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Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:29
  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

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  • Buddhism

    • Tournament: UMKC | Round: 2 | Opponent: KSU PM | Judge: Michael Thomas

    • 1. Securitization results because of fear, that fear ensures trying to control the world to such an extent that war is going to occur—only the alternative and accepting the that our circumstances are impermanent, including our identities prevents the conflicts

      David Loy, professor in the faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University in Japan. The Great Awakening; A Buddhist Social Theory. 2003 p. 113-115

      I think we will do … was going to get bombed. –

      2. Separation of Self results in war, discrimination and environmental destruction

      Ken Jones, secretary of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. Mindful Politics; edited by Melvin McLeod. 2006 p. 111-112

      Second is the truth that … politics knows what they mean.

      3. Buddhism embraces individual human liberation as opposed to social engineering which will fail to create effective change – This comes before all impacts including nuclear war

      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41

      1n 1859, in the Preface to … translation credible, comprehensible -and liberative. 

      The Alternative is to reject the Affirmative’s political considerations

      4. In order to achieve liberation and policy making that is truly able to help cope with suffering and conflict we must change our collective Karma, but that requires us looking at the policy question of the resolution and just walking away from the question entirely, only then can the collective Karma be changed to be one that embraces liberation

      Peter D. Hershock, Coordinator of the Asian Studies Development Program at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawai’i. Buddhism in the Public Sphere; Reorienting global interdependence. 2006 p. 201-202

      Asked by policy-makers, … those who cannot be benefited.

      2NC Buddhism

       The second impact human liberation – which our jones 3 evidence says is the biggest impact because it is how we orient ourselves towards the inevitable suffering of the world, do we cry in the face of our inevitable deaths by old age and do we hide in spider holes in the face of a war or do we die with dignity after living a life without regrets or do we smile in the face of the bomb falling on us?

      Thubten Chodron, studied and practiced Buddhism in India and Nepal since 1975and resident teacher at Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle. Buddhism for Beginners 2001 p. 40-1

      Contemplating impermanence and ... avoid such regrets at the time of death.

      2NC AT Perm

      3. Karma is the developed tendencies we’ve created over the years—As long as the aff links the perm only ensures that problems isolated in the links will become stronger and more common—The alternative alone ensures that we cultivate awareness and positive karma

      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 25-26

      Some understanding of karma-stripped … making something of our lives.

      4. The permutation is a compartmentalization of knowledge from action– just like saying religion should only be done on Sundays—This ensures the perm can’t solve.

      David Loy, professor in the faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University in Japan. The Great Awakening; A Buddhist Social Theory. 2003 p. 15-16

      A more common religious response, … it all becomes too much.



      1. Inevitability claims are nonsense, society only exists in our minds—Our actions today are just karmic tendencies which can be changed when we focus on the individual

      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 52-53

      As we saw in chapter 4, … how it might be otherwise.

      2. The interdependence of the world ensures spillover – because everything is constantly changing and reflexive of present conditions our action will reverberate and lead to more action.

      David Loy, Besl Professor of Ethics/ Religion and Society at Xavier University and a Zen Teacher in the linage of Koun Yamada. Money, Sex, War, Karma; Notes for a Buddhist Revolution. 2008 p. 62-63

      To become a different kind of … separate from what they are.

      People will see disengagement and know something is up –

      Even if realism  is inevitable, we make realism better by recognizing interdependence which means we take other nation’s desires into account and they realize that the only way to function in the world is by engaging other nations positively because unilateralism is dead.

      Buddhism is Violence –

      1. We don’t have to defend all of Buddhism, just our meditative rejection of the affirmative and the we isolate like interdependence and the ego “I” self being bad – liberation transcends culture and Buddhism can adapt.

      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 42

      To WHAT EXTENT...for a specific society.

      2. we wouldn’t be complicit – the reason we walk away is in order to come up with better solutions to global problems they isolate – we’re not like the monks in Thailand or Myanmar that sit back as the world burns because they are content with their own liberation – our argument is that personal liberation is good because it affects our engagement with the rest of the world.

  • T - Dem assistance

    • Tournament: UMKC | Round: 2 | Opponent: KSU PM | Judge: Michael Thomas

    • A. Interpretation – Democracy assistance must be targeted at democracy and it must be a material transfer

      Burnell, professor of politics … and international studies at Warwick, 2000(Peter, Democracy Assistance: International co-operation for democratization, pg. 5

      When defining democracy assistance there … can involve somewhat arbitrary judgments.

