Iowa » Iowa Croat Kann Aff

Iowa Croat Kann Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:29
  • UNI Disclosure

    • Tournament: UNI | Round: 2 | Opponent: Wayne | Judge:

    • Contention One: Egyptian Economy

      The Egyptian economy is in disarray—transition depends on resolving youth unemployment

      Nasr 9/1 (Vali, Bloomberg, “Beyond Political Reform, Egypt Will Need Economic Restructuring: Vali Nasr” 9/1/11

      Six months after the fall of the Mubarak 


      perhaps has been seen anywhere in the world.

      It’s uniquely destabilizing— continued lack of job creation makes endless cycles of revolution.

      Michael Schuman 8/22/11 Why the Arab Spring's success depends on jobs, not guns

      The roots of the Arab Spring are planted 


      economic progress – through jobs, not guns.

      Particularly, lack of middle market growth spurs radical groups—US action is critical.

      Glenn Hubbard, 2/28/11 Dean of Columbia Business School, served in the Bush White House from February 2001 until March 2003 as the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and the OECD’s Economic Policy Committee

      The recent and current upheavals in the Middle 


      the aid system to the region as well.

      The failures of Egyptian Economy spill over – It’s the litmus test

      The Economist 6/23/11 Light, dark and muddle The shakiness of the economy could undermine progress towards democracy Jun 23rd 2011

      FOR almost a month after the fall of 


      If it can prosper, others can too.

      Current policies don’t create jobs—equity for small and medium businesses are the missing factor. 

      Whiton, Harrison &Szrom 2011 CHRISTIAN WHITON U.S. State Department official from 2003-2009, special advisor to the Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs,. KRISTOFER HARRISON senior managing director for a leading provider of macro-economic policy intelligence to hedge funds, investment banks and asset managers. CHARLIE SZROM Senior Analyst Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, Feb. 2011 FIXING FOREIGN AID: THE MISSING MIDDLE Expanding Middle Classes in Muslim-Majority Countries through Private Enterprise Development Hamilton Foundation

      Shifting the Focus to the Middle Class—


      where it is not present in large quantities. 

      We control the internal link to Middle East stability. Job growth is the critical variable in stabilizing transitions.

      Keith Crane, Steven Simon, &Jeffrey Martini 2011Future Challenges for the Arab World The Implications of Demographic and Economic Trends Prepared for the United States Air Force Rand Corporation

      No other economic issue is deemed as important 


      direction and extent of pressure for political change.

      Economic collapse in Egypt exacerbates regional tensions. 

      Jon B. Alterman 6/15/11 director and senior fellow of the Middle East Program at CSIS “ THE EARTHQUAKE: HOW EGYPT EMERGES FROM UNCERTAINTY”

      Mubarak’s sudden departure from the scene leaves a 


      openness at a time of maximal economic disorder.

      2 Scenarios – First, transitions

      Economic growth is empirically the most important factor in sustaining democracy.

      Charles Landow, 6/8/11 associate director of CFR’s Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy Initiative “The Economic Approach to Middle East Democracy”

      As Egypt and Tunisia navigate the perilous path 


      seems clear that economic development helps democracy endure.

      Economic crisis in Egypt rolls back democracy—only SMEs solve.

      Democracy Digest May 10, 2011 Egypt’s Jasmine what?

      Even in the event of successful democratic transitions


      enterprises to act as engines of regional growth.

      Egypt is the regional determinant—US investment is key 

      Kagan& Dunne 11(Robert, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Center on the United States and Europe AND Michele, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Why Egypt Has to be the U.S. Priority in the Middle East, March 7, 2011,, MCL)

      With the horrific carnage in Libya, the 


      will not be kind if we blow this opportunity

      That triggers Middle East war

      KUNA 9/5(Kuwait news Agency, “Specter Of War Looming In Mideast, Says Israeli General” 9/5/11

      Recent revolutions in the Arab world and the 


      new Palestinian capabilities,” one of them said.

      High risk of nuclear escalation—multiple reasons.

      Russell ‘9 James A. Spring  Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East managing editor of Strategic Insights, the quarterly ejournal published by the Center for Contemporary Conflict at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey, California. He also serves as senior lecturer in the Department of National Security Affairs at NPS, where he is teaching courses on Middle East security affairs, terrorism, and national security strategy. From 1988-2001, Mr. Russell held a variety of positions in the Office of the Assistant Secretary Defense for International Security Affair\ s, Near East South Asia, Department of Defense.

      Strategic stability in the region is thus undermined 


      , with substantial risk for the entire world.

      Second, radicalization

      Egyptian economic collapse ensures radicalism.

      Elliott Abrams 6/6/11 Egypt: Good News and Bad Posted on Monday, June 6, 2011

      A new poll of Egyptians suggests that the 


      just how much Egyptians are committed to democracy.

      Upward mobility and middle class necessary for moderating Islamism—without job growth fundamentalism is inevitable 

      Picht 11(James, teaches economics at the Louisiana Scholars' College, “After Mubarak: The Muslim Brotherhood” 2/11/11

      The unfolding revolution in Egypt is a struggle 


      , a secular organization with an Islamic bent.

      Moderation is possible—just a question of which kind of politic emerge—economic progress is the key determinant 

      Glain 11 (Stephan, The Nation, “Fault Lines in Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood” 8/24/11 

      I met with Habib in June. Until 


      trying to wield both at the same time.

      The impact is the victory of radical ideology. 

      Niall Ferguson 6/5/11 professor of history at Harvard University and a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. He is also a senior research fellow at Jesus College, Oxford University, and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University The Revolution Blows Up Jun 5, 2011 1:00 AM EDT Egypt’s stock market is tanking and its rich are taking their money to Zurich. Will an economic plunge ruin the Arab Spring?

      The point of Keynes’s original tract was that 


      late war on terror will fade into nothing.

      That creates conditions for super-terrorism—causes extinction 

      Yonah Alexander, 2010 Director Maghreb & Sahel Terrorism: Addressing the Rising Threat from al-Qaeda & other Terrorists in North & West/Central Africa International Center for Terrorism Studies at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies

      Perpetrators and Motivations Current and future perpetrators include 


      which they could forever alter our planet’s existence.

      Independently, Egyptian radicalism triggers Israel-Egypt war.

      Brady 8/19 (Kyle, Policymic, “A Dangerous Time For Egypt and Israel” 8/19/11

      Egypt and Israel have never been friendly neighbors


      two is not only unnecessary, but undesirable.

      That goes nuclear—causes extinction.

      Bruce P. Chadwick, 7/6/11 PhD, CFA, is principal at Chadwick Global Research and Consulting, an independent consulting firm specializing in macro strategy, including quantitative, emerging market, and SRI research. Worldview: Summer Perspectives on the Arab Spring New York Society of Security Analysts



      on a hair-trigger will be considerable.

      Plan: The United States federal government should implement Egyptian-American Enterprise Fund Act.

      Contention Two: Solvency

      Enterprise Funds are the only empirically successful mechanism to promote sustainable Middle Market growth—Microfinance fails

      Whiton, Harrison &Szrom 2011 CHRISTIAN WHITON U.S. State Department official from 2003-2009, special advisor to the Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs,. KRISTOFER HARRISON senior managing director for a leading provider of macro-economic policy intelligence to hedge funds, investment banks and asset managers. CHARLIE SZROM Senior Analyst Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, Feb. 2011 FIXING FOREIGN AID: THE MISSING MIDDLE Expanding Middle Classes in Muslim-Majority Countries through Private Enterprise Development Hamilton Foundation

      Yet, the U.S. government 


      of human and financial capital in Eastern Europe.

      And, the plan overcomes other economic obstacles - Enterprise funds create private sector growth which pushes overall improvements.

