Georgia » Georgia Lacy-Layton Aff

Georgia Lacy-Layton Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 11:51
  • Egypt 1AC (GSU)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Round 1 Plan

      The United States Federal Government should substantially increase its assistance in legal education and civil society building for the Arab Republic of Egypt

      Round 7 Plan

      The United States Federal Government should substantially increase legal clinics in Egypt

      Contention 1 is Credibility

      Obama’s ambiguity over Egyptian assistance guts US credibility – a consistent and credible push for judicial training restores our perception abroad
      Guirguis 9 (Dina, Fellow for Near East Policy – Washington Institute and Executive Director – Voices for a Democratic Egypt, “Promoting Democracy in Egypt,” Eurasia Critic, July,

      "In the aftermath of President Obama's historic speech delivered from Cairo last month, many are still left "
      "ramifications for the entire Middle East."

      US credibility is already taking a hit – Obama needs to fulfill the goals laid out in his Cairo speech to reverse this perception
      Zeitvogel 7-13 (Karin, Correspondent  Agence France-Presse, “Arab world's ratings of Obama, US plummet: poll,” 7-13, Online)

      "Two years after US President Barack Obama called in a groundbreaking speech from Cairo for a "new beginning" "
      "polled said they saw the United States in a good light.  The lowest rating came from Egypt  a mere five percent."

      The plan immediately reverses negative perceptions of Obama – it gives him a major foreign policy win that restores his credibility
      Lane 11 (Charles, Economic Policy Specialist and Editorial Writer – Washington Post, “Obama's Egypt opportunity,” Washington Post, 2-13,

      "From its beginning, the crisis in Egypt has reminded many Americans of similar events a generation ago in Iran, "
      "enough to warrant a major investment of his administration's time and energy in Egypt over the rest of his term."

      Egypt is a testing ground for Obama’s credibility – a strong push for democracy is critical
      Hamid 10 (Shadi, Deputy Director and Middle East Policy Fellow – Brookings Center, “The Cairo Conundrum,” Democracy Journal, Issue 15, Winter,

      "In his June 4, 2009 speech at Cairo University, President Barack Obama dramatically raised expectations for U.S. "
      Rhetoric raises expectations, forcing us at least to consider the prospect of  meeting them.

      Outweighs all alt causes – Egypt gives Obama valuable foreign policy cards
      Young, 8/25/2011 (Michael – opinion page editor for the Daily Star and author of The Ghosts of Martyrs Square, Arab Spring gives US a new chance in the Middle East, The National, p.

      "Barack Obama has not faced the continuing revolutions in the Arab world with any passion. Rather, the US president has "
      "inspiring, the thrilling, can ambitiously redefine America's long-term interaction with an Arab world in thrilling flux."

      Two impacts –

      First, Obama’s credibility  presidential consistency is key to reverse the perception of indecisiveness and combat global aggression
      Bolton 9 (John R., Senior Fellow – American Enterprise Institute and Former U.S. Ambassador – United Nations, “The Danger of Obama’s Dithering”, Los Angeles Times, 10-18,

      "Weakness in American foreign policy in one region often invites challenges elsewhere, because our adversaries "
      "persistence in the face of criticism and adversity, engagement simply embodies weakness and indecision."

      Obama’s weakness causes global instability – Iran, North Korea, Pakistan and India, Russia, China all lash out
      Hanson 9 (Victor Davis, Senior Fellow in Classics and Military History – Hoover Institution, “Change, Weakness, Disaster, Obama: Answers from Victor Davis Hanson,” Pajamas Media, 12-7,

      "BC: Are we currently sending a message of weakness to our foes and allies? Can anything good result from "
      "tiger and now no one quite knows whom it will bite or when."

      Iranian prolif escalates to nuclear war
      Sokolsky 3 (Henry, Exec Dir – Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, Policy Review, 10-1, Lexis)

      "If nothing is done to shore up U.S. and allied security relations with the Gulf Coordination Council states and with "
      "disturbingly similar to that of 1914 but with one big difference: It would be spring-loaded to go nuclear."

      Indo/Pak conflict can quickly erupt - the ensuing nuclear conflict ensures nuclear winter
      Robock 10 (Alan, Professor of Climatology – Rutgers University and Associate Director – Center for Environmental Prediction “Local War, Global Suffering,” Scientific American, January,

      Abolition: The Only Policy
      "potential to erupt suddenly."

      China/India conflict escalates into global great power conflict
      Darling 10 (Daniel, International Military Markets Analyst – Forecast International Inc., “Will the Indian Ocean Become the Next Arena of Great Power Conflict?”, The Faster Times, 5-4, ding/2010/03/24/will-the-indian-ocean-become-the-next-arena-of-great-power-conflict/)

      "As the global balance of power continues to shift from west to east, so too do the intermingling pressures that brought "
      "good a place to start as any."

      Iranian adventurism sparks nuclear war
      Ben-Meir 7 (Alon – professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs, Ending iranian defiance, United Press International, 2-6, p. lexis)

      "That Iran stands today able to challenge or even defy the United States in every sphere of American influence in the Middle East attests to the "
      "regional implications, Washington is left with no choice but to warn Iran of the severe consequences of not halting its nuclear program."

      Second, US Credibility – loss of credibility permanently crushes overall soft power – unconditional assistance is key
      Byron 11 (“Soft Power in the Middle East: Reforming American Foreign Policy,” Press Storm, 3-11,

      "The lack of a consistently supportive stance on democratic revolution in the Middle East threatens to undermine "
      "power of citizen diplomacy and international friendship."

      Soft power builds effective coalitions that solves terrorism, disease, environment, and WMD war
      Reiss 8 (Mitchell B., Vice Provost of International Affairs – College of William & Mary, “Restoring America's Image: What the Next President Can Do”, Survival, October, 50(5))

      "But first, there is another question to be answered: why should Americans care if the United States is liked or not? "

      Also, soft power is key to US hegemony
      Sen 5 (Sankar, Former Director – Indian National Police Academy, The Statesman, 4-5, Lexis)

      "Indeed anti-American sentiment is sweeping the world after the Iraq war. It has, of course, been aggravated by the "
      "American pre-eminence."

      Collapse of leadership causes global nuclear war
      Kagan 11 (Robert, Senior Associate – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “The Price of Power”, The Weekly Standard, 1-24,

      "Today the international situation is also one of high risk.  • The terrorists who would like to kill Americans on U.S. "
      "that you can pull a leg out from under a table and the table will not fall over. "

      Contention 2 is Independent Judiciary, or IJ

      Egypt’s judiciary is incomplete – legal practices damages its independence
      El Chazli 10 (Foutouh, Lecturer in Law – University of Alexandria, “Egypt: The Independence of the Judiciary,” Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network, June, Online)

      "It is true that things are better for the judicial authority’s independence in Egypt than in most neighbouring "
      "and rulings, even rulings handed down by the state security courts, are not being respected."

      Mubarak’s fall doesn’t change anything – the judiciary is still corrupt
      El Fegiery 11 (Moataz, Deputy Director – MENA Program – International Center for Transitional Justice, “Save Egypt’s judiciary, and revolution,” Daily Star, 8-9,

      "The appearance of Hosni Mubarak in the opening of his trial last week reassured millions of Egyptians that their revolutionary struggle was not "
      "political will to investigate these crimes and hold perpetrators accountable, despite calls from civil society to do so."

      Providing legal education to Egyptian NGOs creates a bottom-up approach that promotes accountability within the system – top-down approaches are doomed to failure
      Mednicoff 5 (David M., Assistant Professor in the Department of Legal Studies and the Center for Public Policy and Administration – University of Massachusetts–Amherst “Legalism Sans Frontières? U.S. Rule-of-Law Aid in the Arab World,” Carnegie Papers, 61, September,

      "Nonetheless, Arab lawyers and U.S. experts with whom I have spoken tend to agree that  programs geared toward "
      "Washington’s efforts."

      NGOs promote effective judicial training – they are separate from military control
      Aftandilian 9 (Gregory L., Former Middle East Analyst – US State Department, Former Research Fellow – Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and International Affairs Fellow – Council on Foreign Relations, “Looking Forward: An Integrated Strategy for Supporting Democracy and Human Rights in Egypt,” Project on Middle East Democracy, May,

      Despite the restricted political atmosphere
      will help build democracy over the longterm.

      Legal assistance generates on-the-ground expertise that boosts the cultural reception of the plan and makes future reform successful – US expertise is key
      Mednicoff 5 (David M., Assistant Professor in the Department of Legal Studies and the Center for Public Policy and Administration – University of Massachusetts–Amherst “Legalism Sans Frontières? U.S. Rule-of-Law Aid in the Arab World,” Carnegie Papers, 61, September,

      "One response to the formidable challenges to U.S.-based rule-of-law work in Arab countries is to cede the terrain of reform to indigenous Arab "
      "connect directly with a wider range of people than judges over a sustained period of time if possible."

      IJ is critical to democracy – it ensures free elections, social order, and respect of rights
      Palmer 6 (Dr. Tom, Senior Fellow – Cato Institute and a Doctorate in Political Science – Oxford University, “The Egyptian Judiciary Blazing the Path to Democracy and Economic Development,” Cato Institute, 5-31,

      "The world is watching Egypt. It holds the key to the flourishing of the Arabs. For the Egyptian protestors are "
      "the promises of an autocrat are never completely credible.""

      Egyptian instability is high – democracy creates stability that challenges theocracy
      Brown 9-12 (Stephen, Contributing Editor, “Goodbye Egypt, Hello Iran,” Front Page Magazine, 2011, 

      "While the elections meant to turn Egypt into a democracy are yet to be held, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is "
      "renting businesses on resort beaches."

      Egyptian instability causes conflict in the Mediterranean, Africa, and Middle East - collapsing the Suez Canal
      Copley 11 (Gregory O., Editor – Global Information System and Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, “Strategic Ramifications of the Egyptian Crisis”, World Tribune, 2-1, WTARC/2011/me_egypt0088_02_01.asp)

      "In the preface to the Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook on Egypt, in 1995, I noted: If Egypt remains strong, and "
      "leadership to bridge the transition until the re-emergence of a charismatic leader."

      Middle East war causes global nuclear war
      Primakov 9 (Yevgeny, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Russian Federation, Member – Russian Academy of Science, “The Middle East Problem in the Context of International Relations”, Russia in Global Affairs, 3, July/September,

      "The Middle East conflict is unparalleled in terms of its potential for spreading globally. During the Cold War, amid which the "
      "such a possibility."

      Shutdown of the Suez Canal causes economic collapse
      PE 11 (Peak Effect, “Suez Canal Oil Choke Point,” 1-29,

      "Why the recent developments in Egypt can send the world in recession or worst. Egypt can seem a Middle East or "
      "much to re-establish supplies would cause devastating damage to an already feeble economy."

      Economic collapse causes extinction
      Auslin 9 (Michael, Resident Scholar – American Enterprise Institute, and Desmond Lachman – Resident Fellow – American Enterprise Institute, “The Global Economy Unravels”, Forbes, 3-6,

      "What do these trends mean in the short and medium term? The Great Depression showed how social and global chaos followed hard on "
      "what they are doing. The result may be a series of small explosions that coalesce into a big bang. "

      Egypt gets modeled – promotes global democracy
      Salem 11 (Mohamed Anis, Director – Development Works and Coordinator – UN Working Group in the Egyptian Council for Foreign Affairs, “Return of the Egyptian model?”, 3/10,

      "Taken together, there was not much left in Mubarak's model that would attract public admiration let alone emulation. Then "
      "expert predictions abound. "

      Democracy’s on the brink - consolidation solves global WMD conflict
      Halperin 11 (Morton H., Senior Advisor – Open Society Institute and Senior Vice President of the Center for American Progress, “Unconventional Wisdom – Democracy is Still Worth Fighting For”, Foreign Policy, January / February,,11)

      As the United States struggles to wind down two wars
       of those struggling for their rights. Nor should we doubt that America would be more secure if they succeed.

  • Egypt EU CP 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: Round 4 | Opponent: Dartmouth AS | Judge: Ron Stevenson

    • Perm solves – Egypt will pick EU aid, and coordination makes reform effective
      Aftandilian 9 (Gregory L., Former Middle East Analyst – US State Department, Former Research Fellow – Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and International Affairs Fellow – Council on Foreign Relations, “Looking Forward: An Integrated Strategy for Supporting Democracy and Human Rights in Egypt,” Project on Middle East Democracy, May,

      "Similarly, there needs to be greater coordination on Egyptian democratization between the United States and the "
      "of the rights  of the Egyptian public. "

      US model promotes emphasis on the role of the judiciary – the EU model fails
      Chesterman 8 (Simon, Global Professor and Director – New York University School of Law Singapore Programme, and  Associate Professor – National University of Singapore Faculty of Law, “An International Rule of Law?,” American Journal of Comparative Law, Spring, 56 Am. J. Comp. L. 331, Lexis)

      Continental European jurists developed a
      insisted that "it is, emphatically, the province of the judicial department to say what the law is." 6 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803).

      2) Lacks expertise and coherence
      Crawford 2k (Gordon, Senior Lecturer in Development Studies  Watson Institute for International Studies, “European Union Development and Co-operation and the Promotion of Democracy,” Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization, p. 120-1)

      "A second shortcoming, and a major obstacle to effectiveness, is the absence of a clear democracy promotion "
      "democratic deficit to be addressed within the institutions and structures of the European Union itself."

      Only the US solves expertise
      Hearn and Robinson 2k (Julie, Lecturer in Politics and Development – University of Lancaster, and Mark, IDS Fellow and Team Leader of the IDS Governance Group “Civil Society and Democracy Assistance in Africa,” Democracy Assistance: International Co-operation for Democratization, p.246-7)

      By far and away the leading donor in aid to civil society
      countries is considered each in turn.

      3) EU uses a “top-down” approach – only “bottom-up” approach solves
      Schout 11 (Adriaan, Head of the Clingendael European Studies Programme at the Clingendael Institute in
      the Hague and Associate Research Fellow at CEPS, “A Policy Agenda for a European Rule of Law: Glass Half-Empty or Glass Half-Full?” EU Policy Perspectives, 6-17,

      "Another issue identified was the double-standard discourse of the EU pointing at a dilemma between rule of law "
      "sustain the rule of law in Europe, notably in terms of resources, staff and (active) public support."

  • Egypt Orientalism K 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 4 | Opponent: Dartmouth AS | Judge: Ron Stevenson

    • Act to save the most lives – imperfect knowledge doesn’t justify inaction
      Cowen 4 (Tyler, Professor of Economics – George Mason University, “The Epistemic Problem Does Not Refute Consequentialism”, 11-2,, p. 14-15)

      "The epistemic critique relies heavily on a complete lack of information about initial circumstances. This is not a "

      Representations don’t influence reality
      Tuathail 96 (Gearoid, Department of Geography – Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Political Geography, 15(6-7), p. 664)

      "While theoretical debates at academic conferences are important to academics, the discourse and concerns of "
      "mess that is  human history."

      Orientalist reps don’t cause war – its correlation, not causation
      Andrew J. Rotter 2k, prof @ colgate. "Saidism without said: orientalism and US diplomatic history" The american historical review, 105(4) 2000 p. 1208-10

      "A third and yet more troubling problem for historians reading Orientalism is Said's dubious epistemological "

      The K essentializes East/West dichotomy – makes it impossible for either to fully understand one another – replicating the same violence
      Freund 1 (Charles Paul Freund, Senior Editor – Reason Magazine, December, “The end of the Orientalist critique”

      "For example, the curator for a recent traveling exhibit of American Orientalist antiques ("Noble Dreams, Wicked "
      "guilt, and is no better than the views of Europe’s imperial Orientalists at their worst."

      The plan’s clinical pedagogy lets students challenge the worst aspects of the legal imperialism – turns the K
      Wilson 4 (Richard J., Professor of Law and Director of International Human Rights Clinic – American University’s College of Law, “Training for Justice: The Global Reach of Clinical Legal Education,” Penn State International Law Review, Summer, 22 Penn St. Int'l L. Rev. 421, Lexis)

      "Perhaps the greatest overall concern in the development of clinical legal education outside the United States is the "
      "justice for all."

