NED solves every AFF internal link.
Gephardt and Khalilzad 12 [Honorable Richard A. – Chairman Board of Directors & President and CEO of Gephardt Group Government Affairs, Board of Directors [Dr. Judy Shelton – Vice-Chair, Robert Miller – Secretary, Ambassador Robert H. Tuttle – Treasurer, Carl Gershman – President, John Bohn, James Boland, The Hon. Norm Coleman, Rita DiMartino, The Hon. Kenneth, M. Duberstein, Michele Dunne, The Hon. Martin Frost, Francis Fukuyama, Dr. William A. Galston, Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, Larry A. Liebenow, The Hon. Princeton, N. Lyman, Will Marshall, The Hon. Gregory W. Meeks, Azar Nafisi, Dr. Moisés Naím, Andrew J. Nathan, Marilyn Carlson Nelson, Fred Redmond, Ambassador Stephen Sestanovich, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Vin Weber, George Weigel, National Endowment For Democracy – 2012 Strategy Document, http://www.ned.org/docs/strategy/2012StrategyDocument.pdf]
It is clear that the coming years will
-being, democracy is worth the price.
2NC---AT: Signal
Compairitive evidence about the signal.
Carothers 09 - Founder and Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program @ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. [Thomas Carothers is vice-president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “Democracy Assistance: political vs. developmental?” Journal of Democracy Volume 20, Number 1 January 2009]
The two other principal funders of U.
activists, such as election-monitoring groups.
The greater part of U.S.
the international scene. Pg. 15-16
2NC---AT: Do Both
--- The permutation links to the USFG based net benefits like politics and the turns.
Politics is a net benefit – it’s the reverse of other programs.
McINERNEY 10 Director of Advocacy for the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED) [ STEPHEN McINERNEY, April 2010, The Federal Budget and Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2011. DEMOCRACY, GOVERNANCE, AND HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, http://www.pomed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/fy11-budget-analysis-final.pdf]
As mentioned in the MEPI section above,
Congress may nonetheless exceed this request for FY11.
*Where it says “Other programs” it is talking about USAID etc – that’s why I included the nonsense above
--- Congress has mandated that the NED avoid duplication.
US Senate Committee Report 10 [“National Endowment for Democracy,” DEPARTMENT OF STATE, FOREIGN OPERATIONS, AND RELATED PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS BILL, Senate Report 111-237, 111TH CONGRESS, 111-237, July 29, 2010, pg. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/cpquery/?&sid=cp1110Mcmi&r_n=sr237.111&dbname=cp111&&sel=TOC_95391&]
The Committee recognizes the experience of NED in
precluded from competitively bidding on other grant solicitations.
NED is directed to submit a financial plan not later than 60 days after enactment of this act detailing the proposed distribution of funds in a manner similar to prior years, to consult with the Committee on any proposed deviation from the plan, and to apportion core funds in the traditional and customary fashion among core institutes.
Its congress’s primary goal
Epstein et al. 98 – Researchers in
One of the primary goals of reorganizing the
to world events.Pg. crs-10
Recent statements prove.
Staats 11 -Director of policy outreach @ Center for Global Development. [Sarah Jane Staats, "Up for the Challenge: MCC vs. U.S. Development Assistance,” Center for Global Development, June 7, 2011, pg. http://blogs.cgdev.org/mca-monitor/2011/06/up-for-the-challenge-mcc-vs-u-s-development-assistance.php]
Congress is calling for an explicit comparison of
on the programs that produce the best results.
That means NED says No
Sims 90 – Researcher for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs [Beth Sims, National Endowment for Democracy (NED): A Foreign Policy Branch Gone Awry, A Policy Report by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs and the Inter-Hemispheric Education Resource Center, 1990]
The Endowment's dependence on U.S.
to its manipulation and pressure. Pg. 27
2NC---AT: Do CP
The perm severs --- that is a voting issue --- guts stable negative offensive --- the AFF becomes a moving target --- destroys research and innovation --- makes debate impossible.