      Matthew Lieber 2006 doctoral candidate in Political Science at Brown University; his work focuses on U .S . economic relations with Latin America . He has also worked as an associate dean of a private Mexican university and as a member of the U .S . Treasury Department’s legislative affairs staff Enterprise Funds Foreign Aid and Private Sector Development Watson Institute

      Assessing the “Catalytic Effect” on the 


      at www .watsoninstitute .org/foreignaid .

      Only a change in US aid to Egypt can solve – the plan is the necessary first step. 

      Nasr 9/1 (Vail, Bloomberg, “Beyond Political Reform, Egypt Will Need Economic Restructuring: Vali Nasr” 9/1/11

      Radical Change That would require radical change. 


      that is struggling to become a genuine democracy.

      US entrepreneurial partnerships are the most desirable for Muslim business—they’ll say yes.

      Younis and Younis 2011 August “The Role of Entrepreneurship and Job Creation in U.S.-Muslim Relations” Convened and Authored by: Ahmed Younis Mohamed Younis Senior Practice Consultant at Gallup and a Senior Analyst at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies and the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center. Senior Analyst at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies and a Senior Practice Consultant at Gallup. He is a primary author of the Silatech Index report—an analysis of the public opinion of young Arabs—and serves as a Senior Analyst at the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center. Saban Center at Brookings. 

      The uprisings across the Arab world present U


      States the respect sought by many Muslims.24

      Only the American enterprise fund model solves—critical to US leadership in the Arab world.

      Whiton, Harrison &Szrom 2011 CHRISTIAN WHITON U.S. State Department official from 2003-2009, special advisor to the Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs,. KRISTOFER HARRISON senior managing director for a leading provider of macro-economic policy intelligence to hedge funds, investment banks and asset managers. CHARLIE SZROM Senior Analyst Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, Feb. 2011 FIXING FOREIGN AID: THE MISSING MIDDLE Expanding Middle Classes in Muslim-Majority Countries through Private Enterprise Development Hamilton Foundation

      Recent history provides a solution. Beginning after 


      strategic calculus the U.S. faces.

      Contention Three: Pressure Now 

      Congress has massive amounts of business—53 bills and over 700 billion in spending by the end of the month 

      Business week 9/8/11

      As they traded swipes for much of the 


      could unexpectedly touch off the next big showdown.

      250 million in Democracy assistance for Egypt in the defense appropriations bill.

      Lindsay Young 8-15-11 Egypt's transitional government lobbies on seeking funds, debt reduction

      Lobbying records show a stark similarity in the 


      Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif. 

  • 2AC GSU Rd 2

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 2 | Opponent: OU | Judge: J Green

    • Case

      Avoid Nuclear War question of ethics

      Martin ‘82(Brian, Associate professor in Science, Technology and Society — U of Wollongong, Bulletin of Peace Proposals, v 13, n2, p. 149-159, http:/!

      In addition to the important physical effects of 


      peace movements of the world are largely unprepared.

      Intervention is inevitable—Must do it before US views Egypt as next Iran

      Amrani 8/4 (Issandr, Almasry Alyoum, “A new era for US-Egypt relations?”

      In Egypt, Washington sees many things: 


      its requests for World Bank or IMF funding.

      Genocide turn—K causes it 

      Shaw, ‘1 (IR Prof – Sussex, Review of International Studies 27)

      That these are indeed ‘yesterday’s visions’ is 


      denied to the Kosovans or Tibetans?77.

      That outweighs

      Vetleson, ‘2k (Arne Johan, Department of Philosophy University of Oslo, , “Genocide: A Case for the Responsibility of the Bystander”, Journal of Peace Research, July, p. 520-522)

      is that not acting is still acting


      mean the bystander who decides to remain inactive. 

      Plan deploys US hegemony as a progressive force.

      Thompson, ‘3(CUNY Hunter College Political Theory Teacher, Fall, Logos Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4,

      Hegemony in international terms without some kind of 


      economic development, political disintegration and ethnic strife

      K causes withdrawal—multiple scenarios for war

      Rosen, ‘3 (Harvard Military Affairs and National Security Prof, Spring , The National Interest, pp. 60-1)

      Rather than wrestle with such difficult and unpleasant 


      that the alternatives are that much more attractive.

      Always value to life—obligation to prevent death.

      Bernstein ‘2 (Richard J., Vera List Prof. Phil. – New School for Social Research, “Radical Evil: A Philosophical Interrogation”, p. 188-192)

      This is precisely what Jonas does in The 


      objects of your will." (IR 11)


      1. Framework—Ballot is a choice between simulated governmental policy options.  This is best—

      Most fair—aff chooses the framework—neg choice moots 1AC, justifies infinite frameworks and they can run their K on the aff.

      And, Role-playing allows us to critically examine the state.

      Stark, ’96 (Tennessee Associate Law Professor, Winter 32 Stan J Int’L L 91)

      Role-playing exercises, in which students 


      freeing them to explore these questions creatively.

      Single focus on whiteness strategy leads to bad public argument.  It proves why we have no effective voice in this debate, and why the education of this round will fail.

      Niemonen in 10, Professor of Anthropology and Sociology, University of South Dakota

      Jack, American Sociologist, 41 (2010):  48-81, 70-71.

      However, Burawoy’s family of sociologies now must 


      littlemore than institute programs that are ideologically driven.

      Their conception of fiat is flawed—it may not be enacted but you weigh our advocacy that the USFG should take action in a conceptual world

      Focusing on ontology/epistemology is reductionist and useless for change.

      Owen, ‘2 David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton,  Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7

      Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in IR


      , and so a potentially vicious circle arises.

      Alt is illegit

      No actor to compare to the affirmative

      Leads to shifting strategy and is infin regr


      No root cause -- Philosophical outcomes do not determine political ones.

      Yar, ‘2k (Lecturer at the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research at the University of Kent, January, Cultural Values, Volume 4, Issue 1)

      A second, and not unrelated difficulty, 


      our ailing political life, rather alarmingly wrong. 

      And, our framework solves better -- Western rationality disrupts whiteness better than standpoint epistemology 

      Niemonen in 10, Professor of Anthropology and Sociology, University of South Dakota

      Jack, American Sociologist, 41 (2010):  48-81, 64-65

      As opposed to recognizing that rationality, objectivity


      how a correct perception of the world is achieved

      Omission is not exclusion; NO discursive act can include everything; this doesn't mean we reject or marginalize these concerns

      Rorty, Professor of Comparative Literature @ Stanford, `(Richard, Peace Review, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 152-153)

      I have no quarrel with Cornell's and Spivak's 


      should be told, in many other ways.

      Structural violence obscures analysis necessary to solve the impact.

      Boulding, ’77 Kenneth, Prof Univ. of Michigan and UC Boulder,  Journal of Peace Research; 14; 75 p.  Boulding p.   83-4

      Finally, we come to the great Galtung 


      disservice in preventing us from finding the answer.

      Left criticisms of the Arab Spring are ill-founded and uninformed – Arab democratization is a legitimate event and the alternative would end it, leading to facism and genocide – this is the best card on the topic. 

      Galloway and Kacem 11 (Alexander R. Galloway, associate professor in the Department of Culture and Communication at New York University, and Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, a French-Tunisian writer and philosopher. He is the author of three novels and several works of philosophy, “A Tunisian Renaissance: Interview with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem,” Jan 31, 2011,

      AG: There seem to be two arguments 


      -wing Marxist than a postmodern leftist fascist.

      Focusing on the representations of the Middle East allows policy makers to continue military interventions

      Krishna, ’93 – Prof Poli Sci @ U of Hawaii (Summer, Sankaran, Alternatives, “The Importance of Being Ironic: A Postcolonial View on Critical International Relations Theory”, pg. 398-399)

      Yet overemphasizing the new forms of representations of 


      be more effectively sold to a jingoistic public.

