George Mason » George Mason Young Kwon and Nick Merican Neg

George Mason Young Kwon and Nick Merican Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:26
  • Unemployment Inusrance

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • nUnemployment insurance will pass

      Mintz, a staff reporter, 11-3-11

      [Elianna, “Dems Intro Unemployment Benefits Extension Package accessed date; 11-3-11] y2k


      House Democrats have introduced a measure to extend jobless insurance …… We’re open to reforms and ideas,” Doggett said.


      Democracy assistance is unpopular – bipartisan opposition to the plan.

      , director of research at the Brookings Doha Center, 1-26-20

      [Shadi, a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “Tunisia, Egypt, Arab world need bold US support for democracy, not mixed messages” The Christian Science Monitor. L/N, Accessed date: 7-13-2011] y2k


      Considering the amount of resources invested in the Arab authoritarian order, …. Perhaps now more than ever, Arab democracy needs advocates. Oddly, they've become more difficult to find.


      PC key to bring GOP on board

      AP, 10-15-11

      [“Obama pushes Congress to pass elements of job bill” Accessed date:10-17-11] y2k


      WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama says he's going to travel the country telling lawmakers to do their jobs …..Americans deserve a long-term solution to our nation's spending problem so that we don't run up trillion-dollar annual deficits."


      Unemployment Insurance is key to econ

      Commerce Department, 10-5-11

      [“Pathways Back to Working for Americans Looking for Jobs” Commerce Department Documents and Publications. LexisNexis. Accessed date: 10-18-11] y2k


      President Obama continues to call upon Congress to pass the American Jobs Act. ….. UI reform to prevent layoffs, and state flexibility for bold reforms to put the long-term unemployed back to work.


      Guarantees global wars and turns the aff.

      Friedberg and Schoenfeld, 10-21-08

      [Aaron, a professor of politics and international relations at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School and Gabriel, senior editor of Commentary, is a visiting scholar at the Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, N.J., “The Dangers of a Diminished America

      In the 1930s, isolationism and protectionism spurred the rise of fascism” accessed date: 9-28-11] y2k


      With the global financial system in serious trouble, is America's geostrategic dominance likely to diminish? ...... None of this is good news if the authoritarian leaders of these countries seek to divert attention from internal travails with external adventures.



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      Use the second box for cites formatted with wiki syntax or plain text, such as that exported from Verbatim 4.

  • Canada CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • TEXT: The government of Canada should


      Canada should be the agent of change in Arab spring- strengthens soft power

      The Globe and Mail ’11 [“Canada should wake up to the Arab spring and new democracy SECTION: EDITORIAL; ELECTION 2011: CANADA AND ITS GLOBAL REACH” Lexis. 4-22-11 ] y2k


      It is springtime in the A......more prosperous world.

  • China DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Unique Internal Link—China is using oil contracts to expand influence in Africa and the Middle East—they will defend their oil interests with navy buildup

      Saremi ‘11 (Fariborz, commentator on TV and radio on Middle East issues and a contributer to FreePressers, World Truibune, “China's global energy strategy aims at displacing U.S. influence in Central Asia”, July 19, 2011,


      It has not gone unnoticed that China is undergoing unprecedented growth and has been doing so for the past decade… secure its energy interests for the foreseeable future while cementing its political, commercial, and military influence.


      China perceives US democracy efforts as encroaching on its interests

      Rezaie ’115/19/11 (Mehdi, Journalist for the Daily Outlook, independent newspaper in Afghanistan, Afghanistan, SCO and the Birth of New Region,


      The events in Libya yet have worked to reinforce these Russian …… over the long term, will increasingly gravitate towards this new regional architecture.


      Oil tensions in the region trigger US-China war

      Power Interest News Report ‘6(PINR is an independent organization that utilizes open source intelligence to provide conflict analysis services in the context of international relations, China Becomes Increasingly Involved in the Middle East,


      While China and the United States are not engaged in an overt competition in the Middle East……. which could be used to compete with the U.S. in policing waterways in the South China Sea and Indian Ocean. [See: "The Modernization of the Chinese Navy"]


      Goes Nuclear

      Johnson ‘1Chalmers Johnson, author of Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire, 5/14/2001, TheNation, Pg. 20


      China is another matter. No sane figure in the Pentagon wants a war with China, ……., forward-deployed US forces on China’s borders have virtually no deterrent effect.

