- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge
Democracy ignores the environmental crisis – Focus on elections ensures public preoccupation with the present, and emphasizing rights is reformist which enhances the conditions of the majority in power – the human considered relevant to questions of value Bluhdorn ‘11[Ingofur, Associate Professor in Politics / Political Sociology at the Department of European Studies at the University of Bath, UK http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2011-07-11-bluhdorn-en.html, “The Sustainability of Democracy: On limits to growth, the post-democratic turn and reactionary democrats” 2011] Doubts about the … broad democratic legitimation. The 1AC fails to provide a cohesive challenge to systems of oppression. We should, instead, challenge the distinction between the human/non-human boundary, producing politics which take into account both the needs of vulnerable human populations and the non-human world. Otherwise the focus on differences with humans distracts from understanding ourselves in relation to non-humans Deckha in 2k10 [Maneesha Associate Professor at the University of Victoria Faculty of Law in Victoria, Canada. “It’s time to abandon the idea of human rights”, The Scavenger, dec 10] Time for … nonhumans as well. The Aff proclaims benefits of radical democracy under the ideology of alternative hedonism- the current existence of niche cultures disprove the ability to produce large scale structural changes needed. Bluhdorn 7/11[Ingofur, Associate Professor in Politics / Political Sociology at the Department of European Studies at the University of Bath, UK http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2011-07-11-bluhdorn-en.html, “The Sustainability of Democracy: On limits to growth, the post-democratic turn and reactionary democrats” 2011] Yet, for all their … modernity reconfiguring democracy? Claiming to save lives is oppressive – their logic is so far rooted in anthropocentrism that they have been blinded to the realization that extinctions occur in natural life Grey, ‘93 (William, prof. University of Queensland, taught at Australian National University, Temple University, Philadelphia, and the University of New England. ‘Anthropocentrism and Deep Ecology”. Australian Journal of Philosophy. Vol 71, No 4(1993), pp. 463-475.) Robert Goodin has … anthropocentric than that? The impact is genocide – the species contingent paradigm proponed through the 1AC creates unending genocidal violence Kochi and ordan ‘8 [“An argument for the global suicide of humanity”, vol 7, no 4] What can be seen … a critic of war’s norm-alization. Political approaches inevitably fail due to internal contradictions and epistemological impoverishment – we must first reorient our approach to the world. The alternative is to embrace a frame of mind driven by wonder Bonnett ’02[Michael Bonnett, lecturer at University of Cambridge, 2002 [The Trumpeter 18.1] So, why recommend … environmental issues, which frequently involve
| 09/13/11 |
- Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: 2 | Opponent: | Judge:
Neoliberalism US democracy assistance to Tunisia acts in the service of neoliberal capital John Weekes, Prof. Emeritus & Senior Researcher Centre for Development Policy, School of Oriental & African Studies, Univ. of London, Feb. 6, 2011, “The Threat is Not Islamic but Monetary Fundamentalism,” http://www.unionbook.org/profiles/blogs/john-weekes-the-threat-is-not, ACC. 7-18-11, JT From the breakup … and Latin America. Neoliberalism is a project of sacrificial genocide fostering a death drive of endless error replication that makes all atrocities inevitable Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Dir of the Center for Social Studies at the Univ. of Coimbra, April, ‘3, BAD SUBJECTS, http://bad.eserver.org/issues/2003/63/santos.html, Issue #63, Accessed 8-24, 2005, JT According to Franz … horror and destruction. The alternative is to vote negative as a rejection of the 1AC and its foundations in neoliberalism – critical examination and rejection is critical to open up new spaces for a more democratic politics. Giroux ‘6 (Henry A. Giroux, 11-2-06, Cultural Studies in Dark Times: Public Pedagogy and the Challenge of Neoliberalism, http://firgoa.usc.es/drupal/node/25904 As collective agents … pedagogy, and resistance.
