Communism K - GSU
- Tournament: GSU 11 | Round: 1 | Opponent: Emporia State WW | Judge: Ben Crossan
THEIR POLITICS IS A MORALISTIC STRUGGLE THAT LIMITS RESISTANCE TO THE MOLECULAR AND THE MOLAR – RACE VS. WHITENESS – THIS IS SPECULATIVE LEFTISM THAT REFUSES TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE HISTORICAL LESSONS OF MARXISM – IT BECOMES A-REFERENTIAL TO CLASS STRUGGLE AND LOSES THE POSSIBILITY OF UNIVERSALITY. THIS MOVEMENT CAN ONLY PRODUCE APOLITICAL, SPONTANEOUS BECOMINGS THAT FOCUS ON PARTICULARS – REINVIGORATING COMMUNISM SOLVES BETTER BOSTEELS ’11 (Bruno, Prof. of Romance Studies @ Cornell U., Badiou and Politics, pp. 280-285) MARXIST POLITICS We must conceive of Marxism as AND event into a wholly other dimension beyond being. THE FIGHT AGAINST WHITENESS REFUSES TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR POWER AND WILL ENDLESSLY OSCILLATE BETWEEN REPRESSION AND LIBERATION – ONLY THE COMMUNIST MOVEMENT SOLVES BADIOU ‘10 (Alain, Prof. @ European Graduate School, Former chair of Philosophy @ École Normale Supérieure, pgs. 30-35 bb) We can see from all this that 'failing' AND study in this volume is devoted to it. THE AFFIRMATIVE IS A CARNIVAL OF DIFFERENCE THAT WILL BE COMMODIFIED AND SOLD AS A NEW MARKET FOR CAPITAL’S INFILTRATION. DIFFERENCE AND IDENTITY CAN AND MUST ONLY BE UNDERSTOOD FROM A CLASS-BASED PERSPECTIVE THIS IS KEY TO CREATING A UNIVERSAL THAT CAN MOBILIZE PROGRESSIVE FORCES AGAINST CAPITAL D’ANNIBALE AND MCLAREN ‘4 (Valerie Catamburio, PhD, chairs the Graduate Program in Communication and Social Justice at the University of Windsor, and Peter, professor in the Division of Urban Schooling, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, UCLA, “The Strategic Centrality of Class in the Politics of "Race" and "Difference”,” Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies, Vol. 3, No. 2, 148-175 (2003), TH) Because post-al theories of difference often AND differences?” (pp. 232- 233). CAPITALISM DETERMINES SOCIAL LOCATION—THEIR METHODOLOGY IS INCAPABLE OF COMING TO TERMS WITH GLOBALIZATION. DARDER Prof of Education at Claremont, & TORRES, Prof of Public Policy and Comp Latino Studies at CSU-Long Beach, 1999 Antonia and Rodolfo, Shattering the Race Lens, from Critical Ethnicity pages 177-179 There has been a tendency in postmodern and AND context of the ever-changing global economy. DIFFERENTIATIONS BETWEEN THE ONTOLOGICAL WORLDS OF DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE. THESE DIFFERENTIATIONS ARE CENTRAL TO VIOLENCE AND EXTERMINATION AND NECESSITATE UNENDING WAR BALIBAR ‘1 (Etienne, Emeritus Prof. of Philosophy @ U. of Paris X Nanterre and U. of Cal., Irvine, “Outlines of a Topography of Cruelty: Citizenship and Civility in the Era of Global Violence,” Constellations, Vol. 8.1) This paper is based on a talk which AND instance, seem to be mainly “economic.” OUR ETHICO-POLITICAL OBLIGATION IS TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR ACTIONS. IT IS ONLY OUR BELIEF IN THE BIG OTHER WHICH ALLOWS CAPITALISM TO NATURALIZE THE SUBJUGATION OF THE MILLIONS WHO ARE EXCLUDED FROM IT, AND THROUGH IDEOLOGY, ELIMINATE THEM. ŽIŽEK & DALY ‘4 (Slavoj, Prof. of European Graduate School, Intl. Director of the Birkbeck Inst. for Humanities, U. of London, and Senior Researcher @ Inst. of Sociology, U. of Ljubljiana, and Glyn, Professor Intl. Studies @ Northampton U., “Risking the Impossible” http://www.lacan.com/zizek-daly.htm th) It is in the light of this more AND thought, exhorts us to risk the impossible. VOTE NEGATIVE TO REJECT THE 1AC IN FAVOR OF AFFIRMING THE COMMUNIST HYPOTHESIS. THIS IS A PREREQUISITE TO CALCULATIONS, REJECTING IT REJECTS THE MEANING OF HUMAN LIFE IN CALCULATION BADIOU ‘9 (Alain, Prof. @ European Graduate School, Former chair of Philosophy @ École Normale Supérieure, The Meaning of Sarkozy, pgs. 97-103 bb) I would like to situate the Sarkozy episode, which is not an impressive page in French history, in a broader horizon. Let us picture a kind of Hegelian fresco of recent world history - by which I do not, like our journalists, mean the triad Mitterrand-Chirac-Sarkozy, but rather the development of the politics of working-class and popular emancipation over nearly two centuries. Since the French Revolution and its gradually universal AND find ourselves in the history of this hypothesis. THIS ROUND IS KEY – LET THE DISCUSSION BECOME A METAPHORIC CONDENSATION FOR COMMUNISM. VOTING NEGATIVE MEANS THE BATTLE IS ALREADY WON. BADIOU ‘10 (Alain, Prof. @ European Graduate School, Former chair of Philosophy @ École Normale Supérieure, The Idea of Communism, pgs. 11-13 bb) We will now ask: why is it AND facts and the eternal consequences of an event.
