Iowa Auderheide Lehrman Aff » Iowa Long ONeill Aff

Iowa Long ONeill Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:29
  • UNI Disclosure

    • Tournament: UNI | Round: 1 | Opponent: Minnesota PS | Judge: Archer, Max

    • 1AC Syria


      Currently the Obama administration refuses to support Syrian opposition groups based on misconceptions that Assad is reforming

      Puder, Joesph, 8/17/11, Front Page Magazine writer, “Snubbing the Real Syrian Democratic Movement”

      Yahoo News reported on August 2, 2011 


      it with $111 million for fiscal 2012.  

      Assad will not start a regime-led transition to democracy and the regime won’t disintegrate on its own—action now is key

      Michael S. Doran and Salman Shaikh 2011 June 22 Michael S. Doran is senior fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy of the Brookings Institution. Salman Shaikh is director of the Brookings Doha Center and fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy. Getting Serious in Syria 

      The Syrian status quo, whatever is left 


      cling to power to the bitter end.

      The Syrian opposition groups currently are fragmented – this prevents any hope of regime change

      Moubayed 8/30/11, Sami, Gulf News analyst, “The 75-year-old smoker who refuses to quit”,

      If Syria wants to survive, it needs 


      so many arrests during the past two months.

      And sanctions won’t work – high class businessmen and Syrians still remain loyal to Assad

      Reuters 8/29/11, “Analysis: EU oil jolt may not be enough to rock Assad”,

      - Oil sanctions which the European Union is 


      substantial foreign exchange reserves to fall back on.



      The United States federal government should provide democracy assistance that is requested by the Syrian National Council of opposition groups. 

      Currently the US thinks Turkey will be able to exercise soft power to persuade him to step down

      Badran, Tony, 8/17/11, research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, “The U.S. Can’t Trust Turkey”

      U.S. President Barack Obama seems 


      . And, therefore, Obama has miscalculated. 

      And Turkey can’t do anything to Syria – they’ve proven they don’t have the soft power to change their mind so Assad will stay in power

      Kardas, Saban, 6/7/11, Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume 8 Issue 109, “Syrian Opposition Meets In Turkey: No Change In Turkish Policy”

      Amidst the ongoing violence in Syria, opposition 


      perhaps reflecting their appreciation of Turkey’s delicate position.

      Turkey can’t overthrow the regime change right now – the only option to overthrow Assad is for the United States to step and taking a hardline stance in order to balance ME hegemony

      Badran, Tony, 8/17/11, research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, “The U.S. Can’t Trust Turkey”

      Turkey was never powerful enough to implement Obama's 


      . That role remains the United States' alone.

      And other international agents agree the US is the ONLY actor who can put pressure on the regime

      Kessler 8/18/11, Oren,  Jpost journalist, “Turkey: Syrian situation may become Libya-style civil war”,

      Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan compared the 


      not Asia, not the UN Security Council.

      Action has 2 impacts, first being leadership

      This is key to maintaining soft power – the US has to create action against Syria in order to foster cooperation against bad government in the ME – this is turn restores credibility

      Schake, Kori, 8/19/11, “The kind of world Secretary Clinton wants to see”,

      America's Secretary of State gave a stunning interview 


      power and the Obama administration's approach are working?

      Mid East cred is the litmus test for the future of US leadership.

      Phillips, '10 (Writer and analyst of Middle Eastern Affairs, 5-31,

      While the Bush era saw the US hegemonic 


      hegemony in the Middle East could be ending.

      American power stops conflict in every region, keeps trade moving, stops terrorists, and prolif – hegemony is inevitable the question is whether or not other nations let America use it effectively

      Kagan 11 contributing editor to The Weekly Standard and a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution, Robert, “The Price of Power”, 1-24, Vol. 16, No. 18,,

      Today the international situation is also one of 


      system that American power has built and defended. 

      Second is Saudi Relations

      First, despite all the Arab Spring disagreements, US-Saudi relations remain high AS LONG AS they share mutual interests for the region

      Boucek 6/21/11, Christopher, “U.S.- Saudi Relations in the Shadow of the Arab Spring?”,

      We have seen the emergence of greater tensions 


      advance mutual interests, not just American interests.

