democracy and racial oppression, for the very system is predicated on white citizenship and perpetuates systemic privilege at the cost of equality.
       Martinot ‘3
       Martinot, lecturer at San Francisco State University in the Center for Interdisciplinary Programs, 03 [Steve, “The Cultural Roots of Interventionism in the US,” Social Justice Vol. 30, No. 1 (2003), pp. 19-20, OG]
           In summary, U.S. interventionism has three structural AND the ultimate good by white nationalism. 


      Following from the long-standing tradition of US racism, people from Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya and Tunisia are identified in opposition to the white citizen and reproduced as the ‘arab threat’ to justify both inter and intra-national policies.
      Salaita 6
       [Steven, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, “Beyond Orientalism and Islamophobia: 9/11, Anti-Arab Racism, and the Mythos of National Pride”, CR: The New Centennial Review]
       For these reasons, I use, and encourage AND , support for Israel, homeland security). 


      The author of the ‘Ayatollah Obama’ series, Al Bin Kahlil, responds to threats against his person. He writes,

      “Dear U.S. President Barack Obama, I will write you a letter soon, despite the fact that you’ve received a tremendous amount of letters since gaining power, but these letters always were criticizing and showing resentment of the freedom restrictions, repression and violation of human rights exercised by the ''government of Bahrain'', but this time I will express being repressed and violation of my right in expression by ''the U.S. embassy in Manama'’, hoping you will understand my point of view and intervene to stop pressures of the U.S. Embassy on the freedom of expression in Bahrain.”


      Interventionist ethics render democracy impossible, violating the very sovereignty needed for democratic governance. Historical and contemporary examples show that the benefits of intervention are only realized among the elites in the United States, not in the recipient country.
       Martinot 10
      [Steve, Adjunct Professor San Francisco State University,The Machinery of Whiteness: Studies in the Structure of Racialization, Temple University Press, 2010, pg 108-1 09]
       Indeed, the contradiction in “bringing democracy” AND the messianism of white supremacy has taken. 


      We should reclaim the debate over international engagement at the collective level. Military intervention under the guise of democracy promotion has- since World War II- remained outside public purview. Granting sole authority to the highest levels of formalized government ensures democracy promotion remains both undemocratic and unaccountable.
      Martinot ‘10
      [Steve, Adjunct Professor San Francisco State University,The Machinery of Whiteness: Studies in the Structure of Racialization, Temple University Press, 2010, pg 10-11]
       So far, in mapping the outlines AND cally undemocratic practice by the state.


      Attacking the ideal of US Democracy challenges the cultural underpinnings of white supremacy. The notion of purity- of the beacon on the hill- violently opposes any democratic movement through assaults on non-white populations. For democracy to come into being, we must first abandon personal and collective identifications with purity.

      Rasha Akil, a 33 year old unemployed woman from Syria explains her reaction to US driven sanctions-

      “At first, I was happy because I was fed up with the corruption, nepotism, and inequality. And I was pleased when President Assad launched his reforms, accepting more freedom of opinion. But when the crisis has gained momentum and reached a tipping point and affected me personally, my feelings have changed. I was working on a project funded by the European Union and because of sanctions against Syria, I lost my job. These sanctions have not affected the government but the people. We were 300 people, all licensees. Officials still have their jobs ...”


      Thus the advocacy: Blake and I advocate democracy assistance for Egypt, Libya, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, and Bahrain through the practice of inverse double consciousness.


      The aff engages in a process of inverse double consciousness- to see the self through the eyes of the oppressed. This makes complicity in the machinery of whiteness explicit and lays the foundation for the recognition of the autonomy of others and works towards decolonizing the white mind and structures of racist oppression.
       Martinot ‘10
      [Steve, Adjunct Professor San Francisco State University,The Machinery of Whiteness: Studies in the Structure of Racialization, Temple University Press, 2010, pg 185-186]
       Perhaps, as an alternative to trying to construct AND  It might be a place to start.


