James Madison » NDT Aff - James Madison Brass & Waugh

NDT Aff - James Madison Brass & Waugh

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:29
  • 1AC rd. 2 Vs UTD DR

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: UTD DR | Judge:

    • in attachment 

  • 2AC case Rd. 2 Vs UTD DR

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: UTD DR | Judge:

    • 2ac

      Civil war


      any large flow of refugees will destabilize Saudi arabia

      LeVine 2011 (Steve foreign correspondent for foreingpolicy.com Back to Saudi's fault lines Monday, March 21, 2011 http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/03/21/back_to_saudis_fault_lines)


      It's not and New York.


      Yemen would be come a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran

      Pessin 2010 (Al US General Says Yemen Could Become Iran-Saudi Proxy War January 22 http://www.voanews.com/english/news/US-General-Says-Yemen-Could-Become-Iran-Saudi-Proxy-War-82427857.html)

      The commander of for the Study of War. 


      And that drags in Russia

      RT.com January14 (Any conflict on Iran is a direct threat to Russia’s security – Rogozin http://rt.com/politics/syria-iran-nato-rogozin-749/ 2012)

      The escalating conflict

      to our national security,” stressed Rogozin.


      past case studies prove- there was always a massive risk of wmd escalation we just got lucky

      TERRILL 2009 (ANDREW General Douglas MacArthur Professor of National Security Affairs. September 2009 ESCALATION AND INTRAWAR DETERRENCE DURING LIMITED WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST)


      The case studies of the

      where he could not.  

  • 2AC A2 Coercion DA Rd 2 Vs UTD DR

    • Tournament: UTD | Round: 2 | Opponent: UTD DR | Judge:

    • Coercion da

      Political responsibility requires a consideration of consequences

      Isaac 2002 Jeffrey, James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and director of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life at Indiana University, Bloomington, Spring, Dissent, vol. 49, no. 2

      As writers such as a serious political commitment.



      (   )  Coercion is key to survive and for freedom—their autonomy impact is too rigid and ignores other power relations that are damaging to human society aside from taxation and foreign aid—ie the aff. 

      Robert Veatch, The Hastings Center Report, Nov-Dec, 1996, v26 n6, p. 41-48.

      Autonomy, understood as independence, any assaults on our autonomy.


      (   )  Case impacts cause more taxation—turns the K


      Chris Rackauckas 10, “Setting a timetable for troop withdrawal from Iraq is a terrible mistake”, Helium.com, http://www.helium.com/items/483497-setting-a-timetable-for-troop-withdrawal-from-iraq-is-a-terrible-mistake


      If we don't give a timetable, frame American citizens want.


      (   )  Institutions check your slippery slope impact

      Baileylecturer in politics at Princeton University, 1997 (James, “Utilitarianism, Institutions, and Justice”, Oxford University Press, p. 160)

      I have also tried to show opportunities for all.



  • 2AC A2 Saudi DA Rd 2 Vs UTD DR

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: UTD DR | Judge:

    • 2Saudi da

      US- Saudi relations low now- Iran

      Gause 2/1 (Gregory Gause III, Professor of Political Science, University of Vermont, http://www.cfr.org/saudi-arabia/iran-us-saudi-relationship/p27264?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+cfr_main+(CFR.org+-+Main+Site+Feed), “Iran and the U.S.-Saudi Relationship”, February 1, 2012, LEQ)


      The U.S. alliance the United States, he says.


      Non unique- un Palestine vote

      OTTAWAY 2011 (DAVID senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and a former Washington Post Middle East correspondent. Uncle Sam and the Saudi SplitWhy is the House of Saud risking its hard-won relationship with Washington over the Palestine statehood issue? SEPTEMBER 23, 2011 http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/09/23/uncle_sam_and_the_saudi_split?print=yes&hidecomments=yes&page=full)


      Saudi Arabia, the ally, Israel.


      Non unique and link turn - assisting Yemen’s development and stability improves us Saudi relations that were hurt when obama abandoned Mubarak

      Paikin 06 2011 (Zach W(h)ither Yemen?research associate at the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.http://www.jinsa.org/print/2346 http://www.jinsa.org/print/2346)

      Countering the Shiite amid a popular uprising.  

      Saudi’s would accept more democracy for stability

      Arrot, 2011 (Elizabeth Saudis Worried About Instability in Yemen http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Saudis-Worried-About-Instability-in-Yemen-131014973.html) October 03


      Few nations are would be far worse.



