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  • Yemen Women in Politics 1AC

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • The United States federal government should increase assistance for Yemeni political parties and organizations to increase women’s participation and leadership.

      The protests against Saleh create an opportunity to gain tribal and opposition support for greater women’s participation in politics

      Almasmari and  Jamjoom 11
      (Hakim Almasmari and Mohammed Jamjoom, “Yemeni women: President is degrading us”,, April 16,

      "Saleh has finally shown … and men follow."

      US support for increased women’s representation in Yemeni government is necessary for any future reform.  Only acting now will prevent retrenchment.

      IFES 11
      (International Foundation for Electoral Systems, “New Challenges, Opportunities for Women’s Political Participation in the Middle East”, August 16,

      As popular movements … constitutional protections are 

      US assistance is effective in promoting reform in Yemen.  We must increase assistance now for women to gain lasting improvements from the Arab Spring.

      Hudson and Leidl 11
      (Valerie M. Hudson is professor of political science at BYU, and Patricia Leidl is an international communications consultant currently working in Afghanistan. “The Arab Intifada and Women's Rights”, World Politics Review, February 2,
      The massive, exhilarating … current dictatorships fall. 

      Now is the key time, we need to support women’s involvement in Yemeni politics to keep larger social and political reforms moving forward

      Tholen 11
      (Minjon Tholen is a Research Intern at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, “Now is the Time to Raise Women’s Voices in Yemen”, Institute for Women’s Policy Research Blog, August 11,

      Women have been instrumental … ensuring true social change. 

      Democracy assistance is necessary to promote effective women candidates.  Only explicit focus on political processes can overcome patriarchal barriers to women’s participation.

      Sabbagh 5
      (Amal Sabbagh is a former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,

      Patriarchal structures … nominate more women.

      Women’s political participation is the best way to challenge patriarchy

      Sabbagh 5
      (Amal Sabbagh is a former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,

      ‘The women’s movement…… as the harbingers of a better future.

      Political process support and dedicated funding for increasing women’s participation in electoral politics challenges the institutional masculinity of traditional state structures.

      Karam 5
      (Azza Karam is Senior Policy Research Advisor in the Arab Human Development Report Unit of the United Nations Development Programme, “Conclusions”, Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers,

      It is relatively easy to … their efforts are assessed. 

      Patriarchy promotes rape, domestic violence, environmental destruction, warism, nuclear proliferation, and will culminate in extinction.
      Warren and Cady, 94 (Karen and Duane, Feminism and Peace: Seeing Connections, Hypatia, Vol. 9, No. 2, Spring, p4-20)
      Operationalized, the evidence of …, national and global contexts.

      Systemic discrimination against women leads to violence and the denial of legal personhood.  This denial of agency can only be overcome by political participation and involvement in policymaking.

      Hoveyda 2005
      (Ambassador Fereydoun Hoveyda is the Middle East project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy “Arab Women and the Future of the Middle East”, American Foreign Policy Interests No. 27,  
      Another panelist began her …an integral and inseparable part of it. 

      Systemic discrimination in Yemen leads to widespread violence against women, only political reform can solve

      Amnesty International 9

      Women in Yemen … their human rights.

      Now is a window of opportunity to promote lasting women’s rights improvements in Yemen.  Democracy assistance and electoral support now can create a stable transition and improvements in women’s political status.

      POMED 11
      (Project on Middle East Democracy, “Women in the Middle East: Attitudes and Advocacy in an Opening Political Space” The International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Interaction Forum Notes, August 12,

      Next, Rana Jarhum ….by opposing groups.

      US democracy assistance is effective at promoting women’s participation in Yemeni elections.

      Campbell 10
      (Leslie Campbell is senior associate and regional director for the Middle East and north Africa at the National Democratic Institute in the United States, “Party-building in the Middle East”, International Journal, Summer,

      From a technical vantage point, …and hope persists that progress will continue.

      The problems facing Yemeni women are distinct, democracy assistance must be targeted to local conditions to be effective.

      Sabbagh 5
      (Amal Sabbagh is a former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,

      The above examples provide ….measures during elections. 

      We need democracy assistance and women’s participation in politics to build coalitions against discrimination.  Support for political programs complements the larger women’s movement.

      Sabbagh 5
      (Amal Sabbagh is a former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,
      The non-democratic systems or … set of priorities, opportunities and challenges.

      Debates about the implementation of policies and strategies to improve women’s participation in Yemeni politics offers a chance to examine our own political inequalities.

      Kennedy-Glans 6
      (Donna Kennedy-Glans is the founder and executive director of Bridges Social Development, a Canadian registered charity providing capacity building in Yemen, “Gender Jihad: Enhancing Female Access in Politics”, Yemen Online,
      Of course, not everyone is … strategies that have impact.  

