Debates will occur in the next several weeks about the amount of foreign aid that will be given next year to Egypt
Arnold, August 16, 2011
“Foreign Aid Stirs Debate Amid Egypt’s Democratic HopesCongress watches Cairo politics heat up as Tahrir demonstrators turn protests into political agendas for historic parliamentary vote”
In Washington, …… that have sprouted up.
The outcome of the debate will likely be that the The US will give a total of 1.3 Billion in Military and Economic Aid
Arnold, August 16, 2011
“Foreign Aid Stirs Debate Amid Egypt’s Democratic HopesCongress watches Cairo politics heat up as Tahrir demonstrators turn protests into political agendas for historic parliamentary vote”
In the past, ……on the decline.”
Part of the economic aid that goes to Egypt next year will be in the form of democracy assistance
Sharp in 2011
Jeremy, “Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs” Egypt in Transition Congressional Research Service
Each year….. in Egypt.
And, this aid will be required to be branded
Mark Ward, Foreign Service with USAID for 24 years. USAID Assistance in Pakistan, IMPACT blog. October 9, 2010
Day in and day ….. assistance is coming from.
The branding is a rush to ensure credit for gifts provided—Hillary Clintons recent statements make this point clear
Leslie Rose in 2011
Leslie, (Candidate for Senior Communication Officer at Seminar entitled Branding USAID: Truth and Consequences” pg 2
Remember now, …… coming from us.” 88
The credit placed upon the United States is important for its quest to win over the hearts and minds of recipients
Thomas Carothers in 2009
Thomas, “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Assistance The Challenge of USAI D” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
Adding a dispiriting ……requirement remains in place.
Second, Are the implications to this branding process--- The logic of gift giving ensures that the donor is acquiring social power as the recipient becomes indebted to the donor. This social power results in domination and a heirarchialization
Hattori 1 (Tomohisa, Assistant Professor of Political Science @ Lehman College, Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Winter, 2001), pp. 633-660)
Giving is an …… the hierarchy over time.
The continuous gift exchange ensures a normalization of racism
Speight 7 (Suzette L., Assistant Prof. of Psych @ U of Akron, “Internalized racism: One more piece of the puzzle”, The Counseling Psychologist 2007 35: 126,
Carter (2007) cites …… as members of that group” (Hardiman & Jackson, 1997, p. 21).
The constant subjugation created by the gift giving prevents empathy
Pheterson 86 (Gail, PhD. Social Psychologist and Researcher @ U of Amsterdam, “Alliances between Women: Overcoming Internalized Oppression and Internalized Domination”, Signs, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Autumn, 1986), pp. 146-16,
Internalized oppression ……become rigid and repressed
We must have a complete and total rejection of racism within US foreign policy. Racism is the worst form of violence and makes all other violence inevitable. Rejection of racism provides hope that we can live in a just and ethical environment.
Memmi 00 (Albert, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at University of Paris, Racism, p. 163-5)
The struggle against …….but the stakes are irresistible.
Thus the Plan— United States Agency for International Development should provide waivers from branding requirements in order to immediately fill all non-governmental organization grant request for those who conduct democracy assistance in Egypt.
Third, we’ll be able to stop this continuous cycle of oppression-- The Plan parallels the Jainist Renouncer’s collection of food alms. Individual donations are compiled and distributed by a third party external to the recipient and the donor. In doing so the identity of the donor is subsumed into an undifferentiated substance. The lack of transparency in the relationship between the donor and recipient prevents the obligation of reciprocity and feelings of self-gratitude.
Laidlaw 2k (James, Dir. Of Social Anthropology Studies @ King’s College, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Vol. 6, No. 4 (Dec., 2000), pp. 617-634)
Not only language separates …….recognize the gift as gift.
Removal of branding makes status quo democracy assistance more like anonymous donations to NGOs. These NGO’s can avoid the inauthentic gift– their structure ensures that the authenticity of the gift remains in tact as long as the donor remains anonymous.
Stirrat and Henkel 97(R.L and Heiko, Honorary Senior Research Fellow @ Sussex U and Associate prof of anthropology @ U of Copenhagen, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 554, The Role of NGOs: Charity and Empowerment Nov., 1997, pp. 66-80)
There are problems with ……. requires giving to be asocial
Fourth, The demand towards empathy provided by the affirmative is crucial-- Empathy is soft wired into us, we need to act with empathy in every instance to ensure an empathetic civilization
Richard Restak is the author of 20 books on the human brain, former president of the American Neuropsychiatric Association, and clinical professor of Neurology at George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington DC. 'Empathic Civilization': Our Brains Were Built For Feeling Each Other's Pain, Huffington Post. February 15, 2010
In our culture we're…… "Empathic Civilization".