Kansas State » KSU Austin-Mays aff

KSU Austin-Mays aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:31
  • OPDAT Money Laundering Aff

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      Text: The United States federal government should engage in anti-money laundering and corruption cooperation with prosecutors, judicial and law enforcement personnel in Yemen


      Contention 1 is inherency

      US sending military aid now in a vain attempt at democracy assistance – the result is uniquely counterproductive – capacity building key
      Boucek 2010
      [Dr. Christopher, Associate, Middle East Program Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Written Testimony U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs February 3, 2010 YEMEN ON THE BRINK: IMPLICATIONS FOR U.S. POLICY, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/0203_transcript_boucek_testimony.pdf]

      It is essential that Washington … indirectly to improving domestic security.

      Yemen wants to fight terrorism funding and money laundering now – better law enforcement cooperation required
      Alp 11
      (INONU AKGUN, Financial Crimes Specialist MASAK-Turkish FIU MINISTRY of FINANCE-TURKEY, “Yemen: Workshop on money laundering and terrorist financing kicks off,” January 22, http://aml-cft.blogspot.com/2011/01/yemen-workshop-on-money-laundering-and.html)

      The Governor of the Central … cooperation with law enforcement authorities.

      But, corruption is rampant – solving is a necessary pre-requisite to engaging other areas of the economy
      Al-Shamahi August 8
      (Abubakr, British-Yemeni freelance journalist and is the editor of Comment Middle East, “Taking a chance on a democratic Yemen,” 2011, AlJazeera English, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/08/2011847134790380.html)

      A Yemen without the endemic … industries both have strong potential.


      Advantage 1 is the Yemeni economy

      Money laundering removes money from Yemen which devalues the Riyal
      Novak 10
      (Jane, Yemen expert and analyst, advocate for Yemeni journalists, “Excessive Money Laundering Devalued Yemeni Riyal, Professor Jubran,” http://armiesofliberation.com/archives/2010/04/30/excessive-money-laundering-devalued-yemeni-riyal-professor-jubran/)

      Dr. Mohamed Jubran, professor of … 40 percent and hotels are empty.

      A weak riyal collapses the Yemeni economy – current policies put Yemen on the brink
      Fielding-Smith 11
      (Abigail, Middle East Editor at IB Tauris Publishers and a freelance writer on Middle East issues, “Yemen stalemate stifles economy,” April 3, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/3cef5900-5e1c-11e0-b1d8-00144feab49a.html#axzz1VSFf3KYa)

      But another nightmare is weighing … IMF country representative in Yemen.

      Reform now is key to stabilize Yemen – continued economic decline prevents political reforms
      Saeed August 11
      (Ali, journalist for the Yemen Times, “Yemen’s economy under risk,” Yemen Times, 2011, http://www.yementimes.com/defaultdet.aspx?SUB_ID=36444)

      The six month-nationwide uprising … proposals to end the crisis.”

      Scenario 1 is Iranian hegemony

      Iran is seeking regional hegemony now – they want a full-blown revolution – prolif is inevitable as long as they continue down this path
      Spyer 11
      (Jonathan, Middle East reporter and analyst, “Iran Hasn’t Won the Cold War Yet,” April 5, http://jonathanspyer.com/2011/04/05/iran-hasnt-won-the-cold-war-yet-2/)

      The salient strategic fact in … its influence across the region. 

      Any further Yemeni instability causes an Iran regional heg that destabilizes the Middle East
      Masiky 11
      (Hassan, advisor to Amnesty International USA on African and Middle Eastern affairs, “AN AMERICAN NIGHTMARE IN YEMEN; SALEH MUST REFORM AND STAY,” February 15, http://moroccoboard.com/viewpoint/68-hassan-massiki/5081-an-american-nightmare-in-yemen-saleh-must-reform-and-stay-)

      American security concerns in Yemen … the security of the homeland.

      Iranian hegemony causes Mideast instability and war, which goes nuclear
      Ben-Meir 7
      (Alon, professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs at NYU, “Realpolitik: Ending Iran's defiance,” February 6)

      That Iran stands today able … not halting its nuclear program.