      Debates about women in Yemeni politics allow us to dispel myths about women in politics, leading to real improvements in our thinking about gender and politics

      Kennedy-Glans 6
      (Donna Kennedy-Glans is the founder and executive director of Bridges Social Development, a Canadian registered charity providing capacity building in Yemen, “Gender Jihad: Enhancing Female Access in Politics”, Yemen Online,
      Perhaps we first need to … experiences with gender jihad.

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  • Yemen 1AC Kentucky

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • **Same as Jesuit aff plus the three cards below & a revised plan text. 

       The United States federal government should substantially increase its funding and support for local governance programs through the Responsive Governance Project.

      Additions to Adv 1: Civil War

      MENA is key to global energy security – interruptions cause resource wars
      Gonkel 8
      (Mete, *Energy Strategist (Former BOTAŞ Chairman and CEO), "The New Game Tensions and Conflicts for Energy Transport Routes," Eurasia Critic, May,

      The MENA Region is, geographically, the richest …which can lead to disastrous oil spills.

      Resource tension causes nuclear conflict with Russia and China –extinction
      Henderson 7
      (Bill, Besline Research CEO/President/consultant,, “Climate Change, Peak Oil, and Nuclear War,” Countercurrents,  February 24,

      Damocles had one life threatening …what we now recognize as nature

      Additions to Adv 2: AQAP

      The plan is key – it shores up US credibility and increases co-operative networks to fight AQAP
      Green 11
      (Daniel, Soref Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, "The American Moment in Yemen," Fikra Forum, April 18,

      It is becoming increasingly clear .. institutions and make them more representative.

  • Yemen 1AC Jesuit

    • Tournament: Jesuit | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention 1: Inherency

      Yemen has created a framework for broader decentralization of government authority but reform has stalled
      Kholy and Tschirgi 10 
      (Heba and Necla, “Re-Thinking the Approaches to Local Governance Programming in Conflict Affected Countries in the Arab Region,” United Nations Development Program, May, Discussion Paper #1)

          Furthermore, the emphasis on local governance …local government and delivery of services to some districts, has been largely stalled (Country study, DCF, 2007).

      Effectiveness of the councils is limited by poor capacity and institutional knowledge – assistance is keyk
      ARD 4 
      ("Democracy and Governance Assessment of Yemen," Work Conducted Under Core Task Order No. 1 UnderUSAID Contract, February,

          Such a system was notoriously inefficient …the basic needs of the people.

      Adv 1: Civil War

      Concessions to reform the patronage system are key to prevent the outbreak of civil war
      ICG 11
      (International Crisis Group, "Popular Protest in North Africa and the Middle East (II): Yemen between Reform and REvolution," Middle East/North Africa Report No 102, March 10, )

          The regime also mobilised supporters…jeopardises the real chance that finally is at hand to reform a failing social contract.

      The opposition has changed their demands from ousting Saleh but peace is tenuous
      Finn 11 
      (Tom, Freelance Journalist based in Sana’a "Qaddafi's Fall Rivets Yemen," Foreign Policy, August 23,,1)        

          But now, nearly three months and …freely and launch more ambitious attacks.

      It doesn’t matter who is in charge – fighting corruption and reform is key
      Alley 11 
      (April, "Yemen on the Brink," Foreign Affairs, April 4,

          If Yemen’s political elites can negotiate …in determining the country’s political trajectory.

      Protests are very likely to turn violent – regional differences and small arms
      ICG 11 
      (International Crisis Group, "Popular Protest in North Africa and the Middle East (II): Yemen between Reform and REvolution," Middle East/North Africa Report No 102, March 10, )

          The prospect of violence. Tangible …current demands for democratic reform.

      Yemeni instability causes Saudi draw-in and escalates regionally
      Salmoni et al 10
      (Barak [Bryce Loidolt and Madeleine Wells], "Regime and Periphery in Northern Yemen," RAND Corporation, April 28,

          Over the past three years, regional states …might begin where the Qatar process ended.

      Armed refugees will collapse Saudi Arabia
      Haykel 11 
      (Bernard, Professor of Near Eastern studies at Princeton, "Saudi Arabia's policy of stability at all costs may backfire," The Daily Star, August 19,

          Neighboring Yemen is a more …costs will strengthen the regime.

      Saudi Arabia collapse immediately tanks the global economy – key to market stability
      Stewart 11
      (Heather, Economics Editor for The Guardian "Still-fragile world evonomy braced for effects of another oil shock" February 27, 2011

          In the west, meanwhile, where consumers …news to turn it into a blowout.

