1. We meet – legal education is DA
Wortham 6 (Leah, Associate Professor of Law – Columbus Law School, “Aiding Clinical Education Abroad: What Can Be Gained and the Learning Curve on How to Do So Effectively,” Clinical Law Review, Spring, 12 Clinical L. Rev. 615, Hein Online)
Carothers refers to a "democracy template"
of "upgrading the legal profession."15"
2. DA has four subsets – rule of law, civil society, political processes and good government
McMahon 1 (Edward R., Director, Center on Democratic Performance, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Binghamton University, “Assessing USAID’s Assistance for Democratic Development : Is it Quantity Versus Quality?”, This paper was prepared for the American Political Science Association annual conference, San Francisco, August 30 – September 2, 2001, and is published in the Winter 2001 edition of Evaluation (London: SAGE Publications)., http://cdp.binghamton.edu/papers/usaid-apsa.pdf)
Defining Democracy Assistance The concept of assistance for
at the forefront of democratic change, Benin.
Partial list of democratic development programs funded by the U.S. government in recent
years in Benin:
• International observation mission to Presidential elections – 1991;
• West African political party and civic organization election observer training – 1991;
• Grass roots political party training program – 1993 to 1995;
• Continuous series of exchanges;
• Pre-legislative election assessment mission – 1995;
• Support for election lessons learned assessment by Beninois NGOs– 1995;
• Pre-Presidential election assessment – 1996;
• International and Beninois observers to Presidential elections – 1996;
• Provision of commodities to Presidential elections – 1996;
• Parliamentary needs assessment - 1998;
• Civil society development programs, both to support infrastructure and to foster input
into public policy dialogue – continuous.
• Parliamentary Training and Support – 2000
3. Prefer our interpretation –
A. Aff Ground – they over-limit the topic – there are only 6 affs – that makes it impossible to be Aff – aff ground outweighs neg ground on this topic – the block outweighs the persuasive value of the 2AR, they have a ton of ground: backlash DAs, condition CPs, alternate aid CPs, and topic Ks.
B. Precision – our interpretation is from USAID – the leader in democracy assistance – their interpretation has no intent to define and is not exclusive – precision outweighs because it is the only way to have predictable limits.
4. No ground loss – all good ground on this topic applies equally to most mechanisms.
5. Competing interpretations is a bad – encourages a race to the bottom, causes substance crowd-out, and good is good enough.
Economic and military aid will be increased – Obama is pushing – triggers the link
Sharp 11 (Jeremy – Specialist in ME Affairs – Congressional Research Service, “Egypt in Transition”, 8/23, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33003.pdf)
This report provides a brief overview of the
United States Government unless authorized for such purposes.”
Obama’s rhetoric triggers the link
CSM 5/19 (Christian Science Monitor, “Obama Middle East speech: That was the easy part”, 2011, Lexis)
In the Arab Spring, whose side is
, as well as criticisms in the US.
No PC – Low Approval ratings
Agence France Presse, 10/21/2011 (Obama approval rating falls to new low: poll, p. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5gIukL7f9sT86en5shwU2pD28VzLQ?docId=CNG.372358000fff8eb3e0bd8527f1e55dc5.71)
US President Barack Obama's job approval rating has
percent, before he lost re-election.
Obama has no capital and cannot use it to lobby.
Page, 10/14/2011 (Clarence, Obama’s lonely presidency, News Times, p. http://www.newstimes.com/opinion/article/Obama-s-lonely-presidency-2219189.php)
In this, President Barack Obama's autumn of
as lawmakers face reelection races of their own.
PC Fails – 2AC
Obama’s capital fails – he cannot persuade and concessions are pocketed.
Feaver, 10/25/2011 (Peter – professor of political science at Duke University and director of the Triangle Institute for Security Studies, How can President Obama lead if he can’t persuade, Foreign Policy, p. http://shadow.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/25/how_can_president_obama_lead_if_he_cant_persuade)
Ramesh Ponnuru makes an interesting argument that President
hard to see how he can lead effectively.
Rule of law solves every impact
Carothers 98 (Thomas, Vice President for Studies – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Rule-of-Law Revival”, Foreign Affairs, 77(2), March/April, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/CarothersChapter11.pdf)
One cannot get through a foreign policy debate
is the rule of law, of course.
Rule of law k2 econ
Carothers 98 (Thomas, Vice President for Studies – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Rule-of-Law Revival”, Foreign Affairs, 77(2), March/April, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/CarothersChapter11.pdf)
The relationship between the rule of law and
what has become known as Asian-style democracy
Rule of law solves backsliding
Carothers 98 (Thomas, Vice President for Studies – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Rule-of-Law Revival”, Foreign Affairs, 77(2), March/April, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/CarothersChapter11.pdf)
Since the early 1980s dozens of countries in
rule of law is integral to this phase.
Egyptians want U.S. aid
Kagan and Gerecht, 3/9/2011 (Robert - adjunct professor of history at Georgetown University, and Reuel - senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and former Middle East specialist for the CIA, The Shadow of the Iraq War isn’t as long as Applebaum Claims, The Washington Post, p. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/postpartisan/2011/03/the_shadow_of_the_iraq_war_isn.html)
Our friend Anne Applebaum makes a bizarre assertion
people want U.S. economic help.
-- US-Russian relations solve multiple scenarios for extinction
Cohen 00 (Stephen, professor of Russian studies at New York University, Failed Crusade, p. 196-205)
These assurances are manifestly untrue and, coming
will reap the benefits or pay the price.
Relations resilient – we have a stable partnership with Russia in the status quo, and it’s getting better
Kramer 06 (David, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, 7 / 24, “After the G-8: The Future Orbit of U.S.-Russian Relations”, Remarks at the Heritage Foundation, http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO0607/S00413.htm)
There has been a loud debate for months
together on many problems that require our cooperation.
Relations are resilient – cooperation on terrorism and trade
Kramer 06 (David, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, 7 / 24, “After the G-8: The Future Orbit of U.S.-Russian Relations”, Remarks at the Heritage Foundation, http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/WO0607/S00413.htm)
The St. Petersburg G-8 Summit
serves U.S. national security interests.
Soft Power
Soft power creates effective coalitions that solve disease, environment, and the economy – each of those cause extinction.
Disease spread causes extinction
Scotsman 95 (9-11, “The Mega Death”, p. 13, Lexis)
Bullets and bombs may be the weapons of
had the capability to engage in biological warfare.
Eco collapse causes extinction
Jayawardena 9 (Asitha, London South Bank University, “We Are a Threat to All Life on Earth”, Indicator, 7-17, http://www.indicator.org.uk/?p=55)
Sloep and Van Dam-Mieras (1995
…. expecting surprises and adapting to these.’