KCKCC » KCKCC Garvey- Johnson Aff

KCKCC Garvey- Johnson Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:32
  • IMET 1AC - Garvey/Miller

    • Tournament: UNI | Round: 2 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • 1

    • 1AC

      The United States federal government should increase its democracy assistance by substantially expanding the International Military Education and Training budget for Egypt.

      Contention 1: The Squo
      Egyption IMET Budget will be cut soon
      Sharp, 11 (Jeremy, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, “Egypt in Transition.”)
      The Administration has ... reduction in net assistance. 

      Expansion of IMET budget is necessary
      Korski 11 (Daniel, Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, 7/8, “Without Military Reform, Egypt Can't Democratize” http://www.realclearworld.com/articles/2011/07/08/without_military_reform_egypt_cant_democratize_99584.html)gw
      The creation of this Military I...reshape the military to address these. 


      The plan’s financial certainty solves
      Bruneau, Et al, 8 (“IMET Assesment,” Defense Security Cooperation Agency, PDF)
      Increase the IMET budget to the $.... significant budget and resource problems. 

      IMET leads to interoperability
      Bruneau, Et al, 8 (“IMET Assesment,” Defense Security Cooperation Agency, PDF)
      IMET improves interoperability. ... thus improving interoperability. 

      The plan has a Pollination effect – solves widespread democracy
      Bruneau, Et al, 8 (“IMET Assesment,” Defense Security Cooperation Agency, PDF)
      IMET has a cross fertilization, ...e.g. Defense Resource Management Institute (DRMI). 

      Only US can help shape the Egyptian military
      Kitfield 11 (James, national security and foreign affairs correspondent for National Journal magazine, an independent and non-partisan newsweekly on politics and government published by Atlantic Media Company, “Ghosts of the ‘Arab Spring,”’National Journal Magazine, February 12, 2011, found on Academic Search Premier) MNC
      "Arab regimes tend to politicize their .... in the high-stakes game in Egypt. 

      Contention 2: Relations

      Relations are deteriorating now – government and media
      World Tribune, 8/15/11 (Egypt's new regime accuses U.S. of attempting to buy reforms Monday, August 15, 2011)
      Egypt's new military regime ...e to be there for Egypt."


      Relations are only getting worse due to NGO aid
      Allam, 8/17/11 (Hannah, McClatchy Washington DC News Bureau, “New u.s. ambassador faces cooler relations in Egypt,” proquest)
      "Ambassador Patterson told Field ... and the rise of militant groups. 

      Contention 2: Relations

      IMET crucial to US-Egypt relations
      Roberts 11 (James, researcher for the Heritage Foundation, “Not All Foreign Aid is Created Equal,” Backgrounder, No 2523, March 1, 2011, pg 2.) KJS
      The value of U.S. international security a....f international peacekeeping operations.

      The plan salvages our relationship with Egypt
      Moss, 11
      Mon, 2011-02-28 18:08 | Foreign Policy | Lorianne Woodrow Moss BA in International Relations from the George Washington University and an MA in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). http://americanactionforum.org/content/americas-role-during-arab-spring
      Some of our strongest relationships in the r....IMET is one of the best investments we can make.

      U.S. – Egyptian relations solve war with Israel
      CFR 2 (Council on Foreign Relations, May, “Strengthening the U.S.-Egyptian Relationship” http://www.cfr.org/egypt/strengthening-us-egyptian-relationship-cfr-paper/p8666)gw
      The U.S.-Egyptian relationship is r... the management of the Middle East.

      An Egypt-Israeli war is likely – tensions are boiling now
      Allam and Frenkel, 8/19/11 (Hannah, Sheera, McClatchy Washington DC News Burea, “Tensions boil after Egypt-Israel border clash,” Proquest)
      CAIRO  Furious over a murky ...mostly controlled by Bedouin tribes. 


      Egypt-Israeli conflict escalates to nuclear war
      Eldar 3 (Dan Eldar, adjunct research fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University, former senior analyst at the Israeli prime minister's office, “Egypt and Israel: A Reversible Peace,” The Middle East Quarterly, Fall 2003, pp. 57-65)
      In addition, there is a risk that relations .... consequences for the entire region.

