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JCCC Neg Args

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:29
  • T- Democracy Assistance (Target and Transfer)

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • A. Interpretation – Democracy assistance must be targeted at democracy and it must be a material transfer


      Burnell, professor of politics … and international studies at Warwick, 2000(Peter, Democracy Assistance: International co-operation for democratization, pg. 5


      When defining democracy assistance there … can involve somewhat arbitrary judgments.


      And Democracy assistance must be focused exclusively on direct political variables --- expanding it unlimits and makes effective topic discussion impossible


      Burnell 00 (Peter J., Professor of Politics and International Studies – University of Warwick, Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization, p. 12-13) Democracy Assistance and Democracy's Conditions


      Democratization may be served best … to questions such as these.


      B. Violation – affirmative increases assistance to groups seeking political reform not democratic reform


      C. Reasons to prefer


      1. Ground – equitable and predictable ground is key to fairness and in depth debates about the topic.



      Lappin, University of Leuven (Belgium) Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies

      PhD candidate, 2010

      [Richard, participant in democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, and Carter Center, University of Belgrade political sciences visiting scholar, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Volume 4 Issue 1, ―What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict approaches to democratization‖]


      By the end of the 1990s, the term ……..

      , media groups and political parties.


      3. They destroy limits which outweigh – they’re the vital access point for any theory impact --- it’s key to fairness --- huge research burdens mean we can’t prepare to compete – and its key to education --- big topics cause hyper-generics, lack of clash, and shallow debate --- and it destroys participation


      Rowland 84 (Robert C., Debate Coach – Baylor University, “Topic Selection in Debate”, American Forensics in Perspective, Ed. Parson, p. 53-54)


      The first major problem identified … schools to cancel their programs.


      2NC Cards


      Direct assistance key to preventing underlimited topic


      Lappin 10 (Richard, Ph.D. Candidate – Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven (Belgium), “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation1”, )


      Such fastidiousness on the boundaries … democracy assistance can be drawn.


      Precise limits outweigh --a pre-requisite to meaningful debates


      Lappin 10 (Richard, Ph.D. Candidate – Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven (Belgium), “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation1”, )


      This article has examined the … democratic means will remain improbable.


      2NC C/I


      Sharper distinctions should be made.


      Cohen 9 (Michael A., Senior Research Fellow – New America Foundation, and Maria Figueroa Küpçü, Senior Research Fellow of the American Strategy Program and the Co-Director of the Privatization of Foreign Policy Initiative – , “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Promotion: A Comprehensive Plan for Reform”, New American Foundation Report, April, )


      2) Sharper delineations should be … proposed Department of International Development.


      They destroy it. Their interpretation is so distorted as to make all learning about democracy assistance impossible --- that’s Burnell. Prefer our evidence: it conducts a survey, has intent to define, and is most qualified.


      Bapir 11 (Mohammed Ali, Graduate Student in Politics and International Studies – University of Warwick, Good Reads Review, 4-1, )


      One of the best, if … a leading author in this area.

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  • Buddhism

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Assortment of Buddhism Cards Read




      Securitization results because of fear, that fear ensures trying to control the world to such an extent that war is going to occur—only the alternative and accepting the that our circumstances are impermanent, including our identities prevents the conflicts

       David Loy, professor in the faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University in Japan. The Great Awakening; A Buddhist Social Theory. 2003 p. 113-115

       I think we will do better to distinguish ….


      …. Some body was going to get bombed. –


      The Aff’s urge to control the world ensures that wars will continue because we find them agreeable. Wars exist as an attempt to ground the ego “I” self. With a promise that once the world is how we want it to be, we won’t feel suffering

       David Loy, Besl Professor of Ethics/ Religion and Society at Xavier University and a Zen Teacher in the linage of Koun Yamada. Money, Sex, War, Karma; Notes for a Buddhist Revolution. 2008 p. 127-138

       War is hell, and today …..


      …. address that basic spiritual problem. 


