Georgia » Georgia Rosenthal and Feinberg Aff

Georgia Rosenthal and Feinberg Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:27
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  • GSU

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Egypt – 1AC

      The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its assistance in legal education and civil society building for the Arab Republic of Egypt

      Contention 1 is Credibility

      Obama’s ambiguity over Egyptian assistance guts US credibility – a consistent and credible push for judicial training restores our perception abroad
      Guirguis 9 (Dina, Fellow for Near East Policy – Washington Institute and Executive Director – Voices for a Democratic Egypt, “Promoting Democracy in Egypt,” Eurasia Critic, July,

      "In the aftermath of President Obama's historic speech delivered from Cairo last month, many are still left "
      "ramifications for the entire Middle East."

      US credibility is already taking a hit – Obama needs to fulfill the goals laid out in his Cairo speech to reverse this perception
      Zeitvogel 7-13 (Karin, Correspondent  Agence France-Presse, “Arab world's ratings of Obama, US plummet: poll,” 7-13, Online)

      "Two years after US President Barack Obama called in a groundbreaking speech from Cairo for a "new beginning" "
      "polled said they saw the United States in a good light.  The lowest rating came from Egypt  a mere five percent."

      The plan immediately reverses negative perceptions of Obama – it gives him a major foreign policy win that restores his credibility
      Lane 11 (Charles, Economic Policy Specialist and Editorial Writer – Washington Post, “Obama's Egypt opportunity,” Washington Post, 2-13,

      "From its beginning, the crisis in Egypt has reminded many Americans of similar events a generation ago in Iran, "
      "enough to warrant a major investment of his administration's time and energy in Egypt over the rest of his term."

      Egypt is a testing ground for Obama’s credibility – a strong push for democracy is critical
      Hamid 10 (Shadi, Deputy Director and Middle East Policy Fellow – Brookings Center, “The Cairo Conundrum,” Democracy Journal, Issue 15, Winter,

      "In his June 4, 2009 speech at Cairo University, President Barack Obama dramatically raised expectations for U.S. "
      Rhetoric raises expectations, forcing us at least to consider the prospect of  meeting them.

      Outweighs all alt causes – Egypt gives Obama valuable foreign policy cards
      Young, 8/25/2011 (Michael – opinion page editor for the Daily Star and author of The Ghosts of Martyrs Square, Arab Spring gives US a new chance in the Middle East, The National, p.

      "Barack Obama has not faced the continuing revolutions in the Arab world with any passion. Rather, the US president has "
      "inspiring, the thrilling, can ambitiously redefine America's long-term interaction with an Arab world in thrilling flux."

      Two impacts –

      First, Obama’s credibility  presidential consistency is key to reverse the perception of indecisiveness and combat global aggression
      Bolton 9 (John R., Senior Fellow – American Enterprise Institute and Former U.S. Ambassador – United Nations, “The Danger of Obama’s Dithering”, Los Angeles Times, 10-18,

      "Weakness in American foreign policy in one region often invites challenges elsewhere, because our adversaries "
      "persistence in the face of criticism and adversity, engagement simply embodies weakness and indecision."

      Obama’s weakness causes global instability – Iran, North Korea, Pakistan and India, Russia, China all lash out
      Hanson 9 (Victor Davis, Senior Fellow in Classics and Military History – Hoover Institution, “Change, Weakness, Disaster, Obama: Answers from Victor Davis Hanson,” Pajamas Media, 12-7,

      "BC: Are we currently sending a message of weakness to our foes and allies? Can anything good result from "
      "tiger and now no one quite knows whom it will bite or when."

      Iranian prolif escalates to nuclear war
      Sokolsky 3 (Henry, Exec Dir – Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, Policy Review, 10-1, Lexis)

      "If nothing is done to shore up U.S. and allied security relations with the Gulf Coordination Council states and with "
      "disturbingly similar to that of 1914 but with one big difference: It would be spring-loaded to go nuclear."

