1AC - Libya Aff from Georgia LL's caselist
T: For/Its
-- We meet – plan gives it to domestic actor
-- Counter-interpretation –
“For” means recipient
MW 11 (Merriam-Webster, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/for)
Definition of FOR
a —used as a function word to indicate purpose <a grant for studying medicine>
b —used as a function word to
AND for home> <acted for the best>
c —used as a function word to indicate the object or recipient of a perception, desire, or activity <now for a good rest> <run for your life> <an eye for a bargain>
It also means you just have to give aid IN Libya
MW 11 (Merriam-Webster, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/for)
used as a function word to indicate duration of time or extent of space <gone for two days>
“For” means within
Black 10 (Henry Campbell Black, M.A., “A Law Dictionary,” Second Edition, St. Paul Minn. West Publishing Co. 1910, http://blackslawdictionaryonline.com/blacks-law-dictionary-read-online/)
For: Belonging to, exercising authority or functions within; as, where one describes himself as “a notary public in and for the said country.”
Democracy assistance is four things – we do all four
McMahon 1 (Edward R., Director, Center on Democratic Performance, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Binghamton University, “Assessing USAID’s Assistance for Democratic Development :
Is it Quantity Versus Quality?”, This paper was prepared for the American Political Science Association annual conference, San Francisco, August 30 – September 2, 2001, and is published in the Winter 2001 edition of Evaluation (London: SAGE Publications)., http://cdp.binghamton.edu/papers/usaid-apsa.pdf)
Defining Democracy Assistance The concept of assistance for
at the forefront of democratic change, Benin.
Partial list of democratic development programs funded by the U.S. government in recent
years in Benin:
• International observation mission to Presidential elections – 1991;
• West African political party and civic organization election observer training – 1991;
• Grass roots political party training program – 1993 to 1995;
• Continuous series of exchanges;
• Pre-legislative election assessment mission – 1995;
• Support for election lessons learned assessment by Beninois NGOs– 1995;
• Pre-Presidential election assessment – 1996;
• International and Beninois observers to Presidential elections – 1996;
• Provision of commodities to Presidential elections – 1996;
• Parliamentary needs assessment - 1998;
• Civil society development programs, both to support infrastructure and to foster input
into public policy dialogue – continuous.
• Parliamentary Training and Support – 2000
Democracy K – 2AC
Perm – do the plan and non-exclusive parts of the alternative – the plan is a radical reversal of Bush-era democracy that creates expertise on Arab culture through multilateral cooperation– that’s Bauer
*Global violence is decreasing – their impact is empirically denied
Pinker 7 (Steven, Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology – Harvard University, “A History of Violence”, Edge: The Third Culture, 3-28, http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/pinker07/pinker07_index.html)
In sixteenth-century Paris, a popular
nature, but there are four plausible suggestions.
Anti-West criticism misses the boat – it distracts us from struggling against true forms of imperialism
Shaw 2 (Martin, Professor of International Relations and Politics – University of Sussex, “The Problem of the Quasi-Imperial State: Uses and Abuses of Anti-Imperialism in the Global Era”, 4-7, http://www.martinshaw.org/empire.htm)
It is fashionable in some circles, among
more real and dangerous enemies closer to home.
Alternative fails – critical theory has no mechanism to translate theory into practice
Jones 99 (Richard Wyn, Lecturer in the Department of International Politics – University of Wales, Security, Strategy, and Critical Theory, CIAO, http://www.ciaonet.org/book/wynjones/wynjones06.html)
Because emancipatory political practice is central to the
thus that it is a fatally flawed enterprise.
Turn: Without alternative security policy options the security sector will be dominated by the most conservative policymakers.
Olav. F. Knudsen, Prof @ Södertörn Univ College, ‘1 [Security Dialogue 32.3, “Post-Copenhagen Security Studies: Desecuritizing Securitization,” p. 366]
A final danger in focusing on the state
unheeded by any but the most uncritical minds.
Democracy is not a product imposed on countries – it’s a tool to reveal public preferences and challenge authoritarian violence
Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)
Yet, democracy promotion does not imply the
ultimately required for good governance and economic growth.
Framework – the aff has to prove the plan is better than the status quo or a competitive policy option. That’s best
A. Fairness – the aff commits nine minutes to the 1AC. Allowing the neg to moot that speech skews the debate in favor of the neg.
B. Predictability – there are an infinite amount of frameworks and alternatives that could be used outside of policymaking. It is impossible for the aff to be prepared for all of them. This results in debates to be won not on the quality of the argument but the unpredictability.
The alternative over-respects sovereignty – causes violence
Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)
International relations realists argue that world order depends
- and nonstate actors in the international system.
Democracy is moral – demand is high, autocracies cause genocide
Fukuyama and McFaul 7 (Francis, Professor of International Political Economy and Director of the International Development Program – John Hopkins School, and Michael, Hoover Senior Fellow, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law – Stanford University, “Should Democracy Be Promoted or Demoted?” Washington Quarterly, Winter, 31(1), 23-45)
Apart from serving U.S. strategic
not be defended on moral or ethical grounds.
