Neoliberalism K
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A. [Insert specific link, and…] B. Democracy has become a capitalist empty signifier that legitimizes imperialism and turns solvency Brown 10 [Wendy, Emanuel Heller Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley where she is also affiliated with programs in Critical Theory and in Women, Gender and Sexuality, “We Are All Democrats Now…” Theory and Event, Vol 13 Issue 2 2010, Project Muse] Democracy has historically unparalleled global … what is left of democracy? C. Capitalist logic justifies hegemonic expansion promoting aggressive instability resulting in nuclear war, environmental destruction, and planetary collapse John B. Foster, Prof. Oregon Univ. Dept of Sociology, ‘5, Monthly Review, “Naked Imperialism,” http://www.monthlyreview.org/0905jbf.htm, ACC. 7-22-11 From the longer view offered … in the history of imperialism. D. We ask that the judge to take on the role of a committed intellectual – you should vote for the theorist who best envisions a world outside of capital – this is key to ensuring agency Gustavo E. Fischman, He actively collaborates on projects in the United States, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico, and he is the author of several books and numerous articles on critical pedagogies, teacher education, and gender issues in education. 2005 http://amadlandawonye.wikispaces.com/2005,+McLaren+and+Fischman,+Gramsci,+Freire,+Organic+Intellectuals “McClaren and Fischman, Gramsci, Freire, Organic Intellectuals” accessed 10/6/2008 The point is not to … for social change (Carroll&Ratner, 1994). E. Debate is a place where our insights are particularly valuable, as they can both work to enhance the education of participants as well as help us guard against the corporate and conservative feudalization of the public sphere Gordon Mitchell, Assistant Professor of Communication, U. Pitt, Argumentation and Advocacy, Fall 1998, p.45 The undercultivation of student agency … talent to manufacture public loyalty. F. There is no reason to vote affirmative – they cannot articulate any linkage between their prescriptions and practical, worldly effects SCHLAG, PROFESSOR OF LAW@ UNIV. COLORADO, 1990 (PIERRE, STANFORD LAW REVIEW, NOVEMBER, PAGE LEXIS) In fact, normative legal thought … wonderful normative advice into effect.
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Elections T
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A. Interpretation – democracy assistance must be targeted towards electoral laws, presses and institutions IFES (International Foundation for Electoral Systems, 2011, Topic In Brief) Democracy assistance can be defined … laws, processes and institutions - Limits – Elections directly tie assistance to the core democratic process of contestation – other targets of aid only indirectly improve democracy by changing the political environment – there are thousands of ways to “indirectly promote democracy” by improving governance or helping a civil society group
Carothers 3 Thomas Carothers- sr. associate at Carnegie- June 2003, IS GRADUALISM POSSIBLE? Choosing a Strategy for Promoting Democracy in the Middle East, INDIRECTLY PROMOTING DEMOCRACY
The second identifi able U.S. strategy … them understand U.S. policy more accurately 2. Topic focus – including every aff tangentially related to democratic institutions scatters the topic in too many directions – elections should be the focal point to ground education about “democracy” Wright and Rogers 9 Erik Olin Wright and Joel Rogers –profs, sociology and law, U Wisconsin - July 2009, American Society: How It Really Works, Elections are at the very core of … its electoral system and how it works.
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Supercommittee Disad
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A. Supercommittee will reach agreement now fostering moderate reductions in debt Bradner 9/1 (2011, ALASKA JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, Tim http://www.alaskajournal.com/stories/090111/loc_bocscr.shtml, Begich optimistic congressional super committee will reach agreement) Alaska U.S. Sen. Mark Begich says … the tax code, Begich said. B. Debt reduction through spending and tax change will happen now – enacting sacred cows stops debt reduction Goldwein 7/24 (http://crfb.org/category/document-type/policy-paper Budget Path: How Feds Can Avert the Fiscal Crisis June 24, 2011; By Marc Goldwein The Public Manager | June 24, 2011) Make no mistake: the United … the continuation of those cuts. C. Introducing controversy in discretionary spending causes gridlock – this will put the economy into recession by forcing a cuts only approach Gleckman 9/1 (2011, Howard, FORBES, “The Do-Nothing Fiscal Fix: Recipe for Recession”, http://www.forbes.com/sites/beltway/2011/09/01/the-do-nothing-fiscal-fix-recipe-for-recession/) Given Washington’s endless partisan nastiness—… well be headed for Recession II. D. Prolonged economic decline results in escalation of global hotspots, unstable regimes and nuclear exchange Friedberg and Schoenfeld 8 (Aaron, professor of politics and international relations at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School, Gabriel, Visiting Scholar at Witherspoon Institute; “The Dangers of a Diminished America,” WSJ, October 21, Proquest) Pressures to cut defense spending, … internal travails with external adventures.