      Indo/Pak conflict can quickly erupt - the ensuing nuclear conflict ensures nuclear winter
      Robock 10 (Alan, Professor of Climatology – Rutgers University and Associate Director – Center for Environmental Prediction “Local War, Global Suffering,” Scientific American, January,

      Abolition: The Only Policy
      "potential to erupt suddenly."

      China/India conflict escalates into global great power conflict
      Darling 10 (Daniel, International Military Markets Analyst – Forecast International Inc., “Will the Indian Ocean Become the Next Arena of Great Power Conflict?”, The Faster Times, 5-4, ding/2010/03/24/will-the-indian-ocean-become-the-next-arena-of-great-power-conflict/)

      "As the global balance of power continues to shift from west to east, so too do the intermingling pressures that brought "
      "good a place to start as any."

      Iranian adventurism sparks nuclear war
      Ben-Meir 7 (Alon – professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs, Ending iranian defiance, United Press International, 2-6, p. lexis)

      "That Iran stands today able to challenge or even defy the United States in every sphere of American influence in the Middle East attests to the "
      "regional implications, Washington is left with no choice but to warn Iran of the severe consequences of not halting its nuclear program."

      Second, US Credibility – loss of credibility permanently crushes overall soft power – unconditional assistance is key
      Byron 11 (“Soft Power in the Middle East: Reforming American Foreign Policy,” Press Storm, 3-11,

      "The lack of a consistently supportive stance on democratic revolution in the Middle East threatens to undermine "
      "power of citizen diplomacy and international friendship."

      Soft power builds effective coalitions that solves terrorism, disease, environment, and WMD war
      Reiss 8 (Mitchell B., Vice Provost of International Affairs – College of William & Mary, “Restoring America's Image: What the Next President Can Do”, Survival, October, 50(5))

      "But first, there is another question to be answered: why should Americans care if the United States is liked or not? "

      Also, soft power is key to US hegemony
      Sen 5 (Sankar, Former Director – Indian National Police Academy, The Statesman, 4-5, Lexis)

      "Indeed anti-American sentiment is sweeping the world after the Iraq war. It has, of course, been aggravated by the "
      "American pre-eminence."

      Collapse of leadership causes global nuclear war
      Kagan 11 (Robert, Senior Associate – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “The Price of Power”, The Weekly Standard, 1-24,

      "Today the international situation is also one of high risk.  • The terrorists who would like to kill Americans on U.S. "
      "that you can pull a leg out from under a table and the table will not fall over. "

      Contention 2 is Independent Judiciary, or IJ

      Egypt’s judiciary is incomplete – legal practices damages its independence
      El Chazli 10 (Foutouh, Lecturer in Law – University of Alexandria, “Egypt: The Independence of the Judiciary,” Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network, June, Online)

      "It is true that things are better for the judicial authority’s independence in Egypt than in most neighbouring "
      "and rulings, even rulings handed down by the state security courts, are not being respected."

      Mubarak’s fall doesn’t change anything – the judiciary is still corrupt
      El Fegiery 11 (Moataz, Deputy Director – MENA Program – International Center for Transitional Justice, “Save Egypt’s judiciary, and revolution,” Daily Star, 8-9,

      "The appearance of Hosni Mubarak in the opening of his trial last week reassured millions of Egyptians that their revolutionary struggle was not "
      "political will to investigate these crimes and hold perpetrators accountable, despite calls from civil society to do so."

      Providing legal education to Egyptian NGOs creates a bottom-up approach that promotes accountability within the system – top-down approaches are doomed to failure
      Mednicoff 5 (David M., Assistant Professor in the Department of Legal Studies and the Center for Public Policy and Administration – University of Massachusetts–Amherst “Legalism Sans Frontières? U.S. Rule-of-Law Aid in the Arab World,” Carnegie Papers, 61, September,

      "Nonetheless, Arab lawyers and U.S. experts with whom I have spoken tend to agree that  programs geared toward "
      "Washington’s efforts."

