Emory » NDT Neg - Cambre & Pesce

NDT Neg - Cambre & Pesce

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:24
  • 1NC v Kansas PW

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • T-Excludes Governance 

      Democracy assistance excludes governance

      Carothers 04 – Co-director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Project @ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace [Thomas Carothers (Vice President of global policy @ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), “Democratic Mirage in the Middle East ,” Originally published in 2002, Critical Mission: Essays on Democracy Promotion, 2004, pg. 243-244] 

      Indirect …education 

      Indirectly Promoting Democracy

      The second identifiable U.S. strategy 


      Department under its new Middle East Partnership initiative).

      U.S. policy makers have increasingly tried in the past year or two to complement such aid with diplomatic pressure on Arab governments to take seriously the challenge of improving governance and to give a real place to an independent civil society.

      The most common types of work on reforming governance and the state include the following:

      • strengthening the rule of law, especially through judicial reform;

      strengthening parliaments, through efforts to build better internal capacity and bolster constituency relations;

      • reducing state corruption, through anticorruption commissions, legislative rationalization, and advocacy campaigns; and

      • promoting decentralization, through training for local government officials and legislative actions to increase the authority of local governments

      Destroys limits

      Richard Lappin 10 is Ph. D candidiate at Leuven Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studiesnell Medical Center. "What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches" CEJISS 2010 V4 Issue 1 www.cejiss.org/issue/2010-volume-4-issue-1/lappin

      Establishing the definitional clarity of democracy assistance is 


      post-conflict democracy assistance can be drawn.

      Allows bidirectionality: Strengthening Assad or the Khalifas is a great way to assist authoritarianism


      Lappin, University of Leuven (Belgium) Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies 

      PhD candidate, 2010 

      [Richard, participant in democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, and Carter Center, University of Belgrade political sciences visiting scholar, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Volume 4 Issue 1, ―What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict approaches to democratization‖ http://soc.kuleuven.be/iieb/docs/2010/CEJISS-lappin.pdf] 

      By the end of the 1990s, the 


      and in practice, will ultimately be undermined. 

      Jackson Vanik 

      Jackson Vanik will be repealed despite GOP opposition – key to Russian economic modernization

      Sanati 3-19 [Cyrus, The biggest winners of a new Russia trade deal, http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2012/03/19/russia-trade/?section=money_topstories&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fmoney_topstories+%28Top+Stories%29]

      FORTUNE -- On Capitol Hill last week, 


      the WTO rules. Only time will tell.

      The plan drains political capital

      McLaughlin, contributing writer – The Washington Diplomat, 5/31/’11

      (Seth, “Key Foreign Policy Players Try to Master Capitol Hill,” The Washington Diplomat)

      But it's not just politicos in Washington and 


      operating expenses were trimmed by $39 million.

      Obama’s capital is key

      Allison and Blackwill 11 [Graham Allison and 


      .S. policies regarding Afghanistan and Iran]

      Finally, given the disparities between U.


      a controversial topic like American policy toward Russia.

      [Key to relations] Failure to repeal undermines US-Russia relations

      Miller 11 [Jacqueline, senior associate, “The WTO and the Reset” EastWest Institute -- April 8 --http://www.ewi.info/wto-and-reset]

      It took Barack Obama several months and some 


      and the U.S.-Russia relationship

      Relations solve nuclear war and turn the case

      Allison and Blackwill 11 [Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; Douglas Dillon Professor of Government; Faculty Chair, Dubai Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School, Robert D. Blackwill, International Council Member, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs 10-30, "10 Reasons Why Russia Still Matters"http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/21469/10_reasons_why_russia_still_matters.html]

      That central point is that Russia matters a 


      or failure, in advancing our national interests.

      Economic deterioration causes global war

      David 99 (Steven, professor of political science at johns hopkins, foreign affairs, jan/feb)

      If internal war does strike Russia, economic 


      chaos that would follow a Russian civil war.


      The Executive Board of the NED should vote to insert.

      Solves the case and avoids politics

      Cohen & Küpçü 09 –Senior Research Fellows @ New America Foundation [Michael A. Cohen & Maria Figueroa Küpçü, “Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Promotion: a Comprehensive Plan For Reform,” New America Foundation in conjunction with Georgetown Law’s Human Rights Institute, April 2009, pg. http://www.newamerica.net/files/Revitalizing_US_Democracy_Promotion.pdf]

      Traditionally, the National Endowment for Democracy and 


      -state actors.  Pg. 15-16

      Democracy Assistance PIC

      TEXT:  The United States federal government should 

      The counterplan does governance assistance without explicitly labeling it as “democratic”—this has the same material EFFECT as the plan while avoiding backlash, rejection, and political baggage

      Carothers and de Gramont, 2011 [Big Tom and Dianne, Badasses for the Carnegie endowment, “AIDING GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Progress Amid Uncertainties” Democracy and rule of law, November 2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf]

      The Democracy Divide One further area of uncertainty

      AND and aiding democracy will tend to bolster governance.


      Turn---Aid causes clientism and internal brain drain.

      Gould et al 1 [The principal authors of this document are Dr. Pekka Seppälä and Dr. Olli Ruohomäki, advisors with the Unit for Sector Policy, Department for International Development Co-operation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland and Dr. Jeremy Gould who is affiliated with the Institute for Developing Studies, University of Helsinki. “THINKING STRATEGICALLY ABOUT DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE A handbook on democracy, human rights and good governance assistance in Finnish development co-operation Ministry for Foreign Affairs Department for International Development Co-operation”]

      6.3. The risks of democratic 


      schoolteachers, nurses, sanitation engineers and accountants.

      Turn---the AFF picks winners --- that turns every internal link.

      Jenkins, 2001 [Rob Jenkins Birkbeck College University of London “Mistaking “Governance” for “Politics”: Foreign Aid, Democracy and the Construction of Civil Society” Prepublication version of a paper published in in Sudipta Kaviraj and Sunil Khilnani (eds.), Civil Society: History and Possibilities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp. 250-68. Please consult final, published version for purposes of citation or quotation.]

      One of the most suspect attempts to reorient 


      ” which they consider likely to support democracy.

      Turn---technical assistance fails and undermines local capacity.

