T - Must increase
A. Interpretation --- the Aff must mandate an increase in democracy assistance. Definitional support ---
1. ‘Increase’ refers to a process, not an outcome --- the plan itself must increase democracy assistance --- it cannot simply lead to it
HEFC 4 (Higher Education Funding Council, http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt200304/jtselect/jtchar/1 67/167we98.htm# n43)
9.1 The Draft Bill creates an
could be considered to be ever-increasing.
2. 'Substantial' means that the increase must be definite --- potential future increases are not topical
Words and Phrases 64 (40W&P 759)
The words" outward, open, actual
; undivided; sole; opposed to inclusive.
3. ‘Democracy Assistance’ is transfer of material
Lappin 10 (Richard, Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven, visiting scholar at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, “What we talk about when we talk about Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation,” Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Vol 4, Issue 1, 2010)
Democracy assistance can be most accurately defined as
society groups, media groups and political parties.
B. Violation --- the plan doesn’t mandate an increase in democracy assistance– they only potentially result in one.
C. Standards
1. Ground --- mandated increase is key to all disad ground --- anything else is probabilistic. We lose aid-trade off, spending, and politics links --- the core reasons that increased democracy assistance is bad.
2. Limits --- there are an infinite number of ways to tweak current aid allocations --- we lock in a finite number of ‘increase’ affs based in the literature. Limits are key to preparation and clash.
D. Voting Issue – Topicality is a voting issue to preserve competitive equity, the foundation of debate; plus its a rule at the NDT and so should be enforced throughout the year.
T- Must be a transfer of resources
Interpretation – Democracy assistance must include a transfer of resources for civil society, political party or election assistance
Democracy assistance is three pronged in this way
Mitchell and Phillips 8 (Lincoln A., Arnold A. Saltzman Assistant Professor in the Practice of International
Politics at Columbia University’s School of International and Political Affairs, Chief of Party for the National
Democratic Institute (NDI) in Georgia, and David L., project director of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and a visiting scholar at Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights. Former senior adviser to the US Department of State and the United Nations Secretariat. “Enhancing Democracy Assistance,” January 2008, The National Committee on American Foreign Policy, The Atlantic Council of the United States, http://acus.org/files/publication_pdfs/65/Enhancing%20Democracy%20Assistance.pdf)
A toolbox of approaches and methods has come
run local services, building confidence in democratization.
B. Violation – the plan doesn’t provide material support in any of the three central categories of democracy assistance, it simply offers to mediate between governmental groups and opposition parties.
C. Reasons to Prefer -
Limits – Allowing affs to provide immaterial assistance means that an aff could have Obama deliver a speech in solidarity with Tunisian rebels, guts negative predictability and strategy-making, taking out core arguments like Politics, Democratic Backlash, and Spending.
Topic Education – Offers of immaterial support sidestep the core questions of the resolution, including the desirability of democratic consolidation, the mechanisms through which democracy is promoted, and the usefulness of US assistance to achieve those ends.
D. Voting Issue – Topicality is a voting issue to preserve competitive equity, the foundation of debate; plus it’s a rule at the NDT and so should be enforced throughout the year.
T - Must be conditioned
A. Interpretation –
Democracy Assistance is assistance conditioned on democratic reforms
Collier 94 (Ellen C., Specialist in U.S. Foreign Policy Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division, “Democracy Building: The Foreign Policy Budget Request, Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, 4-12-94, http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAA490.pdf)
Another issue is which countries to assist in
, this was a major reason.' 7
B. Violation - The plan provides unconditional assistance to Yemen.
C. Standards
1. Topic Education – Affirmative’s can sidestep discussing democracy entirely if they are allowed to provide unconditional assistance without linking it to reforms, destroying topic specific education.
2. Core Neg Ground – Unconditional affirmatives sidestep core negative strategies, such as internal political disads, NGO tradeoff arguments, alternative condition counterplans, and critiques of international negotiating.
D. Voting Issue – Topicality is a voting issue to preserve competitive equity, the foundation of debate; plus its a rule at the NDT and so should be enforced throughout the year.