First --- the plan has the USFG increase assistance – counterplan doesn’t – Cohen says the NED is distinct.
Its means
Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs are the possessive pronouns used to substitute a noun and to show possession or ownership. EG. This is your disk and that's mine. (Mine substitutes the word disk and shows that it belongs to me.) – that’s Glossary of English Grammar Terms 05 (http://www.usingenglish.com/glossary/possessive-pronoun.html)
AND --- the NED is not part of the government
N. E . D. 12 accessed online. Frequently asked questions
Q: Is NED part of the U
those more commonly funded by the US Government.
Second --- means they are not topical – USFG democracy assistance falls into the foreign assistance budget category
NRC 08 [National Research Council (Committee on Evaluation of USAID Democracy Assistance Programs), Improving Democracy Assistance: Building Knowledge Through Evaluations and Research, 2008]
USAID’s current democracy and governance (DG)
of California 2007). Pg. 18-21
NED is distinct
GOOTNICK 09 - Director of International Affairs and Trade @ GAO
[David Gootnick, DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE: U.S. Agencies Take Steps to Coordinate International Programs but Lack Information on Some U.S.-funded Activities, General Accounting Office, GAO-09-993, September 2009]
19 Although NED’s programs support democracy promotion,
for GJD foreign assistance funds. Pg. 13
They will go for this argument because it's the only argument in the 2AC they have a shot of winning so I will spend some time ending this debate before it begins --- the counterplan is THE KEY question in the literature.
First --- debates about how to promote democracy include whether we should give the NED FIAT power.
CONRY 93 foreign policy analyst at the Cato Institute [Barbara Conry, Loose Cannon: The National Endowment for Democracy, Cato Foreign Policy Briefing No. 27 November 8, 1993, http://www.cato.org/pubs/fpbriefs/fpb-027.html]
The debate over NED is not a debate
funding NED, that rationale no longer exists.
Second --- the NED was created because there was a debate about what the USFG SHOULD DO. It is the heart of the resolution.
MELIA 05 Institute for the Study of Diplomacy Walsh School of Foreign Service Georgetown University
[Thomas, “The Democracy Bureaucracy: The Infrastructure of American Democracy Promotion” A discussion paper prepared for the Princeton Project on National Security Working Group on Global Institutions and Foreign Policy Infrastructure, September, http://www.princeton.edu/~ppns/papers/democracy_bureaucracy.pdf]
Arguably the most important and visible facet of
governmental initiatives to promote political democracy around the world
Third --- any interpretation that excludes the NED is self-serving – its another NGO mechanism for providing democracy assistance. Debates about WHO are key.
Stahn & van Hüllen 07 - Research Associate for the Collaborative Research Project @ Free University Berlin & Research Associate for the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science @ Free University Berlin [Andreas Stahn and Vera van Hüllen, Paper prepared for the European Union Studies Association (EUSA), Tenth Biennial International Conference, May 17-19, 2007, Montreal, Canada, pg. http://aei.pitt.edu/7911/1/hullen-v-03e.pdf]
Even if an actor does not develop a
done to promote democracy and in what ways.
These ways can first of all differ in
disposal and the use he makes of them.
AND - ERR Neg – their authors assume the US is necessary
Christopher HOBSON International Politics @ Aberystwyth ‘9 “The Limits of Liberal Democracy Promotion” Alternatives 34 p.396-397
The result of this restrictive and hierarchical framework
” than those still seeking to make this transition
The status quo solves better—capacity development MUST emerge organically.