      And to dispose of the Turkey strategy scares the Saudis over fears of not containing Iran – the US needs to switch and lead on Syria in order to gain regional support

      Doran 9/6/11, Michael, Roger Hertog Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, “The Nexus and the Olive Tree”,

      With the call for Assad's ouster, Obama 


      strategy, precisely when it is needed most.

      US leverage with Saudi Arabia is key to preventing oil shocks.

      Larson 2k2

      Larson, Under Secretary for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs, April 22 2k2

      The relationship between the United States and Saudi 


      shown, disruptions can occur in any region.

      Major oil shocks would plunge the world into nuclear war. 

      Lauria ‘8 (Joe - New York-based investigative journalist. A freelance member of the Sunday Times of London Insight team, he has also worked on investigations for the Boston Globe and Bloomberg News., The Huffington Post, April 14, “The Coming War with Iran: It’s About the Oil, Stupid,”

      The Saudis would not mind seeing the Iranian 


      project. It’s about the oil, stupid.

      Syrian Stability

      Opposition groups fragmented now – creating communication through different types of opposition groups is key to stop the refugee crisis and sectarian violence 

      Allen 9/2/11, Michael,  Editor of Democracy Digest, “Can Syria’s Opposition Unite?”,

      Many Syrian-based activists are wary of 


      Syria and Iraq, it is already happening.”

      Assad regime is pushing sectarian conflicts as a way of control – this spillovers throughout the Middle East and causes Syrian and regional instabiliy 

      Nasr, 8/27/11, Vali, NY Times journalist, “If the Arab Spring Turns Ugly”,

      Syria today stands at the edge of such 


      pressure the Assad government not to inflame sectarian tensions

      Syrian instability generates Israel-Syria war that the whole region gets drawn into, Iran proxy war the use of CBW weapons, and Israeli strikes
      Ceren, Omri, 8/1/11
      , Commentary Magazine, “Just How Bad Could a Syrian
       Collapse Get?

      But the continued stability of the Syrian regime 


      productive that strategy may turn out to be.

      There is ZERO benefit to a Mid East war -- it escalates, jacks the global economy, won't decrease oil use, and won't help arms sales or influence for anyone.

      James ForestDirector of Terrorism Studies at US Military Academy and the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, Sep/Oct'7 (The Futurist,

      A regional war in the Middle East would 


      from a regional war in the Middle East.

      And, Bioweapons use causes extinction – highly probable.

      Ochs, ‘2 Richard J Ochs, 6-9-2002, has published articles in the Baltimore Sun, Baltimore Chronicle, Science magazine and is past president of the Aberdeen Proving Ground Superfund Citizens Coalition, member of the Depleted Uranium Task force of the Military Toxics Project and a member of the Chemical Weapons Working Group, “Biological Weapons Must Be Abolished Immediately,” p

      Of all the weapons of mass destruction, 



      Israel strikes causes economic collapse, great power draw in, and extinction

      Reuveny ‘10 (Rafael Reuveny is a professor in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University. “Israel and Iran: a unilateral strike could trigger World War III” The Nation McClatchy-Tribune Information Services August 6, 2010)

      A unilateral Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities 


      Israeli strike could ultimately spark World War III.

      Turkey won’t check Syria but supporting the democratic citizens avoid the collapse of the Syrian state – plan solves 

      Kahwaji, Riad, 7/18/11, Eurasia Review journalist, “Assessing Turkey’s Stance On Syria

      Official sources in Qatar believe the Assad regime 


      the regime’s brutality, and it can win.

      U.S. support for democratization in Syria is necessary to prevent suppression of the uprising or all out civil war

      John Hannah 5-11-11 Obama and Syria: Courting Disaster

      Instead, the administration needs quickly to move 


      very raison d'etre is ensuring the regime's survival. 


      And the U.S. is uniquely key – Obama’s background makes him in a position of power to promote democracy to the Arab Spring that other agents can’t access – letting them decide what democracy assistance they want is the only thing that solves 

      Gerecht 9/1/11, a former CIA officer, is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the author of “The Wave: Man, God, and the Ballot Box in the Middle East.” liberator/2011/09/01/gIQA3e5HvJ_story.html

      Libya was not a robust showing of liberal


      It may do the same for Barack Obama

      National council unification spurs the business communities to regime change – they are specifically key to bringing down the regime due to geographical location, high income, and larger number against pro Assad business supporters 

      Slim, 8/5/11, Randa, “Where’s Syria’s business community”, Foreign Policy Magazine,

      The decision by the U.S. 


      of economic system they want to see established.

