Georgia » Georgia Willy Zhang & Eilidh Geedess Aff

Georgia Willy Zhang & Eilidh Geedess Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:27
  • GSU 1AC

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    • Advantage One is Credibility: 

      Credibility is low now- failure to follow through on the Cairo speech
      Esposito 11 Professor of Religion and International Affairs and of Islamic Studies at Georgetown University (John L. Esposito, July 26, 2011, “When Words Fail: Rhetoric vs. Action in American Public Diplomacy”, Middle East Online, 

      The Cairo speech was hailed by many as
      that is subject to a lot of challenges.” 

      Helping Tunisia allows Obama to fulfill the promises made in his Cairo speech
      Hamid 11 Director of Research, Brookings Doha Center, April 26, 2011, “The Struggle for Middle East Democracy”, Cairo Review of Global Affairs, 

      A great deal is at stake. America
      . Otherwise, their revolutions may still fail. 

      Tunisia is the key test case for Obama and the US
      Robison 11 teaches Middle East Politics at the University of Vermont (Gordon Robison, January 26, 2011, “Will Obama walk the talk in Tunisia?”, Gulf News, 

      Tunisia now presents Obama with an opportunity to
      and America, will do the right thing. 

      Now is the key time, we need to reverse the perception of having double standards
      Dorsey 11 (James M. Dorsey, May 18, 2011, “Obama effort to recalibrate Mideast policy likely to frustrate reformers and conservatives alike”, Al Arabiya, 

      US President Barak Obama is likely to find
      have accused the US of applying double standards.   

      Two impacts to low credibility–

      First, Obama’s credibility  presidential consistency is key to reverse the perception of indecisiveness and combat global aggression
      Bolton 9 (John R., Senior Fellow – American Enterprise Institute and Former U.S. Ambassador – United Nations, “The Danger of Obama’s Dithering”, Los Angeles Times, 10-18,

      Weakness in American foreign policy in one region
      adversity, engagement simply embodies weakness and indecision.

      Obama’s weakness causes global instability – Iran, North Korea, Pakistan and India, Russia, China all lash out
      Hanson 9 (Victor Davis, Senior Fellow in Classics and Military History – Hoover Institution, “Change, Weakness, Disaster, Obama: Answers from Victor Davis Hanson,” Pajamas Media, 12-7,

      BC: Are we currently sending a message
      quite knows whom it will bite or when.

      Iranian prolif escalates to nuclear war
      Sokolsky 3 (Henry, Exec Dir – Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, Policy Review, 10-1, Lexis)

      If nothing is done to shore up U
      would be spring-loaded to go nuclear.

      Indo/Pak conflict can quickly erupt - the ensuing nuclear conflict ensures nuclear winter
      Robock 10 (Alan, Professor of Climatology – Rutgers University and Associate Director – Center for Environmental Prediction “Local War, Global Suffering,” Scientific American, January,

      Abolition: The Only Policy
      People have several incorrect impressions about nuclear winter
      a nuclear winter, not a nuclear fall.
      Another misimpression is that the problem, even
      of conflict have the potential to erupt suddenly.

      China/India conflict escalates into global great power conflict
      Darling 10 (Daniel, International Military Markets Analyst – Forecast International Inc., “Will the Indian Ocean Become the Next Arena of Great Power Conflict?”, The Faster Times, 5-4, ding/2010/03/24/will-the-indian-ocean-become-the-next-arena-of-great-power-conflict/)

      As the global balance of power continues to
      as good a place to start as any.

      Iranian adventurism sparks nuclear war
      Ben-Meir 7 (Alon – professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs, Ending iranian defiance, United Press International, 2-6, p. lexis)

      That Iran stands today able to challenge or
      severe consequences of not halting its nuclear program.

      Second, US Credibility – loss of credibility permanently crushes overall soft power – only a foreign policy focused on democracy assistance can rebuild support for US soft power
      Byron 11 (“Soft Power in the Middle East: Reforming American Foreign Policy,” Press Storm, 3-11,

      The lack of a consistently supportive stance on
      the power of citizen diplomacy and international friendship.

      Soft power builds effective coalitions that solves terrorism, disease, environment, and WMD war
      Reiss 8 (Mitchell B., Vice Provost of International Affairs – College of William & Mary, “Restoring America's Image: What the Next President Can Do”, Survival, October, 50(5))

      But first, there is another question to
      or do more to enhance peace and security.

      Also, soft power is key to US hegemony
      Sen 5 (Sankar, Former Director – Indian National Police Academy, The Statesman, 4-5, Lexis)

      Indeed anti-American sentiment is sweeping the
      and may gradually affect American pre-eminence.

      Collapse of leadership causes global nuclear war
      Kagan 11 (Robert, Senior Associate – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “The Price of Power”, The Weekly Standard, 1-24,

      Today the international situation is also one of
      table and the table will not fall over. 

