Part 1--problem with democracy--debating about governance aspect of democracy
Connolly 2k (William E., Political Sci Prof at Johns Hopkins, Why I am Not a Secularist, pp 153-155)
majoritarian consensus creates violent normalizing society
Connolly 95 (William, E., Political Sci Prof at Johns Hopkins, Ethos of Pluralization, pp 88-90)
Disrupting consensus that is built around political thinking is the only possibility for limiting structural violence
Dillon 96 (Michael. Politics of Security: Towards a Political Philosophy of Continental Thought. pp. 1-2)
The demand for linguistic contract over interpretation has the basis for entry into democratic discourse is a process by which majoritarian viewpoints exterminate anything viewed as abnormal
Secomb 2k (Fractured Community, Linnell Secomb Special Issue: Going Australian: Reconfiguring Feminism and Philosophy Volume 15, Issue 2, pages 133-150, May 2000)
Affirmation means to accede something, to open ourselves to something ethically to affirm something different then to simply agree with it
Hawes 99 (Leonard C, professor in the department of communication @U of Utah, The Dialogics of Conversation: Power, Control, Vulnerability Communication Theory, Vol. 9, 1999)
The best political affirmation is one that posits itself in view in the public sphere without positing a claim to universal truth
Connolly 95 (William, E., Political Sci Prof at Johns Hopkins, Ethos of Pluralization, pp 91-92)
We ask that you vote to affirm to this topic, not according to what some ideals says it should be, but vote to affirm this topic as it is
Connolly 2008 (William E. prof of political science at Johns Hopkins. Democracy, Pluralism and political theory pp 25-26.)