  • Egypt China Bashing DA 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 4 | Opponent: Dartmouth AS | Judge: Ron Stevenson

    • Obama won’t spend capital on PC
      Reuters, 9/15/2011 (US senator wants China bill vote before trade pacts, p.
      "Many lawmakers feel China deliberately undervalues its currency to give its companies an unfair trade "
      "whether any country is manipulating its currency for an unfair trade advantage."

      Obama has no political capital
      Wehner 9-14 (Peter, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, “Has Obama Learned Anything?” Commentary Magazine,

      "Imagine you’re in the Obama White House, and this is what you face. Democrats lose a special election in a congressional district "

      Low chance of China bashing legislation.
      International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, 9/7/2011 (Trade pacts, china currency could all be on the table as us congress returns, p.

      "Similar statements have also come from Democrats in the House: former House Speaker and current Minority "
      "House and the Senate are very low.”"

      Turn – winners win
      Singer 9 (Jonathan, Editor – MyDD and JD – University of California, Berkeley, “By Expending Capital, Obama Grows His Capital”, MyDD, 3-3,

      "Peter Hart gets at a key point. Some believe that political capital is finite, that it can be used up. To an extent that's "
      "forward on anything from universal healthcare to energy reform to ending the war in Iraq."

       Plan’s popular – wide congressional support
      Bell 9 (Jacqueline, Regional Inspector General (Cairo) – Office of Inspector General, “Audit of USAID/Egypt’s Democracy and Governance Activities,” OIG, Audit Report No. 6-263-10-001-P, 10-27,

      "The Government of Egypt signed a bilateral agreement to support democracy and governance activities (page 5), "
      "the first time since USAID assistance began in the 1980s."

  • Egypt T Direct Democracy 2AC

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 7 | Opponent: Emory CP | Judge: SGannon

      1. We meet – legal education is DA
        Wortham 6 (Leah, Associate Professor of Law – Columbus Law School, “Aiding Clinical Education Abroad: What Can Be Gained and the Learning Curve on How to Do So Effectively,” Clinical Law Review, Spring, 12 Clinical L. Rev. 615, Hein Online)

      "Carothers refers to a "democracy template" that had emerged in democracy assistance work.156 Three categories "
      "of "upgrading the legal profession."15""

      2. DA has four subsets – rule of law, civil society, political processes and good government
      McMahon 1 (Edward R., Director, Center on Democratic Performance, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Binghamton University, “Assessing USAID’s Assistance for Democratic Development :
      Is it Quantity Versus Quality?”, This paper was prepared for the American Political Science Association annual conference, San Francisco, August 30 – September 2, 2001, and is published in the Winter 2001 edition of Evaluation (London: SAGE Publications).,

      "Defining Democracy Assistance The concept of assistance for democratic development has become increasingly "
      "democratic change, Benin."

  • Egypt Add-ons

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Federalism

      Legal education in Egypt solves federalism – global federalism solves war, Iraq, Turkey, Arab-Israeli peace – US key
      Mallat 3 (Chibli, Law Professor – University of St. Joseph in Beirut, “Federalism in the Middle East and Europe,” Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, Winter, 35 Case W. Res. J. Int'l L. 1, Lexis)

      "Federalism is the quintessential American invention. I have had occasion to dwell on it recently in a work which was published in "
      This means that we would have to find a unique accommodation of both geographical and communitarian federalism to solve this problem.

  • Egypt Credibility New Terror Impact

    • Tournament: GSU | Round: 7 | Opponent: Emory CP | Judge: SGannon

    • Presidential weakness causes terrorism and global wars
      Peters 8 (Ralph, Lieutenant Colonel – United States Army (Ret.), “America the Weak: US Risks Turmoil Under Prez O”, New York Post, 10-20, jfBPf3uobyM)

      "IF Sen. Barack Obama is elected president, our republic will survive, but our international strategy and some of our allies may not. "
      "Central and Eastern Europe will be gravely discouraged, while the appeasers in Western Europe will again have the upper "
      hand. Putin will be allowed to do what he wants. "

      Nuclear terrorism causes retaliation that sparks global nuclear war and extinction
      Ayson 10 (Robert, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand –  Victoria University of Wellington, “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33(7), July)

  • Egypt Palestinian Statehood 1AC

    • Tournament: Kentucky RR | Round: Round 1 | Opponent: Wake BC | Judge: Repko

    • In a few weeks, Palestine will win its statehood at the UN. Even if a Security Council vote fails, Palestine will win a General Assembly vote.
      Business Week, 9/26/2011 (Palestinians Fight ‘Tremendous Pressure’ in UN Membership Bid, p.
      The Palestinians are pushing back against “tremendous
      countries have bilaterally recognized Palestine as a state.

      Current side negotiations will fail.
      Christian Science Monitor, 9/26/2011 (The latest Quartet proposal to pressure Abbas? Going nowhere, p.
      His application for full membership in the UN
      , it's hard to imagine Abbas shifting course.

      Restarting talks is key to sideline the UN statehood bid.
      Voice of America News, 9/18/2011 (Quartet seeks to avert Palestinian Statehood Showdown, p.
      Envoys from the Mideast Quartet meet in New
      bid for statehood at the U.N.

      A side deal is key to prevent confrontation in the UN.
      Richter, 9/21/2011 (Paul, Diplomatic deal to avert crisis possible, Tribune, p.
      Diplomats scrambled Tuesday to cobble together a deal
      veto and could have cut off Palestinian funding.

      Plan helps the U.S. mediate the peace process.
      Levin 11 (Geoffrey, Goldman Fellow at the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council, “To Mediate Middle East Peace, Obama Must First Regain Trust,” AIJAC, 7-25,
      When Obama sets up expectations that are then
      he can help them to trust each other.

      Restoring Obama’s credibility is key to the success of the peace process.
      Chernus, 10/16/2009 (Ira - professor of religious studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, What’s Obama’s Score on Mideast Peast, Truthout, p.
      In the end, Freedland concludes what any
      be the winner usually ends up the winner.

      UN statehood causes Israel to feel isolation.
      Wall Street Journal, 5/24/2011 (Palestinian statehood vote looms over U.S. Israel rift, p.
      The vote at September's U.N.
      the Palestinians more leverage if talks do resume.

      Israeli isolationism sparks nuclear war – overcomes rationality and deterrence.
      The New Republic, 7/15/2002, p. lexis
      The more that Israelis are treated as pariahs
      would place the Jewish state outside international norms.  

      UN statehood creates a spiral of separatism.
      Rubin, 9/11/2011 (Michael - resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, The UN’s Palestinian Precedent, Commentary, p.
      Many states will vote for unilateral Palestinian statehood
      other multi-ethnic areas and conflict zones.

      Global nuclear war.
      Shehadi 1993 (Kamal, Research Associate – International Institute for Strategic Studies, December, Ethnic Self Determination and the Break Up of States, p. 81)
      This paper has argued that self-determination
      conflicts will erupt over national minorities and borders.

      Russian separatism sparks Ukraine conflict – escalates to global nuclear war.
      Kingston 2009 (Brian, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs – CIFP, “Ukraine: A Risk Assessment Report”, February,
      Russia: Russia seeks to influence the weakened
      least the drawing in of many other countries. 

      Chechnyan separatists escalate to global nuclear war.
      Dunlop 2006 (William, Retired Senior Scientist – Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, and Harold Smith, Distinguished Visiting Scholar and Professor of Public Policy – University of California at Berkeley, “Who Did It? Using International Forensics to Detect and Deter Nuclear Terrorism”, Arms Control Today, October,
      Among these, Moscow perhaps presents the most
      1996 TWA Flight 800 airline disaster.[5]

      Indo/Pak war escalates to global nuclear war.
      Alan Robock 2010, professor of climatology at Rutgers University and associate director of the school’s Center for Environmental Prediction and Owen Brian Toon, chair of the department of atmospheric and oceanic sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder and a fellow of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, fellow of the American Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Union, “Local War, Global Suffering,” Scientific American, January, 2010,
      Abolition: The Only Policy People have several
      of conflict have the potential to erupt suddenly.

  • Libya 1AC (KYRR/Clay)

    • Tournament: Kentucky Round Robin | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The United States Federal Government should provide technical support in the areas of rule of law, political dialogue, constitution-making and the electoral process for Libya through the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.

      Aid Now

      Military aid now.
      USA Today, 9/20/2011 (Obama pledges U.S. help for Libya, USA Today, p.
      President Obama said today that the United States
      continue to provide security assistance, Obama said.

      Unfrozen assets.
      New York Times, 9/1/2011 (Libya’s supporters gather in Paris to help ease new government’s transition, p.
      The Libyans have been pressing for the release
      from $50 billion to $150 billion.

      Advantage One – Stability

      The conditions are ripe for a stable transition. Libya is rich, diverse, and accessible.
      Dobbins and Wehrey, 8/23/2011 (James – director of the International Security and Defense Policy Center at RAND, and Frederic – senior policy analyst at RAND, Libyan nation building after Qaddafi, Foreign Affairs, p.
      Nation building is resource-intensive, and
      the complex and demanding tasks of peace building.

      Libya needs technical assistance to transition to democracy. That prevents a collapse.
      Democracy Digest, 9/13/2011 (Libya’s maneuver ahead of ‘complex’ transition, p.
      “Transition is complex, open-ended
      will turn bad very soon and very quickly.”

      Libyan collapse destabilizes the region and undermines stability in Iraq.
      Pack, 3/18/2011 (Jason – researcher of Libya at Oxford University’s St. Antony’s College, Libya is too big to fail, Foreign Policy, p.
      Today we face a familiar dilemma. Libya
      simply too big to be allowed to fail.

      Iraq instability escalates to world war three.
      Corsi 7 (Jerome, "War with Iran is imminent," Phd in Poly Sci @ Harvard, author, + staff reporter @ World Net Daily, 1-8,
      If a broader war breaks out in Iraq
      much as World Wars I and II began.

      African conflicts escalate to great power wars.
      Glick, 12/12/2007 (Caroline – senior Middle East fellow at the Center for Security Policy, Condi’s African holiday, p.
      The Horn of Africa is a dangerous and
      which flows through all countries of the region.

      That goes nuclear.
      Deutsch 2001 (Dr. Jeffery – founder at Rabid Tiger Project, Rabid Tiger Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 7, 11-18, p.
      The Rabid Tiger Project believes that a nuclear
      , and some people love to go fishing. 

      U.S. support for Libyan civil societies and good governance is critical to prevent transitional violence. Only the United States has the expertise establish the foundations of stability.
      Margon, 8/22/2011 (Sarah - associate director for Sustainable Security at American Progress, Libya Will Still Need Help After Qaddafi’s Departure, Center for American Progress, p.
      Ensuring political unity in the TNC is crucial
      strong commitment to doing so on all fronts.

      U.S. expertise and political knowledge is critical to prevent democratic backsliding.
      Vandewalle, 4/6/2011 (Dirk – teaches in the department of government at Dartmouth, The Reconstruction of Libya – Local and International Constraints and Opportunities, Testimony before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, p.
      As the United States continues to find its
      the foundations of a future, democratic Libya.

      Advantage Two – Multilateralism

      Sustained UN engagement on Libya is critical to maintain U.S. leadership, garner cooperation on multiple issues and overall multilateralism. The alternative is counterbalancing.
      Brimmer, 9/15/2011 (Esther - assistant secretary of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, A Misguided Assault, p.
      Glancing at the agenda of the upcoming General
      those who would not act in our interests.

      Solves proliferation and terrorism.
      Wirth, 3/22/2011 (Timothy – former senator from Colorado, served as the Undersecretary for Global Affairs in the Clinton Administration, president of the United Nations Foundation, The US-UN partnership: greater engagement will bring a greater institution, Harvard International Review, p. EBSCO Host)
      The greatest challenges to US national security today
      nuclear program and prospered from its illicit activities.

      Terrorists have the means.
      Bunn, November 2008 (Matthew – associate professor of public policy at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Securing the Bomb 2008, p. v)
      Terrorists are still seeking nuclear weapons— and
      do to ensure that they are effectively secured. 

      And they can deliver.
      Allison and Kokoshin, Fall 2002 (Graham – professor of government and former director of the Belfer Center at Harvard University, and Andrei – member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, The New Containment, The National Interest, p. lexis)
      As Robert Walpole, a National Intelligence Officer
      be able to smuggle in a nuclear bomb."

      Terrorism causes retaliation that sparks global nuclear war and extinction.
      Ayson 2010 (Robert, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand –  Victoria University of Wellington, “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33(7), July)
      A terrorist nuclear attack, and even the
      might not help the chances of nuclear restraint.

      Prolif escalates to global nuclear war.
      Utgoff, Summer 2002 (Victor – deputy director for strategy, forces and resources division at the Institute for Defense Analysis, Survival, p. OUP Journals)
      Widespread proliferation is likely to lead to an
      bodies of dead cities or even whole nations.

      Regional conflicts escalate to WMD wars.
      Dean, May 1995 (Jonathan – adviser on International Security Issues at the Union of Concerned Scientists, A Stronger UN Strengthens America, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, p.
      Experts throughout the world expect growing population pressures
      can head off an increasing number of conflicts.

      Global human rights prevents extinction.
      Copelon 1998/1999 (Rhonda - professor of law and director of the International Women’s Human Rights Law Clinic, 3 N.Y. City L. Rev. 59, p. lexis)
      The indivisible human rights framework survived the Cold
      to bear on both domestic and foreign policy.

      Climate leadership is critical to solve warming – prevents extinction.
      Moon 10/25/2009 (Ban Ki – secretary general of the United Nations, We Can Do It, New York Times, p.
      Every day, the critical December summit in
      are implanting programs to curb emissions as well.  

      Only multilateral cooperation prevents great power wars that make extinction inevitable.
      Dyer, 12/30/2004 (Gwynne – former senior lecturer in war studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurt, The End of War, The Toronto Star, p. lexis)
      The "firebreak" against nuclear weapons use
      then history will repeat itself and everybody loses.

      The US needs to take action in Libya through the UN – key to avoid backlash and diminished US credibility
      Bauer, 11 (William, “America Must Be A Back Seat Driver”, Polymic, August,
      So, what is next for Libya?
      the U.S. has to offer.

      Libya is the test case for the future of Obama’s multilateral approach.
      Rothkopf, 3/18/2011 (David - visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Why the U.N. vote on Libya means almost as much for Obama as for Qaddafi, Foreign Policy, p.
      This is not because Libya is such a
      to be able to take credit for leading.

      Coalitions of the willing cannot substitute for the UN.
      Tharoor, September-October 2003 (Shashi – UN undersecretary-general for communication and public information, Why America still needs the United Nations, Foreign Affairs, p. EBSCO Host)
      Nonetheless, since the Iraq crisis, some
      of international unilateralism may no longer be sustainable.

      Advantage Three – Burden Sharing

      A grand strategy of burden sharing is critical to prevent counterbalancing and getting sustained cooperation on global issues.
      Ikenberry, January-February 2010 (G. John – Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University and Global Eminence scholar at Kyung Hee University, The Right Grand Strategy, The American Interest, p.
      President Obama inherited the most daunting and intractable
      is beginning the process of gaining it back.

      A shift to burden sharing is critical to maintain effective leadership.
      Beauchamp, 8/22/2011 (Zack - former research associate at the Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford, Daily Dish apprentice at Newsweek and the Daily Beast, Libya, "Leading From Behind," And Global Policemen, The Daily Beast, p.
      Police forces aren't made up of one member
      have to conduct every patrol on their own.

      US leadership prevents great powers wars.
      Khalilzad, 2/8/2011 (Zalmay – former United States ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq and the United Nations, The Economy and National Security, National Review, p.
      We face this domestic challenge while other major
      most significant barrier facing Chinese hegemony and aggression.  

      Nuclear war.
      Khalilzad 1995 (Zalmay – sixteen years younger than the above card, Losing The Moment? Washington Quarterly, Vol 18, No 2, p. 84)
      Under the third option, the United States
      bipolar or a multipolar balance of power system.

      The plan locks-in the strategy of burden sharing and multilateralism.
      Brady, August 2011 (Kyle - author of Modern America: The End of Political Discourse, Libya shows multilateralism is new U.S. strategy, Policymic, p.
      The involvement of the United States in the
      to be tested, refined and fully institutionalized.

