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KCKCC Parks - Loken Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32
  • FGM

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • EcObservation 1: Background


      Female Genital Mutilation-reduction programs have been identified as democracy assistance for years; but are piecemeal and inadequately funded.


      Blatchfield, [et al] July 26, 2011 [Luisa, International Relations Specialist, Congressional Research Service, International Violence Against Women: U.S. Response and Policy Issues; Rhoda Magesson, Specialist in International Humanitarian Policy, CRS, Tiaji Salaam-Blyther; Specialist in Global Health, Nina M. Serafino Specialist in International Security Affairs; AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 11081666. (Posted 08/16/11)]


      Egypt has the highest rate of FGM in the world.


       Lucy Emmerson, July 27, 2011 [Promise of Arab Spring Failing to Deliver for Middle-Eastern Women; http://mideastposts.com/2011/07/27/promise-of-arab-spring-failing-to-deliver-for-middle-eastern-women/]

      Observation 2: Solvency


      USAID already has a pilot program in 24 communities in Egypt for FGM reduction and its proven to work.


      McCloud and Aly 2003 [Promoting FGM Abandonment in Egypt: Introduction of Positive Deviance, 2003; CEDPA.org]



      McCloud and Aly,  2003[Promoting FGM Abandonment in Egypt: Introduction of Positive Deviance, 2003; CEDPA.org]

      Observation 3: Patriarchy




      World Health Organization, 2008 [Eliminating Female genital mutilation

      An interagency statement OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNECA, UNESCO; ISBN 978 92 4 159644 2 (NLM classification: WP 660)]




      Hosken 89 (Fran, editor of Women’s International Network—coined the term “female genital mutilation,” March, http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/first/hosken.html)


      THIRD, Traditional understanding of warfare as great power conflict of nations over territory contributes to the invisibility of an ongoing systemic war against women—Ray 1997



      \Amy E. Ray, Law Clerk at U.S. Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit and JD at Florida State, “The Shame of It: Gender-Based Terrorism in the Former Yugoslavia and the Failure of International Human Rights Law to Comprehend the Injuries,” Pg. 46, Am. U.L. Rev. 793, February 1997]


      FOURTH, Discourse of national security threats are socially constructed and reliant on a masculine understanding of the world that makes a self-perpetuating cycle of global violence inevitable—Peterson and Runyan 1999 [V. Spike Peterson, Professor of Political Science at University of Arizona, Anne Runyan, Professor of Women’s Studies at Wright State University, “Global Gender Issues,” 2nd Edition, Pg. 56-57]


      Observation 4: Nothing Else Matters


      FIRST, Structural violence like inequality and patriarchy produce vast physical and psychological effects. These conditions justify war, authoritarian rule, and a nuclear holocaust


      Betty A. Reardon, Director of the Peace Education Program at Teacher's College Columbia University, 1993, Women and Peace: Feminist Visions of Global Security, p. 30-2

      SECOND, This dehumanization outweighs every other impact—Berube 1997 [David Berube, Ph.D. in Communications, “Nanotechnological Prolongevity: The Down Side,” NanoTechnology Magazine, July 1997, p. 1-6]


      THIRD, The judge should make an ethical decision about violence against women – this requires setting aside issues of political expediency. Concerns with political will or scarce resources makes possible violence against women


      Enloe 2004 [Cynthia Enloe, Professor of IR, University of California Berkeley, “The Curious Feminist,”

  • EcoGov

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • TraffickingWe speak for the trees. Dr. Suess explains our underlying ideology in the Lorax [http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Dr._Seuss]:


      The United States federal government should substantially increase its EcoGov2 environmental governance programs for the area referred to as Egypt by shifting United States neoliberal efforts to environmental governance.

      Ob 1 The intersection of environment and democracy.