  • SPR CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • TEXT: The United States Federal Government should release Strategic Petroleum Reserve.


      Releasing strategic reserves sends signals that keep prices in check even if the amount released is trivial

      JOHN M. BRODER and CLIFFORD KRAUSS, June 23, 2011, NYT, Global Oil Reserves Tapped in Effort to Cut Cost at Pump,


      The total amount of oil to be released — 60 million barrels over the next 30 days — …… the official said, speaking anonymously to describe global discussions. 

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neg: George Mason KM
      Round #1  Tournament: Shirley
      Vs Team: Weber OG
      Judge: Sam Allen



      Off Case Args:



      Case Args:

      Orientalism defense/ turns

      Said indicts


      Case defense


      Block Strategy:



      2nr Strategy:

      Case turns

  • 1NC vs. Yemen Police Aff

    • Tournament: George Mason | Round: 5 | Opponent: Liberty FL | Judge: Victoria Brown

    • First Off, T


      A. Interp-Democracy assistance is grant-aided transfer of support to pro-democracy initiatives.

      Burnell ‘7 Prof. of Politics @ University of Warwick, England Peter, “Does International Democracy Promotion Work?” Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, ISBN 978-3-88985-354-7) Homepage/openwebcms3.nsf/%28ynDK_ contentByKey%29/ADMR-7BRF46/$FILE/BurnellPromotionWork.pdf


      All things considered, however, there … help with building political parties, and so on.


      B. Violation – US police training falls under the umbrella of counterinsurgency and security policy.

      Heiduk 10 (Felix, University of Birmingham, Lecturer for the Dept of Political Science and Intl Studies, Doctoral degree in Political Science, Free University Berlin, 2008, M.A. in Political Science, Free University Berlin, 2003, prev research fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, prev Post-doc fellow at Harvard’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, “Policing Mars or Venus? Comparing European and U.S. approaches to police assistance.” Paper presented at the SGIR 7th Pan-European International Relations Conference: Stockholm, September 9 - 11, 2010,


      ‘underdeveloped’ countries to develop … about a specific ‘culture’ of police assistance.


      C.  Standards

      1. Limits- their interpunlimits by allowing hundreds of cases that involve cooperation, training, and arms sales to topic country militaries or armed rebels. 

      2. Ground- Security-based alternatives should be neg counterplan ground

      3. Brightline- the aff needs contextual evidence saying that its specific program is considered to be democracy assistance and not some other form or a kind of democracy promotion


      Voter for fairness and education



      Second off, Politics


      Payroll will pass, but will be a close fight – Obama’s PC is key.

      Lee, staff reporter for WSJ, 1-01-12

      [Carol, White House Looks to Shrunken 2012 Legislative Agenda,

      /SB10001424052970204720204577131543017594740.html accessed date: 1-06-12 y2k]


      HONOLULU—President Barack Obama … and grandchildren to grow up in."


      Democracy assistance kills capital – bipartisan opposition to the plan.

      Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center, 1-26-2011

      [Shadi, a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “Tunisia, Egypt, Arab world need bold US support for democracy, not mixed messages” The Christian Science Monitor. L/N, Accessed date: 7-13-2011] y2k


      Considering the amount of resources … they have become more difficult to find.


      A Long-term extension is key to prevent double-dip.

      Hill, staff reporter for The Washington Times, 12-28-11

      [Patrice, “Economists fear withdrawal symptoms if payroll-tax cut vanishes” accessed date: 1-06-12 y2k]


      It was the tax cut that nobody noticed when … sustain their relatively brisk spending.”


      Economic declines causes global nuclear war

      Merlini, the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Italian Institute of International Affairs, 2011

      [Cesare, “A Post-Secular World?” Survival, vol. 53 no. 2  pp. 117–13 accessed date: 11-11-11] y2k


      Two neatly opposed scenarios for the future … self-perception of rising influence and power.


