Harvard » NDT Neg - Harvard Dimitrijevic & Taylor

NDT Neg - Harvard Dimitrijevic & Taylor

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:28
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    • 1NC 1

      Resolution indicates government action

      Ericson 3 (Jon M., Dean Emeritus of the College of Liberal Arts – California Polytechnic U., et al., The Debater’s Guide, Third Edition, p. 4)

      The Proposition of Policy: Urging Future Action .. future action that you propose.


      Only precise interpretation of democracy assistance is the transfer of funds expertise and materials to directly promote democracy.

      Lappin, University of Leuven (Belgium) Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies

      PhD candidate, 2010

      [Richard, participant in democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, and Carter Center, University of Belgrade political sciences visiting scholar, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Volume 4 Issue 1, ―What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict approaches to democratization http://soc.kuleuven.be/iieb/docs/2010/CEJISS-lappin.pdf]

      By the end of the 1990s, the term ‘…, media groups and political parties.


      2. Violation – they claim reasons to vote aff besides that a particular plan text is good and t


      Vote Neg – 3 reasons

      1) Impact is fairness – they explode the topic to include every possible epistemic, critical, or methodological statement or stance towards democracy possible, every possible “statement” about democracy becomes a new tricky aff that we have to prepare for creating a limitless topic area, this makes contestation impossible, turns all the k and education claims because we can’t engage their claims.


      They also eliminate negative ground – its impossible to debate that a methodology is bad int eh abstract – they get to choose the grounds of engagement and aren’t forced to pick a controversial topic – resolutions are chosen because they aren’t defacto good or bad – their world has no such constraint.


      Competitive equity is necessary in order to prevent the competition of debate form becoming antagonistic

      Roberts-Miller, 2k2 (Patricia, “Fighting without Hatred: Hannah Arendt’s Agonistic Rhetoric”, jac, 22.3 http://www.jaconlinejournal.com/archives/vol22.3/miller-fighting.pdf)

      It is illustrative to contrast Arendt's attitude … vehemence, and integrity.


      This stasis point is NECESSARY for an agonistic struggle which is valuable in and of itself—you should prioritize DEBATABILITY over the education and critical theory based standards

      Brizee 8 (H. Allen, PhD in English at Purdue, “Stasis Theory as a Strategy for workplace teaming and decision making”, J. Technical Writing and Communication, Vol. 38(4))

      To this pointI have discussed the need  end, I conclude this article with a discussion of stasis-centered work.


      2) predictability - Stasis is key to contestation and meaningful debate

      Harrigan 08 (Casey, MA Wake Forest, NDT Champion and BA from Michigan State, “Against Dogmatism: a Continued Defense of Switch Side Debate”, Contemporary Argumentation and Debate, Vol. 29 (2008)
       A second exception to the rule of …all issues are up for debate, or none can be.


      3) Our framework preserves switch side debate -  key to critical thinking and solves their offense

      Harrigan 8 (Casey, Associate Director of Debate at UGA, Master’s in Communications – Wake Forest U., “A Defense of Switch Side Debate”, Master’s thesis at Wake Forest, Department of Communication, May, pp. 6-9)

      Additionally, there are social benefits to the practice … thinking (Allen, Berkowitz, Hunt and Louden, 1999; Colbert, 2002, p.82).


      1NC 2


      Despite the aff’s radical intent, they implicitly retain democracy as telos.

      Order,” online)


      Francis Fukuyama’s “end of history”  Then, how can we get out of this impasse?


      The inability to think past democracy reveals an intrinsic conservativism that ensures the commodification of the aff’s politics and turns the case

      Little 10 (Adrian, Associate Professor and Reader in Political Theory at the University of Melbourne and currently the Head of the School of Social and Political Sciences, “Democratic Melancholy: On The Sacrosanct Place of Democracy in Radical Democratic Theory”, Political Studies, Vol. 58)


      The main focus in radical democratic theory … putatively radical democratic politics is constrained.




      The aff is wrong – the rejection of US imperialism and neoliberal intervention would be bad, treat this is a fundamental impact turn to their method


      Giving up the war on terror ends hegemony

      ELSHTAIN 3 (Jean Bethke, Prof of Social and Political Ethics at U Chicago, Just War Against Terrorism, p. 6


      This, of course, we cannot do.  The fight …analysis of the war against terrorism.


      Decline causes great power war – multipolarity isn’t stable

      Kagan 2/11 (Robert Kagan, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, “Why the World Needs America,” 2/11/12) http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203646004577213262856669448.html#printMode

      Finally, what about the long peace that looked like right before the American order came into being.


      You can’t solve the root cause of war – deterrence key to empirically reduce its likelihood

      Moore 4 – Dir. Center for Security Law @ University of Virginia, 7-time Presidential appointee, & Honorary Editor of the American Journal of International Law, Solving the War Puzzle: Beyond the Democratic Peace, John Norton Moore, pages 41-2.