| 09/05/11 |
Ideology K - GSU
- Tournament: GSU | Round: 3 | Opponent: South Florida St. Pete | Judge: Lawrence Grandpre
DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE IS UNDERPINNED BY A SERIES OF IDEOLOGICAL TROPES – FUNDAMENTALISM, TERRORISM, ANTI-DEMOCRATIC POLITICS, ROGUE STATES. THESE FORGOTTEN GEOPOLITICAL ASSUMPTIONS DETERMINE OUR RELATIONSHIP TO MIDDLE EASTERN POLITICAL CHANGE AS ONE OF DOMINANCE GÜNEY & GÖKCAN ’10 (Aylin, Dept. of PoliSci @ Bilkent U., Ankara, and Fulya, “The ‘Greater Middle East’ as a ‘Modern’ Geopolitical Imagination in American Foreign Policy” Geopolitics, Vol. 15, pp. 26-28) As mentioned above, … after the Bush era. WHEN WE FORGET WHAT WE DON’T KNOW, WE DISPLACE GUILT ONTO THE OTHER. WE COVER THE SPLIT IN OUR SUBJECTIVITY WITH IDEOLOGY – THE SPREADING OF DEMOCRATIC IDEALISM IN THE MIDDLE EAST IS A CRUCIAL EXAMPLE. THIS UNCONSCIOUS SPLITTING REMOVES THE BARRIERS TO LIMIT- AND GUILT-LESS VIOLENCE Hollander ‘6 (Nancy Caro, Prof. Emeritus of History @ Cal. State U., Member of the Psychoanalytic Center of California, and LA Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies, “Trauma, Ideology, and the Future of Democracy,” International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, Vol. 3.2, pp. -162) An important component … it” (Meyers, 2003: 63). THE SPREAD OF THIS IDEOLOGY CREATES UNENDING WAR AND VIOLENCE, IN FAILED CONQUESTS LIKE IRAQ, VIETNAM, AND LIBYA AS WELL AS DESTRUCTIVE GEOGRAPHIES SPREADING SYSTEMIC INEQUALITY. SHIFT YOUR DECISION CALCULUS AWAY FROM FLASHPOINTS TO THE INVISIBLE VIOLENCE THAT SUBSTRUCTURES THEIR IMPACT CLAIMS – OTHERWISE IT BECOMES INEVITABLE. EVEN WITH CALCULATION, MORE PEOPLE DIE FROM OBJECTIVE VIOLENCE Swyngedouw ‘10 (Erik, Geography, School of Environment and Development @ U. of Manchester, “The Communist Hypothesis and Revolutionary Capitalisms: Exploring the Idea of Communist Geographies for the Twenty-first Century” Antipode, Vol. 41 S1, pgs. 313-315 bb) What the new … a new commons. OUR ALTERNATIVE IS TO REFUSE DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE IN FAVOR OF SELF-REFLECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF MUTUALITY WE HAVE TO RETHINK THE AFFIRMATIVE PROJECT BY REJECTING ITS VIOLENTLY NEOLIBERAL IDEOLOGY AND HIDDEN SPATIAL ASSUMPTIONS. ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE AND IT STARTS NOW Springer ’11 (Simon, Prof. in Department of Geography @ U. of Otago, “Violence sits in places? Cultural practice, neoliberal rationalism, and virulent imaginative geographies” Political Geography, Vol. 30, pp. 96-97)
| 09/17/11 |
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| 11/11/11 |
Turkey CP - GSU
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
| 11/11/11 |
Israel DA - GSU
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
| 11/11/11 |
Basing K - GSU/KY
- Tournament: Kentucky | Round: Round 3 | Opponent: Michigan | Judge: Eric Robinson
BASING K 1NC WE BEGIN WITH A NARRATIVE OF PROTEST IN BAHRAIN MURPHY 9/26 (Brian, Associated Press Bahrain Correspondent, “Bahrain Protests Gain New Momentum” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/26/bahrain-protests_n_981336.html) Ali, poured milk over his face to AND back in the center of the capital someday.” THESIS: BASING IS NOT JUST A STRATEGY BUT A DESTRUCTIVE WAY OF RELATING TO THE WORLD BASING FEEDS A BROADER HEGEMONIC STRATEGY OF FULL-SPECTRUM DOMINANCE FROM OUR INABILITY TO CONFRONT EXISTENTIAL ANXIETY AT THE END OF THE COLD WAR – THE AFFIRMATIVE’S FAITH IN “CAPACITY BASED” SECURITY ENSURES VIOLENCE ON A GLOBAL SCALE THROUGH THE CONTINUAL CREATION OF ENEMIES AND THE MILITARY BUILD UP AGAINST UNCERTAINTY ITSELF BARRY ‘11 (John Cristopher, PhD Candidate @ EHESS, Paris “Empire as a Gated Community: Politics of an American Strategic Metaphor” Global Society, 25:3) Fear is a powerful legitimisation factor. The AND forces with a decisive worldwide deployment capability.” 