      Relation’s key to solve terrorism
      Hall and Wolf, 11 (Mimi and Richard, February, USA Today News, http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/egypt-crisis-transition-weaken-us-anti-terror-efforts/story?id=12837899)
      Egypt has long been "a good intelligence partner," ....That could mark a turning point."

      Global terrorist motivations are growing – only a matter of time
      Coker 5/3/11 (Margaret, Middle East Correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, “As Al Qaeda Adapts Its Tactics, Threat From Splinter Group Persists, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703703304576299041912668436.html), LC
      Al Qaeda leader....the group's "continued menace."

      Terrorism causes extinction – draws in Russia and China
      Ayson 10 (Robert, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand at the Victoria University of Wellington, “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume 33, Issue 7, July, Available Online to Subscribing Institutions via InformaWorld)
      A terrorist nuclear attack, ...the chances of nuclear restraint.

      There will be retaliation that draws in great powers
      Corsi ‘5  
      (Jerome, PhD in political science from Harvard, excerpt from Atomic Iran, http://911review.org/Wget/worldnetdaily.com/NYC_hit_by_terrorist_nuke.html)
      The combination of horror ...looked while the great nations focus on attacking one another.

      Contention 3: Stability
      Egyptian military unable to curb instability
      Saleh and Millership, 11 (Yasmine and Peter, “Egypt’s military rulers hope swift transition will restore stability,” http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2011-02/16/content_12024836.htm)
      CAIRO - Egypt's military rulers... to celebrate the revolution. 


      Egyptian economy and government is unstable—military education solves
      Henry and Springborg 11 (Clement professor of government and middle east studies at the University of Texas at Autstin, and Robert, professor of national security affairs at the naval post graduate school and program manager for the middle east at the Center for Civil-Military Relations, “A Tunisian Solution for Egypt’s Military, Foreign Affairs Online, February 21, 2011, http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/67475/clement-m-henry-and-robert-springborg/a-tunisian-solution-for-egypts-military?page=show) KJS
      But Egypt faces dire economic c....“Tunisia is the solution.” 

      Contention 3: Stability
      IMET intervention is key to stabilizing Egypt
      Peters 11 (Anne Mariel, govt prof @ WU, Jan 31, “Protests in Egypt: the real reason for Obama’s two-handed game,” http://www.csmonitor.com/layout/set/print/content/view/print/359955)
      On the other hand, t...its own borders. 


      Food prices will only get worse – stability in Egypt is key
      Marlow, 11 (Jen, February, “Egypt Uprising: Climate Change, Food Security, and Political Stability,” http://threedegreeswarmer.org/2011/02/egypt-uprising-climate-change-food-security-and-political-stability/)
      While world food prices w....that the current food price surge may be just the beginning.” 

      Egypt Stability key to solve suez canal take over
      Khalifa, 7/17/11 (Rana, http://yallafinance.com/2011/07/17/the-effect-tension-in-suez-city-has-on-the-suez-canal/)
      The ongoing events i....logistical level in the short-term. 

      Egypt stability solves European economy
      Hilliker, 11 (Joel, February, “Will the Muslim Brotherhood close the Suez Canal?” http://www.thetrumpet.com/print.php?q=7928.6537.0.0)
      A particular concern is ....the Suez Canal remains very significant strategically. 

      Collapse of the EU economy sky rockets global food prices
      EIU ViewsWire, The Economic Intelligence Unit, 6/18/08, “EU Economy: Inflation Fears,” Proquest MH
      The Economist Intelligence Unit .... mitigate the effects on incomes of rising prices. 

      Food wars likely – rising prices are causing unrest – the brink is now
      Malone, 8/24/11 (Barry, Reuters, “Study: High Food prices Driving Unrest,” http://crisisboom.com/2011/08/24/study-high-food-prices-driving-unrest/)
      The waves of social unrest a...that it will soon breach a threshold.

      Food shortages lead to nuclear war
      William Calvin, theoretical neurophysiologist at the University of Washington, Atlantic Monthly, January, The Great Climate Flip-Flop, Vol 281, No. 1, 1998, p. 47-64
      The population-crash scenario...g from the North Atlantic.

      Increased food prices cause Chinese econ collapse
      Lester Brown, 1995, founded the Earth Policy Institute. 23 honorary degrees, a MacArthur Fellowship, the 1987 United Nations' Environment Prize, the 1989 World Wide Fund for Nature Gold Medal, and the 1994 Blue Planet.
      , “Who Will Feed China?” p. 133-4, Worldwatch Institute, KAPUSTINA
      In the new era, p.... nation’s economic miracle to a premature end. 