      Scenario 2 is Saudi takeover

      Yemeni instability leads to a fundamentalist takeover of Saudi Arabia
      Caparico 11
      (Sheila, Professor of political science at University of Richmond and the American University in Cairo, “Yemen: The Final Days of Ali Abdullah Saleh?”, POMEPS briefings,  March 23, http://www.pomeps.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/POMEPS_BriefBooklet3_Yemen_WEB-Rev.pdf)

      What, then, are the possible … interests of the United States. 

      A radical takeover of Saudi Arabia leads to oil shocks that cause US military intervention
      Cohen 06
      (Ariel, heritage’s finest, “reducing US dependence on middle eastern oil” http://www.heritage.org/Research/Features/NationalSecurity/bg1926.cfm 4/7) 

      Even more frightening is the … could not be ruled out.

      Even the smallest oil shocks lead to a full-blown resource war – squo is on the brink
      Hilliker 11
      (Joe, staff writer at thetrumpet.com, “Oil Shock Is Coming,” March 2, http://www.thetrumpet.com/?q=8042.6667.0.0)

      Even modest disruptions in our … precious resources, including energy wealth! 

      Resource wars lead to extinction
      Lendmen 7
      (Stephen,Progressive Radio Newshour host, 6-6-7, global research.ca, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=5892

      The new "Great Game's" begun, … part of it, would have survived.


      Advantage 2 is AQAP

      AQAP relies on poor regulation in Yemen to launder money – law enforcement is key to destroy AQAP – military actions fail
      Knoetgen 11
      (Peter, Commanding Officer US Naval Forces Central, “Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil,” Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, May 16)

      Like most terror organisations, AQAP … forces to inflame public opinion.

      Yemen is the central stronghold of AQAP worldwide – US-led political reforms are key
      Clark 11
      [Ashley, Press Secretary Bipartisan Policy Center, Calls on U.S. to Give Yemen Governance Assistance Not Just Military Aid, BPC Releases Case Study on Yemen’s Security Risks and Recommendations for U.S. Policy March 3, 2011http:www.bipartisanpolicy.org/news/press-releases/2011/03/bipartisan-policy-center-calls-us-give-yemen-governance-assistance-not-j] 

      Washington, DC—The Bipartisan Policy Center’s (… , the future is wide open.”

      AQAP is becoming more aggressive by the minute – immediate non-military counter-terrorism measures are key
      Boucek 10
      (Chris, Associated Middle East Program Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Yemen: terrorism is not its only problem,” NATO review, http://www.nato.int/docu/review/2010/Yemen/Yemen_Terrorism/EN/)

      AQAP’s trajectory plainly shows that … to state collapse in Yemen.

      But, the death of Rahman has left Al Qaeda desperate and on the ropes – further pressure is key to prevent attacks and destroy Al Qaeda
      Winkler September 2
      (Amanda, reporter at the Christian Post, “Al-Qaida 'On the Ropes,' Says Counterterrorism Chief,” 2011, http://www.christianpost.com/news/al-qaeda-on-the-ropes-says-counterterrorism-chief-54932/)

      Al-Qaida is “on a steady … ability to carry out attacks."

      Scenario I is nuclear attack

      AQAP is acquiring nukes now
      Fissile Materials Working Group 11
      (The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, “After bin Laden: Nuclear terrorism still a top threat,” 5/13, http://www.thebulletin.org/web-edition/columnists/fissile-materials-working-group/after-bin-laden-nuclear-terrorism-still-top-t)

      Osama bin Laden's death may … securing this potential source material.

      The impact is extinction
      Sid-Ahmed ‘4
      (Mohamed, Managing Editor for Al-Ahali, “Extinction!” August 26-September 1, Issue no. 705, http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2004/705/op5.htm)

      A nuclear attack by terrorists … , we will all be losers.