      Tawakkol Karman- often called the woman behind the Yemen revolution- identifies and condemns the role of the US.

      “We have reached this historic moment because we chose to march in the streets demanding the resignation of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, an end to his corrupt and failed regime and the establishment of a modern democratic state. On June 4, our wish for Mr. Saleh’s departure was granted, but our demand for democracy remains unfulfilled…This is because the United States and Saudi Arabia… have instead used their influence to ensure that members of the old regime remain in power and the status quo is maintained. American counterterrorism agencies and the Saudi government have a firm grip on Yemen at the moment. It is they, not the Yemeni people and their constitutional institutions, that control the country.”


      Equality is not a state but rather a struggle- the process of challenging oppression creates relationships predicated on respect of autonomy and established our humanity.

      Wise ‘8
       Wise, anti-racist activist, 08 (Tim J, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son, p. 174-177, OG)
       But Bell's assessment, at least for me, AND morally and ethically, if not physically. 


      Failure to understand the connection between oppression taking place in another country and the oppression occurring locally is rooted in white privilege and reinforces the hierarchies of domination.
       Wise ‘8
       Wise, anti-racist activist, 08 (Tim J, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son, p. 145-146, OG)
       It's the same lesson still not learned AND sincere efforts at white antiracism. 

      We need to take back the educational sphere - change starts from our roles as
       students and educators, reclaiming resistance in the here and now.  
       McClennan ‘6
       (Sophi, associate professor of Comparative Literature, Spanish, and Women's Studies at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, “The Geopolitical War on US Higher Education 33.4 project muse)
       Consequently, the right's educational AND fearfulness may very well be our best weapon. 


      Your ballot is key! You act as a gatekeeper in this round. Your affirmation of our call to abolish whiteness challenges privilege and ensures that debate changes and that ignored voices get heard.
      Wise ‘8
       Wise, anti-racist activist, 08 (Tim J, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son, p. 32-35, OG)
       Debate was for me in high school what AND  other words, that I was white.  


  • Neolib Aff

    • Tournament: | Round: Quarters Zaga | Opponent: UMKC BS | Judge:

    • 1AC
      “Where is your call for democracy, freedom and human rights when you are trying to save your interests?”
      Egyptian journalist Samah-Sadek Mostafa asks.

      “do you believe your own message of democracy, freedom and human rights? We found your message in U.S.-supplied tear-gas bombs used to stop the protests. We found your message in your support for the dictator all these years…The real danger to the United States is a loss of credibility among Arab nations that seek freedom and democracy…The real danger is that Arab nations will start to believe what extremists say: "Freedom, democracy and human rights are for Americans only."

      The United States did not catalyze the popular uprisings that have taken place in the Middle East and North Africa, and are instead directly responsible for upholding the oppressive regimes under attack. Now the US welcomes the uprisings conditionally, as an expansion of neoliberal rationality. So long as neoliberalism dictates US foreign policy, racial exploitation will continue.

      Oscar H Blayton. JD, Yale, 28 March 2011, “Rising Of Nations In The Face Of Neoliberalism And Racism,” ACC. 7-19-11, http://kimpavitapress.org/2011/03/rising-of-nations-in-the-face-of-neoliberalism-and-racism-by-oscar-h-blayton/, JT

      As people of ... error was completely innocent.   

      The United States has an Agenda for Egypt, Tunisia and other nations following their lead- corporate takeover
      Tony Cartalucci, June 28, 2011, Arab Spring Brings Corporate LocustEgypt’s next step to “freedom.” , Infowars.com, http://www.infowars.com/arab-spring-brings-corporate-locust/

      Bangkok, Thailand June 25, 2011 – As terrifying ... foremost on our agenda.  

