Johnson County CC » JCCC CP


Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:29
  • Aff for JCCC CP

    • Tournament: UNI | Round: All | Opponent: NA | Judge: NA

    • First, Is the history of the Branding Requirement ----in the status quo aid is required to be Branded by the USAID


      Mark Ward, Foreign Service with USAID for 24 years. USAID Assistance in Pakistan, IMPACT blog. October 9, 2010


      Day in and day …. assistance is coming from.


      And the branding of aid goes back many years, it started during the Marshal Plan, in the 1950s the branding policy changed to start using the clasped hands, all in order to pacify and ensure friendship from the aid recipients


      Leslie Rose in 2011
       Leslie, (Candidate for Senior Communication Officer at  Seminar entitled Branding USAID: Truth and Consequences” pg 2


      Labeling of USG ….. around the world.


      The branding is a rush to ensure credit for gifts provided—Hillary Clintons recent statements make this point clear


      Leslie Rose in 2011
       Leslie, (Candidate for Senior Communication Officer at  Seminar entitled Branding USAID: Truth and Consequences” pg 2


      Remember now, …..  from us.”  88


      The credit placed upon the United States is important for its quest to win over the hearts and minds of recipients


      Thomas Carothers in 2009
      Thomas, “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Assistance The Challenge of USAI D” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,


      Adding a dispiriting ….. remains in place.


      And that hasn’t changed today, September 11th provided an impetus to continue to use branding to win the hearts and minds of the recipients


      Leslie Rose in 2011
       Leslie, (Candidate for Senior Communication Officer at  Seminar entitled Branding USAID: Truth and Consequences” pg 2


      The 2004 Rebrand ……Muslim world.”


      Second, Are the implications to this branding process--- The logic of gift giving ensures that the donor is acquiring social power as the recipient becomes indebted to the donor. This social power results in domination and a heirarchialization


      Hattori 1 (Tomohisa, Assistant Professor of Political Science @ Lehman College, Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Winter, 2001), pp. 633-660)


      Giving is an …..  hierarchy  over  time.


      The continuous gift exchange ensures a normalization of racism


      Speight 7 (Suzette L., Assistant Prof. of Psych @ U of Akron, “Internalized racism: One more piece of the puzzle”,  The Counseling Psychologist 2007 35: 126,


      Carter (2007) …… themselves as members of that group” (Hardiman & Jackson, 1997, p. 21).


      The Naturalization of the process connected with the gift ensures that oppression is a self-fulfilling and continuous cycle


      Poupart 3 (Lisa M., Chair of First World Studies @ U of Wisconsin Green Bay, “The Familiar Face of Genocide: Internalized Oppression among American Indians”, Hypatia, Vol. 18, No. 2, Indigenous Women in the Americas (Spring, 2003), pp. 86-100,


      American Indians' knowledge ……our communities of Others.


      The constant subjugation created by the gift giving prevents empathy


      Pheterson 86 (Gail, PhD. Social Psychologist and Researcher @ U of Amsterdam, “Alliances between Women: Overcoming Internalized Oppression and Internalized Domination”, Signs, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Autumn, 1986), pp. 146-16,


      Internalized  oppression ……..become rigid and repressed


      We must  have a complete and total rejection of racism within US foreign policy. Racism is the worst form of violence and makes all other violence inevitable.  Rejection of racism provides hope that we can live in a just and ethical environment.


      Memmi 00 (Albert, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at University of Paris, Racism, p. 163-5)


      The struggle against racism ………but the stakes are irresistible.


      Thus the Plan—United States Agency for International Development should provide waivers from the branding requirements for aid being used in the country of Egypt by Non Governmental Organizations.


      Third, we’ll be able to stop this continuous cycle of oppression-- The Plan parallels the Jainist Renouncer’s collection of food alms. Individual donations are compiled and distributed by a third party external to the recipient and the donor. In doing so the identity of the donor is subsumed into an undifferentiated substance. The lack of transparency in the relationship between the donor and recipient prevents the obligation of reciprocity and feelings of self-gratitude.