  • Libya 2ACs (KYRR)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • <h3 id="HAnswersToHighPrices"><span>Answers To High Prices</span></h3><p class="MsoNormal">Prices have already dropped.</p><p class="MsoNormal">The Huffington Post, 8/22/2011 (Oil prices drop as Libyan rebels capture most of country’s capital, p. </p><p class="MsoNormal">It could be a year or more before</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">, wanted more U.S. oil.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Alt cause – Euro debt crisis.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Reuters, 9/19/2011 (Oil slumps for second day as euro fears dominate, p. </p><p class="MsoNormal">Oil tumbled in a second day of heavy</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">$115 a barrel for the past month.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal"> Russian economy resilient – and impact is empirically denied</p><p class="MsoNormal">Post Magazine 8 (3-31, Lexis)</p><p class="MsoNormal">In late 1998 Russia's economy suffered a major</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">one of the country's largest domestic insurance companies.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal"> Empirics disprove Russian collapse</p><p class="MsoNormal">WPJ 3 (World Policy Journal, 12-22)</p><p class="MsoNormal">Using extensive interviews with participants in all three</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">constitute a realistic timetable for Russia's democratic development.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Russian decline doesn’t cause war</p><p class="MsoNormal">New Republic 00 (2-7, Lexis)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">At the time and since, observers of</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">to reverse the humiliations of a decade ago.</p><h3 id="HAnswersTo2013UNFails"><span>Answers To – UN Fails</span></h3><p class="MsoNormal">UN stabilizes global politics, increases legitimacy, prevents balancing, and furthers US interests</p><p class="MsoNormal">Tharoor, September/October 2003 (Shashi – UN undersecretary-general for Communication and Public Information, Why America Still needs the United Nations, Foreign Affairs, p. EBSCO Host)</p><p class="MsoNormal">KEEPING GULLIVER ON BOARD THE EXERCISE of American</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">the storm  with Gulliver still on board.</p><p></p><h3 id="HUNGood2013FreeTrade"><span>UN Good – Free Trade</span></h3><p class="MsoNormal">The UN is key to global free trade and interdependence.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Orlando Sentinel 8/3/2003 p. lexis</p><p class="MsoNormal">While the international community does not always agree</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">beneficial to the United States and its economy.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h3 id="HOrientalismK20132AC28Short29"><span>Orientalism K – 2AC (Short)</span></h3><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">2. Alt fails</p><p class="MsoNormal">Chandler 10 (David, Professor of International Relations – University of Westminster, “What Do We Do When We Critique Liberalism?: The Uncritical Critique of ‘Liberal Peace’,” Millennium Conference, 10-17, </p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">It would seem that at the core of</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">of a critical alternative embedded in these approaches.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">4. Reps don’t shape policy</p><p class="MsoNormal">Kocher 00 (Robert L., Author of “The American Mind in Denial” and Philosopher, “Discourse on Reality and Sanity”, </p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">While it is not possible to establish many</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">they profess what they pretend to believe in.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">5. We have the best epistemology – critical academia is always wrong and gets shut out by policy elites</p><p class="MsoNormal">Kramer 1 (Dr. Martin, Editor – Middle East Quarterly, Former Director – Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University, Doctorate in Middle Easter Studies – Princeton University, Visiting Professor – University of Chicago, and Fellow – Woodrow Wilson International Center, “Ivory Towers on Sand: The Failure of Middle Eastern Studies in America,” Washington Institute for Near East Policy, No 58, </p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Only now have hesitant voices been raised from</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">were not so easily appeased.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">6. No impact</p><p class="MsoNormal">Mathieson and Young 6 (Dr. David, Associate Fellow – FRIDE, and Richard, Coordinator – Democratisation Program – FRIDE, and Lecturer – University of Warwick, “Democracy Promotion and the European Left: Ambivalence Confused?”, December, Paper 29, Online)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">The left needs to get beyond a line</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">in its own internal debates during the 1990s.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">7. Case turns the K – any conflict that occurs would magnify Orientalism.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">8. The plan is a form of an introduction, not intervention – they confuse our motives</p><p class="MsoNormal">Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Yet, democracy promotion does not imply the</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">ultimately &nbsp;required for good governance and economic growth.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">9. The alt over-respects sovereignty – causes violence</p><p class="MsoNormal">Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">International relations realists argue that world order depends</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">- and nonstate actors &nbsp;in the international system.</p><h3 id="HTaxes2AC"><span>Taxes 2AC</span></h3><p class="MsoNormal">UN won’t take it.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Karns and Mingst, 2002 (Margaret – professor of political science at the University of Dayton, and Karen – professor of political science at the University of Kentucky, Multilateralism and U.S. Foreign Policy, edited by Stewart Patrick, p. 291)</p><p class="MsoNormal">Such innovations are not apt to "resolve</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">U.S. commitment to the UN.</p><p class="MsoNormal">The program fails</p><p class="MsoNormal">Post, 10/23/2007 (Todd - senior editor at Bread for the World Institute, NY Times should know better, </p><p class="MsoNormal">The New York Times published an alarming op</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">as Congress decides what to do with ODA.</p><h3 id="HEuropeanUnion2AC"><span>European Union 2AC</span></h3><p class="MsoNormal">European aid fails in Libya.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Yousef, 4/22/2011 (Tarik – nonresident senior fellow at the Global Economy and Development, The U.S. role in the Libyan Rebels, Brookings Video Podcast, Transcribed by S. Chung - 2:35 to 3:17, p. </p><p class="MsoNormal">Given that we agree on the end game</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">or aid this process or assist the Libyans.</p><p class="MsoNormal">European aid fails and is rejected.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Gowan, 8/26/2011 (Richard – associate director at New York University’s Center on International Cooperation, Does Libya really need European peacekeepers?, Foreign Policy, p. </p><p class="MsoNormal">Yet there are three obstacles to a deployment</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">commitment in Libya would only complicate their sums.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><h3 id="HBacklash2AC"><span>Backlash 2AC</span></h3><p class="MsoNormal">UN support shields the U.S. from criticism.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Hachigian, 3/31/2011 (Nina – senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, On Libya, a new kind of American leadership, Democracy Journal, p. </p><p class="MsoNormal">First, the Administration assembled a wide and</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">killing Muslims. Every bit of legitimacy helps.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">===Politics (General) 2AC===</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">The plan is a win for Obama.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Condon, 8/22/2011 (Stephanie, Is Libya a victory for Obama?, CBS News, p. </p><p class="MsoNormal">As Libyan rebels sought to establish control of</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">removes a major arrow from the Republicans' quiver."</p><p class="MsoNormal">Winners win is key to SKFTA.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Wasson, 1/12/2011 (Erik, Jarrett: Korea FTA is first legislative priority in path to compromise, The Hill, p. </p><p class="MsoNormal">Senior White House adviser Valerie Jarrett told an</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">like success to breed success,” she said.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Multilateral funding is non-controversial.</p><p class="MsoNormal">McInerney, 10 (Stephen, Director of Advocacy for the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), He has extensive &nbsp;experience in the Middle East and North Africa, including &nbsp;graduate studies of Middle Eastern politics, history, and &nbsp;the Arabic language at the American University of Beirut &nbsp;and the American University in Cairo. &nbsp;He has spoken on &nbsp;Middle East affairs with numerous media outlets including MSNBC and CBS News. “The President’s Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2011: Democracy, Governance, and Human Rights in the Middle East”, POMED, April, </p><p class="MsoNormal">The U.S. has long been</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">the many organizations funded under this budget heading.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Graham –</p><p class="MsoNormal">A. Wants the plan.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Millard, 8/22/2011 (Hal, As Gaddafi falls, Graham hails opportunity to spread democracy, Spring Valley Patch, p. </p><p class="MsoNormal">With Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year dictatorship of</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">the United States' best interest, he said.</p><p class="MsoNormal">B. Key to the agenda.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Shapiro, 3/24/2010 (Ari, Sen. Lindsey Graham: Spotlight On A Deal Maker, National Public Radio, p. ,1017,1128)</p><p class="MsoNormal">In the past year, political controversies as</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">Senate's foremost Republican deal maker is Lindsey Graham.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">No PC</p><p class="MsoNormal">Miller 9-22 (Aaron David, “The Do-Nothing Strategy,” Foreign Policy, ,2)</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Still, amid all the fog and confusion</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">money and exploiting highly combustible issues like Israel.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Thumpers –</p><p class="MsoNormal">Jobs</p><p class="MsoNormal">NYT 9/20 (Michael D. Shear, New York Times, 2011, </p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Since announcing his jobs bill before a joint</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">failing to follow through after a big speech.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">China</p><p class="MsoNormal">The Hill 9/27 (Vicki Needham, 2011, </p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">The Senate is poised to take a procedural</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">, despite White House opposition to the measure.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Solyndra</p><p class="MsoNormal">Restuccia 9-25 (Andrew, Staff Writer – Energy and Environment Correspondent, “GOP to sink its teeth deeper into Solyndra and White House,” The Hill, </p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">House Republicans have sunk their teeth into the</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">a July meeting with lawmakers on Capitol Hill.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">PC not key – voting is ideological</p><p class="MsoNormal">Dickinson 9 (Matthew, Professor of Political Science – Middlebury College and Former Professor – Harvard University, “Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power,” Presidential Power, 5-26, </p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">As for Sotomayor, from here the path</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">power that cannot be measured through legislative boxscores.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">Capital is not finite.</p><p class="MsoNormal">Ruby-Sachs 8 (Emma, JD – University of Chicago, “Ranking the Issues: Gay Rights in an Economic Crisis”, 11-24, </p><p class="MsoNormal">The classic approach to politics is to rank</p><p class="MsoNormal">AND</p><p class="MsoNormal">, the more the bowl of capital swells.</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p><p class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</p>

  • Libya 2ACs (Clay)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • ===Orientalism K – 2AC ===



      2. Alt fails – can’t translate theory into practice

      Chandler 10 (David, Professor of International Relations – University of Westminster, “What Do We Do When We Critique Liberalism?: The Uncritical Critique of ‘Liberal Peace’,” Millennium Conference, 10-17,


      It would seem that at the core of


      of a critical alternative embedded in these approaches.



      6. No interventionist impact

      Mathieson and Young 6 (Dr. David, Associate Fellow – FRIDE, and Richard, Coordinator – Democratisation Program – FRIDE, and Lecturer – University of Warwick, “Democracy Promotion and the European Left: Ambivalence Confused?”, December, Paper 29, Online)


      The left needs to get beyond a line


      in its own internal debates during the 1990s.


      *The Iraq war was not part of the democracy crusade – focus on this example causes bad policies that allow authoritarianism to run rampant

      Glen 11 (Patrick J., Adjunct Professor – Georgetown University Law Center, “The ADVANCE Democracy Act and the Future of United States Democracy Promotion Efforts,” Santa Clara Journal of International Law, 9 Santa Clara J. Int'l L. 273,


      The conflation of democracy promotion with regime change


      by the ADVANCE Act need to be  shelved.



      7. Case turns the K – any conflict that occurs would magnify Orientalism.


      4. Purely discursive focus dooms anti-colonial efforts – concrete reality must be addressed

      Castle 1 (Gregory, Professor of English – UCLA, Postcolonial Discourses: An Anthology, p. 74-75)


      The second implication of the charting of the


      colonial subjects and the forms of their subjectivity.


      5. Reps don’t shape policy

      Kocher 00 (Robert L., Author of “The American Mind in Denial” and Philosopher, “Discourse on Reality and Sanity”,


      While it is not possible to establish many


      they profess what they pretend to believe in.


      6. We have the best epistemology – critical academia is always wrong and gets shut out by policy elites

      Kramer 1 (Dr. Martin, Editor – Middle East Quarterly, Former Director – Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University, Doctorate in Middle Easter Studies – Princeton University, Visiting Professor – University of Chicago, and Fellow – Woodrow Wilson International Center, “Ivory Towers on Sand: The Failure of Middle Eastern Studies in America,” Washington Institute for Near East Policy, No 58,


      Only now have hesitant voices been raised from


      , it turned out, were not so easily appeased.


      7. Western understandings of the Middle East are accurate – their evidence suffers from selection bias

      Teitelbaum and Litvak 6 (Joshua, Senior Fellow – Center for Middle East and African Studies, Tel Aviv U. and Dr. Meir, Senior Lecturer – Tel Aviv U., “Students, Teachers, and Edward Said: Taking Stock of Orientalism”, Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 10, No. 1, March,


      The critics did not deny that Western culture


      rich and multi-faceted over the years.



      8. The plan is a form of regulation, not intervention – they confuse our motives

      Chandler 10 (David, Professor of International Relations – University of Westminster, “What Do We Do When We Critique Liberalism?: The Uncritical Critique of ‘Liberal Peace’,” Millennium Conference, 10-17,


      Rather than a critique of liberalism for its


      than as a self‐standing actor in so‐called ‘Westphalian’ terms.


      9. Orientalist representations don’t cause violence – no casual relationship

      Rotter 00 (Andrew J., Professor of History – Colgate University, “Saidism Without Said: Orientialism and U.S. Diplomatic History”, The American Historical Review, 105(4), p. 1208-1210)


      A third and yet more troubling problem for


      . foreign relations, on which more shortly.


      Participation in the United Nations is the best alternative to dealing with imperialism. Critique is not enough ><>< we must translate policy into concrete action.

      Michael J. Thompson, Founder and Editor of Logos and Teaches Political Theory @ Hunter College, CUNY, Fall 2003 (“Iraq, Hegemony, and the Question of American Empire” – Logos, Vol. 2, Issue 4)


      Hegemony in international terms without some kind of


      being transformed into an instrument of ideological economics.



      12. The alt over-respects sovereignty – causes violence

      Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)


      International relations realists argue that world order depends


      - and nonstate actors  in the international system.


      The politics of multilateralism opens up space for the affirmation of life. The alternative of unilateral politics leads to a violent collapse of difference and agency.

      Ruiz, 6/13/2003 (Lester  Ph.D. of Theology and Culture at New York Theological Seminary, From Multilateralism to Ethics, p. )

      Second, multilateralist discourses need to continue to


      birthright of all the peoples of our planet.


      Democratic structures check the impact

      Dickinson 4 (Edward Ross, University of Cincinnati, “Biopolitics, Fascism, Democracy: Some Reflections on Our Discourse About ‘Modernity’”, Central European History, 37(1), p. 18-19)


      In an important programmatic statement of 1996 Geoff


      constant radicalization and escalation that characterized Nazi policies.



      No single cause of violence

      Muro-Ruiz 2 (Diego, London School of Economics, “The Logic of Violence”, Politics, 22(2), p. 116)


      Violence is, most of the time,


      offer some understanding of the logic of violence.

      Democracy is moral – demand is high, autocracies cause genocide

      Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)


      Apart from serving U.S. strategic


      not be defended on moral or ethical grounds.


      2.  Mobilizing Action – nuclear scenarios create a fear that drives people to action and arouses anger at injustices – the alternative creates irresponsibility and inaction


      Grinspoon 86 (Lester, Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, The Long Darkness: Psychological and Moral Perspectives on Nuclear Winter, p. 3-4)


      The late Archibald MacLeish wrote, "Knowledge


      -delusion and into confrontation of the reality.


      3. Prevention – failure to imagine nuclear war causes denial and makes nuclear conflict more likely


      Lenz 90 (Millicent, Professor Emeritus and Ph.D. in English – North Illinois University, Nuclear Age Literature for Youth: The Quest for a Life-Affirming Ethic, p. 9-10)


      Since Americans have escaped the devastation of nuclear


      fear, moreover, takes a psychic toll.

      ===Backlash 2AC===

      UN support shields the U.S. from criticism.

      Hachigian, 3/31/2011 (Nina – senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, On Libya, a new kind of American leadership, Democracy Journal, p.

      First, the Administration assembled a wide and


      killing Muslims. Every bit of legitimacy helps.

      Plan rebuilds trust --- overwhelms negative perceptions.

      Yousef, 4/22/2011 (Tarik – nonresident senior fellow at the Global Economy and Development, The U.S. role in the Libyan Rebels, Brookings Video Podcast, Transcribed by S. Chung - 3:18 to 4:30, p.