      Greenhill, 2006 [Romilly Greenhill is an expert in aid, debt and development finance issues. Prior to joining ODI, Romilly worked for 3 years for the UK's Department for International Development (DFID), leading the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) and DFID's Transparency Guarantee. Romilly has also worked for ActionAid UK and ActionAid Cambodia, leading research and advocacy work on aid and debt, and undertaking capacity building for Cambodian NGOs. She worked as an economist for Jubilee Research at the New Economics Foundation and for the Ugandan Government as an ODI Fellow.  “Real Aid:  Making Technical Assistance Work”, http://www.actionaid.org.uk/doc_lib/real_aid2.pdf]

      Technical assistance – donor spending on consultants, 


      system of the kind described in Chapter 1.

      Governance assistance fails

      1st --- underlying structures

      Carothers & de Gramont 2011 [Big Tom and Dianne, Badasses for the Carnegie endowment, “AIDING GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Progress Amid Uncertainties” Democracy and rule of law, November 2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf]

      Eight Insights Recognize That Governance Deficiencies Are Primarily 


      how donors worked and what goals they pursued.

      2nd --- international factors --- globalized issues like the drug trade, arms sales, and brain drain tank governance efforts and undermine stability—aid CANNOT address these problems

      Carothers & de Gramont 2011 [Big Tom and Dianne, Badasses for the Carnegie endowment, “AIDING GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Progress Amid Uncertainties” Democracy and rule of law, November 2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf]

      Don’t Ignore the International Dimension As aid providers 


      the idea in its recent Deauville Declaration.51


      Libya is stabilizing and developing

      SPERO FORUM  3 – 1 – 12    Citing Special Representative Martin – UN Envoy to Libya

      [UN envoy confident Libya can overcome challenges and pursue democracy, http://www.speroforum.com/a/NPOSRJVIUK27/69134-UN-envoy-confident-Libya-can-overcome-challenges-and-pursue-democracy?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+speroforum%2Fnroq+(Spero+News)]

      The top United Nations envoy to Libya today 


      to assist them," said Mr. Martin. 

      They’ll succeed – violence is part of the process – they’ll achieve freedoms

      Whitaker 11 – Middle East Editor for the Guardian (04-Present) [Brian Whitaker, “The Arab spring is brighter than ever,” guardian.co.uk, Monday 14 March 2011 12.09 GMT, pg. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/mar/14/arab-spring-protest-crackdown-freedom]

      The fact that autocratic regimes in Libya


      of them will be gone or transformed beyond recognition

      1.  External involvement bad

      LACHER  11    associate fellow at the German Institute for International and Security  Affairs (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, SWP), Berlin

      [Wolfram Lacher, Families, Tribes and Cities in the Libyan Revolution, Middle East Policy Council, http://www.mepc.org/journal/middle-east-policy-archives/families-tribes-and-cities-libyan-revolution]

      CONCLUSION Since the fall of Tripoli, rifts 


      will play leading roles in shaping the transition.

      2.  Decentralization good – creates stability

      WHEAT  3 – 10 – 12    currently a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation 

      [Treston Wheat, The Bitter Fruit of Libya’s “Arab Spring”, http://blog.heritage.org/2012/03/10/the-bitter-fruit-of-libyas-arab-spring/]

      The east Libyans made it clear that they 


      -autonomous region if they cannot get along.

      US influence isn’t necessary – just arrogance

      Bacevich 11 – Professor of International Relations and History @ Boston University [Andrew J. Bacevich, “They're doing it without us,” Los Angeles Times, February 20, 2011, pg. http://articles.latimes.com/2011/feb/20/opinion/la-oe-bacevich-war-20110220]

      The ongoing upheaval in the Arab world (


      , we will owe them a great debt.


      Can’t solve internationalism

      Heydemann, senior advisor for Middle East initiatives – USIP, 11/21/’11


      What I wanted to focus on, actually


      tensions that this survey brings to the fore.

      Israel/Palestine overwhelms 

      Telhami, professor of peace and development – U Maryland, senior fellow – Brookings, 11/21/’11


      MR. TELHAMI: Well, this is 


      in the Arab world is really quite striking.

      Global governance fails – power structure means nothing is achieved 

      Falk 10 [Richard, professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University, "A RADICAL WORLD ORDER CHALLENGE: Addressing Global Climate Change and the Threat of Nuclear Weapons," Globalizations 7(1-2)]

      The very character of world order, which 


      alter the political calculus of elites representing states.

      Hegemony not key to uphold international institutions

      Buzan 11 [Barry, Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics, "The Inaugural Kenneth N. Waltz Annual Lecture A World Order Without Superpowers Decentred Globalism," International Relations, 4-1, vol. 25 no. 1 3-25]

      The big question would be whether a world 


      rivals, not one of rivals and enemies.

      Institutions don’t prevent conflict – the UN proves 

      Andrei 11 [Dumitrache, online International Relations publication, "Are international institutions necessary for global peace and security?," 6-1, http://www.e-ir.info/?p=8968]

      The current international system is one of ‘


      by the main economic and implicitly military powers.

      Doesn’t solve global problems – no authority and too much confusion

      Schweller 10  professor of political science at Ohio State University

      (randall, ennui becomes us, Foreign Affairs, jan-feb 2010)

      What some call global governance is little more 


      views are more rigidly held than ever before.

      U.S. aid backfires and undermines cred---no risk of any regional actor gaining hegemony---all their cards from pundits are wrong 

      F. Gregory Gause 12-21, December 21, 2011, “Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!,” Foreign Policy, online: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/12/21/america_arab_spring_do_nothing?page=full

      As the upheavals that have made 2011 a 


      Middle East, it is called for now

      Obama won’t capitalize on the plan to bolster U.S. cred---and just funding assistance doesn’t solve  

      Jackson Diehl 12-11, Deputy Editorial Page Editor at The Washington Post, December 11, 2011, “Obama is lagging on Egypt,” online: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/obama-lagging-on-the-arab-spring/2011/12/08/gIQApQzCoO_story.html

      Early on the morning of Nov. 25


      it needs to come from the president.

  • 2NC v Kansas PW

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2NC---Solvency

      NED solves every AFF internal link. 

      Gephardt and Khalilzad 12 [Honorable Richard A. – Chairman Board of Directors & President and CEO of Gephardt Group Government Affairs, Board of Directors [Dr. Judy Shelton – Vice-Chair, Robert Miller – Secretary, Ambassador Robert H. Tuttle – Treasurer, Carl Gershman – President, John Bohn, James Boland, The Hon. Norm Coleman, Rita DiMartino, The Hon. Kenneth, M. Duberstein, Michele Dunne, The Hon. Martin Frost, Francis Fukuyama, Dr. William A. Galston, Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, Larry A. Liebenow, The Hon. Princeton, N. Lyman, Will Marshall, The Hon. Gregory W. Meeks, Azar Nafisi, Dr. Moisés Naím, Andrew J. Nathan, Marilyn Carlson Nelson, Fred Redmond, Ambassador Stephen Sestanovich, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Vin Weber, George Weigel, National Endowment For Democracy – 2012 Strategy Document, http://www.ned.org/docs/strategy/2012StrategyDocument.pdf]

      It is clear that the coming years will 


      -being, democracy is worth the price. 