      That causes every major impact
      Green and Schrage 9 
      (Michael J and Steven,.,Senior Advisor and Japan Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Associate Professor at Georgetown University, the CSIS Scholl Chair in International Business and a former senior official with the US Trade Representative's Office, State Department and Ways & Means Committee.   “It's not just the economy,” Asia Times Online, March 26, )

           However, the Great Depression taught …prospects for more rapid recovery.

      Assistance creates communication and trust between the government and local actors
      Greenfield 10 
      (Danya, Program officer with the Middle East and North Africa division at the Center for International Private Enterprise, "Sustainable Development is Possible in Yemen," Center for American Progress, January 14,

          U.S. policy should focus on …in Iraq working with tribal groups.

      Democracy assistance is key – muzzles the pressure for civil war
      Boucek et al 10 
      (Christopher [Jeffrey Feltman, Robert Godec, Leslie Campbell, Bruce Reidel and Jonathan Schanzer], Associate, Middle East Program Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Assistant Secretary of State, Principle Deputy Coordinator of Counterterrorism at the State Department, Senior Associate Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa at the NDI, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution’s Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Vice President for Research at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, YEMEN ON THE BRINK: IMPLICATIONS FOR U.S. POLICY, Written Testimony U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs February 3, )

          Having said that, democratic institutions …forces not repressed as they are currently.

      Adv 2: AQAP

      Drone strikes on AQAP are inevitable but will fail and produce blowback because of lack of local knowledge – supplementing counterterrorism with governance is key
      Gude and Sofer 11 
      (Ken and Ken, Managing Director of the National Security and Internal Policy Program and Special Assistant, "Misfiring at Al Qaeda in Yemen," Center for American Progress, July 14,

          The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post …risks making an already serious problem worse.

      AQAP is using governance to take over the Southern provinces – countering them is key to prevent an emirate state and terror attacks
      Zimmerman 11 
      (Katherine, "Al Qaeda's Gains in South Yemen," American Enterprise Institute, July 8, Zi

          Islamist militant groups took advantage …an Islamic emirate in south Yemen.

      Yemen failed state makes it a terrorist safe Haven
      Knoetgen 11 
      (Peter, "Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil," Central European Journal of International and Security Studies," May 16,

          Yet even when the government may possess …of problems associated with the fourth.

      Defeating AQAP is key to ending Al-Qaeda – their leadership is vulnerable
      Terrill 11 
      (Andrew, Research Professor in National Security Affairs, "The Conflicts in Yemen and US National Security," Defence Talk, February 15, Strategic Studies Institute,

          Additionally, Yemen’s government has waged a …capabilities to an emerging insurgent movement.

      Safe Haven in Yemen allows AQAP to plot terrorist attacks – they will be successful
      Boucek 11 (
      Christopher, Associate of the Middle East Program at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,  "Alarming Reality in Yemen," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Hill, March 9,

          Because of the government’s inability to …without even needing to travel abroad.

      AQAP will acquire a WMD
      Grossman 11 
      (Elaine, "US Counterterror Chief: "Dirty Bomb" As Much a Risk as Biological Weapon," Nuclear Threat Initiative, Global Security Newswire, February 11,

          A dirty bomb would use conventional explosives …shared with ease and speed."

      Terrorist retaliation causes nuclear war – draws in Russia and China
      Robert AysonProfessor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand at the Victoria University of Wellington, 2010 (“After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume 33, Issue 7, July, Available Online to Subscribing Institutions via InformaWorld)

          A terrorist nuclear attack, and even …probably still meet with a devastating response.

      Assistance is key – demonstrates commitment to society that fills the power vacuum
      BPC 11
      (Co-Chairs Ambassador Paula Dobriansky and Admiral (Ret.) Gregory Johnson, "A Stitch in Time: Stabilizing Fragile States," Bipartisan Policy Center, May,

          The issue of good governmental functioning is …fully one-third of the country’s provinces.64

      Decentralized governance assistance is key to gaining local knowledge to end AQAP
      Green 11
      (Daniel, Soref Fellow at the Washington Institute, "The al-Qaeda Crescent in Yemen," The Washington Institute, June 22,

          Much like AQAP, the U.S. approach …planning on the United States.

      Plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase its assistance to local councils through the Responsive Governance Project.

      Contention 2: Solvency

      Local governance assistance solves – increases citizen participation, improves resource management, promotes transparency and fosters development
      ARD 4 
      ("Democracy and Governance Assessment of Yemen," Work Conducted Under Core Task Order No. 1 UnderUSAID Contract, February,

          Local governance offers excellent …maintenance and sustainability plans are developed.