      Unifying and creating good governance and stability key – any other action will fail 

      Harling, 8/30/11, Peter, Foreign Policy Magazine, “How not to prolong the Syrian agony”,

      The second mistake to be avoided is for 


      the protest movement's coattails but in complementing it.  

      The international community is key to help sustain basic governance and economic recovery – now’s key based on military support – solves religious violence

      Democracy Digest, 8/30/11, “Libya’s Lessons for Syrian Opposition?”,

      With Syrian army defections reportedly on the rise 


      basic governance, and reviving the economy.” .

      Unified approach solves the transition- presents an alternative to the regime through lack of discrimination based on sectarian violence

      Hassan, 8/28/11, Hassan, The National, “Syria's opposition has failed to offer a viable alternative”,

      The regime has also been careful not to 


      Mr Al Assad will simply prolong his regime.

      And successful coalition garners international support – gets regional leaders on board to embrace new government

      Souaiaia 8/29/11, Ahmed, teaches a variety of courses in College of Law, International Programs, and Religious Studies at the University of Iowa, “Syria’s opposition groups establish a national transition council”,

      If the protesters embrace one of the new 


      too, will certainly meet the same fate.

      Alternative government is the biggest threat to Assad – he will fall with a unified opposition – Libya proves

      National Council 8/24/11, Syria opposition must learn from Libya's council,

      The one lesson that Syrians must learn from 


      . Only then will his regime surely crumble.

      And international community should set up a political alternative that protects minorities – key to Assad collapse

      Al Toraifi 8/12/11, Adel, Al Arabiya, “Adel Al Toraifi: Syria on the road of chaos”,

      If the international community is concerned about Syria 


      [Baathist] party and sectarian [elements].

      And a national council will be able to provide a smooth transition – no terrorist coup or transition war – 80% of the opposition are on board

      EuroNews, 8/24/11, “Syrian opposition established National Council”,

      Syrian opposition is very close to have its 


      the end in process of establishing a leadership.”

  • Kentucky Plan Text

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The United States federal government should provide democratic institution building to the Syrian National Council of opposition groups. 

  • Texas Swing Syria 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Inherency

      Syrian institution building isn’t happening because of a lack of western aid– key to stability – this is the only thing that solves violence 

      Davis 9/27/11, Brian, served in the Canadian Foreign Service for 37 years, including postings at 8 missions abroad and in a range of senior assignments in Ottawa. Partnership for a Secure America, “SYRIA – What do we do now?”,

      When the opposition groups achieve greater stability and 


      developing appropriate policies towards Syria at this time.

      And sanctions won’t work –high oil prices and economy low now

      Reuters 8/29/11, “Analysis: EU oil jolt may not be enough to rock Assad”,

      - Oil sanctions which the European Union is 


      substantial foreign exchange reserves to fall back on.


      The United States federal government should provide rule of law assistance for the purpose of democratic transition to the Syrian National Council of opposition groups.

      Civil War

      Violence is inevitable under the regime – only a democratic transition ensures stability to contain civil war

      Seale 8-31-11. Patrick 


      If the protests in Syria become more threatening 


      by democratic means rather than by civil war.

      Iran will influence the region now – this ensures sectarian conflict and Iranian heg

      Zirulnick ‘11 Ariel, Christian Science Monitor 



      Iran is providing Syria with gear to disperse 


      the Shiite-Sunni tensions in the region.

      Iranian heg causes nuclear war.

      Ben-Meir ‘7(Alon Ben



      Feeling emboldened and unrestrained, Tehran may, 


      severe consequences of not halting its nuclear program.

      And continued sectarian conflict spills over to Iraq and disrupts the entire Arab Spring

      Nasr, 8/27/11, 



      Syria today stands at the edge of such 


      pressure the Assad government not to inflame sectarian tensions

      Iraqi instability draws in global powers – causes WWIII.

      Corsi '7 (Jerome, Published Author & 



      If a broader war breaks out in Iraq


      much as World Wars I and II began.

      And US inaction creates a Saudi-Iran proxy war for influence in Syria and collapses Saudi relations – they view it as top priority to contain Iran 

      Doran 9/6/11, Michael, Roger Hertog Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy, “The Nexus and the Olive Tree”,

      With the call for Assad's ouster, Obama 


      strategy, precisely when it is needed most.