      Saudi Arabia is willing to cooperate on yemen

      Ottaway et al  September 12 (Marina works on issues of political transformation in the Middle East and Gulf security. A long-time analyst of the formation and transformation of political systems, she has also written on political reconstruction in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans, and African countries. Ten Years After 9/11: Managing U.S.-Saudi Relations, Christopher Boucek, Marwan Muasher, Abdulaziz Sager, Mustapha Alani, Gregory Gause, Char Freeman, Christian Koch Monday, carniege endownment for international peace September 12, 2011 http://carnegieendowment.org/experts/?fa=expert_view&expert_id=24)


      ·  ·  Areas for Cooperation: Afghanistan and Yemen.

      Double bind- US Drone strikes would have triggered the link or the saudi’s don’t mind us intervention if it provides stability

      Relations resiliant

      OTTAWAY 2011 (DAVID senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and a former Washington Post Middle East correspondent. Uncle Sam and the Saudi SplitWhy is the House of Saud risking its hard-won relationship with Washington over the Palestine statehood issue? SEPTEMBER 23, 2011 http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/09/23/uncle_sam_and_the_saudi_split?print=yes&hidecomments=yes&page=full)

      King Abdullah then them against a nuclear-armed Iran. 

  • 2AC A2 CP rd 2 vs UTD DR

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: UTD DR | Judge:

    • AC 

      7. War powers act proves- cplan cant solve 

      Isaacs 2011 (John is Executive Director of Council for a Livable World, and has been active on national security issues before Congress since 1972. War Powers Resolution consistently ignored Jul 21 http://www.nukesofhazardblog.com/story/2011/7/21/171240/003)


      The War Powers ignored by all parties. 




      8. Leaks inevitable, everyone leaks.

      Washington Post 2000 (Vernon Loeb, “Senate Bill Aims To Curb News Leaks: Revealing Classified Data Would be Felony,” June 14, http://www.fas.org/sgp/news/2000/06/wp061400.html, date accessed Oct. 1, 2009) PM

      Alarmed by a torrent of leaks, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has endorsed legislation that for the first time explicitly would make disclosing classified information to the media a felony punishable by up to three years in prison.

      Committee members, led by Chairman Richard C. Shelby (R-Ala.), say existing statutes do not cover all types of classified information and make prosecutions so difficult that leaks are endangering U.S. intelligence efforts.

      CIA Director George J. a federal penitentiary.

      Sino-indo conflict coming now 

      India today 2/ 1 (Indian army preparing for limited conflict with China, says top US intelligence official   Read more at: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/indian-army-limited-conflict-china-us-james-clapper/1/171517.html 2012 )

      Noting that India is external drivers of that behavior persist.

      US presence in the Indian ocean key to stop conflict


      Kaplan 2009 (Robert D. national correspondent for The Atlantic and a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security Q&A With Robert Kaplan on Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean

      Trade and Security on the High Seas April 7,



      A: Without a strong than ever in keeping the peace.



      Increased foreign aid is key to establishing a strategic partnership with the new Yemeni government that will allow the US to project into the Indian ocean

      Sharp and Malaikah 3/14 (Robert Sharp is an associate professor at the National Defense University's Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies Fahad Malaikah is a Research Associate at the National Defense University’s Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies in Washington, DC Yemen: A U.S. Strategic Partner?  2012 http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/yemen-a-us-strategic-partner)


      The recent Al Qaeda attacks  in the Indian Ocean region.


      Acting through Usaid is uniqly key

      Sharp and Malaikah 3/14 (Robert Sharp is an associate professor at the National Defense University's Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies Fahad Malaikah is a Research Associate at the National Defense University’s Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies in Washington, DC Yemen: A U.S. Strategic Partner?  2012 http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/yemen-a-us-strategic-partner)

      The U.S. currently cursory academic consideration.


      India china conflict causes a global nuclear war 

      Kahn 9 (Jeremy, "Why India Fears China," The Daily Beast, October 9, www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2009/10/09/why-india-fears-china.html)


      The implications for separate the two sides.


  • 2AC A2 Fem IR K rd 2 Vs UTD DR

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: UTD DR | Judge:

    • Political responsibility requires a consideration of consequences

      Isaac 2002 Jeffrey, James H. Rudy Professor of Political Science and director of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life at Indiana University, Bloomington, Spring, Dissent, vol. 49, no. 2

      As writers such as Niccolo Machiavelli, Max Weber, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Hannah Arendt have taught, an unyielding concern with moral goodness serious political commitment.