      The rhetoric of threats, violence, and terrorism in the region are lies, strategies used to oppress entire populations in order to assure colonialist privilege and market access. The US response to the protests in Bahrain offers a paradigmatic example of the tactics used mask corporate abuse, crushing the possibility for indigenous democracy.
      Sadeghi 9/2/11 [Shirin Sadeghi is a Middle East specialist with an emphasis on Iran, Pakistan and the Gulf countries. She is the host of New America Now  on KALW 91.7 FM San Francisco and is also a columnist for Pakistan Today, Pakistan's national daily newspaper. “Intricacies of Bahrain’s Shi’a Sunni Divide: In Bahrain, the problem is colonialism, not sectarianism” http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/08/2011829104128700299.html ]

      For decades, international news ..., to get their voices heard. 

      While most in the pro-democracy camp know that the protestors in the uprisings of the Arab Spring are working to secure better quality of life, few understand that the US and other Western governments play a central role in creating and maintaining social and economic deprivation. What corporations want is markets and raw natural resources, no matter the socioeconomic consequences. Corporate-driven globalization and modern neoliberalism are the ultimate perversion of democracy- it’s a project of sacrificial genocide that silences dissent and mandates docility- we must reject the kill to save mentality in order to challenge the death drive which makes all atrocities inevitable.

      Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Dir of the Center for Social Studies at the Univ. of Coimbra, April, ‘3, BAD SUBJECTS, http://bad.eserver.org/issues/2003/63/santos.html, Issue #63, Accessed 8-24, 2005, JT
      According to Franz Hinkelammert, t.... machine of horror and destruction.

      Corporatism coopts culture in countries in the Middle East and North African to implant the desire for the infinite consumption American way of life – economies are restructures to produce citizens seeking freedom and fulfillment but find only more needs and desires – this control of information, desire, and movement reduces like to bare economic value

      Mayer 1
      (Don, Oakland University Professor of Management, American Business Law Journal, Winter)

      As global multinational ... we must look elsewhere.

      The affirmative asks you to envision another world in which corporations are no longer involved in democracy assistance. 

      Envisioning another world situates the 1ac advocacy within the context of a multiplicity of movements aimed at achieving an end to corporate control of politics and the life-world—this should be the central task that your ballot is oriented towards

      Giroux 5
      (Henry, McMaster University Communications, “The Terror of Neoliberalism: Rethinking the Significance of Cultural Politics” College Literature 32.1, 1-19)
      Central to the critique ... of unimaginable human suffering

      This approach has a legitimate chance of working—cracks are everywhere and the creation and maintenance of public sphere(s) that allow individuals to become educated political agents is enough to overcome the rapacious drive for profit at all costs 

      Giroux 5
      (Henry, McMaster University Communications, “The Terror of Neoliberalism: Rethinking the Significance of Cultural Politics” College Literature 32.1, 1-19)
      Corporations more and more ..experienced and critical citizenship engaged.

      Democracy assistance is not essentially flawed but rather an area of contestation that is granted meaning.  Despite the drawbacks, notions of democracy can be useful in creating agency and addressing a diverse array of struggles—to reject these ideals is to cede meaning to the messengers of neoliberalism

      Giroux 1
      (Henry, Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, “Mis/Education and Zero Tolerance:Disposable Youth and the Politics of Domestic Militarization, boundary 2 28.3 (2001) 61-94, MUSE)

      There is growing evidence ... and make public issues into matters of private concerns.”5

      Debate is a place where our insights are particularly valuable, as they can work to enhance the education of participants and help us guard against the corporate and conservative feudalization of the public sphere

      Mitchell 98
      Gordon, Assistant Professor of Communication, U. Pitt, Argumentation and Advocacy, Fall, p.45

      The undercultivation of student...manufacture public loyalty.

      And, Neoliberalism unsustainable – makes revolution inevitable.
      John Bellamy Foster, 2K5, professor of sociology at the University of Oregon in Eugene, “Naked Imperialism” Monthly review Volume 57, Number 4, 2005
      The United States is ... the new naked imperialism.