      Advantage Two is Democracy 

      Revolutions and transitions to democracy inevitable
      Traub 11 contributing editor for the New York Times(James Traub, August 19, 2011, “A Revolution, With Qualifications”, Foreign Policy,,1) 

      The Arab Spring is, in fact,
      have every reason to be well-wishers.  

      Tunisian elections will fail now
      Reuters 9/7 (“Analysis - Confusion reigns ahead of Tunisia vote”, 

      After standing up to beatings, imprisonment and
      have not been addressed yet," he said. 

      Two possible outcomes: Tunisia will either be a model of democracy or destabilize the rest of the Middle East
      Ayadi 11 Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies  (Rym Ayadi, May 26, 2011, “Supporting the challenges of democratic transition in Tunisia”, Centre for European Policy Studies) 

      As the lead country in the wave of
      to the people’s aspirations for a better future.  

      US Democracy assistance will be successful in Tunisia – conditions are right
      Vasconcelos, Director of the EU Institute for Security Studies, 11 (Alvaro, "Tunisia: a chance for democracy",

      The illusion that intrinsically fragile economic development can
      that the European Union should also be doing.

      Now is key
      Ottaway 8/10 Senior Associate, Middle East Program- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Marina Ottaway, August 10, 2011, “Transitional Failure in Egypt and Tunisia”, National Interest, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 

      Egypt and Tunisia have entered a ….
      arbitrary decisions taken by interim governments.

      Maintaining the current election timetable is key to Tunisian democracy
      Ottaway 11 Senior Associate, Middle East Program- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Marina Ottaway, July 13, 2011, “Tunisia: The Revolution is Over, Can Reform Continue?”, Carnegie Institute for International Peace, 

       Most factors that will affect the outcome
      no matter which parties are in the government. 

      US involvement is key to solve for Tunisian democracy and spill over
      Carpenter 11 J. Scott Carpenter is a Keston family fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (J. Scott Carpenter, February 24, 2011, “Help Tunisia First”, Foreign Policy, 

      If Tunisia doesn't succeed, no other country
      its power to help Tunisia along this path. 

      Elections and constitutional reform are the most important thing for Tunisian democracy
      Paciello 11 researcher at the International Affairs Institute (IAI) and lecturer in economic and political geography of development at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Maria Cristina Paciello, May 2011, “Tunisia: Changes and Challenges of Political Transition, MEDPROC Technical Report No. 3)

      Legislative elections are crucial in determining the direction
      new political forces to campaign and organise effectively.

      Tunisia's conditions mean other countries like Iran model
      McManus 11 (Doyle, four-time winner of the National Press Club's Edwin Hood Award for reporting on U.S. foreign policy, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, "Helping the Arabs help themselves; The U.S. must find a way, and funding, to promote democracy.", LA Times, Feb 27, Lexis)

      Here's a modest proposal: The administration ….
      democracy succeed in Egypt, Yemen and Tunisia. 

      Democracy solves Iranian proliferation and support for terrorism
      Milani 7 research fellow and codirector of the Iran Democracy Project at the Hoover Institution, Hamid and Christina Moghadam Director of Iranian Studies at Stanford University (Abbas Milani, May 30, 2007, “Prospects for Democracy in Iran”, Iran Democracy Project at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, 

      There is a regime that still has the
      the despotic regime can bring democracy to Iran. 

      Nuclear Iran would cause regional proliferation, and thereby increase the risk of nuclear terrorism, accidental use, and nuclear war.

      Rosen 6 (Stephen Peter - Beton Michael Kaneb Professor of National Security and Military Affairs and Director of the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard University,  “After Proliferation”  Foreign Affairs, Sep/Oct2006, Vol. 85 Issue 5, p9-14, 6p EBSCO)

      Actually, however, a postproliferation future is
      Taiwan are plausible candidates for such a nightmare.

      Tunisia is a key test case for Middle East democracy
      Arieff 11 Analyst in African Affairs (Alexis Arieff, June 27, 2011, “Political Transition in Tunisia”, Congressional Research Service)

      Obama Administration officials have emphasized Tunisia’s role as
      controlled by Ben Ali and family members.102   

      Middle East democracy is key to stability
      Diamond, 2005 (Larry – senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, The Middle East: Between Democracy and Stability, Hoover Digest, p.
      A growing number of Arab scholars, journalists
      sooner or later unless true reform begins soon.

      Nuclear War
      Steinbach, March 2003 (John – Center for Research on Globalisation, Israeli Weapons of Mass Destruction, A Treat to Peace, p.
      Meanwhile, the existence of an arsenal of
      could trigger a world conflagration." (44)

      A successful democratic transition in the Middle East serves as a model for global democracy
      Gershman 11 President of the National Endowment for Democracy and member of the Council on Foreign Relations (Carl Gershman, March 1, 2011, “Democracy’s New Moment: A Forward Strategy for Advancing Freedom in the World”, National Endowment for Democracy John B. Hurford Memorial Lecture at New York University, 

      Suddenly, the world seemed utterly transformed.  
      the Muslim Brotherhood, democracy is the solution. 