      2NC---AT: Signal

      Compairitive evidence about the signal.

      Carothers 09 - Founder and Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program @ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. [Thomas Carothers is vice-president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “Democracy Assistance: political vs. developmental?” Journal of Democracy Volume 20, Number 1 January 2009]

      The two other principal funders of U.


      activists, such as election-monitoring groups.

      The greater part of U.S. 


      the international scene. Pg. 15-16 

      2NC---AT: Do Both

      --- The permutation links to the USFG based net benefits like politics and the turns.  

      Politics is a net benefit – it’s the reverse of other programs.

      McINERNEY  10    Director of Advocacy for the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED)  [ STEPHEN McINERNEY, April 2010, The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2011.  DEMOCRACY, GOVERNANCE, AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, http://www.pomed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/fy11-budget-analysis-final.pdf]

      As mentioned in the MEPI section above, 


      Congress may nonetheless exceed this request for FY11

      *Where it says “Other programs” it is talking about USAID etc – that’s why I included the nonsense above

      ---  Congress has mandated that the NED avoid duplication.

      US Senate Committee Report 10  [“National Endowment for Democracy,” DEPARTMENT OF STATE, FOREIGN OPERATIONS, AND RELATED PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS BILL, Senate Report 111-237, 111TH CONGRESS, 111-237, July 29, 2010, pg. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquery/?&sid=cp1110Mcmi&r_n=sr237.111&dbname=cp111&&sel=TOC_95391&]

      The Committee recognizes the experience of NED in 


      precluded from competitively bidding on other grant solicitations.

      NED is directed to submit a financial plan not later than 60 days after enactment of this act detailing the proposed distribution of funds in a manner similar to prior years, to consult with the Committee on any proposed deviation from the plan, and to apportion core funds in the traditional and customary fashion among core institutes.

      Its congress’s primary goal

      Epstein et al. 98 – Researchers in 



      One of the primary goals of reorganizing the 


      to world events.Pg. crs-10

      Recent statements prove.

      Staats 11 -Director of policy outreach @ Center for Global Development. [Sarah Jane Staats, "Up for the Challenge: MCC vs. U.S. Development Assistance,” Center for Global Development, June 7, 2011, pg. http://blogs.cgdev.org/mca-monitor/2011/06/up-for-the-challenge-mcc-vs-u-s-development-assistance.php]

      Congress is calling for an explicit comparison of 


      on the programs that produce the best results.

      That means NED says No

      Sims 90 – Researcher for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs [Beth Sims, National Endowment for Democracy (NED): A Foreign Policy Branch Gone Awry, A Policy Report by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs and the Inter-Hemispheric Education Resource Center, 1990]

      The Endowment's dependence on U.S. 


      to its manipulation and pressure. Pg. 27 

      2NC---AT: Do CP

      The perm severs --- that is a voting issue --- guts stable negative offensive --- the AFF becomes a moving target --- destroys research and innovation --- makes debate impossible.

      First --- the plan has the USFG increase assistance – counterplan doesn’t – Cohen says the NED is distinct.  

      Its means 

      Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs are the possessive pronouns used to substitute a noun and to show possession or ownership. EG. This is your disk and that's mine. (Mine substitutes the word disk and shows that it belongs to me.) – that’s Glossary of English Grammar Terms 05 (http://www.usingenglish.com/glossary/possessive-pronoun.html)

      AND --- the NED is not part of the government

      N.  E .  D.    12   accessed online.   Frequently asked questions


      Q: Is NED part of the U


      those more commonly funded by the US Government. 

      Second --- means they are not topical – USFG democracy assistance falls into the foreign assistance budget category

      NRC 08 [National Research Council (Committee on Evaluation of USAID Democracy Assistance Programs), Improving Democracy Assistance: Building Knowledge Through Evaluations and Research, 2008]

      USAID’s current democracy and governance (DG) 


      of California 2007). Pg. 18-21 

      NED is distinct

      GOOTNICK 09 - Director of International Affairs and Trade @ GAO  

      [David Gootnick, DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE: U.S. Agencies Take Steps to Coordinate International Programs but Lack Information on Some U.S.-funded Activities, General Accounting Office, GAO-09-993, September 2009]

      19 Although NED’s programs support democracy promotion, 


      for GJD foreign assistance funds. Pg. 13


      They will go for this argument because it's the only argument in the 2AC they have a shot of winning so I will spend some time ending this debate before it begins --- the counterplan is THE KEY question in the literature. 

      First --- debates about how to promote democracy include whether we should give the NED FIAT power.  

      CONRY  93   foreign policy analyst at the Cato Institute [Barbara Conry, Loose Cannon: The National Endowment for Democracy, Cato Foreign Policy Briefing No. 27 November 8, 1993, http://www.cato.org/pubs/fpbriefs/fpb-027.html]

      The debate over NED is not a debate 


      funding NED, that rationale no longer exists.

      Second --- the NED was created because there was a debate about what the USFG SHOULD DO.  It is the heart of the resolution.

      MELIA 05   Institute for the Study of Diplomacy Walsh School of Foreign Service Georgetown University 

      [Thomas, “The Democracy Bureaucracy: The Infrastructure of American Democracy Promotion” A discussion paper  prepared for the Princeton Project on National Security Working Group on Global Institutions and Foreign Policy Infrastructure, September, http://www.princeton.edu/~ppns/papers/democracy_bureaucracy.pdf]

      Arguably the most important and visible facet of 


      governmental initiatives to promote political democracy around the world

      Third --- any interpretation that excludes the NED is self-serving – its another NGO mechanism for providing democracy assistance.  Debates about WHO are key.

      Stahn & van Hüllen 07 - Research Associate for the Collaborative Research Project @ Free University Berlin & Research Associate for the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science @ Free University Berlin  [Andreas Stahn and Vera van Hüllen, Paper prepared for the European Union Studies Association (EUSA), Tenth Biennial International Conference, May 17-19, 2007, Montreal, Canada, pg. http://aei.pitt.edu/7911/1/hullen-v-03e.pdf]    

      Even if an actor does not develop a 


      done to promote democracy and in what ways.

      These ways can first of all differ in 


      disposal and the use he makes of them.