      1. Policymakers are ignoring the ecological dimensions of the Arab Spring. Ahmed, 2011 [Dr. Mushtaque Ahmed is the Director of the Center for Environmental Studies and Research(CESAR) and Associate Professor of the Department of Soils, Water, and Agricultural Engineering, College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) of Oman.Middle East Institute Viewpoints: The Environment and the Middle East, Vol 1 February, 2011]:

      2. The Middle East and North Africa stand at a cross roads between environmental sustainability and total environmental collapse. But there is still time to prevent it. Muawya Ahmed Hussein is a professor at Dhofar University, College of Commerce & Business Administration, Salalah,Oman, 2011[Middle East Institute Viewpoints: The Environment and the Middle East, Vol 1 February, 2011]:

      3. Instead of helping the newly freed people of the Middle East and North Africa, achieve environmental sustainability, U.S. Democracy assistance is merely expanding United States Imperialism and neoliberal resource exploitation. Massad, Professor at Columbia University, June 2011 [Joseph Massad is Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University. http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/06/2011689456174295.html]

      4. Status Quo. democracy assistance to Egypt is being used to hijack the revolution, making the people subservient to imperial neolibralism. Massad, June 2011 [Joseph Massad is Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University. http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/06/2011689456174295.html]

      5. The United State’s Imperial drive to dominate other peoples and the planet makes extinction inevitable. John Bellamy Foster, editor of Monthly Review, Naked Imperialism, September 2005http://www.monthlyreview.org/0905jbf.htm

      6. Unless we repair our relations with non-humans we will be doomed to ontological damnation, outweighing all other impacts.


      Zimmerman, 1997

      Michael, “Contesting the Earth’s Future: Radical Ecology and Postmodernity”, p. 19-20

      7. A shift to environmental governance and civil society is necessary for planetary survival. John Lash, President of the World Resources Institute writes in Opening the Door for Environmental Democracy, 2008:


      8. True democratization that rejects neoliberalist conceptions of democratization; and in favor of localized decision-making, creates conditions for true citizen participation and protects biodiversity. Jesse Ribot, World Resources Institute, 2008 [WAITING FOR DEMOCRACY THE POLITICS OF CHOICE IN NATURAL RESOURCE DECENTRALIZATION]


      Advantage 1. Saving the Trees.


      A.        The Pharonic Palm tree in Egypt  is on the brink of extinction. Cam McGrath, 2011 [http://www.globalissues.org/news/2011/01/07/8112]

      B. Loss of Biodiversity leads to extinction. Diner 94 [David N., Military Law Review Winter 43 Mil. L. Rev. 161 THE ARMY AND THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT: WHO'S ENDANGERING WHOM? Judge Advocate General's Corps, United States Army.]


      C.        EcoGov is a comprehensive governance project that works to protect biological diversity and create conditions for sustainable development from a bioregional perspective. Development Alternatives, 2009 [Phillipine Ecogovernance Quarterly Report No. 18, May, 2009]:


      Advantage 2.  Coral Reefs.

      A.        Egypt’s coral reefs are on the brink of collapse. Mayton, October, 2010 [http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/oct/14/egypt-red-sea-pollution]

      B.        Reef collapse ensures extinction.

      Global news Wire ’02 [Dec 10, “Reefs Under Stress,” Lexis]

      C.        EcoGov has empirically worked to improve environmental democracy, saving coastal resources and coral reefs. Development Alternatives, 2010 [http://www.dai.com/about/newsroom.php?nid=170]

      D.        Ecogov improves coastal water quality and improve biological diversity. Development Alternatives, 2009. [Phillipine Ecogovernance Quarterly Report No. 18, May, 2009]:

  • Trafficking

    • Tournament: UTD | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Plan: United States federal government substantially increases its democracy assistance for Yemen by having USAID provide financial support and technical assistance to fully implement Yemen’s national strategy for addressing trafficking in persons.

      Advantage 1. Slavery.

      1. Yemen established a national plan of action to eliminate human trafficking in their country. United States State Department 2010 [released 2011; http://www.philipbrennan.net/2011/02/14/cablegate-10sanaa295-yemen-tenth-annual-trafficking-in-persons-tip-report/]

      2. HCMC had its funding gutted, preventing it from enforcing Yemen’s anti-trafficking laws. United States State Department 2010 [released 2011; http://www.philipbrennan.net/2011/02/14/cablegate-10sanaa295-yemen-tenth-annual-trafficking-in-persons-tip-report/]

      3. Yemen’s lack of resources prevents them from controlling sex trafficking.  Last year, they only spent Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) on enforcement. Downs, August 26, 2011 [Reporter , http://www.christianpost.com/news/saudi-arabia-prevents-efforts-to-fight-child-sex-trafficking-wikileaks-says-54618]