      Global democracy solves extinction
      Diamond 95 (Larry, Senior Fellow – Hoover Institution, Promoting Democracy in the 1990s, December,

      OTHER THREATS This hardly exhausts the lists of
      of international security and prosperity can be built. 

  • GSU 2AC Cites

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    • VCase

      Democratic peace theory checks war

      Epstein et al. 07 (Susan Epstein, Nina M. Serafino, and Francis T. Miko, Specialists in Foreign Policy Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division at the Congressional Research Service, “Democracy Promotion: Cornerstone of U.S. Foreign Policy?”


      A common rationale offered by proponents of democracy


      likely to wage war on one another.”2


      Authoritarism is a failed model, particularly true for Tunisia

      Jebnoun 11 Visiting Professor of Arab and Middle Eastern Affairs at the University of Montana’s Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center (2008-2010). Former professor at Georgetown’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies in D.C (2006-2008) (Noureddine Jebnoun, January 26, 2011, “Tunisia’s Glorious Revolution and Its Implications”, Jadaliya, )


      The unfolding events in Tunisia have underlined, AND

       and resolved to assert their freedom.


      Revolution is coming to Iran now

      Reuters 9/7 (“Iran revolution "matter of time" - US defense chief”, )


      Revolution in Iran appears to be a matter


      going to be true in Iran as well."





      Soft Power Impact Add-ons

      Disease spread causes extinction

      Scotsman 95 (9-11, “The Mega Death”, p. 13, Lexis)


      Bullets and bombs may be the weapons of


      had the capability to engage in biological warfare.


      Eco collapse causes extinction

      Jayawardena 9 (Asitha, London South Bank University, “We Are a Threat to All Life on Earth”, Indicator, 7-17,


      Sloep and Van Dam-Mieras (1995


      …. expecting surprises and adapting to these.’



      Auslin 9 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman – Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6,


      What do these trends mean in the short


      small explosions that coalesce into a big bang.



      2AC: T- civil society

      Democracy assistance includes civil society, political parties and elections assistance

      Mitchell and Phillips 8 (Lincoln A., Arnold A. Saltzman Assistant Professor in the Practice of International

      Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs, Chief of Party for the National

      Democratic Institute (NDI) in Georgia, and David L., project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights. Former senior adviser to the US Department of State and the United Nations Secretariat. “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” January 2008, The National Committee on American Foreign Policy, The Atlantic Council of the United States,


      A toolbox of approaches and methods has come


      run local services, building confidence in democratization.



      2AC Backlash DA


      Elections assistance avoids the link- Tunisians want it so they can trust the results of the election

      Masmoudi 11 (Radwan A. Masmoudi, May 3, 2011, “Tunisia Needs International Supervision for the Upcoming July Elections”, Albert Shanker Institute Blog, )


      As head of the Tunisian High Council for


      diminished by a misplaced emphasis on ‘sovereignty’.



      Extremism grows under autocratic rule- demo prom is key to check back radicalism and terrorism.

      Carothers, vice president for studies—international politics and governance at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 07 (Thomas, Carnegie Middle East Center, September, “U.S. Democracy Promotion During and After Bush”


      The central idea behind putting democracy promotion at


      to be growing not lessening under autocratic rule.

      2AC Cap K

      Alt doesn’t solve- Capitalism is resilient – it’ll bounce back

      Foster 9 (JD, Norman B. Ture Senior Fellow in the Economics of fiscal policy – Heritage Foundation, "Is Capitalism Dead? Maybe," 3-11,


      Capitalism is down. It may even be


      repeat the cycle again sometime down the road.




      Perm solves better – using capitalism to fight itself is more effective

      Rothkrug 90 (Paul, Founder – Environmental Rescue Fund, Monthly Review, March, 41(10), p. 38)


      No institution is or ever has been a


      the margin of success for that very effort.



      ‘Doing nothing’ sustains capitalism by demobilizing opposition


      Taylor 5 (Justin, Oregon-Based Writer, “Zizek Seen Over the Handlebars”, CounterPunch, 2-25,


      Not really. I know Zizek hates self


      get their blood pumping, maybe make a friend


      Rejection won’t dislodge capitalism – no critical mass exists

      Grossberg 92 (Lawrence, Professor of Communication Studies – UNC-Chapel Hill and Chair of the Executive Committee of the University Program in Cultural Studies, We Gotta Get Out of This Place: Popular Conservatism and Postmodern Culture, p. 388-389)


      If it is capitalism that is at stake


      , and too vague to provide any direction.


      Alternatives to capitalism will inevitably collapse

      Taylor 94 (Jerry, Director of Natural Resource Studies – Cato Institute, “The Challenge of Sustainable Development”, Regulation,


      The free, competitive marketplace creates not only


      collapse feared by the proponents of sustainable development.