51 BAHRAIN IS THE EXAMPLE OF BASING PAR EXCELLENCE – ITS FLOWS OF FUNDING ALLOW AN AUTOCRATIC REGIME TO MAINTAIN POWER IN THE SERVICE OF THE BASING EMPIRE HORNBERGER 2/18 (Jacob G., founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, “The U.S. Military Empire Meets Dictatorship in Bahrain” http://www.fff.org/blog/jghblog2011-02-18.asp) The U.S. Empire includes 750 AND regimes that foreign citizens are now rebelling against. BASING’S FETISH OF DANGER IN CHANGE FORCES SOVEREIGNTY TO CENTER ITSELF AROUND A POLITICS OF PRE-EMPTION – NOT PREPARING FOR FUTURE THREATS, BUT ACTING TO BRING THEM INTO EXISTENCE. THIS HAS CREATED A LIGHTNING-STRIKE MENTALITY THAT MAKES BARE LIFE DECISIONS, AND ELIMINATION OF THOSE THAT DO NOT FIT IN, INSTANTANEOUS. VAUGHAN-WILLIAMS ‘9 (Nick, Lecturer in International Relations @ U. of Exeter, “Border Politics: The Limits of Sovereign Power,” pgs. 120-124 bb) ‘22/7’ as a form of AND there [...] Somebody else could be shot.’149 THIS PREEMPTION IS MOBILIZED IN THE FEAR OF IRAN. IN BASING LOGIC CIVILIZED AMERICA PRODUCES THE EXCEPTION TO CIVILITY IN A STATE OF LEGITIMATE WAR OF THOSE WHO REMAIN HOSTILE TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER, SETTING KILLING MACHINES IN MOTION DABASHI, Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia, 2007 [Hamid, Iran: A People Interrupted, p. 204-207] Precisely when Khatami's reform movement and his notion AND made clearly and with ingenious precision by Agamben. WAR IMPACTS IGNORE THE OBJECTIVE VIOLENCE WROUGHT EVERY DAY BY POWER IN THE CONTINUATION OF CONTEMPORARY INSTITUTIONS THAT SUBSTRUCTURES AND MAKES POSSIBLE THEIR IMPACTS. WE MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHICH IMPACTS WE VALUE AND REJECT APOCALYPTIC BLACKMAIL POLICANTE '10 (Amedeo, phD Candidate in the Graduate Programme in Politics @ Goldsmiths College, U. of London, "War against Biopower - Timely Reflections on an Historicist Foucault" Theory & Event, vol. 13.1, Project MUSE bb) Finally, in order to break the binding AND that continue to resist its arrangement"56. THE OIL WARS OF THE 1AC DO NOT OPERATE ON A NEUTRAL BACKGROUND BUT ONE STRUCTURED BY AMERICAN EXPANSION AND OIL CORPORATIONS. THE SUPPOSED STABILITY OF LOCATIONS IS ASSUMED TO BE CREATED BY AMERICAN BASING AS THE ONLY FORCE CAPABLE OF CONTROLLING OIL. THIS MAKES VIOLENCE IS INEVITABLE. Michael WATTS, 2003, Economies of Violence: More Oil, More Blood, Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 38, No. 48 (Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2003), pp. 5089-5099 Much of the resource curse analysis runs the AND differing sorts of governable (or ungovernable) space Blood and Oil The entire history of petroleum is, as AND of violence' to characterise governmentality in contemporary Nigeria. THE PROTECTION OF CONSTANT ECONOMIC GROWTH IS A NEW MANIFESTATION OF AMERICAN IMPERIALISM. ONLY BY REJECTING THIS LOGIC CAN WE RECOVER HUMAN AGENCY. DE MARCO ’10 (Alessandra, PhD candidate @ U. of Sussex, “LIVING “IN THE GLOW OF CYBER-CAPITAL.” FINANCE CAPITAL IN DON DELILLO’S FICTION” PhD Thesis, pgs. 235-239 bb) DeLillo’s attempt to write a counternarrative which emerges AND its “narrative quality”(C, 77). THEIR FETISH OF THE NUCLEAR BOMB AND CONFLICT AS THE DEFINING NARRATIVE OF OUR TIMES PARALYZES ABILITY TO AFFECT CHANGE, SEEKING