      This intervention in Libya actually could help reproduce


      a market that remains underserved for thirty years.



      ===T – Must Be Elections – 2AC===



      2. DA has four subsets – rule of law, civil society, political processes and good government

      McMahon 1 (Edward R., Director, Center on Democratic Performance, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Binghamton University, “Assessing USAID’s Assistance for Democratic Development :

      Is it Quantity Versus Quality?”, This paper was prepared for the American Political Science Association annual conference, San Francisco, August 30 – September 2, 2001, and is published in the Winter 2001 edition of Evaluation (London: SAGE Publications).,


      Defining Democracy Assistance The concept of assistance for


      at the forefront of democratic change, Benin.

      TABLE 1

      Partial list of democratic development programs funded by the U.S. government in recent

      years in  Benin:

      • International observation mission to Presidential elections – 1991;

      • West African political party and civic organization election observer training – 1991;

      • Grass roots political party training program – 1993 to 1995;

      • Continuous series of exchanges;

      • Pre-legislative election assessment mission – 1995;

      • Support for election lessons learned assessment by Beninois NGOs– 1995;

      • Pre-Presidential election assessment – 1996;

      • International and Beninois observers to Presidential elections – 1996;

      • Provision of commodities to Presidential elections – 1996;

      • Parliamentary needs assessment  - 1998;

      • Civil society development programs, both to support infrastructure and to foster input

      into public policy dialogue – continuous.

      • Parliamentary Training and Support – 2000



      No bright line – even direct democracy is indirect

      Carothers 5 (Thomas, Vice President for Studies – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “Choosing a Strategy,” Uncharted Journey: Promoting Democracy in the Middle East, p. 205-206)


      The potential payoff of this third strategy is


      government jawboning and pressure.


      ===T: For/Its===


       “For” means recipient

      MW 11 (Merriam-Webster,


      Definition of FOR


      life> <an eye for a bargain>


      It also means you just have to give aid IN Libya

      MW 11 (Merriam-Webster,


      used as a function word to indicate duration


      extent of space <gone for two days>



      “For” means within

      Black 10 (Henry Campbell Black, M.A., “A Law Dictionary,” Second Edition, St. Paul Minn. West Publishing Co. 1910,


      For: Belonging to, exercising authority or


      notary public in and for the said country.”

      ===Democracy K – 2AC===


      Democracy is not a product imposed on countries – it’s a tool to reveal public preferences and challenge authoritarian violence

      Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)


      Yet, democracy promotion does not imply the


      ultimately  required for good governance and economic growth.


      The alternative over-respects sovereignty – causes violence

      Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)


      International relations realists argue that world order depends


      - and nonstate actors  in the international system.


      Democracy is moral – demand is high, autocracies cause genocide

      Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)


      Apart from serving U.S. strategic


      not be defended on moral or ethical grounds.


      Their impact is a theoretical fabrication

      Jarvis 00 (Darryl, Senior Lecturer in International Relations – University of Sydney, International Relations and the Challenge of Postmodernism, p. 128)


      Perhaps more alarming though is the outright violence


      to most issues of importance in international relations.


      Democratic structures check the impact

      Dickinson 4 (Edward Ross, University of Cincinnati, “Biopolitics, Fascism, Democracy: Some Reflections on Our Discourse About ‘Modernity’”, Central European History, 37(1), p. 18-19)


      In an important programmatic statement of 1996 Geoff


      constant radicalization and escalation that characterized Nazi policies.



      Representations don’t influence reality

      Tuathail 96 (Gearoid, Department of Geography – Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Political Geography, 15(6-7), p. 664)


      While theoretical debates at academic conferences are important


      to the patterned mess that is  human history.


      ===Politics 2AC===


      -- Turn – winners win

      Singer 9 (Jonathan, Editor – MyDD and JD – University of California, Berkeley, “By Expending Capital, Obama Grows His Capital”, MyDD, 3-3,


      Peter Hart gets at a key point.


      energy reform to ending the war in Iraq.


      Plan doesn’t cost PC

      Bader 10 (Max, Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer – Geschwister School Institute for Political Science, Against All Odds. Aiding Political Parties in Georgia and Ukraine, p. 25)

      Being not as visible and not as contested


      for6profit consultancy and  the inclusion in party internationals.

      PC not key – voting is ideological

      Dickinson 9 (Matthew, Professor of Political Science – Middlebury College and Former Professor – Harvard University, “Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power,” Presidential Power, 5-26,


      As for Sotomayor, from here the path


      power that cannot be measured through legislative boxscores.


      Capital is not finite.

      Ruby-Sachs 8 (Emma, JD – University of Chicago, “Ranking the Issues: Gay Rights in an Economic Crisis”, 11-24,

      The classic approach to politics is to rank


      , the more the bowl of capital swells.

      Obama Good – United Nations

      Multilateral funding is non-controversial.

      McInerney, 10 (Stephen, Director of Advocacy for the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), He has extensive  experience in the Middle East and North Africa, including  graduate studies of Middle Eastern politics, history, and  the Arabic language at the American University of Beirut  and the American University in Cairo.  He has spoken on  Middle East affairs with numerous media outlets including MSNBC and CBS News. “The President’s Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2011: Democracy, Governance, and Human Rights in the Middle East”, POMED, April,

      The U.S. has long been


      the many organizations funded under this budget heading.

      Multilateral democracy promotion generates political support.

      Carothers, 7 (Thomas, vice president for studies—international politics and governance at the

      Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “U.S. Democracy Promotion During and After Bush”,

      The negative effects of Bush policy on democracy


      , decisiveness, and creativity necessary for success.


      Graham –

      A. Wants the plan.

      Millard, 8/22/2011 (Hal, As Gaddafi falls, Graham hails opportunity to spread democracy, Spring Valley Patch, p.

      With Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year dictatorship of


      the United States' best interest, he said.


      B. Key to the agenda.

      Shapiro, 3/24/2010 (Ari, Sen. Lindsey Graham: Spotlight On A Deal Maker, National Public Radio, p.,1017,1128)

      In the past year, political controversies as


      Senate's foremost Republican deal maker is Lindsey Graham.


      Lieberman –

      A. Wants the plan.

      Christian Science Monitor, 8/26/2011 (What happens next in Libya?, p.

      Most members of Congress are still out of


      coordination with the Transitional Council,” he added.

      B. Key swing vote.

      Litvan, 1/19/2011 (Laura, Lieberman won’t seek re-election to u.s. senate after serving four terms, Bloomberg, p.

      U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman of


      vote in the Senate who caucuses with Democrats.


  • Libya 2ACs (Harvard)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • T- Its (New)



      AND, Contextual evidence proves we meet

      Cohn, 99 (Elizabeth, Director of the International and Intercultural Studies Major at Goucher College, “U.S. Democratization Assistance”, July 1, Foreign Policy in Focus,

      When possible, the U.S. should use international and regional organizations, such as the United Nations and the Organization of American States, for its democracy assistance. These international organizations are better placed to address the democratization processes in other countries without promoting a U.S. security or free trade agenda. Isolationism should not be a policy alternative. In an interdependent world, the U.S. government is rightly concerned about the political and economic processes in other countries.



      -- Its means belonging to or associated with


      Oxford Dictionary 10 (“Of”,



      possessive determiner

      belonging to or associated with a thing previously mentioned or easily identified:turn the camera on its side he chose the area for its atmosphere


      “For” means recipient

      MW 11 (Merriam-Webster,


      Definition of FOR

      a —used as a function word to indicate purpose <a grant for studying medicine>

      b —used as a function word to indicate an intended goal <left for home> <acted for the best>

      c —used as a function word to indicate the object or recipient of a perception, desire, or activity <now for a good rest> <run for your life> <an eye for a bargain>


      It also means you just have to give aid IN Libya

      MW 11 (Merriam-Webster,


      used as a function word to indicate duration of time or extent of space <gone for two days>


      Gift CP 2AC


      UN expertise is key to Libya’s transition.

      Serwer, 8/17/2011 (Daniel – professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a scholar at the Middle East Institute, Planning for Libya 2.0, Foreign Policy, p.,1)

      The United Nations, which authorized the NATO


      third of the U.N. costs.

      Democracy assistance in Libya will lead to backlash and anti-Americanism.

      Applebaum, 8/23/2011 (Anne, Let Libya take charge of its revolution, The Washington Post, p.

      The Libyan revolution needn’t end in civil war


      , an American flag draped over his head.


      Perm do the CP- nothing about the plan specifies it’s a contract- this perm is not severance- if they introduce a way to change normal means then we can permute that


      Counterplans that compete off normal means are bad- force


      Stability Impact – Arms Proliferation

      Democracy assistance is key to avert violence extremism and prevent weapons transfers.

      Carmichael, 9/1/2011 (Lachlan, Clinton urges new Libya to fight extremism, Yahoo! News, p.

      US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged Libya's


      and promotes tolerance and pluralism," she said.

      That escalates to global WMD conflict.

      Dhooge 1999 (Lucien – assistant professor of Business Law at the University of the Pacific, Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, p. lexis)

      There are numerous risks associated with these practices


      and causing significant U.S. casualties."



      Stability Impact – NATO

      The plan allows NATO to focus on Afghanistan --- key to overall credibility.

      Boston Globe, 9/14/2011 (NATO balks at Libya nation-building, policing, p. lexis)

      NATO, which has been bogged down for


      for the London-based Jane's Defense Weekly.

      Nuclear war.

      Duffield 94 (John, Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs – University of Virginia, Political Science Quarterly, 109, p. 766-767)

      Initial analyses of NATO's future prospects overlooked at


      past, given the existence of nuclear weapons.







      Libya Key to Multilateralism

      Libya is the signature example of multilateralism.

      O’Hanlon, 8/22/2011 (Michael – director of research and senior fellow of Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution, Libya vindicates Obama’s multilateral leadership, CNN, p.

      Today's developments in Libya promise to help the


      elevated - to seek a path of reconciliation.






      Security K


      Security doesn’t cause war – it allows for emancipation that creates surival

      Ken Booth, visiting researcher - US Naval War College, 2005, Critical Security Studies and World Politics, p. 22


      The best starting point for conceptualizing security lies


      human species can reinvent itselfbeyond the merely biological.



      Turn: the alt causes the security sector to be dominated by the most conservative policymakers.

      Olav. F. Knudsen, Prof @ Södertörn Univ College, ‘1 [Security Dialogue 32.3, “Post-Copenhagen Security Studies: Desecuritizing  Securitization,” p. 366]

      A final danger in focusing on the state


      unheeded by any but the most uncritical minds. 


      Representations don’t influence reality

      Kocher 00 (Robert L., Author of “The American Mind in Denial” and Philosopher, “Discourse on Reality and Sanity”,


      While it is not possible to establish many


      they profess what they pretend to believe in.



      Turkey DA

      Military aid now.

      USA Today, 9/20/2011 (Obama pledges U.S. help for Libya, USA Today, p.

      President Obama said today that the United States


      continue to provide security assistance, Obama said.

      Unfrozen assets.

      New York Times, 9/1/2011 (Libya’s supporters gather in Paris to help ease new government’s transition, p.

      The Libyans have been pressing for the release


      from $50 billion to $150 billion.


      Turkey can’t build democracy – too fragmented

      Negron-Gonzales 11 (Dr. Melinda, Lecturer of Politics and Society – University of New Hampshire at Manchester, “Building Civil Society after the Arab Spring: Lessons from Turkey,” Encompassing Crescent, May,


      Turkey’s experience with democratization can indeed provide valuable


      to broader audiences, including those in Europe.


      Turkey can’t solve democracy – not credible

      CSM 11 (Christian Science Monitor Editorial Board, “Syria a test case for democratic Turkey,” The Monitor’s View, 5-9,


      The reasons for Turkey’s limited success are multiple


      makes it harder for democracy advocates to succeed.



      Turkey is an ineffective model – historical and political evolution

      Larrabee 11 (F. Stephen - former member of the National Security Council, holds the Distinguished Chair in European Security at the RAND Corporation, The Turkish Chimera,


      WASHINGTON – The dramatic revolts in Tunisia,


      be accompanied by considerable political turmoil and violence.


      Not a viable model – current leadership is based on authoritarianism

      Finkel 11 (Andrew, former Reagan-Fascell fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy, Turkey’s ‘no model for the Middle East’?, 6-3,


      Will Turkey’s June 12 elections spark a shift


      institutions and stuff but power is terribly concentrated.”


      No escalation

      Olcott 98 (Martha, Senior Associate – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Foreign Policy, 6-22, Lexis)


      So what are outside powers likely to be


      -management force that NATO is helping organize.


      -- Russia won’t go to war

      Olcott 98 (Martha, Senior Associate – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Foreign Policy, 6-22, Lexis)


      It is also unclear how much longer Russia's


      might opt to seal its own borders instead.


      -- U.S. won’t intervene


      Rogozin 5 (Dmitri, What The Papers Say (Russia), 4-7, Lexis)


      Dmitri Rogozin: The Americans are very active


      Georgia, the Americans will never intervene substantially.

      Death Drive – 2AC

      Turn – prevention:


      A) Dystopic images are an antidote to fear – they counteract fatalism and catalyze debates to alter the future


      Kurasawa 4 (Fuyuki, Professor of Sociology – York University of Toronto, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations, 11(4))


      Returning to the point I made at the


      citizens’ involvement in the work of preventive foresight.


      B) This creates an ethic of preventive foresight – the only effective check to extinction


      Kurasawa 4 (Fuyuki, Professor of Sociology – York University of Toronto, “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight”, Constellations, 11(4))


      If historicism and scientistic governance offer rather unappealing


      actual consequences of a crisis originating in another.


      Policy Solutions – their arguments assume we simply read impacts – promotion of clear solutions overcomes fear and retrieves people from numbing, while they create helplessness


      Sandman and Valenti 86 (Peter M., Professor of Public Health, Rutgers University, Founder and Director of the Environmental Communication Research Program, and Communications Counsel for Environmental Defense Fund, and JoAnn M., Professor of Communications, Brigham Young University, January (“Scared Stiff – or Scared into Action” – Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, the Article Won the 86/87 Olive Branch Award for Outstanding Coverage of the Nuclear Arms Issue)


      “The main obstacle to action,” writes


      to carry out the plan. (20)


      Mobilization – having the courage to be afraid uniquely motivates action, creates social change, and prevents nuclear war


      Stevens 89 (Anthony, Jungian Analyst and Psychiatrist for the past 30 years, Graduate of Oxford, and Has a Medical Degree and Two Degrees in Psychology, The Roots of War: A Jungian Perspective, p. 216-218)


      However, the collective actualization of the Anthropos


      pull us over the brink to final Armageddon.


      The alternative represses death, increasing anxiety


      Arthur 2 (Kate, Doctoral Candidate in Theological Ethics – University of St. Michael’s College, “Terror of Death in the Wake of September the 11th: Is This the End of Death Denial?”, 11-16,


      I earlier tried to show how denial is


      Becker, 1973 and Neimeyer 1997-1998).




      European Union – Germany Confidence DA

      CP drains political capital.

      Westervelt, 9/1/2011 (Eric, Europe pressured to do more to help Libya, National Public Radio, p.

      ERIC WESTERVELT: For many Europeans outside the


      to plunge the region into a second recession.

      Political infighting undermines market confidence in the Euro bailout.

      Evans, 9/28/2011 (Stephen, Merkel’s credibility is at stake in German bailout vote, BBC News, p.

      All the arithmetic indicates that Chancellor Angela Merkel will get the overall majority she needs. The main opposition parties, the SPD and the Greens, have indicated that they will support the expansion of the fund.

      But, if the majority is untidy,


      of the euro has an end in sight.

      Collapse of market confidence collapses the economy.

      Padmanabhan, 9/26/2011 (Anil, Global economy on the brink, India at risk, Livemint, p.

      Over the weekend, euro zone countries continued


      likely to plunge the world into a recession.



      Credit Rating DA – 2AC


      Spending now

      A) Disaster relief

      NBC News 9/27/11 ("Budget Deal Passes,"

      This morning Washington has a deal to avoid


      for FEMA, the federal emergency management agency. 

      B) No fiscal discipline

      Lakenews Online 9/18/11 ("Letter: vested interest in our future,"

      When I was younger and got sick I


      Great Nation and the citizens who support it.