      Next off, Diplomatic Capital


      Investing diplomatic capital In the DRC now- key to democracy, rule of law, stability, and stopping sexual violence 

      Coons ’11 (Sen. Christopher A. Coons (D-DE, Opening Statement: Chairing Senate Foreign Relations African Affairs Subcommittee hearing entitled, "Improving Governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo”, December 15, 2011,


      I am pleased to convene today’s hearing … Senator Isakson for his opening statement.


      US diplomacy is stretched thin – Middle East democracy assistance creates zero-sum trade offs

      Kelemen ‘11 Diplomacy Correspondent – NPR (8/16, Hillary Clinton: U.S. Diplomacy Is Stretched Thin,


      Secretary of State Hillary Clinton … wisely where we intervene and what we do."


      DRC key to African growth and stability

      Trippi ’11 (“DRC Elections: A Bellwether for Stability in Africa”, 11/14/11, Joe Trippi, Political advisor,


      The revolution in Libya has overshadowed … to take action before it's too late.


      Instability goes nuclear

      Deutsch ‘2 (Dr. Jeffrey, Deutsch, economist, founder, Rabid Tiger Project, RAPID TIGER NEWSLETTER, 2002,

       The Rabid Tiger Project believes … some people love to go fishing.



      Next off, Canada


      TEXT: The government of Canada should increase security sector reform, including, but not limited to police training assistance, to Yemen.


      Canada is AWESOME – solves for security sector reform.

      Sedra & Burt 11 (Mark Sedra, senior fellow at The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the leader of CIGI’s Security Sector Governance project, prof political science at the University of Waterloo, formerly a research associate at the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), a German-based independent think tank specializing in peace and security issues, and a visiting research fellow at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2004–2005 Cadieux Léger Fellow in the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), served as a consultant on international security issues to numerous organizations and governments, including the United Nations, DFAIT and the British Department for International Development; Geoff Burt, research officer at CIGI, focusing primarily on SSR and post-conflict reconstruction, project coordinator of the Security Sector Reform Monitor and SSR Issue Papers series, administrator of the SSR Resource Centre, “ Security Sector Reform (SSR) and the Domestic-International Security Nexus: The Role of Public Safety Canada,” Centre for International Governance Innovation (independent, non-partisan think tank on international Governance) Special Report No.1 — May 2011,


      In an increasingly globalized world, the distinction … of internal and contracted experts to support SSR missions.


      Bolsters soft power

      Schmitz ‘4 (Gerald, principal analyst for international affairs in the Parliamentary Information and Research Service of the Library, Nov, “The Role of International Democracy Promotion in Canada’s Foreign Policy,”


      George Perlin ends his background … welcomed in many parts of the world.


      Leads to global peace- solves failed states, disease, and war.

      Sephton ’11 (“Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding: Canada’s New Role in Building Capacity Abroad”, Allison Sephton, Counsel at Department of Justice Canada, Atlantic International Studies Organization, Feb 25, 2011,


      Many things have changed in the … in the development of a lasting global peace.



      ~*** Stability Advantage


      1. Mid-East democratization promotes terrorism – multiple statistical models prove.

      James A. Piazza, 2007, Department of Political Science, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, “Draining the Swamp: Democracy Promotion, State Failure, and Terrorism in 19 Middle Eastern Countries,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 30.6, 521–539


      The results of models 1 through 4 lend … Britain, India, Italy, Greece, and the United States.


      Saudi’s security forces solve the terror attacks – this evidence assumes Arab Spring.

      Reuters, 9-28-11

      [“Saudi Arabia oil assets ‘immune’ to terror risk” accessed date: 11-10-11] y2k


      Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal said the … oil revenue needs, analysts say.


      Security forces make any operation impossible

      Cohen et al, Ph. D., 3-17-11

      [Ariel, “Coordinated Terrorist Attacks on Global Energy Infrastructure: Modeling the Risks” Accessed date: 110-10-11] y2k


      Al-Qaeda. Because of the success … taken to counter the terrorist threat.


      SQ Solves – AQ is on the run everywhere – Yemen is no exception

      Kimberly Dozier, 8/31/2011, AP Intelligence Writer, “US counterterror chief: al-Qaida on ‘steady slide,’”


      White House counterterrorism chief … Atiyah Abd al-Rahman out there."


      Tech hurdles and scarce raw materials prevent.