      Local councils solidify the credibility of political reforms – demonstrates tangible benefits, increase the contribution to policy dialogue and strengthens constituencies
      ARD 4 
      ("Democracy and Governance Assessment of Yemen," Work Conducted Under Core Task Order, No. 1 Under USAID Contract, February,

          Yemen is at a critical phase in its …and, to a lesser extent, with the local councils.

  • 2AC - Towson BH Pan Africanism K (Yemen Women in Politics Aff)

    • Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 6 | Opponent: Towson BH | Judge:

    • Critique must engage the state.  Failure to do so guarantees that the alternative will fail, no coalitions will be formed, and politics will be ceded to authoritarian Right-wing groups.  Only engaging the institutions of the state can transform them.  And the permutation solves all of these problems.


      Mouffe 2009

      (Chantal Mouffe is Professor of Political Theory at the Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster, “The Importance of Engaging the State”, What is Radical Politics Today?, Edited by Jonathan Pugh, pp. 233-7)


      In both Hardt and Negri, and Virno, how we should conceive the nature of radical politics.



      Debates about democracy are important to resistance against racism.  Responding to local demands for democracy in context create a meaningful form of self-representation.


      Rendtorff-Smith 9

      (Sarah Rendtorff-Smith, M.A. in International Relations from New York University, UNDP's



      It is important to recognize that ..autonomous and authentic Arab-Islamic identity.



      The shallow K of democracy assistance as imperialism is leading to authoritarianism.  We need to advocate democracy assistance to prevent the harms of Bush era democracy promotion.


      Youngs 11

      (Richard Youngs is the Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the University of Warwick, “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion”, FRIDE Working Paper #106, January)


      Current international political trends are …day-to-day agenda of democracy support.


      Your K of democracy assistance is an oversimplified reaction against the Bush administration.  Real policy debates about democracy assistance in an academic context are key to unifying scholarship and practice about democracy assistance, which solves both the aff and the K

      Mitchell 10(Lincoln Mitchell is an Associate at Columbia University's Harriman Institute and former Saltzman Assistant Professor in the Practice of International Politics at Columbia University, “The Democracy Assistance Disconnect: Why Scholars and Practitioners Keep Talking Past Each Other “, Paper presented atTheory vs. Policy? Connecting Scholars and Practitioners, February 17, )

      Background The challenges facing democracy promotion …make overly simple and critical arguments.



      Africana Womanism demands just practices from the West, we should not ignore our capacity to improve institutions of exclusion and exploitation


      Arndt 2000

      (Susan Arndt, Department of African Studies at Humboldt University of Berlin, “African Gender Trouble and African Womanism: An Interview with ChikwenyeOgunyemi and WanjiraMuthoni”, Signs, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Spring, 2000), pp. 709-726,


      SA: I wonder what the  relationship between  …have little access to formal  life-enhancing  education.


      Advocacies that oppose racism must offer pragmatic solutions and rational choices.  Reducing debate to the opposition to “white supremacy” allows racist ideologies, thoughts, and actions to reassert themselves in the guise of condoning difference.


      Flood 1997

      (Christopher Flood, University of Surrey, “Pierre-André Taguieff and the Dilemmas of Antiracism”, L'EspritCreateur, Volume 37, Number 2, Summer 1997, pp. 68-78, muse)


      As the Appel and Droit's article suggested, theother …national community, and the traditional role of the state.


      Failure to engage in political solutions to the problem of racism allow the right to reappropriate racist rhetoric into new policies of racial exclusion.  Their denunciation of racism and insistence on the priority of race over politics guarantees continued racism.


      Winant 2006

      (Howard, Temple University, "Race and Racism: Towards a Global Future." Ethnic and Racial Studies.Vol.

      29, no. 5 (September 2006), pp. 986-1003.


      These contradictions are indications of the a valuable lesson about racial politics.




      Highlighting the US as a source of racial injustice and calling for self-determination is a failing movement.  We must discuss political solutions, rather than radical rejection, to explain contemporary racial dynamics.


      Winant 2006

      (Howard, Temple University, "Race and Racism: Towards a Global Future." Ethnic and Racial Studies.Vol.

      29, no. 5 (September 2006), pp. 986-1003.


      Question: what happened to the civil rights …-- that are the central subjects here.


      Representations of democracy can be used to promote Islamic self-representation.  The permutation is a syncretic discourse on Islam and democracy, which solves Orientalism.


      Rendtorff-Smith 9

      (Sarah Rendtorff-Smith, M.A. in International Relations from New York University, UNDP's



      To overcome such flaws, this paper formulates …project of strengthening Middle Eastern self-representation.


      Their criticism of democratic institutions is too shallow, we can separate democracy from Enlightenment universalism and absolute rationality.  The use of language games to promote a democratic ethos is key to constructing political institutions that can include alterity and prevent exclusion.