ONLY MORE FEAR. ONLY ANALYSIS OF OUR UNDERSTANDING OF VIOLENCE AVOIDS ABSOLUTE BREAKDOWN OF WEAPONS CONTROL LAMARRE ‘8 (Thomas, Prof. of Art History and Communications @ McGill U., “Born of Trauma: Akira and Capitalist Modes of Destruction,” positions 16.1, Project Muse bb) Images of atomic destruction and nuclear apocalypse abound AND more of a danger today than ever before. BASING DRAWS UPON SPECIFIC, MILITARISTIC AMERICAN MYTHS WHICH SEE THE WORLD AS INHERENTLY VIOLENT REQUIRING US DOMINANCE TO PREEMPT THREATS AT ANY MOMENT – WE MUST ENGAGE IN A COUNTER-MYTH TO DISPEL THESE VACUOUS CLAIMS OF THEIR TRUTH OR ELSE THE RESULT IS GLOBAL EXTERMINATION LUTZ ‘9 (Catherine, “Introduction,” The Bases of Empire: The Global Struggle against US Bases, pp. 20-29) Why and how are the bases tolerated and AND the U.S. basing system.16 OUR ALTERNATIVE IS TO REJECT THE 1AC’S LOGIC OF BASING IN FAVOR OF POLITICIZING THE BASE REGARDLESS OF KICK-OUT, THE DEPOLITICIZATION OF BASES IN AMERICAN POLITICS ITSELF IS WHAT SUSTAINS THE VIOLENCE OF GLOBAL EMPIRE, THIS CRITICAL ANALYSIS IS KEY ENLOE ‘9 (Cynthia, “Foreword,” Bases of Empire, pp. ix-xii) Get out your world map – the one AND bases and move on from there to action. SOLIDARITY NETWORKS ARE MOBILIZING AND FINDING SUCCESS AGAINST US BASING NOW – THE ALTERNATIVE MOBILIZES FURTHER SUCCESS DAVIS ’11 (Sasha, Dept. of Geography and Environmental Science @ U. of Hawaii, Hilo, “The US military base network and contemporary colonialism: Power projection, resistance and the quest for operational unilateralism,” Political Geography, Vol. 30, pp. 222-223) Residents on Guam, who see that activist AND include more global scale organizing and solidarity networks. A2 PERM REFUSE THE SYNTHESIS – THE K IS A REFORMULATION OF THE SIMPLIFIED MORAL ASSERTIONS OF THE 1AC. PRIVILEGING THE ALT SOLVES BETTER JONES & CLARK ‘6 (Stephen H., Prof. of Sociology @ Goldsmiths College, U. of London, and David B., Prof. of Geography @ U. of Wales Swansea, “Waging terror: The geopolitics of the real,” Political Geography, Vol. 25, pp. 311-312) Baudrillard’s repeated attempts to awaken us to our AND but let’s not forget what we’re up against. BASING GIFT THE JUSTIFICATION OF BASING THROUGH HUMANITARIANISM VIEWS THE BASE AS A GIFT – ONE THAT CREATES A GLOBAL INDEBTEDNESS TO AMERICA LUTZ ‘9 (Catherine, “Introduction,” The Bases of Empire: The Global Struggle against US Bases, pp. 28) A second set of arguments for overseas bases AND Iraq any time soon” (Harkavy 2006). THIS CONCEPT OF DEBT UNDERPINS A GLOBAL SYSTEM OF NEGLECT, HUNGER, SICKNESS, AND WAR WHICH CAUSES INCALCULABLE DEATH DERRIDA ‘92 (Jacques, decomposing deconstructionist, The Gift of Death, 84-87) This applies all the more to political or AND for his part nothing more than a murderer? FRAMEWORK HISTORY DA – DEBATE ON THE ARAB SPRING IS INEXTRICABLY TIED TO WHAT KNOWLEDGE IS PRODUCTIVE OR NOT IN RELATING TO REVOLTS, OUR METHOD IS KEY TO HISTORICALLY REFLEXIVE PRAXIS DIXON ’11 (Marion, Dept. of Development Sociology @ Cornell U., “BRIEFING:
An Arab spring” Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 38.128, pp. 309) The ‘imperial reach’ represents a real threat AND popular democracy rooted in social and economic justice. VTL THE LOGIC OF BASING DESTROYS VALUE TO EXISTENCE. AGUON ’11 (Julian, Post-Juris Doctor Research Fellow with Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law @ U. of Hawaii, Manoa, “AFTERWORD: DOWN HERE,” The Bases of Empire: The Global Struggle Against US Military Posts, pp. 333-336) These stories of ordinary people fighting extraordinary battles AND to do what we’re told, and die.