      Laidlaw 2k  (James, Dir. Of Social Anthropology Studies @ King’s College, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

      Vol. 6, No. 4 (Dec., 2000), pp. 617-634)


      Not  only language separates …….recognize the gift as gift.


      Removal of branding makes status quo democracy assistance more like anonymous donations to NGOs.  These NGO’s can avoid the inauthentic gift– their structure ensures that the authenticity of the gift remains in tact as long as the donor remains anonymous.


      Stirrat and Henkel 97(R.L and Heiko, Honorary Senior Research Fellow @ Sussex U and  Associate prof of anthropology @ U of Copenhagen, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 554, The Role of NGOs: Charity and Empowerment Nov., 1997, pp. 66-80)


      There  are  problems  …….  giving  to be  asocial



      Fourth, The demand towards empathy provided by the affirmative is crucial-- Empathy is soft wired into us, we need to act with empathy in every instance to ensure an empathetic civilization


      Richard Restak is the author of 20 books on the human brain, former president of the American Neuropsychiatric Association, and clinical professor of Neurology at George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington DC. 'Empathic Civilization': Our Brains Were Built For Feeling Each Other's Pain, Huffington Post. February 15, 2010


      In our culture ……. "Empathic Civilization".


      And an empathetic orientation and decision calculus in the world is the only way to ensure democracy


      Glenn W. Smith has spent the past 30 years in journalism and politics, where he’s made a name for himself as a writer, campaign manager, activist, think tank analyst and, as Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas says, a “legendary political consultant and all-around good guy.” “There’s no one like him,” says author George Lakoff. (And his picture has him in a cowboy hat. BOOM!....)Prairie Humanism and The Empathic Civilization, Huffington Post. February 7, 2010


      Prairie humanists ……, democratic relations.


      Even if they win their impact scenarios, those impacts are inevitable because of our current relationship to our emotional trauma. Because we are currently engulfed in a moment of emotional trauma, an empathetic relationship prevents destructive reactions to their impact scenarios


      Robert D. Stolorow, Ph.D., Ph.D. is a Founding Faculty Member and Training and Supervising Analyst at the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles; a Founding Faculty Member at the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, New York City; and a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine. 'Empathic Civilization' in an Age of Trauma, Huffington Post. February 23, 2010


      In my work …… able to see the light.


  • UNI Round 6 Plan Text

    • Tournament: UNI | Round: 6 | Opponent: Iowa HK | Judge: Stout, K.

    • United States Agency for International Development should provide waivers from branding requirements in order to immediately fill all non-governmental organization grant requests for democracy assistance in Egypt.

  • 1NC v. KCKCC BM

    • Tournament: Bear-Shock | Round: 3 | Opponent: KCKCC BM | Judge: Burr, N.

    • Case

      Aff can’t solve – Only deals with one country and it is not the country with the highest amount of fgm procedures

      Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies in 2011
      “Liberating Egypt from Female Genital Mutilation”


      Today, an estimated two million…

      …Kurdistan (72.7%), and Egypt (78-97%)



      The IAC causal reason that Patriarchy is the cause of “Big Impacts” create feminist as a single, monolithic entity.  This reductionism destroy the benefit of debating about patriarchy and ignore the condition and physical realities that feminists face

      Carrie Crenshaw PhD, Former President of CEDA Perspectives In Controversy: Selected Articles from Contemporary Argumentation and Debate 2002 p. 119-126  Posted by Scotty Phillips on

      In addition to these concrete harms….

       …form of intercollegiate debate practice.