      Neoliberalism fuels international conflict- structural violence creates the material inequalities that make war the only option.
      Harvey, Professor of Anthropology City University of New York, ‘6 (David, The Limits to Capital, p. xxvi-xxvii, JMP)
      Neoliberalization has an astonishing ... state of social production.’

  • Safe Age Marriage Aff

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1AC – Kentucky

      Contention One – The Status Quo

      We begin with the words of 12 year old Aisha who wishes to tell her story and the words of her attorney as quoted in IRIN news in 2010
      IRIN 10 (SANAA, 21 February 2010 (IRIN) - http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=88138, YEMEN: “I’d rather die than go back to him”) It was every little girl’s dream - ...from behind her veil. 

      In addition to numerous stories – extensive research demonstrates child marriage increases infant mortality, exposure to disease, increases the likelihood of sexual violence and denies AGENCY to the individual

      Malhotra 10 [The Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Forced Forced Child Marriage Child Marriage in the Developing World Testimony Submitted to U.S. House of Representatives Human Rights Commission s Human Rights Commission By AnjuMalhotra, PhD Vice President of Research, Innovation and Impact International Center for Research on Women l Center for Research on Women Washington, D.C. July 15, 2010 http://www.icrw.org/files/images/Causes-Consequences-and%20Solutions-to-Forced-Child-Marriage-Anju-Malhotra-7-15-2010.pdf ]

      Immediate Consequences The ... challenges as their mothers.

      Reading and responding to particular stories to engender a sense of compassion avoiding paternalism

      Porter 2006
      (Elisabeth, head of the School of International Studies at the University of South Australia, “Can Politics Practice Compassion?” hypatia 21:4, project muse)
      Most theorists understand ... that avoid presumptuous paternalism. 

      Affirming this ethic of compassion is an ethical necessity – only by privileging compassion can we stop otherization which causes violence
      Porter 2006
      (Elisabeth, head of the School of International Studies at the University of South Australia, “Can Politics Practice Compassion?” hypatia 21:4, project muse)
      I am defending the ... those who are excluded. 

      Even in a world of national security - Rape and sexual violence cannot ever be tolerated – until we confront these forms of sexual violence
      Jack Straton speaking on the Kansas State University Campus in 1989 (“Address to Manhattan, KS May 27 “How to Form a Men Against Rape Group, http://www.europrofem.org/contri/2_04_en/en-viol/29en_vio.htm)
      It is time to shred ... that engulfs his sisters? 

      Thus the plan:

      The United States federal government should substantially increase funds, knowledge, and material directed towards local advocacy groups who work for women’s legal rights and civic engagement in Yemen including religious dialogue regarding the safe age of marriage.

      Contention Two – Solvency

      Working with religious leaders can help overcome opposition AND funding at the local level helps

      Dalia Al-Eryani a coordinator for Yemen USAID pilot projects 11 (Dalia Al-Eryani, former program coordinator for the "Safe Age of Marriage Project,", Note: This article is entirely about yemen child brides http://www.prb.org/Articles/2011/child-marriage-yemen.aspx) Erick Howenstine: Are ... was coming from.

      Knowledge exchange allows Yemeni women to more effective fight child marriage.
      Cordes 11 (http://www.womendialogue.org/magazine/knowledge-spreading-%E2%80%93-weapon-against-child-marriages, “Fighting child marriages with knowledge spreading”, Susanne 3/21) 

      The key to progress ...r articles and publications.”

      Assistance to community advocacy groups and challenging power structures is critical to success
      CARE 10 (CARE Submitted Testimony United States House of Representatives Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Hearing “Targeting Girls in the Name of Tradition: Child Marriage” Stephanie Baric, Senior Technical Adviser, CARE USA) Investing in the lives of ... a safety zone for girls and women;

      Recent US rejection of Child Marriage protection in the Senate sends a global signal that child marriage is OK
      Advocacy Net 11 (AdvocacyNet News Bulletin 209 January 6, 2011, http://www.advocacynet.org/resource/1292) Washington DC, January 6, 2010: A leading Kenyan advocate ... from the HIV-AIDS virus.