      4. Yemen should fully implement its Rule of law and civil society programs regarding human trafficking. United Nations, 2010 [United Nations, 2010. [http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/type,ANNUALREPORT,,,4c1883b625,0.html]

      5. The United States is key to solving the problem. USAID has the ability to provide law enforcement training and support of NGO’s to prevent trafficking, prosecute traffickers and to rehabilitate victims of trafficking in target countries. United States Department of State, 2011 [http://www.state.gov/g/tip/response/usg/index.htm]

      6. Yemen is the main source of child slaves for the Middle East. Ecpat International, 2010 [http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:ymqXsRCcS2oJ:www.ecpat.net/EI/Publications/Trafficking/Factsheet_Middle_East.pdf+Yemen+Sex+Trafficking&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgu7MVNhxh1TnhCjdwZKk_vKzUTsI9F3-WWHhd9aq BMq_PgumV4BtNEJpnGy4EVPMoWft8Q0Zmfl3VPXlN3qnXpXlHfuFXhsOl1p_z1lhBgi1Pwxb_9-kwZk48T4kPJlsmJBke&sig=AHIEtbTOmTa5e5jgur9UxAPAUUckyijmfQ]

      7. 700,000 and 1.4 million Yemnis are forced into slavery. United States State Department 2010 [released 2011; http://www.philipbrennan.net/2011/02/14/cablegate-10sanaa295-yemen-tenth-annual-trafficking-in-persons-tip-report/]

      8. Yemeni children are now being used for human organ harvesting. United States State Department 2010 [released 2011; http://www.philipbrennan.net/2011/02/14/cablegate-10sanaa295-yemen-tenth-annual-trafficking-in-persons-tip-report/]

      9. Slavery is the refusal to recognize ourselves in others—it dooms society to moral decay and is incompatible with free society—it must be overcome. Anthony Pagden, staff writer for The New Republic, 1997, (December 22, “The Stain” lexis)

      10. We have an ethical obligation to stop such measures. We cannot let ourselves remain complicit to a system of slavery. Kevin Bales 1999 (Disposable People New Slavery in the Global Economy p. 262) Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Roehampton University in London; this book was nominated for the Pulitzer prize and has been translated into 10 languages.

      11. Governments must utilize moral implications in light of the uncertain nature of policy consequences. David Halloran Lumsdaine, Yale assistant professor of political science, 1993 (Moral Vision in International Politics, pg. 273)

      12. Reject the urge to evaluate magnitude first on DAs against this advantage; it trivializes real risks and engages in a form of unrealism that damages effective policymaking

      Nicholas Rescher, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh, 1983, Risk: A Philosophical Introduction to the Theory of Risk Evaluation and Management, p. 50



      Advantage 2. Patriarchy.

      1. Prostitution is part of the construction of the man as a ‘protector’ of the ‘feminized nation’ which legitimizes masculinized modes of militarization in the name of ‘protection’—props up dominant male structures that allow women to be constantly abused

      Enloe 93 – Professor in the Department of International Development, Community, and Environment at Clark University, Ph.D in Political Science from UC Berkeley (Cynthia Enloe, “The Morning After: Sexual Politics at the End of the Cold War” p. 238-239, MT)


      2. Patriarchal systems are the the root cause of environmental destruction and war; extinction becomes inevitable

      Warren and Cady 94

      (Spring 1994, Hypatia, “Feminism and Peace: Seeing connections,” pg 16-17)


      3. Traditional understanding of warfare as great power conflict of nations over territory contributes to the invisibility of an ongoing systemic war against women

      Ray 1997 Amy E. Ray, Law Clerk at U.S. Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit and JD at Florida State, “The Shame of It: Gender-Based Terrorism in the Former Yugoslavia and the Failure of International Human Rights Law to Comprehend the Injuries,” Pg. 46, Am. U.L. Rev. 793, February 1997]


      4. Discourse of national security threats are socially constructed and reliant on a masculine understanding of the world that makes a self-perpetuating cycle of global violence inevitable—Peterson and Runyan 1999 [V. Spike Peterson, Professor of Political Science at University of Arizona, Anne Runyan, Professor of Women’s Studies at Wright State University, “Global Gender Issues,” 2nd Edition, Pg. 56-57]


      5. Structural violence like inequality and patriarchy produce vast physical and psychological effects. These conditions justify war, authoritarian rule, and a nuclear holocaust

      Betty A. Reardon, Director of the Peace Education Program at Teacher's College Columbia University, 1993, Women and Peace: Feminist Visions of Global Security, p. 30-2

      In an article entitled "Naming the Cultural Forces That Push Us toward War" (1983


      6. This dehumanization outweighs every other impact--Berube 1997 [David Berube, Ph.D. in Communications, “Nanotechnological Prolongevity: The Down Side,” NanoTechnology Magazine, July 1997, p. 1-6]


      7. Focus on political expediency guarantees that women’s issues will always be pushed to the back and maintains patriarchy.

