George Mason » George Mason David Woodward and Matt Miyares

George Mason David Woodward and Matt Miyares

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:26
  • T Args

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    • T- IMET is not DA

      Interp-Democracy assistance is grant-aided transfer of support to pro-democracy initiatives.
      Burnell ‘7 Prof. of Politics @ University of Warwick, England Peter, “Does International Democracy Promotion Work?” Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik, ISBN 978-3-88985-354-7) Homepage/openwebcms3.nsf/%28ynDK_ contentByKey%29/ADMR-7BRF46/$FILE/BurnellPromotionWork.pdf

      All things considered, however...parties, and so on. 

      Violation-Expanded-IMET is security assistance, not democracy assistance. 

      Pike ‘11 Director of, defense information website John, “Security Assistance Training Field Activity.”

      The term "security Peacekeeping Operations

      T- only Positive conditionality
      A. Interpretation: Democracy assistance only includes positive conditionality.

      Carlos Santiso, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University in Washington, D.C. March 2002. “THE REFORM OF EU DEVELOPMENT POLICY IMPROVING STRATEGIES FOR CONFLICT PREVENTION, DEMOCRACY PROMOTION & GOVERNANCE CONDITIONALITY,” CEPS,  HYPERLINK "" 

      Another type of indirect democracy...allocations and country performance.

      T- Governance is not DA
      Promoting democratic governance is distinct from democracy assistance
      Mitchell ‘8 Columbia University School of International and Political Affairs International Politics professor, and Phillips, National Committee on American Foreign Policy Project Director [Lincoln A. and David L., Columbia University Center for the Study of Human Rights visiting scholar, Jan 08, “Enhancing  Democracy Assistance”, p.10-11]

      Promote Democratic Governance While...participation, contestation, and accountability.

      T- DA is direct Assistance
      Interp- Democracy assistance should be considered all aid for which the primary purpose is to foster democracy- indirect aid explodes the topic.
      Lappin ’10 -Faculty of PoliticalSciencesat the University of Belgrade- What we talk about when wetalk about democracy assistance2010 - Volume 4, Issue 1

      Problems Resulting From Definitional Uncertainty...and social aid programmes .’

      Interp- Democracy is a regime that fills government offices based on contested elections.
      Przeworski ‘96 - (Adam Przeworski is professor of political science at New York University.  Michael Alvarez is assistant professor of political science at De Paul University.  José Antonio Cheibub is assistant professor of politics at the University of Pennsylvania.  Fernando Limongi is assistant professor of political science at the University of São Paulo, What Makes Democracies Endure?, Journal of Democracy 7.1 (1996) 39-55)
      We define democracy ... minimalist definition.

      T-Aid Withdrawal is not DA
      Interp- Aid withdrawal is not democracy assistance
      Boulding & Hyde ‘5 (Carew –UC-SD & Susan-Yale,

      We argue that exercised lightly.

  • Gift K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The Aff is not sincere; all of its claims of democracy assistance camouflage its political objectives
      Allen ’11 (Democracy assistance and the Arab Spring: solidarity vs. sovereignty? Michael Allen, is an NED Visiting Fellow, worked as director of external affairs for the Global Alliance for Workers and Communities, a partnership comprising the World Bank, corporations, and the International Youth Foundation. Prior to that, he taught employment law, human-resource management, and labor relations for five years at the Cranfield School of Management in Britain.  Editor, Democracy Digest

      Polemics over the role...former regime elements enjoy.

      The gift reduces the “recipients” to pure victims, a new category of bare life that can be exterminated at will
      Korf ‘7 BenediktKorf, Geography at the University of Liverpool, 2007[Geoforum38 (2007) 366–378]

      I would argue that these recipients (and nothing beyond).

      The alternative is unconditional giving
      Mubirumusoke ’11(Georges Bataille and the Ruinous Role of Non-knowledge in Derrida's Unconditional Hospitality Mukasa Mubirumusoke Boston College “The Promise and Limits of the Impossible” Volume 2, Issue 1 Spring 2011 Pg. 2-4

      Derrida’s account of hospitality... sovereignty that is not.

