First Off, T
A. Interp-Democracy assistance is grant-aided transfer of support to pro-democracy initiatives.
Burnell ‘7 Prof. of Politics @ University of Warwick, England Peter, “Does International Democracy Promotion Work?” Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, ISBN 978-3-88985-354-7) Homepage/openwebcms3.nsf/%28ynDK_ contentByKey%29/ADMR-7BRF46/$FILE/BurnellPromotionWork.pdf
All things considered, however, there … help with building political parties, and so on.
B. Violation – US police training falls under the umbrella of counterinsurgency and security policy.
Heiduk 10 (Felix, University of Birmingham, Lecturer for the Dept of Political Science and Intl Studies, Doctoral degree in Political Science, Free University Berlin, 2008, M.A. in Political Science, Free University Berlin, 2003, prev research fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, prev Post-doc fellow at Harvard’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, “Policing Mars or Venus? Comparing European and U.S. approaches to police assistance.” Paper presented at the SGIR 7th Pan-European International Relations Conference: Stockholm, September 9 - 11, 2010,
‘underdeveloped’ countries to develop … about a specific ‘culture’ of police assistance.
C. Standards
1. Limits- their interpunlimits by allowing hundreds of cases that involve cooperation, training, and arms sales to topic country militaries or armed rebels.
2. Ground- Security-based alternatives should be neg counterplan ground
3. Brightline- the aff needs contextual evidence saying that its specific program is considered to be democracy assistance and not some other form or a kind of democracy promotion
Voter for fairness and education
Second off, Politics
Payroll will pass, but will be a close fight – Obama’s PC is key.
Lee, staff reporter for WSJ, 1-01-12
[Carol, White House Looks to Shrunken 2012 Legislative Agenda,
/SB10001424052970204720204577131543017594740.html accessed date: 1-06-12 y2k]
HONOLULU—President Barack Obama … and grandchildren to grow up in."
Democracy assistance kills capital – bipartisan opposition to the plan.
Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center, 1-26-2011
[Shadi, a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “Tunisia, Egypt, Arab world need bold US support for democracy, not mixed messages” The Christian Science Monitor. L/N, Accessed date: 7-13-2011] y2k
Considering the amount of resources … they have become more difficult to find.
A Long-term extension is key to prevent double-dip.
Hill, staff reporter for The Washington Times, 12-28-11
[Patrice, “Economists fear withdrawal symptoms if payroll-tax cut vanishes” accessed date: 1-06-12 y2k]
It was the tax cut that nobody noticed when … sustain their relatively brisk spending.”
Economic declines causes global nuclear war
Merlini, the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Italian Institute of International Affairs, 2011
[Cesare, “A Post-Secular World?” Survival, vol. 53 no. 2 pp. 117–13 accessed date: 11-11-11] y2k
Two neatly opposed scenarios for the future … self-perception of rising influence and power.
Next off, Diplomatic Capital
Investing diplomatic capital In the DRC now- key to democracy, rule of law, stability, and stopping sexual violence
Coons ’11 (Sen. Christopher A. Coons (D-DE, Opening Statement: Chairing Senate Foreign Relations African Affairs Subcommittee hearing entitled, "Improving Governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo”, December 15, 2011,
I am pleased to convene today’s hearing … Senator Isakson for his opening statement.
US diplomacy is stretched thin – Middle East democracy assistance creates zero-sum trade offs
Kelemen ‘11 Diplomacy Correspondent – NPR (8/16, Hillary Clinton: U.S. Diplomacy Is Stretched Thin,
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton … wisely where we intervene and what we do."
DRC key to African growth and stability
Trippi ’11 (“DRC Elections: A Bellwether for Stability in Africa”, 11/14/11, Joe Trippi, Political advisor,
The revolution in Libya has overshadowed … to take action before it's too late.