      AND - ERR Neg – their authors assume the US is necessary

      Christopher HOBSON International Politics @ Aberystwyth ‘9 “The Limits of Liberal Democracy Promotion” Alternatives 34 p.396-397

      The result of this restrictive and hierarchical framework 


      ” than those still seeking to make this transition

      The status quo solves better—capacity development MUST emerge organically.

      Greenhill, 2006 [Romilly Greenhill is an expert in aid, debt and development finance issues. Prior to joining ODI, Romilly worked for 3 years for the UK's Department for International Development (DFID), leading the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) and DFID's Transparency Guarantee. Romilly has also worked for ActionAid UK and ActionAid Cambodia, leading research and advocacy work on aid and debt, and undertaking capacity building for Cambodian NGOs. She worked as an economist for Jubilee Research at the New Economics Foundation and for the Ugandan Government as an ODI Fellow.  “Real Aid:  Making Technical Assistance Work”, http://www.actionaid.org.uk/doc_lib/real_aid2.pdf]

      2.2.4 Technical assistance is 


      choices and trade-offs that governments face.

      AND - aid fails – foreign involvement insures a backlash – causes war and turns the case.  If some say yes and others say no it’ll insure fragmentation

      LACHER   8 – 29 – 11  Associate, Middle East and Africa Division, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik/German Institute for International and Security Affairs

      [Wolfram Lacher, “The International Role in Post-Qadhafi Libya? Withdraw” Middle East Policy Council. August 29, 2011. http://www.mepc.org/articles-commentary/commentary/international-role-post-qadhafi-libya-withdraw]

      Planning is ongoing in Western capitals for a 


      but negotiating these changes is a domestic matter.

      Libyans prefer dictatorship and don't want the AFF.

      RAILTON  2 – 23 – 12    Staff – Cherwell Academic

      [Will Railton,  Oxford research into Libya and democracy, http://www.cherwell.org/news/academic/2012/02/23/oxford-research-into-libya-and-democracy]

       Oxford’s Institute of Human Sciences and Oxford 


      visited were using torture or mistreating their detainees. 

      Democratic governance won’t solve security in Libya

      DAOUD  2 – 27 – 12  Editor - The North Africa Journal 

      [Arezki Daoud, The Future of Libya: Forget About a Central Government, Only Autonomous but Unified States Would Work, http://www.north-africa.com/naj_news/news_na/1febtwetyeight47.html]

      Libya is in chaos and the idea that 


      when draft the political future of the country. 


      These flip every AFF internal link

      Pokharel 2011 [Mr. Bharat Pokharel is Executive Director of Centre for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA), Tribhuvan University. He has done M.A in Economics from Tribhuvan University .His field of interests are macroeconomics and Research Methodology. He has supervised more than forty MA theses and he has participated in more than 100 seminars in Nepal and abroad. He is involved in dozens of researches. He is the Chief Editor of The Journal of Development and Administrative Studies. He is the member of BIMSTEK (Thinktank.). He is associated with Economic Policy Network II (EPN) and Nepal Business Forum (NBF) of Nepal Government. He is the Senate Member, Steering Committee of Academic Council and Member of faculty board of humanities and social sciences of Tribhuvan University. He was listed in Who’s Who in Nepal 2009. He has published eight books and more than hundred research articles in Nepal and abroad. http://www.aidmonitor.org.np/publication/pub6.pdf]

      Some donors choose to “by-pass


      highly pertinent in the case of SubSaharan Africa.

      Err negative even to the point of voting on presumption rather than risking such a questionable approach.

      Pokharel 2011 [Mr. Bharat Pokharel is Executive Director of Centre for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA), Tribhuvan University. He has done M.A in Economics from Tribhuvan University .His field of interests are macroeconomics and Research Methodology. He has supervised more than forty MA theses and he has participated in more than 100 seminars in Nepal and abroad. He is involved in dozens of researches. He is the Chief Editor of The Journal of Development and Administrative Studies. He is the member of BIMSTEK (Thinktank.). He is associated with Economic Policy Network II (EPN) and Nepal Business Forum (NBF) of Nepal Government. He is the Senate Member, Steering Committee of Academic Council and Member of faculty board of humanities and social sciences of Tribhuvan University. He was listed in Who’s Who in Nepal 2009. He has published eight books and more than hundred research articles in Nepal and abroad. http://www.aidmonitor.org.np/publication/pub6.pdf]

      It is paramount to highlight foreign aid as 


      efforts must continue to search for the answers.

      2NC---Pick Winners

      Turns the AFF for three reasons

      1st --- assistance is too bureaucratic to be accessible to the majority of groups—means only a few are targeted.

      Hawthorne, 2004 [Amy, is an associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. She is a specialist on Middle East politics and on democracy promotion, and is the editor of the Endowment’s Arab Reform Bulletin “ MIDDLE EASTERN DEMOCRACY Is Civil Society the Answer?”, Democracy and Rule of Law Project, Number 44]

      First was the manner in which civil society 


      requirements were beyond the capacity of most groups.

      2nd --- this choice of winners leads to violent revolts—Brundi Proves.

      Jenkins, 2001 [Rob Jenkins Birkbeck College University of London “Mistaking “Governance” for “Politics”: Foreign Aid, Democracy and the Construction of Civil Society” Prepublication version of a paper published in in Sudipta Kaviraj and Sunil Khilnani (eds.), Civil Society: History and Possibilities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp. 250-68. Please consult final, published version for purposes of citation or quotation.]

      While it may be possible to justify these 


      is certainly not what USAID’s policy documents advocate.

      3rd --- it re-entrenches violent oligarchy --- groups who receive aid will diverge and pursue their own self interest.

      Jenkins, 2001 [Rob Jenkins Birkbeck College University of London “Mistaking “Governance” for “Politics”: Foreign Aid, Democracy and the Construction of Civil Society” Prepublication version of a paper published in in Sudipta Kaviraj and Sunil Khilnani (eds.), Civil Society: History and Possibilities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp. 250-68. Please consult final, published version for purposes of citation or quotation.]

      Apart from such blatant power-grabbing, 


      -choice explanations of political and economic behaviour.

      Trying to build western style institutions fails and backfires—lack of context specific solutions produce failure and adverse unintended consequences—this is a net turn to their institutionalism advantage.