  • Politics-Jobs

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Payroll tax cut will pass
      Milbank, 9-25-11 [Dana, a staff writer for NCtimes, “MILBANK: No more Mr. Bad Guy” accessed date: 9-28-11] y2k

      The Republicans' experiment...for hiring wounded veterans.

      Democracy assistance is unpopular – bipartisan opposition to the plan.
      Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center, 1-26-2011
      [Shadi, a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “Tunisia, Egypt, Arab world need bold US support for democracy, not mixed messages” The Christian Science Monitor. L/N, Accessed date: 7-13-2011] y2k

      Considering the amount of resources...become more difficult to find.

      Political capital is key to payroll tax cut.
      The Inquirer, 9-8-2011
      [“POINT: Don't expect miracles on job growth
      Some steps could help, but don't expect miracles” accessed date: 9-13-2011] y2k

      Yet Republicans say that job...effort to privatize Social Security.

      Payroll tax cut is key to sustainable growth – solves econ.
      Weller, 9-12-2011
      [Christian, an Associate Professor at the Department of Public Policy and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts, Boston, and a Senior Fellow at Center for American Progress, “New Republic: Why We Need Payroll Tax Cuts” accessed date: 9-12-2011] y2k 

      The centerpiece of the jobs plan... long-lasting economic growth.

      Economic decline causes nuclear wars and turns the aff.
      Friedberg and Schoenfeld, 10-21-08
      [Aaron, a professor of politics and international relations at Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School and Gabriel, senior editor of Commentary, is a visiting scholar at the Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, N.J., “The Dangers of a Diminished America
      In the 1930s, isolationism and protectionism spurred the rise of fascism” accessed date: 9-28-11] y2k

      With the global financial system...grave as the one we now face.

  • Oil DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Oil Prices are steadily high now
      Xinhau 11
      XinhauNet, “ Global oil prices likely to increase in Q3 on rising demand, E&Y says”,

      SINGAPORE, Aug. 29 (Xinhua)  Oil prices...increase substantially," he said. 

      US efforts in the Middle East drive down oil prices
      Agence France Presse 7
      Peter J Cooper, “What Would Peace in the Middle East Mean For The Price of Oil”,

      What would peace in...driving oil prices down

      Low oil prices devastate the Russian economy
      National Interest 03
      The National Interest, Summer 2003. “A low, dishonest decadence - Letter from Moscow,” 

      The improved  appearance of Moscow...a severe economic crisis. 

      That causes civil war escalates and goes nuclear
      David 99
      Steven David, Jan/Feb 1999. Prof. of political science at Johns Hopkins. Foreign Affairs, lexis. 

      If internal war does strike Russia... follow a Russian civil war.

  • Saudi Arabia DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Fears of US democracy promotion spilling over cause the Saudis to freak out and massively increase government spending – there’s no risk of reform
      Jones, 3-23-11 (assistant professor of Middle East history at Rutgers University)
      (Toby, “High Anxiety,”, p. 5-6)

      Saudi Arabia’s ruling elders are anxious...avoid parting with control 

      Saudi Arabia’s budget is currently sustainable – new debt causes massive internal instability.
      Gay, 7-11-11 (an employee of a small D.C. foreign policy think tank and a graduate student studying international relations at Syracuse University)
      (John Allen, Saudi Arabia: The Cost of Empire,

      Saudi Arabia’s state expenditures...danger to the Saudi political system.

      Loss of US relations increases Saudi relations with China
      Luft, 2006 (Gal, executive director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS) a Washington based think tank focused on energy security, specializes in strategy, geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East and energy security. “Fueling the dragon: China's race into the oil market”,

      A key component of China's...offer China an expanded role.