      But, reversing this decision and creating US action sends a global signal effecting 100 million girls helping to end modern day slavery
      Relief Web 9/19 (Briefing Kit for Yemen + CARE, Compiled on 19 Sep 2011, http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/reliefweb_pdf/briefingkit-f181b93b651011dde0e7124fe6edc7da.pdf)  ''Married girls - some as ... of girls in the developing world.

      US leadership on Child marriage can stem the problem globally
      World Pulse 10 (July 27, End Child Marriage and Give Girls a Brighter Future, http://www.worldpulse.com/action/partners/end-child-marriage-and-give-girls-a-brighter-future) Child Marriage practices in ... to curb end the practice worldwide. 

      And just because one actor  intervenes – does not mean another should sit on the sideline – a counterplan can never capture the need for compassion – 

      William Aiken 77, professor of philosophy at Catham College, 1977, World Hunger and Moral Obligation, pg. 53-4

      There is a danger in ...condition for obligation.

      Working with women to discuss Child Marriage laws is part of the Democracy and Governance program – Morocco proves
      USAID 11 (“Country Snapshot: Morocco and Democracy & Governance”, http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/cross-cutting_programs/wid/snapshot/me/morocco/morocco_dg.html) Through its Democracy ... available throughout the country. 

      Women’s rights within marriage are clearly within USAID definitions of Rule of Law

      Green of USAID in the Democracy and Governance Programs Codebook 5 (http://www.pitt.edu/~politics/democracy/downloads/Democracy%20Codebook.pdf, Steven Finkel, University of Virginia Andrew T. Green, USAID Aníbal Pérez-Liñán, University of Pittsburgh Mitchell Seligson, Vanderbilt University, Cross-National Research on USAID’s Democracy and Governance Programs Codebook)

      From the section RULE OF LAW – Measures of Democratic Development

      RL05  Respect for...demand for family planning.

      There is no singular ROOT CAUSE of child marriage in Yemen
      Al-Eryani 11 (Dalia Al-Eryani, former program coordinator for the "Safe Age of Marriage Project,", http://www.prb.org/Articles/2011/child-marriage-yemen.aspx)
      Belay Endeshaw: I think ... not by Islam.

      This is not an anti-Islam move – Religions around the globe justify child marriage – it is a matter of tradition AND many people have recently shed this tradition
      Al-Eryani 11 (Dalia Al-Eryani, former program coordinator for the "Safe Age of Marriage Project,", http://www.prb.org/Articles/2011/child-marriage-yemen.aspx) At its core, forced ... where it remains common today.

      Contention III – The Ballot

      The judge should privilege values and impact claims that acknowledge agency and violence at local levels - extremely bold impact claims from pundits are too inaccurate to trust – this approach is the only way to stop an inevitable cycle of victimization that eliminates our own ability to create change
      Guild 10 (“The Illusion of Punditry”, Gerald, June 25, http://geraldguild.com/blog/2010/06/25/illusion-of-punditry/, Gerald Guild is a licensed psychologist, outdoor enthusiast and lover of life)
      Have you ever wondered ...stop victimizing ourselves.