      Only concrete action can prevent mass suffering 

      Ling ‘01

      (LHM, Professor, The New School, New York, Post-Colonial International Relations: Conquest and Desire Between Asia and the West)

      Without concrete action for change, postmodernism's `


      about it' (Spegele, 1992: 174). 

      -- The U.S. mischaracterized as an empire—reciprocal economic partnerships and democratic agreements are the norm. 

      Ikenberry, 04 Professor of Geopolitics. G. John Ikenberry. “Illusions of Empire: Defining the New American Order” Foreign Affairs, March/April 2004. 

      Is the United States an empire? If 


      limited and legitimated U.S. power.

      Realism towards the ME is inevitable and needs to be engaged to support transitions

      Kaplan 8/26 (Robert, Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security and author of ‘Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power’, “Libya, Obama and the triumph of realism” 8/26/11

      Realism is dead, clamour the cheerleaders of 


      like Mr Obama, seek to wield power.

      -- Hegemony doesn’t equate to empire—other nations can choose to disengage from US security guarantees. 

      Ikenberry, 04  Professor of Geopolitics. G. John Ikenberry. “Illusions of Empire: Defining the New American Order” Foreign Affairs, March/April 2004. 

      Johnson also offers little beyond passing mention about 


      makes Johnson's simplistic view of military hegemony misleading.

      The failure of the Left to stand up against human rights abuses in the Middle East creates a myopic tunnel vision that only views the world from the perspective of the West. The hand-off approach of anti-imperialists bolsters only fundamentalists and Neocons. This liberal apathy dooms both the future of the Left in the west and Middle Eastern liberals.

      RAFIA ZAKARIA 2007 attorney currently completing her doctorate in Political Science at Indiana University, where she is the John Edwards Fellow (2007-2008) “`Other' imperialism” Frontline Volume 24 - Issue 06 :: Mar. 24-Apr. 06, 2007 INDIA'S NATIONAL MAGAZINE

      IN unravelling the grand universalism of the Modern 


      the Bush administration's tyrannical politics of military intervention.

      Progressive movements must engage the Arab Spring – the aff’s debate advocacy is critical to imagining alternative futures which solves the impact to their K. 

      Henry A. Giroux 2011  McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada “Fighting for the Future: American Youth and the Global Struggle for Democracy”  Cultural Studies Critical Methodologies XX(X) 1–13

      Instead of public spheres that promote dialogue, 


      free- dom, justice, and equality.

      Progressive intellectual engagement in the public sphere is critical to ensure human survival.

      CARL BOGGS 1997. The great retreat: Decline of the public sphere in late twentieth-century America National University, Los Angeles Theory and Society 26: 741-780, 

      The decline of the public sphere in late 


      collective interests that had vanished from civil society.

      Only the permutation solves – engaging the institutions of democracy assistance and infusing practice with criticisms of democracy is necessary to solve.

      Mandaville & Mandaville 2007 Development (2007) 50, 5–13. doi:10.1057/palgrave.development.1100321 Introduction: Rethinking democratization and democracy assistance Alicia Phillips Mandaville and Peter P Mandaville

      We turn now to the question of how 


      politicized approach to the questions of democratic development.

      Tracing violence to an intellectual cause doesn’t mean you solve the proximate cause – political action key.

      Megill, ’83 (Iowa History Professor, What should Political Theory be Today, ed. Nelson, pg. 309)

      And so I would argue that political theorists 


      whatever opportunity we have to avert their worsening.

  • 2AC GSU Rd 3

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Case

      Egyptian economy on the brink—Nasr says rising unemployment, declining investment, falling tourism numbers and youth bulge create instability. 

      Schuman says no middle market growth means all gains are unsustainable—causes backsliding, massive draw in and nuclear war. 

      It’s not too late—current instability only remedied by middle market growth that is being blocked now. 

      Saleh 9/8 (Yasmine, Reuters, “Egypt economy growth modest, ongoing unrest hurts” 9/8/11

      CAIRO (Reuters) - Egypt's economy grew by a slower... an optimistic expectation.

      Avoid Nuclear War question of ethics

      Martin ‘82(Brian, Associate professor in Science, Technology and Society — U of Wollongong, Bulletin of Peace Proposals, v 13, n2, p. 149-159, http:/!

      In addition to the important
      2AC- T Direct 

      1. We meet—Enterprise funds are for the purpose of democracy

      Bill Text: US House Bill 2237 6/11/11- 112th Congress This title may be cited as the ``Egyptian-American Enterprise Fund Act''. SEC. 102. PURPOSE AND FINDINGS.

      (a) Purpose.--The purpose of 


      to small- and medium-sized enterprises.

      2. Counter-interpretation—US definition of democracy assistance—participation, civil society, rule of law and governance—this includes limited economic assistance because it’s the only way regimes accept it. 

      Snider and Faris 11 (Erin A. Snider and David M. Farris, Dr. Snider is a Gates Scholar at Cambridge University, and Dr. Faris is a professor at Roosevelt University, “The Arab Spring: U.S. Democracy promotion in Egypt” Middle east Policy, Vol. XViii, No. 3, Fall 2011)



      to concede eventual political liberalization in the future.

      We meet this—Enterprise funds empirically democracy assistance

      Stephen D. Collins 2009 Can America Finance Freedom? Assessing U.S. Democracy Promotion via Economic Statecraft Kennesaw State University Foreign Policy Analysis (2009) 5, 367–389 

      Democracy assistance to Eastern Europe encompassed a unique 


      Europe, see Diamond 1995 and Birkelund 2001.

      Court interpretations support this—

      Reynolds, '94 (US District Court of Appeals in DC Judge, April 15, 20 F.3d 494; 305 U.S. App. D.C. 304; 1994 U.S. App. LEXIS 7430)

      In its decision, the Commission dwelt primarily 


      Section 1.2 of the 1981 agreements.

      A. “Uniformity DA”—Topic countries are in different states of transition and have different needs—neg’s uniform approach excludes any country. 

      Carothers 10 (Thomas, vice-president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He is the author or editor of eight books and numerous articles on democracy promotion. His essay “Democracy Assistance: Political vs. Developmental?” appeared in the January 2009 issue of the Journal of Democracy, “

      Democracy Support and Development Aid: The Elusive Synthesis” Journal of Democracy  Volume 21,  Number 4  October 201)

      This developmental coloring of parts of the democracy


      issues such as service delivery and revenue allocation.

      C. “Ivory Tower DA”—practitioner definitions are more important to policy makers

      Carothers 99 (Thomas Carothers, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Aiding Democracy Abroad: The Learning Curve, 1999, p.  

      As an endnote to this initial discussion of 


      of pact formation at work in the actual programs

      Good is Good enough—Have to prove we explode limits before you pull the trigger

      Egyptian FTA CP

      Egypt will say no.

      Hoda El-Karaksy 2009 The University of Alabama The Potential Impact of the Free Trade Agreement between Egypt and the US on Inward Foreign Direct Investment to Egypt

      Despite reforms in the Egyptian economy and progress 


      , and respect for and protection of minorities. 

      6. No solvency – decreases overall investment in Egypt.

      Hoda El-Karaksy 2009 The University of Alabama The Potential Impact of the Free Trade Agreement between Egypt and the US on Inward Foreign Direct Investment to Egypt

      Despite reforms in the Egyptian economy and progress 


      but extends to FDI from other trading partners.

