Cultural norms are the dominant articulations of culture used to maintain power relations and promote gender inequality. We must challenge these constructions or they become codified in law.
Nymau 00’ [Celestine I. Nyamu: S.J.D. Candidate, Harvard Law School; LL.M., Harvard Law School, 1995; LL.B. Univ. of Nairobi, 1993; Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. Harvard International Law Journal, Spring, 2000, 41 Harv. Int'l L.J. 381, ARTICLE: How Should Human Rights and Development Respond to Cultural Legitimization of Gender Hierarchy in Developing Countries? l/n]
2. Implicit Endorsement of Dominant Articulations of Culture
When gender-biased social arrangements ……. conceptions of custom in official forums. n114
In Egypt, culture is used to perpetuate rape. Around 550 Egyptian women will be raped today
Womensphere 08
“Egypt: Are Attitudes to Rape Beginning to Change?” 2/20/08 accessed 1/6/12 AM
Hend is one of 20,000 ……. for Egypt dated March 2006.
A lack of Gender-Egalitarian within cultural attitudes perpetuates rape
Kilmartin 00
Kilmartin, Christopher (2000). Chapter 12: Boys will be boys: Men and violence. In The masculine self (author, 2nd edition). Boston: McGrawHill. p. 407-408 Dr. Christopher Kilmartin is a UMW professor, author, stand-up comedian, actor, playwright, consultant and professional psychologist. He holds a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University and is a licensed clinical psychologist. In 2007, Dr. Kilmartin was the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Gender Studies at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria, one of only 39 such honors awarded annually worldwide. He was elected to Fellow Status in the American Psychological Association in 2008 and is a Past President of Division 51 of that organization, the Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity, which awarded him its Researcher of the Year award in 2010. Dr. Kilmartin is an internationally-recognized expert on gender and violence prevention.
The findings from this study ……. mainstream U.S. culture in this category.
Women’s political participation will result from the women’s movement and explode patriarchy
Sabbagh 5
Amal Sabbagh is a former Secretary General of the Jordanian National Commission for Women (JNCW), “The Arab States: Enhancing Women’s Political Participation” Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers, International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,
‘The women’s movement…is the ……. harbingers of a better future.
Support for increasing women’s participation in electoral politics challenges the institutional masculinity of traditional state structures.
Karam 05
Azza Karam is Senior Policy Research Advisor in the Arab Human Development Report Unit of the United Nations Development Programme, “Conclusions”, Women in Parliament: Beyond Numbers,
It is relatively easy to enumerate ……. and their efforts are assessed.
Egyptian women want support for their political participation
Verveer 11/2/11 Melanne Verveer Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Statement Before the Subcommittees on International Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy, and Global Women's Issues and Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
While visiting Egypt and Tunisia, …….. political participation and leadership abilities.
In plural contexts, gender hierarchy is constructed through dominant articulations of culture and codified in constitutional law. Challenging these constructions through critical pragmatism solves for gender hierarchies.
Nymau 00’ [Celestine I. Nyamu: S.J.D. Candidate, Harvard Law School; LL.M., Harvard Law School, 1995; LL.B. Univ. of Nairobi, 1993; Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. Harvard International Law Journal, Spring, 2000, 41 Harv. Int'l L.J. 381, ARTICLE: How Should Human Rights and Development Respond to Cultural Legitimization of Gender Hierarchy in Developing Countries? l/n]
In plural contexts, responses to cultural ……. gender hierarchies in diverse contexts.
Contention II – Patriarchy in debate –
My work and preparation with Ann has been very beneficial for it has allowed me to see the ways in which patriarchal assumptions, mindsets, and values underpin common conceptions of debate argumentation and rhetoric. Our work with John Brushke of CSU Fullerton has provided me the opportunity to engage in scholarship critical of the way that not only myself, but others act in the debate. I learned of the severe gender biases embedded within participation of debate. I learned of the ways my masculinity has shaped my view and others.
Womensphere 08
“Egypt: Are Attitudes to Rape Beginning to Change?” 2/20/08 accessed 1/6/12 AM
Egypt was scandalised last summer …….. You have to change them bit by bit.”
Debate is super patriarchal
Greenstreet 96
Robert Greenstreet (EdD, Oklahoma State U, 1996) is assistant professor, Communication Department, East Central University, Ada, OK 74820-6899 “Women in Intercollegiate Forensics: Experiencing Otherness” accessed 1/22/12 P60-1
The picture provided by the negative matrix …….. should be easy to understand.
Unconscious sexism prevents women from advancing in debate
Skarb and Bruschke 03
Everyone should be able to play: A quantitative analysis of female participation in intercollegiate debate Skarb, Justin; Bruschke, Jon. California State University, Fullerton, 2003 accessed 1/23/12 p44-5
In much the same way that overt ……. upper-echelons of any of them.
There can’t be change until we question our biases
Stepp 97
Can We Make Intercollegiate Debate More Diverse? Journal article by Pamela Stepp; Argumentation and Advocacy, Vol. 33, 1997 quoted excerpt at
People can learn to respect diversity, ……. eliminating sexist and racist behaviors.
We need to interrogate our own behavior
Stepp 01
Pamela L., "Sexual harassment in communication extra-curricular activities: Intercollegiate debate and individual events" Communication Education Volume 50 Issue 1 P46
Research should explore the sexualized …… organizational climates and environments for these behaviors.
Discussion is the first step to eliminating bias
Skarb and Bruschke 03
Everyone should be able to play: A quantitative analysis of female participation in intercollegiate debate Skarb, Justin; Bruschke, Jon. California State University, Fullerton, 2003 accessed 1/23/12 p46-7
Though the data reviewed …… discrimination from the community.
We need to take our narratives into proscribed spaces-it’s the only way to start a social movement
Couto 93
Narrative, Free Space, and Political Leadership in Social Movements Richard A. Couto The Journal of Politics , Vol. 55, No. 1 (Feb., 1993), pp. 57-79 Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the Southern Political Science Association Article Stable URL: Interviews with leaders of civil rights efforts in four rural communities in the South accessed 1/30/12 AM
As political phenomena, narratives offer ……. to claim spaces like the bus seats in Montgomery as free.