      Buddhism 1NC

      Emancipation projects such as feminism, gay rights and democratic principles all pursue freedom in a way that will never work because it is rooted in an ego self and ensures human liberation isn’t possible


      David Loy, prof on the Faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University, Japan. Student of Zen for over twenty years and is a qualified Zen Teacher. Lack and Transcendence; The Problem of Death and Life in Psychotherapy, Existentialism , and Buddhism.1996 P. 108-109


      Such freedom comes from…

      …such a commitment necessary.


      When we create separations between people we let the shroud of the dark side overcome us and don’t see the interdependence and interpenetration of the world around us, this is what causes the conflict in the first place


      Matthew Bortholin, Huge Star Wars nerd and ordained member of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Buddhist community, and lived in Buddhist monasteries. The Dharma of Star Wars. 2005 p.47-48



      …the reality of emptiness .




      Buddhism embraces individual human liberation as opposed to social engineering which will fail to create effective change – This comes before all impacts including nuclear war


      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41 


      1n 1859, in the Preface …

      …translation credible, comprehensible -and liberative.  


      The sense of Ego “I” Self is at the center of all hierarchies that are created


      David Loy, professor in the faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University in Japan. The Great Awakening; A Buddhist Social Theory. 2003 p. 195-196


      These essays address…

      …and mother, the biosphere.’



      Separation of Self results in war, discrimination and environmental destruction


      Ken Jones, secretary of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. Mindful Politics; edited by Melvin McLeod. 2006 p. 111-112


      Second is the truth…

      …what they mean.



      The Alternative is Mindful Breathing to Achieve Mindfulness


      Through mindful breathing we can break away from our constant creation of suffering and create a mind that is compassionate and wise


      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p. 7-9


      And so we come to the …

      …of humanity and all living things



      Feminism is doomed to failure as long as it maintains its hope in things will change


      Rita M. Gross, scholar-practitioner who has written extensively on Buddhism and gender. She teaches Buddhism in  a wide variety of academic and dharmic contexts. Mindful Politics; edited by Melvin McLeod. 2006 p. 236


      Buddhism has two …

      …the third paramita, patience.



      There is a difference between universal friendship, which is what Buddhism embraces, and a lesser form of friendship where its motivations are to look out for number 1


      Hayes, Richard. "Buddhist Views on Overcoming Obstacles to

      Universal Friendship" 2003. University of New Mexico. 8 Oct. 2008


      One of the principal …

      …or a foreign nation

  • Buddhism

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Buddhism 1NC versus FGM

      Emancipation projects such as feminism, gay rights and democratic principles all pursue freedom in a way that will never work because it is rooted in an ego self and ensures human liberation isn’t possible


      David Loy, prof on the Faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University, Japan. Student of Zen for over twenty years and is a qualified Zen Teacher. Lack and Transcendence; The Problem of Death and Life in Psychotherapy, Existentialism , and Buddhism.1996 P. 108-109


      Such freedom comes from…

      …such a commitment necessary.


      When we create separations between people we let the shroud of the dark side overcome us and don’t see the interdependence and interpenetration of the world around us, this is what causes the conflict in the first place


      Matthew Bortholin, Huge Star Wars nerd and ordained member of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Buddhist community, and lived in Buddhist monasteries. The Dharma of Star Wars. 2005 p.47-48



      …the reality of emptiness .




      Buddhism embraces individual human liberation as opposed to social engineering which will fail to create effective change – This comes before all impacts including nuclear war


      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41 


      1n 1859, in the Preface …

      …translation credible, comprehensible -and liberative.  


      The sense of Ego “I” Self is at the center of all hierarchies that are created


      David Loy, professor in the faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University in Japan. The Great Awakening; A Buddhist Social Theory. 2003 p. 195-196


      These essays address…

      …and mother, the biosphere.’



      Separation of Self results in war, discrimination and environmental destruction


      Ken Jones, secretary of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. Mindful Politics; edited by Melvin McLeod. 2006 p. 111-112


      Second is the truth…

      …what they mean.