      -- Evaluate consequences – allowing violence for the sake of moral purity is evil


      Isaac 2 (Jeffrey C., Professor of Political Science – Indiana-Bloomington, Director – Center for the Study of Democracy and Public Life, Ph.D. – Yale, Dissent Magazine, 49(2), “Ends, Means, and Politics”, Spring, Proquest)


      As writers such as Niccolo Machiavelli, Max


      promotes arrogance. And it undermines political effectiveness.



      Other countries will act capitalist and resource wars/no value to life is inevitable. The economic crisis means capitalist super powers will be stronger
       Mead 2/4
       - Senior Fellow in U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations  (Walter Russell, The New Republic, “Only Makes You Stronger”, 2/4)

      But, in many other countries AND

      almost as long as the list of financial crises.



      A. Transition causes war

      Harris 3 (Lee, Analyst – Hoover Institution and Author of The Suicide of Reason, “The Intellectual Origins of America-Bashing”, Policy Review, January,


      This is the immiserization thesis of Marx.


      socialist schemes would be reduced to pipe dreams.


      B. Extinction

      Kothari 82 (Rajni, Professor of Political Science – University of Delhi, Toward a Just Social Order, p. 571)


      Attempts at global economic reform could also lead


      and setting the stage for eventual global holocaust.



      2AC SKFTA- GSU

      Bottom of docket

      Pottorff 9-14 (Rich, Chief Economist and Analyst, “D.C. Watch: Congress running late,” Dairy Herd,


      Congress returned to Washington last week with a


      the free trade agreements until later this year.


      Won’t pass – vote count

      Hooper 9-10 (Molly K., “Obama-backed trade pacts could be heavy lift for House GOP,” The Hill,


      House Republican leaders face a tough task of


      some are senior members,” the source said.


      Obama has no political capital

      Wehner 9-14 (Peter, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, “Has Obama Learned Anything?” Commentary Magazine,


      Imagine you’re in the Obama White House,


      — learned much of anything from all this?


      Disaster relief top of the docket

      Chaddock 9-16-11 (Gail Russell, “House battle looms over disaster relief. When did that become partisan?,”

      Moreover, GOP governors hard-hit by


      Senate expect to leave town for a break.


      Aid to Tunisia has bipartisan support

      Politico 11 (March 10, 2011 “Kerry, McCain, Lieberman push funds for Egypt, Tunisia”, )


      Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass


      for us to help them restore their economy.”


      Key to Obama’s agenda

      Huntley, Steve. June 26, 2009. (“Dems' packed agenda crowds out other views” )


      Congress, driven by President Obama's ambitious political


      push for quick action crowd out competing views. 


      Tunisia debates avoid the link – past proves

      Arieff, Analyst in African Affairs, 11 (Alexis, June 27, "Political Transition in Tunisia", Congressional Research Service, )


      Congress authorizes, appropriates, and oversees foreign


      federal budget debates and disagreements over funding priorities.



      -- Turn – winners win

      Singer 9 (Jonathan, Editor – MyDD and JD – University of California, Berkeley, “By Expending Capital, Obama Grows His Capital”, MyDD, 3-3,


      Peter Hart gets at a key point.


      energy reform to ending the war in Iraq.


      -- Political capital isn’t key – voting is ideological

      Dickinson 9 (Matthew, Professor of Political Science – Middlebury College and Former Professor – Harvard University, “Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power,” Presidential Power, 5-26,


      As for Sotomayor, from here the path


      power that cannot be measured through legislative boxscores.



      The alliance is strong

      Garamone 10 (Jim, Staff Writer, “U.S.-South Korea Alliance Remains Strong, Leaders Say,” American Forces Press, 10-8,


      The United States and South Korea are ready


      its provocation and aggression will not be tolerated.”

      No risk of Korean war

      Edwards 10 (Michael, Reporter – ABC News, “Full-scale War on Korean Peninsula 'Unlikely'”, ABC News, 11-25,


      Experts say full-scale war on AND

       North Korea's main ally China to intervene.




      2AC USAID Tradeoff

      Tunisian democracy assistance would be drawn from the ESF

      Armbruster, 11 (Ben, “AP Claims That Those ‘Insistent On Cutting Military Spending’ Will Find ‘Plenty To Like’ In Budget Deal”, April 13,


      The AP also ignores the lopsided nature of


      as elsewhere, are to upheaval and violence.


      2AC EU CP


      EU and the US can work together

      EU Business 11 (January 26, 2011, “US, EU offer Tunisia help to organize elections”, )


      The European Union and the United States on


      Brennan told reporters during a visit to Algeria.



      Can’t solve democracy- Tunisians look to the US electoral model

      NDI 9 (National Democratic Institute, “Tunisia”,  )


      During the 2008 U.S. elections


      of limited political space in their home countries.