      Robert Ayson, 2010, Centre for Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington (NZ), “After a Nuclear Terrorist Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33, DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2010.483756


      A cause, and even a powerful mixture … midtown location for detonation.


      Even if terrorists acquire nukes, they won’t use them – too useful as a deterrent for retaliation and confer prestige to their organization.

      Robert Ayson, 2010, Centre for Strategic Studies, Victoria University of Wellington (NZ), “After a Nuclear Terrorist Attack: Envisaging Catalytic Effects,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 33, DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2010.483756


      Indeed some seem willing to assume … a group with a sense of quasi-membership of the international system of states.


      Oil shock inevitable – supply crunch is coming in 2012.

      Cartwright, 10-16-10

      [Dr. Wayne, Auckland academic, “Price spikes inevitable after 'oil supply crunch'” accessed date: 9-27-11] y2k


      The cycles of oil supply crunches … substantially, with some struggling to survive.


      No impact to oil shocks and they won’t happen – newest data proves – Star this card.

      Jeremy Kahn, 2/13/2011, Kahn is writer for Newsweek, IHT, and NYT, previous editor of the New Republic, Masters in IR from LSE and B.S. in History from Penn, "Crude reality," Boston Globe,


      In their paper, Gholz and Press ultimately … high prices at the pump for a few weeks.



      ~*** LNG Advantage


      Poverty overwhelms solvency

      Belton 5 (Rachel Kleinfeld, director of the Truman National Security Project and is a senior consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, consulted and written on rule-of-law building strategies for the World Bank and various private organizations, based on field work throughout Eastern Europe and Asia “COMPETING DEFINITIONS OF THE RULE OF LAW Implications for Practitioners,” Carnegie Papers: Rule of Law Series,


      Poverty is one exacerbating factor. … to create law and order.80


      Institutional reform isn’t enough. Cultural and political factors check solvency

      Belton 5 (Rachel Kleinfeld, director of the Truman National Security Project and is a senior consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, consulted and written on rule-of-law building strategies for the World Bank and various private organizations, based on field work throughout Eastern Europe and Asia “COMPETING DEFINITIONS OF THE RULE OF LAW Implications for Practitioners,” Carnegie Papers: Rule of Law Series,


      As with the other ends discussed earlier, … achieve their own ends.33


      Reforms will be too slow to solve immediate security concerns

      Sedra and Burt 11 (Mark Sedra, senior fellow at The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the leader of CIGI’s Security Sector Governance project, prof political science at the University of Waterloo, formerly a research associate at the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), a German-based independent think tank specializing in peace and security issues, and a visiting research fellow at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2004–2005 Cadieux Léger Fellow in the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), served as a consultant on international security issues to numerous organizations and governments, including the United Nations, DFAIT and the British Department for International Development; Geoff Burt, research officer at CIGI, focusing primarily on SSR and post-conflict reconstruction, project coordinator of the Security Sector Reform Monitor and SSR Issue Papers series, administrator of the SSR Resource Centre, “Security Sector Transformation in North Africa and the Middle East,”


      The ambitious timelines that normally underpin … respected and adhered to.


      Lack of coordination across institutions turns solvency

      Belton 5 (Rachel Kleinfeld, director of the Truman National Security Project and is a senior consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, consulted and written on rule-of-law building strategies for the World Bank and various private organizations, based on field work throughout Eastern Europe and Asia “COMPETING DEFINITIONS OF THE RULE OF LAW Implications for Practitioners,” Carnegie Papers: Rule of Law Series,


      Fulfilling any rule-of-law … on the police, should reconsider their model.


      Gov’t says no – Reforms enflame AQAP, turns case

      Burke 10(Edward, FRIDE-research fellow,


      There are significant local factors that … political will to continue reforms.


      Runaway warming impossible – oceans prevent excess warming

      Junk Science 2008

      (“The curious incident of the added heat at the surface.”


      Additionally, this form introduces … sink makes mean warming trivial.


      No credible evidence proves that warming is anthropogenic

      Singer 2007

       Singer, distinguished research professor at George Mason and Avery, director of the Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute, 2007

       (S. Fred, Dennis T, “Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years” Pages 7-8)


      The Earth has recently been … we must ascertain its cause.