Greenhill, 2006 [Romilly Greenhill is an expert in aid, debt and development finance issues. Prior to joining ODI, Romilly worked for 3 years for the UK's Department for International Development (DFID), leading the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) and DFID's Transparency Guarantee. Romilly has also worked for ActionAid UK and ActionAid Cambodia, leading research and advocacy work on aid and debt, and undertaking capacity building for Cambodian NGOs. She worked as an economist for Jubilee Research at the New Economics Foundation and for the Ugandan Government as an ODI Fellow. “Real Aid: Making Technical Assistance Work”, http://www.actionaid.org.uk/doc_lib/real_aid2.pdf]
2.2.4 Technical assistance is
choices and trade-offs that governments face.
AND - aid fails – foreign involvement insures a backlash – causes war and turns the case. If some say yes and others say no it’ll insure fragmentation
LACHER 8 – 29 – 11 Associate, Middle East and Africa Division, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik/German Institute for International and Security Affairs
[Wolfram Lacher, “The International Role in Post-Qadhafi Libya? Withdraw” Middle East Policy Council. August 29, 2011. http://www.mepc.org/articles-commentary/commentary/international-role-post-qadhafi-libya-withdraw]
Planning is ongoing in Western capitals for a
but negotiating these changes is a domestic matter.
Libyans prefer dictatorship and don't want the AFF.
RAILTON 2 – 23 – 12 Staff – Cherwell Academic
[Will Railton, Oxford research into Libya and democracy, http://www.cherwell.org/news/academic/2012/02/23/oxford-research-into-libya-and-democracy]
Oxford’s Institute of Human Sciences and Oxford
visited were using torture or mistreating their detainees.
Democratic governance won’t solve security in Libya
DAOUD 2 – 27 – 12 Editor - The North Africa Journal
[Arezki Daoud, The Future of Libya: Forget About a Central Government, Only Autonomous but Unified States Would Work, http://www.north-africa.com/naj_news/news_na/1febtwetyeight47.html]
Libya is in chaos and the idea that
when draft the political future of the country.
These flip every AFF internal link
Pokharel 2011 [Mr. Bharat Pokharel is Executive Director of Centre for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA), Tribhuvan University. He has done M.A in Economics from Tribhuvan University .His field of interests are macroeconomics and Research Methodology. He has supervised more than forty MA theses and he has participated in more than 100 seminars in Nepal and abroad. He is involved in dozens of researches. He is the Chief Editor of The Journal of Development and Administrative Studies. He is the member of BIMSTEK (Thinktank.). He is associated with Economic Policy Network II (EPN) and Nepal Business Forum (NBF) of Nepal Government. He is the Senate Member, Steering Committee of Academic Council and Member of faculty board of humanities and social sciences of Tribhuvan University. He was listed in Who’s Who in Nepal 2009. He has published eight books and more than hundred research articles in Nepal and abroad. http://www.aidmonitor.org.np/publication/pub6.pdf]
Some donors choose to “by-pass
highly pertinent in the case of SubSaharan Africa.
Err negative even to the point of voting on presumption rather than risking such a questionable approach.
Pokharel 2011 [Mr. Bharat Pokharel is Executive Director of Centre for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA), Tribhuvan University. He has done M.A in Economics from Tribhuvan University .His field of interests are macroeconomics and Research Methodology. He has supervised more than forty MA theses and he has participated in more than 100 seminars in Nepal and abroad. He is involved in dozens of researches. He is the Chief Editor of The Journal of Development and Administrative Studies. He is the member of BIMSTEK (Thinktank.). He is associated with Economic Policy Network II (EPN) and Nepal Business Forum (NBF) of Nepal Government. He is the Senate Member, Steering Committee of Academic Council and Member of faculty board of humanities and social sciences of Tribhuvan University. He was listed in Who’s Who in Nepal 2009. He has published eight books and more than hundred research articles in Nepal and abroad. http://www.aidmonitor.org.np/publication/pub6.pdf]
It is paramount to highlight foreign aid as
efforts must continue to search for the answers.
2NC---Pick Winners
Turns the AFF for three reasons
1st --- assistance is too bureaucratic to be accessible to the majority of groups—means only a few are targeted.