      War between the US and China
      Luft 2004 (Gal, executive director of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS) a Washington based think tank focused on energy security, specializes in strategy, geopolitics, terrorism, Middle East and energy security,  Los Angeles Times, “US, China Are on Collision Course Over Oil”
      Optimists claim that the world... slide into total dependency

      Super Extinction
      Strait Times 2k (No one gains in war over Taiwan; June 25, lexis)
      The high-intensity scenario...sovereignty above everything else.

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text- The European Union Should...

      [Insert specific solvency card]

      CP key to EU stability, economy, and western security interests
      Frattini 11 (Franco, Italy’s minister of foreign affairs, prev European Union commissioner for justice, freedom and security, “Europe should consider a Marshall Plan for the Arab world” The Daily Star, 5/31,

       The crisis in Europe’s southern neighborhood...deterioration of the region’s security.

      Strong EU solves extinction
      Bruton 2 (John,  former Irish Prime Minister, 1999 Irish EU president, leading member of the Convention that drafted the proposed European Constitution, former EU ambassador to the US, EU Commission Head of Delegation in the United States, 4 Honorary Degrees from Memorial University of Newfoundland and the National University of Ireland,“A REPORT FOR THE JOINT OIREACHTAS COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRS,” Contribution from Mr. John Bruton, member of the Convention,” THE EUROPEAN CONVENTION THE SECRETARIAT,

      Only a strong European Union...otherwise overwhelm us

  • Canada CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • TEXT: The government of Canada should...

      Canada can help foster democracy in the Middle East.
      Kilgour ’11 [David, Co-chair of the Canadian Friends of a Democratic Iran, Feb 3, “The Rise of Democracy in the Arab World,”]

      There are several initiatives...Mubarak’s thugs in Tahrir Square

      Canada should be the agent of change in Arab spring- strengthens soft power
      The Globe and Mail ’11 [“Canada should wake up to the Arab spring and new democracy SECTION: EDITORIAL; ELECTION 2011: CANADA AND ITS GLOBAL REACH” Lexis. 4-22-11 ] y2k

      It is springtime in the Arab...more prosperous world.

      Canadian soft power prevents Quebec secession.
      Choudhry ‘7 [Sujit, faculty of law and department of political science at University of Toronto, September, “Does the world need more Canada? The politics of the Canadian model in constitutional politics and political theory,” International Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 5, No. 4]

      Two important questions value that work

      Nuclear Miscalc
      Lamont ’94 [Lansing, President of the American Trust for the British Library, Breakup, p. 327-9]

      That prospect, however dim...that self- destruct.

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • JMU R1 vs. Navy HF
      1NC- T- Imet not DA, Canada CP, Politics, Oil DA, Case
      2NR- Politics, Oil DA, Case

      JMU R3 vs. Liberty AE
      1NC- EU CP, Politics, Saudi Arabia DA, Case
      2NR- Politics, Saudi Arabia DA, Case

      JMU R5 vs. JMU BK
      1NC- EU CP, Politics, T- Governance is not DA, Saudi Arabia DA
      2NR- EU CP, Saudi Arabia DA, Case

      JMU Quarters vs. Richmond BS
      1NC- T- DA is only positive conditionality, Politics, Gift K, Case
      2NR- Gift K, Case

      West Point R1 vs. Wilkes MW
      1NC- T- DA is not IMET, EU, Politics, Saudi Arabia DA, Case
      2NR Saudi Arabia DA, Case

      West Point R4 vs. Rutgers MH
      1NC T- DA is not IMET, EU, Democracy K, Politics, Case
      2NR T, Case

      West Point R6 vs. Vermont CM
      1NC- T DA must be direct, Politics, EU, Case
      2NR Politics + Case

      *Note- at Liberty/App State/Navy the team was GMU Woodward/Dugan*

      Liberty R1 vs. Liberty EH
      1NC- T-direct, Canada CP, Israel DA, Tradeoff, Case
      2NR- Canada CP, Israel DA, case (I think?)