      Enloe 04

      [Cynthia, prof of IR, The Curious Feminist, p. 74]


  • FGM

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Plan: the United States federal government should substantially increase its democracy assistance by expanding CEPDA female genital cutting eradication programs to Yemen


      Female Genital Mutilation-reduction programs have been identified as democracy assistance for years; but are piecemeal and inadequately funded.

      Blatchfield, [et al] July 26, 2011 [Luisa, International Relations Specialist, Congressional Research Service, International Violence Against Women: U.S. Response and Policy Issues; Rhoda Magesson, Specialist in International Humanitarian Policy, CRS, Tiaji Salaam-Blyther; Specialist in Global Health, Nina M. Serafino Specialist in International Security Affairs; AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 11081666. (Posted 08/16/11)]


      Female Genital Mutilation is on the rise in Yemen affecting as many as 3 million girls per year; The Government of Yemen is actively seeking assistance to stop it. Fares Aman, February 11, 2012 [http://www.yobserver.com/reports/10021898.html; Female genital circumcision still on the rise in Yemen]



      Anti-FGM laws lack enforcement in Yemen.  FGM Newblog, 2010 [http://fgcdailynews.blogspot.com/2010/02/yemen-new-fgmc-law-possible-within-four.html]


      24% of women in Yemen have undergone FGM, higher rates in the coastal regions. The Orchid Project website, 2011 [NGO dedicated to promoting women’s rights. http://www.orchidproject.org/the-arab-spring-what-could-it-mean-for-female-genital-cutting-in-egypt-and-yemen/]



      FGM abandonment programs work. Over 2,000 communities throughout Africa have abandoned the practice within just a few years of plan implementation. The Independent, February 6, 2012 [http://www.hiiraan.com/news4/2012/feb/22564/victory_in_sight_for_revolution_over_female_genital_mutilation.aspx]


      CEPDA programs have empirical solvency

      McCloud and Aly 2003 [Promoting FGM Abandonment in Egypt: Introduction of Positive Deviance, 2003; CEDPA.org]




      Hosken 89 (Fran, editor of Women’s International Network—coined the term “female genital mutilation,” March, http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/first/hosken.html)


      Traditional understanding of warfare as great power conflict of nations over territory contributes to the invisibility of an ongoing systemic war against women—Ray 1997

      \Amy E. Ray, Law Clerk at U.S. Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit and JD at Florida State, “The Shame of It: Gender-Based Terrorism in the Former Yugoslavia and the Failure of International Human Rights Law to Comprehend the Injuries,” Pg. 46, Am. U.L. Rev. 793, February 1997]


      Discourse of national security threats are socially constructed and reliant on a masculine understanding of the world that makes a self-perpetuating cycle of global violence inevitable—Peterson and Runyan 1999 [V. Spike Peterson, Professor of Political Science at University of Arizona, Anne Runyan, Professor of Women’s Studies at Wright State University, “Global Gender Issues,” 2nd Edition, Pg. 56-57]


      Structural violence like inequality and patriarchy produce vast physical and psychological effects. These conditions justify war, authoritarian rule, and a nuclear holocaust Betty A. Reardon, Director of the Peace Education Program at Teacher's College Columbia University, 1993, Women and Peace: Feminist Visions of Global Security, p. 30-2


      Reject the urge to evaluate magnitude first on DAs against this advantage; it trivializes real risks and engages in a form of unrealism that damages effective policymaking Nicholas Rescher, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh, 1983, Risk: A Philosophical Introduction to the Theory of Risk Evaluation and Management, p. 50


      Patriarchal systems are the root cause of environmental destruction and war; extinction becomes inevitable

      Warren and Cady 94

      (Spring 1994, Hypatia, “Feminism and Peace: Seeing connections,” pg 16-17)



      Focus on political expediency guarantees that women’s issues will always be pushed to the back and maintains patriarchy. Enloe 04 [Cynthia, prof of IR, The Curious Feminist, p. 74]

  • Libya-Aliens

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Plan

      The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its democratic governance assistance for the National Transitional Council.