      Mouffe 96

      (Chantal Mouffe is the Quintin Hogg Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster and a member of the Collège International de Philosophic in Paris, “Deconstruction, Pragmatism and the Politics of Democracy”, Deconstruction and Pragmatism, questia)


      Rorty is, I think, most useful when he criticizes …order to enhance democratic citizenship



  • 2AC - Saudi Arabia DA (Yemen Aff)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Palestine veto thumps your DA

      Calabresi 9-13 (Massimo, Washington Bureau of Time Magazine, "Saudi Threatens US Over Palestinian Statehood Veto," Time Swampland,

      Last night’s GOP presidential debate and the Eurozone …Prince Turki article, reiterating the U.S.’s desire for talks.


      Relations are really resilient – their internal link arguments are hype

      Zeigler 11 (Lucien, Research Director at Saudi-U.S. Trade Group,, "Could US-Saudi Relationship Emerge Stronger After 'Arab Spring'?" Informationchaos, March 18,

      However there is a massive difference between short-term strains counterterrorism and balancing external regional threats.


      Lots of alt causes and relations resilient

      Fifield 11 (Anna, "Arab spring tests US-Saudi relationship," Financial TImes, June 16,

      But tensions have risen in the …Beijing? Moscow? Islamabad? I don’t think so.”



      Saudi Arabia is in favor of transition – perceives the aff as stability

      Knickmeyer 11 (Ellen, Former Washington Post Middle East Bureau Chief and Associated Press Africa Bureau Chief, "Trouble Down South," Foreign Policy, July 5,

      These days, in a further blurring of …and bring new elections in Yemen.

      Plan increases co-operation with Saudi Arabia over yemen

      Boucek 11 (Christopher, "US-Saudi Relations in the Shadow of the Arab Spring," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, June 21, )

      Very rarely do U.S. officials …sure the oil market doesn’t get overheated. 


  • 2AC - EU CP (Yemen Aff)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The US is a pre-requisite to EU solvency – capacity, coordination and relationships

      Wennerholm et al 10 (Peter [Erik Brattberg and Mark Rhinard], “The EU as a counterter-terrorism actor abroad: finding opportunities, overcoming constraints,” EPC Issue Paper No. 60, September,

      Effective cooperation between the EU …EU Member States themselves undermine Commission initiatives.


      EU assistance fails and isn’t trusted by Yemenis

      Burke 10 (Edward, Researcher at FRIDE,  "Assessing Democracy Assistance: Yemen," FRIDE, May,

      EU funding for democracy and civil society …and a clear disregard for democratic standards.


      EU assistance worsens US credibility issues

      Wennerholm et al 10 (Peter [Erik Brattberg and Mark Rhinard], “The EU as a counterter-terrorism actor abroad: finding opportunities, overcoming constraints,” EPC Issue Paper No. 60, September,

      At an international conference on Yemen held in …counter-terrorism police unit in the country.


      EU can’t promote democracy in Middle East – 3 reasons

      Mona Yacoubian"Promoting Middle East Democracy, European Initiatives" United States Institute of Peace, Special Report 127, October 2004,

      Still, a successful European democracy-…getting lost along the way.


      Increasing aid to North Africa and Middle east will tradeoff with Sub-Saharan Africa projects

      Richard Youngs, director of the democratization program at FRIDE in Madrid, and lectures at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom, “Trends in Democracy Assistance: What has Europe Been Doing?” Journal of Democracy, 2008

      TheEIDHRspreads its resources thin by funding …the detriment of sub-Saharan Africa.


      EU assistance is key to prevent Sub-Sahran regional conflict and disease

      , Professor of Economics at the University of Florence, visiting Professor at the European University Institute, Overcoming Fragility in Sub-Saharan Africa, November 5, 2009

      The “fragility trap” Fragility is a cost …“toolkit” to deal with fragility.


      African conflict goes nuclear

      Dr. Jeffrey Deutsch, founder of the Rabid Tiger Project, a political risk consulting and related research firm, 11-18-02,

      The Rabid Tiger Project believes that and some people love to go fishing.



  • 2AC - SKFTA DA (Yemen Aff)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The plan is popular in Congress – inaction draws backlash

      Al-Azaki 10 (Mohammed, "Closely Observing Country's Situation, US Administration to Give Hand to Yemen," YemenPost, April 10,

      The American delegation’s visit came shortly after …ailing economy and depleting oil reservoirs.


      Wins regenerate political capital

      Singer 9(Jonathan -- senior writer and editor for MyDD. My Direct Democracy, 3-3-09, )

      From the latest NBC News-Wall Street Journal …healthcare to energy reform to ending the war in Iraq.