      Liberty R4 vs. Richmond BS
      1NC T-Substantial/must support group that likes Democracy, T direct, Tradeoff, Israel, Saudi Budget, Case
      2NR- Saudi Budget, Case

      Liberty R6 vs. Liberty MW
      1NC- Canada CP, Tradeoff, Israel, Saudi Budget, Case
      2NR- Canada CP, Tradeoff? (I don't remember which DA), Case

      Liberty Semifinals vs. Pitt CW
      1NC- T-Increase, Canada CP, Tradeoff DA, Israel DA, China Relations DA, Case
      2NR- Canada CP, China DA, Case

      App.State R2 vs. Liberty AR
      1NC T-Vagueness, Canada CP, Orientalism, Saudi Budget DA, Israel DA, Tradeoff, Case
      2NR- Canada CP, Saudi, Case?

      App.State R3 vs. Liberty ST
      1NC- Framework, Specieism, Cap, Case
      2NR- Case, Spiecieism

      App.State R5 vs. Wayne State BW
      1NC Orientalism, Saudi Budget DA, Israel DA, Tradeoff, Case
      2NR Orientalism, Case

      Navy- R2 vs. Army BH
      1NC T, Orientalism, Saudi Budget DA, Israel DA, Canada CP, Case
      2NR Orientalism, Saudi, Case

      Navy- R3 vs. James Madison BM
      1NC T, Orientalism, Saudi Budget DA, Israel DA, Canada CP, Case
      2NR Orientalism, Case

      Navy R6 vs. Army TW
      1NC T, Orientalism, Saudi Budget DA, Israel DA, Canada CP, Case
      2NR Orientalism, Israel, Case

      Navy R7 vs. Vanderbilt RZ
      1NC T, Orientalism, Candada CP, Tradeoff, Case
      2NR Orientalism, Case 

      GMU team was Miyares/Woodward

      GMU R1 vs. Richmond BH
      1NC T- Must give to groups that support Democracy, not communists, T-Aid Withdrawal is not DA, Israel DA, Payroll Tax Cuts Politics, Communist Ideal K, Case
      2NR- Both T's (they were combined eventually, but was mostly the T- Aid Withdrawal is not DA one)

      GMU R4 vs. Liberty HR
      1NC T-Direct, Canada CP, Payroll Tax Cut Politics, Case [Heg Bad, Instability Good (Russia Oil turns), Solvency, ect.
      2NR: Case (Solvency, Heg Bad, Stability bad)

      GMU R5 vs. UDCcc BS
      1NC T-Direct, T Unconditional Material Transfer, Canada CP, Diplomatic Capital DA, Payroll, Israel DA
      2NR- Canada CP, Israel DA, Payroll, Case (Solvency)

      Monmouth [Woodward/Dugan]
      Monmouth R1 vs. Cornell CG
      1NC-DipCap, Payroll, Canada CP, T-you can't give aid through another country, T-Direct, Saudi Budget DA, Case
      2NR- DipCap, Payroll, Case

      Monmouth R3 vs. JMU MM
      1NC- T-not governance,Payroll, DipCap, Canada, Case
      2NR- Payroll, Case

      Monmouth R5 v Liberty FL
      1NC-DipCap DA, Payroll, Canada, Case
      2NR-Politics, Canada, Case

      Monmouth Octos vs. West Virginia/West Conneticut WR
      1NC-Plan Flaw, T-Target country, Framework, Warming T-off, Spieciesm PIC
      2NR-Plan Flaw, Spiceiesm PIC

      District 7 JV
      R2- vs. Liberty SH
      1NC-China Relations DA, DRC DipCap DA, Canada CP, T, case [Saudi DA oncase]
      2NR- China DA, DipCap DA, Case

      R3- vs. Liberty ST
      1NC-T, Climate T-off,DRC DipCap, Canada CP, Case [Prolif Good/DeDev]
      2NR- Climate T-off, Case