      And Democracy assistance must be focused exclusively on direct political variables --- expanding it unlimits and makes effective topic discussion impossible

      Burnell 00 (Peter J., Professor of Politics and International Studies – University of Warwick, Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization, p. 12-13) Democracy Assistance and Democracy's Conditions

      Democratization may be served best … to questions such as these.

      B. Violation – affirmative increases assistance to groups seeking political reform not democratic reform

      C. Reasons to prefer

      1. Ground – equitable and predictable ground is key to fairness and in depth debates about the topic.

      2. Precision.

      Lappin, University of Leuven (Belgium) … , media groups and political parties.

      3. They destroy limits which outweigh – they’re the vital access point for any theory impact --- it’s key to fairness --- huge research burdens mean we can’t prepare to compete – and its key to education --- big topics cause hyper-generics, lack of clash, and shallow debate --- and it destroys participation

      Rowland 84 (Robert C., Debate Coach – Baylor University, “Topic Selection in Debate”, American Forensics in Perspective, Ed. Parson, p. 53-54)

      The first major problem identified … schools to cancel their programs.

      2NC Cards

      Direct assistance key to preventing underlimited topic

      Lappin 10 (Richard, Ph.D. Candidate – Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven (Belgium), “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation1”, )

      Such fastidiousness on the boundaries … democracy assistance can be drawn.

      Precise limits outweigh --a pre-requisite to meaningful debates

      Lappin 10 (Richard, Ph.D. Candidate – Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven (Belgium), “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation1”, )

      This article has examined the … democratic means will remain improbable.

      2NC C/I

      Sharper distinctions should be made.

      Cohen 9 (Michael A., Senior Research Fellow – New America Foundation, and Maria Figueroa Küpçü, Senior Research Fellow of the American Strategy Program and the Co-Director of the Privatization of Foreign Policy Initiative – , “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Promotion: A Comprehensive Plan for Reform”, New American Foundation Report, April, )

      2) Sharper delineations should be … proposed Department of International Development.

      They destroy it. Their interpretation is so distorted as to make all learning about democracy assistance impossible --- that’s Burnell. Prefer our evidence: it conducts a survey, has intent to define, and is most qualified.

      Bapir 11 (Mohammed Ali, Graduate Student in Politics and International Studies – University of Warwick, Good Reads Review, 4-1, )

      One of the best, if … leading author in this area.

  • Buddhism

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Assortment of Buddhism Cards Read


      Securitization results because of fear, that fear ensures trying to control the world to such an extent that war is going to occur—only the alternative and accepting the that our circumstances are impermanent, including our identities prevents the conflicts


      David Loy, professor in the faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University in Japan. The Great Awakening; A Buddhist Social Theory. 2003 p. 113-115


      I think we will do better to distinguish ….

      …. Some body was going to get bombed. –

      The Aff’s urge to control the world ensures that wars will continue because we find them agreeable. Wars exist as an attempt to ground the ego “I” self. With a promise that once the world is how we want it to be, we won’t feel suffering


      David Loy, Besl Professor of Ethics/ Religion and Society at Xavier University and a Zen Teacher in the linage of Koun Yamada. Money, Sex, War, Karma; Notes for a Buddhist Revolution. 2008 p. 127-138


      War is hell, and today …..

      …. address that basic spiritual problem.  

      Pluralism doesn’t exist, it is just a way of separating oneself and things in the world from each other


      David Loy, professor on the faculty of international studies at Bunkyo University, Japan and student of Zen Buddhism. Non Duality; A Study in Comparative Philosophy. 1988 p. 21-23


      It is due to the ….

      ….. a pluralistic world


      The affirmatives emphasis on freedom as an ultimate and goal worthy of pursuit can not last—as soon as someone gains freedom they look to give it away—totalitarianism, violence and war are more likely with an ontology that values freedom


      David Loy, Professor in the Faculty of International Studies at Bunkyo University, Japan.  A Buddhist History of the West; Studies in Lack. 2002 p.20-29


      …… more individualistic, selfish ways.

      Their advantages are attempt to satisfy cravings which prevents true freedom and right view needed to solve the affirmative, voting for the alt breaks this craving down allowing us to see the emptiness of our objects of desire


      Simon James, lecturer of philosophy at the University of Durhman, 2004 “Zen Buddhism and Environmental Ethics”, Pg 37-38


      Let us consider in more detail ….

      …… of his attachments.  



      Separation of Self results in war, discrimination and environmental destruction


      Ken Jones, secretary of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. Mindful Politics; edited by Melvin McLeod. 2006 p. 111-112


      Second is the truth that the ….