      The impact is global nuclear war
      Epoch Times 5 [Aug 3, http://en.epochtimes.com/news/5-8-3/30975.html]
      Since the Party’s life is “above all else....and gamble with their lives.

  • FGM 1AC - EJohnson

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • CJohnFemale Genital Mutilation-reduction programs have been identified as democracy assistance for years; but are piecemeal and inadequately funded.


      Blatchfield, [et al] July 26, 2011

      [Luisa, International Relations Specialist, Congressional Research Service, International Violence Against Women: U.S. Response and Policy Issues; Rhoda Magesson, Specialist in International Humanitarian Policy, CRS, Tiaji Salaam-Blyther; Specialist in Global Health, Nina M. Serafino Specialist in International Security Affairs; AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 11081666. (Posted 08/16/11)]


      U.S. policymakers have ..........violence against women.


      Egypt has the highest rate of FGM in the world.


       Lucy Emmerson, July 27, 2011

      [Promise of Arab Spring Failing to Deliver for Middle-Eastern Women; http://mideastposts.com/2011/07/27/promise-of-arab-spring-failing-to-deliver-for-middle-eastern-women/]


      In Egypt, a ......... be widely practiced.



      Contention 2 Solvency



      Positive Deviance works. We have the empirical evidence from the pilot studies of 24 villages in Egypt.


      McCloud and Aly,  2003

       [Promoting FGM Abandonment in Egypt: Introduction of Positive Deviance, 2003; CEDPA.org]



      Over 73 percent ........ perceptions of the practice.



      USAID already has a pilot program in 24 communities in Egypt for FGM reduction and its proven to work.


      McCloud and Aly 2003

      [Promoting FGM Abandonment in Egypt: Introduction of Positive Deviance, 2003; CEDPA.org]


      Since 1998, CEPDA .......first three phases.


       Community based programs premised on human rights offer the best long term and large scale solvency. World Health Organization, 2008

      [Eliminating Female genital mutilation

      An interagency statement OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNECA, UNESCO WHO; ISBN 978 92 4 159644 2 (NLM classification: WP 660)]


      Programmes that are ........ female genital mutilation.


       You will always prefer our empirical solvency. FGM programs have abolished FGM in 6,000 communities in other countries in Africa. Foryana, 2011.

      [Copyright 2011 FOROYAA Newspaper. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media (allAfrica.com).February 14, 2011 Statements On International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM-C]

      In Africa, communities ....... rights of girls.


      The Egyptian Government is committed to eradicating FGM. State Department, 2001

      [Egypt: Report on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or Female Genital Cutting (FGC) Released by the Office of the Senior Coordinator for International Women's Issues]

      The government remains ........age seven to twelve).



      Just an investment of $28 million dollars per year for the next ten years can virtually eliminate FGM globally. Donors Working Group 2010

       [Platform for Action Towards the Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) A matter of gender equality The Donors Working Group on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting April 2010]


      On this basis, UNICEF has estimated........ improve programme effectiveness.




      When community programs are implemented, FGM is rapidly abandoned. World Health Organization, 2008

       [Eliminating Female genital mutilation

      An interagency statement OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNECA, UNESCO WHO; ISBN 978 92 4 159644 2 (NLM classification: WP 660)]


      Decades of prevention ....... eliminated very rapidly.



      Regardless of fiat, simply engaging in debates about FGM raises awareness of the issue and furthers the cause of abandonment. World Health Organization, 2008

      [Eliminating Female genital mutilation: An interagency statement OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNECA, UNESCO WHO; ISBN 978 92 4 159644 2 (NLM classification: WP 660)]


      As female genital ........ abandonment of the practice (WHO, 2000b; Population Reference Bureau, 2001, 2006; UNICEF, 2005b; UNFPA, 2007a).


      All major religious leaders in Egypt oppose FGM. Even the Muslim Brotherhood supports abandonment. Women Living Under Muslim Laws, 2007

       [http://www.wluml.org/node/3472; “Egypt: Female genital mutilation persists in Egypt despite renewed opposition]

      While the practice........ doesn't require it.