      Pluralism doesn’t exist, it is just a way of separating oneself and things in the world from each other

       David Loy, professor on the faculty of international studies at Bunkyo University, Japan and student of Zen Buddhism. Non Duality; A Study in Comparative Philosophy. 1988 p. 21-23

       It is due to the ….


      ….. a pluralistic world


      The affirmatives emphasis on freedom as an ultimate and goal worthy of pursuit can not last—as soon as someone gains freedom they look to give it away—totalitarianism, violence and war are more likely with an ontology that values freedom

       David Loy, Professor in the Faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University, Japan.  A Buddhist History of the West; Studies in Lack. 2002 p.20-29



      …… more individualistic, selfish ways.


      Their advantages are attempt to satisfy cravings which prevents true freedom and right view needed to solve the affirmative, voting for the alt breaks this craving down allowing us to see the emptiness of our objects of desire

       Simon James, lecturer of philosophy at the University of Durhman, 2004 “Zen Buddhism and Environmental Ethics”, Pg 37-38

       Let us consider in more detail ….


      …… of his attachments. 



      Separation of Self results in war, discrimination and environmental destruction

       Ken Jones, secretary of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. Mindful Politics; edited by Melvin McLeod. 2006 p. 111-112

       Second is the truth that the ….


      …. knows what they mean.


      Buddhism embraces individual human liberation as opposed to social engineering which will fail to create effective change – This comes before all impacts including nuclear war

       Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41

       1n 1859, in the Preface ….


      …… credible, comprehensible -and liberative. 


      Alternatives Read


      Walk Away Alt


      The Alternative is to reject the Affirmative’s political considerations


      In order to achieve liberation and policy making that is truly able to help cope with suffering and conflict we must change our collective Karma, but that requires us looking at the policy question of the resolution and just walking away from the question entirely, only then can the collective Karma be changed to be one that embraces liberation

       Peter D. Hershock, Coordinator of the Asian Studies Development Program at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawai’i. Buddhism in the Public Sphere; Reorienting global interdependence. 2006 p. 201-202

        Asked by policy-makers, ….


      ….. who cannot be benefited.


      Mindful Breathing Alt


      In Order to Achieve Mindfulness, We Propose the Following Alternative: Mindful Breathing.


      Through mindful breathing we can calm ourselves to ensure we don’t blindly follow our emotions or ideas and create suffering

       Matthew Bortholin, Huge Star Wars nerd and ordained member of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Buddhist community, and lived in Buddhist monasteries. The Dharma of Star Wars. 2005 p. 12



      ….. create suffering.


      Case Arguments Made

       Role of the Judge is to evaluate scholarship. You do not have your hands on the levers of power, your role as a judge is to be an educator that rewards or advocates a form of scholarship. The judge should pretend that both the 1ac and 1nc are position papers being graded for quality of scholarship. If we win that the controlling of the world and the predictions of the 1ac are flawed, then we should win because their scholarship is rooted in a flawed epistemology.


      Current modern ideology that tries to understand how the world works only complicates our being in the world and causes the ontological insecurities that are at the root of our suffering

       Michael Brown, Department of Philosophy of Saint Mary's University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts Saint Mary's Univers:ty, Halifax, Nova Scotia. THE MYTH OF ABSURDITY: ACRITICAL EXAMINATION OF ALBERT CAMUS'THE MYTH OF SISYPHUS FROM A BUDDHIST PERSPECTIVE, A Thesis for Masters of Arts at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.  April 1995 pg. 1-4

       As the twentieth century advanced, …


      …. experience of the individual.




      The suffering the aff aims to solve might seem nice, but its simply a stop gap solution- the root of suffering lies in the mind and the aff can’t liberate us from that suffering—prefer the alternatives way to alleviate suffering

       Thubten Chodron, studied and practiced Buddhism in India and Nepal since 1975and resident teacher at Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle. Buddhism for Beginners 2001 p 104

       In addition, we must remember …..