| 09/13/11 |
Case vs Emporia WW
- Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 1 | Opponent: Emporia WW | Judge: Grandpre
The 1AC’s call for democratic schools and an individualized, rhetorical conception of democracy will not be politically effective, it’s rejected by the majority of educators and citizens of all political orientations Miller 7 [Ron Miller, President of the Foundation for Educational Renewal, editor of Education Revolution magazine, 2007, “What is Democratic Education?,” online: http://www.pathsoflearning.net/articles_What_Is_Democratic_Education.pdf] Nearly everyone in the Western...political movement to address the injustices and inequalities of society The democratic schools movement relies on a conception of democracy that’s overly individualized and selffocused, it encourages the thin conception of democracy as nothing more than voting that the 1AC criticizes Miller 7 [Ron Miller, President of the Foundation for Educational Renewal, editor of Education Revolution magazine, 2007, “What is Democratic Education?,” online: http://www.pathsoflearning.net/articles_What_Is_Democratic_Education.pdf] Progressives point … not a restriction upon it.” 3 = Turn - Resentment = A. The affirmative cultivates an ethic of resentment that equates political subjectivity with victimhood and suffering resulting in a culture of vengeance and blame Brown ‘93 [Wendy (University of California, Santa Cruz); “Wounded Attachments”; Political Theory; Vol. 21, No. 3; August; p. 390-410; JSTOR nick] However, it is not only the tension ... and externalize what is otherwise “unendurable.” Even if they don’t uniquely create a culture of suffering victim, it necessarily structures their project—the forces of liberalism have made this the political situation of today Brown ‘93 [Wendy (University of California, Santa Cruz); “Wounded Attachments”; Political Theory; Vol. 21, No. 3; August; p. 390-410; JSTOR nick] Now, what I want to suggest ... liberal subject quite literally seethes with ressentiment. Their project is also a reaction to the hegemony of privilege that structures human agency—this reactionary politics leads to political paralysis and re-entrenches pain and suffering Brown ‘93 [Wendy (University of California, Santa Cruz); “Wounded Attachments”; Political Theory; Vol. 21, No. 3; August; p. 390-410; JSTOR nick] Revenge as a “reaction,” ... same time reinfects the wound.”32 = Turn - Speaking For Others Advocacy for the oppressed must come mainly from the oppressed themselves. When the privileged speak for them, it only further entrenches them in oppression Alcoff '91, Hunter College and CUNY philosophy professor, 91 (Linda Martin, “The Problem of Speaking for Others”, Cultural Critique, No. 20, pgs. 1-2, AP) The recognition that there is a problem ... oppressed groups themselves.6 Speaking about others is the same as speaking for them. When one speaks for or about others, the speaker represents the essence of the person or group they are speaking for. Alcoff '91, Hunter College and CUNY philosophy professor, 91 (Linda Martin, “The Problem of Speaking for Others”, Cultural Critique, No. 20, pgs. 2-3, AP) In the examples used above, ... rather than simply discovering their true selves. The aff is responsible for their choice of discourse Alcoff '91, [Hunter College and CUNY philosophy professor, 91 (Linda Martin, “The Problem of Speaking for Others”, Cultural Critique, No. 20, pg. 3, AP) There is one final point ... multi-layered, fictional, and constrained it in fact is.
| 10/04/11 |
United States Federal Gov't PIC
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Observation 2 – Net Benefit “Government” does not exist – their routinized depiction of “government” surrenders consent – the word terrocrat is preferable because it threatens authority Mann ‘98 (Frederick Mann, Founder of Terra Libra, BA in Communications @ Sanford U. “Report #TL07B: The Nature of Government”” http://www.buildfreedom.com/tl/tl07b.shtml) We could also describe … useful definition of "government!" Giving up our individual political agency reduces us to instruments of the state, authorizing war and genocide – our life is only as valuable as our contributions to the herd Beres ‘94 (Louis Rene, Professor of International Law at Purdue University, Ariz. J. Int'l & Comp. Law 1, Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, SELF-DETERMINATION, INTERNATIONAL LAW AND SURVIVAL ON PLANET EARTH) The State requires its … nurture great misfortune.