      Even if we link to Cultural Imperialism, so what, we are the impact turn. Kristoff, May, 2011

       [New York Times; A Rite Of Torture For Girls, NICHOLAS D. KRISTOFF]

      Is it cultural ....... to defer to.





      United States federal government should substantially increase its positive deviance based female genital mutilation/cutting reduction efforts for Egypt.




      Contention 3: Gender Inequality



      FGM Is the root Cause of Gender inequality and Patriarchy in Egypt, More Education is needed to solve  


      2002 New School for Social Research 2002 Gale, Cengage




      Likewise, the Qur'an ......... inequality in the region. 


      PATRIARCHY IS THE ROOT OF THE WAR SYSTEM, Unchecked Extinction is inevitable

      Betty A. Reardon, Director of the Peace Education Program at Teacher’s College Columbia University, 1993, Women and Peace: Feminist Visions of Global Security, p. 30-2 (PDNSS6401)

      In an article entitled ......... in world politics.



      Patriarchy is the root of all oppression –AND all violence


      hooks, professor of English at City College,  2004 (bell, The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love.  P 26-27)

      Citizens in this........... people on the planet.



      FGM predates the creation of the modern State, Capitalism, Islam, Christianity, and the United States federal government. We are one of the original pillars of patriarchy. Tebajjukira, 2009 [Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media (allAfrica.com) December 21, 2009 'By 2015         Female      Genital    Mutilation Will Be No More' [interview]Madinah Tebajjukira]

      It is not clearly......., Sudan and northern DRC.



      This dehumanization outweighs every other impact—Berube 1997 [David Berube, Ph.D. in Communications, “Nanotechnological Prolongevity: The Down Side,” NanoTechnology Magazine, July 1997, p. 1-6]


      While it may never.......... most powerful weapon.






      We must break down gender inequalities. We as human beings have a moral obligation

      Deborah Pryce, R-Congress, 12-15-05, Price Praises House Passage of Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization, http://www.house.gov/pryce/press%20releases/121705_VAWA.htm


      "Violence against women ........ protect its victims." 






      Contention 4: ILAW



      FGM practices violates a child’s right to live under the Convention of the Rights of the Child

      Kissaaky, Doctorate of Laws at Georgetown University and affiliated with Human rights and Peace Centre, 02

      (The Human Rights of Women: International Instruments and African Experiences, World University Service, London)

      FGM also violates children's ......... violation of the Convention. [275]




      International Law is inevitable but US is critical to its effectiveness

      Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, ’02

      Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, and the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, 2002, Rule of Power or Rule of Law? An Assessment of U.S. Policies and Actions Regarding Security-Related Treaties, May, http://www.ieer.org/reports/treaties/execsumm.pdf

      The evolution of ...... opted out of compliance.





      US needs to support International law to strengthen relations and sustain credibility – key to solve warming, AIDS, and future disease pandemics,

      Bellinger 07

      (John, the principal adviser on all domestic and international law matters to the Foreign Service. He is also the principal adviser on foreign relations to the President and the National Security Council, “The United States and international Law,” June 6,  http://www.state.gov/s/l/rls/86123.htm).

      If your information .........r common future rests on them.




      Effective international law solves every impact

      Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, ’02

      Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, and the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, 2002, Rule of Power or Rule of Law? An Assessment of U.S. Policies and Actions Regarding Security-Related Treaties, May, http://www.ieer.org/reports/treaties/execsumm.pdf

      The evolution of international ........opted out of compliance.








      Tom Kerns November 23, 1999 "AIDS and Apocalyptics for Questioning Millennium Madness."  Lecture from Introduction to Medical Ethics course.  http://www.bioethicscourse.info/aidsite/lec-millemad.html


      "Whatever else AIDS ....... emergence of pneumonic plague."





      Human rights responsibility key to prevent extinction

      Copelan 99

      (Rhonda Copelan, law professor, NYU, NEW YORK CITY LAW REVIEW, 1999, p. 71-2)


      Inattention to the international ......... and foreign policy.

  • FGM 1AC - Garvey/Miller

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1AC – Plan Text

      Plan: the United States federal government should substantially increase its democracy assistance for Egypt by increasing its positive deviance approach for female genital mutilation and cutting abandonment pilot programs to long-term and full-scale implementation.


      Contention1: FGM

      Female Genital Mutilation-reduction programs have been identified as democracy assistance for years; but are piecemeal and inadequately funded.