      8. A US Egypt FTA would only have a small effect on the economy – two reasons:  1. Fails without complementary domestic reform. 2.  its main beneficiary would be textiles

      Hoekman and Konan 05 (BERNARD HOEKMAN and DENISE KONAN, Economic Implications of a US-Egypt FTA, Peterson Institute for International Economics,  Anchoring Reform with a US-Egypt Free Trade Agreement, May 2005

      An FTA with the United States will have 


      under the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing. 

      Industry is major part of economy and largely state controlled—Doesn’t Solve Middle, 09, apparel and textile industry's leading online information source

      "Egypt’s clothing fortunes mirror global downturn," July 27,

      The Egyptian textile and clothing industry occupies a 


      seeking to privatise some of its spinning companies.

      Profits straight to the military

      Woodard 11 trained experienced journalist for, apparel and textile industry's leading online information source

      Richard, February 22,

      The latest batch of Wikileaks documents, revealed 


      casts a revealing sidelight on Egypt's apparel sector.


      Won’t pass, in spite of support – other issues will preclude it

      St. Petersburg Times Politifact 8/29 David G. Taylor, Writer, St. Petersburg Times Politifact, (2009 Pulitzer Prize Winner) “Ratification remains elusive,” 8/29/11

      Since 1999, a great deal of bipartisan 


      the Union for Concerned Scientists which supports ratification.

      Wins regenerate political capital

      Singer 9(Jonathan, senior writer and editor for MyDD. My Direct Democracy, March 3, “By Expending Capital, Obama Grows His Capital”

      "What is amazing here is how much 


      energy reform to ending the war in Iraq.

      -- No spillover once the agenda is set.

      Matthew Dickinson, ’9 Professor of political science at Middlebury College. He taught previously at Harvard University, where he also received his Ph.D., working under the supervision of presidential scholar Richard Neustadt, 5/29, “Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power”

      What is of more interest to me, 


      the decision to present Sotomayor as his nominee.

      Bipart—Seen as a national security initiative

      Reeve 11 (Christopher, Almasry Alyoum, “US senators push private sector growth in Egypt” 6/27/11

      An improved Egyptian economy is the key to 


      decide the future. Not any outside country.”


      Democracy assistance now-- Allen

      Relations downworst they’ve ever been—new levels of resentment from Israel.

      Jennifer Rubin 2011 (Freelance writer for the Washington Post’s Right Turn blog, The Weekly Standard, Labor Lawyer/Journalist, “It’s a face: U.S.-Israel relations at low ebb”, Washington Post Opinions, p. 

      There were perhaps worse moments in U.


      seems to confirm just that when he recounts:

      Alt causespeace process and Hamas.

      Jennifer Rubin 2011 (Freelance writer for the Washington Post’s Right Turn blog, The Weekly Standard, Labor Lawyer/Journalist, “It’s a face: U.S.-Israel relations at low ebb”, Washington Post Opinions, p. 

      The administration further upped the ante by immediately 


      this administration than any other in recent memory.”)

      Muslim Brotherhood will be Moderate at the onset of elections—Plan prevents radical transition

      Glenn 8/20 (Cameron, Cameron is a recent graduate from the College of William and Mary, where she received a B.A. in Middle Eastern Studies and Linguistics. She is currently an intern at Truman National Security Project, and she interned previously at American Near East Refugee Aid “The Muslim Brotherhood Can Be a Moderate Voice in Islamist Politics” 8/20/11

      In a country struggling to navigate an unprecedented 


      , pushing Al-Qaeda further into irrelevance.

      Radicalization Advantage is a straight link turn—Moderate Egyptian policies are likely in the short term—Coming economic downturn forces Egypt into radical policies including direct confrontation with Israel triggering a nuclear war with draw in

      Israel is rational—Only quick shift to radicalism triggers—Plan solves

      Aluf Benn 7/29/2011 (editor at large of Haaretz, New York Times. “Israel’s Lost Chance”

      Seven months into the Arab Spring, Israel’s 


      treaty with Israel — always Israel’s deepest concern.

      US economic Investment solves anti-americanism in the region 

      Ginsberg 9/9 (Mark, former ambassador to Morroco “The Arab World & the 9/11 Decade” 9/9/11 

      The take away after ten years is that 


      of the Middle East since 9/11.

      Anti-Americanism key to hegemony

      Al-Oraibi & Russell, ’11 (Washington, D.C. Bureau Chief for Asharq Al-Awsat & Research Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, The Washington Quarterly, 34:3)

      This article has addressed itself entirely to the 


      principles, it can move in that direction.


      1. Framework—Ballot is a choice between simulated governmental policy options.  This is best—

      Most fair—aff chooses the framework—neg choice moots 1AC, justifies infinite frameworks and they can run their K on the aff.

      And, Role-playing allows us to critically examine the state.

      Stark, ’96 (Tennessee Associate Law Professor, Winter 32 Stan J Int’L L 91)

      Role-playing exercises, in which students 


      freeing them to explore these questions creatively.

      Perm Do the Plan and the Alternative

      Perm Do the Alternative in all other instances

      Rhizomatic networks are just as likely to support neoliberal individualism as to resist authoritarianism. Abandoning the state gives up to neoliberalism.  

      Jason Lubyk 11/12/2001 Techno-libertarianism, the Zapatistas and Rhizomatic Networks

      The use of natural models such as the 


      as creativity, abundance, eros and play.

      Left criticisms of the Arab Spring are ill-founded and uninformed – Arab democratization is a legitimate event and the alternative would end it, leading to facism and genocide – this is the best card on the topic. 

      Galloway and Kacem 11 (Alexander R. Galloway, associate professor in the Department of Culture and Communication at New York University, and Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, a French-Tunisian writer and philosopher. He is the author of three novels and several works of philosophy, “A Tunisian Renaissance: Interview with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem,” Jan 31, 2011,

      AG: There seem to be two arguments 


      -wing Marxist than a postmodern leftist fascist.

      The failure of the Left to stand up against human rights abuses in the Middle East creates a myopic tunnel vision that only views the world from the perspective of the West. The hand-off approach of anti-imperialists bolsters only fundamentalists and Neocons. This liberal apathy dooms both the future of the Left in the west and Middle Eastern liberals.

      RAFIA ZAKARIA 2007 attorney currently completing her doctorate in Political Science at Indiana University, where she is the John Edwards Fellow (2007-2008) “`Other' imperialism” Frontline Volume 24 - Issue 06 :: Mar. 24-Apr. 06, 2007 INDIA'S NATIONAL MAGAZINE

      IN unravelling the grand universalism of the Modern 


      the Bush administration's tyrannical politics of military intervention.

      No root cause -- Philosophical outcomes do not determine political ones.

      Yar, ‘2k (Lecturer at the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research at the University of Kent, January, Cultural Values, Volume 4, Issue 1)

      A second, and not unrelated difficulty, 


      our ailing political life, rather alarmingly wrong. 

      War not inev

      Scott D Sagan, prof of Poli Sci Stanford,  ACCIDENTAL WAR IN THEORY AND PRACTICE 2-8-‘2k

       To make reasonable judgements in such matters 


      neither inevitable nor overdetermined during the Cold War. 

      Tracing violence to an intellectual cause doesn’t mean you solve the proximate cause – political action key.

      Megill, ’83 (Iowa History Professor, What should Political Theory be Today, ed. Nelson, pg. 309)

      And so I would argue that political theorists 


      whatever opportunity we have to avert their worsening.

      Focusing on ontology/epistemology is reductionist and useless for change.

      Owen, ‘2 David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton,  Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7

      Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in IR


      , and so a potentially vicious circle arises.

      Deleuzian politics fail to create agency because there is no account of social bonds and intersubjectivity – (only the neg’s identity politics solves). 