      The Alternative is Mindful Breathing to Achieve Mindfulness


      Through mindful breathing we can break away from our constant creation of suffering and create a mind that is compassionate and wise


      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p. 7-9


      And so we come to the …

      …of humanity and all living things



      Feminism is doomed to failure as long as it maintains its hope in things will change


      Rita M. Gross, scholar-practitioner who has written extensively on Buddhism and gender. She teaches Buddhism in  a wide variety of academic and dharmic contexts. Mindful Politics; edited by Melvin McLeod. 2006 p. 236


      Buddhism has two …

      …the third paramita, patience.



      There is a difference between universal friendship, which is what Buddhism embraces, and a lesser form of friendship where its motivations are to look out for number 1


      Hayes, Richard. "Buddhist Views on Overcoming Obstacles to

      Universal Friendship" 2003. University of New Mexico. 8 Oct. 2008


      One of the principal …

      …or a foreign nation

  • Dana 1AC

    • Tournament: Emporia | Round: 2 | Opponent: UMKC CM | Judge: Brett Farmer

    • Status Quo aid is nothing but an attempt to win over the hearts and minds of the people it provides for


      Carothers in 2009

      Thomas, “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Assistance The Challenge of USAI D” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,


      Adding a dispiriting  AND requirement remains in place.


      The winning of hearts and minds is an attempt to control and order the world according to US policy—they selectively choose powerbrokers to win over.


      Richard Becker, with the ANSWER Coalition in San Francisco. 'Domination basis of US foreign policy', PressTV. October 4, 2011


      Press TV: First of all AND  policies of domination.


      This quest for control is proven by the US support for the Bahraini government


      Joost R. Hitlermann is Deputy Program Director for Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group. Obama's Bahrain backpedalling, CNN. September 8, 2011.


      This dilemma is  AND violent crackdown ensued.


      But this urge for control is fostered by the notion of an ego “I” self, which is at the root of fear and suffering.


      Judith Simmer-Brown, senior teacher of Chogyam Trungpa and Professor of Religious Studies at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Hooked; Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume. edited by Stephanie Kaza. 2005 p. 91


      In all of  AND our cultural life.


      And the urge to control the world continues today with the war on terrorism. Wars will continue because we find them agreeable. Wars exist as an attempt to ground the ego “I” self. With a promise that once the world is how we want it to be, we won’t feel suffering


      David Loy, Besl Professor of Ethics/ Religion and Society at Xavier University and a Zen Teacher in the linage of Koun Yamada. Money, Sex, War, Karma; Notes for a Buddhist Revolution. 2008 p. 127-138


      War is hell, AND  basic spiritual problem. 


      And controlling the world is not possible, we can’t understand the world well enough


      Michael Brown, Department of Philosophy of Saint Mary's University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts Saint Mary's Univers:ty, Halifax, Nova Scotia. THE MYTH OF ABSURDITY: ACRITICAL EXAMINATION OF ALBERT CAMUS'THE MYTH OF SISYPHUS FROM A BUDDHIST PERSPECTIVE, A Thesis for Masters of Arts at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.  April 1995 pg 14-15


      At this stage AND his concept of absurdity:


      And as long as the conception of the ego “I” self exists it ensures suffering that prevents human liberation


      David Loy, Besl Professor of Ethics/ Religion and Society at Xavier University and a Zen Teacher in the linage of Koun Yamada. Money, Sex, War, Karma; Notes for a Buddhist Revolution. 2008 p. 21-23


      Transforming our karma AND awakening of everyone.


      The current process ensures human liberation isn’t possible – This comes before all impacts including nuclear war


      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41 


      1n 1859, in the Preface AND comprehensible -and liberative.  


      And The neg will say we also pursue to control the world by pursuing human liberation, but that isn’t an accurate portrayal of the affirmative. The affirmative is the radical acceptance that the ego “I” self does not exist and that the world is inevitably outside of control. This is uniquely different than trying to find happiness by controlling external conditions 


      Rita M. Gross, Senior Teacher of Shambhala Buddhism, a network of meditation centers founded by Chogyam Trungpa. Hooked; Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume. edited by Stephanie Kaza. 2005 p. 160-161


      This first  AND of Vajrayana Buddhism. 