      Blatchfield, [et al] July 26, 2011 [Luisa, International Relations Specialist, Congressional Research Service, International Violence Against Women: U.S. Response and Policy Issues; Rhoda Magesson, Specialist in International Humanitarian Policy, CRS, Tiaji Salaam-Blyther; Specialist in Global Health, Nina M. Serafino Specialist in International Security Affairs; AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 11081666. (Posted 08/16/11)]

      U.S. policymakers have........... current efforts to combat violence against women.


      Egypt has the highest rate of FGM in the world

       Lucy Emmerson, July 27, 2011 [Promise of Arab Spring Failing to Deliver for Middle-Eastern Women; http://mideastposts.com/2011/07/27/promise-of-arab-spring-failing-to-deliver-for-middle-eastern-women/]

      In Egypt, a ........ to still be widely practiced.


      USAID already has a pilot program in 24 communities in Egypt for FGM reduction and its proven to work.

      McCloud and Aly,  2003 [Promoting FGM Abandonment in Egypt: Introduction of Positive Deviance, 2003; CEDPA.org]

      Since 1998, CEPDA .......... its first three phases.



      Empirical examples go affirmative

      McCloud and Aly,  2003 [Promoting FGM Abandonment in Egypt: Introduction of Positive Deviance, 2003; CEDPA.org]

      Over 73 percent of the ...........on people’s perceptions of the practice.


      US has to do it – they’re modeled

      Ignatief, Harvard’02[Michael, Professor, Kennedy School] Is the Human Rights Era Ending?, February 5, http://www.alanalexandroff.com/ignatieffhr.pdf

      Of course, just ....... human rights abuses.


      Egypt says yes

      US Fed News, December 26, 2006

      Although there is a growing movement ......... is not a museum," she added.


      Contention 2:  Patriarchy

      FGM creates an unequal relationship between human and women -  it’s a human rights violation and degrading torture

      WHO, 8

      World Health Organization, 2008 [Eliminating Female genital mutilation

      An interagency statement OHCHR, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNECA, UNESCO; ISBN 978 92 4 159644 2 (NLM classification: WP 660)]

      The term ‘female genital mutilation’ ........ the procedure results in death.


      FGM is the source of patriarchal control – women are believed into thinking that FGM is “natural” and questioning it will result in exclusion – causes a psychological trauma and the devaluation of life

      Hosken 89 (Fran, editor of Women’s International Network—coined the term “female genital mutilation,” March, http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/first/hosken.html)

      Female genital mutilation - .......programs have not been tried.



      This dehumanization outweighs every other impact – attempting to “calculate” or quantify this devalue makes extermination possible

      Berube 1997 [David Berube, Ph.D. in Communications, “Nanotechnological Prolongevity: The Down Side,” NanoTechnology Magazine, July 1997, p. 1-6]

      While it may never be ......most powerful weapon.


      These human rights violations eventually cause extinction

      HR Web 94 (Human Rights Web, “An Introduction to the Human Rights Movement”, 7-20, http://www.hrweb.org/intro.html)

      The United Nations Charter..........to preserve the human race.



      FGM is the root of patriarchal exploitation – it’s what sustains male domination over women

      Baron and Denmark, 2006

      Erika M. Baron and Florence L. Denmark, 2006, “An Exploration of Female Genital Mutilation”, Psychology Department, Pace University, p. 346 , (http://www.annalsnyas.org/cgi/reprint/1087/1/339)

      The societal framework in countries ........ the seemingly mandatory custom of FGM.



      Patriarchal thinking justifies environmental destruction, nuclear proliferation and culminates in extinction   

      Warren and Cady, 94 (Karen and Duane, Feminism and Peace: Seeing Connections, Hypatia, Vol. 9, No. 2, Spring, p4-20)

      Operationalized, the evidence of pa........in regional, national and global contexts.


      It’s only inevitable if we think it is – continuing the structure of domination ensures a biased world-view that only ends in violence

      Clark 4 [Mary E., PhD and professor of biological studies @ Berkeley, "RHETORIC, PATRIARCHY & WAR: EXPLAINING THE DANGERS OF "LEADERSHIP" IN MASS CULTURE", http://goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-4005307/Rhetoric-patriarchy-war-explaining-the.html]

      I begin by questioning t..........our species-is a constant, real possibility.