      NGOs promote effective judicial training – they are separate from military control
      Aftandilian 9 (Gregory L., Former Middle East Analyst – US State Department, Former Research Fellow – Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and International Affairs Fellow – Council on Foreign Relations, “Looking Forward: An Integrated Strategy for Supporting Democracy and Human Rights in Egypt,” Project on Middle East Democracy, May,

      Despite the restricted political atmosphere
      will help build democracy over the longterm.

      Legal assistance generates on-the-ground expertise that boosts the cultural reception of the plan and makes future reform successful – US expertise is key
      Mednicoff 5 (David M., Assistant Professor in the Department of Legal Studies and the Center for Public Policy and Administration – University of Massachusetts–Amherst “Legalism Sans Frontières? U.S. Rule-of-Law Aid in the Arab World,” Carnegie Papers, 61, September,

      "One response to the formidable challenges to U.S.-based rule-of-law work in Arab countries is to cede the terrain of reform to indigenous Arab "
      "connect directly with a wider range of people than judges over a sustained period of time if possible."

      IJ is critical to democracy – it ensures free elections, social order, and respect of rights
      Palmer 6 (Dr. Tom, Senior Fellow – Cato Institute and a Doctorate in Political Science – Oxford University, “The Egyptian Judiciary Blazing the Path to Democracy and Economic Development,” Cato Institute, 5-31,

      "The world is watching Egypt. It holds the key to the flourishing of the Arabs. For the Egyptian protestors are "
      "the promises of an autocrat are never completely credible.""

      Egyptian instability is high – democracy creates stability that challenges theocracy
      Brown 9-12 (Stephen, Contributing Editor, “Goodbye Egypt, Hello Iran,” Front Page Magazine, 2011, 

      "While the elections meant to turn Egypt into a democracy are yet to be held, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is "
      "renting businesses on resort beaches."

      Egyptian instability causes conflict in the Mediterranean, Africa, and Middle East - collapsing the Suez Canal
      Copley 11 (Gregory O., Editor – Global Information System and Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, “Strategic Ramifications of the Egyptian Crisis”, World Tribune, 2-1, WTARC/2011/me_egypt0088_02_01.asp)

      "In the preface to the Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook on Egypt, in 1995, I noted: If Egypt remains strong, and "
      "leadership to bridge the transition until the re-emergence of a charismatic leader."

      Middle East war causes global nuclear war
      Primakov 9 (Yevgeny, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Russian Federation, Member – Russian Academy of Science, “The Middle East Problem in the Context of International Relations”, Russia in Global Affairs, 3, July/September,

      "The Middle East conflict is unparalleled in terms of its potential for spreading globally. During the Cold War, amid which the "
      "such a possibility."

      Shutdown of the Suez Canal causes economic collapse
      PE 11 (Peak Effect, “Suez Canal Oil Choke Point,” 1-29,

      "Why the recent developments in Egypt can send the world in recession or worst. Egypt can seem a Middle East or "
      "much to re-establish supplies would cause devastating damage to an already feeble economy."

      Economic collapse causes extinction
      Auslin 9 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman – Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6,

      "What do these trends mean in the short and medium term? The Great Depression showed how social and global chaos followed hard on "
      "what they are doing. The result may be a series of small explosions that coalesce into a big bang. "

      Egypt gets modeled – promotes global democracy
      Salem 11 (Mohamed Anis, Director – Development Works and Coordinator – UN Working Group in the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs, “Return of the Egyptian model?”, 3/10,

      "Taken together, there was not much left in Mubarak's model that would attract public admiration let alone emulation. Then "
      "expert predictions abound. "

      Democracy’s on the brink - consolidation solves global WMD conflict
      Halperin 11 (Morton H., Senior Advisor – Open Society Institute and Senior Vice President of the Center for American Progress, “Unconventional Wisdom – Democracy is Still Worth Fighting For”, Foreign Policy, January / February,,11)

      As the United States struggles to wind down two wars
       of those struggling for their rights. Nor should we doubt that America would be more secure if they succeed.