      Scenario II is food supplies

      AQAP is on the brink of poisoning world food supplies now – spreads over into wider disruption and the industry is uniquely vulnerable – assumes the E. Coli outbreak
      Nimmo June 5
      (Kurt, staff writer at InfoWars.com, “British Intelligence: al-Qaeda May Contaminate Food After E.Coli Scare,” Infowars.com, 2011, http://www.infowars.com/british-intelligence-al-qaeda-may-contaminate-food-after-e-coli-scare/)

      Britain’s MI5 is exploiting an E.… on the highly speculative threat.

      Even an isolated terror attack on food supplies raises prices, crashes the stock market and collapses the global econ – the timeframe is overnight
      Wefald 99
      (Jon, former president of Kansas State University in a speech supported by over 40 scientists, FDCH Political Transcripts October 27)

      So the key thing is … system that we have today.

      These high prices rapidly increase food insecurity.
      Masami Kojima of the Oil, Gas, and Mining Policy Division, World Bank; Donald Mitchell of the Development Prospects Group, Development Economics, World Bank; and William A. Ward 2007, Professor and Director, Center for International Trade, Clemson University. 2007 Energy Sector Management Assistance Program Considering Trade Policies for Liquid Biofuels 

      Rising prices of maize—and … than 16 million (Runge and Senauer 2007).

      Foods insecurity outweighs all other impacts – it makes every impact inevitable
      Trudell,  J.D. Candidate 2006, 05 (Robert H., Fall, Food Security Emergencies And The Power Of Eminent Domain: A Domestic Legal Tool To Treat A Global Problem, 33 Syracuse J. Int'l L. & Com. 277, Lexis)

      Today, more than 842 million people - … in the days to come.


      Contention 2 is solvency

      Plan key – solves financial regulation and terrorism AND spills over globally
      Bergenas 11
      (Johan, Research Associate at the Stimson Center, “Bridging the Security-Development Divide,” The Will and the Wallet, World Politics Review, 3/7, http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lc2dctcBOqgJ:thewillandthewallet.org/2011/03/07/bridging-the-security-development-divide/+security+sector+reform+egypt+donor+assistance&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&source=www.google.com)

      The current U.S. financial support to … East but throughout the world.

      OPDAT solves money laundering best – short- and long-term mechanisms, multi-sector training and self-sufficiency
      State Department 10
      (“Bilateral Activities,” International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, pp 4, Lexis)

      The U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) … ; and international mutual legal assistance.

      OPDAT empirically solves corruption best – collaborative efforts
      Breuer 10

      Since 1991, in partnership with the U.S. … eradicating it across the globe.

      Yemenis want reforms, not revolution – Saleh has empirically been receptive to reforms, it’s only a question of how far they’ll go
      Foust 11
      (Joshua, fellow at the American Security Project and the author of Afghanistan Journal: Selections from Registan.net, “Is Yemen Better Suited for Reform Than Egypt or Tunisia?” February 7, http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/02/is-yemen-better-suited-for-reform-than-egypt-or-tunisia/70861/)

      Yemen is different. In Cairo … the world that badly needs it.

  • Domestic Crimefighting Add-on

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1. OPDAT makes domestic prosecutors more effective – studying differences allows better domestic crimefighting

      Creegan 11                                                                                                                                   

      (Erin, Trial Attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice, National Security Division, Counterterrorism Section; and an Adjunct Professor of International Criminal Law at the University of Maryland-College Park, “COOPERATION IN FOREIGN TERRORISM PROSECUTIONS,” Georgetown Journal of International Law Vol 42, http://gjil.org/wp-content/uploads/archives/42.2/CooperationInForeignTerrorism.PDF)


      For the most part, both … , drug trafficking, or human trafficking.


      2. The US crime/terror nexus means better domestic policies solve terrorism

      Finklea 10

      (Kristin M., Analyst in domestic security at the Congressional Research Service, “Organized Crime in the United States: Trends and Issues for Congress,” December 22, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/R40525.pdf)


      Some experts have indicated that … interagency cooperation, as discussed above.


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