| 10/01/11 |
KY Round 5 1NC vs Georgia LL
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
1NC Link The 1AC’s technical assistance is underpinned by a series of ideological tropes – fundamentalism, terrorism, anti-Democratic politics, Rogue States. These forgotten geopolitical assumptions determine our relationship to Middle Eastern political change as one of dominance Güney & Gökcan ‘10 (Aylin, Dept. of PoliSci @ Bilkent U., Ankara, and Fulya, “The ‘Greater Middle East’ as a ‘Modern’ Geopolitical Imagination in American Foreign Policy” Geopolitics, Vol. 15, pp. 26-28) As mentioned above, geopolitical codes such as AND imagination of the region after the Bush era. The flaw in the geopolitics of dominance is that lapses in confidence are displaced onto the other. The spreading of democratic idealism in the Middle East is a crucial example of this ideology. This displacement removes the barriers to limit- and guilt-less violence Hollander ‘6 (Nancy Caro, Prof. Emeritus of History @ Cal. State U., Member of the Psychoanalytic Center of California, and LA Institute and Society for Psychoanalytic Studies, “Trauma, Ideology, and the Future of Democracy,” International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, Vol. 3.2, pp. -162) An important component of the traumatic significance of AND it” (Meyers, 2003: 63). Benign moves to offer “assistance” are the crucial entry tool of the geopolitics of dominance. The 1AC is a shelter for expansion Horn ’10 (Denise M., Prof. of Globalization and International Affairs @ Northeastern U., Women, Civil Society and the Geopolitics of Democratization, pp. 3-4) Geopolitics is often a game of seduction. AND citizens in both the civil and economic sphere. Libya is the critical example of the cooptation of the Arab Spring by the geopolitics of dominance – we engineered it for our own political purposes. Our ethical imperative is to reject the guiding hand of US dominance Badiou ’11 (Alain, Prof. @ European Graduate School, Former chair of Philosophy @ École Normale Supérieure, “Alain Badiou’s reply to Jean-Luc Nancy” http://www.criticallegalthinking.com/?p=2899) Yes, dear Jean-Luc, the AND do, and it is an unconditional imperative. They say America has expertise that no one else does about transition in Libya – This is a very specific form of geopolitical thought that presumes American democracy is unviersal and ignorant fear-filled policy exaggerations are truth, replicating violence and policy failure Said ‘3 (Edward, Former University Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, Orientalism, pp. –xvii) Yet Orientalism is very much a book tied AND dismissively contemptuous American phrase, "you're history." The fear of nuclear catastrophe and arms control are necessary tropes in the ideology of the geopolitics of dominance. They assume states are inherently violent and that only the White west can control weapons – these geopolitical assumptions make war possible and inevitable Dalby ‘11 (Simon, Prof. of Geography @ Carleton U., “Critical Geopolitics and the Control of Arms in the 21st Century” Contemporary Security Policy, Vol. 32.1, pp. 51-54) In all this the most obvious points are AND Peter Kropotkin warned about a long time ago. The spread of this ideology of dominance creates unending war and violence, in failed conquests like Iraq and Vietnam as well as destructive geographies spreading systemic inequality. Shift your decision calculus away from flashpoints to the invisible violence that substructures their impact claims – otherwise it becomes inevitable. Even with calculation, more people die from objective violence Swyngedouw ‘10 (Erik, Geography, School of Environment and Development @ U. of Manchester, “The Communist Hypothesis and Revolutionary Capitalisms: Exploring the Idea of Communist Geographies for the Twenty-first Century” Antipode, Vol. 41 S1, pgs. 313-315 bb) What the new spirit of capitalism points at AND expressions for the desire for a new commons. Our alternative is to refuse technical assistance in favor of an interrogation of geopolitical ideology Before acting, we have to rethink the affirmative, rejecting its violently neoliberal ideology and hidden spatial assumptions. Another world is possible and it starts now Springer ’11 (Simon, Prof. in Department of Geography @ U. of Otago, “Violence sits in places? Cultural practice, neoliberal rationalism, and virulent imaginative geographies” Political Geography, Vol. 30, pp. 96-97) The movement of neoliberalism towards economic orthodoxy, AND constellations of experience with the poetics of peace. Particular geopolitical framings and ideological underpinnings are constitutive of foreign policy – how and what we say about nations, who we label as threats, and what national myths we use to advocate policy determines the structure and effectiveness of that action Güney & Gökcan ’10 (Aylin, Dept. of PoliSci @ Bilkent U., Ankara, and Fulya, “The ‘Greater Middle East’ as a ‘Modern’ Geopolitical Imagination in American Foreign Policy” Geopolitics, Vol. 15, pp. 23-24) In recent decades, there has been a AND shaped American foreign policy of the last decade.