      Prefer our evidence – best empirical data proves warming is cyclical and not human induced

      Singer 2007

       Singer, distinguished research professor at George Mason and Avery, director of the Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute, 2007

       (S. Fred, Dennis T, “Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years”  Page 34)


      The key thing for us all to remember … recent warming is man-made-or dangerous.


      No impact to climate change – the rate of warming will be slow

      Science Daily 2008

       [Science Daily, May 5 2008, “Will Global Warming Take A Short Break? Improved Climate Predictions Suggest A Reduced Warming Trend During The Next 10 Years”, <>]


      To date climate change projections, … much stronger temperature rise.”


  • 2NC vs. Yemen Police Aff

    • Tournament: George Mason | Round: 5 | Opponent: Liberty FL | Judge: Victoria Brown

    • 2NC Canada CP


      CP solves 100% of case means we only need to win a 1% risk of the net benefit


      Canada is AWESOME – solves for security sector reform.

      Sedra & Burt 11 (Mark Sedra, senior fellow at The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the leader of CIGI’s Security Sector Governance project, prof political science at the University of Waterloo, formerly a research associate at the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), a German-based independent think tank specializing in peace and security issues, and a visiting research fellow at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2004–2005 Cadieux Léger Fellow in the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), served as a consultant on international security issues to numerous organizations and governments, including the United Nations, DFAIT and the British Department for International Development; Geoff Burt, research officer at CIGI, focusing primarily on SSR and post-conflict reconstruction, project coordinator of the Security Sector Reform Monitor and SSR Issue Papers series, administrator of the SSR Resource Centre, “ Security Sector Reform (SSR) and the Domestic-International Security Nexus: The Role of Public Safety Canada,” Centre for International Governance Innovation (independent, non-partisan think tank on international Governance) Special Report No.1 — May 2011,


      Security Sector Reform is an area where … currently contributing their expertise in these areas to SSR missions



      Canada is comparatively better:


      a) Canada has better experience and knowledge

      Sedra & Burt 11 (Mark Sedra, senior fellow at The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the leader of CIGI’s Security Sector Governance project, prof political science at the University of Waterloo, formerly a research associate at the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), a German-based independent think tank specializing in peace and security issues, and a visiting research fellow at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2004–2005 Cadieux Léger Fellow in the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), served as a consultant on international security issues to numerous organizations and governments, including the United Nations, DFAIT and the British Department for International Development; Geoff Burt, research officer at CIGI, focusing primarily on SSR and post-conflict reconstruction, project coordinator of the Security Sector Reform Monitor and SSR Issue Papers series, administrator of the SSR Resource Centre, “ Security Sector Reform (SSR) and the Domestic-International Security Nexus: The Role of Public Safety Canada,” Centre for International Governance Innovation (independent, non-partisan think tank on international Governance) Special Report No.1 — May 2011,


      Recent experiences in Afghanistan and … overseeing national-level infrastructure.


      b) Corrections reform

      Sedra & Burt 11 (Mark Sedra, senior fellow at The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the leader of CIGI’s Security Sector Governance project, prof political science at the University of Waterloo, formerly a research associate at the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), a German-based independent think tank specializing in peace and security issues, and a visiting research fellow at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2004–2005 Cadieux Léger Fellow in the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), served as a consultant on international security issues to numerous organizations and governments, including the United Nations, DFAIT and the British Department for International Development; Geoff Burt, research officer at CIGI, focusing primarily on SSR and post-conflict reconstruction, project coordinator of the Security Sector Reform Monitor and SSR Issue Papers series, administrator of the SSR Resource Centre, “ Security Sector Reform (SSR) and the Domestic-International Security Nexus: The Role of Public Safety Canada,” Centre for International Governance Innovation (independent, non-partisan think tank on international Governance) Special Report No.1 — May 2011,


      Nearly all inmates of correctional institutions …various Canadian domestic security agencies.