      If major interstate war is predominantly a ….deterrence are dramatically increased or decreased?


      Only deterrence is an empirically verifiable solution to war

      Moore ’04 – Dir. Center for Security Law @ University of Virginia, 7-time Presidential appointee, & Honorary Editor of the American Journal of International Law, Solving the War Puzzle: Beyond the Democratic Peace, John Norton Moore, page 27-31.

      As so broadly conceived, there is strong evidence  factors, that is, deterrence, that become crucial.


      Social science proves—multipolarity supports the natural incentive to seek status by fighting

      Wohlforth, 09 – professor of government at Dartmouth (William, “Unipolarity, Status Competition, and Great Power War,” World Affairs, January, project muse)

      The upshot is a near scholarly consensus …competitions for status tend to be zero sum.9


      Decline of US neoliberal intervention collapse global capitalism and trade flows

      Kagan 2/11 (Robert Kagan, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, “Why the World Needs America,” 2/11/12) http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203646004577213262856669448.html#printMode

      Foreign-policy pundits increasingly argue … to keep both it and themselves alive.



      The alternative is economic nationalist that’s worse in every way

      Garten, 09 – professor at the Yale School of Management (Jeffrey, “The Dangers of Turning Inward”, 3/5, Wall Street Journal, http://www.business.illinois.edu/aguilera/Teaching/WSJ09_Dangers_of_Turning_Inward.pdf)


      The last time we saw sustained …who are now falling back into poverty?


      Empirical studies prove the spread of globalization and capitalism solidifies global peace

      Gartzke, 05 - associate professor of political science at Columbia University and author of a study on economic freedom and peace contained in the 2005 Economic Freedom of the World Report (Erik, “Future Depends on Capitalizing on Capitalist Peace,” 10/18, Windsor Star, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=5133)


      With terrorism achieving "global reach" and … developed nations from this historic opportunity.


      Terrorism itself is the problem, not some root cause—their argument relies on cultural stereotypes and promotes unrestrained violence

      Elshtain 7 (Jean Bethke Elshtain is the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Social and Political Ethics at the University of Chicago, The Price Of Peace: Just War in the Twenty-First Century, Edited by Charles Reed and David Ryall)

      Of course it is sometimes the case that … demeaning sorts of cultural stereotypes.


      War on terror works – empirically proven

      Moreau and Yousafzai 1/2 (Ron Moreau and Sami Yousafzai, the daily beast, “Al Qaeda on the Ropes: One Fighter’s Inside Story,” 1/2/12) http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2012/01/01/al-qaeda-on-the-ropes-one-fighter-s-inside-story.html

      A young jihadist returns to his former … been eliminated,” they’ve told him.


      al-Qaeda wants to attack with WMD by 2013

      Kanani 11 (Rahim, founder and editor-in-chief of World Affairs Commentary, Citing Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, Senior Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, former Director of the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, U.S. Department of Energy, former Chief of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Department, Counter-terrorist Center, Central Intelligence Agency, recipient of the CIA Director’s Award, graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, June 29th, “New al-Qaeda Chief Zawahiri Has Strong Nuclear Intent”, Forbes, http://blogs.forbes.com/rahimkanani/2011/06/29/new-al-qaeda-chief-zawahiri-has-strong-nuclear-intent/)

      We should be especially worried about when they put their minds to it.”


      Nuclear terrorism causes miscalc and nuclear war

      Ayson 10 (Robert, Professor of Strategic Studies, Director of Strategic Studies: New Zealand, Senior Research Associate with Oxford’s Centre for International Studies. “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, Volume 33, Issue 7, July 2010, pages 571-593)

      Washington's early response to a  found itself unable or unwilling to provide.


      Ontology can’t come first in a vacuum

      David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton,  Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7

      Commenting on the ‘philosophical turn’ in IR, …dangers, and so a potentially vicious circle arises.


      Evaluate extinction first

      Schell, 82  (Jonathan, writer for the New Yorker and nuclear weapons expert, The Fate of the Earth)

      For the generations that now have …the future generations, and let human life go on.


      Predictions are good enough to act on.  Their critique sets the bar too high

      Chernoff 9 (Fred, Prof. IR and Dir. IR – Colgate U., European Journal of International Relations, “Conventionalism as an Adequate Basis for Policy-Relevant IR Theory”, 15:1, Sage)

      For these and other reasons, many social theorists … these conclusions should be evident from the foregoing discussion.


      Positivism is the necessary epistemology for studying IR—the alternative creates epistemological anarchy and destroys empirical analysis

      Brown, 2k11 (Vernon, Cardiff U,  “The Reflectivist Critique of Positivist IR Theory”, http://www.e-ir.info/?p=7328)

      There is a great deal of support for the …evolving, could provide the stability needed.



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