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A. SKFTA will pass but pocap is key Palmer 9/2 Doug, Reuters Reporter, " Analysis: Obama's trade legacy in a crucible this fall," 2011, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/02/us-usa-obama-trade-idUSTRE7814CZ20110902 After a slow start that has … to approve the trade pacts B. Demo assistance draws out partisan battles – costs tons of capital – few presidents will take it on Mitchell & Phillips 8 (Lincoln & David, The Atlantic Council, “ENHANCING DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE”, http://www.acus.org/publication/enhancing-democracy-assistance) Democracy assistance has typically … to candidates in the 2008 election. C. Rejection of SKFTA collapses US credibility in Asia and global hegemony ROBERT D. HORMATS UNDER SECRETARY FOR ECONOMIC, ENERGY AND AGRICULTURAL AFFAIRS, September 13, 2011, US Economic Policy and the Asia Pacific, KORUS In line with these … project its foreign policy influence. D. We access every impact – environment, ozone, hunger, economy, proliferation, and global cooling Hayes and Green, 10 - *Victoria University AND **Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute (Peter and Michael, “-“The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia”, 1/5, http://www.nautilus.org/fora/security/10001HayesHamalGreen.pdf) The consequences of failing to … consideration from the international community.
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"Should" PIC
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Text: rewrite with the word “will” A. The word should denies us the choice to make our own decisions, causing us to act out of guilt and disconnecting us from our own lives, this is the same logic that allowed for the mass destruction of the holocaust. Rosenberg, Marshall. (Quals: Founder and director of educational services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication.) Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life. 2nd . Encinitas, CA: PuddleDancer Press, 2003. p. 131 p. 139-140 When we use language which … are being compassionate with ourselves. B. And, this is also a solvency takeout – the word should creates an internal tyranny which prevents people from making any type of change in their lives. Rosenberg, Marshall. (Quals: Founder and director of educational services for the Center for Nonviolent Communication.) Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life. 2nd . Encinitas, CA: PuddleDancer Press, 2003. p. 131 In our language there is a … devoid of life-giving joy.
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"Assistance" PIC
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Text: Write out the plan text replacing the term “assistance” with the term “cooperation” A. The term “assistance” denotes a top-down process that renders recipients passive—cooperation is key to avoid the patronizing tone of engagement Tandon 7 [Yash, “The Reality of Trade: The WTO and Developing Countries,” The North-South Institute, p.65, Accessed 3/27/08, http://www.nsi-ins.ca/english/pdf/Reality_of_Trade.pdf]. JLH Oddly, years after the OECD … WTO to the developing countries. B. This ethical relationship is unacceptable—we must choose specifically to reverse the relationship Memmi 97 [Albert, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of Paris, RACISM, p.165]. JLH Of course, this is debatable. … , but the stakes are irresistible.
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Corruption Reform CP
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Text: The United States federal government should offer _______________________ on the condition that corruption prevention measures are established or in the process of being established, including: a free press, independent judiciary, a counter-corruption commission, an ombudsman, audit agencies, and guarantee these all have the legal authority and resources to monitor conduct and punish wrongdoing. The United States federal government should provide technical assistance for the creation of these institutions. A. We should condition democracy assistance on corruption reform – corruption makes democratic backsliding inevitable – the counterplan is key to winning hearts and minds on the ground, which proves recipients would say yes. Diamond ‘8 (Larry, “End Foreign Aid As We Know It”, Democracy Journal, Issue #8, Spring, accessed online p. http://www.democracyjournal.org/8/6584.php) After more than four decades … –by showing that we agree.
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Covert CP
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Text: The United Stated federal government should covertly Overt internet democracy assistance causes backlash—perceived as imperialist Morozov 11 Evgeny, Foreign Policy contributing editor, “Freedom.gov” Foreign Policy Jan/Feb, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/01/02/freedomgov?page=0,1 But the Internet Freedom Agenda's … have an agenda at all.
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