      French involvement in Tunisia hurts the Tunisia economy- undermines the transition

      POMED 11 (January 31, 2011, “The Breakdown of Autocracy in Tunisia”, )


      King also states that AND

       on the side of the opposition.




      European economic weakness results in Arab Spring failure

      Stiglitz, 11 (Joseph, Nobel laureate in economics and a professor at Columbia University, “Europe's Travails and Our Collective Fate”, New York Times, July 19,


      But if Europe cannot show sufficient solidarity in


      will in turn put more pressure on Europe.



      Disunity prevents solvency and EU soft power

      Scimia, 11 (Emanuele, journalist and geopolitical analyst based in Rome, “The Arab Spring and the EU”, The Jerusalem Post, May 2,


      But disagreements are emerging from within as well


      is unable to manage an effective foreign policy. 


      2AC EU NED CP


      Funding is key to send the signal

      McInerney, April 2010 (Stephen - director of advocacy for the Project on Middle East Democracy, The Federal Budget and Appropriation for Fiscal Year 2011 - Democracy, Governance, and Human Rights in the Middle East, p. 5)


      Certainly, budget numbers and funding levels alone


      demonstration of the administration’s commitment to declared priorities.




      Conflict inevitable- Russian geography


      Stratfor 8 (“The Russian Resurgence and the New-Old Front”, 9-15,


      Russia is attempting to reforge its Cold War


      to choose a more activist set of policies.



  • Vandy 1AC

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      Democracy Advantage


      Advantage One is Democracy


      Revolutions and transitions to democracy inevitable

      Traub 11 contributing editor for the New York Times(James Traub, August 19, 2011, “A Revolution, With Qualifications”, Foreign Policy, )


      The Arab Spring is, in fact,


      have every reason to be well-wishers.  


      Tunisian elections will fail now

      Reuters 11 (9/7, “Analysis - Confusion reigns ahead of Tunisia vote”, )


      After standing up to beatings, imprisonment and


      have not been addressed yet," he said.



      Two possible outcomes: Tunisia will either be a model of democracy or destabilize the rest of the Middle East

      Ayadi 11 Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies  (Rym Ayadi, May 26, 2011, “Supporting the challenges of democratic transition in Tunisia”, Centre for European Policy Studies)



      As the lead country in the wave of


      to the people’s aspirations for a better future.  



      US Democracy assistance will be successful in Tunisia – conditions are right

      Vasconcelos, Director of the EU Institute for Security Studies, 11 (Alvaro, "Tunisia: a chance for democracy", )


      The illusion that intrinsically fragile economic development can


      that the European Union should also be doing.


      Now is key

      Ottaway 8/10 Senior Associate, Middle East Program- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Marina Ottaway, August 10, 2011, “Transitional Failure in Egypt and Tunisia”, National Interest, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, )



      Egypt and Tunisia have entered


      y arbitrary decisions taken by interim governments.



      Ensuring international legitimacy  is key to Tunisian democracy

      Ottaway 11 Senior Associate, Middle East Program- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Marina Ottaway, July 13, 2011, “Tunisia: The Revolution is Over, Can Reform Continue?”, Carnegie Institute for International Peace, )



       Most factors that will affect the outcome


      no matter which parties are in the government.


      US involvement is key to solve for Tunisian democracy and spill over

      Carpenter 11 J. Scott Carpenter is a Keston family fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (J. Scott Carpenter, February 24, 2011, “Help Tunisia First”, Foreign Policy, )


      If Tunisia doesn't succeed, no other country


      its power to help Tunisia along this path.



      Tunisia is a key test case for Middle East democracy

      Arieff 11 Analyst in African Affairs (Alexis Arieff, June 27, 2011, “Political Transition in Tunisia”, Congressional Research Service)


      Obama Administration officials have emphasized Tunisia’s role as


      controlled by Ben Ali and family members.102   


      Lack of an Arab model for democracy spells doom for other Middle East transitions
       Diamond 10 [Larry, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Freeman Spogli Institute at Stanford University and director of Stanford's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, “Why Are There No Arab Democracies?,” Journal of Democracy, Volume 21, Number 1, January]

      The second external factor is the other …. clearly to liberal-democratic norms.



      The second external factor is the other Arab


      commit more clearly to liberal-democratic norms.

      Middle East democracy is key to stability

      Diamond, 2005 (Larry – senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, The Middle East: Between Democracy and Stability, Hoover Digest, p.

      A growing number of Arab scholars, journalists


      sooner or later unless true reform begins soon.


      Nuclear War

      Steinbach, March 2003 (John – Center for Research on Globalisation, Israeli Weapons of Mass Destruction, A Treat to Peace, p.

      Meanwhile, the existence of an arsenal of


      could trigger a world conflagration." (44)



      Terrorism causes global nuclear war

      Speice, 6 (Patrick, JD, William & Mary Law Review, February, p. 1437-8)

      The potential consequences of the unchecked spread of


      and escalate to the use of nuclear weapons.