      ….. own and others' suffering




      Without the recognition of interdependence the affirmative will fail to solve and ensures our suffering

       David Loy, Besl Professor of Ethics/ Religion and Society at Xavier University and a Zen Teacher in the linage of Koun Yamada. Money, Sex, War, Karma; Notes for a Buddhist Revolution. 2008 p. 84-85


      Of course, I do not ….


      ….. world needs today.




      Politics on the macro level will never accomplish what is needed—it is the individuals and their relationships with the world that will transform the world to allow for peace

      Kelvin McLeod, Editor in Chief of Shambhala Sun magazine and Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Journal and Also attended the National Defense College of Canada. Mindful Politics; edited by Melvin McLeod. 2006 p. 9-11

       What I have learned  is what …..


      …… path as responsible and caring citizens.

  • T- Increase

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A.    Interpretation – The United States Federal Government can only increase funds to democracy assistance programs




      Carothers 09, Thomas Carothers, Carnegie Endowment, Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Assistance: The Challenge of USAID, 2009,




      As President Obama …….. democracy aid domain.




      Violation – the aff does not increase the allocation of funds to democracy assistance programs

  • Turkey DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Turkey is expanding its influence in the middle east as a way to counter and distance itself from US Hegemony.  Turkey is embracing its role as an Islamic, democratic government to shape middle Eastern Policy

       McNamara, Cohen and Phillips in 2010

       “Countering Turkey’s Strategic Drift” Heritage Foundation,


      By distancing ……of the Middle East.


      Alessandri in 2011

       Emiliano, “Turkey and the United States”


      One thing is certain……..Armenian Diaspora.


      Turkish hegemony in the region fosters peace and stability due to its unique relationship with all actors in the middle east.

       Brouwer in 2011

       Rick, MA International Relations/International Organization (University of Groningen)

       “Turkey’s Position in the Middle East: Regional Hegemon or Peripheral Bystander?


      What is the level ……. regional hegemony




      Turkish involvement creates successful democratic transitions.  Turkish Regional involvement better then the US

       Brouwer in 2011

       Rick, MA International Relations/International Organization (University of Groningen)

       “Turkey’s Position in the Middle East: Regional Hegemon or Peripheral Bystander?


      Part of the Turkish ……. this method.

  • Iran DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Iran’s regional influence is rising- using the Arab Spring as a launching point for power

      Caroline Glick, senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy and the deputy managing editor of The Jerusalem Post, I ran wins no matter how the ‘Arab Spring’ turns out

       5 March, 2011,


      True, Iran’s veiled ……. to appease Iran’s allies.


      US will use democracy assistance in the Middle East to contain Iran

      Ambassador MK Bhadrakumar was a career diplomat in the Indian Foreign Service Iran Times International (Washington, DC)  May 6, 2011 “Egypt shakes up Middle Eastern order” lexis


      The thesis was ……..Middle East peace process.



      Iran containment strategies ensure Iran prolif

      Kaveh L Afrasiabi, PhD, is the author of After Khomeini: New Directions in Iran's Foreign Policy August 3 2007 Asia Times “Iran feels the chill in US cold war tactics”


      Assigning Iran the ……. destabilize Iran.


      Most likely scenario for global nuclear war

      Kam 2007 (Ephraim Kam, A Nuclear Iran, Deputy Head, Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies,


      The serious consequences ……. the risk do not yet exist.

  • Cap K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The affirmatives support for democratic transition is also support for expansion of global capitalism.  United States model of democracy relies on creating private ownership and corporate power.  This democracy can only sustain itself it creates or maintains economic inequality and social exclusion 


      Markakis in 2010
      Dionysius, “US Democracy Promotion in the Middle East” SGIR 7th Pan European Conference on International Relations

      Stockholm, Sweden 2010 Panel 13-4: Democracy Promotion vs. Empowerment.,%20D.,%20SGIR%20Paper.pdf

      The institutional …….existence predicated on it.


      Capitalism  causes extinction - McGarr, 2000  

      (Paul, socialist historian, political activist, and author, “Why Green is Red: Marxism and the Threat to the Environment,” International Socialism Journal, Autumn 2000,


      Unlike previous societies ……. in ways particular to capitalism too. 