      (    ) Democracy assistance has wide bipartisan support -
      Democracy Digest 10 (July 21st 2010, “Bipartisanship is dead? Vin Weber Award Affirms Consensus on Advancing Democracy”)
      Joining the ranks of such l...freedom and democracy,” he said.  


  • 1AC - Policing

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text: The United States Department of Defense should substantially increase its support for democratic policing in Yemen.

      Terrorism Advantage

      Advantage 1 Is terrorism

      AQAP is on the verge of taking over the Southern Provinces – immediate action is key to prevent a terrorist attack

      Zimmerman 11 (Katherine, "Al Qaeda's Gains in South Yemen," American Enterprise Institute, July 8, Zi

      Islamist militant groups took advantage …Islamic emirate in south Yemen.



      AQAP is planning terrorist attacks – they will be successful

      Boucek 11 (Christopher, Associate of the Middle East Program at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,  "Alarming Reality in Yemen," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Hill, March 9,

      Because of the government’s inability ….without even needing to travel abroad.


      United States intelligence of AQAP is weak despite Awlaki’s death – Wayhishi is alive and he’s the important terrorist

      Johnsen 10-10 (Gregory, former Fulbright Fellow in Yemen who works in Near Eastern Studies department at Princeton University, Former Member of the USAID conflict assessment team for Yemen, "Anwar al-Awlaki: A Dissent,"

      First, as I argued in my ….in AQAP than what we know.

      Decapitating the local leadership is key to prevent attacks – Awlaki, Khan and Asiri don’t matter

      Koehler-Derrick 10-3 (Gabriel, Associate at the Combating Terrorism Center, and an instructor at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point."A False Foundation? AQAP, Tribes and Ungoverned Spaces in Yemen," Combating Terrorism Center, October, )

      Defensive measures must complement the …the eventual defeat of the group.


      Status quo efforts will fail because they lack sufficient intelligence

      Barfi 10 (Barak, Independent Analyst who has worked with ABC News Affiliates in the Middle East, "How attacking AQAP influenced its strategy," NATO Review, )

      AQAP’s ability to survive the …allies and reliable local intelligence assets.

      Law enforcement solves AQAP – funding, partnerships and empirics

      Knoetgen 11 (Peter, "Chaos and Terrorism: How to Fight al-Qaeda in Yemen Amid Political Turmoil," Central European Journal of International and Security Studies," May 16, )

      Like most terror organisations, identifiable “success” that airstrikes would.

      Having the military provide civilian police training is key – intelligence gathering and legitimacy

      Keller 10 (Dennis, "US Military Forces and Police Assistance in Stability Operations: The Least-Worst Option to Fill the US Capacity Gap," US Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute, August, )

      Establishing an effective local police force …directive issued by the Greek National


      AQAP will gain the material to initiate a nuclear terrorist attack

      Williams 11 (Sarah, Coordinator of the Fissile Materials Working Group and Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellow at the Center for Science, Technology and sEcurity Policy, "After bin Laden: Nuclear terrorism still a top threat," Bulletin of Atomic Scientists - Fissile MAterials Working Group, May 13,

      More than a decade ago…this potential source material.

      They can build a bomb

      Joyner 9 (Christopher C., Professor of International Law at Georgetown University, “Nuclear Terrorism in a Globalizing World: Assessing the Threat and the Emerging Management Regime,” Stanford Journal of International Law, Summer, p. 218,

      A further cause for alarm …the capabilities of al-Qaeda. (72)


      There’s fissile material in Yemen

      McVeigh 10 (Karen, "WikiLeaks cables: Yemen radioactive stocks' were easy al-Qaida target," The Guardian, December 19,

      A senior government official in …people go back there", he said.



      Terrorist retaliation causes nuclear war – draws in Russia and China

      Robert Ayson, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand at the Victoria University of Wellington, 2010 (“After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Volume 33, Issue 7, July, Available Online to Subscribing Institutions via InformaWorld)

      A terrorist nuclear attack, …meet with a devastating response.


      Retaliation defense doesn’t apply – three reasons

      Brenner 10 (Michael, Professor of International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh, "When do We Go To War in Yemen?" The National Journal, January 5,

      We appear trapped in a …a mid-season NBA game.


      Terrorism Outweighs – probability and timeframe

      Kanani 11 (Rahim, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of World Affairs Commentary, "New al-Qaeda Chief Zawahiri Has Strong Nuclear Intent," Forbes, June 29,

      We should be especially worried about …they put their minds to it.”