      A successful democratic transition in the Middle East serves as a model for global democracy

      Gershman 11 President of the National Endowment for Democracy and member of the Council on Foreign Relations (Carl Gershman, March 1, 2011, “Democracy’s New Moment: A Forward Strategy for Advancing Freedom in the World”, National Endowment for Democracy John B. Hurford Memorial Lecture at New York University, )


      Suddenly, the world seemed utterly transformed. 


      the Muslim Brotherhood, democracy is the solution.



      Global democracy solves extinction

      Diamond 95 (Larry, Senior Fellow – Hoover Institution, Promoting Democracy in the 1990s, December,


      OTHER THREATS This hardly exhausts the lists of


      of international security and prosperity can be built.


      Democracy aid works – creates agent empowerment & anticipated reactions – theory & studies prove – works better than other forms of aid
       SCOTT & STEELE  11
       1. Professor & Dept Chair in Political Science Oklahoma State 2.  PhD student in political science at the University of Illinois
       [James M. Scott & Carie A. Steele, Sponsoring Democracy: The United States and Democracy Aid to the Developing World, 1988–2001, International Studies Quarterly, Volume 55, Issue 1, pages 47–69, March 2011 ]


      Can democratic sponsor states such as the United


      democracy would do well to structure assistance accordingly.



      1AC Plan

      The United States Federal Government should provide election and good governance assistance for Tunisia.

      Stability Advantage

      Advantage Two is Stability


      FDI funds to Tunisia are falling now

      AFP 11 (October 5, 2011, “Arab Spring sparks sharp fall in foreign investment”, )


      The flow of foreign direct


      21 percent in FDI inflows, the report said.



      Revolution caused huge Tunisian budget deficits

      Bloomberg 11 (September 23, 2011, “Tunisia Says May Need About 2 Billion in Budget Support in 2012”

      Tunisian debt sell off advantage- sells off US/Euro Bonds


      Tunisia, the North African country whose


      decision but we leave that option open.”




      Tunisia’s economy is on a rapid decline; this empowers Islamist fundamentalist groups in the country

      Weitzman 11 (Bruce Maddy-Weitzman is the Marcia Israel Senior Research Fellow at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University.  Summer 2011 “Tunisia's Morning After” Middle East Quarterly Vol. 18, Issue 3)


      Two additional factors that will most certainly be


      4 billion were required in loans for 2011.


      Fundamentalist Islamists are rallying for full implementation of Islamic law in Tunisia, going against Tunisian ideals

      Beardsley, 11 ( Eleanor, Radio Journalist & Paris Correspondent - NRP, “Tunisia Seen as Laboratory for Arab Democracy” National Public Radio,


      At a town hall meeting in a middle


      true to a Tunisian ear," Khelifa says.




      Radical Islamist control of Tunisia will spark a domino effect of Islamist radicals taking control of the entire region

      Tsonev, 11 (Kiryak, Arabian Scholar & ex-Diplomat, “In Tunisia They Want Democracy, In Egypt – Bread” Europost,, 2/05)


      January saw the start of a series of


      different colour but of the same type.


      Regional instability from Arab Spring revolutions will give rise to radical Islamist takeover and this directly threatens Israel

      Ottolenghi, 11 (Emanuele, Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, “Analysis: Much to fear, much to hope with Arab Spring”, The Jewish Chronicle Online,, 09-1)


      The Arab Spring represents an unprecedented crisis


      Israel is concerned, 'change for the worse'.


      That independently implicates and threatens US-Israeli relations.

      Byman ’11 (Daniel, Prof. in Security Studies @ Georgetown, Research Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy @ Brookings, “Israel’s Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring”, Washington Quarterly, Summer, Volume 34, Issue 3, accessed online p.


      These apocalyptic predictions and Israel’s doom-and


      regional transformation is peaceful and that democratization succeeds.




      Breakdown of US-Israeli relations collapses US hegemony and causes rebalancing

      Wikistrat, 11 (Wikistrat is a global network of subject matter experts that uses a patented crowdsourcing methodology to provide insights that are unavailable anywhere else, “Terra Incognita – Arab Spring Forcing US to Choose Between Longtime Allies”, 05-26)


      US policy in the Middle East has long


      oBeijing’s readiness to pay its own way.


      Collapse of leadership causes global nuclear war

      Kagan 11 (Robert, Senior Associate – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “The Price of Power”, The Weekly Standard, 1-24,


      Today the international situation is also one of


      table and the table will not fall over



      Democracy is a prerequisite for any stable economic development

      Stiglitz 11 Nobel laureate in economics, is University Professor at Columbia University (Joseph E. Stiglitz, February 4, 2011, “Liberty, Equality, Prosperity”,   )



      Tunisia's democratic revolution has set off a cascade


      in Tunisia, and now across the region.