      Saudi/Iran war easily escalates—miscalc is likely—extinction 

      Rachel Bronson3/30/2011 (Vice 



      With their presence in Bahrain now so-


      if Iran does not send overt military assistance. 

      And collapse of US Saudi relations causes Saudi prolif and China fill in.

      Takeyh 11 — PhD from Oxford, Adjunct 


      .html?_r=2, WEA)

       For nearly 60 years, Saudi Arabia 


      to be seriously contemplated in the House of Saud

      Causes wildfire regional prolif, nuclear war and extinction.

      Edelman et al11 – *Distinguished Fellow at 



      There is, however, at least one 


      a new Great Game, with unpredictable consequences.

      That also causes US-Sino war

      Gal Luft 2006 (Executive director of the 


      Optimists claim that the world oil market will 


      a position to halt China's slide into total dependency


      Cheong 6/25/2000 (Lexis, Strait Times) 

      The high-intensity scenario postulates a cross


      , for China puts sovereignty above everything else.

      And Iran will exploit the civil war as means for Hezbollah to attack Israel

      Meir 9/2/11, Javedanfar, Middle East Analyst, September 2, 2011, 

      Masters in International Relations and Strategic Studies from 



      Clearly, chaos in Syria could have region


      in an attempt to undermine its security further.

      And Hezbollah attacks prompt Israel strikes 

      Russell, 09– Editor of Strategic Insights


      The involvement of non-state actorsas part 


      or strategic ambiguous as its 2006 operations inLebanon.

      Israel strikes causes oil shocks, great power draw in, and extinction

      Reuveny ‘10 (Rafael Reuveny is a 


      -Tribune Information Services August 6, 2010)

      A unilateralIsraeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilitieswould likelyhavedire 


      Israeli strike could ultimately spark World War III.

      Major oil shocks would plunge the world into nuclear war. 

      Lauria ‘8 (Joe - New York



      The Saudis would not mind seeing the Iranian 


      project. It’s about the oil, stupid.

      ONLY American views of strategic interest in Syria can check Iran influence and American credibility in the Middle East 

      Badran 10/6/11, Tony



      With the Syrian revolution on the verge of 


      However, that is simply not an option.


      Currently the US has squandered any sort of action against Assad because they think Turkey will be able to exercise soft power to persuade him to either reform or step down

      Badran, Tony, 8/17/11, research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, “The U.S. Can’t Trust Turkey”

      U.S. President Barack Obama seems 


      . And, therefore, Obama has miscalculated.

      And Turkey can’t do anything to Syria – they’ve proven they don’t have the soft power to change their mind so Assad will stay in power

      Kardas, Saban, 6/7/


      In Turkey: No Change In Turkish Policy”

      Amidst the ongoing violence in Syria, opposition 


      perhaps reflecting their appreciation of Turkey’s delicate position.

      the US is the ONLY actor who can put pressure on the regime – international agents waiting for their stance 

      Kessler 8/18/11, Oren



      Turkey’s Prime MinisterRecepTayyipErdogancompared the situation to that in 


      not Asia, not the UN Security Council.

      This is key to maintaining soft power – the US has to create action against Syria in order to foster cooperation against bad government in the ME which restores credibility

      Schake, Kori, 8/19/



      America's Secretary of State gave a stunning interview 


      power and the Obama administration's approach are working?

      Obama’s lack of action on Syria is eroding US leadership 

      Pletka and Gottlieb 10/19/11



      After months of mixed messages, President Barack 


      antiseptic remote control alternative to actual American leadership.

      Mid East cred is the litmus test for the future of US leadership.

      Phillips, '10 (Writer and analyst of 



      While the Bush era saw the US hegemonic 


      hegemony in the Middle East could be ending.

      Cred is essential for sustainable global leadership.

      Armitage& Nye, ’07 (Richard L



      The world is dissatisfied with American leadership. 


      build the framework to tackle tough global challenges.

      American power stops conflict in every region, keeps trade moving, stops terrorists, and prolif – hegemony is inevitable the question is whether or not other nations let America use it effectively

      Kagan 11contributing editor to The Weekly Standard and 



      Today the international situation is also one of 


      system that American power has built and defended. 