      Yemen is the training ground for terrorism against Saudi Arabia – will attack oil facilities in Saudi Arabia

      Ulrichsen 11 (Kristian, Kuwait Research Fellow in the Kuwait Programme for Development, Governance and Globalisation in the Gulf States Centre for the Study of Global Governance at the London SChool of Economics and Political SCience, "The Geopolitics of Insecurity in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula," Middle East Policy Council, )

      The reconstitution of AQAP in …in the Arabian Peninsula.9


      Attacks would be successful and collapse the market – centralized production and global swing reserves

      Gartenstein-Ross 11 (Daveed, Directs the Center for the Study of Terrorist Radicalization at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, "Osama's Oil Obsession," Foreign Policy, May 23, )

      Bin Laden long believed that undermining …reach that they didn't think about."


      That causes every major impact

      Green and Schrage 9 (Michael J and Steven,.,Senior Advisor and Japan Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and Associate Professor at Georgetown University, the CSIS Scholl Chair in International Business and a former senior official with the US Trade Representative's Office, State Department and Ways & Means Committee.   “It's not just the economy,” Asia Times Online, March 26, )

       However, the Great Depression taught …the prospects for more rapid recovery.


      Saudi oil production is irreplaceable – affects every indicator of the economy

      Babej 11 (Marc, foudning partner of the marketing strategy consulting firm Reason Inc, "A Saudi Oil Supply Disruption - The Ultimate Marketing Crisis Scenario," Forbes, March 29, )

      And still: in 2011, the term …for products containing oil derivatives.


      Modeling Advantage

      Yemen is the test-case for all of our counterinsurgency operations

      Kotlow 11 (Kazimierz, Visiting Senior Service College Fellow at the Washington Institute, “Countering Extermism in Yemen: Beyond Interagency Cooperation,” Small Wars Journal, March 31,

      Extremism, especially violent extremism…systemic and less personality dependent.


      Increasing law enforcement assistance to Yemen is key to the success of all of our regional law enforcement efforts

      McCandless 6 (Matthew, Southeast Asian Specialist on sabbatical from the US Department of State, "Fighting Terror by Indictment: A Review of How the Yemeni Justice Sector is Facing Salafi Jihadist Violence," The Fletcher School Online Journal for issues related to Southwest Asia and Islamic Civilization, Spring,

      Launching a successful law enforcement …in this key Muslim state.



      Specifically, the plan serves as a model that is exported to Afghanistan

      Mitchell 11 (Robert, Degrees from the University of Michigan, Harvard's China Area Program and Columbia, Foreign Service Officer with USAID, "Yemen: Testing a New Coordinated Approach to Preventive Counterinsurgency," Small Wars Journal, August 1,

      An American-designed strategy …aborted or significantly amended.


      Security training is the Achilles Heel in our Afghanistan strategy – reforms are key

      Johnson and Payne 10 (Andy and Scott, Director of the National Security Program and Senior Policy Advisor of the National Security Program, "Reforming Security Training to Help Defeat Terrorism," The National Security Program Defeating Terrorism Initiative,

      A key component of US …those in Afghanistan if needed.

      Governance focus is key

      Heine 11 (Ben, "How to Invest in Afghanistan's Long-Term Stability," Young Professionalism in Foreign Policy, May 13, )

      Although Osama Bin Laden is …and fighting corruption (Gross).

      Only reforms spurred by the plan solves – we already provide substantial training to the ANP

      Johnson and Payne 10 (Andy and Scott, Director of the National Security Program and Senior Policy Advisor of the National Security Program, "Reforming Security Training to Help Defeat Terrorism," The National Security Program Defeating Terrorism Initiative,

      To date, the US has spent over …and support the counterterrorism mission.

      A successful ANP is key to Afghan stability

      Caldwell and Finney 11 (Lieutenant General William and Captain Nathan, Commanding General of the NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan and Strategist serving with the NATO Training Mission, "Building Police Capacity in Afghanistan: The Challenges of a Multilateral Approach," National Defense University, Prism2, No. 1,

      Successful counterinsurgency operations and …stability of Afghanistan. PRISM


      Collapse of Afghanistan spills over to Pakistan and goes nuclear

      Morgan 7 (Stephen, former member of the British Labour Party National Executive Committee, Author, Political Analyst and Psychologist, "Better another Taliban Afghanistan, than a Taliban NUCLEAR Pakistan!?" YoursDaily, June 3,

      However events may prove him sorely …Russia pitted against the US

  • 2AC - PTC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • ONLY oil shocks can collapse the economy

      AP 11 (Associated Press "AP survey: Only oil shock can stop economy now" April 26, 2011

      The American economy is now …down the value of the dollar.

      Doesn’t need congressional authority

      Volman 8 (Daniel, Director of the African Security Research Project, Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Concerned African Scholars, "AFRICOM: The New US Military Command," African Security Project, June,

      Section 1206 FundThis fund, …boats, trucks, and trailers.