      Thus, Joe and I advocate a relationship toward democratic aid that abandons notions of control and embraces the Buddhist concept of Dana.


      The current system ensures generosity is not used, but if it were to be generosity would be able to overcome consumerism, promotes democracy, equality and prevents violence


      Santikaro, ordained as a Theravada bhikkhu and developer of Liberation Park a Dhamma study center in Oak Park, Illinois. Hooked; Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume. edited by Stephanie Kaza. 2005 p. 205-207


      I use this sort-of haiku  AND  whether they like it or not. 



      Generosity prevents suffering, the development of an ego self, and promotes community building


      Santikaro, ordained as a Theravada bhikkhu and developer of Liberation Park a Dhamma study center in Oak Park, Illinois. Hooked; Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume. edited by Stephanie Kaza. 2005 p. 209-210


      Rather than food AND the refuge of community.


      It is the enactment of plan that can begin to change the way international relations are enacted, the plan begins the process of changing our collective karma to continue acting in line with the dissovlement of the ego “I” self

      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 25-26


      Some understanding of AND

      something of our lives.


      Every little thing matters—even blogs can have ripple effects on international politics

      Eskow, RJ. "Above the Fray." Tricycle 17.2 (2007): Online

      One night a black AND I had bargained for.

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff: JCCC CP
      Round #3 Tournament: Shirley
      vs: Indiana FP
      Judge: Max Archer



      Plan Text

      The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its democracy assistance to topic countries as Dana.


      1ac Advantages

      Dana Buddhism


      2ac Offense

      Dana solves all impacts


      1ar Strategy

      Impact turns the Politics DA


      2ar Strategy
      Answers CP, Consequentialism, Neolib and case turns

  • Zombie 1AC

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 6 | Opponent: Georgia BS | Judge: Dunn

    • Joe:  Our guest tonight is David Cuellar; 2011 graduate of sumner high school where he was 90th in his class of 120, he is a master of walking and breathing simultaneously, casual player of left for dead 2, and co-writer of a groundbreaking new study on zombie biology, or as he calls it, zombology, David?


      David:  I’m reporting live from the post apocalyptic Winston-Salem North Carolina and there’s no sign of intelligent to be seen for miles, but then again, it is the south.

      Joe:  Oh my God David, What the hell happened.  Are you safe, are you secure.  Have you notified the authorities

      David:  It all started in China

      Joe:  China?  No shit.  Those communist, socialist, anti-capitalist, freedom hating, undemocratic bastards.

      David:  Relax Joe.  You talk like that and those bastards are going to take us off the air.  Everyone needs to calm  down.  I have told been told that China followed their plan to a T.

      Joe – Their plan was topical---what the hell does that have to do with anything

      David – No Dumbass – They did everything right.  They instrumentality implemented a plan to deal with the harms of the status quo.

      Joe – Oh thank god – I was worry that shit was going to be unfair or unreasonable. What was their plan


      David – Well I could Tell you but it might be better if you heard it from Max Brooks, Zombie Expert in 2007

      Max Brooks,  Zombie Expert and Zombie Survival Specialist. World War Z. 2007 p. 45-50




      When you think about the CIA,  AND

      it was now a question of who would believe them.


      Joe – Your telling me that China in the midst of a zombie outbreak that originated in China attempted to cover it up by killing its own people and staging a Taiwan Independence War.  Your telling me that the US didn’t realize the true motivations of these actions.  With all of our intelligence we didn’t know that a zombie outbreak is occurring and China was just trying to cover it up.

      David  - It didn’t seem all that abnormal – China crackdown on dissidents and starting a war with Taiwan.  That shit happens every policy round since the Straight Times wrote about in 2000.