      US support will cause a peaceful transition – Obama backing and technical support are key

      Tabler&Karlin, ’11 (Washington Institute 



      As the United States works to push Assad 


      of the United States' most problematic regional adversaries

      Removing Assad from power isn’t enough – rule of law key to democratic transition 

      Solomon 12/6/11, Jay


      U.S. and European officials have 


      citizens regardless of sect or ethnicity or gender.

      SNC Rule of law building key to transition which checks civil war and  SNC aligns with allies and breaks Iran/Hezbollah axis post plan

      Reuters 6/16/11, 'Syria 



      Some Syrians fear a collapse of Assad's rule 


      Iran and Sunni Arab states like Saudi Arabia.

      And transition will be friendly – the US specifically needs to provide support rhetorically to secure interests

      Weiss, ’11 (Director of communications at 



      There are plenty of geopolitical justifications on offer 


      searching for friends who might someday become allies.

      International action key to legitimize the SNC fast enough to avoid civil war

      Araabi, Samer, 10/18/



      The quest for legitimacy  The council was formed 


      buffer between the Syrian forces and the opposition.

      The US needs to recognize the Syrian National Council to avoid civil war 

      Shaikh, Salman, 10/12/



      The United States should also recognize theSyrian National 


      act quickly, Syria will descend into chaos.

  • Augustana 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Plan

      The United States federal government should provide political party and governance assistance to the Syrian National Council of opposition groups for the purpose of democratic transition. 

      Adv 1: Cred

      America’s leadership in the region is eroding day by day with Syria

      Rubin 1/3/12, Jennifer, “Mass Murder in Syria, inaction by Obama”, Washington Post author,

      The Syrian revolution is a motherless child. 


      standing in the region erodes day by day.

      Rhetorical commitments don’t solve – action by the US now is key 

      Gordon 8-20-11 J.D. is a communications consultant to several Washington-D.C. think tanks and a retired Navy Commander who served as a Pentagon spokesman in the Office of the Secretary of Defense from 2005-2009. Libya, Syria Show Obama in Way Over His Head Available Online @

      With Syria, Mr. Obama finally called 


      regimes to build up their own military arsenals.

      And ceding heg to regional powers in the Middle East kills leadership

      Phillips, '10 (Writer and analyst of Middle Eastern Affairs, 5-31,

      While the Bush era saw the US hegemonic 


      hegemony in the Middle East could be ending.

      Cred is essential for sustainable global leadership as a form of soft power

      Armitage& Nye, ’07 (Richard L., Deputy Secretary of State from 2001 to 2005 and Joseph S., former assistant secretary of defense, teaches political science at Harvard, they co-chaired the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Commission on Smart Power, The Tennessean, “Time for Smart Power”,

      The world is dissatisfied with American leadership. 


      build the framework to tackle tough global challenges.

      Specifically, US inaction cedes power to Iran to influence Syrian government policies

      Doran, 12-13-11 [Michael, Roger Hertog Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Saban Center for Middle East Policy -- The Brookings Institution, “United States Policy in Syria: Masterful Inaction?”]

      If so, then why doesn’t President Obama 


      the game, it is unlikely to win.

      Syria key to Iranian influence and leadership in the Middle East 

      Ghitis 11, Frida, World Politics Review, “Mideast Powers Jockey Leadership Amid Syrian Turmoil”,

      Of all the uprisings underway in the Middle 


      and helping Iran project power beyond its borders

      Iranian heg causes nuclear war.

      Ben-Meir ‘7(Alon Ben-Meir professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs at NYU, Realpolitik: Ending Iran’s defiance, 2007

      Feeling emboldened and unrestrained, Tehran may, 


      severe consequences of not halting its nuclear program.

      Inability to check back Iranian influence in the Middle-East will shatter global power projection
      Etzioni ’11. 
      Amatai Etzioni is a Professor of Political Science at George Washington University. “The

      Coming Test of US Credibility.” Military Review April 2011. Available Online @ <

      As of the beginning of 2011, these 


      responsibilities and live up to its commitments overseas.

      American power stops conflict in every region, keeps trade moving, stops terrorists, and prolif – hegemony is inevitable the question is whether or not other nations let America use it effectively

      Kagan 11contributing editor to The Weekly Standard and a senior fellow in foreign policy at the Brookings Institution, Robert, “The Price of Power”, 1-24, Vol. 16, No. 18,,

      Today the international situation is also one of 


      system that American power has built and defended. 