      …. knows what they mean.


      Buddhism embraces individual human liberation as opposed to social engineering which will fail to create effective change – This comes before all impacts including nuclear war 


      Ken Jones, lifelong activist and a Zen practitioner for over 30 years and founding member of the UK Network of Engaged Buddhist. The New Social Face of Buddhism; a Call to action. 2003 p 39-41 


      1n 1859, in the Preface ….

      …… credible, comprehensible -and liberative.  

      Alternatives Read

      Walk Away Alt

      The Alternative is to reject the Affirmative’s political considerations


      In order to achieve liberation and policy making that is truly able to help cope with suffering and conflict we must change our collective Karma, but that requires us looking at the policy question of the resolution and just walking away from the question entirely, only then can the collective Karma be changed to be one that embraces liberation


      Peter D. Hershock, Coordinator of the Asian Studies Development Program at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawai’i. Buddhism in the Public Sphere; Reorienting global interdependence. 2006 p. 201-202


       Asked by policy-makers, ….

      ….. who cannot be benefited.

      Mindful Breathing Alt

      In Order to Achieve Mindfulness, We Propose the Following Alternative: Mindful Breathing.


      Through mindful breathing we can calm ourselves to ensure we don’t blindly follow our emotions or ideas and create suffering


      Matthew Bortholin, Huge Star Wars nerd and ordained member of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Buddhist community, and lived in Buddhist monasteries. The Dharma of Star Wars. 2005 p. 12



      ….. create suffering.


      Case Arguments Made

      Role of the Judge is to evaluate scholarship. You do not have your hands on the levers of power, your role as a judge is to be an educator that rewards or advocates a form of scholarship. The judge should pretend that both the 1ac and 1nc are position papers being graded for quality of scholarship. If we win that the controlling of the world and the predictions of the 1ac are flawed, then we should win because their scholarship is rooted in a flawed epistemology.


      Current modern ideology that tries to understand how the world works only complicates our being in the world and causes the ontological insecurities that are at the root of our suffering


      Michael Brown, Department of Philosophy of Saint Mary's University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts Saint Mary's Univers:ty, Halifax, Nova Scotia. THE MYTH OF ABSURDITY: ACRITICAL EXAMINATION OF ALBERT CAMUS'THE MYTH OF SISYPHUS FROM A BUDDHIST PERSPECTIVE, A Thesis for Masters of Arts at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.  April 1995 pg. 1-4


      As the twentieth century advanced, …

      …. experience of the individual.


      The suffering the aff aims to solve might seem nice, but its simply a stop gap solution- the root of suffering lies in the mind and the aff can’t liberate us from that suffering—prefer the alternatives way to alleviate suffering


      Thubten Chodron, studied and practiced Buddhism in India and Nepal since 1975and resident teacher at Dharma Friendship Foundation in Seattle. Buddhism for Beginners 2001 p 104


      In addition, we must remember …..

      ….. own and others' suffering


      Without the recognition of interdependence the affirmative will fail to solve and ensures our suffering


      David Loy, Besl Professor of Ethics/ Religion and Society at Xavier University and a Zen Teacher in the linage of Koun Yamada. Money, Sex, War, Karma; Notes for a Buddhist Revolution. 2008 p. 84-85


      Of course, I do not ….

      ….. world needs today.


      Politics on the macro level will never accomplish what is needed—it is the individuals and their relationships with the world that will transform the world to allow for peace


      Melvin McLeod, Editor in Chief of Shambhala Sun magazine and Buddhadharma: The Practitioner’s Journal and Also attended the National Defense College of Canada. Mindful Politics; edited by Melvin McLeod. 2006 p. 9-11


      What I have learned  is what …..

      …… path as responsible and caring citizens.

  • Payroll politics

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Politics

      Payroll tax holiday extension now- Conference committee will succeed- Obama empirically forces compromise

      Chaddock 12/28 (Gail Chaddock, “Handling of payroll tax hurts Congress' approval rating,” CSM,


      A key sticking point is how to pay for the $100  <AND> “As long as Democrats come to the table in good faith, this can be resolved rather easily.”

      Plan costs political capital- Causes huge spending fights

      Richter 2011 (Paul Richter, Los Angeles Times, April 12, 2011, “Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition,” LA Times,

      The Obama administration's efforts to  <AND>it's difficult to justify nation-building in foreign countries."