      Role of the ballot is to maximize the lives saved.  Attempts to preserve more lives gives equality to all beings—short-circuits any value to life claim


      Cummisky 96 (David, professor of philosophy at Bates College, Kantian Consequentialism, pg. 145//shree)


      We must not obscure to sacrifice some to save many.


      Death outweighs—you can’t come back from it and you can’t experience wonder when you’re dead.

      Wapner 3 (Paul, associate professor and director of the Global Environmental Policy Program at American University. “Leftist Criticism of "Nature" Environmental Protection in a Postmodern Age,” Dissent Winter, http://www.dissentmagazine.org/menutest/archives/2003/wi03/wapner.htm)


      All attempts to intellectual insights and compromise



      Perm do both


      (   )  Violence is proximately caused – their root cause logic is poor scholarship and not empirically based.


      Sharpe 10, lecturer, philosophy and psychoanalytic studies, and Goucher, senior lecturer, literary and psychoanalytic studies – Deakin University, (Matthew and Geoff, Žižek and Politics: An Introduction, p. 231 – 233)


      We realise that this argument, , neither reading it nor taking it seriously.


      Yemeni women are excluded from the political sphere

        Barakat et al 2011 (Sultan, founding member and Director for the Post-War Reconstruction and Development Unit (PRDU) and a professor at the University of york  on the edge of failure: Conflict and Crisis in Yemen, university of york june)


      However,   the   holistically   as  part  of  all  future  intervention  packages.  


      Decentralization empowers women in the political sphere breaking down patriarchy

      Sajjad 2011. Sajjad Ali Khan (PhD Scholar at Department of Asian and International Studies, The City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong) “Decentralization and Women Empowerment: Exploring the Linkages” June 30, 2011.  Journal of Political Studies, Vol. 18, Issue 1, 61-75


      As has been mentioned women’s responsive policies.



      Their root cause arguments are wrong—feminist criticism is too insular and self-referential—their methodology is suspect because it dismisses all other perspectives

      Jarvis 2K (D.S.L, lecturer in the Department of Government and International Relations, Faculty at University of Sydney, International relations and the Challenge of Postmodernism, pg. 160-162 //shree)

      Critical research agendas of this type, are accused of being.


  • 2AC A2 Cybersecurity Ptix rd 2 Vs UTD DR

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: UTD DR | Judge:

    • Cyber

      Non intrinsic disads bad

      Turn - government dominated proposals kill response ability to counter cyber attacks

      Radio Iowa, 12 (“Grassley says cyber-security bill is a step backwards” February 21, 2012 By Matt Kelley http://www.radioiowa.com/2012/02/21/grassley-says-cyber-security-bill-is-a-step-backwards/) KH


      Anyone who uses e-mail,

      with cyber-attacks.


      And Turn: the bill would dramatically expand the President’s ability to identify and respond to foreign-sourced cyberattacks

      Fletcher 2/23/12. Simpson, staff writer. “New Cybersecurity Bill Poses Problems” The Auburn Plainsman (Auburn, AL). /sal



      The Senate Bill 773 may be from foreign countries.


      And the Pentagon will trace cyberattacks back to China and Russia, causing a retaliation with traditional military force

      Gorman and Barnes in ‘11. Siobhan and Julian, staff writers. “Cyber Combat: Act of War - Pentagon Sets Stage for U.S. to Respond to Computer Sabotage With Military Force” Wall Street Journal (May 31). /sal


      WASHINGTON—The to oust the Taliban from power in Afghanistan.



      And US-Russia war causes  extinction and outweighs your scenarios on magnitude– prefer our evidence because it is comparative

      Bostrom Professor of Philosophy and Global Studies 2002. Nick [at Yale].. "Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios  and Related Hazards," 38,  www.transhumanist.com/volume9/risks.html.


      A much greater humankind’s potential permanently.


      a yemen invasion causes extreme overstretch and an instantaneous heg collapse
      Fediashin 2010 (Andrei, writer for argenpress.info Will Obama Order
      an Invasion of Yemen? 14 January http://watchingamerica.com/News/42935/will-obama-order-an-invasion-of-yemen/)

      Most analysts believe would dissolve these



      their ev is biased – contractors who will benefit from cybersecurity contracts are pedaling these false scenarios to the media and lawmakers

      Brito and Watkins, 2/14/12 (“Wired Opinion: Cyberwar Is the New Yellowcake” Jerry Brito is a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and director of its Technology Policy Program. Tate Watkins is a research associate at the Mercatus Center. February 14, 2012  http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/02/yellowcake-and-cyberwar/) KH


      The media may be t again in the cyber sphere.