      Fantasmic threats to security are inaccurate – relying on EXTINCTION or WAR comes first automatically falsely frames the debate
      Jef Huysmans, Ph.D. (University of Leuven) is Lecturer at the Open University (UK), ‘6
      [“Agency and the politics of protection: implications for security studies,” The Politics of Protection: Sites of Insecurity and Political Agency, p. 8 , JT]
      Such an approach accounts for security effects in one of two ways. It can ground foreign and/or domestic policy in a deep cultural structure that predisposes a peo¬ple to relate to other people on the basis of stark distinctions between friends and enemies, good and evil. David Campbell has accounted for a predisposition towards enemy creation in US society in this way (Campbell 1998; Milliken 1999). Alternatively this approach reads security discourse as a speech act that structures situations into security situations by calling them ‘security problem'. Security problems are talked into existence because security language applies a particular rhetorical structure that asserts existential threats that need to be dealt with urgently to the situation (Waever 1995; Buzan et al. 1998). These cultural and linguistic approaches emphasise the structuring power of language and power resources. But they also move away front intentional concepts of power. They lodge security agencies in structures of representation that they do not control. Power is not simply about X being able to define a symbolic representation in art to move away from neorealist structuralism that emphasises the distribution of material security issue for Y, even if Y is against it. Power of representation works on the basis of political culture and language that predispose agents towards securitising phenomena; it pre-structures their intentions, identities and policy options. However, emphasising that the power of representation does not reside pri¬marily with an intentional agent but with the structuring properties of language and culture does not solve the problem that not everyone speaking or writing security has an equal chance of producing a securitising effect. It is usually the case that presidents, police officers or generals speaking security or articulating a cultural predisposition towards enemy definition is more important than the language of shop assistants (Bigo 1994, 1996, 2000; Huysmans 2002). Taking up this issue that not everyone speaks security equally powerfully and not everyone's predisposition matters equally does not necessarily lead to an analysis that makes intentional agencies the focus of analysis. The structuring effects of language can remain significantly bound to the way in which security discourse renders problems and works on predispositions, irrespective of the intentions of agencies. But even then the question of agency cannot be detached fully from a demand for a more sociological account of the power relations between security speaking ...and writing agents (Bourdieu 1982; Weldes et al 1999; Bigo 2000).

      Extremely low probabilities should count as zero—even if there’s some risk, policy decisions can’t be justified by vanishingly small probabilities
      RESCHER 2003 (Nicholas, Prof of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh, Sensible Decisions: Issues of Rational Decision in Personal Choice and Public Policy, p. 49-50)
      On this issue there ... that presents a realistic prospect.

      The “any risk” logic would make all decision-making impossible—evaluate probability over magnitude
      MESKILL 2009 (David, professor at Colorado School of Mines and PhD from Harvard, “The "One Percent Doctrine" and Environmental Faith,” Dec 9, http://davidmeskill.blogspot.com/2009/12/one-percent-doctrine-and-environmental.html)
      Tom Friedman's piece today ... time (just barely) to take action.

      Zero risk of major war.
      Luft & Korin ’09
      [Gal (executive director of Institute for the Analysis of Global Security) & Anne (director of policy and strategic planning at IAGS), Energy Security Challenges for the 21st Century: A Reference Handbook, p. 72-3]
      The final and perhaps ... else—is disappearing from the Earth.

      No extinction from nuclear war.
      Nyquist ‘99
      (JR, writer and expert, http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=19722, da: 7-4-2011, dw: 7-5-1999, lido)
      As I write about Russia's ... Nuclear Explosions" (Science, December 1983).

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff: Kstate HZ Neolib Aff (On Wiki)
      Round #8   Tournament: Shirley
      vs: Towson EM
      Judge: Jim Shultz



      Plan Text




      1ac Advantages




      2ac Offense


      ROB is who best solves neoliberalism


      Economics shape participation


      Focus on neo-lib k2 solve global inequalities


      1ar Strategy




      -Giroux, the question is whether we should have multiple perspective politics


      Racial exploitation is intertwined with the notion of capitalism


      Conception of Black body too vague


      Economic studies solve their ontology claims



      2ar Strategy

      Plan k2 solve oppression


      You can be denied agency without being denied subjectivity-Their labeling and belittling is counterproductive


      Other forms of oppression exist


      Aff: Kansas State HZ


      Round #  4 Tournament: Shirley
      vs: Columbia SM
      Judge: Alex Martel  



      Plan Text: Safe Marriage in Yemen


      1ac Advantages:





      2ac Offense



      1ar Strategy



      2ar Strategy


      Compassionate Politics Good

      Root Cause Debate Bad





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