      Our alternative-vote neg—reject all instances

      James Herod author of several books on capitalism and social activist since 1968 Getting Free 2004


      It is time to try to describe……..self-determine the shape of their social world

  • T- Allocation & Distribution

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A. Interpretation – Substantially increase Democracy Assistance means increasing both the amount allocated for democracy assistance and the actual amount distributed.


      Increase means to make greater in size

      Merriam-Webster 2005(, dictionary, November 13 2005, DA 6/21/11, OST)


      “to become progressively greater (as in size, amount, number, or intensity)”



      Democracy Assistance is both the amount allocated through appropriations and the actual amount distributed

      Government Accountability Office ‘09

      [September, ―DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE U.S. Agencies Take Steps to Coordinate International Programs but Lack Information on Some U.S.-funded Activities,‖]

      USAID, State DRL, and NED fund democracy assistance programs in countries throughout the world. USAID‘s and State DRL‘s foreign assistance programs are funded under the Foreign Operations appropriation and tracked by State as part of GJD funding, while NED‘s core budget is funded under the State Operations appropriation and is not tracked as part of GJD foreign assistance funding.



      B.  The affirmative does not increase the amount that is allocated AND the amount that is distributed. .  To be topical you must increase both



      C.  Reason to Prefer  


      1) Requiring both allocation and distribution is the only way to ensure uniqueness for budget and perception based disadvantages


      2) Increasing allocation and not disbtribution allows for “say no” arguments and then claim advantages off of the mere allocation but not anything at all happening within topic countries.


      3) Prevents Bidirectionality by claiming they increase the amount that is allocated but that is rejected and makes the US look weak with a Heg bad or a destroy democratic credibility advantages.


      4) Ensures Predictable ground for both budget disads and arguments that the distribution of the assistance is bad.


      D. Voting Issue for fairness, education and ground

  • AT: Heg Good

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • US dominance end inevitable- GDP decline

      Haass 5-6-2008 President of the Council on Foreign Relations


      In this world, the United States …….of the United States.


      Collapse of hegemony is imminent and inevitable.

      Khanna 8 (Parag, America Strategy Program sr. fellow, 1/27, p. 1,


      It is 2016, and the …….. do to resist its growth.



      No impact to Heg Decline – Offshore balancing solves

      CHRISTOPHER LAYNE. America’s Middle East grand strategy after Iraq: the moment for offshore balancing has arrived, Review of International Studies. 2009

      Offshore balancing is …….Wilsonianism too often fails



      Offshore balancing prevents counterbalancing which empirically happens every time- this time will be no different a failure to recognize this will cause never ending preventative wars


      CHRISTOPHER LAYNE. America’s Middle East grand strategy after Iraq: the moment for offshore balancing has arrived, Review of International Studies. 2009


      Although there are some ……. the next decade or two


      Offshore Balancing empirically leads to stability in the Middle East, if war breaks out it deescalates quickly—prefer our evidence its comparative

      John J. Mearsheimer. Pull Those Boots Off The Ground, Newsweek. December 31, 2008.


      So what would it look like? ……… Hussein's military machine.


      Hegemony increases the risk of nuclear terrorism which will lead to extinction.

       Dietrich Fischer, Academic Director of The European University Center for Peace Studies, July 10, 2005 (“The Real Threat is Nuclear Terrorism”,


      As long as the big …….adapt to new conditions.




      US hegemony destroys the economy

      Eland 02 (Ivan, Director of defense policy studies Cato Institute, Policy Analysis No. 459- The Empire Strikes Out: The New Imperialism and Its Fatal Flaws, November 26,


       Most of all, the strategy of ……..against American military might.