      Downgrade Inevitable-Super Committee

      Business Insider, 10-22-11 (“Monster Prediction From BofA: Another US Debt Downgrade Is Coming In Just A Few Weeks”


      In an analyst note, Bofa/ML's


      and 2.3% GDP for Q4.

      Investors find safety in US markers- no impact.

      Yahoo Finance, 10-24-11 (“U.S. Downgrade Threat Reemerges: Why the Markets Don’t Care”


      The irony in all of this is that


      .S. deserved a ."

      Taxes and Entitlements means foreign spending doesn’t matter. 

      The Washington Times, 10-24-11 (“Calls for debt panel to ‘go big’ get louder”


      The bipartisan supercommittee was born out of this


      Budget Office Director Doug Elmendorf scheduled to testify.

      Foreign aid won’t affect budget problems.

      Logan, Director of foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute, 10-11-11 (Justin, US News-Politics, “America's Military Spending Is Foreign Aid—Cut It”


      Watching Washington politicians pretend to fix the fiscal


      it would not help our predicament one bit.


      The plan would not be expensive.

      Anderson, 3/13/2011 (Lisa – president of the American University in Cairo, Obama’s Libya Inaction Risks Missing Opening for Democracy: Lisa Anderson, Bloomberg, p.

      The appointment of a UN commissioner may not


      expensive, in either financial or political terms.


      Plan would be internal not deficit spending.

      McInerney, July 2011 (Stephen – executive director of the Project on Middle East Democracy, The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2012 Democracy, Governance, and Human Rights in the Middle East, p.

      The administration has wisely budgeted for further unexpected


      Syria, Libya, Yemen, or elsewhere.


      Global economic collapse is coming – austerity is the wrong solution.

      New York Times, 9/28/2011 (Killing the Recovery, p.

      The world has barely dug out of recession


      lot of time left to get this right.


      Restoring UN credibility is needed to provide governance and predictability to the global economy – failure to do so risks global recession and crises.

      Sawa, 5/5/2003 (Takamitsu – professor of economics at Kyoto University, Japan Times, p. lexis)

      The U.S. financial industry,


      the lack of governance in the world economy. 


      -- Economic decline doesn’t cause war


      Miller 00 (Morris, Economist, Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Administration – University of Ottawa, Former Executive Director and Senior Economist – World Bank, “Poverty as a Cause of Wars?”, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Winter, p. 273)


      The question may be reformulated. Do wars


      using one form of violence to abort another).


      -- History proves


      Ferguson 6 (Niall, Professor of History – Harvard University, Foreign Affairs, 85(5), September / October, Lexis)


      Nor can economic crises explain the bloodshed.


      severe economic crises were not followed by wars.





      Iran DA


      Military aid now.

      USA Today, 9/20/2011 (Obama pledges U.S. help for Libya, USA Today, p.

      President Obama said today that the United States


      continue to provide security assistance, Obama said.

      Unfrozen assets.

      New York Times, 9/1/2011 (Libya’s supporters gather in Paris to help ease new government’s transition, p.

      The Libyans have been pressing for the release


      from $50 billion to $150 billion.

      revolution is coming to Iran now

      Reuters 9/7 (“Iran revolution "matter of time" - US defense chief”, )


      Revolution in Iran appears to be a matter


      going to be true in Iran as well."

      No risk of Iran aggression or miscalc – group decisionmaking structure checks

      Boroujerdi and Fine, 07 (Mehrzad, Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Middle Eastern Studies Program at Syracuse University, and Todd, graduate student in International Relations at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University , “A NUCLEAR IRAN: THE LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF A PREEMPTIVE NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY: IRANIAN NUCLEAR MIASMA”, 57 Syracuse L. Rev. 619, ln)


      Even though Ahmadinejad uses foreign policy issues to


      a boldly offensive or miscalculated action less realistic.


      No Iranian lashout

      Gavin 10 (Francis J., Tom Slick Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, International Security, Winter 2009/2010, Lexis)


      That Iran--surrounded by rivals with nuclear


      could invite its own destruction highly unlikely. 38

      Recent scuffles over the assassination attempt undermines negotiations – Iran proliferation is coming now.

      Dahl, 10/12/2011 (Fredrik, Analysis: Alleged plot deals new blow to Iran nuclear diplomacy, p.

      A diplomatic storm over U.S.


      since a fruitless meeting in Istanbul in January.


  • Shirley Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff:Georgia LL
      Round #  3 Tournament: Shirley
      vs:Harvard DT
      Judge:Sydney Pasquinelli



      Plan Text



      1ac Advantages



      2ac Offense

      Reality shapes language


      1ar Strategy

      Pc not key

      Winners win


      2ar Strategy
      PC not key

      Winners win

      No impact to the economy

      Heg outweighs 

      Aff: Georgia LL
      Round 3   Tournament: Shirley
      vs: Harvard T
      Judge: Sydney



      Plan Text: USFG provide technical assistance in following areas for Libya.



      1ac Advantages: Stability (ME War), Multilateralism (Prolif, nuke terror, major power wars, HR, Warming leadership), burden sharing (Heg)



      2ac Offense

      Word PIC: Libya say no, juxtaposing terms changes meaning, reality shapes language, perm do cp

      Loan CP: perm do cp, doesn’t solve, say no, advances political agenda kills credibility / heg, condition cp’s  bad

      Ptx: winners-win



      1ar Strategy

      Kick stability

      Multilat: terror + warming

      Burden sharing: heg

      Ptx: No economic collapse, no war, PC low now, Winner’s win



      2ar Strategy

      Kick warming

      Heg + Multilat outweigh

      Economic decline doesn’t cause war, WW


      Aff: Georgia LL

      Round # 2  Tournament: Shirley

      vs: Kansas State HZ

      Judge: Tim Barouch


      Plan Text: The United States Federal Government should provide technical support in the areas of rule of law, political dialogue, constitution-making and the electoral process for Libya through the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.


      1ac Advantages: stability, multilateralism, burden sharing


      2ac Offense:


      1ar Strategy:


      2ar Strategy: case outweighs, alt doesn’t solve, framework

  • Shirley Rd 2 - 2AC/1AR vs. KState HZ

    • Tournament: Shirley | Round: 2 | Opponent: Kansas State | Judge: Tim Barouch

    • Stability


      Gaddafi’s death cause a power vacuum – that guarantees stability

      Marchetti 10-21 (Silvia, “Gaddafi's death might trigger instability in Libya: Italian experts,” Xinhua News, )


      The death of fallen Libyan leader … yet at the same time very dangerous.


      Representations don’t influence reality

      Kocher 00 (Robert L., Author of “The American Mind in Denial” and Philosopher, “Discourse on Reality and Sanity”,


      While it is not possible to … profess what they pretend to believe in.



      Stability Impact – Economy

      Libyan instability collapses the global economy by undermining sweet crude.

      Pack, 3/18/2011 (Jason – researcher of Libya at Oxford University’s St. Antony’s College, Libya is too big to fail, Foreign Policy, p.

      Much as we might pretend … both the fragile world economy and the Libyan people.

      Nuclear war.

      Mead, Summer 1992 (Walter Russell Mead – avid fan of the show The Price is Right and the movie Saving Private Ryan, New Perspectives Quarterly, p. 30)

      What if the global economy … and Japan did in the '30s.


      Stability Impact – Middle East Democracy

      Support for Libyan democracy spills over to regional transitions.

      Ellison, 8/26/2011 (Keith – 5th District of Minnesota, U.S. role made the difference in Libya, CNN Wire, p. lexis)

      America had to get involved. … as it begins to lay the foundations of democracy.

      Solves WMD conflict.

      Fukuyama and McFaul, Winter 2007/2008 (Francis - professor of international political economy and director of the International Development Program at Johns Hopkins, and Michael - Hoover senior fellow, professor of political science and director of the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law at Stanford University, Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted, The Washington Quarterly, p. 26)

      The destruction of fascist and … the need for U.S. deployments in that region.



      Burden Sharing


      Hegemony prevents global transition conflict


      Kahlilzad 98 [Zalmay, Former Professor of Political Science at Columbia and Director of Project Air Force at RAND, Current US Ambassador to Iraq, Conflict in the 21st Century, P. 11]


      Should the United States  shrink dramatically as budgets declined.2


      Hegemony prevents global transition conflict


      Posen and Ross 97 [Barry Posen, Professor of Political Science in the Defense and Arms Control Studies Program at MIT, Andrew Ross, Professor of National Security Studies at the Naval War College, International Security, Winter 1997]


      The United States can, more easily … effects even for those not directly involved.



      Multilateralism ADV


      A2: Offshore Balancing 1NC


      Primacy is comparatively superior to off-shore balancing—Layne's grand strategy would prompt global conflict.


      Thayer 7 [Bradley, Associate Professor in the Department of Defense and Strategic Studies at Missouri State University, "Reply to Christopher Layne: The Strength of the American Empire," American Empire: A Debate, Published by Routledge, ISBN 0415952034, p. 116-117]


      Primacy Is the Right Grand … United States like Japan and Turkey.


      The risks of off-shore balancing outweigh the benefits – primacy is key.


      Thayer 7 [Bradley, Associate Professor in the Department of Defense and Strategic Studies at Missouri State University, "Reply to Christopher Layne: The Strength of the American Empire," American Empire: A Debate, Published by Routledge, ISBN 0415952034, p. 103-104 ]


      To advance these goals, in this … American people and their allies.


      -- Abandoning the term “terrorism” is worse and undermines attempts to check political violence

      Sederberg 89 (Peter C., Professor of Government – USC, Terrorist Myths, p. 41-42)


      The idea of terrorism, given its …, if not eliminate, this form of coercion  

      Our impact turns theirs – violent attacks cause huge repression


      Oberschall 4 (Anthony, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Sociological Theory, March, p. 21)


      In particular, the police and military—… cases, escalates to state terrorism.


      Terror talk is now a structural reality – alternative hopelessly fails


      Zulaika and Douglass 96 (Joseba and William, Professors in the Department of Basque Studies – University of Nevada at Reno, Terror and Taboo, p. 238)


      In this book we have argued that …, its perpetuation seems guaranteed.


      Scientific consensus proves warming is real

      Oreskes 4 (Naomi, Professor of History and Science Studies – University of California San Diego, “The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change”, Science Magazine, 12-3, )


      Policy-makers and the media, …. It is time for the rest of us to listen.



      T – Its 2AC

      We meet – the plan provides US expertise and training for Libya through the United Nations mission in Libya.

      “For” means within

      Black 10 (Henry Campbell Black, M.A., “A Law Dictionary,” Second Edition, St. Paul Minn. West Publishing Co. 1910,


      For: Belonging to, public in and for the said country.”


      Contextual evidence proves we meet

      Cohn, 99 (Elizabeth, Director of the International and Intercultural Studies Major at Goucher College, “U.S. Democratization Assistance”, July 1, Foreign Policy in Focus,

      When possible, the U.S.  and economic processes in other countries.


      More evidence –

      “Its democracy assistance” can refer to multilateral assistance

      Piccone et al, 9 (Theodore, senior fellow and deputy director for Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution and an adviser to the Club of Madrid, Abraham F. Lowenthal, and, Laurence Whitehead, “The Obama Administration and the Americas: Agenda for Change”, p. 61)

      Another way in which  and distinct requirements of each donor. 


      2. DA has four subsets – rule of law, civil society, political processes and good government

      McMahon 1 (Edward R., Director, Center on Democratic Performance, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Binghamton University, “Assessing USAID’s Assistance for Democratic Development :

      Is it Quantity Versus Quality?”, This paper was prepared for the American Political Science Association annual conference, San Francisco, August 30 – September 2, 2001, and is published in the Winter 2001 edition of Evaluation (London: SAGE Publications).,


      Defining Democracy Assistance .

      • Parliamentary Training and Support – 2000


      That’s best –

      A. Aff ground – intermediaries are key to aff solvency. Forcing government-to-government affs undermines flexibility and ignores the nature of aff solvency advocates. Aff ground outweighs – a variety of neg generics provide a check on explosions.

      B. Limits – our interp requires that the aid is targeted within the country. Prevents affs that reroute aid out of the country or support NGOs in China.

      No ground loss – there is no distinction between NGO affs and international mediator affs. As long as they are within the country, the neg should be prepared to debate the aff.



      European Union 2AC

      Perm – do both

      Perm – do the plan and have the EU fund it.

      Doesn’t solve credibility – the U.S. has to engage with the UN in order to garner the benefits of multilateralism. That’s the 1AC Brimmer evidence.

      Doesn’t solve burden-sharing – the U.S. needs to establish a model of burden-sharing in post-conflict Libya. That’s key to solve overstretch and heg collapse. That’s Brady and Beauchamp.

      Doesn’t solve stability – only the U.S. has the expertise and clout to solve backsliding and promote a democratic transition. That’s Vandewelle and Margon.

      European aid fails in Libya.

      Yousef, 4/22/2011 (Tarik – nonresident senior fellow at the Global Economy and Development, The U.S. role in the Libyan Rebels, Brookings Video Podcast, Transcribed by S. Chung - 2:35 to 3:17, p.

      Given that we agree on the end … or aid this process or assist the Libyans.

      European aid fails and is rejected.

      Gowan, 8/26/2011 (Richard – associate director at New York University’s Center on International Cooperation, Does Libya really need European peacekeepers?, Foreign Policy, p.

      Yet there are three obstacles … in Libya would only complicate their sums.

      International fiat is a voter – its infinite and unpredictable, and no actor has power over two international actors. That undermines decisionmaking and logic.




      P –db


      Alt doesn’t solve case

      Neoliberalism isn’t the root cause of war

      Roberts and Sparke 3 (Susan, Professor of Geography – University of Kentucky, and Matthew, Professor of Geography – University of Washington, “Neoliberal Geopolitics,” Antipode, 35(5), p. 886-897)


      Barnett’s work is our main …“end of the nation-state” storyline.


      As we said at the start, we do … vital to reflect on the inter-articulations.

      Neoliberalism is inevitable – markets control our thought

      Hudson 99 [Mark, Progressive Librarian, Fall, “Understanding Information Media in the Age of Neoliberalism: The Contributions of Herbert Schiller”]


      Neoliberal ideas are as old as hegemony for our politics, economy and culture.

      Their impacts are empirically denied. Democracy assistance transfers resources instead of extracting them and facilitates self-government instead of domination

      Paris 10 (Roland, Director of the Centre for International Policy Studies and Prf. @ Graduate School of Public and International Affairs @ Ottawa, “Saving Liberal Peacebuilding” Review of Int’l Studies 36 p. 348-350)


      Although there are similarities …stronger echoes of imperialism than others.

      No interventionism impact

      Glen 11 (Patrick J., Adjunct Professor – Georgetown University Law Center, “The ADVANCE Democracy Act and the Future of United States Democracy Promotion Efforts,” Santa Clara Journal of International Law, 9 Santa Clara J. Int'l L. 273,


      The conflation of democracy …contemplated by the ADVANCE Act need to be  shelved.


      No solvency – can’t translate theory into practice

      Chandler 10 (David, Professor of International Relations – University of Westminster, “What Do We Do When We Critique Liberalism?: The Uncritical Critique of ‘Liberal Peace’,” Millennium Conference, 10-17,


      It would seem that at the core of the …critical alternative embedded in these approaches.



      China Currency – 2AC (Boehner PC)

      Boehner not get blame

      GOP will vote only if Obama signs it – he will veto any legislation

      Tonelson 10/26 [Alan Tonelson is a Research Fellow at the U.S. Business & Industry Educational Foundation, “Currency Manipulation as Political Football”, Wednesday, October 26, 2011, American Economic Alert,]

      On October 3, the Hatch gambit was …, if reluctantly, hinted at a White House veto.

      Obama will veto

      WSJ 11/10 (Wall Street Journal, “Pressure Increases Over Yuan “, 2011, )


      Mr. Obama is widely expected to  report required by Congress.


      Obama Good – United Nations

      Multilateral funding is non-controversial.

      McInerney, 10 (Stephen, Director of Advocacy for the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), He has extensive  experience in the Middle East and North Africa, including  graduate studies of Middle Eastern politics, history, and  the Arabic language at the American University of Beirut  and the American University in Cairo.  He has spoken on  Middle East affairs with numerous media outlets including MSNBC and CBS News. “The President’s Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2011: Democracy, Governance, and Human Rights in the Middle East”, POMED, April,

      The U.S. has long been an … funded under this budget heading.