      Carothers & de Gramont 2011 [Big Tom and Dianne, Badasses for the Carnegie endowment, “AIDING GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Progress Amid Uncertainties” Democracy and rule of law, November 2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf]

      Strive for Best Fit Rather Than Best Practice 


      appropriate for the specific context in which they operate


      This really is a 100% case takeout--unwillingness to change because of political incentives is the SIMPLE but DAMNING conclusion of all analyses of governance reform

      Carothers & de Gramont 2011 [Big Tom and Dianne, Badasses for the Carnegie endowment, “AIDING GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Progress Amid Uncertainties” Democracy and rule of law, November 2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf]

      The importance of engaging seriously with political realities 


      . But several more adaptive changes are common.

      This also puts them in a double bind—if local actors actually have an incentive to reform then they will inevitably and the plan is unnecessary—etiher way, only our offense matters.


      This means you prefer our turns and takeouts because all of their solvency evidence assumes a best case scenario impossible in our political climate

      Carothers & de Gramont 2011 [Big Tom and Dianne, Badasses for the Carnegie endowment, “AIDING GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Progress Amid Uncertainties” Democracy and rule of law, November 2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf]

      Results Pressures The uncertain empirical link between donor


      compelling narratives that donor agencies need to produce.

      2NC---Other Aid

      And, no solvency because of other aid sources—the easy availability of condition-free Chinese aid and South-South development cooperation eliminates any leverage the aff might possess—they can get money without caring about governance

      Carothers & de Gramont 2011 [Big Tom and Dianne, Badasses for the Carnegie endowment, “AIDING GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Progress Amid Uncertainties” Democracy and rule of law, November 2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf]

      Similarly, the emergence of the aid effectiveness 


      signal openness to greater engagement on governance issues.


      The best empirical studies show governance aid does nothing—studies to the contrary don’t assume selection biases

      Nielsen and Nielsen, 2010 [Richard Nielsen, Harvard University Daniel Nielson, Brigham Young University http://aiddata.s3.amazonaws.com/Nielson_2010.pdf]

      Foreign aid for improving governance may promote democracy 


      receive the governance aid in the first place.

  • 1NR v Kansas PW

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2NC Uniqueness

      Top priority – capital key 

      Verona 3-29 [Ed, pres and CEO of the US-Russia Business Council, “The true cost of Jackson-Vanik,” National Interest, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/the-true-cost-jackson-vanik-6702?page=1

      In January, the Obama administration publicly stated 


      letters by leading members of Russia’s political opposition.

      Capital is key to trade agenda

      Stokes 11 [Bruce, economics journalist, “An Agenda, If You Can Keep It,” 1-26, http://www2.nationaljournal.com/member/daily/balance-of-payments]

      After years of relative quiescence, Congress actually 


      but doing so could be an uphill slog.

      More warrants

      A. Consensus on repeal 

      EWR Online 3-23 [Estonian Worker, “Cold war tools to be discarded to boost US-Russia trade relations,” http://www.eesti.ca/?op=article&articleid=35744]

      The US president, the secretary of state 


      -Putin pre-election campaign in Moscow.

      B. Baucus agrees

      Barkley 3-15 [Tom Barkley, “Obama's Push On Trade With Russia Raises Senate Concerns,” NASDAQ]

      Senators from both parties raised concerns Thursday about 


      with us now to avoid such an outcome."

      C. IPR reform will get Senators on board


      The United States and Russia are developing an 


      owners before Russia joins the WTO this summer."

      D. Increasing pressure to pass

      Fortin 3-13 [Jacey, staff writer, “The Jackson-Vanik Amendment: How Soviet-Era Trade Regulations Could Affect Human Rights in Russia,” Ibtimes, http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/313539/20120313/jackson-vanik-russia-human-rights-obama.htm]

      As Russia prepares to join the World Trade 


      of Russian WTO membership as their international competitors."

      E. Our evidence is predictive

      Herszenhorn 2-24 [David Herszenhorn, “U.S.-Russian Trade Ties Face Some Political Snags,” NYT]

      In trying to overcome the political obstacles


      . It will help create more American jobs.”

      AT: Magnitsky

      Obama spending capital to block Magnitsky

      Washington Post 3-1 [U.S. must maintain way to press Putin regime on human rights, http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/us-must-maintain-pressure-on-russia-over-human-rights/2012/02/29/gIQAA0palR_story.html]

      But a bipartisan coalition in Congress is concerned 


      program of aid to Russian civil society groups.

      Defer to the direction of the link – peer reviewed lit shows capital blocks it. 

      Beckmann and Kumar 11 [Matthew N. Beckmann PhD and Associate Professor, Political Science School of Social Sciences at UC Irvine; and Vimal Kumar, “How presidents push, when presidents win: A model of positive presidential power in US lawmaking,” Journal of Theoretical Politics, 23: 3, Ebsco]

      Considering that roll-call votes ultimately decide 


      eyes (see Romer and Rosenthal (1978)).

      And, Obama won’t agree to it

      Martinez 3-14 [Ken, Moscow Times, McFaul Pushes for Trade Status, http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/mcfaul-pushes-for-trade-status/454625.html]

      The Obama administration will not support any human 


      , there's no upside," the ambassador said.


      Fighting about the plan sends a mixed message that undermines the aff

      ADESNIK & McFAUL  06   1.  member of the research staff at the Institute for Defense Analyses  2. Helen and Peter Bing Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution; director of the Center for Democracy, Development, and Rule of Law at Stanford University; and a nonresident senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

      [David Adesnik & Michael McFaul,  Washington Quarterly, Spring 2006]

      Second, words mattered, especially when they 


      superiors’ credibility, including that of the president.

      Foreign aid only costs capital – no constituency

      KERRY  2 – 29 – 12  Democratic senator from Massachusetts, is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee [John Kerry, The Conservative Case for Foreign Aid; Reagan knew that diplomacy and development policy neutralize threats before they become crises.  Kerry, John. Wall Street Journal (Online) [New York, N.Y] 29 Feb 2012]

       Cutting foreign aid has always been a 


      not a favor we do for other countries.

      Plan will be accused of requiring boots on the ground – Obama has to defend himself from all sides

      Weigant 8-22-11 [Chris Weigant, Huffington Post, “Obama's Libya Strategy Proves His Critics Wrong” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-weigant/obamas-libya-strategy-pro_b_933654.html]

      President Obama, when he first announced the 


      directed towards the president from his own party).

      Aid to Libya unpopular – gets wrapped up in a larger War Powers debate 

      Emery 11 [Theo Emery, Congress could resist additional aid to Libya, http://www.boston.com/Boston/politicalintelligence/2011/08/congress-could-resist-additional-aid-libya/DMmIHbENjJ0A6QBAednf0M/index.html]

      Foreign policy experts say the immediate aftermath of 


      could spill over into future debate over aid.