      Economic Collapse causes extinction

      Lt Col. Beardon, PhD, 2000 Lt. Col Thomas E. Bearden (retd.) PhD, MS (nuclear engineering), BS (mathematics - minor electronic engineering) Co-inventor - the 2002 Motionless Electromagnetic Generator - a replicated overunity EM generator Listed in Marquis' Who'sWho in America, 2004  The Tom Bearden Website        From: Tom Bearden To:  (Correspondent) Subj: Zero-Point Energy Date: Original Tue, 25 Apr 2000 12:36:29 -0500  Modified and somewhat updated Dec. 29, 2000.


      Just prior to the ……. modified version of it, result

  • Allocation PIC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text:  The United States federal Government should increase the distribution of democracy assistance by…(Insert plan mandates) but not increase the amount of resources allocated to the appropriate agencies in order to fulfill the mandates of the plan.



      Observation I:  The counterplan competes – Topicality proves the affirmative must increase allocation and distribution.  The increase in allocation links to our tradeoff disad.  The counterplan is a PIC out of the increase of allocation and by providingthe same distribution solves the counterplan solves the aff without linking to the Net-benefit


      Observation II:  The Net-benefit

      Increase in Allocation of Resources empirically trades off with assistance to Africa

      Iran Daily, May 5 2011

       “Arab Spring Can Hurt Africa”


      Non-governmental …… big mistake,” he added


      This assistance is key to combating aids and malaria in sub-Saharan Africa


      Arieff in 2011

      Alexis Arieff, (Coordinator Analyst in African Affairs) U.S. Foreign Assistance to Sub-Saharan:  Africa: The FY2012 Request


      Significant aid ….. initiated during the Bush Administration. (See “Africa and the President’s Global Foreign Assistance Initiatives.”)


      Next, 12, 000 African children will die a day. The U.S. has moral obligation “like no other” to aid African child survival.  This outweighs the unlikely, improbable IAC impacts that will be solved by the counterplan


      Carolyn Bartholomew in 2006, executive director of the Basic Education Coalitio, and David Oot, chairman of the U.S. Coalition for Child Survival ( and director of health for Save the Children, 6/16/06, “Special to the Washington Times,” p. ln


      Think about 1960, and …… This is a moral imperative like no other.

  • Threat of Force CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text:  The President of the United States should issue a joint policy directive to the military commanders of each branch of the armed forces to issue a tactical and strategic nuclear attack against any country that engages in a military action against another country.


      Observation I:  Counterplan competes – avoids disads based on the increase of democracy assistance but solves all of the impacts of the IAC


      Observation II:  Counterplan Solves – Threats of force prevent war – history proves


      Welsh in 2003, John. USAWC Strategy Research Project US army War College Publications “Nuclear Deterrence is Here to Stay” 2003.

      Deterrence is a complex concept…

      ….the entire human race


      Even if we lose that the plan does not prevent conflict internally, it prevents those conflicts from escalating.  It also has empirically allowed to exert our hegemony to challenge authoritarian regimes – solves all of the affirmative


      Welsh in 2003, John. USAWC Strategy Research Project US army War College Publications “Nuclear Deterrence is Here to Stay” 2003.


      Nuclear deterrence …..

      …. of communism without violence


  • Israel DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • US-Isreali relations are stable now due to security commitments, but Netanyahu is on the fence.

      AFP 7/28

      (Agence France Press, “US voices commitment to Israel in defense talks”, accessed online p.


      WASHINGTON — The United States on …

      …. sought progress in Middle East peace.


      History has established ideological barriers – Israel can never accept democratization of Arabic countries as anything *but* a threat to their security.

      Waxman ‘11

      (Dov, associate professor in political science at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York “Israel’s Demophobia”, Foreign Policy, Februrary 18, accessed online


      Israeli antipathy towards Arab …

      ….give them that chance.



      That independently implicates and threatens US-Israeli relations.

      Byman ‘11

      (Daniel, Prof. in Security Studies @ Georgetown, Research Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy @ Brookings, “Israel’s Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring”, Washington Quarterly, Summer, Volume 34, Issue 3, accessed online p.


      These apocalyptic predictions and ….

      ….that democratization succeeds.