      R5- vs. JMU EK
      1NC-T-Substantial, Turkey CP, DRC DipCap, Tradeoff, Case

      Quarters- vs. Liberty BL
      1NC- Turkey CP, Politics, DRC DipCap, Climate T-off, Case[Russia DA + other things]
      2NR- Turkey CP, Politics, Case

      Finals- vs. Pittsburgh CW
      1NC- Politics, Turkey CP, ESF T-off, DRC Dip Cap, Case[Russia DA + other things]
      2NR- Turkey CP, ESF T-off, Case [Russia DA]

      JVNovice Nats @ WVU

      JVNov Nats @ WVU R2 vs. Vermont DC
      1NC Cap Bad, T-Increase, Turkey CP, DRC DipCap DA, Warming T-off, Case
      2NR Extra T, Turkey CP, DRC DA

      JVNov Nats @ WVU R3 vs. Liberty BH
      1NC Turkey CP, Politics, DRC DipCap, Case [Heg bad, defense, ect.]
      2NR Politics, Case

      JVNov Nats @ WVU R6 vs. Liberty AE
      1NC Qatar DA, Politics, DRC DipCap, Turkey CP, Extra T
      2NR Turkey CP, Politics, Case [Heg bad]

      JVNov Nats @ WVU Octos vs. Liberty HW
      1NC-Framework, Cap K, Cede the Political DA, Case
      2NR- Framework, Cap K

  • Democracy K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • See GMU Lastovica/Nichols Democracy K

  • West Point Politics

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A piecemeal job bill will pass – no significant opposition.
      AP, 10-20-11
      [“Parts of Obama's jobs bill may pass, But GOP still against tax hike for wealthy” accessed date: 10-20-11] y2k

      WASHINGTON - Congress will...higher federal spending.

      Democracy assistance is unpopular – bipartisan opposition to the plan.
      Hamid, director of research at the Brookings Doha Center, 1-26-2011
      [Shadi, a fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, “Tunisia, Egypt, Arab world need bold US support for democracy, not mixed messages” The Christian Science Monitor. L/N, Accessed date: 7-13-2011] y2k

      Considering the amount of resources invested...they've become more difficult to find.

      Political capital is key.
      The Inquirer, 9-8-2011
      [“POINT: Don't expect miracles on job growth
      Some steps could help, but don't expect miracles” accessed date: 9-13-2011] y2k

      Yet Republicans say that...effort to privatize Social Security.

      Unemployment insurance is key to economy.
      Commerce Department, 10-5-11
      [“Pathways Back to Working for Americans Looking for Jobs” Commerce Department Documents and Publications. LexisNexis. Accessed date: 10-18-11] y2k

      President Obama continues to...unemployed back to work

      Econ decline causes China to extend influence
      Crumley and Karon, 2-25-2009
      [Bruce and Tony, Staff writers for TIME, Is the Economic Crisis a Security Threat Too?,8599,1881492,00.html accessed date: 9-15-11] y2k

      Could the deepening global recession...for its industrial economy

      Great power wars.
      Walton 7 (C. Dale, Routledge, “Geopolitics and the great powers in the twenty-first century: multipolarity and the revolution in strategic perspective”,, AV)

      Obviously, it is of close great power alliances

  • Note

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • if the cites aren't here for an argument, look at GMU LN's page

  • Communist Ideal K

    • Tournament: George Mason | Round: 1 | Opponent: Richmond BH | Judge:

    • The aff feels compelled to fix the US’s moral mistakes, to open up a space for radical resistance.  But this imperative is all a part of the same problem.

      Swyngedouw 10 (Erik,  Professor of Geography at the University of Manchester in its School of Environment and Development, PhD  entitled "The production of new spaces of production" under the supervision of the renowned Marxist geographer David Harvey at Johns Hopkins University (1991),  Fellow of St. Peter's College,  1988 until 2006 he taught at the University of Oxford, “The Communist Hypothesis and Revolutionary Capitalisms: Exploring the Idea of Communist Geographies for the Twenty-first Century,”  Antipode, 41: 298–319. WILEY)

      We are living in... and obsessive acting.