      Multilateral democracy promotion generates political support.

      Carothers, 7 (Thomas, vice president for studies—international politics and governance at the

      Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, “U.S. Democracy Promotion During and After Bush”,

      The negative effects of Bush policy on  decisiveness, and creativity necessary for success.




      Obama Good – Democracy Assistance

      Graham –

      A. Wants the plan.

      Millard, 8/22/2011 (Hal, As Gaddafi falls, Graham hails opportunity to spread democracy, Spring Valley Patch, p.

      With Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year  United States' best interest, he said.

      B. Key to the agenda.

      Shapiro, 3/24/2010 (Ari, Sen. Lindsey Graham: Spotlight On A Deal Maker, National Public Radio, p.,1017,1128)

      In the past year, political controversies … deal maker is Lindsey Graham.

      Lieberman –

      A. Wants the plan.

      Christian Science Monitor, 8/26/2011 (What happens next in Libya?, p.

      Most members of Congress are still … with the Transitional Council,” he added.

      B. Key swing vote.

      Litvan, 1/19/2011 (Laura, Lieberman won’t seek re-election to u.s. senate after serving four terms, Bloomberg, p.

      U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman of … who caucuses with Democrats.

      Congress likes the plan.

      Emery, 8/23/2011 (Theo, Congress could resist additional aid to Libya, The Boston Globe, p.

      In addition to Kerry,  called on to fund it,” he said.

      Democracy assistance is bipartisan.

      Democracy Digest, 9/8/2011 (9/11 restored bipartisan consensus on strategic value of democracy assistance, p.

      9/11 restored bipartisan consensus on  at home is worthy of note.”


      China/US Relations


      -- Relations resilient


      China Daily 3 (2-13, Lexis)


      During President Jiang … differences in Sino-US relations.


      -- No spillover


      IPS 3 (Inter-Press Service, 11-4, Lexis)


      Indeed, it now appears that, … other aspects of the relationship."


      -- Security cooperation won’t break down


      Taiwan News 4 (4-27, Lexis)


      He also said Washington's renewed … the relationship on track.


      -- Empirically denied


      Shambaugh 5 (David, Professor of Political Science and International Affairs – George Washington University and Fellow – Brookings Institute, “The New Strategic Triangle: U.S. and European Reactions to China's Rise”,  Washington Quarterly, Summer, Lexis)


      Third, significant divergences exist … converge against European interests. 

      China/US War


      -- No US/China war – relations are stable – and economics checks


      Sargent 8 (Sara, Business Reporter – Medill News Service, “China Space Launch Raises Fears”, UPI, 10-3, Lexis)


      In January 2007 China … that war is an exceptionally unlikely scenario.


      -- Won’t go nuclear


      PPG 4 (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pennsylvania), 9-29, Lexis)


      U.S. military capacity is now … are definitely not into terrorism.


      U.S. nuclear primacy checks war


      Lieber and Press 6 (Keir A., Assistant Professor of Political Science – Notre Dame and Daryl G., Associate Professor of Political Science – University of Pennsylvania, Foreign Affairs, March / April, Lexis)


      For almost half a century, the world's … unconstrained United States, will worry.


      -- Chinese leadership will pull back


      Ross 1 (Robert S., Professor of Political Science – Boston College, The National Interest, Fall, Lexis)


      The strategic costs to … a Sino-American war.


      -- History proves no risk of China war – their cards are all hype


      Dyer 9 (Gwynne, Ph.D. in War Studies – University of London and Board of Governors – Canada’s Royal Military College, “China Unlikely to Engage in Military Confrontation”, Jakarta Post, 4-29,


      Given America's monopoly or … threat of impending war in East Asia.


      Solyndra Thumper – 2AC

      Solyndra investigation sparks massive congressional battles

      Schone and Mosk 11/10 (Mark and Matthew – ABC News, “White House Misses Solyndra Deadline”, 2011, )


      The White House today failed to … had simply chosen to cooperate."


      Waste Thumper – 2AC

      Congressional waste fights now – draws in Obama

      Jackson 11/9 (David – USA Today, “Obama criticizes government waste -- and Congress”, 2011, )


      President Obama amped up his battle  Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.


      UN Good – China War

      A credible UN is also need to co-opt future hegemonic rivals such as China.

      Hirsh, 2003 (Michael – former foreign editor at Newsweek, At War Without Ourselves, p. 2 and 87)

      The international system … the dirty but necessary work of nation building.


      The Straits Times, 6/25/2000 (Regional Fallout: No one gains in war over Taiwan, p. lexis)

      THE high-intensity scenario postulates a … the destruction of civilisation.



      Rejection of capitalism causes massive transition wars

      Harris 3 (Lee, Analyst – Hoover Institution and Author of The Suicide of Reason, “The Intellectual Origins of America-Bashing”, Policy Review, January,


      This is the immiserization thesis of … would be reduced to pipe dreams.



      Kothari 82 (Rajni, Professor of Political Science – University of Delhi, Toward a Just Social Order, p. 571)


      Attempts at global economic reform … and setting the stage for eventual global holocaust.


      Turns their impact – the transition magnifies every flaw of capitalism

      Gurbud 97 (Mark Avrum, Graduate Research Assistant – Center for Superconductivity Research at the University of Maryland, “Nanotechnology and International Security”,


      With molecular manufacturing, … of nationalistic imperialism.


      Capitalist elites won’t go down without a fight

      Mandel 83 (Ernest, Professor – Vrijie Universitieit in Brussels, “The Threat of War and the Struggle for Socialism, New Left Review, 141, September, p. 28)


      The statement that the ‘balance of terror’ … and the pattern of behavior of this class.


      Elite backlash destroys the alternative

      Kagarlitsky 96 (, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Comparative Political Studies – Russian Academy of Sciences “The Agony Of Neo-Liberalism Or The End Of Civilization?”, Monthly Review, June,


      It would seem that the time for alternatives … demonstrate their inadequacy as genuine alternatives.


      No impact: collective suicide is extremely unlikely

      Bostrom 2 (Nick, PhD Philosophy – Oxford University, “Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios”, Journal of Evolution and Technology, 9, March,


      Some foreseen hazards (hence not members … of human extinction, see chapter 4 of [9].)


  • Libya Stability 1AC - USC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


      Stability 1AC

      Libyan instability is rampant -- guarantees civil war

      DJ 12-29 (Digital Journal, “Libyan Civil War Coming in 2012,”

      The coming year could create a lot of


      that Libya “is a conflict without boundaries.”

      Technical assistance through the UN boosts NTC legitimacy and establishes the foundations for a democratic transition.

      El Kasm, 11/10/2011 (Saeb – anti-corruption consultant whose clients include the UNODC, Lecturer at University of California, Irvine, Rebuilding Libya, Truthout, p. )

      In order to restore law and order,


      requests and keep the Libyan transition on track.

      Libyan collapse destabilizes the region and undermines stability in Iraq.

      Pack, 3/18/2011 (Jason – researcher of Libya at Oxford University’s St. Antony’s College, Libya is too big to fail, Foreign Policy, p.

      Today we face a familiar dilemma. Libya


      simply too big to be allowed to fail.

      African conflicts escalate to great power wars.

      Glick, 12/12/2007 (Caroline – senior Middle East fellow at the Center for Security Policy, Condi’s African holiday, p.

      The Horn of Africa is a dangerous and


      which flows through all countries of the region.

      That goes nuclear.

      Deutsch 2001 (Dr. Jeffery – founder at Rabid Tiger Project, Rabid Tiger Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 7, 11-18, p.

      The Rabid Tiger Project believes that a nuclear


      , and some people love to go fishing.

      Instability undermines efforts to prevent nuclear and chemical theft in Libya.

      Morris, 8/24/2011 (Patricia – Herbert Scoville, Securing Ghaddafi’s Chemical and Nuclear Materials, Nukes of Hazard, p.

      On August 21, the Libyan opposition forces


      materials and chemical weapons at this crucial time.

      U.S. support for the UN democracy mission prevents weapon transfers.

      Carmichael, 9/1/2011 (Lachlan, Clinton urges new Libya to fight extremism, Yahoo! News, p.

      US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged Libya's


      and promotes tolerance and pluralism," she said.

      CBW use cause extinction.

      Steinbruner, 12/22/1997 (John – senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, Biological Weapons: A Plague Upon All Houses, Foreign Policy, p. lexis)

      Although human pathogens are often lumped with nuclear


      this sort but not necessarily its outer limit.

      U.S. democracy assistance is critical to prevent transitional violence. Only the United States has the expertise establish the foundations of stability.

      Margon, 8/22/2011 (Sarah - associate director for Sustainable Security at American Progress, Libya Will Still Need Help After Qaddafi’s Departure, Center for American Progress, p.

      Ensuring political unity in the TNC is crucial


      strong commitment to doing so on all fronts.

      U.S. expertise and political knowledge is critical to prevent democratic backsliding.

      Vandewalle, 4/6/2011 (Dirk – teaches in the department of government at Dartmouth, The Reconstruction of Libya – Local and International Constraints and Opportunities, Testimony before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, p.

      As the United States continues to find its


      the foundations of a future, democratic Libya.


  • Libya Multilateralism 1AC - USC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2

      Advantage Two – Multilateralism

      Sustained UN engagement on Libya is critical to maintain U.S. leadership, garner cooperation on multiple issues and overall multilateralism. The alternative is counterbalancing.

      Brimmer, 9/15/2011 (Esther - assistant secretary of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, A Misguided Assault, p.

      Glancing at the agenda of the upcoming General


      those who would not act in our interests.

      US leadership prevents great powers wars.

      Khalilzad, 2/8/2011 (Zalmay – former United States ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq and the United Nations, The Economy and National Security, National Review, p.

      We face this domestic challenge while other major


      most significant barrier facing Chinese hegemony and aggression. 

      Nuclear war.

      Khalilzad 1995 (Zalmay – sixteen years younger than the above card, Losing The Moment? Washington Quarterly, Vol 18, No 2, p. 84)

      Under the third option, the United States


      bipolar or a multipolar balance of power system.

      Only multilateral cooperation prevents great power wars that make extinction inevitable.

      Dyer, 12/30/2004 (Gwynne – former senior lecturer in war studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurt, The End of War, The Toronto Star, p. lexis)

      The "firebreak" against nuclear weapons use


      then history will repeat itself and everybody loses.

      The US needs to take action in Libya through the UN – key to avoid backlash and diminished US credibility

      Bauer, 11 (William, “America Must Be A Back Seat Driver”, Polymic, August,

      So, what is next for Libya?


      the U.S. has to offer.

      Libya is the test case for the future of Obama’s multilateral approach.

      Rothkopf, 3/18/2011 (David - visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Why the U.N. vote on Libya means almost as much for Obama as for Qaddafi, Foreign Policy, p.

      This is not because Libya is such a


      to be able to take credit for leading.


  • Libya NATO 1AC - USC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 3

      Advantage___: NATO

      NATO’s role in Libya is not over. They will continue to undermine the UN and monitor Libya. This causes continued involvement and Syrian intervention.

      Bhadrakumar, 11/12/2011 (M.K. – Ambassador for the Indian Foreign Service, NATO Settles Down in Libya, Mainstream, Vol. XLIX, No. 47, p.

      The role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organi


      otherwise now as we turn eyes toward Syria?

      The precedent for NATO intervention spills over to Syrian intervention. That’s escalates and draws in Iran.

      Nasser, 11/1/2011 (Nicola, NATO’s Next War: Syria, the Arab Yugoslavia of the Middle East, Centre for Research on Globalization, p.

      The U.S. and NATO are


      fraught with potential risks of regional war eruption.


      Kah, April 2003 (Gary H. – former Europe and Middle East trade specialist for the government of Indiana, War With Iraq: The Aftermath, p.

      North Korea has nuclear weapons - and the


      at any price would be the driving force.

      Perception of Syrian collapse sparks escalatory nuclear Israeli/Syrian war.

      Ceren, 8/1/2011 (Omri - PhD candidate at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication, Just how bad could a Syrian collapse get, Commentary, p.

      But the continued stability of the Syrian regime


      will not cause Israeli politicians to overreact less.

      NATO intervention in Iran causes extinction.

      Nazemroaya, 1/10/2011 (


      pads, and chokepoints in future military conflicts.

      Spills over to the Balkans – sparks instability.

      Interfax, 10/24/2011 (NATO operation in Libya sets dangerous precedent for Balkans, p.

      The threat of inter-ethnic and inter


      Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Primakov said.

      Balkans conflict escalates – draws in great powers.

      Paris 2 (Roland, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs – University of Colorado, “Kosovo and the Metaphor War”, Political Science Quarterly, 117(3), Fall, Proquest)

      At this early stage in the Kosovo crisis


      Balkan powderkeg, before it is too late.

      Nuclear war.

      Chicago Daily Herald, 5/9/1999 p. lexis

      We hear the grim rationale for sending in


      in nuclear war and incalculable self-destruction.

      The plan locks-in the UN.

      Brady, August 2011 (Kyle - author of Modern America: The End of Political Discourse, Libya shows multilateralism is new U.S. strategy, Policymic, p.

      The involvement of the United States in the


      to be tested, refined and fully institutionalized.

  • Libya Stability Impact - Refugees - USC Round 6

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Libyan instability causes massive refugee flows

      Serwer 11 (Daniel, “Post-Qaddafi Instability in Libya,” Council on Foreign Relations, Contingency Planning Memorandum, No. 12, August, Online)

      A failed transition leading to chaos, breakup


      the rebellion would be inclined in that direction.

      Libyan refugees crush EU cohesion

      Economist 11 (“The Next European Crisis: Boat People,” 4-11,

      For the past year excessive sovereign debt has


      to question another of Europe's great integration projects.

      Causes global depression and runaway warming

      Strahan 11 (David, Former Business Correspondent – BBC, Journalism Specialist – Business and Energy, Trustee – Oil Depletion Analysis Center, Honorary Researcher -- Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre, and Fellow – RSA, “The Real Greek Tragedy May Be the Climate,” New Scientist, 10-14, /mg21228346.800-the-real-greek-tragedy-may-be-the-climate.html%3Cbr%20/%3E)

      The climate always takes a back seat when


      could condemn the planet to uncontrollable global warming.



      Tickell 8 (Oliver, Climate Researcher and Author – Kyoto2, “On a Planet 4C Hotter, All We Can Prepare For is Extinction”, The Guardian,


      We need to get prepared for four degrees


      degenerated into a squabble over national emission rights.

  • Libya Plans

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Wake/Harvard Plan 

      The United States Federal Government should provide technical support in the areas of rule of law, political dialogue, constitution-making and the electoral process for Libya through the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.

      Harvard Round 7

      The United States Federal Government should provide technical support in the areas of rule of law, political dialogue, constitution-making and the electoral process for Libya with the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.

      USC Round 2

      The United States Federal Government should provide technical support for a political transition in Libya through the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.

      USC Round 6 

      The United States Federal Government should provide support to facilitate a democratic political transition in Libya through the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.

  • Libya - Multilat Adv - Moon Internal

    • Tournament: Fullerton | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • UN success on the Arab Spring is critical to Moon’s credibility.
      USA Today, 12/31/2011 (U.N. chief to focus on sustaining Arab Spring, p.
      Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, in
      N. can do remains to be seen.
      Moon’s leadership spills over to overall UN cooperation and burden sharing.
      Khindaria, 6/18/2011 (Brij – foreign affairs columnist for the Moderate voice, Ban Ki-Moon and the Indispensable United Nations, The Moderate Voice, p.
      Despite periodic bad-mouthing by some members
      global economy, while better managing immigration flows.