      Stable US-Israel relations key to Middle East stability.

      Kramer ‘6

      (Dr. Martin, fellow at The Washington Institute and senior fellow at the Olin Institute @ Harvard, “The American Interest,” Fall 2006,


      My answer, to anticipate my ….

      …. of the West’s sworn enemies.

      These wars escalate globally – culminate in extinction.

      Moore ‘9

      (Carol, BA in Polisci @ Wane State, “Six Escalation Scenarios to Nuclear World War III, 16 February,

      Israel is especially dangerous because ….

      ……disarmament movement can stop it

  • Branding CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      Text:  the United States federal government should substantially increase its non-branded rule of law assistance for Libya through promoting a social understanding of law.




      Observation I:  Counterplan Competes and Solves the Case


      The plan requires branding in order to be topical.  Without an explicit exemption the democracy assistance given by the plan is branded as per normal means.


      Thomas Carothers in 2009
      Thomas, “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Assistance The Challenge of USAI D” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,


      Adding a dispiriting accent …

      …. was unsuccessful, and the requirement remains in place.



      The Waivers are possible– the counterplan solves the net-benefit


      Mark Ward, Foreign Service with USAID for 24 years. USAID Assistance in Pakistan, IMPACT blog. October 9, 2010


      At the same time, USAID is highly ….

      …. limited periods of time.



      The branding inherent in the IAC is to ensure credit for gifts provided—Hillary Clintons recent statements make this point clear


      Leslie Rose in 2011
       Leslie, (Candidate for Senior Communication Officer at  Seminar entitled Branding USAID: Truth and Consequences” pg 2


      Remember now, back to …

      …..that it’s coming  from us.”  88



      The logic of gift giving ensures that the donor is acquiring social power as the recipient becomes indebted to the donor. This social power results in domination and a heirarchialization


      Hattori 1 (Tomohisa, Assistant Professor of Political Science @ Lehman College, Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Winter, 2001), pp. 633-660)


      Giving is an especially

      …..hierarchy  over  time.




      The constant subjugation created by the gift giving prevents empathy


      Pheterson 86 (Gail, PhD. Social Psychologist and Researcher @ U of Amsterdam, “Alliances between Women: Overcoming Internalized Oppression and Internalized Domination”, Signs, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Autumn, 1986), pp. 146-16,


      Internalized  oppression …

      …. become rigid and repressed


      Unless there is a leap of faith that embraces the empathetic decision calculus, extinction will result


      Jeremy Rifkin is the author of 'The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis,' published by Tarcher Penguin in January 2010. Mr. Rifkin has been an advisor to the European Union since 2002. In that capacity, he is the principle architect of the Third Industrial Revolution long-term economic sustainability plan to address the triple challenge of the global economic crisis, energy security, and climate change. 'The Empathic Civilization': Rethinking Human Nature in the Biosphere Era, Huffington Post. January 11, 2010


      Neither the world's …

      …..consciousness to expand through history?


      The Counter Plan parallels the Jainist Renouncer’s collection of food alms. Individual donations are compiled and distributed by a third party external to the recipient and the donor. In doing so the identity of the donor is subsumed into an undifferentiated substance. The lack of transparency in the relationship between the donor and recipient prevents the obligation of reciprocity and feelings of self-gratitude.


      Laidlaw 2k  (James, Dir. Of Social Anthropology Studies @ King’s College, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

      Vol. 6, No. 4 (Dec., 2000), pp. 617-634)


      Not  only language ….

      …. recognize the gift as gift. 

  • Turkey CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: The Republic of Turkey will substantially increase its police training for Egypt .



      Turkey model/leadership solves Mid-East violence creates effective democracies – Better than the US

      Faulk 11—former emeritus prof of IR at Princeton. (Richard, Global Leadership: American Retreat, BRIC Ambivalence, and Turkey’s Rise, 20 May 2011,

      Note --- Davutoglu = Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey after being the chief advisor to the Prime Minister of Republic of Turkey.

      The personal achievements of ….

      …. region and the world.



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