      Only American frontal leadership in Syria can check Iran influence and American credibility in the Middle East 

      Badran 10/6/11, Tony, Now Lebanon, “Obama abandoning interest in Syria”,

      With the Syrian revolution on the verge of 


      However, that is simply not an option.

      Civil War Adv

      Assad’s regime will fall as Syria’s crisis falls deeper

      Black 1/16/12, Ian, the Guardian reporter, “Syria: beyond the wall of fear, a state in slow-motion collapse”,

      Another sign of Syria's deepening crisis is that 


      we fear what is it going to cost."

      While Assad’s regime may collapse inaction by the US causes a civil war that engulfs the entire region

      Alhomayed, 1/20/12, Tariq, ditor-in-Chief of Asharq Al-Awsat, “The cost of the fall of al-Assad”,

      There are many expectations that the al-


      , or even the Europeans and the Americans.

      And high risk of escalation – Assad will continue to promote sectarian violence that engulfs the entire region 

      Nasr, 8/27/11, Vali, NY Times journalist, “If the Arab Spring Turns Ugly”,

      Syria today stands at the edge of such 


      pressure the Assad government not to inflame sectarian tensions

      This has two impacts, 

      First - no assistance strategy means Obama will militarily intervene within Syria 

      Dreyfuss 8-31-11 – contributing editor for The Nation, profiled as a leading investigative journalist by the Columbia Journalism Review (Robert, “Model Behavior? Libyan Ideas in Syria,”

      Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports that Syrian 


      Syrians, or Iranians, to be massacred.

      And military intervention in Syria draws in great powers –causes extinction 

      Lehmann 12/15

      Dr. Christof Lehmann, psychologist, political advisor and consultant, 12/15/2011 (

      A military attack on Syria would invariable lead 


      world needs to stand with Syria and Peace.

      Second is Assad will lashout against Israel towards his regime collapsing internally – causes Israel strikes and bioweapons use
      Ceren, Omri, 8/1/11, Commentary Magazine, “Just How Bad Could a Syrian
      Collapse Get?

      But the continued stability of the Syrian regime 


      productive that strategy may turn out to be.

      Israel strikes causes economic collapse, great power draw in, and extinction

      Reuveny ‘10 (Rafael Reuveny is a professor in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University. “Israel and Iran: a unilateral strike could trigger World War III” The Nation McClatchy-Tribune Information Services August 6, 2010)

      A unilateralIsraeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilitieswould likelyhavedire 


      Israeli strike could ultimately spark World War III.

      And, Bioweapons use causes extinction – highly probable.

      Ochs, ‘2 Richard J Ochs, 6-9-2002, has published articles in the Baltimore Sun, Baltimore Chronicle, Science magazine and is past president of the Aberdeen Proving Ground Superfund Citizens Coalition, member of the Depleted Uranium Task force of the Military Toxics Project and a member of the Chemical Weapons Working Group, “Biological Weapons Must Be Abolished Immediately,” p

      Of all the weapons of mass destruction, 




      US development of democratic institutions solves – they’re key to solve sectarian conflict and provide Syria with civil society to unify

      Al-Assad 8/10 

      Ribal Al-Assad is Director of the Organization for Democracy and Freedom in Syria. “The struggle for Syria”. August 10, 2011. CNN’s Global Public Square Blog.

      As the violence in Syria mounts, the 


      be a force for stability throughout the region.

      And US action is a signifier for other countries to act in Syria – US action is key to start pressure on the regime

      Kessler 8/18/11, Oren,  Jpost journalist, “Turkey: Syrian situation may become Libya-style civil war”,

      Turkey’s Prime MinisterRecepTayyipErdogancompared the situation to that in 


      not Asia, not the UN Security Council.

      US action key to fracture Assad’s support base causing him to go peacefully 

      Brodsky, Matthew, 10/4/11, Guadrian author, “US must ratchet pressure on Assad”,

      With Nato calling off military operations in Libya


      ", and then wait to see what happens. 

      Plan generates a viable political alternative to Assad-that’s key. 

      The National 2011 (“Syria opposition must learn from Libya&#38;#39;s council”, 8-24,

      In Syria, more than five months after 


      . Only then will his regime surely crumble.

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


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