  • Fullerton Round 2 New Libya Impacts

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Libyan instability causes massive refugee flows
       Serwer 11 (Daniel, “Post-Qaddafi Instability in Libya,” Council on Foreign Relations, Contingency Planning Memorandum, No. 12, August, Online)
       A failed transition leading to chaos, breakup
      the rebellion would be inclined in that direction.
       Egyptian refugees overload development projects – that causes Egypt to lose control of the Nile
       AA 11 (Asylum Access, “Wikileaks cable: Egypt worried that S. Sudan independence will increase refugee flows,” RSD Watch, 2-9,
       A leaked February 2010 US diplomatic memo shows
      the repatriation of many south Sudanese in Egypt.
       Egyptian loss of the Nile causes a full-scale water war
       Lewis 9 (Lowell N., Associate Dean for Research and Professor of Plant Physiology and Principal Investigator for the Project – Citrus Research Center, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of California, Riverside, “The Nile River,” Egyptian Agriculture,
       The most complete agreement on the use of
      and into land reclamation and development projects in the
      Nile water wars escalate
       Coddrington 10 (Dr. Graeme, Guest Lecturer – London Business School, Duke Corporate Education and the Gordon Institute of Business Science, “A Looming Crisis: World Water Wars,” Tomorrow Today,

       People go to war when their way
      example) and their dependence on the Nile.  

      Refugees flows causes instability in the Middle East
       Ulack 11 (Chris, Doctoral Candidate – Department of Geography and the Environment – University of Texas at Austin, “The Arab Spring's looming refugee crisis,” Foreign Policy, 6-23,
       The trajectory of peaceful demonstrations in Libya and
      lead to dashed hopes and further humanitarian crises.
      Middle East instability causes extinction
       Russell 9 (James, Senior Lecturer in the Department of National Security Affairs – Naval Postgraduate School, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prosepects for Nuclear War and Escalation in the Middle East,” Online)

      Strategic stability in the region is thus undermined
      , with substantial risk for the entire world.

  • Libya Qatar 1AC - Fullerton Octas

    • Tournament: Fullerton | Round: Octas | Opponent: Northwestern BK | Judge:

    • Advantage___: Qatar

      Qatar’s influence is increasing in the Middle East.

      The Guardian, 12/15/2011 (Qatar’s influence increases in the Middle East, p.

      Qatar's influence increases in the Middle East Foresight


      coveting, commensurate to its wealth and clout.

      Libya is the test case for this influence.

      Wall Street Journal, 10/17/2011 (Tiny Kingdom’s Huge Role in Libya Draws Concern, p.

      With the blessing of Western intelligence agencies,


      is being closely watched in Libya and beyond.


      Collapses Assad.

      McDonnell and Hassan, 11/13/2011 (Patrick and Amro, Syria’s neighbors helping shape its fate, Los Angeles Times, p.

      Syrian President Bashar Assad finds himself in an


      in the wake of President Hosni Mubarak's ouster.

      Nuclear war.

      Ceren, 8/1/2011 (Omri - PhD candidate at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School for Communication, Just how bad could a Syrian collapse get, Commentary, p.

      But the continued stability of the Syrian regime


      will not cause Israeli politicians to overreact less.


      Qatar influence will be aggressive – increases the prospect of a gas cartel.

      O’Sullivan, 10/3/2011 (Meghan, Tiny Qatar’s Big Plans May Change Mideast, Bloomberg, p. )

      The key question for the U.S


      S. with an opening to strengthen ties.

      Qatar gas cartel results in Russian energy expansionism.

      Banerjee, 2/20/2007 (Soma, Likely gas cartel portends a bad omen for India, The Economic Times, p.

      It was early September 1960, close to


      stage is expected polarise the energy starved world.

      That results in German energy dependence – escalates to global nuclear war.

      Karlin 10/23/2009 (Anatoly – San Francisco based independent writer, Sublime Strategic Report #10, p.

      In addition to the manifold soft power tools


      deterrence power of nuclear weapons will fall dramatically.

      Independently, Russian expansionism results in WMD conflict.

      Cohen 96 (Ariel, PhD and Senior Policy Analyst – Heritage, Heritage Foundation Reports, 1-25, Lexis)

      Much is at stake in Eurasia for the


      its allies in Europe and the Middle East.

      U.S. action for democratic political transition is critical to lock out a Qatari led model.

      Engel, 11/2/2011 (Andrew – former research assistant at the Washington Institute, Libya’s Post-Qadhafi Challenges, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, p. )

      Libya's challenges are immense, but Washington can


      state over a democratic state with Islamic values.

  • T - Intermedaries - 2AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contextual evidence proves we meet
      Cohn, 99 (Elizabeth, Director of the International and Intercultural Studies Major at Goucher College, “U.S. Democratization Assistance”, July 1, Foreign Policy in Focus,
      When possible, the U.S.
      the political and economic processes in other countries.

      “Its democracy assistance” can refer to multilateral assistance
      Piccone et al, 9 (Theodore, senior fellow and deputy director for Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution and an adviser to the Club of Madrid, Abraham F. Lowenthal, and, Laurence Whitehead, “The Obama Administration and the Americas: Agenda for Change”, p. 61)
      Another way in which the US could multilateralize
      the myriad and distinct requirements of each donor.  

      Counter-interpretation –

      For” means within
      Black 10 (Henry Campbell Black, M.A., “A Law Dictionary,” Second Edition, St. Paul Minn. West Publishing Co. 1910,

      For: Belonging to, exercising authority or
      notary public in and for the said country.”

      “Its” means associated with – control is not required
      CED 98 (Collin English Dictionary, p 817)
      Its – of, belong to, or associated in some way with it.

  • Libya Aid Now

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Other assistance triggers the link
      Rettig 10-20 (Jessica, Reporter – U.S. News, “Qadhafi's Death Won't Mean End for U.S. Role in Libya”,

      The news comes just days after Secretary of
      and confident in your ability to move forward."

      Aid now – triggers the DAs, but doesn’t solve
      WSJ 12-28 (Wall Street Journal, “MIA on the Shores of Tripoli,” Online)

      Leon Panetta offered a good gesture with last
      be a success unless he finishes this job.

  • UGA LL vs Liberty GW 2AC

    • Tournament: Pittsburgh Round Robin | Round: 2 | Opponent: Liberty GW | Judge: Jarman

    • Libyan Relations Adv



      Relations Advantage – 1AC

      Advantage    : US-Libyan Relations

      Relations are improving, but not set in stone – future US policy is crucial

      Mine 11 (Yoshiki, Lecturer on the Security and Disarmament – University of Tokyo, and Research Director – Canon Institute for Global Studies, “Will Libya's Relations with the United States Improve?” The Canon Institute for Global Studies, 10-14,

      Libya is yet another Arab country in which


      establish good relations with the U.S.

      Now is key – the plan spills over to broader cooperation

      SUPD 11 (Syracuse University Public Diplomacy Blog, “Humanitarian Aid as a Strategic Obligation to the People of Libya,” 10-24,

      Over the past few days the world has


      we cared about helping the people of Libya.

      Working with the UN is key – allows the US to build Libyan relations

      Bauer 11 (William, Regional Consultant in Libya, Specialist in Middle Eastern Studies, “America Must Be A Back Seat Driver”, Polymic, August,

      So, what is next for Libya?


      the U.S. has to offer.

      Strong relations help US steer Libyan scientists away from weapons development

      Birch 11 (Douglas, Reporter – Associated Press, “U.S. Attempts to Keep Tabs on Libyan Scientists,” Army Times, 9-15,

      The U.S. is trying to


      .S. in counter-proliferation programs.

      Biggest internal link to proliferation

      Smallwood and Liimatainen 11 (Peter D., Associate Professor of Biology – University of Richmond, and William T., Research Fellow – Department of Defense, “Securing WMD Expertise: Lessons Learned From Iraq,” Arms Control Today, July/August,

      However, the materials for many chemical and


      built into plans for CTR 2.0.

      Nuclear war

      Sokolski 9 (Henry, Executive Director – Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, “Avoiding a Nuclear Crowd”, Policy Review, June/July,

      Finally, several new nuclear weapons contenders are


      None of this, however, is inevitable.

      Expertise is also the biggest internal link to terrorism – this answers all terrorism impact defense

      Graham and Talent, December 2008 (Bob – chairman of the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism, and Jim – vice-chairman of the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism, World at Risk, Graham Allison, Robin Cleveland, Steve Rademaker, Tim Roemer, Wendy Sherman, Henry Sokolski, Rich Verma, p. 20)

      At the moment, al Qaeda is judged


      materials or with knowledge of nuclear weapons designs.

      Nuclear war

      Ayson 10 (Robert, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand –  Victoria University of Wellington, “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33(7), July)

      A Catalytic Response: Dragging in the Major Nuclear Powers

      A terrorist nuclear attack, and even the


      might not help the chances of nuclear restraint.

      Independently, strong relations boost counter-terrorism operations

      Auken 11 (Bill Van, 2004 Presidential Candidate, Contributing Editor – World Socialist Website, WikiLeaks cables expose Washington’s close ties to Gaddafi, International Committee of the Fourth International, 8-27,

      Other cables highlight the increasingly close US-


      Libya bilateral relationship and a shared strategic interest.”

      That spills over and solves MANPADS proliferation

      Rogin 11 (Josh, Staff Writer – Foreign Policy, “U.S. Could Play Role in Military Training in Libya,” The Cable, 9-14,

      The United States is in discussions with the


      weapons, such as MANPADS and land mines.

      Generic impact defense doesn’t apply – MANPADS proliferation is a distinct probability

      Wilner 11 (Alex, Senior Researcher at ETH-Zurich and a Macdonald-Laurier Institute Fellow, “Halting al Qaeda’s African rebound”, Troy Media, 11-30-2011,

      For AQIM, Libya poses a unique opportunity


      MANPAD is actually pointed at a commercial aircraft.

      MANPADS proliferation undermines air support in Afghanistan – that causes rampant instability

      Drwiega 11 (Andrew, Senior Defense Journalist, “Libya’s MANPADs Legacy,” Aviation Today, 12-6,

      It has always been surprising that American,


      with dire consequences for the Karzai government.

      Global nuclear war

      Morgan 7 (Stephen J., Political Writer and Former Member of the British Labour Party Executive Committee, “Better another Taliban Afghanistan, than a Taliban NUCLEAR Pakistan!?”, 9-23, http://www.freearticlesarchive .com/article/_Better_another_Taliban_Afghanistan__than_a_Taliban_NUCLEAR_Pakistan___/99961/0/)

      However events may prove him sorely wrong.


      with China and Russia pitted against the US.

      MANPADS proliferation tarnishes NATO success – that crushes credibility

      Smyth 11 (Paul, Former Head of Program – Royal United Services Institute and Founder – R3I Consulting, and a “Gaddafi’s missing MANPADS taint NATO’s success in Libya,” Defence IQ, 11-11,

      If, instead, a number of MANPADS


      Gaddafi’s MANPAD legacy may yet tarnish NATO’s success.

      NATO credibility solves Balkans war

      Yesson 3 (Erik, Research Associate – Institute of International Relations, “Sending Credible Signals: NATO’s Role in Stabilizing Balkan Conflicts,” NATO/EAPC Fellowship Final Report, June,

      Bargaining theory offers a unified approach to modeling


      to create the conditions for a stable settlement.

      Nuclear war

      Scherbak 8 (Yuri, Advisor to the Chair of the Parliament of Ukraine, and President of the Institute for Sustainable Development of Ukraine, Ten Theses about the Russian-Georgian Conflict: A View from Ukraine, Heinrich Boll Stiftung – Warsaw, Nov, )

      2. The war in Caucasus attested that


      neighbors can lead to a new global conflict.




      Refugees – 2AC

      Libyan instability causes massive refugee flows

      Serwer 11 (Daniel, “Post-Qaddafi Instability in Libya,” Council on Foreign Relations, Contingency Planning Memorandum, No. 12, August, Online)

      A failed transition leading to chaos, breakup


      the rebellion would be inclined in that direction.

      Libyan refugees crush EU cohesion

      Economist 11 (“The Next European Crisis: Boat People,” 4-11,

      For the past year excessive sovereign debt has


      to question another of Europe's great integration projects.

      Causes global depression and runaway warming

      Strahan 11 (David, Former Business Correspondent – BBC, Journalism Specialist – Business and Energy, Trustee – Oil Depletion Analysis Center, Honorary Researcher -- Aon Benfield UCL Hazard Research Centre, and Fellow – RSA, “The Real Greek Tragedy May Be the Climate,” New Scientist, 10-14, /mg21228346.800-the-real-greek-tragedy-may-be-the-climate.html%3Cbr%20/%3E)

      The climate always takes a back seat when


      could condemn the planet to uncontrollable global warming.

      MANPADS – Impact – Economy

      MANPAD attack devastates US economy

      Ehrenfeld 11 (Rachel, Visiting Scholar – Columbia University Institute of War and Peace Studies, Research Scholar – New York University School of Law, Fellow – Johns Hopkins Director – Economics Warfare Institute and American Center for Democracy, “Libya's missing missiles: a threat to US airline passengers,” Christian Science Monitor, 12-9,

      Are air passengers in the United States at


      returned to pre-9/11 levels.


      Relations – A2: Backlash/No Solvency

      Libya wants the plan

      Rogin 11 (Josh, staff writer for Foreign Policy, “Libyan Ambassador: NTC will start transition now”, 10-20, )

      Libya's National Transitional Council (NTCwill


      companies to participate in the reconstruction of Libya.

      Libya is unique – avoids backlash

      Negus 11 (Steve, Middle Eastern Correspondent – Financial Times, “Can Libya Win the Peace?” Foreign Policy, 8-22,

      The combination of foreign airstrikes -- which rebels


      is actually appreciated by fighters on the ground.


      T – 2AC

      Contextual evidence proves that

      Cohn, 99 (Elizabeth, Director of the International and Intercultural Studies Major at Goucher College, “U.S. Democratization Assistance”, July 1, Foreign Policy in Focus,

      When possible, the U.S.


      the political and economic processes in other countries.

      Counter-interpretation – aid has to be directed within the country

      “For” means within

      Black 10 (Henry Campbell Black, M.A., “A Law Dictionary,” Second Edition, St. Paul Minn. West Publishing Co. 1910,


      For: Belonging to, exercising authority or


      notary public in and for the said country.”

      “Its” means associated with – control is not required

      CED 98 (Collin English Dictionary, p 817)

      Its – of, belong to, or associated in some way with it.

      This is how aid works – their topic is unpredictable and has no literature

      Goldstone et al 8 (Jack A., Professor of Public Policy – George Mason University and Nonresident Senior Fellow – Brookings Institute, Other Contributing Members: Committee on the Evaluation of USAID Democracy Assistance Programs, Improving Democracy Assistance: Building Knowledge Through Evaluations and Research, National Academies Press, p. 21,

      USAID’s DG efforts include programs in countries undertaking


      NGOs to receive grant support for their activities.

      Direct assistance is a small part of DA

      Carothers and Newberg 96 (Thomas, Vice President for Studies – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Paula R., Marshall B. Coyne Director of the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy – Georgetown University, “Aiding—and defining—democracy,” World Policy Journal, Spring, 13(1), p97-109, Ebsco)

      The first problem concerns the structures of assistance


      small part of the overall US assistance effort.



      PTC -- General

      PC is not key – Obama is irrelevant

      AP 1-18 (“Congress revisiting bruising payroll tax cut fight,”

      With television lights glaring, 20 lawmakers will


      throats of rank-and-file lawmakers.

      Presidential leadership’s irrelevant

      Jacobs and King 10, University of Minnesota, Nuffield College, (Lawrence and Desmond, “Varieties of Obamaism: Structure, Agency, and the Obama Presidency,”  Perspectives on Politics (2010), 8: 793-802) 


       But personality is not a solid foundation


      Presidential sales pitches go only so far.


      Passage’s inevitable – Obama’s already spent capital, GOP wants to end the debate immediately

      Wong 1-16 (Scott, “Payroll tax cut deal may come faster than expected,”

      The one-year payroll tax deal that


      to revisit that debate during a political year.”

      The only thing that could derail passage is fights already occurring – not the plan

      Wong 1-16 (Scott, “Payroll tax cut deal may come faster than expected,”

      In recent days, GOP aides have been


      committee laid the groundwork there for doing that.”




      Not key to econ

      Bartlett 11 (Bruce, former economist under Bush and Reagan, "The Case Against a Payroll Tax Cut,"

      It’s rare for Republicans to find a tax


      only 4 percent cited the cost of labor.