      The aff is key – our focus on patriarchal violence can solve the root cause of warfare  –giving priority to Flashpoints of violence creates a stop-gap which prevents engaging in productive politics

      Zizek 2008 Slavoj Violence p 1-4

      If there is a unifying thesis t..........out of respect towards its victims.


      FOURTH, Traditional understanding of warfare as great power conflict of nations over territory contributes to the invisibility of an ongoing systemic war against women

      Ray 1997

      Amy E. Ray, Law Clerk at U.S. Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit and JD at Florida State, “The Shame of It: Gender-Based Terrorism in the Former Yugoslavia and the Failure of International Human Rights Law to Comprehend the Injuries,” Pg. 46, Am. U.L. Rev. 793, February 1997]

      The international community must recognize ......."in the by-ways of daily life."





      Contention 3: No Disads

      Democracy assistance to Egypt coming now but not enough to solve the aff

      AP, 9/20 (11, Associated Press, http://www.siouxcityjournal.com/news/national/article_dc751da5-d846-5551-986f-2e510823edb6.html)

      The world's major industrialized.........o French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe.  


      Ignore short-term impact calc it’s based on a cognitive bias – long-term policy making as been empirically successful 

      Burrows (director of the Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program at N.Y.U.) 9

      (William, Using Space to Protect Earth, The Survival Imperative: Using Space to Protect Earth By Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board member William E. Burrows, http://lifeboat.com/ex/using.space.to.protect.earth)

      They are looming. ........pressing concerns than saving civilization.


      THIRD, The judge should make an ethical decision about violence against women – this requires setting aside issues of political expediency -Patriarchy produces knowledge is such a way that you should question all of their truth claims – reliance on patriarchal structures silencing those on the margins of society

      Enloe, Professor of Women’s Studies at Clark University, 2004 Cynthia, The Curious Feminist, page 4-7

      Patriarchy - patriarchy is the structural............ women or drawing them into complicity.


  • Egypt Muslim Bro 1AC - Garvey/Miller

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A1AC Plan


      The United States Federal Government should provide substantial political training for legally registered nonviolent parties in Egypt.


      Contention 1: Brotherhood

      MB winning

      Urban 11 (Mark, Diplomatic and Defence Editor – Newsnight (BBC), “Egypt's Islamists Mobilising Mass Support”, BBC News World, 8-3,http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-14396488)


      They’re stronger than ever because of U.S. isolation and our policy of "picking winners"
      Duss 11 (Matthew, Policy Analyst and Director of Middle East Progress – Center for American Progress and MA in Middle East Studies – University of Washington, “Recognizing Reality in the Middle East”, Center for American Progress Report, 7-1,http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/07/middle_east_reality.html)


      The plan gives secular groups the resources  to compete and prevent MB control
      Ali 11 (Ayaan Hirsi, Fellow – American Enterprise Institute and Founder – AHA Foundation, “Get Ready for the Muslim Brotherhood”, New York Times, 2-3, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/04/opinion/04iht-edali04.html?page wanted=all)


      Strong demand exists now - we defuse anti-americanism
      Slavin 11 (Barbara, Senior Fellow – Atlantic Council, Senior Diplomatic Correspondent – USA Today, and Assistant Managing Editor for World and National Security – Washington Times, “U.S. "Democracy" Advisors Suddenly in Demand”, Inter-Press Service, 4-14,http://ipsnews.net/wap/news.asp?idnews=55266)


      A consistent mandate of open access to U.S. democracy aid is critical to shift on-the-ground policy to accommodate the Brotherhood
      Hamid 10 (Shadi, Director of Research – Brookings Doha Center and Fellow – Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “The Islamist Response to Repression: Are Mainstream Islamist Groups Radicalizing?”, Brookings Doha Center Policy Briefing, August,http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/ 2010/0809_islamist_groups_hamid/0809_islamist_groups_hamid.pdf)


      Even if the Brotherhood takes control, assistance now gives the U.S. leverage to moderate its behavior
      Duss 11 (Matthew, Policy Analyst and Director of Middle East Progress – Center for American Progress and MA in Middle East Studies – University of Washington, “Are We Serious About A Democratic Egypt?”, ThinkProgress Security, 2-4,http://thinkprogress.org/security/2011/02/04/176481/are-we-serious-about-a-democratic-egypt/)