      Observation 1 – Stability

      Contention one is stability


      Rapid development of centralized governance in Libya is the only way to stave off waves of instability and civil war

      ICG 12-14, international crisis group – independent non-profit NGO, “holding libya together: security challenges after qadhafi”, http://www.crisisgroup.org/~/media/Files/Middle%20East%20North%20Africa/North%20Africa/115%20Holding%20Libya%20Together%20--%20Security%20Challenges%20after%20Qadhafi.pdf)


      No alternative causalities – A functioning judicial system solves all the internal links to tribal infighting in Libya

      David Tolbert, president of the International Center for Transitional Justice, 8/25/2011, http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/08/25/how-to-make-justice-a-foundation-of-the-new-libya/


      Spills over to the rest of the middle east.

      Harel, 10/27/11 (Amos, “Hamas boosting anti-aircraft arsenal with looted Libyan missiles,” Haaretz, http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/news/hamas-boosting-anti-aircraft-arsenal-with-looted-libyan-missiles-1.392186, bgm)


      This instability stalls extraterrestrial disclosure.

      Salla 7 [Michael, Early 2007,  Ph.D is a former Assistant Professor in International Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University, Washington DC. He has studied exopolitics issues since 2001. Israel Seeks Pre-emptive Nuclear Strike Against Iran. Accessed December 24, 2011]


      Extinction is inevitable – only disclosure solves

      Burkes No date [Dr. Joseph Burkes, works for SETI, Cosmic Peace, accessed December 24th, 2011.]


      And, that solves every impact.

      Greer No Date [Steven M. M.D. (CSETI / The Disclosure Project). Disclosure and Transformation: Why disclosure of the ET/UFO subject matters. Accessed December 24, 2011]


      The extra-terrestrial issue is the most important thing facing humanity—it has the power to transform human consciousness—without it we’re doomed to slavery

      Jover 08.  (Pepon, Director of Exopolitics Spain, based in Barcelona, and has a Masters in Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology.  February.  “Consciousness:  The Doorway of the Cosmos”.  https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:QF2zelQddNgJ:www.trans-personal.com/CssDoorCosmos.pdf+%22disclosure+of+extraterrestrial+life%22+%2B+intergalactic+community&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShYzIND5cCdwuY1iHPoqIRNKhozjjMNHColI6v4uztFrA8VgS8W8HbdjkDvvsIFPY4UhZiaocb4I3PPFLLkx5QrvMWeIj9RqEfzBCynLMQgAnSMTWegZqxdJX62NmsZn-FuO7HN&sig=AHIEtbTpTJcKXlkPBUHE6CrQx8eutvNm6w)


      The idea that aliens are threats is used to justify the expansion of the military industrial complex into space and causes extinction

      Salla 11 [[Michael, May 2nd,  Ph.D is a former Assistant Professor in International Peace and Conflict Resolution at American University, Washington DC. He has studied exopolitics issues since 2001. Will Osama’s Death lead to a new contrived global threat – extraterrestrial life? Accessed February 7th, 2012.]


      They exist – 10,000 civilizations  

      Drake, Astronomy and Astrophysics Professor University of California at Santa Cruz ,  02  <July, Astrobiology Magazine,  http://www.astrobio.net/news/article236.html>  



      Observation 2 – Solvency

      US expertise is key in the short term

      Andrew Engel 12-25, research assistance at the Washington Institute, “Challenges Facing the Libyan Government”, http://www.thecuttingedgenews.com/index.php?article=53470&pageid=&pagename=


      Aid now, but not for governance

      Christopher M. Blanchard 12-8, analyst in Middle Eastern Affairs at CRS, “Libya: Transition and U.S. Policy”, https://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL33142.pdf


      And it doesn’t solve leadership

      Warrick 10/19 (Joby, Washington Post, “Clinton vows backing for Libya”, http://articles.boston.com/2011-10-19/news/30298576_1_mahmoud-jibril-libyan-capital-libyan-leaders)


      USAID just gave a huge grant that sucks

      Grant December 11




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