Hawthorne, 2004 [Amy, is an associate in the Democracy and Rule of Law Project at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. She is a specialist on Middle East politics and on democracy promotion, and is the editor of the Endowment’s Arab Reform Bulletin “ MIDDLE EASTERN DEMOCRACY Is Civil Society the Answer?”, Democracy and Rule of Law Project, Number 44]
First was the manner in which civil society
requirements were beyond the capacity of most groups.
2nd --- this choice of winners leads to violent revolts—Brundi Proves.
Jenkins, 2001 [Rob Jenkins Birkbeck College University of London “Mistaking “Governance” for “Politics”: Foreign Aid, Democracy and the Construction of Civil Society” Prepublication version of a paper published in in Sudipta Kaviraj and Sunil Khilnani (eds.), Civil Society: History and Possibilities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp. 250-68. Please consult final, published version for purposes of citation or quotation.]
While it may be possible to justify these
is certainly not what USAID’s policy documents advocate.
3rd --- it re-entrenches violent oligarchy --- groups who receive aid will diverge and pursue their own self interest.
Jenkins, 2001 [Rob Jenkins Birkbeck College University of London “Mistaking “Governance” for “Politics”: Foreign Aid, Democracy and the Construction of Civil Society” Prepublication version of a paper published in in Sudipta Kaviraj and Sunil Khilnani (eds.), Civil Society: History and Possibilities (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp. 250-68. Please consult final, published version for purposes of citation or quotation.]
Apart from such blatant power-grabbing,
-choice explanations of political and economic behaviour.
Trying to build western style institutions fails and backfires—lack of context specific solutions produce failure and adverse unintended consequences—this is a net turn to their institutionalism advantage.
Carothers & de Gramont 2011 [Big Tom and Dianne, Badasses for the Carnegie endowment, “AIDING GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Progress Amid Uncertainties” Democracy and rule of law, November 2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf]
Strive for Best Fit Rather Than Best Practice
appropriate for the specific context in which they operate
This really is a 100% case takeout--unwillingness to change because of political incentives is the SIMPLE but DAMNING conclusion of all analyses of governance reform
Carothers & de Gramont 2011 [Big Tom and Dianne, Badasses for the Carnegie endowment, “AIDING GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Progress Amid Uncertainties” Democracy and rule of law, November 2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf]
The importance of engaging seriously with political realities
. But several more adaptive changes are common.
This also puts them in a double bind—if local actors actually have an incentive to reform then they will inevitably and the plan is unnecessary—etiher way, only our offense matters.
This means you prefer our turns and takeouts because all of their solvency evidence assumes a best case scenario impossible in our political climate
Carothers & de Gramont 2011 [Big Tom and Dianne, Badasses for the Carnegie endowment, “AIDING GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Progress Amid Uncertainties” Democracy and rule of law, November 2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf]
Results Pressures The uncertain empirical link between donor
compelling narratives that donor agencies need to produce.
2NC---Other Aid
And, no solvency because of other aid sources—the easy availability of condition-free Chinese aid and South-South development cooperation eliminates any leverage the aff might possess—they can get money without caring about governance
Carothers & de Gramont 2011 [Big Tom and Dianne, Badasses for the Carnegie endowment, “AIDING GOVERNANCE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Progress Amid Uncertainties” Democracy and rule of law, November 2011, http://carnegieendowment.org/files/aiding_governance.pdf]
Similarly, the emergence of the aid effectiveness
signal openness to greater engagement on governance issues.
The best empirical studies show governance aid does nothing—studies to the contrary don’t assume selection biases
Nielsen and Nielsen, 2010 [Richard Nielsen, Harvard University Daniel Nielson, Brigham Young University http://aiddata.s3.amazonaws.com/Nielson_2010.pdf]
Foreign aid for improving governance may promote democracy
receive the governance aid in the first place.