      Democracy measures get wrapped up in the larger budget debate – empirically proven

      Benderey and Stone 5-18-11 [Jennifer and Andrea, “Obama Middle East Speech: President Will Announce Billions In Economic Aid to Egypt, Tunisia,” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/18/obama-middle-east-speech-billions-aid_n_863927.html]

      None of the money requires new spending from 


      surface with similar objections to erasing Egypt's debt.

  • 2nc v Layola

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 2NC-Overview

      Fairness is a decision rule - it rigs the game and makes neutral evaluation by a judge impossible—their ability to pick the high ground is an inequality that ought to be eliminated.
      Loland 2 [Sigmund, Professor of Sport Philosophy and Ethics at the Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education, Fair Play and Sport 95]

      Rule violations are of several kinds.  The
      support systems, but with competitors’ actions themselves.

      Debate is played for its own sake – fairness and quality of play outweigh all other concerns.
      Villa 96 [Dana, Political Theory @ UC Santa Barbara, Arendt and Heidegger: the Fate of the Political p. 37]

      If political action is to be valued for
      politics, is played for its own sake. 

      2. Skill-building - what makes debate UNIQUE is that it teaches us certain skills, such as persuasion, effective research, logical comparison that are inaccessible in a classroom or book learning setting.  Focus on purely what content is important ignores the question of how debates over that content occur. 

      Only embracing arbitrary rules such as the topic forces the creativity, difficulty, and complication that causes skill growth—that’s Thurka. Their decision to jump straight to a defense of particular content is the equivalent of a chess player re-arranging their opponent’s pieces to make checkmate easier or a football team insisting that they should start right next to the opponents goal line - it obviates the need for developing complicated strategy and greater skill.  They want to play rock-paper-scissors, we want to play chess.

      Good fair competitions create an attitude where we desire to improve our arguments
      Carter 8 [Leif A, Professor, The Colorado College, “Law and Politics as play” CHICAGO-KENT LAW REVIEW  Vol 83:3, http://www.cklawreview.com/wp-content/uploads/vol83no3/Carter.pdf]

      9. Curiosity and Institutionalized Error Correction The
      that flow from embracing life’s endlessly surprising novelty. 

      New AFFs are a reason to vote negative – They kill all preparation and use disclosure norms to create an artificial benefit for the aff.  They are anti-educational.  Counter-interpretation to disclose them prior to the round solves any reason why they’re good.  

      Disclosure allows peer review – that’s good
      David Murray et al., 2001. Director of the Statistical Assessment Service and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown, Joel Schwartz, Senior Adjunct Fellow at the Hudson Institute, and S. Robert Lichter, President of the Center for Media and Public Affairs. “It Ain’t Necessarily So: How Media Make and Unmake the Scientific Picture of Reality,” p. 148-149.

      There is much truth to the claim that peer-reviewed research is legitimate research.
      In science as in law, an unsupported assertion (or an assertion made by, say, a defendant in his own behalf) is rightly viewed more skeptically than an assertion buttressed by the support of eyewitnesses. In effect, peer reviewers, the judges of science, are also the witnesses who add credibility to the claims made by researchers.

      3.  Politics - our approach to debate as a game is the best form of political education - seeing debate and politics as games teaches us to avoid the stubbornness and moralization that justify genocide and racism - seeing debate as fair, competitive arbitrary play, rather than an opportunity to dogmatically pursue a political end, opens us up to the possibility of losing and being incorrect, which allows us to correct previous ills and encourages the creation of a more fair world.  This INTERNAL LINK TURNS their offense - their insistence that debate as a cite for moral righteousness creates the very cycle that perpetuates oppression.

      Theory disconnected from reality is meaningless - persuasive skills and application of taking ideas and applying them come before content itself.
      Betts 97 [Richard. Professor of Political Science and Director of the Institute of War and Peace Studies at Columbia. “Should Strategic Studies Survive?” World Politics, 50.1, p. 7-33]

      Two academic pathologies should raise the stock of
      any unofficial material but op-ed pieces.

      Breaking down predictability is self-defeating and impossible-creativity inevitably depends upon constraints, the attempt to wish away the structure of predictability collapses the very structure their aff depends on-it’s better to retain predictability and be creative within it
      Armstrong 2K – Paul B. Armstrong, Professor of English and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, Winter 2000, “The Politics of Play: The Social Implications of Iser's Aesthetic Theory,” New Literary History, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 211-223

      Such a play-space also opposes the
      , limitation and unpredictability, discipline and spontaneity.

      Our framework creates more authentic creativity by negotiating through constraints – ultimately more life-affirming.
      Hatab 5 – Lawrence J. Hatab, 2005, Nietzsche's life sentence: coming to terms with eternal recurrence, p. 121-122

      To close this section, there are some
      and creative openness, between being and becoming.

      Their attempt to break free of information using the same terms and strategies is impossible—we need pragmatic action and carefully researched argumentation and information to create real change—their failure to do so means you can vote negative on presumption—there is no end to wordplay—criticism, action, and change are impossible in their world, which means status quo information oversaturation will continue to dominate our thought unabated
      King, 1998 [Anthony, Professor at Essex University, Telos Journal, “Baudrillard’s Nihilism and the End of Theory”, http://eric.exeter.ac.uk/exeter/bitstream/10036/71394/1/King%2520Baudrillard%2520Telos.pdf]

      Compare this style of writing with J.
      falling into the hyperbolic reification of mere assertions.

      A2: Perm

      The perm is nonsensical—while Loyola tries to make their advocacy opaque, their 1AC does commit them to defend certain things.  The aff explicitly argues that we should not collect information, facts, and causal relationships.  The alternative is to use these in a counter-hegemonic fashion.  Our Kellner, Balsas, and Taylor evidence is explicit—the accumulation of, and systematic use of, information is a prerequisite to effective resistance.  Either they still link or the perm severs out of the 1AC.  Severence is a voting issue because it moots the 1NC and destroys all stability of link creation, making it impossible for the negative to win.

      And, the perm can’t solve—the revolutionary, counterhegemonic, and ideological content of information is ESSENTIAL—their prideful, celebratory word play removes all of the critical sting from our movement
       Espinosa, 79 [Julio Garcia, Cuban director and Film Critic, “For an imperfect cinema” Jump Cut, no. 20, 1979, pp. 24-26copyright Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, 1979, 2005 http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/onlinessays/JC20folder/ImperfectCinema.html]

      Imperfect cinema is no longer interested in quality
      into nothingness; it will disappear into everything.