      Loopholes would leave the US still vulnerable to cyberattacks

      Clayton 2/16/12. “'Loopholes' leave America with weak cybersecurity plan, experts say” Christian Science Monitor. /sal


      In an effort to smooth part of the solution?"


      Immigration restrictions block solvency

      Corbin, 12 (“ISPs Object to Cybersecurity Rules”Kenneth Corbin is a Washington, D.C.-based writer who covers government and regulatory issues for CIO.com.Mar 7, 2012 8:13 pm



      Business leaders read your legislation?"


      Cyber attacks fail three reasons

      Rid 2012 ( Thomas, reader in war studies at King's College London, is author of "Cyber War Will Not Take Place" and co-author of "Cyber-Weapons." Think Again: Cyberwar http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/02/27/cyberwar?page=0,0)


      A closer examination would be drastically reduced.



       US is way ahead on cyber issues

      Rid 2012 ( Thomas, reader in war studies at King's College London, is author of "Cyber War Will Not Take Place" and co-author of "Cyber-Weapons." Think Again: Cyberwar http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2012/02/27/cyberwar?page=0,0)


      Or so the \well ahead of the curve.



      Too much disparity over bills prevents a bi-partisan solution until after elections.

      SRIVASTAVA MAR 28 “Republicans Push for Cybersecurity Bill” KENDRA | WED, 2012 http://www.mobiledia.com/news/135459.html


      Republicans are backing

      after the November elections.

  • 2AC Democracy Asst T Ans

    • Tournament: ndt | Round: 3 | Opponent: Wake MM | Judge:

    • Counter interp- democracy assistance is support that strengthens democratic capacity

      HUBER 2008 ( DANIELA Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies Department of International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62, March 2008)’


      The term democracy efficient, responsive, and accountable. (USAID, 2005: 4)     1 


      We meet decentralization is democracy assistance

      HUBER 2008 ( DANIELA Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies Department of International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62, March 2008)’


      The vast majority (87 per with municipalities (USAID, 2006d: 1 – 2). 


      we meet decentralization is rule of law




      The rule of law is foreign trade and investment.


      We are the most predictable form of democracy assistance in mechanism

      HUBER 2008 ( DANIELA Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies Department of International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62, March 2008)’


      By looking in

      torture, racism and xenophobia.  

  • 2AC Case Cards R3 vs. Wake MM

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      Yemen’s water problems are solvable

      Giardino October 3 (GIARDINO: Battle against American terrorists in Yemen isn’t over Carrie served as vice consul at the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, in 2009 and is director of strategic initiatives for IDS International http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/oct/3/battle-against-american-terrorists-in-yemen-isnt-o/?page=all)


      Yemen’s investing in these.


      Yemen can have a green tech based economy

      Spencer 2011 (James A stable Yemen is not a pie-in-the-sky proposition James Spencer is a former infantry officer in the British military. He is currently a strategic analyst focussing on the political, security and trade issues in the Middle East and Africa Mar 6, 2011)


      Broadly, green and the real economy

      Yemen would be come a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran

      Pessin 2010 (Al US General Says Yemen Could Become Iran-Saudi Proxy War January 22 http://www.voanews.com/english/news/US-General-Says-Yemen-Could-Become-Iran-Saudi-Proxy-War-82427857.html)

      The commander Institute for the Study of War. 


      And that drags in Russia

      RT.com January14 (Any conflict on Iran is a direct threat to Russia’s security – Rogozin http://rt.com/politics/syria-iran-nato-rogozin-749/ 2012)

      The escalating conflict

      to our national security, stressed Rogozin.


      any large flow of refugees will destabilize Saudi arabia

      LeVine 2011 (Steve foreign correspondent for foreingpolicy.com Back to Saudi's fault lines Monday, March 21, 2011 http://oilandglory.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/03/21/back_to_saudis_fault_lines)


      It's not that London and New York.



      War powers act proves- cplan cant solve

      Isaacs 2011 (John is Executive Director of Council for a Livable World, and has been active on national security issues before Congress since 1972. War Powers Resolution consistently ignored Jul 21 http://www.nukesofhazardblog.com/story/2011/7/21/171240/003)


      The War Powers is ignored by all parties.  