  • Vandy 2AC v. KY CW

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • T – Must Be Elections – 2AC


      1. We meet – legal education is DA

      Wortham 6 (Leah, Associate Professor of Law – Columbus Law School, “Aiding Clinical Education Abroad: What Can Be Gained and the Learning Curve on How to Do So Effectively,” Clinical Law Review, Spring, 12 Clinical L. Rev. 615, Hein Online)


      Carothers refers to a "democracy template"


      of "upgrading the legal profession."15"


      2. DA has four subsets – rule of law, civil society, political processes and good government

      McMahon 1 (Edward R., Director, Center on Democratic Performance, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Binghamton University, “Assessing USAID’s Assistance for Democratic Development :

      Is it Quantity Versus Quality?”, This paper was prepared for the American Political Science Association annual conference, San Francisco, August 30 – September 2, 2001, and is published in the Winter 2001 edition of Evaluation (London: SAGE Publications).,


      Defining Democracy Assistance The concept of assistance for


      • Parliamentary Training and Support – 2000


      3. Prefer our interpretation –


      A. Aff Ground – they over-limit the topic – there are only 6 affs – that makes it impossible to be Aff – aff ground outweighs neg ground on this topic – the block outweighs the persuasive value of the 2AR, they have a ton of ground: backlash DAs, condition CPs, alternate aid CPs, and topic Ks.


      B. Precision – our interpretation is from USAID – the leader in democracy assistance – their interpretation has no intent to define and is not exclusive – precision outweighs because it is the only way to have predictable limits.


      4. No ground loss – all good ground on this topic applies equally to most mechanisms.


      5. Competing interpretations is a bad – encourages a race to the bottom, causes substance crowd-out, and good is good enough.

      Coercion – 2AC


      -- Not-unique – massive coercion now – government is huge – one more instance has no impact


      -- Perm – endorse the Aff and reject all other coercion


      -- Evaluate consequences


      Harries 94 (Owen, Editor and Founder – National Interest and Senior Fellow – Centre for Independent Studies, “Power and Civilization”, The National Interest, Spring, Lexis)


      Performance is the test. Asked directly by


      promoting them will always have to be considered.


      -- Case outweighs and turns their impact


      Rothbard 73 (Murray, Dean of Austrian School, Head of Mises Institute, For A New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto,


      Many libertarians are uncomfortable with foreign policy matters


      war contracts, and loans to Western nations.


      -- No impact: no slippery slope, checks exist, there’s always value to life, and Petro is warrantless trash

      -- Property rights aren’t absolute


      Paul 81 (Jeffrey, Professor of Philosophy, Bowling Green State University, Reading Nozick, p. 9-10)


      Like Scanlon, Judith Jarvis T'homson is skeptical


      deontological conception of them leads him to believe.


      -- Right to life comes first


      Paul 81 (Ellen Frankel, Professor of Political Science – University of Colorado, Reading Nozick, Ed. Jeffrey Paul, p. 283-284)


      1. Life is the ultimate value for


      it is wrong to attempt to sustain it.)?






                   Says no – they prefer ties to the old regime – its more economical for them.


      Perm do both – genuine not key – it crushes hegemony


      Carroll 9 (Jamie FF, Notes & Comments Editor – Emory International Law Review, J.D. with Honors – Emory University School of Law, “Back to the Future: Redefining the Foreign Investment and National Security Act's Conception of National Security”, Emory International Law Review, 23 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 167, Lexis)


      n221. See Thomas Friedman, Op-


      ). See also Khalilzad, supra note 177.


      Perm --- do the counterplan --- nothing about it mandates certainty or immediacy --- they add a delay and the condition --- we can permute that.


      Not textually competitive --- text is best --- most objective and avoids the worst counterplans like consultation


      It’s acceptable within the range of “should”

      GAO 8 (Government Accounting Office, Exposure Draft of Proposed Changes to the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing,


      The second sentence of the “must”


      , “should” is the appropriate word.


      “Increase” isn’t immediate

      Hening and Munford 1811 (“Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia”, Ed. Isaac Riley, Volume IV, Google Books)


      Thursday, November 23. On the merits


      prove what the testator meant by particular words.