Tag Later
Glen 11 (Patrick J., Adjunct Professor – Georgetown University Law Center, “The ADVANCE Democracy Act and the Future of United States Democracy Promotion Efforts,” Santa Clara Journal of International Law, 9 Santa Clara J. Int'l L. 273, http://scholarship.law.georgetown.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1688&context=facpub&sei-redir=1#search=%22United%20Nations%20foreign%20promotion%20law%22)
This invidious argument proposes that democracy, and
is not capable or willing to embrace democracy.
Judicial independence does not force Western ideas on the Arab world – it is inherently part of their culture
Brown and Sherif 2 (Dr. Nathan J., Professor of Political Science and International Affairs – George Washington University, Dr. Adel Omar, President – Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, “Judicial Independence in the Arab World,” Program of Arab Governance of the United Nations Development Program, http://www.pogar.org/publications/judiciary/sherif/jud-independence.pdf)
The importance of judicial independence is not new
significant degree of autonomy for the legal field.
European Union 2AC
European aid fails in Libya.
Yousef, 4/22/2011 (Tarik – nonresident senior fellow at the Global Economy and Development, The U.S. role in the Libyan Rebels, Brookings Video Podcast, Transcribed by S. Chung - 2:35 to 3:17, p. http://www.brookings.edu/multimedia/video/2011/0422_at_brookings_podcast.aspx)
Given that we agree on the end game
or aid this process or assist the Libyans.
European aid fails and is rejected.
Gowan, 8/26/2011 (Richard – associate director at New York University’s Center on International Cooperation, Does Libya really need European peacekeepers?, Foreign Policy, p. http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/08/26/does_libya_really_need_european_peacekeepers)
Yet there are three obstacles to a deployment
commitment in Libya would only complicate their sums.
Obama Good – 2AC
-- Case turns the DA – ________.
-- Fiat solves the link – instant, so there’s no repercussions
Boehner will block currency without Obama’s help.
Wall Street Journal, 10/26/2011 (Getting Tough With China (the Right Way), p. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204644504576652720545821438.html)
So it appears that U.S.
Mitt Romney's call for anti-China tariffs.
Boehner outweighs and discharge won’t succeed.
Reuters, 10/13/2011 (Analysis: Boehner stands firm against yuan bill, p. )
A controversial U.S. bill aimed
leadership to allow a vote on the bill.
A credible UN is also need to co-opt future hegemonic rivals such as China.
Hirsh, 2003 (Michael – former foreign editor at Newsweek, At War Without Ourselves, p. 2 and 87)
The international system and its institutions will be
the dirty but necessary work of nation building.
UN democracy funding is non-controversial.
McInerney, 10 (Stephen, Director of Advocacy for the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), He has extensive experience in the Middle East and North Africa, including graduate studies of Middle Eastern politics, history, and the Arabic language at the American University of Beirut and the American University in Cairo. He has spoken on Middle East affairs with numerous media outlets including MSNBC and CBS News. “The President’s Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2011: Democracy, Governance, and Human Rights in the Middle East”, POMED, April, http://www.pomed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/fy11-budget-analysis-final.pdf)
The U.S. has long been
the many organizations funded under this budget heading.
-- Not intrinsic – logical policymaker can do the plan and pass
-- Political capital isn’t key – voting is ideological
Dickinson 9 (Matthew, Professor of Political Science – Middlebury College and Former Professor – Harvard University, “Sotomayor, Obama and Presidential Power,” Presidential Power, 5-26, http://blogs.middlebury.edu/presidentialpower/2009/05/26/sotamayor-obama-and-presidential-power/)
As for Sotomayor, from here the path
power that cannot be measured through legislative boxscores.
-- Vote No – interpretation: debate models Congress – voting Neg means debate occurs and the plan is rejected – worse for capital
-- No US/China war – relations are stable – and economics checks
Sargent 8 (Sara, Business Reporter – Medill News Service, “China Space Launch Raises Fears”, UPI, 10-3, Lexis)
In January 2007 China conducted its first successful
agree that war is an exceptionally unlikely scenario.
-- Won’t go nuclear
PPG 4 (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pennsylvania), 9-29, Lexis)
U.S. military capacity is now
. The Chinese are definitely not into terrorism.
Spending Trade-Off DA
Non-unique – spending now – cross-apply from the 1AC.
Plan does not spend much.
Emery, 8/23/2011 (Theo, Congress could resist additional aid to Libya, The Boston Globe, p. http://www.boston.com/Boston/politicalintelligence/2011/08/congress-could-resist-additional-aid-libya/DMmIHbENjJ0A6QBAednf0M/index.html)
In addition to Kerry, numerous members of
called on to fund it,” he said.
The plan would not be expensive.
Anderson, 3/13/2011 (Lisa – president of the American University in Cairo, Obama’s Libya Inaction Risks Missing Opening for Democracy: Lisa Anderson, Bloomberg, p. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-13/obama-s-libya-inaction-risks-missing-an-opening-lisa-anderson.html)
The appointment of a UN commissioner may not
expensive, in either financial or political terms.
No link threshold – they don’t have evidence that indicates that the plan’s cost will sink _______.
No trade-off – regional response fund.
McInerney, July 2011 (Stephen – executive
AND -Budget-Report-web.pdf)
The administration has wisely budgeted for further unexpected
Syria, Libya, Yemen, or elsewhere.