Instability goes nuclear
Deutsch ‘2 (Dr. Jeffrey, Deutsch, economist, founder, Rabid Tiger Project, RAPID TIGER NEWSLETTER, 2002,
The Rabid Tiger Project believes … some people love to go fishing.
Next off, Canada
TEXT: The government of Canada should increase security sector reform, including, but not limited to police training assistance, to Yemen.
Canada is AWESOME – solves for security sector reform.
Sedra & Burt 11 (Mark Sedra, senior fellow at The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the leader of CIGI’s Security Sector Governance project, prof political science at the University of Waterloo, formerly a research associate at the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), a German-based independent think tank specializing in peace and security issues, and a visiting research fellow at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2004–2005 Cadieux Léger Fellow in the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), served as a consultant on international security issues to numerous organizations and governments, including the United Nations, DFAIT and the British Department for International Development; Geoff Burt, research officer at CIGI, focusing primarily on SSR and post-conflict reconstruction, project coordinator of the Security Sector Reform Monitor and SSR Issue Papers series, administrator of the SSR Resource Centre, “ Security Sector Reform (SSR) and the Domestic-International Security Nexus: The Role of Public Safety Canada,” Centre for International Governance Innovation (independent, non-partisan think tank on international Governance) Special Report No.1 — May 2011,
In an increasingly globalized world, the distinction … of internal and contracted experts to support SSR missions.
Bolsters soft power
Schmitz ‘4 (Gerald, principal analyst for international affairs in the Parliamentary Information and Research Service of the Library, Nov, “The Role of International Democracy Promotion in Canada’s Foreign Policy,”
George Perlin ends his background … welcomed in many parts of the world.
Leads to global peace- solves failed states, disease, and war.
Sephton ’11 (“Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding: Canada’s New Role in Building Capacity Abroad”, Allison Sephton, Counsel at Department of Justice Canada, Atlantic International Studies Organization, Feb 25, 2011,
Many things have changed in the … in the development of a lasting global peace.
~*** Stability Advantage
1. Mid-East democratization promotes terrorism – multiple statistical models prove.
James A. Piazza, 2007, Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, “Draining the Swamp: Democracy Promotion, State Failure, and Terrorism in 19 Middle Eastern Countries,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 30.6, 521–539
The results of models 1 through 4 lend … Britain, India, Italy, Greece, and the United States.
Saudi’s security forces solve the terror attacks – this evidence assumes Arab Spring.
Reuters, 9-28-11
[“Saudi Arabia oil assets ‘immune’ to terror risk” accessed date: 11-10-11] y2k
Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal said the … oil revenue needs, analysts say.
Security forces make any operation impossible
Cohen et al, Ph. D., 3-17-11
[Ariel, “Coordinated Terrorist Attacks on Global Energy Infrastructure: Modeling the Risks” Accessed date: 110-10-11] y2k
Al-Qaeda. Because of the success … taken to counter the terrorist threat.
SQ Solves – AQ is on the run everywhere – Yemen is no exception
Kimberly Dozier, 8/31/2011, AP Intelligence Writer, “US counterterror chief: al-Qaida on ‘steady slide,’”
White House counterterrorism chief … Atiyah Abd al-Rahman out there."
Tech hurdles and scarce raw materials prevent.
Robert Ayson, 2010, Centre for Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington (NZ), “After a Nuclear Terrorist Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33, DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2010.483756
A cause, and even a powerful mixture … midtown location for detonation.
Even if terrorists acquire nukes, they won’t use them – too useful as a deterrent for retaliation and confer prestige to their organization.
Robert Ayson, 2010, Centre for Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington (NZ), “After a Nuclear Terrorist Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33, DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2010.483756
Indeed some seem willing to assume … a group with a sense of quasi-membership of the international system of states.
Oil shock inevitable – supply crunch is coming in 2012.
Cartwright, 10-16-10
[Dr. Wayne, Auckland academic, “Price spikes inevitable after 'oil supply crunch'” accessed date: 9-27-11] y2k
The cycles of oil supply crunches … substantially, with some struggling to survive.