      Political capital theory isn’t true with this congress

      Bouie 11=(Jamelle, graduate of the U of Virginia, Writing Fellow for The American Prospect magazine, May 5,  [

      Unfortunately, political capital isn’t …it’s far from sufficient.

      Foreign policy wins spill over

      Marshall and Prins 11 (BRYAN W, Miami University and BRANDON C, University of Tennessee & Howard H. Baker, Jr. Center for Public Policy,“Power or Posturing? Policy Availability and Congressional Influence on U.S. Presidential Decisions to Use Force”, Sept, Presidential Studies Quarterly 41, no. 3)

      Presidents rely heavily managing political capital at home (Fordham 2002).

      The plan is popular in Congress – inaction draws backlash

      Al-Azaki 10 (Mohammed, "Closely Observing Country's Situation, US Administration to Give Hand to Yemen," YemenPost, April 10,

      The American delegation’s visit came …ailing economy and depleting oil reservoirs.

  • 2AC - Neoliberalism (Wyo)

    • Tournament: District 2 | Round: 2 | Opponent: Wyo BS | Judge:

    • (  ) Evidence-based policy debate is critical to breaking the neocon monopoly in Middle East policy, which rejects reasoned deliberation in favor of ideology. Only our framework accesses this – the refusal to debate the consequences and merits of policy choices abdicates the ethical obligation to use our research and knowledge to fashion better policy.

      Lisa Anderson, Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia, former President of the Middle East Studies Association, November 2003, online:, accessed May 1, 2007

      Yet, there is far more that …Iran or Saudi Arabia or Egypt or the United States.

      Focus on epistemology leads to paradigm wars- focusing on substance is key

      Alexander Wendt, 3rd Most Influential Scholar of IR in the World According to Survey of 1084 IR Scholars, 98

      (“On Constitution and Causation in International Relations,” British International Studies Association)

      As a community, we in the …intolerant caricatures of science.

      Nuanced policy debates about democracy assistance are necessary to bridge the gap between theory and practice.  The K alone will not improve democracy assistance, and leaves bad practices intact.

      Youngs 11

      (Richard Youngs is the Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor at the University of Warwick, “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion”, FRIDE Working Paper #106, January)


      Doubts are growing over liberal democracy. ...are more subtle in nature.

      Neoliberalism doesn’t exist in practice; their commodification arguments are purely theoretical.

      Altman – 5(Daniel, International Herald Tribune, “Neoliberalism? It doesn’t exist”, July 16,

      With globalization having somewhat rehabilitated ...politicians would have you believe.


                      4.             Perm – do the plan and all non-competitive parts of the alternative. Solves best – combining the alt with dominant ideology solves best.

      Giroux, Prof of Comm @ McMaster, 2004 p. 142-143 (Henry, The Terror of Neoliberalism)

       There is a lot of talk among ...society and vows of political chastity.”

  • 2AC - Orientalism (Weber)

    • Tournament: District 2 | Round: 5 | Opponent: Weber OS | Judge:

    • (  ) Evidence-based policy debate is critical to breaking the neocon monopoly in Middle East policy, which rejects reasoned deliberation in favor of ideology. Only our framework accesses this – the refusal to debate the consequences and merits of policy choices abdicates the ethical obligation to use our research and knowledge to fashion better policy.

      Lisa Anderson, Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia, former President of the Middle East Studies Association, November 2003, online:, accessed May 1, 2007

      Yet, there is far more that …Iran or Saudi Arabia or Egypt or the United States.

      Focus on epistemology leads to paradigm wars- focusing on substance is key

      Alexander Wendt, 3rd Most Influential Scholar of IR in the World According to Survey of 1084 IR Scholars, 98

      (“On Constitution and Causation in International Relations,” British International Studies Association)

      As a community, we in the …intolerant caricatures of science.

      Appeasement fails and emboldens terrorists

      Epstein 6 (Alex, Junior Fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute, “Muslim Opinion be Damned,” February 6,

      So-called Muslim opinion is …, but with destruction.

      Terrorism is a function of ideology – root cause strategies fail

      Epstein 5 (Alex, Junior Fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute,“Fight the Root of Terrorism with Bombs not Bread,” July 25,

      Terrorism is not caused by …attack terrorism at its root.




      Hanson 4 (Professor of Classical Studies at CSU Fresno, City Journal, Spring,  City Journal, Spring,

      Rather than springing from realpolitik…by deportation or incarceration.


      Enemies are resolute now – root cause claims aren’t reverse causal

      Peters 4 (Ralph Former Military Officer and Author Parameters, Summer)

      It is not a matter of do that is through killing.



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