      Steven Best and Douglas Kellner 1991 Post-Modern Theory Critical Interrogations 

      Such a perspective points to a decentering of 


      apparently will follow. (107-8)

      The Alt fails – Deleuzian politics fail as often as they succeed, there’s no telling where that can lead. 

      Patton 2000, Prof. of Philosophy, University of Sydney, Deleuze and the Political p.87

      We noted at the end of Chapter 3 


      at the level of individual or collective assemblage

      As a consequence, their alt is just as likely to support fascism. 

      Richard Barbrook, Hypermedia Research Centre 1998 THE HOLY FOOLS

      Deleuze and Guattari enthusiastically joined this attack against 


      Stalin had led to Pol Pot.<22>

  • Kentucky SMEs 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Inherency 

      Contention One: Inherency

      Despite a victory in the Senate, the House will block enterprise funds now.

      Sheridan, 9/24/11 (Washington Post Staff Writer)

      Congress still hasn’t passed two programs Obama announced 


      are laying the groundwork for a broader effort.

      Congressional inaction on enterprise funds eliminates perceived support for democratization in Egypt. 

      POMED, 9-16-11 (

      Yesterday, on the occasion of International Day 


      instead interfered with administration efforts to do so.


      Plan: The United States federal government should implement Egyptian-American Enterprise Fund Act.

      Contention Two: the Advantage

      The Egyptian economy is in disarray—transition depends on resolving youth unemployment

      Nasr 9/1 (Vali, Bloomberg, “Beyond Political Reform, Egypt Will Need Economic Restructuring: Vali Nasr” 9/1/11

      Six months after the fall of the Mubarak 


      perhaps has been seen anywhere in the world.

      It’s uniquely destabilizing— continued lack of job creation makes endless cycles of revolution.

      Michael Schuman 8/22/11 Why the Arab Spring's success depends on jobs, not guns

      The roots of the Arab Spring are planted 


      economic progress – through jobs, not guns.

      Current policies don’t create jobs—equity for small and medium businesses are the missing factor. 

      Whiton, Harrison &Szrom 2011 CHRISTIAN WHITON U.S. State Department official from 2003-2009, special advisor to the Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs,.KRISTOFER HARRISON senior managing director for a leading provider of macro-economic policy intelligence to hedge funds, investment banks and asset managers. CHARLIE SZROM Senior Analyst Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, Feb. 2011 FIXING FOREIGN AID: THE MISSING MIDDLE Expanding Middle Classes in Muslim-Majority Countries through Private Enterprise Development Hamilton Foundation

      Shifting the Focus to the Middle Class—


      where it is not present in large quantities. 

      Economic growth is empirically the most important factor in sustaining democracy.

      Charles Landow, 6/8/11 associate director of CFR’s Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy Initiative “The Economic Approach to Middle East Democracy”

      As Egypt and Tunisia navigate the perilous path out of autocracy, what can help make them enduring democracies? History suggests that one answer is economic development.

      Empirical work by scholars shows that wealthier countries 


      seems clear that economic development helps democracy endure.

      2 Impacts – First – Democratic Transition

      Economic collapse in Egypt exacerbates regional tensions. 

      Jon B. Alterman 6/15/11 director and senior fellow of the Middle East Program at CSIS “ THE EARTHQUAKE: HOW EGYPT EMERGES FROM UNCERTAINTY”

      Mubarak’s sudden departure from the scene leaves a 


      openness at a time of maximal economic disorder.

      The entire Middle East will follow Egypt’s lead—US investment is the key factor. 

      Kagan& Dunne 11(Robert, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy, Center on the United States and Europe AND Michele, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Why Egypt Has to be the U.S. Priority in the Middle East, March 7, 2011,,)

      With the horrific carnage in Libya, the 


      will not be kind if we blow this opportunity

      High risk of regional war.

      KUNA 9/5(Kuwait news Agency, “Specter Of War Looming In Mideast, Says Israeli General” 9/5/11

      Recent revolutions in the Arab world and the 


      new Palestinian capabilities,” one of them said.

      Regional conflict would escalate to chemical, biological and nuclear war. Normal checks on escalation don’t apply in this instance.

      Russell ‘9James A. Spring  Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East managing editor of Strategic Insights, the quarterly ejournal published by the Center for Contemporary Conflict at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey, California. He also serves as senior lecturer in the Department of National Security Affairs at NPS, where he is teaching courses on Middle East security affairs, terrorism, and national security strategy. From 1988-2001, Mr. Russell held a variety of positions in the Office of the Assistant Secretary Defense for International Security Affair\ s, Near East South Asia, Department of Defense.

      Strategic stability in the region is thus undermined 


      , with substantial risk for the entire world.

      And, Egypt is the key conflict dampener. They’re the gatekeeper on the question of war and peace in the Middle East.

      Schenker, ’11 (Aufzien fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute,

      Reestablish Egypt as a regional actor and shore 


      the region as a whole depends on it.

      Second – Israel-Egypt War

      Tensions are rising now there is a high risk of war.

      Ari Shavit 9/11/11 senior correspondent at Haaretz Newspaper and a member of its editorial board.Haaretz“Arab Spring showed its real face in attack on Israeli embassy in Egypt”

      Now we see the Arab Spring in all 


      Who knows what we'll lose next week.

      Egyptian economic collapse causes Israeli nuclear war.

      Bruce P. Chadwick, 7/6/11 PhD, CFA, is principal at Chadwick Global Research and Consulting, an independent consulting firm specializing in macro strategy, including quantitative, emerging market, and SRI research. Worldview: Summer Perspectives on the Arab Spring New York Society of Security Analysts



      on a hair-trigger will be considerable.

      Third – Anti-Americanism – 

      The absence of middle market growth ensures an explosion of poverty-fueled anti-Americanism.

      Picht 11(James, teaches economics at the Louisiana Scholars' College, “After Mubarak: The Muslim Brotherhood” 2/11/11

      The unfolding revolution in Egypt is a struggle 


      , a secular organization with an Islamic bent.

      Strong US-Egyptian relations positions Egypt as a conflict dampener for every scenario in the region.

      Schenker, ’11 (Aufzien fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute,

      Reestablish Egypt as a regional actor and shore 


      the region as a whole depends on it.

      Plan is a watershed moment against anti-Americanism in Egypt – it’s the only way that the United States can reverse course amongst the Egyptian populace

      Younis and Younis 2011 August “The Role of Entrepreneurship and Job Creation in U.S.-Muslim Relations” Convened and Authored by: Ahmed Younis Mohamed Younis Senior Practice Consultant at Gallup and a Senior Analyst at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies and the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center. Senior Analyst at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies and a Senior Practice Consultant at Gallup. He is a primary author of the Silatech Index report—an analysis of the public opinion of young Arabs—and serves as a Senior Analyst at the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center. Saban Center at Brookings.

      When President Barack Obama convened the Summit on 


      the rule of law, and political freedoms. 

      Independently, US influence in Egypt is key to limiting Iranian ambitions in the Middle East

      Clemons, 11 (Steven Clemens, founder of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation, Publisher of the popular political blog The Washington Note, Mr. Clemons is a long-term policy practitioner and entrepreneur in Washington, D.C. He has served as Executive Vice President of the Economic Strategy Institute, Senior Policy Advisor on Economic and International Affairs to Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) and was the first Executive Director of the Nixon Center, “How Outcome in Egypt Could Affect the United States,” New America Foundation February 2, 2011,

       How will it affect the U.


      The impact on the region could be profound.