      US support is key to FDI

      National Lawyers Guild 11 (June 2011, “Promises and Challenges: The Tunisian Revolution of 2010-2011”)



      Unlike many of the former political prisoners and


      Arab world and the West as well." 36

  • AT:Politics

    • Tournament: Vanderbilt | Round: 1 | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Tunisia debates avoid the link – past proves
      Arieff, Analyst in African Affairs, 11

      Congress authorizes, appropriates, and oversees foreign
      larger federal budget debates and disagreements over funding priorities
      Winners win
      Halloran 10 (Liz, Reporter – NPR
      Amazing what a win in a major legislative
      now suggest is a losing issue for them. 

      Plan popular
      POMED 11 (September 23, 2011,

      David Dreier (R-CA) led
      of strict Islamic values in the new constitution.

      Rationality is key to problem solving. Their interpretation undermines the best policy option.
      Smith, et al, 2009, Kevin
      , - Political Science - 280 pages, p185
      Put simply, policymakers tend to make “
      of the argumentative nature of public policy analysis. 

      Aid to Tunisia has bipartisan support
      Politico 11 (March 10, 2011 “

      Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass
      for us to help them restore their economy.” 

  • AT: EU CP

    • Tournament: Vanderbilt | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • US support is key to FDI
      National Lawyers Guild 11 (June 2011,

      The Tunisian Revolution of 2010-2011”) 

      Unlike many of the former political prisoners and
      Arab world and the West as well." 36 

      Can’t solve democracy- Tunisians look to the US electoral model
      NDI 9 (National Democratic Institute, “

      During the 2008 U.S. elections
      of limited political space in their home countries.

      French involvement in Tunisia hurts the Tunisia economy- undermines the transition
      POMED 11 (January 31, 2011,

      King also states that while efforts towards democracy
      Islamist slogan was raised in the whole protest.
      Robert Prince began his discussion over the role
      took off in the 1990s, Tunisia stagnated.
      When looking at the role of the U
      they did not realize how frustrated citizens were.
      The U.S. and France have
      not intervene on the side of the opposition.

      Tunisia says no
      Wagner and Campbell 11 Managing Director of Country

      As Tunisia prepares for democratic elections, foremost
      question the sanctity of existing European trade deals.

      European economic weakness results in Arab Spring failure
      Stiglitz, 11 (Joseph, Nobel laureate

      But if Europe cannot show sufficient solidarity in
      will in turn put more pressure on Europe.

      Disunity prevents solvency and EU soft power
      Scimia, 11 (Emanuele, journalist and

      But disagreements are emerging from within as well
      is unable to manage an effective foreign policy.  

      CP drains political capital.
      AFP 11 (May 7, 2011,

      The EU must offer more trade incentives to
      point has clearly failed," the report said.
      Political infighting undermines market confidence in the Euro bailout.
      Evans, 9/28/2011 (
      All the arithmetic indicates that Chancellor Angela Merkel
      they will support the expansion of the fund.
      But, if the majority is untidy,
      of the euro has an end in sight.
      Collapse of market confidence collapses the economy.
      Padmanabhan, 9/26/2011 (
      Over the weekend, euro zone countries continued
      likely to plunge the world into a recession.

      Tunisia is the key test case for Obama’s consistency in the Middle East
      Robison 11 teaches Middle East Politics at the

      Tunisia now presents Obama with an opportunity to
      and America, will do the right thing. 

      Presidential consistency is key to reverse the perception of indecisiveness and combat global aggression
      Bolton 9 (John R., Senior Fellow
      ”, Los Angeles Times, 10-18, 


      Weakness in American foreign policy in one region
      adversity, engagement simply embodies weakness and indecision.

      Obama’s weakness causes global instability – Iran, North Korea, Pakistan and India, Russia, China all lash out
      Hanson 9 (Victor Davis, Senior Fellow

      BC: Are we currently sending a message
      quite knows whom it will bite or when.

  • AT: Democracy K

    • Tournament: Vanderbilt | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Alt fails
      Chandler 10 (David, Professor of International

      It would seem that at the core of
      of a critical alternative embedded in these approaches.

      Democracy is not a product imposed on countries – it’s a tool to reveal public preferences and challenge authoritarian violence
      Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor
      , 31(1), 23-45)

      Yet, democracy promotion does not imply the
      ultimately  required for good governance and economic growth. 

      The alternative over-respects sovereignty – causes violence
      Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor
      , 31(1), 23-45)

      International relations realists argue that world order depends
      - and nonstate actors  in the international system.

      Democracy is moral – demand is high, autocracies cause genocide
      Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor
      , 31(1), 23-45)

      Apart from serving U.S. strategic
      not be defended on moral or ethical grounds.

      US democracy promotion doesn’t take a one-size fits all approach- it adapts to the society
      Glen 11 (Patrick J., Adjunct Professor

      This invidious argument proposes that democracy, and
      is not capable or willing  to embrace democracy.