| 11/11/11 |
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| 11/11/11 |
Democracy PIC - Cal
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
// The United States Federal Government should substantially increase support for governance for the Libyan National Transitional Council.CP competes – refuses to begin engagement with Libya from the ideology of democracy assistance, have to start from dissensusHoffman 6 (Danny, Assist. Prof. of Anthropology @ U. of Washington, Ph.D., “Disagreement: Dissent Politics and the War in Sierra Leone,” Africa Today 52.3 (2006), http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/africa_today/v052/52.3hoffman.html) Rancière's interlocutors are those who ... understand what they are saying.
| 01/14/12 |
T "To Democracy Groups" - Cal
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
//Democracy assistance is only to support groups already working toward democracy- the aff removes export controls for internet for everyone. Lappin ‘10 Richard Lappin, a PhD candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, He has participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE and Carter Center, visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade under the JoinEU-SEE programme. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation”. Central European Journal of International and Security Studies. Vol.4, No.1, May (2010). http://www.cejiss.org/sites/default/files/8.pdf Democracy assistance can be most ... media groups and political parties. Vote neg- 1.) Limits- allowing affs to target everyone generates a large number of affs – impossible to answer 2.) Ground- the aff massively expands their access to literature based on general society
| 01/14/12 |
Ideology K - Texas
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
// The benign assistance of the 1AC is a shelter for geopolitical and hegemonic expansion – The demand to assist Yemen is not neutral but plays into a pre-established set of relations between the West and YemenHorn ’10 (Denise M., Prof. of Globalization and International Affairs @ Northeastern U., Women, Civil Society and the Geopolitics of Democratization, pp. 3-4) Geopolitics is often a game ... the civil and economic sphere. Democracy assistance is underpinned by a violent ideological relation to the world. These forgotten geopolitical beliefs determine our relationship to Middle Eastern political change as dominanceGüney & Gökcan ’10 (Aylin, Dept. of PoliSci @ Bilkent U., Ankara, and Fulya, “The ‘Greater Middle East’ as a ‘Modern’ Geopolitical Imagination in American Foreign Policy” Geopolitics, Vol. 15, pp. 26-28) As mentioned above, geopolitical codes ... region after the Bush era. Duffield ‘8 (Mark, Dept. of Politics, U. of Bristol, “Global Civil War: The Non-Insured, International Containment and Post-Interventionary Society,” Journal of Refugee Studies Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 161-162) This essay began with the ... our own terms of engagement. Our alternative is to prefer not to do democracy assistanceŽižek ‘10 (Slavoj, Prof. of European Graduate School, Intl. Director of the Birkbeck Inst. for Humanities, U. of London, and Senior Researcher @ Inst. of Sociology, U. of Ljubljiana, Living in the End Times, pgs. 399-402) Indeed, was not Khrushchev's later ... is, change) one's Destiny itself.50 Our ideological relation to assistance creates low-intensity democracy – failed, speedy interventions that turn the case. Only prior rejection creates a possibility to solveBrown-O’Byrne ’11 (Fergus, MA Candidate @ Memorial U. of Newfoundland, “Ideology and Low-Intensity Democracy,” April, pp. 3-5) Low intensity democracy is considerably ... to no progress can occur.
| 02/12/12 |
Counter-Terror K - Texas
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
// No counter-terrorism, Yemen programs create self-fulfilling prophecies and serial policy failure, rely on non-existent dataJackson 2/6 (Richard, Deputy Director of the , the U. of Otago, Dunedin, “Does Counter-terrorism work? Or, counter-terrorism as divination…” ) **The post links to a series of journal articles and studies by other counter-terror scholars. Imagine that one day Counter-terrorism … our civil liberties and freedoms… Everyone’s an idiotRanstorp 9 (Magnus Ranstorp, Research Director of the Centre for Asymmetric Threat Studies at the Swedish National Defence College. He is the author of Hizb’allah in Lebanon (1996) and other numerous articles and monographs on terrorism. His most recent edited book is Mapping Terrorism Research: State of the Art, Gaps and Future Direction (2006), “Mapping terrorism studies after 9/11: An academic field of old problems and new prospects” in Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda, ed. Richard Jackson, Marie Breen Smyth and Jeroen Gunning, Routledge) The art of masquerading evidence … carpet in a bandwagon fashion. No primary sourcesSluka 9 (Jeffrey A. Sluka earned his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley, and is an Associate Professor in the Social Anthropology Programme at Massey University, New Zealand. He is author of Hearts and Minds, Water and Fish: Popular Support for the IRA and INLA in a Northern Irish Ghetto (1989), and editor of Death Squad: The Anthropology of State Terror (2000). “The contribution of anthropology to critical terrorism studies” in Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda, ed. Richard Jackson, Marie Breen Smyth and Jeroen Gunning, Routledge) I