      Egypt is the wild card- even a small shift in Iran-Egypt relations causes a massive, chaotic, and unpredictable re-alignment

      Marashi and Parsi, 11 (Reza Marashi is the research director for the National Iranian American Council. Previously, he served in the U.S. State Department in the Office of Iranian Affairs, and was an analyst at the Institute for National Strategic Studies. Trita Parsi is the founder and president of the National Iranian American Council. He is the author of Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Iran, Israel and the United States, which earned a 2008 Arthur Ross Book Award from the Council on Foreign Relations. He is the 2010 recipient of the Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order. Arab Spring Seen From Tehran, The Cairo Global Review,

      As Iran jockeys for regional preeminence, Egypt 


      regional influence while capitalizing on Egypt’s inward orientation.

      Iranian expansion without a Egyptian stabilizer makes escalatory conflict with Israel inevitable

      Morley 6/29 (Jefferson editor for the Washington Post and, but also for Harper’s, The New Republic, The Nation, and the Center for Independent Media. I’m an editor. From 2007 to 2009 I served as the editorial director for the Washington Independent and a network of five other nonprofit state news sites, sponsored by the Center for Independent Media. Iran, Israel, and the Arab Spring” 6/29/11

      Is hope losing out to fear in the 


      the front lines.” It doesn’t sound good.


      Contention Three: Solvency

      Enterprise Funds are the only empirically successful mechanism to promote sustainable Middle Market growth.

      Whiton, Harrison &Szrom 2011 CHRISTIAN WHITON U.S. State Department official from 2003-2009, special advisor to the Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs,.KRISTOFER HARRISON senior managing director for a leading provider of macro-economic policy intelligence to hedge funds, investment banks and asset managers. CHARLIE SZROM Senior Analyst Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, Feb. 2011 FIXING FOREIGN AID: THE MISSING MIDDLE Expanding Middle Classes in Muslim-Majority Countries through Private Enterprise Development Hamilton Foundation

      Yet, the U.S. government 


      of human and financial capital in Eastern Europe.

      And, the plan overcomes other economic obstacles - Enterprise funds create private sector growth which pushes overall improvements.

      Matthew Lieber 2006 doctoral candidate in Political Science at Brown University; his work focuses on U .S .economic relations with Latin America . He has also worked as an associate dean of a private Mexican university and as a member of the U .S . Treasury Department’s legislative affairs staff Enterprise Funds Foreign Aid and Private Sector Development Watson Institute

      Assessing the “Catalytic Effect” on the 


      at www .watsoninstitute .org/foreignaid .


      US entrepreneurial partnerships are the most desirable for Muslim business—they’ll say yes.

      Younis and Younis 2011 August “The Role of Entrepreneurship and Job Creation in U.S.-Muslim Relations” Convened and Authored by: Ahmed Younis Mohamed Younis Senior Practice Consultant at Gallup and a Senior Analyst at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies and the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center. Senior Analyst at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies and a Senior Practice Consultant at Gallup. He is a primary author of the Silatech Index report—an analysis of the public opinion of young Arabs—and serves as a Senior Analyst at the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center. Saban Center at Brookings.

      The uprisings across the Arab world present U


      States the respect sought by many Muslims.24

      US definition of democracy assistance—participation, civil society, rule of law and governance—this includes limited economic assistance because it’s the only way regimes accept it. 

      Snider and Faris 11 (Erin A. Snider and David M. Farris, Dr. Snider is a Gates Scholar at Cambridge University, and Dr. Faris is a professor at Roosevelt University, “The Arab Spring: U.S. Democracy promotion in Egypt” Middle east Policy, Vol. XViii, No. 3, Fall 2011)

      the last decade. The roots of U


      to concede eventual political liberalization in the future.

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff: Iowa CK
      Round #3   Tournament: Wake
      vs: Michigan DP



      Plan Text


      Something with Egypt


      1ac Advantages

      Transition (Regional War, Egypt/Israel War)

      FDI (Proliferation)


      2ac Offense

      Add ons (Radical takeover, peace process, suez canal)


      1ar Strategy



      2ar Strategy
      Aff:Iowa CL
      Round #  2 Tournament: Wake
      vs: Loyola EM
      Judge: Kurt Zemlicka



      Plan Text



      1ac Advantages


      Egyptian Economy Adv

      Israel-Egypt War

      FDI- Alt energy solves opaque prolif


      2ac Offense


      Fear of Death Good

      Public Debates about the arab spring key to break down orientialism


      -- Our framework -- Ballot is a choice between the plan and a competitive policy option based on the outcomes of each policy for those that take action and those that are affected.

      ( ) Non plan focus K’s are a voter – They don’t meet the burden of rejoinder since the reason you vote Aff is the plan text, not the reps, it’s infinitely regressive since any part of the 1AC is game for K, and it justifies stealing our Aff minus one card.  Plan based K’s solve their offense.


       ( ) Public advocacy for the Arab Spring breaks down islamophobia and orientalism.


      Telhami 5— Anwar Sadat professor for peace and development, University of Maryland “Democracy: Rising Tide or Mirage” Middle East Policy Vol 12 Issue 2 May 23 2005 Wiley

      I think we all agree that, no matter how we define democracy, the Middle ……… of culture or religion; it is just bad governments.We talk about an Arab Spring as we talk about a Prague Spring. This is a helpful discourse in America, and it might in the end even reduce the sharpness of the clash on the other side.


      -- Role-playing allows us to critically examine the state.
      Stark, ‘96

      (Tennessee Associate Law Professor, Winter 32 Stan J Int’L L 91)

      Role-playing exercises, in which students assume the roles of ……… performance in law school, freeing them to explore these questions creatively. 69

      Jobs K

      ( ) Arab democratization is a legitimate event and the alternative would end it, leading to facism and genocide.


      Galloway and Kacem 11 (Alexander R. Galloway, associate professor in the Department of Culture and Communication at New York University, and Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, a French-Tunisian writer and philosopher. He is the author of three novels and several works of philosophy, “A Tunisian Renaissance: Interview with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem,” Jan 31, 2011,

      AG: There seem to be two arguments in the West, both ……….., rather humorously: “They take me for a leftist Hegelian. But I’m a right-wing Marxist.” He said that Fordism was part of Marxist politics and that he’s the one who thought up the Marshall plan. I’d rather be that kind of right-wing Marxist than a postmodern leftist fascist.



      Baudrillard’s politics are deeply conformist.  Playing with the pieces of hyper-reality shuts down real alternatives.

      Donahue, (Department of English, Gonzaga University), 01 (Brian, “Marxism, Postmodernism, Žižek,” Postmodern Culture,12.2, Project Muse).


      According to Žižek, theorists of postmodern society ……….of any kind of binding commitment that would imply a proper symbolic identification. He is a radical conformist who paradoxically experiences himself as an outlaw. (102)





      This doesn’t implicate the affirmative—Hold the negative to the 1NC—sandbagging arguments is bad and prevents clash and contestation voter for fairness and education—Any new block arguments will be answered in the 1AR


      The arrow reaches the target and Achilles overcomes the tortoise—you know that will happen therefore you know the paradoxes are flawed


      Causality K

      Even if the neg wins that we can’t prove that the world is objectively structured we can still make reliable and predictable observations about the world, and act on them


      Miller in 02       (Katherine Miller, Prof. of Communication at Texas A&M,  Communication theories:  Perspectives, processes, and contexts, 2002, p 35-36)


      If positivism, in its classical and logical forms, ……….. The ways in which these regularities and patterns are studied within post-positivist theory are considered in the next section.


      Relegating human suffering to the realm of simulation is just nihilism, crushing politics.

      Kellner, 89 Phil. Chair @ UCLA, 1989, Jean Baudrillard, p. 107-8, Douglas


      Yet does the sort of symbolic exchange which ……… less attention to materiality (that is, to needs, desire, suffering and so ona trajectory will ultimately lead him to embrace nihilism (see 4.4).


