Kansas State » KSU Pena-McMillin-Beckman Neg

KSU Pena-McMillin-Beckman Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:31
  • Capitalism

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • A. All Democracy Assistance is merely an attempt to further the US's neoliberal goals abroad

      Jonah Gindin 2005  (The Battle for Global Civil Society: [On the U.S. Govt. Policy of 'DEMOCRACY PROMOTION']) This is an interview with William I. Robinson, Professor of Sociology at UC-Santa Barbara. Robinson has been studying US "democracy promotion" since its inception as a major US foreign policy in Sandinista Nicaragua during the 1980s. http://www.iefd.org/articles/global_civil_society.php

      There are two different categories …ARENA party and marginalized the FMLN.


      US assistance in Egypt is intended to spread capitalism and subservience to the west; privatization, poverty, and economic dislocation will be the outcome – Elich ‘11

      Elich, Gregory. Is on the Board of Directors of the Jasenovac Research Institute and on the Advisory Board of the Korea Truth Commission "Egypt, the American Way. Model of the Status Quo?." Global Research 22 Mar 2011: n. pag. Web. 2 Jul 2011. <http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=23876>.

      In a populous capitalist nation … removal of Hosni Mubarak from power.



      B. We have an ethical obligation to reject capitalism—denial of utopia is living death

      Marsh 95, Professor of Philosophy at Fordham University  (JAMES L, CRITIQUE, ACTION, AND LIBERATION P. 334-335)

      The basic question concerning the … prevailing rationality is profoundly irrational.12


      C. Capitalism results in extinction—ecological destruction and unending warfare

      International Review ‘89 (The decomposition of capitalist society, 57:2 )

      Similarly, all the disasters that … that is decadent capitalism.


      D. Our alternative-Vote Neg- We must abandon capital in the everyday-this is the only strategy for breaking free

      Herod 04 James Herod author of several books on capitalism and social activist since 1968 Getting Free 2004

      It is time to try to describe, at … the shape of their social world.

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  • Topicality DA = Elections

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Is topicality


      A. Interpretation – democracy assistance must be targeted towards elections

      IFES (International Foundation for Electoral Systems, 2011, Topic In Brief)                                                            

      Democracy assistance can be defined as the legal, technical and logistic support provided to electoral laws, processes and institutions


      B. Violation – the plan isn’t election assistance, they’re increasing support for “local advocacy groups”


      C. Vote neg –


      1. Limits – Elections directly tie assistance to the core democratic process of contestation – other targets of aid only indirectly improve democracy by changing the political environment – there are thousands of ways to “indirectly promote democracy” by improving governance or helping a civil society group

      Carothers 3

      Thomas Carothers- sr. associate at Carnegie- June 2003, IS GRADUALISM POSSIBLE? Choosing a Strategy for Promoting Democracy in the Middle East,

      INDIRECTLY PROMOTING DEMOCRACY                                         

      The second identifi able U.S. strategy … understand U.S. policy more accurately


      2. Topic focus – including every aff tangentially related to democratic institutions scatters the topic in too many directions – elections should be the focal point to ground education about “democracy”


      3. Topicality is a voting issue because if it were not the affirmative could run the same case year after year or unbeatable truths like oppression is harmful. Topicality identifies which cases we need to defeat on their merits and which are beyond the necessary scope of research

  • Should PIC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Plan: The United States federal government will fully fund the National Democratic Institute for its programs on technical assistance in political organization and election monitoring in Egypt


      Net Benefit – Activism


      The word should denies us the choice to make our own decisions, causing us to act out of guilt and disconnecting us from our own lives, this is the same logic that allowed for the mass destruction of the holocaust.

      Rosenberg, Marshall. (Quals: Founder and director of educational services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication.) Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life. 2nd . Encinitas, CA: PuddleDancer Press, 2003. p. 131

      When we use language which …being compassionate with ourselves.


      And, this is also a solvency takeout the word should creates an internal tyranny which prevents people from making any type of change in their lives.

      Rosenberg, Marshall. (Quals: Founder and director of educational services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication.) Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life. 2nd . Encinitas,…devoid of life-giving joy.

  • EU

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: The European Union and all relevant committees should fully fund programs on technical cooperation in political organization and election monitoring in Egypt.


      A. Solves 100% of case – institution building, rights, freedom of speech and elections

      NEWS Press, April 28 (“Strengthening emerging democracies: concrete EU action,” April 28, 2011; Lexis)

      The EU tries to foster …association agreements with third countries.



      Leadership NB


      A. The counterplan boosts EU leadership.
       Seilor, 5/15

      (Julia, 5/15/11, “Arab Spring: what think tanks say,” , JMP)
       Restoring Europe’s credibility
       Scholars agree that 
      the developments … in helping its neighbors stabilize.


      B. EU leadership key to preventing warming – ensures peace in the Middle East.

      Ischinger 7

      (Wolfgang, German ambassador to Britain, The Guardian, "Can the EU Fill Leadership Void Left by US?" March 22, http://www.china.org.cn/english/international/203945.htm)

      In 1990, Charles Krauthammer published … European willingness to lead, and welcome the European moment.


      C. Warming causes Extinction

      Tickell 08

      (Oliver Tickell, British journalist, author and campaigner on health and environment issues, and author of the Kyoto2 climate initiative “On a planet 4C hotter, all we can prepare for is extinction,” The Guardian, 8-11-08  http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/aug/11/climatechange)

      We need to get prepared for … towards a similar hothouse Earth.



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Created by on 2011/11/07 11:26


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