concluded my ethnography on … root causes of anti-state terrorism. Jackson, Gunning and Smyth 9 (Richard Jackson is Reader in the Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University, and a Senior Researcher at the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Contemporary Political Violence (CSRV). He is the founding editor of the journal, Critical Studies on Terrorism, and the author of Writing the War on Terrorism: Language, Politics and Counterterrorism (2005). Jeroen Gunning is Lecturer in International Politics at Aberystwyth University, Deputy Director of the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Contemporary Political Violence and co-editor of the journal, Critical Studies on Terrorism. He is author of Hamas in Politics: Democracy, Religion, Violence (2007). Marie Breen Smyth is Director of the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Contemporary Political Violence (CSRV) at Aberystwyth University, and a Reader in International Politics and co-editor of the journal, Critical Studies on Terrorism. She is author of Truth and Justice After Violent Conflict: Managing Violent Pasts (2007). “Critical terrorism studies: Framing a new research agenda” in Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda, ed. Richard Jackson, Marie Breen Smyth and Jeroen Gunning, Routledge) Another crucial weakness with the … wider ideological effects in society. Fear of the AQAP in Yemen is a symptom of the War on Terrorism’s obsession with “Islamic terrorism” even though it is thoroughly denied by empirical studiesJackson 9 (Richard Jackson is Reader in the Department of International Politics, Aberystwyth University, and a Senior Researcher at the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Contemporary Political Violence (CSRV). He is the founding editor of the journal, Critical Studies on Terrorism, and the author of Writing the War on Terrorism: Language, Politics and Counterterrorism (2005). “Knowledge, power and politics in the study of politsical terrorism” in Critical Terrorism Studies: A New Research Agenda, ed. Richard Jackson, Marie Breen Smyth and Jeroen Gunning, Routledge) As explained earlier, a first … alternative intellectual and political projects.
| 02/16/12 |
Sectarianism K - Texas
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
// No Sunni-Shiite war – their impact is based off a flawed and orientalist reading of Muslim politicsDabashi ‘11, Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, (Hamid, "It's not a Shiite-Sunni divide," 3-2, articles.cnn.com/2011-03-02/opinion/dabashi.islamic.sectarianism_1_sunni-shiite-shiite-sunni-shiite-crescent?_s=PM:OPINION) The roots of the sectarian ... and chart a new destiny.
| 02/23/12 |
Stability K - Texas
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// The invocation of “regional stability” is a thinly veiled attempt to maintain US control over world politics and can only result in violenceHoover, 2k11 (Joe, Fellow in the International Relations Dept at the LSE, “Egypt and the Failure of Realism”, Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies, Issue 4) Recent upheavals in Tunisia, Egypt, ... its own analytical failings. That ontological enframing should be rejected in all instances Mitchell, 2k5 (Andrew J., Stanford University, “Heidegger and Terrorism”, Research in Phenomenology, 35) The elimination of difference in ... do not die, they perish.
| 02/23/12 |
Rule of Law PIC - Texas
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//Plan: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its assistance for Libya through promoting a social understanding of law. We must reinvest the question of ethics in law—the conservative emphasis on the rule of law places results in banal decision-making that produces and justifies atrocityBohler-Muller, 2k9 (Narnia, Prof of Law @ Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, “The Justice of the Heart in Little Brother”, Entertainment and Sports Law, vol 7 no 2, http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/elj/eslj/issues/volume7/number2/bohler_muller/ It is submitted that both ... of being admitted (Kafka, 1984).
| 02/23/12 |
Failed States K - Texas
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// The securitization of “failed states” is a discourse that fears difference justifying infinite violence in the name of an unattainable global peace.Abrahamsen ‘5 (Rita, Department of International Politics, University of Wales “Blair's Africa: The Politics of Securitization and Fear. “Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, Vol. 30, 2005) The further securitization of Africa ... two authorized responses to otherness. (60)
| 02/23/12 |
Disease K - Texas
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// Their framing of disease privileges expertism and demonising target populationsas disease-carriers, while causing the very pandemics it seeks to preventDiprose ‘8 (Rosalyn, School of History and Philosophy, University of New South Wales, “Biopolitical technologies of prevention,” Health Sociology Review, Volume 17, Issue 2, p. 143-144, TH) The problem with this paradigm ... to achieve their expressed aims. Schell, Ph.D. candidate in Modern Thought and Literature at Stanford University, 1997 [Heather, “Outburst! A Chilling True Story about Emerging-Virus Narratives and Pandemic Social Change,” Configurations 5.1 (1997), p. project muse] Viral metaphors garner their power ... of viruses into new populations.