      US doesn’t have the knowledge or experience

      Keller 10 (Dennis E., retired U.S. Army colonel, contract faculty instructor for the Department of Distance Education, U.S. Army War College (USAWC), senior Defense Intelligence Agency analyst focused on the Sandinista armed forces and the Contra insurgency against them in Nicaragua and Honduras, 1989 to 1992 Army and Navy Attaché with the U.S. Embassy in La Paz, Bolivia, senior Department of Defense official for U.S. Embassy Country Teams in Latin America from 1993 to 2000, B.A. in International Politics from Pennsylvania State University, an M.S. in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, and is a graduate of the Inter-American Defense College at Fort McNair, Washington, DC. “ U.S. MILITARY FORCES AND POLICE ASSISTANCE IN STABILITY OPERATIONS: THE LEAST-WORST OPTION TO FILL THE U.S. CAPACITY GAP,” August 2010, Strategic Studies Institute,


      A critical issue created by the lack of a …t of a coalition stability operation. 


      A2: Perm


      Perm guts Canadian soft power by aligning with the US in the Middle East.

      Heinbecker ‘7 (Paul, former Canadian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations & Germany, Canada and the Middle East, p. 65-6


      On the negative side of the ledger, … of the Canadian experience.


      Canada must develop and implement an independent foreign policy for its credibility.

      Klein ‘4 (Naomi, fellow at the Nation Institute, Jun 16, “Canada Should Keep its Distance from U.S. Foreign Policy,”


      It is a privilege not to be hated for your nationality, … distance still is. Let's not surrender it.


      Need to stay away from US- seen as part of the empire

      McQuaig ’10 (Linda, Canadian journalist and columnist, Holding the Bully’s Coat


      Indeed, what is lamentable is not the rather … and the rest of the world.


      Canada needs to maintain a distinct global role to maintain soft power

      Clark ‘11 – national correspondent for the Globe & Mail, with the NDP campaign (Campbell, 2/9. “Crib notes for Harper on influencing the world.”


      Diplomacy matters, and … deal with Canada, not bypass it.



      Failed states the most dangerous threat to international stability  

      Yoo ‘5 [John, Professor of Law, University of California at Berkeley School of Law, Failed States, Int’l Colloquium, Online]


      Failed states pose perhaps the … requires some answers to the problem of failed states.


      Cause great power wars

      Grygiel ‘9 John Hopkins IR professor (Jakub, “Vacuum Wars: The Coming Competition Over Failed States,” American Interest, Jul/Aug 2009,


      Mention “failed states” in an academic … a failed state becomes an arena of great power competition.


      Disease spread causes extinction    

      South China Morning Post ‘96 1-4-1996 (Dr. Ben Abraham= “called "one of the 100 greatest minds in history" by super-IQ society Mensa” and owner of “Toronto-based biotechnology company, Structured Biologicals Inc” according to same article)


      Despite the importance of the discovery … survival of the human race," he said.


      Canadian soft power allows for international conflict resolution, means that aff impacts won’t escalate

      Marriot and Carment ‘3 (Koren, Worked with the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy project as a researcher, and David, Director of the Centre for Security and Defence Studies at Carleton University and Associate Professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, “Conflict Prevention in Canada: A Survey of Canadian Conflict Prevention Professionals”, September)


      The overriding theme that appeared … portion of the responses received.


      Asian War


      Canadian soft power prevents Asian and Indo/Pak war.

      Axworthy ‘3 (Thomas, chairman of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, Sep 25, “China the key to a peaceful Asia,”


      Asia is the most dangerous place …some unique soft power assets.


      Asian war goes nuclear

      Dibb ‘1 (Paul, Australian National University Strategic and Defense Studies Centre head, Winter, “Strategic Trends: Asia at a Crossroads,”


      The areas of maximum danger …confronted with major crises.


      Relations are multi-faceted – no impact.

      Dawn 11 (3-16,, online news source, “US-Saudi divide revealed in Bahrain,”


      “The White House enthusiasm for …three decades, Ottaway said.

      ~*** Middle East War 1NC


      Historically proven, Middle East conflict doesn’t escalate – multiple warrants

      Satloff, executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 12/09/2006

      [Robert, “Forget the Domino Theories” accessed date: 11/07/2010]


      The wise men (and woman) humans don't … cul-de-sac that begins and ends in Iraq.