      Joe - That is some atrocious shit.


      David - Attrocious shit indeed, Joe, but that’s not even the 60% of it! The second worst of it was Straight Times was wrong – The First Nuclear exchange occurred between Pakistan and Iran.


      Joe – Pakistan and Iran -  I thought the most likely hotspot for nuclear war was Kashmir – You know that shitty place between India and Pakistan


      David – No Joe, we had it all wrong.   Sometimes our rational predictions of the irrational actors are irrational.


      David - The story of Major Ahmed Farahnakin of the Iranian Air Force shows how some countries started flinging their nuclear poo at each other after the outbreaks.

      Brooks reports…


      Max Brooks,  Zombie Expert and Zombie Survival Specialist. World War Z. 2007 p. 89-92


       ICE CITY, GREENLAND [From the surface, all that is visible are the funnels, the massive, carefully sculpted wind catchers that continue to bring fresh, albeit cold, air to the three-hundred-kilometer maze below. Few of the quarter million people who once inhabited this handcarved marvel of engineering have remained. Some stay to encourage the small but growing tourist trade. Some are here as custodians, living on the pension that goes with UNESCO's renewed World Heritage Program. Some, like Ahmed Farahnakian, formerly Major Farahnakian of the Iranian Revolution Guards Corps Air Force, have nowhere else to go.]


      India and Pakistan. Like North and South Korea or NATO and the old Warsaw Pact. AND

       I don't believe in him anymore.



      Joe - Sounds Terrible –


      Davie – It was terrible, but eventually, the human race responded and managed to recreate a living space once again. Kwang Jingshu gives his final thoughts about the children that were born and know nothing of a world that wasn’t full of zombies—here are his observations.


      Brooks Describes


      Max Brooks,  Zombie Expert and Zombie Survival Specialist. World War Z. 2007 p.  335


      It's comforting to see children again,AND

       that everything's going to be all right.



      I leave you with these final thoughts -  This could have all been prevented if the United States had taken proactive measures to prevent this atrocity on the China Topic.

      Joe – So what the hell do we do for the next hour an half to prevent this shit from happening again


      David – I am glad you asked -  I say we modestly propose the following modest proposal thusly



      The United States federal government should provide  seven dollars and sixty three cents to fund zombie survival groups within the topic countries.


      Iran’s milkshake brings the security community to the yard – its nuclear energy program combined with Ahmedinejad’s sly innuendo makes it the top priority to paranoid US neoconservatives hell-bent on stopping new evil empires that are planning to take away our rights, freedoms, and delicious  fried foods.

      But have no fear the zombies are here --

      Zombies are empirically used to understand international relations


      John Holbo. Denial of (Security) Service Attacks & Zombie Film History Lesson, Out of the Crooked Timber of Humanity, No Straight Thing Was Ever Made. February 17, 2011


      Then they are on to zombies, and Drezner’s book. AND  , some people wouldn’t have any examples at all’ sense.


      And, Zombie stories offer a unique space in order to parody the world around us—this parodizing of the world opens up space for rethinking and questioning of norms


      Elizabeth MacLean Kent, MA Student Auburn. ZOMBIE AS PARODY: THE MISUSES OF SCIENCE



       These so-called “monsters”        AND  and the world that embraces (and created) them.


      And this will result in a dismantlement of the securitizing politics of the status quo


      Bruce 96 (Robert, Associate Professor in Social Science – Curtin University and Graeme Cheeseman, Senior Lecturer – University of New South Wales, Discourses of Danger and Dread Frontiers, p. 5-9)


      This goal is pursued in ways which AND or choose not to understand them, and why?


      And this is important to break away from because calculability devalues life and make extermination possible


      Dillon 99 (Michael, Professor of Politics and International Relations – University of Lancaster, “Another Justice”, Political Theory, 27(2), April, p. 164-165)


      Quite the reverse. AND constitutive of the human way of being.

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


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