      “Resolved” means law

      Words and Phrases 64 (Permanent Edition)


      Definition of the word “resolve,” given


      Bouvier as meaning “to establish by law”.


      Process counterplans are bad ---

      A) Crushes topic education --- it diverts from core questions of visas policy and causes stale and repetitive debates about non-central questions --- there’s no literature about most in the context of the topic


      B) Fairness --- makes being Aff impossible --- solvency deficits are contrived and the neg gets limitless alternative processes of enactment --- consult, recommend, bargain, reverse condition make it impossible --- err Aff --- neg gets structural advantages like Ks and multiple counterplan options



      CP doesn’t solve –


      1) CP creates competing demands that make reform impossible

      McEldowney 2k (John, “Judicial Reform and Legal Technical Assistance in Latin America,” Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization, p. 331)


      Far from setting clear and unambiguous goals,


      culture come about and are supportive of democratization.


      2) Consult shows lack of commitment

      Harris 3 (Tobias, Editor, Concord Bridge Magazine, Gulliver Unbound, Concord Bridge Magazine, 5-20,


      At what point does asymmetrical multilateralism cease being


      necessarily entails moral equivocation and watered down positions.



      -- No solvency – delay


      Steinberg 1 (Gerald, Center for Strategic Studies, Jerusalem Post, 9-21, Lexis)


      Instead of time-consuming negotiations and diplomatic


      which are themselves threatened by fundamentalist Islamic terror.





      Perm do both


      -- Conditionality is a voter – creates time and strategy skews, not reciprocal, promotes argumentative irresponsibility, and dispo solves their offense


      Perm do the CP


      -- Process CPs are a voter – crush ground by stealing the Aff and divert topic education to stale and repetitive debates about enactment


      Perm do the plan and all planks of the CP except not increasing democracy assistance



      Doesn’t solve – obama needs credible action – establishing a program but not actually funding it



      Obama Good – 2AC


      -- Case turns the DA –  ________.


      Won’t pass

      Washington Post 10-6 (Chris Cillizza, “Does President Obama still have political juice?,” The Fix,


      “Are you worried about your own powers


      whack the ball back into the House’s court?


      -- Fiat solves the link – instant, so there’s no repercussions


      Winners win.

      Halloran 10 (Liz, Reporter – NPR, “For Obama, What A Difference A Week Made”, National Public Radio, 4-6,


      Amazing what a win in a major legislative


      now suggest is a losing issue for them.


      -- Political capital isn’t key – voting is ideological


      -- Not intrinsic – logical policymaker can do the plan and pass _____________________.


      -- Plan’s popular – wide congressional support

      Bell 9 (Jacqueline, Regional Inspector General (Cairo) – Office of Inspector General, “Audit of USAID/Egypt’s Democracy and Governance Activities,” OIG, Audit Report No. 6-263-10-001-P, 10-27,


      The Government of Egypt signed a bilateral agreement


      time since USAID assistance began in the 1980s.


      -- Turn – Israel lobby supports democracy assistance

      Kampeas 11 (Ron, “A Quandary: To Push Egypt or Not?”, February 3,


      Pro-Israel congressional insiders said there had


      disastrous consequences, including critics of the regime.


      They control Obama’s foreign policy agenda

      Agence France Presse 11 (“AIPAC: powerful US lobby on pro-Israel mission”, May 26,


      AIPAC has indisputably emerged as the most influential


      town but throughout this country and the world.


      Obama’s immigration policy thumps the DA

      Gerstein 10-12 (Josh, “Barack Obama's immigration gamble,” Center for Immigration Studies,

      Amid impassioned demands from Latinos to revamp immigration


      is less risky than the one she inherited.



      -- Egyptian democracy assistance popular – GOP

      Foley 11 (Elise, “Obama Proposes Cuts To Democracy-Promoting Programs Abroad, Despite GOP Rebukes Over Egypt”, 2/14, Huffington Post,


      Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on "


      powerful during Egypt's transition to a new government.




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