      And, their failure to include aspects of social information about real-world problems into their advocacy means they can’t possibly solve as well as the alternative—engagement with politics outside of just language is the only way to achieve the alternative’s critical potential
      Taylor 98 [Clyde R. Taylor, film scholar and literary/cultural essayist, is Professor at the Gallatin School and in Africana Studies, New York University. His publications include Vietnam and Black America and the script for Midnight Ramble, a documentary about early Black independent cinema.“The Mask of Art—breaking the aesthetic contract”] 

      Emergent humanism is one of the ideological identities
      , security, environment, and so forth.
      Yet at its peak strength and potential,
      highlight larger contra¬dictions and ignite a valuable eruption.

      Their epistemology is flawed—treating all information as the same is self contradictory and ignores the fact that humans cannot be divorced from their context
      King 1998. (Anthony, , Professor at Essex University,   A Critique of Baudrillard's Hyperreality: Towards a Sociology of Postmodernism. Philosophy and Social Criticism 24 (6):47-66.)

      (ii) The poverty of Cartesianism The
      before we can begin to contemplate that world.

      Loyola prevents the creation of alternative media and information—by treating all information, data, fact, and causality as problematic, they functionally legislate against counter-hegemonic practice in favor of armtchair theorizing—analysis of detail, history, and fact is essential

      Kellner, 2002 [Douglas, Prof at UCLA, “Baudrillard: A New McLuhan?” http://gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/illumina%20folder/kell26.htm]

      Thirdly, there is a subordination of cultural
      much to, I'm afraid, Baudrillard's detriment.
      Baudrillard also rigorously avoids the messy but important
      (CPES, pp. 175-176).

      2NC-Killing Game Good

      This was answered above - the game has productive social and political value. Even if nothing in this activity leaves the community of debate the simulation and game that we play enhances the quality of life of each individual involved.  

      2NC-Debate is Dead

      Wrong—taking debate seriously elevates it from game to art, and enables its intrinsic value to emerge

      Simpson, 1986 [Alan, Prof of philosophy,  British Journal of Aesthetics, Vol 26, No. 3, Summer igS6 “ART AND GAMES”]

      The role and significance of pleasure is a
      while in itself: it is aesthetic pleasure.

  • 1nr v Layola

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Their attempt to break free of information using
      information oversaturation will continue to dominate our thought unabated
      King, 1998 [Anthony, Professor at

      Compare this style of writing with J.
      falling into the hyperbolic reification of mere assertions.

      A2: Perm

      The perm is nonsensical—while Loyola tries to make their advocacy opaque, their 1AC does commit them to defend certain things.  The aff explicitly argues that we should not collect information, facts, and causal relationships.  The alternative is to use these in a counter-hegemonic fashion.  Our Kellner, Balsas, and Taylor evidence is explicit—the accumulation of, and systematic use of, information is a prerequisite to effective resistance.  Either they still link or the perm severs out of the 1AC.  Severence is a voting issue because it moots the 1NC and destroys all stability of link creation, making it impossible for the negative to win.

      And, the perm can’t solve—the revolutionary, counterhegemonic, and ideological content of information is ESSENTIAL—their prideful, celebratory word play removes all of the critical sting from our movement
       Espinosa, 79 [Julio Garcia, Cuban director and Film Critic, “For an imperfect cinema” Jump Cut, no. 20, 1979, pp. 24-26copyright Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, 1979, 2005 http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/onlinessays/JC20folder/ImperfectCinema.html]

      Imperfect cinema is no longer interested in quality
      into nothingness; it will disappear into everything.

      And, their failure to include aspects of social information about real-world problems into their advocacy means they can’t possibly solve as well as the alternative—engagement with politics outside of just language is the only way to achieve the alternative’s critical potential
      Taylor 98 [Clyde R. Taylor, film scholar and literary/cultural essayist, is Professor at the Gallatin School and in Africana Studies, New York University. His publications include Vietnam and Black America and the script for Midnight Ramble, a documentary about early Black independent cinema.“The Mask of Art—breaking the aesthetic contract”] 

      Emergent humanism is one of the ideological identities
      , security, environment, and so forth.
      Yet at its peak strength and potential,
      highlight larger contra¬dictions and ignite a valuable eruption.

      Their epistemology is flawed—treating all information as the same is self contradictory and ignores the fact that humans cannot be divorced from their context
      King 1998. (Anthony, , Professor at Essex University,   A Critique of Baudrillard's Hyperreality: Towards a Sociology of Postmodernism. Philosophy and Social Criticism 24 (6):47-66.)

      (ii) The poverty of Cartesianism The
      before we can begin to contemplate that world.

      Loyola prevents the creation of alternative media and information—by treating all information, data, fact, and causality as problematic, they functionally legislate against counter-hegemonic practice in favor of armtchair theorizing—analysis of detail, history, and fact is essential

      Kellner, 2002 [Douglas, Prof at UCLA, “Baudrillard: A New McLuhan?” http://gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/illumina%20folder/kell26.htm]

      Thirdly, there is a subordination of cultural
      (CPES, pp. 175-176).

      context and content ARE relevant—their blanket criticism is shoddy scholarship that ought to be rejected—prefer our appeal to specificity—specificity matters—take the common sense test—different information DOES effect us in different ways

      Kellner, 2002 [Douglas, Prof at UCLA, “Baudrillard: A New McLuhan?” http://gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/illumina%20folder/kell26.htm]

      Yet doubts remain as to whether the media
      theses and glib pronouncements replace careful analysis and critique

  • 1nc v Layola

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC-Gameworks

      Subpoint A - Where we are and what we’re doing -

      Debate isn’t just a place to talk about ideas—it’s a competitive game centered around tournaments, winning, and losing.

      Playing a good game REQUIRES accepting a less efficient means to a goal, which means acceding to certain rules that add complication and ambiguity.  It is the decision to accept and overcome these obstacles that makes a game a game
      Volume 80 (2006): 217-35]

      But first Suits’s analysis. It says that
      is the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles.”

      The game of competitive debate has only a few such rules - speech times and a resolution upon which the community votes and agrees that one side affirms and one side negates. 

      Subpoint B - the violation - They don’t affirm the resolution as a normative value statement

      Democracy assistance is to promote democracy – there are three types – aid to states, other groups, and electoral assistance
      Savun & Tirone 11 1. Assistant Professor
      , pages 233–246, April 2011]

      Before discussing how democracy assistance programs can help
      violence during the early phases of regime transition.