      Fear of Death

      War Reps Good 2ac


      Depiction of war and conflict do not cause fear, but instead cause anger at those institutions – this is the fuel for social change through all of history

      Adams, UNESCO Project Director, 86 [, [sic]]

      There is an important difference between the findings of Averill and …….. Testament prophets. The prophets, like the peace activists of our own day, point to moral standards which they learned from the society and condemn the practices of the society in the light of those standards.


      We do, in fact, know the difference between simulation and reality—the media plays a healthy role in the public sphere.

      March, 95 James Marsh, Professor of Philosophy, Fordham University, 95, Critique, Action, and Liberation, pp. 292-293


      Such an account, however, is as one-sided or perhaps …….. and forms of resistance, and on media such as movies, television, and radio.7


      Applying Baudrillard to the context of the Middle is uniquely problematic – the Arab world becomes an empty sign – this both means the alt can’t solve the case or its own impacts.

      Ian Almond 2007 Professor English Georgia State Ph.D., Edinburgh University Transnational LiteraturesTHE NEW ORIENTALISTS Postmodern representations of Islam from Foucault to Baudrillard Ian Almond 2007



      Hence the central pages Christopher Norris devotes to the thinker in ………, motifs and stylistic gestures in an Arab/Islamic framework will inevitably bring with them certain Orientalist, at times even imperialist echoes.


      Their stereotypical portrayal of the non-West makes war inevitable and prevents the affirmative from solving.


      Marrouchi, professor of postcolonial literature at LSU, 1998

      [Mustapha, “Counternarratives, Recoveries, Refusals,” boundary 2, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 205-257]


      [At the most basic level, what Said exposes are those symptoms  ……….. mind a comment once made by Cyril Connolly, who said, "Let us reflect whether there be any living writer whose silence we would consider a literary disaster."  Said's silence would certainly be one.]



      ( ) Reps first kills policy making – can’t solve.


      Jarvis 2k – Lecturer in the Department of Government and International Relations, Faculty of Economics, Politics and Business at the University of Sydney, Australia (DSL, “International Relations and the Challenge of Post Modernism”, University of South Carolina Press, pg 189-190)

      First, the project of subversive-deconstructive postmodernism ……. of a specious relativism and a multifarious perspectivism, and that absent any further constructive endeavor, the great questions and problems of our time will be answered or solved by this speaks of an intellectual poverty now famed perversely as the search for "thinking space."


      -- Fear of Death is key to human survival – confronting death is key to state and individual existence.

      Beres 96 (Louis Rene, Professor of Political Science and International Law at Purdue University, Feb., Description: Description: 邐潎浲污退慆x0邐1 feb96/ beresn.htm).

      Fear of death, the ultimate source of anxiety, is essential to …… a choice currently made by the State of Israel, it loses, possibly forever, the altogether critical benefits of "anxiety."

      -- Fear is key to value to life, survival and transcending evil.

      Greenspan 03 (Miriam, Pioneer in the Area of Women’s Psychology, Healing Through the Dark Emotions: The Wisdom of Grief, Fear, and Despair, Excerpt of Chapter Three - How Dark Emotions Become Toxic,

      Grief, fear, and despair are primary human emotions. Without them, …………., tolerate their intense energies, and let them be.

      2AC – Fear of Death Good – Mobilization
      -- Fear spurs compassion, mobilizing people to protect each other and giving meaning to life.

      Greenspan, 03 (Miriam Greenspan – Pioneer in the Area of Women’s Psychology – 2003 (“An Excerpt from Healing through the Dark Emotions: The Wisdom of Grief, Fear, and Despair by Miriam Greenspan,”

      "Fear is a very powerful emotion. When you feel fear in your ……….. egos. Learn the ways of peace. Find a ceremony of safety so that not just you and I but all of us can live together without fear."




      Extinction hasn’t happened we are here

      We are not wrong

      ( ) Always value to life—obligation to prevent death.

      Bernstein ‘2 (Richard J., Vera List Prof. Phil. – New School for Social Research, “Radical Evil: A Philosophical Interrogation”, p. 188-192)

      This is precisely what Jonasdoes in The Phenomenon of Life, his rethinking of …………..of Man among the objects of your will." (IR 11)



      1ar Strategy



      Fear of death good


      2ar Strategy

      Even if value to life is subjective its worse to force upon them


      Alt does not solve the aff


  • Corruption 1AC

    • Tournament: Wake | Round: 3 | Opponent: Michigan DP | Judge:


      Advantage 1: Transition

      Egyptian economy headed toward collapse—solving corruption is key

      MacFARQUHAR 11/1 (Neil, New York Times, “Euphoria Turns to Discontent as Egypt’s Revolution Stalls” 11/1/11

      The revolution was beautiful, but nobody imagined


      , which groups elite multinational and Egyptian companies.


      Elite Capture increases unemployment, causes capital flight, and drives away investment. The impact is middle class collapse and instability



      More generally, these transitions often take place


      expense of the poor should not be ignored.


      Corruption hurts public economy growth—privatization necessary for long-term economic health.

      Dunne et al 11 (Michael, Director of Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East Atlantic Council, Jeffrey Gedmen, President and CEO Legatum Institute, Marek Dabrowski, Center for Social and Economic Research (Warsaw) Uri Dadush, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Washington, DC) Hafez Ghanem, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (Rome) Mara Revkin, Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East, Atlantic Council (Washington, DC) Dalibor Rohac, Legatum Institute (London) Dessy Roussanova, International Alert (London) Michal Safianik, Community of Democracies (Warsaw) Tarik Yousef, Dubai School of Government Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “ EGYPT’S DEMOCRATIC TRANSITION FIVE IMPORTANT MYTHS ABOUT THE ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE” July 2011

      MYTH #2. IT IS TIME TO


      of corruption would be too explosive at present.


      Corruption causes regression into radical authoritarianism and endless regional instability.

      Dunne et al 11 (Michael, Director of Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East Atlantic Council, Jeffrey Gedmen, President and CEO Legatum Institute, Marek Dabrowski, Center for Social and Economic Research (Warsaw) Uri Dadush, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Washington, DC) Hafez Ghanem, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (Rome) Mara Revkin, Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East, Atlantic Council (Washington, DC) Dalibor Rohac, Legatum Institute (London) Dessy Roussanova, International Alert (London) Michal Safianik, Community of Democracies (Warsaw) Tarik Yousef, Dubai School of Government Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “ EGYPT’S DEMOCRATIC TRANSITION FIVE IMPORTANT MYTHS ABOUT THE ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE” July 2011

      If the democratic transition in Egypt fails and


      addressing several persistent myths about the current situation.


      Economic instability creates endless cycles of revolution

      Michael Schuman 8/22/11 Why the Arab Spring's success depends on jobs, not guns


      The roots of the Arab Spring are planted


      economic progress – through jobs, not guns.



      Impacts – First – Democratic Transition

      Collapse of middle market growth ensures an explosion of radicalism.

      Picht 11(James, teaches economics at the Louisiana Scholars' College, “After Mubarak: The Muslim Brotherhood” 2/11/11


      The unfolding revolution in Egypt is a struggle


      , a secular organization with an Islamic bent.


      That economic collapse and radicalism exacerbates tensions—causes a political reordering of the entire Gulf—Egypt is the key.

      Jon B. Alterman 6/15/11 director and senior fellow of the Middle East Program at CSIS “ THE EARTHQUAKE: HOW EGYPT EMERGES FROM UNCERTAINTY”


      Mubarak’s sudden departure from the scene leaves a


      openness at a time of maximal economic disorder.


      High risk of regional war.