No impact to oil shocks and they won’t happen – newest data proves – Star this card.
Jeremy Kahn, 2/13/2011, Kahn is writer for Newsweek, IHT, and NYT, previous editor of the New Republic, Masters in IR from LSE and B.S. in History from Penn, "Crude reality," Boston Globe,
In their paper, Gholz and Press ultimately … high prices at the pump for a few weeks.
~*** LNG Advantage
Poverty overwhelms solvency
Belton 5 (Rachel Kleinfeld, director of the Truman National Security Project and is a senior consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, consulted and written on rule-of-law building strategies for the World Bank and various private organizations, based on field work throughout Eastern Europe and Asia “COMPETING DEFINITIONS OF THE RULE OF LAW Implications for Practitioners,” Carnegie Papers: Rule of Law Series,
Poverty is one exacerbating factor. … to create law and order.80
Institutional reform isn’t enough. Cultural and political factors check solvency
Belton 5 (Rachel Kleinfeld, director of the Truman National Security Project and is a senior consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, consulted and written on rule-of-law building strategies for the World Bank and various private organizations, based on field work throughout Eastern Europe and Asia “COMPETING DEFINITIONS OF THE RULE OF LAW Implications for Practitioners,” Carnegie Papers: Rule of Law Series,
As with the other ends discussed earlier, … achieve their own ends.33
Reforms will be too slow to solve immediate security concerns
Sedra and Burt 11 (Mark Sedra, senior fellow at The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the leader of CIGI’s Security Sector Governance project, prof political science at the University of Waterloo, formerly a research associate at the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), a German-based independent think tank specializing in peace and security issues, and a visiting research fellow at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2004–2005 Cadieux Léger Fellow in the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), served as a consultant on international security issues to numerous organizations and governments, including the United Nations, DFAIT and the British Department for International Development; Geoff Burt, research officer at CIGI, focusing primarily on SSR and post-conflict reconstruction, project coordinator of the Security Sector Reform Monitor and SSR Issue Papers series, administrator of the SSR Resource Centre, “Security Sector Transformation in North Africa and the Middle East,”
The ambitious timelines that normally underpin … respected and adhered to.
Lack of coordination across institutions turns solvency
Belton 5 (Rachel Kleinfeld, director of the Truman National Security Project and is a senior consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, consulted and written on rule-of-law building strategies for the World Bank and various private organizations, based on field work throughout Eastern Europe and Asia “COMPETING DEFINITIONS OF THE RULE OF LAW Implications for Practitioners,” Carnegie Papers: Rule of Law Series,
Fulfilling any rule-of-law … on the police, should reconsider their model.
Gov’t says no – Reforms enflame AQAP, turns case
Burke 10(Edward, FRIDE-research fellow,
There are significant local factors that … political will to continue reforms.
Runaway warming impossible – oceans prevent excess warming
Junk Science 2008
(“The curious incident of the added heat at the surface.”
Additionally, this form introduces … sink makes mean warming trivial.
No credible evidence proves that warming is anthropogenic
Singer 2007
Singer, distinguished research professor at George Mason and Avery, director of the Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute, 2007
(S. Fred, Dennis T, “Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years” Pages 7-8)
The Earth has recently been … we must ascertain its cause.
Prefer our evidence – best empirical data proves warming is cyclical and not human induced
Singer 2007
Singer, distinguished research professor at George Mason and Avery, director of the Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute, 2007
(S. Fred, Dennis T, “Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years” Page 34)
The key thing for us all to remember … recent warming is man-made-or dangerous.
No impact to climate change – the rate of warming will be slow
Science Daily 2008
[Science Daily, May 5 2008, “Will Global Warming Take A Short Break? Improved Climate Predictions Suggest A Reduced Warming Trend During The Next 10 Years”, <>]
To date climate change projections, … much stronger temperature rise.”