      All of Obama’s political capital is key to final deal- Key to negotiating funding offsets

      Philly 2011 (Philadelphia Inquirer, “Don't expect miracles on job growth,” September 8, 2011, google)

      The solution is to pump more money into the economy to get it going <AND>  continuing unemployment insurance.


      Extension key to prevent double dip, consumer spending key- Link independently collapses consumer confidence

      Hill 12/28 (Patrice Hill, Washington Times, “Economists fear withdrawal symptoms if payroll-tax cut vanishes,”

      But the added spending power <AND> essential matters affecting the economy, he said.


      Global nuclear war

      Friedberg and Schoenfeld 2008  (Aaron Friedberg, professor of Politics and International Relations at Princeton, and Gabriel Schoenfeld, Senior Editor of Commentary and Wall Street Journal, “The Dangers of a Diminished America” google)

      Then there are the  <and>internal travails with external adventures.

  • Tax Credit CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: The United States Federal Government should provide a 39-cent tax credit to American companies for each new dollar they invest <INSERT PLAN TEXT>  and the United States Federal Government should announce verbal support for <INSERT PLAN TEXT> .


      CP solves better than the aff


      WERKER AND MUZINICH ‘8 (Eric, is an Associate Professor in the Business, Government, and the International Economy Unit and a Marvin Bower Fellow at Harvard Business School, AND*** Justin Muzinich is an adviser to a nonprofit group focused on nonproliferation, June 2, “A Better Approach To Foreign Aid”,


      Using this domestic initiative as a template  <and>  what the total size of the program should be. 

  • SCAF backlash.

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • SCAF backlash

      A.         Unique internal link – military control is inevitable, they hold their position above all else.


      Jeffrey Martini, project associate at the RAND Corporation, and Julie Taylor, political scientist at the RAND Corporation, “Commanding Democracy in Egypt: The Military's Attempt to Manage the Future,” 8/25/2011,


      Many of the iconic images from Egypt's <AND> and bear the brunt of any public displeasure.


      B.         Link – democracy assistance sparks SCAF backlash – that means they kick us out of the Suez.


      Jeffrey Martini, project associate at the RAND Corporation, and Julie Taylor, political scientist at the RAND Corporation, “Commanding Democracy in Egypt: The Military's Attempt to Manage the Future,” 8/25/2011,


      Yet the United States' capacity to advance democratization <AND> an attitude that the United States can do little to change.





      C.         That causes Middle Eastern war.


      David Wood, chief military correspondent at the Huffington Post, “At Risk in Egypt's Turmoil: U.S. Military Access to the Middle East,” 2/5/2011,


      And which direction will Egypt's military take <AND> . And longer missions mean fewer daily sorties.


      D.        Global nuclear war

      John Steinbach, nuclear specialist, Secretary of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capitol Area, 2002, Centre for Research on Globalisation, “Israeli Weapons of Mass Destruction: a Threat to Peace,”

  • Military aid tradeoff

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Military aid tradeoff

      A.         Uniqueness – Military aid for Egypt is steady now but increased democracy assistance could threaten it.

      World Tribune, “Congress to evaluate aid to post-Mubarak Egypt,” 8/4/2011,


      Congress is expected to examine <AND>, particularly to promote democracy.


      B.         Link – plan directly trades off with military aid, which opens the door to Israeli aid cuts.

      McInerny, 11 (Stephen McInerny, Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), director of Advocacy at POMED. He has more than six years experience in the Middle East, including graduate studies in Middle Eastern politics, history, and the Arabic language at the American University of Beirut and the American University in Cairo.  His writing on Middle Eastern politics and U.S. foreign policy has been published by the Arab Reform BulletinThe Daily Star, Foreign Policy, The New Republic, and The Washington Post.  He has spoken on Middle East affairs with numerous media outlets including BBC, MSNBC, Al Jazeera, and CBS News.  He received a Masters degree from Stanford University, “The Logic of the Donor Community: American Donors,” April 2011,


      Importantly, Senator Kerry suggested  <AND> Middle Eastern governments with U.S. funds.


      C.         Israel closely watches our budget – they will perceive disengagement.



      Given the intensity of the <AND> who headed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.



      D.        That causes Israeli disclosure.

      Joshua Mitnik, staff writer for the Christian Science Monitor, “Why Israel maintains nuclear ambiguity,” 6/14/2006,


      Israel's nuclear deterrent is credited by analysts <AND> , you need to know that the other side has the bomb."


      E.         Global nuclear war.

      Perkovich, vice president for studies of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, February 19 2006 (George, “The Samson Option,” Washington Post,, accessed July 8, 2007)




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