| 10/11/11 |
T - DA = Elections
- Tournament: MoState | Round: 2 | Opponent: Texas BM | Judge: Gabe Murillo
A. Interpretation – democracy assistance must be targeted towards electoral laws, presses and institutions IFES (International Foundation for Electoral Systems, 2011, Topic In Brief) Democracy assistance … processes and institutions B. Violation – the plan isn’t election assistance, they’re C. Vote Neg – - Limits – Elections directly tie assistance to the core democratic process of contestation – other targets of aid only indirectly improve democracy by changing the political environment – there are thousands of ways to “indirectly promote democracy” by improving governance or helping a civil society group
Carothers 3 Thomas Carothers- sr. associate at Carnegie- June 2003, IS GRADUALISM POSSIBLE? Choosing a Strategy for Promoting Democracy in the Middle East, INDIRECTLY PROMOTING DEMOCRACY
The second identifi able U.S. … and to help them understand U.S. policy more accurately 2. Topic focus – including every aff tangentially related to democratic institutions scatters the topic in too many directions – elections should be the focal point to ground education about “democracy” Wright and Rogers 9 Erik Olin Wright and Joel Rogers –profs, sociology and law, U Wisconsin - July 2009, American Society: How It Really Works, Elections are at … electoral system and how it works. 3. Topicality is a voting issue because if it were not the affirmative could run the same case year after year or unbeatable truths like oppression is harmful. Topicality identifies which cases we need to defeat on their merits and which are beyond the necessary scope of research
| 10/11/11 |
- Tournament: MoState | Round: 2 | Opponent: Texas | Judge: Murillo
EU CP 1NC Text: The European Union and all relevent committees should [insert plan mandates]. A. Solves 100% of case – institution building, rights, freedom of speech and elections NEWS Press, April 28 (“Strengthening emerging democracies: concrete EU action,” April 28, 2011; Lexis) The EU tries to foster … association agreements with third countries. B. The EU and member states have empirically been involved in aid to Yemen EU 6 (“Yemen - European Community Strategy Paper for the period 2007-2013,” pp 23-24, ) The donor community in … are granted scholarships to study at Czech universities.
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- Tournament: MoState | Round: 2 | Opponent: Texas | Judge: Murillo
SKFTA will pass but capital is key. Palmer 9/2 Doug, Reuters Reporter, " Analysis: Obama's trade legacy in a crucible this fall," 2011, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/02/us-usa-obama-trade-idUSTRE7814CZ20110902 After a slow start … Democratic votes in the Senate to approve the trade pacts Political capital is key to passage. Knowledge@Wharton, 11 (Wharton Business School, UPenn, 1-12-11, “U.S.-South Korea Trade Pact: A Turning Point for American Exports?,” http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2671, accessed 7-1-11] With Portman now in the … at the International Chamber of Commerce.] GOP pushing back against Yemen aid, see it as a way to challenge Obama CASSATA 7/20. DONNA , Associated Press Correspondent. “House panel weighs bill restricting foreign aid” 7-20-2011 WASHINGTON (AP) — A House …said the Florida Republican. SKFTA is key to maintaining the US-ROK alliance and seizing economic hegemony in Asia – this implicates US interests globally. Hubbard, 4/7 – Senior Director for Asia, McLarty Associates and Former Ambassador to South Korea (4/7/11, Thomas, Congressional Documents and Publications, “House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade Hearing - Brady Announces Third in a Series of Three …and economic interests into the future. Impact is global hegemony Goh, 8 – Lecturer in International Relations in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the Univ of Oxford (Evelyn, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, “Hierarchy and the role of the United States in the East Asian security order,” 2008 8(3):353-377, Oxford Journals Database) The centrality of these mutual processes …a result of not doing so would appear to be much worse. This causes great power nuclear conflict. Gray, 05 – Professor of International Politics and Strategic Studies, and Director of the Center for Strategic Studies, at the University of Reading (Spring 2005, Colin S., Parameters, “How Has War Changed Since the End of the Cold War?” http://www.carlisle.army. mil/usawc/parameters/05spring/gray.htm) 6. Interstate War, Down but … deadly and eternal influence of the triad of motives for war: “fear, honor, and interest.”23
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Assistance PIC
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
PLAN: The United States federal political entity located in the District of Columbia should increase democracy cooperation for the instruction of party work of all legally registered political parties in Egypt. A. The term “assistance” denotes a top-down process that renders recipients passive—cooperation is key to avoid the patronizing tone of engagement Tandon ‘07 [Yash, “The Reality of Trade: The WTO and Developing Countries,” The North-South Institute, p.65, Accessed 3/27/08, http://www.nsi-ins.ca/english/pdf/Reality_of_Trade.pdf]. JLH Oddly, years after the … the developing countries. B. This ethical relationship is unacceptable—we must choose specifically to reverse the relationship Memmi 97 [Albert, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of Paris, RACISM, p.165]. JLH Of course, this is debatable. … wager, but the stakes are irresistible.