      Saudi Cites- Already Up

  • 2AC EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: 3 | Opponent: wake mm | Judge:

    • plan gets blocked- Only US democracy promotion efforts have the politial weight to stand up to great power pressures

      Grygiel 2011 (Democracy promotion – a geostrategic contest Dr. Jakub is a Senior Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis and the George H.W. Bush Associate Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins-SAIS.oct 6 http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/10/democracy-promotion-a-geostrategic-contest/

      Finally, we consequences of their actions.


      Working together is normal means

      USAID 2010 (2010-2012 Yemen Country Strategy pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PDACP572.pdf)


      Foreign Governments to ensure  complementarily.  




      EU aid causes grievances

      Burke 2010 (Edward Researcher at FRIDE Assessing Democracy Assistance: Yemen May



      EU funding for democracy lear disregard for democratic standards 

  • 2ac jackson vanik

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • It won’t pass—Ideology


      RiaNovosti 3-28-2012 “Anti-Russian Amendment Now Headache for U.S.” http://en.ria.ru/analysis/20120328/172439008.html


      Economic Until the U.S. presidential elections.



      Obama PC doesn’t matter


      RiaNovosti 3-28-2012 “Anti-Russian Amendment Now Headache for U.S.” http://en.ria.ru/analysis/20120328/172439008.html


      The Obama administration fast results, he said.


       Vanik will get bundled with a visa ban

      Nytimes 2/27 (A Costly Anachronism  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/28/opinion/a-costly-anachronism.html)


      More than two by government officials.


      Won’t pass  and not key to the economy

      Reuters 3/7/12  (“Lawmakers clash on Obama push for Russia trade bill” Reuters. Google”)


      The top  regime," Hatch said.



      Relations are resilient and there are multiple alt causes – missile defense, Syria, space, democracy, and human rights

      Pifer 3-21-12 – Brookings Institute

      (Steve, “The Future Course of the U.S.-Russia Relationship,” http://www.brookings.edu/testimony/2012/0321_arms_control_pifer.aspx, accessed 3-21-12) JDB


      The U.S. relationship rights within Russia.


      Ex-im Vote in march- precedes all other fights


      Erik Wasson march 5th 2012 “Export-Import Bank splits Republicans” http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-money/banking-financial-institutions/214289-export-import-bank-splits-conservatives-big-business


      House Majority by the end of March.”



      Ex-im will be a fight

      Bloomberg News March 7th 2012 “Export-Import Bank Is U.S. Growth Engine That Can Do More: View” http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-08/export-import-bank-is-u-s-economic-growth-engine-that-can-do-more-view.html


      President Barack Obama

      , a beneficiary of government loans.

      Obama will just XO vanik

      Kapakos 2011 (Leo, Examiner, President Obama's use of executive power to battle GOP's political games overdue, www.examiner.com/political-buzz-in-new-york/president-obama-s-use-of-executive-power-to-battle-disgraceful-gop-long-overdue)


      We can’t waitis getting lawmaker’s approval. 



      Non-uniqe aid now and more aid coming

      al-Mosawa Feb 17,( Shuaib M USAID Yemen administrator launches assistance program 2012 http://www.yobserver.com/local-news/10021915.html)


      USAID administrator in delivering assistance. 


      Congress will withhold Jackson vanik repeal until after Russia ascends to the WTO- pre requisite to popular support

      Jackson foundation 2010 (The Legacy and Consequences of  Jackson-Vanik: Reassessing Human Rights in 21st Century Russia Cosponsored by the henry m. Jackson foundation  and the kennan institute, Woodrow Wilson Center jvfinal.pdf)


      Personally I think o do and  to prescribe. 


      Alt causes-anti communism bill

      Sayenko 2011 (Sergei, writer for the voice of russia Obama urges Congress to cancel Jackson-Vanik Nov 11, http://english.ruvr.ru/2011/11/11/60236896.html)


      The Jackson-Vanik to be a Communist state.


      Aid now—100 million promised


      AFP 3/29 (Associated Free Press, US to provide $100 million to Tunisia, 2012, www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hEu6OAJ6GKNrPCUlfHQ2AreDbt1w?docId=CNG.986cfcc24d5cff1f983c8f37ea3af555.61)


      The United become engines of job creation," Clinton said.

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:



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