      Engagement undermines MB radicalism - excluding them makes them worse
      al-Anani 10 (Khalil, Visiting Fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy – Brookings Institution and Assistant to the Managing Editor – al-Siyassa al Dawliya (Cairo Newspaper), “Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood: Opposite Effects”, Ikkwan Web, 3-1, http://www.ikhwanweb.com/article.php?id=23446)


      Un-moderated MB control causes global nuclear war
      Rose 11 (Taylor, International Relations and Strategic Intelligence – Liberty University, “The Islamic Revolution Part II”, Youth for Western Civilization, 2-1, http://www.westernyouth.org/articles/the-islamic-revolution-part-ii/)


      Destabilizes the middle east
      Philpott 11 (Daniel, Associate Professor of Political Science and Peace Studies – University of Notre Dame, Timothy Shah, Associate Director of the Religious Freedom Project – Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs, and Monica Duffy Toft, Professor of Public Policy – Harvard University and Director – Initiative on Religion in International Affairs, “The Dangers of Secularism in the Middle East”, The Christian Science Monitor, 8-11, Lexis)


      Middle East war goes Global

      London 10 (Herbert I. London, President of the Hudson Institute, a New York University based political think tank, and professor of Humanities at New York University, Hudson New York, 6/28/10, http://www.hudson-ny.org/1387/coming-crisis-in-the-middle-east)


      Contention 2: Credibility

      U.S. credibility in the Middle East is plummeting
      Zogby 11 (Dr. James J., Founder and President – Arab American Institute, “America in Trouble in the Middle East: Obama Understands, But GOP Gloats”, Huffington Post, 7-16, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-zogby/ameri ca-in-trouble-in-the_b_900649.html?ir=World)


      Obama won’t follow through on pledged election assistance for Egypt. That devastates regional influence.
      Dorsey 11 (James A., Senior Research Fellow – Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore, “US Risks Missing Opportunity to Play Leading Role in Middle East Transition”, Al Arabiya News, 7-5, http://english.alarabiya .net/articles/2011/07/05/156264.html)


      U.S. technical assistance secures credit and revives Arab relations
      Hamid 11 (Shadi, Director of Research – Brookings Doha Center and Fellow – Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “The Struggle for Middle East Democracy”, Ikhwan Web, 4-28, http://ikhwanmisr.net/article.php?id=28468&ref=search.php)


      Tangible signals of U.S. support are critical - Egypt’s the test case
      Elshinnawi 10 (Mohamed, Foreign Affairs Writer – VOA, “Egypt Key to Proving Obama's Commitment to Middle East Democracy”, Voice of America News, 6-30, http://www.voanews.com/english/news/special-reports/american-life/Egypt-Key-to-Proving-Obamas-Commitment-to-Middle-East-Democracy.html)



      The impact’s nuclear and biological war in every global hotspot
      Asali 9 (Ziad, President and Founder – American Task Force on Palestine, et al., “Changing Course: A New Direction for U.S. Relations with the Muslim World”, February, p. 9-16)


      Egyptian aid boosts regional support necessary for reliable energy access
      HRF 11 (Human Rights First – Nonprofit, Nonpartisan International Human Rights Organization, “How to Seize the Moment in Egypt”, April,http://www.humanrightsfirst.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/Egypt-Blueprint-Seize-the-Moment.pdf)


      That prevents shocks that go global
      Cohen 5 (William, Cohen Group, Former U.S. Secretary of Defense, and Chair – CSIS Advisory Committee on U.S. Policy in the Arab World, et al., “From Conflict to Cooperation: Writing a New Chapter in U.S.-Arab Relations”, March,http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/0503_conflictcooperation.pdf)


      Riddoch 4 (Dr. Malcolm, Faculty of Communications and Creative Industries – Edith Cowan University, Energy  Bulletin, 6-18,http://www.energybulletin.net/node/729)


  • 2AC Asia/Oil Add-On

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Oil shocks cause an Asian War

      Halloran, 8 (Richard, Strait Times Correspondent, “Energy outlook for Asia: The future is fraught,” http://wildsingaporenews.blogspot.com/2008/02/energy-outlook-for-asia-future-is.html)


      Those Asian wars culminate in nuclear war. And draw in the US

      Jonathan S. Landray, National Security and Intelligence Correspondent, KNIGHT RIDER NEWS SERVICE, March 10, 2000, p. online.




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