      2NC – Dip Cap DA


      Focusing on DRC now – state department

      News 24 ’11 (“US vote experts due to visit DRC”, 2011-12-28,


      US election experts will likely travel to the … to review the results openly and transparently.


      Focus now- ambassador to U.N. proves

      Dunn ’11 (Remarks by Ambassador David Dunn, Acting U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, at a Security Council Debate on the Democratic Republic of the Congo, May 18, 2011,


      The United States is committed to … for the country’s upcoming elections.


      U.S. following the DRC situation closely

      VOA ’11 (12-16-2011, “Flawed Process Mars DRC Elections”,


      The United States continues to … concerns about the elections. 


      Poverty outweighs nuclear war

      Spina ‘2k (Stephanie Urso, Ph.D. candidate in social/personality psychology at the Graduate School of the City University of New York, Smoke and Mirrors: The Hidden Context of Violence in Schools and Society, p. 201)


      This sad fact is not limited to the United … New York: Vintage Books, 1997, 196).


      Failed states are a comparatively larger risk than great power wars

      Yoo ‘5 [John, Professor of Law, University of California at Berkeley School of Law, Failed States, Int’l Colloquium, Online]


      Failed states pose perhaps the most dangerous … some answers to the problem of failed states.


      Rule of law key to freedom and prevents nuclear extinction.

      Rhyne ’58 (Charles S. Rhyne, Washington Lawyer Law Day Speech for Voice of America delivered on the first Law Day, 1958)


      Law and courts exist to protect … nuclear war overtake our people.


      Democracy solves nuclear and biological warfare, genocide, and environmental destruction

      Diamond ‘95 (Hoover Institution, Stanford University 1995, Larry, December, PROMOTING DEMOCRACY IN THE 1990S, 1p.


      Nuclear, chemical and biological …prosperity can be built.


      African growth is critical to prevent war, poverty, environmental degradation, warming, ozone depletion, pandemics, and world economic collapse

      Stetter ‘9 (Ernst, Secretary General of Federation for European Progressive Studies, “Why Africa matters! – The economic crisis and Africa,” Contribution to the Shadow GN 2009, February 4 and 5,


      If there is no doubt that Africa is endowed … Europe’s economy forward.


      Multiple extinction scenarios:



      South China Morning Post ‘96 1-4-1996 (Dr. Ben Abraham= “called "one of the 100 greatest minds in history" by super-IQ society Mensa” and owner of “Toronto-based biotechnology company, Structured Biologicals Inc” according to same article)


      Despite the importance of the … the survival of the human race," he said.


      Ozone depletion

      Greenspace ‘95 (Greenpeace, 1995. “Full of Homes: The Montreal Protocol and the Continuing Destruction of the Ozone Layer,”


      When chemists Sherwood Rowland …continuation of life on earth



      Madgoluis ‘96 (Richard Margoluis, Biodiversity Support Program, 1996,


      Biodiversity not only provides … threaten our own survival.


      Econ decline

      Mead ’92 [Walter Russel, Member of THE Board of Advisors, “Depending on the Kindness of Strangers,” New Perspectives Quarterly, Summer v. 9, n. 3]


      There is something breathtakingly … order than Germany and Japan did in the ‘30s


      Climate change

      Henderson ’6 [Bill, Environmental Scientist, Aug 19, “Runaway Global Warming – Denial,”]


      The scientific debate about … to man in the world we share.


      Make them prove feasibility of their solvency mechanism.  Prefer our scrutiny to their “risk” of an advantage. 

      Bayley 1 (David H., distinguished professor in the School of Criminal Justice at the State University of New York at Albany, member of the UN's International Police Advisory Committee and its Global Police Policy Community advisory group, “Democratizing the Police Abroad: What to Do and How to Do It,” June, U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs National Institute of Justice, Issues in International Crime,


      Too often, reform programs are justified …. Policing is complex, and not all objectives can be achieved through the same programs.


      No solvency- Whether training is good or bad, police effectiveness is determined by the individual.

      Marinen 97 (Dr. Otwin,  professor of political science in the criminal justice program at Washington State University, “ POLICE TRAINING IN A DEMOCRACY,” Issues of Democracy, USIA Electronice Journal Vol 2, No 4,


      Yet training for democratic policing …themselves, their occupation and society.




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