      Plan doesn’t link- elections are happening now in Tunisia and democracy has already been demanded- its only a question of whether or not the elections are successful

      The plan is soft intervention – their impact assumes forcible intervention
      Cooper and Legler 6 (Andrew F.,
      Without Intervention?, p.1-23)

      A second axis traces the mode of intervention
      political game on a country-specific basis.

      We would latch on to heg – triggers their impacts
      Snyder 07 Robert and Renee Belfer Professor of International Relations at Columbia University
      Plausible as these arguments may be, the
      about whether or how ideology will express itself. 

      Discourse doesn’t shape reality
      Tuathail 96 Department of Geography at Virginia Polytechnic
      , 15(6-7), 664 )
      While theoretical debates at academic conferences are important
      to the patterned mess that is human history. 

      Alt can’t solve policy making - refusal to engage in traditional politics is an abdication of social responsibility that makes social crises inevitable resulting in extinction
      Boggs, 1997 (Carl, National University

      The decline of the public sphere in late
      , collective interests that had vanished from civil society

  • AT: Security K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Security doesn’t cause war – it allows for emancipation that creates surival
      Ken Booth, visiting researcher - US Naval
      Security Studies and World Politics, p. 22

      The best starting point for conceptualizing security lies
      human species can reinvent itselfbeyond the merely biological.

      Turn: the alt causes the security sector to be dominated by the most conservative policymakers.
      Olav. F. Knudsen, Prof @
      Studies: Desecuritizing  Securitization,” p. 366]
      A final danger in focusing on the state
      unheeded by any but the most uncritical minds. 

      Representations don’t influence reality
      Kocher 00 (Robert L., Author of

      While it is not possible to establish many
      they profess what they pretend to believe in.

      Critique of American identity and democracy fails—we should re-narrate American security concerns towards inclusion of other countries
      Vibeke Schou PEDERSEN Copenhagen ‘3 “In
      17 (2) p. 30-32

      This forces us in turn, to consider
      it is ours to with as we please.

      We have the best epistemology – critical academia is always wrong and gets shut out by policy elites
      Kramer 1 (Dr. Martin, Editor

      Only now have hesitant voices been raised from
      , and what might be done about it.
      While the professors “faked it,” the
      turned out, were not so easily appeased.

      Western understandings of the Middle East are accurate – their evidence suffers from selection bias
      Teitelbaum and Litvak 6 (Joshua, Senior

      The critics did not deny that Western culture
      rich and multi-faceted over the years. 

      Realism is true and inevitable – a shift away collapses into chaos.

      Mearsheimer 2001 [professor of political science at
      of Great Power Politics, pg. 361]

      The optimists' claim that security competition and war
      the major states in each region at peace.

      We should focus debate on well-evidenced claims produced by experts.  Translated specialized knowledge into policy revelance is the only way to avoid policy based just on posturing and prejudice.  

      Michael NICHOLSON IR @ Sussex ‘2K “
      of International Studies 26 p. 186-187

      There has, moreover, to be some
      a requirement. Someone has to do it.
      From this we can see there is nothing
      these ideas without some specialist language and techniques.
      This implies a particular view of International Relations
      in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office just as w


    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Doesn’t send the international signal of commitment to Tunisia- Funding key
      McInerney, April 2010 (Stephen - director
      in the Middle East, p. 5)

      Certainly, budget numbers and funding levels alone
      demonstration of the administration’s commitment to declared priorities.

      NED is independent from US policy – USAID is key
      Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor
      , 31(1), 23-45)

      For most of U.S. history
      ,  already blurred, became even more ambiguous.

      The EU will collapse – Greece will start the domino effect.
      Defence Professionals News, 9/22/
      Could the EU collapse? Unthinkable! Impossible
      reach France, the EU will certainly collapse.
      Collapse of the Eurozone destroys the EU- guts solvency of the counterplan and of the net benefit
      Lilico, 9/14/2011 (
      Many statements from senior eurozone policymakers treat the
      modern experience or comprehension in a Western democracy.

      CP drains political capital.
      AFP 11 (May 7, 2011,

      The EU must offer more trade incentives to
      point has clearly failed," the report said.
      Political infighting undermines market confidence in the Euro bailout.
      Evans, 9/28/2011 (
      All the arithmetic indicates that Chancellor Angela Merkel
      they will support the expansion of the fund.
      But, if the majority is untidy,
      of the euro has an end in sight.
      Collapse of market confidence collapses the economy.
      Padmanabhan, 9/26/2011 (
      Over the weekend, euro zone countries continued
      likely to plunge the world into a recession.

      Obama giving aid for Tunisia now- means the disad is not unique
      Las Vegas Sun, 10-13-

      President Barack Obama pledged U.S.
      country would be replicated elsewhere in the region.
      No spillover to Black Sea cooperation.
      Pantev, 10/12/2011 (
      All these things give an indication of the
      and upheaval of the Arab Spring and beyond.



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