      KUNA 9/5(Kuwait news Agency, “Specter Of War Looming In Mideast, Says Israeli General” 9/5/11


      Recent revolutions in the Arab world and the


      new Palestinian capabilities,” one of them said.

      Regional conflict would escalate to chemical, biological and nuclear war. Normal checks on escalation don’t apply in this instance.

      Russell ‘9James A. Spring  Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East managing editor of Strategic Insights, the quarterly ejournal published by the Center for Contemporary Conflict at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey, California. He also serves as senior lecturer in the Department of National Security Affairs at NPS, where he is teaching courses on Middle East security affairs, terrorism, and national security strategy. From 1988-2001, Mr. Russell held a variety of positions in the Office of the Assistant Secretary Defense for International Security Affair\ s, Near East South Asia, Department of Defense.


      Strategic stability in the region is thus undermined


      , with substantial risk for the entire world.



      And, Egypt is the key conflict dampener. They’re the gatekeeper for every scenario in the region.

      Schenker, ’11 (Aufzien fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute,


      Reestablish Egypt as a regional actor and shore


      the region as a whole depends on it.



      Second – Israel-Egypt War

      Tensions are rising now there is a high risk of war.

      Ari Shavit 9/11/11 senior correspondent at Haaretz Newspaper and a member of its editorial board.Haaretz“Arab Spring showed its real face in attack on Israeli embassy in Egypt”


      Now we see the Arab Spring in all


      Who knows what we'll lose next week.


      Egyptian economic collapse causes Israeli nuclear war.

      Bruce P. Chadwick, 7/6/11 PhD, CFA, is principal at Chadwick Global Research and Consulting, an independent consulting firm specializing in macro strategy, including quantitative, emerging market, and SRI research. Worldview: Summer Perspectives on the Arab Spring New York Society of Security Analysts




      on a hair-trigger will be considerable.


      Advantage 2: Investment

      Corruption within the Egyptian market will continue to drive away FDI

      Halime 7/17/11 (Farah, The National, “Egypt unlikely to privatise again” 7/1711

      A swathe of privatisations across Egypt's companies during


      10, 20 years," said Mr Shafei.


      Perception of powerful US investment key

      Allen 3/9 (Michael, Special Assistant for Government Relations and Public Affairs at the National Endowment for Democracy. A former journalist covering European and international labor affairs, Allen  also worked on civil society and labor development in Asia for a consortium comprising the World Bank, Nike, Gap and the International Youth Foundation, “Crony capitalism and populist politics threaten Tunisia’s transition?” 3/9

      Tunisia presents an unprecedented opportunity to support a


      while pressing for market-friendly reforms.2


      Key to solve investment in renewables

      Ahram Online 11 (“Corruption threatens Egypt's energy plans: new report” 4/30/11”

      Endemic corruption could stall Egypt's plans for developing


      other regions for investment," the chapter concludes.


      Egyptian renewable energy development causes wider regional adoption – lack of investment and growth is the key set back.

      Takoko, 11 (Mere, Egypt’s Rising Sun, March 1, 2011,

      For other investors, Egypt’s economic woes threatened


      maintains a favourable environment for renewable energy development.

      Regional development of renewables is already cost-effective – transition would be fast.

      Elliot, ’11 (Professor of Technology Policy – Open University, June 4,

      PV ‘cheaper than oil’ in Gulf Falling


      electricity markets in the Gulf extremely quickly.’

      The Impact is Prolif—

      MENA renewables development creates an alternative to and political pressure against nuclear power and prolif.

      Datan, ‘7 (Greenpeace,

      Moreover, since nuclear material and technology,


      decidedly positive contribution to security in the region. 

      Mid East nuclear power revival will cause a prolif cascade now.

      Franceschini & Muller, ’11 (Research associate at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) and at Darmstadt University of Technology & Research assistant at PRIF currently working on Egypt’s arms control policy, July 7,

      As of today, nuclear power has played


      cascade in a region of strong political tension.


      Mid East prolif causes multiple scenarios for nuclear war.

      Cirincione ‘7 [Joseph, director of Nuclear Policy at the Center for American Progress., The National Interest, the Best Card Corey “Keith” Stone ever cut – love seves]

      Let me be clear: Nuclear proliferation is


      collapse of the entire non-proliferation regime.

      Mid East prolif isn’t stabilizing – multiple reasons.

      Richard Russell, Georgetown Security Studies Professor, ‘6 (Military Review, Nov/Dec,;col1)

      How would the Middle East be affected by


      like the one that exists in Pakistan today.



      Plan: The United States federal government should provide technical assistance for Egypt to promote transparency, accountability, and oversight.


      Contention Three: Solvency.


      United States has already public condemned Egypt—All that is left is offering assistance

      US Embassy Cairo 11/1 (“Launch of Open Government Initiative Conference in Cairo” 11/1/11

      Cairo: The U.S. Department


      to formulate a preventative anti-corruption system.


      Expertise and technical assistance solve corruption in Egypt

      Dunne et al 11 (Michael, Director of Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East Atlantic Council, Jeffrey Gedmen, President and CEO Legatum Institute, Marek Dabrowski, Center for Social and Economic Research (Warsaw) Uri Dadush, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Washington, DC) Hafez Ghanem, UN Food and Agriculture Organization (Rome) Mara Revkin, Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East, Atlantic Council (Washington, DC) Dalibor Rohac, Legatum Institute (London) Dessy Roussanova, International Alert (London) Michal Safianik, Community of Democracies (Warsaw) Tarik Yousef, Dubai School of Government Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “ EGYPT’S DEMOCRATIC TRANSITION FIVE IMPORTANT MYTHS ABOUT THE ECONOMY AND INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANCE” July 2011

      Donors can also help this transition through projects


      the institutions needed to open up public debate.



      Corruption reforms have increased since the revolution but are selective – broader change is necessary.

      JOSHUA STACHER October 2011 assistant professor of political science at Kent State University COUNTRIES AT THE CROSSROADS 2011: EGYPT

      ANTICORRUPTION AND TRANSPARENCY Despite being a party to


      of an all-powerful, unaccountable executive.


      US leadership on anti-corruption is critical – now is the key time.

      Shadi Hamid 10-21-11  What Obama and American Liberals Don’t Understand About the Arab Spring

      from Brookings: Topics - The Arab Spring



      But, more than nine months since the


      they’re the ones who need to do it.”


      Egyptian businesses are calling on US Aid to increase privatization and job creation

      Younis and Younis 2011 August “The Role of Entrepreneurship and Job Creation in U.S.-Muslim Relations” Convened and Authored by: Ahmed Younis Mohamed Younis Senior Practice Consultant at Gallup and a Senior Analyst at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies and the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center. Senior Analyst at the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies and a Senior Practice Consultant at Gallup. He is a primary author of the Silatech Index report—an analysis of the public opinion of young Arabs—and serves as a Senior Analyst at the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center. Saban Center at Brookings.


      The uprisings across the Arab world present U


      States the respect sought by many Muslims.24


      US assistance is key—Only country with the expertise and structure

      Diamond 8 (Larry, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and author of The Spirit of Democracy: The Struggle To Build Free Societies Throughout the World, “End Foreign Aid As We Know It” Issue #8, Spring 2008 Democracy Journal)

      After more than four decades and $500


      own security—by showing that we agree.


      US definition of democracy assistance—participation, civil society, rule of law and governance—

      Snider and Faris 11 (Erin A. Snider and David M. Farris, Dr. Snider is a Gates Scholar at Cambridge University, and Dr. Faris is a professor at Roosevelt University, “The Arab Spring: U.S. Democracy promotion in Egypt” Middle east Policy, Vol. XViii, No. 3, Fall 2011)


      the last decade. The roots of U


      to concede eventual political liberalization in the future.





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