      U.S. exceptionalism leads to war

      Boggs ’10 (THE CRIMES OF EMPIRE Rogue Superpower and World Domination, Carl Boggs, Professor of Social Sciences at National University in Los Angeles, Adjunct Professor at Antioch University in Los Angeles, 2010, p.g. 247-248

      Such unrepentant... Geneva Conventions.

      The alternative to Vote Negative to rethink the communist idea.

      Swyngedouw 10 (Erik,  Professor of Geography at the University of Manchester in its School of Environment and Development, PhD  entitled "The production of new spaces of production" under the supervision of the renowned Marxist geographer David Harvey at Johns Hopkins University (1991),  Fellow of St. Peter's College,  1988 until 2006 he taught at the University of Oxford, “The Communist Hypothesis and Revolutionary Capitalisms: Exploring the Idea of Communist Geographies for the Twenty-first Century,”  Antipode, 41: 298–319. WILEY)

      The relationship between... he latter; let it

  • Turkey CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Text- The government of Turkey should [INSERT PLAN]

      Turkey solves- empirically recognized model

      Kirisci ‘11 [Kemal Kirisci Proffesor of Political Science and International Relations at Bogazici Univerity in Istanbul, PhD in IR from London University, “Turkey’s ‘Demonstrative Effect’ and the Transformation of the Middle East,”]


      A string... of literature.6

  • DRC DipCap

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Investing diplomatic capital In the DRC now- key to democracy, rule of law, stability, and stopping sexual violence 

      Coons ’11 (Sen. Christopher A. Coons (D-DE, Opening Statement: Chairing Senate Foreign Relations African Affairs Subcommittee hearing entitled, "Improving Governance in the Democratic Republic of Congo”, December 15, 2011,


      I am pleased... opening statement.

      US diplomacy is stretched thin – Middle East democracy assistance creates zero-sum trade offs

      Kelemen ‘11 Diplomacy Correspondent – NPR (8/16, Hillary Clinton: U.S. Diplomacy Is Stretched Thin,


      Secretary of State... we do."

      DRC key to African growth and stability

      Trippi ’11 (“DRC Elections: A Bellwether for Stability in Africa”, 11/14/11, Joe Trippi, Political advisor,


      The revolution in... before it's too late.

      Instability goes nuclear

      Deutsch ‘2 (Dr. Jeffrey, Deutsch, economist, founder, Rabid Tiger Project, RAPID TIGER NEWSLETTER, 2002,

       The Rabid Tiger Project...

      to go fishing.

  • Cap K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • //
















      Capitalism structures our daily life and what actions we can take. This forecloses our ability to think outside the system. Even advocacies that seem radical will be co-opted into the system

      Zizek 8

      (Slavoj Zizek prof phil/sociology/psyche @ European grad institute and the debate community’s own Britney Spears, “censorsip today: Violence or Ecology as a new Opium for the masses” 2008


      In spite of the... historian on this accident.

      Extending capitalism into the Arab Spring turns case

      Armburst 11

      Lecturer in the Faculty of Oriental Studies and Albert Hourani Fellow of Modern Middle Eastern Studies at University of Oxford & St. Antony's College. Walter, "The Revolution Against Neoliberalism"


      The last time I encountered... {may you be next).

      The impact is biological and ontological extinction

      Simonovic 7

      Ljubodrag Simonovic, Ph.D., Philosophy; M.A., Law; author of seven books, 2007, A New World is Possible, “Basis of contemporary critical theory of capitalism.”


      The final stage of... is taking place.

      Alternative Text: Do nothing in context of the affirmative. Reject the affirmative to rethink politics abandon belief in capitalism

      Johnston 4

      Adrian JOHNSTON, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of New Mexico, 2004, Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, Volume 9 // Issue 3


      Perhaps the absence... from this same material



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