      The affirmative does not fit within the resolutions three categories.

      We wil pre-empt a lot of their offense now - we DON’T THINK this means they have to offer an instrumental defense of the plan.  the AFF should be able to introduce any sort of evidence using any style of debate - it’s this diversity that makes the game fun.  They can still make the debate about the role of individuals and identity; they just have to do so in a way that defends a topical action. 

      Subpoint C - they break the game

      1.  Predictability - allowing the affirmative to discuss anything tangentially related to the resolution without explicitly defending a topical action opens the floodgates - any important social or political issue can be a topical AFF - the resolution exists to focus discussion.

      2.  Controversial Ground - the resolution was selected precisely because its morally ambiguous and controversial - engaging this resolution is necessary to providing both sides with the ability to engage in a discussion and provides a stasis point for argument - sidestepping the resolution allows the affirmative to select the moral high ground and establish standards for evaluation that make the game impossible.

      Subpoint D - reject the affirmative - we’ll isolate two impacts

      1.  Fairness - they make the game too hard for the negative, which makes neutral evaluation of winners and losers impossible. You as a judge are responsible for intervening with your ballot—rules create the conditions of possibility for a game to exist—your ballot should go to whatever interpretation makes the game best.
        Carter 8 [Leif A, Professor,

      Precision of rules and unquestioned authority of judges
      against the candidates slated by “Running Party.” 

      2.  Education - competitive debate offers a
      rather than the content of what we discuss.

      Our interpretation, by forcing complication inherent in
      between rock-paper-scissors and chess.
      Volume 80 (2006): 217-35]

      By forbidding the most efficient means to that
      , and requires years of practice to master.

      *Moreover our model of debate as a
      this internal link turns all of their offense.
      Carter 8 [Leif A, Professor,

      Vico asked his audience at the University of
      Shaw’s “race that can under-stand.” 

      Rational planning is better than any alternative because it uses external evidence as a check on dishonest and violent ideology. We should seek to improve planning through new voices and perspectives.
      Lynn ’99 (Laurence, Sid Richardson Research
      the Future of Practice”, 18:3)

      Policy analysis, says Torgerson, is “
      deLeon call a  “policy sciences of democracy.”

      Voting issue - resolving the framework is a pre-condition for tangible discussion.
      Shivley 2k [Ruth Lessl, Assistant Prof
      Political Theory, p. 181-2]

      The requirements given thus far are primarily negative
      contestation rests on some basic agreement or harmony.

      Loyola is the worst example of ivory tower academia—instead of dealing with real problems on the ground, they retreat to the sanctuary of word games.  The correct course of action is not word play, it is education and action to abate the consequences of atrocity.  Their position is ultimately one which authorizes colonialism and genocide
      BALSAS, 2006 [BALSAS is an interdisciplinary journal on media culture.  Interview with Art Group BBM, “on first cyborgs, aliens and other sides of new technologies,” translated from lithiuanian http://www.balsas.cc/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=151]

      Valentinas: We all know that Jean Baudrillard
      with the same energy on the diplomatic battlefield.

      The idea that information is worthless is false. The context and content of information is VITAL to our understanding of resistance.  Word play cannot undermine the ideological commitments of information saturation because it explicitly refuses to engage with them.  In fact—they make the problem worse, ceding the control of information to the conservative status quo.
      Kellner, 2002 [Douglas, Prof at UCLA, “Baudrillard: A New McLuhan?” http://gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/illumina%20folder/kell26.htm]

      Another problem is that Baudrillard's formalism vitates the
      a point to which I shall soon return.

      The aff is a perfect example of this narcicism—politics must look beyond simply saying “no”, playing with language, and “sharpening the knives of nihilist methodology” to the creation of a new, more humane, social order
      Taylor, 1998 [Clyde R. Taylor, film scholar and literary/cultural essayist, is Professor at the Gallatin School and in Africana Studies, New York University. His publications include Vietnam and Black America and the script for Midnight Ramble, a documentary about early Black independent cinema.“The Mask of Art—breaking the aesthetic contract”] 

      No form of discursive irony is more important
      early in¬stance of radical resistance to authorized truth.

      Instead of loyola’s nihilism, we should embrace a methodology of the accumulation and use of radical, counterhegemonic information, art, and social movements.  This necessitates the sort of analysis and statement of causal fact the aff explicitly prohibits, while enabling the creation of subcultures and movemnts that actually have political meaning.
      Kellner, 2002 [Douglas, Prof at UCLA, “Baudrillard: A New McLuhan?” http://gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/illumina%20folder/kell26.htm]

      Against Baudrillard's utopia of immediate speech  which
      one is perhaps Baudrillard's real challenge to us.

      Art alone cannot change the world—we need art actively associated with political change—otherwise their entire project is elitist crap—their arguments about “opening up the imagination” only matter if that openness actively engages with social issues
      Winchock,2010 [Dylan.  Professor of English at  Binghamton University (SUNY).  Rated 4.8/5 on “ratemyprof”.  Also got bonus points for “Hotness”,Copyright 2010 by Dylan WinchockSobriquet Magazine #66Volume 16, Number 5 http://www.sobriquetmagazine.com/winchock.html]

      Art alone will not change the world.  
      art can threaten the reified stasis of society.


      Bataille’s notions of subjectivity are consistent with Nazism – lead to extinction
      Slavoj ZiZek, 1996, The Indivisible Remainder: An Essay on Shelling and Related Matters, p. 124-5
      This notion of the modern, Cartesian subject
      the pre-modern ‘pagan’ universe.42

      aff doesn’t solve
      Paul Mann, 1999, “The Exquisite Corpse of Georges Bataille” in Masocriticism, p. 67-9
      I would like at one and the same
      Of theory-death. A double fatality.

      Irony has no liberating potential – endless reifying just causes a new tyranny of inaction
      Wallace 97 (David Foster, Professor of Creative Writing and English at Pomona College, “A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again”, p. 66-68)

      So then how have irony, irreverence,
      tool that exposed its enemy to insulate itself.

      Irony ghettoizes resistance movements – it risks reifies the dependence of alternative culture on contemporary norms
      Duncombe 97 (Stephen, Professor at the Gallatin School of New York University, “Notes From Underground: Zines and the Politics of Alternative Culture”, p. 148)

      But boundaries of inclusion are necessarily also boundaries
      to get on in the first place.21
      There is also another price paid for the irony that holds this community together and keeps outsiders out. Irony is negative.
      Yet I sometimes fear that irony also keeps the underground forever living in a dominant world that it can see through, with ironic vision, but never escape.



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