| 02/23/12 |
Naturalpolitik K - Texas
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// **aff reliance on the category of nature as a new foundation of politics serves as the ultimate reification of technicism—by hiding politics in the neutral sphere of nature, they create a system of bureaucrats who are the only one’s capable of producing knowledge about complex ecosystems. They simply replace Realpolitik with Naturalpolitik. Exemplified by their leadership evidence which indicates only the nation state can solve the environmentLatour, Professor, Center for the Study of Innovation at the School of Mines, Paris, ‘4 [Bruno, Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences Into Democracy, p. 25-32] The End of Nature We ... a mode of political organization. **The impact is annihilation of the Other – what about the Yemeni farmer whose project conflicts with environmental governanceConlan, educational technologist and architectural conservator at the Visual Media Center, Columbia University, ‘5. (James, “Nature, Heritage, and Spatial Technologies of Fear: Uncanny Experiences in Kruger National Park.” CTheory. http://ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=497) These spaces render unneeded the ... parks, gardens, and public squares [24].
| 02/23/12 |
Iran Aggression K - Districts
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// The 1AC impact claims are not neutral – the US is waging an ideological war against Iran, painting it as a threat in order to justify militarism and oil-snatching.Barzegar ’11 (Kayhan, Director of the Institute for Middle East Strategic Studies and Chair of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, “The Terror Plot: An Ideological War for Geopolitical Interests” http://en.merc.ir/View/tabid/98/ArticleId/305/The-Terror-Plot-An-Ideological-War-for-Geopolitical-Interests.aspx) The U.S. alleged terror plot ... that the Middle East needs. Read the rest of the Aff through the Iran advantage: narratives of Iranian aggression are fuel for the neo-conservative war machine running a Fourth World War – exaggeration of Iran’s threat is lynchpin for catastrophic predictions which make violence inevitbale.Adib-Moghaddam ‘7 (Arshin, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford, “Manufacturing war: Iran in the neo- conservative imagination” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 28.3, pp. 647-650) In conclusion, I would like ... serves the liberation of mankind.
| 02/25/12 |
Turkish Mediation K - Districts
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// Yanik ‘9 (Lerna K., Prof. in Department of Political Science @ Bilkent U., “The Metamorphosis of Metaphors of Vision: “Bridging” Turkey’s Location, Role and Identity After the End of the Cold War” Geopolitics, Vol. 14, 531–549) When the subject is Turkish ... frame their policy choices discursively. Yanik ‘9 (Lerna K., Prof. in Department of Political Science @ Bilkent U., “The Metamorphosis of Metaphors of Vision: “Bridging” Turkey’s Location, Role and Identity After the End of the Cold War” Geopolitics, Vol. 14, 531–549) Yet this early understanding of ... two religions – Islam and Christianity. The dialectical struggle framed between the clash of civilizations allows endless destructionSpanos ‘5 (William V., Prof. of Comp. Lit. @ NYU-Binghamton, Humanism and the Studia Humanitatis After 9/11/01, symploke vol.13 Nos. 1-2, pgs. 219-262) In 1991, following the disintegration ... called humanist studies, Studia Humanitatis.
| 02/25/12 |
T (Intermediaries) - Districts
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//Democracy assistance is exclusively an activity between the USFG and the target state. Toonstra 10. [Dick, Director - European Parliament Office for Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy, “Getting Acquainted: Setting the Stage for Democracy Assistance‖ http://www.europarl.europa.eu/pdf/oppd/Page_8/getting_acquainted_web.pdf] Democracy assistance – one of the ... in particular socio-economic assistance. For” is a term of exclusion - assistance can only go to specified targets Allegra 2. (Francis M., Judge – United States Court of Federal Claims, “Usibelli Coal Mine, Plaintiff, v. The United States, Defendant”, 11-8, 2002 U.S. Claims LEXIS 307, , Lexis) The cynosure here is the ... it must be strictly construed. Violation – the aff goes through an intermediary or involves extra-topical coordination – once it becomes multilateral assistance it is no longer “offered by” the United States Weiss 8. [Martin, Analyst in International Trade and Finance Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade @ CRS – 4/1/08, The World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA), http://www.policyarchive.org/handle/10207/bitstreams/3225.pdf] On the other hand, some ... States for domestic political reasons.
| 02/29/12 |
Walt Answers
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//When you read Walt, we will read these. 1. Most of your authors are from think-tanks, Walt blames them for the failures of academiaWalt ‘11 (Stephen M. Walt, Prof. of International Affairs at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, July 21, 2011, “International Affairs and the Public Sphere,” online: http://publicsphere.ssrc.org/walt-international-affairs-and-the-public-sphere/) Last but not least, the ... challenges the prevailing “Establishment” consensus. 2. Getting too close to policymaking destroys academia, removes critical capacityWalt ‘11 (Stephen M. Walt, Prof. of International Affairs at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, July 21, 2011, “International Affairs and the Public Sphere,” online: http://publicsphere.ssrc.org/walt-international-affairs-and-the-public-sphere/) The Pitfalls of Engagement Yet ... the best of both worlds.[17]
| 03/23/12 |