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Saudi DA
- Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 8 | Opponent: | Judge: Ben Crossen
Unique Link - pushing democracy assistance will collapse US-Saudi relations Tarpley 2011 (Press TV interview with Webster Griffin Tarpley, author, journalist and lecturer from Washington, June 18, "Saudi Arabia alarmed by US intentions" http://www.presstv.com/detail/189582.html, SRM) Webster Griffin Tarpley: … to destabilize the kingdom. Relations decline over the Arab Spring will drive the Saudis to proliferate Guzansky July 1st, 2011 (Yoel Guzansky is a research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University. He joined INSS after serving at Israel's National Security Council; "TEHRAN TESTS SAUDIS' NERVE ON NUKES", LEXIS, SRM) UNTIL recently it … cost of more than $US300 billion. Saudi prolif leads to fast regional prolif Center for Contemporary Conflict 2004 (“Conference on WMD Proliferation in the Middle East: Directions and Policy Options in the New Century” http://www.ciaonet.org/olj/si/si_3_8/si_3_8_ruj01.pdf) James Russell from the … used as a means to ensure U.S. engagement? Rapid prolif causes pre-emptive nuclear war. Heurlin 2005 (Jean Monnet Professor of European Security and Integration at the Department of Political Science of the University of Copenhagen, and Sten Rynning, "Missile defence", p 162-3) Arms control and … cost-enhancing MD project.
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Should PIC
- Tournament: Emporia | Round: 2 | Opponent: KSU BM | Judge:
Plan: The United States federal government will support the Tunisian National Constituent Assembly in constitution writing. Observation One: Competition The Counterplan is textually competitive which is the best standard: 1) Clarity - this is the most objective way to determine competition - functional competition can always be reexplained and is subject to the whims of judge intervention - textual competition is lock-tight because it's based on a stable text 2) Better Plan Writing and more real world policies - textual competition forces aff strategic thinking and precise plan writing. Each word in the law is interpreted. This type of PIC is the only feasible way to test the discourse of the Aff. 3) Backup Plan - Even if functional competition is a better standard, our CP still functionally competes - the word "weapons" in the plan is a functioning performative utterance - when we exclude it it's just like PICing out of one plank of the plan. 4) The offensive nature of the word used precedes question of the counterplan theory - even if they win the counterplan is illegitimate - they have still spoken a word that people find OFFENSIVE - this language cannot be endorsed even in the face of theory. 5) It's a constructive speech - if they drop a single one of these theory arguments in the 2AC - they may not respond to them in the lAR - this is the same as the aff dropping a solvency turn in the 2AC and saying "but I went to the solvency page". Observation Two: Net Benefit: The word should denies us the choice to make our own decisions, causing us to act out of guilt and disconnecting us from our own lives, this is the same logic that allowed for the mass destruction of the holocaust. Rosenberg, Marshall. (Quals: Founder and director of educational services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication.) Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life. 2nd . Encinitas, CA: PuddleDancer Press, 2003. p. 131 p. 139-140 When we use language …compassionate with ourselves. And, this is also a solvency takeout the word should creates an internal tyranny which prevents people from making any type of change in their lives. Rosenberg, Marshall. (Quals: Founder and director of educational services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication.) Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life. 2nd . Encinitas, CA: PuddleDancer Press, 2003. p. 131 In our language … life-giving joy.
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