      Thumpers/No PC

      Zero chance anything passes – Obama has no PC

      Weil 1-17 (Dan, Not Stephen, “Obama Makes No Progress on Bipartisanship,”

      When President Barack Obama entered office three years


      visit. She is already pissed at you.”


      Keystone decision sapped capital

      Bradley 1-18 (Donald, “Obama rejects energy pipeline, ignites political firestorm,” Kansas City Star,

      The Obama administration on Wednesday rejected, for


      the Canadians shipping the oil instead to China.

      Winners win.

      Halloran 10 (Liz, Reporter – NPR, “For Obama, What A Difference A Week Made”, National Public Radio, 4-6,

      Amazing what a win in a major legislative


      now suggest is a losing issue for them.


      Democracy K – 2AC



      Democracy is not a product imposed on countries – it’s a tool to reveal public preferences and challenge authoritarian violence

      Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)


      Yet, democracy promotion does not imply the


      ultimately  required for good governance and economic growth.



      The alternative over-respects sovereignty – causes violence

      Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)


      International relations realists argue that world order depends


      - and nonstate actors  in the international system.





  • Pitt RR rd 5 vs UTD DR Cites

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1AC – Qatar

      Advantage__: Qatar

      Qatar influence is high – Libya is critical to that influence

      Spyer, 1/20/2012 (Jonathan, Arab World: Qatar, Midwife of the new Arab world, Jerusalem Post, p.

      In the face-off between Iran and


      age in the politics of the Arab world.

      It’s the test case

      Wall Street Journal, 10/17/2011 (Tiny Kingdom’s Huge Role in Libya Draws Concern, p.

      With the blessing of Western intelligence agencies,


      is being closely watched in Libya and beyond.

      Qatar influence will be aggressive – increases the prospect of a gas cartel.

      O’Sullivan, 10/3/2011 (Meghan, Tiny Qatar’s Big Plans May Change Mideast, Bloomberg, p.

      The key question for the U.S


      S. with an opening to strengthen ties.

      Gas cartel results in Russian expansionism.

      Cohen, 11/5/2007 (Ariel – senior research fellow for Russian and Eurasian studies at the Heritage Foundation, Europe’s Strategic Dependence on Russian Energy,

      A Gas OPEC. Most important, Russia


      U.S. on some key issues.

      Sparks Ukraine conflict – escalates to global nuclear war.

      Kingston 9 (Brian, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs – CIFP, “Ukraine: A Risk Assessment Report”, February,

      Russia: Russia seeks to influence the weakened


      least the drawing in of many other countries.

      Results in German energy dependence – escalates to nuclear war.

      Karlin 10/23/2009 (Anatoly – San Francisco based independent writer, Sublime Strategic Report #10, p.

      In addition to the manifold soft power tools


      deterrence power of nuclear weapons will fall dramatically.

      Independently, Russian expansionism results in WMD conflict.

      Cohen 1996 (Ariel, PhD and Senior Policy Analyst – Heritage, Heritage Foundation Reports, 1-25, Lexis)

      Much is at stake in Eurasia for the


      its allies in Europe and the Middle East.

      U.S. action for democratic political transition is critical to lock out a Qatari led model.

      Engel, 11/2/2011 (Andrew – former research assistant at the Washington Institute, Libya’s Post-Qadhafi Challenges, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, p.

      Libya's challenges are immense, but Washington can


      state over a democratic state with Islamic values.

      U.S. expertise and political knowledge is critical to prevent democratic backsliding.

      Vandewalle, 4/6/2011 (Dirk – teaches in the department of government at Dartmouth, The Reconstruction of Libya – Local and International Constraints and Opportunities, Testimony before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, p.

      As the United States continues to find its


      the foundations of a future, democratic Libya.



      1AC – Multilateralism

      Sustained UN engagement on Libya is critical to maintain U.S. leadership, garner cooperation on multiple issues and overall multilateralism. The alternative is counterbalancing.

      Brimmer, 9/15/2011 (Esther - assistant secretary of the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, A Misguided Assault, p.

      Glancing at the agenda of the upcoming General


      those who would not act in our interests.

      US leadership prevents great powers wars.

      Khalilzad, 2/8/2011 (Zalmay – former United States ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq and the United Nations, The Economy and National Security, National Review, p.

      We face this domestic challenge while other major


      most significant barrier facing Chinese hegemony and aggression. 

      Nuclear war.

      Khalilzad 1995 (Zalmay – sixteen years younger than the above card, Losing The Moment? Washington Quarterly, Vol 18, No 2, p. 84)

      Under the third option, the United States


      bipolar or a multipolar balance of power system.

      Only multilateral cooperation prevents great power wars that make extinction inevitable.

      Dyer, 12/30/2004 (Gwynne – former senior lecturer in war studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurt, The End of War, The Toronto Star, p. lexis)

      The "firebreak" against nuclear weapons use


      then history will repeat itself and everybody loses.

      Libya is the test case for the future of Obama’s multilateral approach.

      Rothkopf, 3/18/2011 (David - visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Why the U.N. vote on Libya means almost as much for Obama as for Qaddafi, Foreign Policy, p.

      This is not because Libya is such a


      to be able to take credit for leading.



      UN Good – CBWs

      Strong UN prevents the use of CBW.

      Mahububani 2003 (Kishore – Singapore’s ambassador to the United Nations, Unilateralism and United States Foreign Policy, edited by David M. Malone, p. 148)

      It is only natural that there should be


      each nation is neither well understood nor appreciated.


      Steinbruner, 12/22/1997 (John – senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, Biological Weapons: A Plague Upon All Houses, Foreign Policy, p. lexis)

      Although human pathogens are often lumped with nuclear


      this sort but not necessarily its outer limit.



      UN Good – China War

      A credible UN is also need to co-opt future hegemonic rivals such as China.

      Hirsh, 2003 (Michael – former foreign editor at Newsweek, At War Without Ourselves, p. 2 and 87)

      The international system and its institutions will be


      the dirty but necessary work of nation building.



      UN Good – Economy

      Restoring UN credibility is needed to provide governance and predictability to the global economy – failure to do so risks global recession and crises.

      Sawa, 5/5/2003 (Takamitsu – professor of economics at Kyoto University, Japan Times, p. lexis)

      The U.S. financial industry,


      the lack of governance in the world economy. 


      1AC – Relations

      Advantage    : US-Libyan Relations

      Relations are improving, but not set in stone – future US policy is crucial

      Mine 11 (Yoshiki, Lecturer on the Security and Disarmament – University of Tokyo, and Research Director – Canon Institute for Global Studies, “Will Libya's Relations with the United States Improve?” The Canon Institute for Global Studies, 10-14,

      Libya is yet another Arab country in which


      establish good relations with the U.S.

      Now is key – the plan spills over to broader cooperation

      SUPD 11 (Syracuse University Public Diplomacy Blog, “Humanitarian Aid as a Strategic Obligation to the People of Libya,” 10-24,

      Over the past few days the world has


      we cared about helping the people of Libya.

      Working with the UN is key – allows the US to build Libyan relations

      Bauer 11 (William, Regional Consultant in Libya, Specialist in Middle Eastern Studies, “America Must Be A Back Seat Driver”, Polymic, August,

      So, what is next for Libya?


      the U.S. has to offer.

      Strong relations help US steer Libyan scientists away from weapons development

      Birch 11 (Douglas, Reporter – Associated Press, “U.S. Attempts to Keep Tabs on Libyan Scientists,” Army Times, 9-15,

      The U.S. is trying to


      .S. in counter-proliferation programs.

      Biggest internal link to proliferation

      Smallwood and Liimatainen 11 (Peter D., Associate Professor of Biology – University of Richmond, and William T., Research Fellow – Department of Defense, “Securing WMD Expertise: Lessons Learned From Iraq,” Arms Control Today, July/August,

      However, the materials for many chemical and


      built into plans for CTR 2.0.

      Nuclear war

      Sokolski 9 (Henry, Executive Director – Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, “Avoiding a Nuclear Crowd”, Policy Review, June/July,

      Finally, several new nuclear weapons contenders are


      None of this, however, is inevitable.

      Expertise is also the biggest internal link to terrorism – this answers all terrorism impact defense

      Graham and Talent, December 2008 (Bob – chairman of the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism, and Jim – vice-chairman of the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism, World at Risk, Graham Allison, Robin Cleveland, Steve Rademaker, Tim Roemer, Wendy Sherman, Henry Sokolski, Rich Verma, p. 20)

      At the moment, al Qaeda is judged


      materials or with knowledge of nuclear weapons designs.

      Nuclear war

      Ayson 10 (Robert, Professor of Strategic Studies and Director of the Centre for Strategic Studies: New Zealand –  Victoria University of Wellington, “After a Terrorist Nuclear Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects”, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33(7), July)

      A Catalytic Response: Dragging in the Major Nuclear Powers

      A terrorist nuclear attack, and even the


      might not help the chances of nuclear restraint.

      Independently, strong relations boost counter-terrorism operations

      Auken 11 (Bill Van, 2004 Presidential Candidate, Contributing Editor – World Socialist Website, WikiLeaks cables expose Washington’s close ties to Gaddafi, International Committee of the Fourth International, 8-27,

      Other cables highlight the increasingly close US-


      Libya bilateral relationship and a shared strategic interest.”

      That spills over and solves MANPADS proliferation

      Rogin 11 (Josh, Staff Writer – Foreign Policy, “U.S. Could Play Role in Military Training in Libya,” The Cable, 9-14,

      The United States is in discussions with the


      weapons, such as MANPADS and land mines.

      Generic impact defense doesn’t apply – MANPADS proliferation is a distinct probability

      Wilner 11 (Alex, Senior Researcher at ETH-Zurich and a Macdonald-Laurier Institute Fellow, “Halting al Qaeda’s African rebound”, Troy Media, 11-30-2011,

      For AQIM, Libya poses a unique opportunity


      MANPAD is actually pointed at a commercial aircraft.

      MANPADS proliferation undermines air support in Afghanistan – that causes rampant instability

      Drwiega 11 (Andrew, Senior Defense Journalist, “Libya’s MANPADs Legacy,” Aviation Today, 12-6,

      It has always been surprising that American,


      with dire consequences for the Karzai government.

      Global nuclear war

      Morgan 7 (Stephen J., Political Writer and Former Member of the British Labour Party Executive Committee, “Better another Taliban Afghanistan, than a Taliban NUCLEAR Pakistan!?”, 9-23, http://www.freearticlesarchive .com/article/_Better_another_Taliban_Afghanistan__than_a_Taliban_NUCLEAR_Pakistan___/99961/0/)

      However events may prove him sorely wrong.


      with China and Russia pitted against the US.

      MANPADS proliferation tarnishes NATO success – that crushes credibility

      Smyth 11 (Paul, Former Head of Program – Royal United Services Institute and Founder – R3I Consulting, and a “Gaddafi’s missing MANPADS taint NATO’s success in Libya,” Defence IQ, 11-11,

      If, instead, a number of MANPADS


      Gaddafi’s MANPAD legacy may yet tarnish NATO’s success.

      NATO credibility solves Balkans war

      Yesson 3 (Erik, Research Associate – Institute of International Relations, “Sending Credible Signals: NATO’s Role in Stabilizing Balkan Conflicts,” NATO/EAPC Fellowship Final Report, June,

      Bargaining theory offers a unified approach to modeling


      to create the conditions for a stable settlement.

      Nuclear war

      Scherbak 8 (Yuri, Advisor to the Chair of the Parliament of Ukraine, and President of the Institute for Sustainable Development of Ukraine, Ten Theses about the Russian-Georgian Conflict: A View from Ukraine, Heinrich Boll Stiftung – Warsaw, Nov,

      2. The war in Caucasus attested that


      neighbors can lead to a new global conflict.


      1AC – Aid Now

      Tons of foreign aid to Libya

      Spak 12-23 (Kevin, Editorial Team – Newser, “To Keep Libya Missiles Safe, US Has a Plan: Buy Them,”

      The US is currently trying to clean up


      would either secure or destroy them after purchase.

      It doesn’t solve the aff

      Rettig 10-20 (Jessica, Reporter – U.S. News, “Qadhafi's Death Won't Mean End for U.S. Role in Libya”,

      The news comes just days after Secretary of


      and confident in your ability to move forward."

      Democracy assistance increasing in Africa, but not Libya

      AP 1-16 (“US seeks stronger democracies, partners in Africa,” 2012,

      After an intense year of diplomacy sparked by


      providing power to the capital and fighting disease.



      1AC – Plan

      The United States Federal Government should provide technical support and expertise to facilitate a democratic political transition in Libya with the United Nations Support Mission in Libya.


      2AC – Exclude UN

      Studies prove the plan solves better.

      Tucker, 9 (Louise, “Can externally driven democracy promotion strategies bring liberal democracy?” , August 5,

      A big challenge to democracy promotion is credibility


      above all popular acceptance in the target country.

      UN’s unique expertise is necessary to help Libya’s democratic transition.

      Golberg, 8/22/2011 (Mark, Does Libya need blue helmets, CNN, p.

      The UN has a long history of helping


      not they will be asked to chip in.



      1AR – Exclude UN

      UN support shields the U.S. from criticism.

      Hachigian, 3/31/2011 (Nina – senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, On Libya, a new kind of American leadership, Democracy Journal, p.

      First, the Administration assembled a wide and


      killing Muslims. Every bit of legitimacy helps.


      Gender K – 2AC

      Solves best – alt alone fails – combining it with practical problem-solving is best --- overcomes the failings of both

      Keohane 98 (Robert, Professor –  Duke University, “Beyond Dichotomy: Conversations Between International Relations and Feminist Theory”, International Studies Quarterly 42,


      The problem with Tickner’s dichotomies, however,


      the counterfactual situation of a system without states. 

      [** Note – “jeremiad” = a prolonged lamentation or mournful complaint.]

      Alt fails – reverses the error and can’t build transformational theory

      Caprioli 4 (Mary, Professor of Political Science – University of Tennessee, “Feminist IR Theory and Quantitative Methodology: A Critical Analysis”, International Studies Review, 42(1), March,


      If researchers cannot add gender to an analysis


      of gender for what happens in the world.

      Patriarchy is not the root cause of war.

      Martin 90

      Brian Martin. 1990.  (Professor of Social Sciences in the School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication at the University of Wollongong. “Uprooting War.”

      While these connections between war and male domination


      between patriarchy and other war-linked structures.




      Gender K – 1AR

      War turns patriarchy – causes overt militarism and masculinism – also shatters the alt

      Linklater 90 (Andrew, Senior Lecturer in Politics – Monash University, Beyond Realism and Marxism: Critical Theory and International Relations, p. 32)


      These theoretical disagreements with Marxism generate major differences


      of emancipation through the extension of human community.


      T – 2AC

      Contextual evidence proves that

      Cohn, 99 (Elizabeth, Director of the International and Intercultural Studies Major at Goucher College, “U.S. Democratization Assistance”, July 1, Foreign Policy in Focus,

      When possible, the U.S.


      the political and economic processes in other countries.

      “For” means within

      Black 10 (Henry Campbell Black, M.A., “A Law Dictionary,” Second Edition, St. Paul Minn. West Publishing Co. 1910,


      For: Belonging to, exercising authority or


      notary public in and for the said country.”

      “Its” means associated with – control is not required

      CED 98 (Collin English Dictionary, p 817)

      Its – of, belong to, or associated in some way with it.

      This is how aid works – their topic is unpredictable and has no literature

      Goldstone et al 8 (Jack A., Professor of Public Policy – George Mason University and Nonresident Senior Fellow – Brookings Institute, Other Contributing Members: Committee on the Evaluation of USAID Democracy Assistance Programs, Improving Democracy Assistance: Building Knowledge Through Evaluations and Research, National Academies Press, p. 21,

      USAID’s DG efforts include programs in countries undertaking


      NGOs to receive grant support for their activities.

      Direct assistance is a small part of DA

      Carothers and Newberg 96 (Thomas, Vice President for Studies – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Paula R., Marshall B. Coyne Director of the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy – Georgetown University, “Aiding—and defining—democracy,” World Policy Journal, Spring, 13(1), p97-109, Ebsco)

      The first problem concerns the structures of assistance


      small part of the overall US assistance effort.

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:



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