Emory » NDT Aff - Cambre & Pesce

NDT Aff - Cambre & Pesce

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:24
  • Round 2

    • Tournament: NDT | Round: 2 | Opponent: Oklahoma MT | Judge: Murray, McBride, Winfrey

    • 1AC


      Plan: The United States federal government should support judicial reform measures in Tunisia in accordance with the EU Tunisia action plan.


      Advantage 1 --- EU Relations


      The status quo is not strategic – makes cooperation useless.

      Hamilton and Burwell 10 [Daniel S, Executive Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations; Executive Director of the American Consortium on EU Studies; Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Research Professor at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins, and Frances, Vice President, Director of the Program on Transatlantic Relations at the Atlantic Council, former executive director of the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland, "The Setting: The United States and Europe in a G20 World," Chapter 1, ]

      The United States … it was painful.


      The plan solves --- it provides a foundation for future strategic cooperation.

      Wittes and Youngs 9 [Tamara, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs at the U.S. Department of State, research fellow at the at the Brookings Institute, and Richard, director general of FRIDE, assistant professor at the University of Warwick, “Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach,” January, The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, no 18]

      Tensions between the … cautiously, be rebuilt.


      The Middle East is key to the alliance and the successs of future policies.

      Castello 11 [Carles Castello-Catchot, assistant director of the Atlantic Council’s Strategic Foresight Project, “A Transatlantic Weakness to Avoid”, New Atlanticist Policy and Analysis Blog at Atlantic Council, 9-19-2011, http://www.acus.org/new_atlanticist/transatlantic-weakness-avoid]

      The transatlantic community … to shape, and win.


      US EU cooperation allows problems to be adressed – the US has to change its current stance.

      Stivachtis 10 – Director of International Studies Program @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute  [Dr. Yannis. A. Stivachtis (Professor of Poli Sci @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute & Ph.D. in Politics & International Relations from Lancaster University), THE IMPERATIVE FOR TRANSATLANTIC COOPERATION,” The Research Institute for European and American Studies, 2010,  pg. ]

      There is no doubt that … share that vision.


      The plan specifically is key to coordination.

      Greenfield 11 [Danya, deputy director of the Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East at the Atlantic Council, “A US-EU Action Plan for Supporting Democratization: Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia,” November, ]


      Both the US … transition to real democratic systems.


      Spills over to cooperation on other foreign assistance.

      MFAN 11 [“,” 6-30, ]

      In the face … foreign assistance programs.


      Key to stabalization of the Balkans.

      Larrabee 11 [F.Stephen, Distinguished Chair in European Security at the RAND Corporation, former vice president and director of studies of the Institute of East-West Security Studies in New York, e served on the U.S. National Security Council staff in the White House as a specialist on Soviet-East European affairs and East-West political-military relations, “1. Unfinished business in Europe,” ]

      The Western Balkans … enhancing stability there.


      Causes civil wars and aggressive regional ambitions.

      Marinkovic 3/1 [Milan, “Perspectives for the western Balkans in light of the ongoing European crisis,” ]


      In point of fact, …interests more assertively.


      Global nuclear war.

      Scherbak 08 – Advisor to the Chair of the Parliament of Ukraine [Yuri Scherbak (President of the Institute for Sustainable Development of Ukraine), Ten Theses about the Russian-Georgian Conflict: A View from Ukraine, Heinrich Boll Stiftung – Warsaw, Nov 2008, pg. ]

      2. The war in Caucasus … new global conflict.  Pg. 2-3


      Russia will use nuclear weapons.

      Daily Mail 11 [“War drums: Russian general warns border conflicts could lead to ‘nuclear war’,” 11-17, ]

      A chilling warning … center based in Estonia. 


      A framework of cooperation is vital to effective policies that reduce the risk of warming.

      Lempert 1 [Robert, Senior Scientist at RAND, June, THE INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR VOLUME XXXVI, No. 2, Finding Transatlantic Common Ground on Climate Change?]

      Whether to retain, … plausible climate-change futures.


      Warming causes extinction – we can’t adapt.

      Tickell 8 (Oliver, Climate Researcher, The Gaurdian, “On a planet 4C hotter, all we can prepare for is extinction”, )

      We need to get prepared … a similar hothouse Earth.


      Our methodology is sound – qualified scientific consensus overwhelmingly supports anthropogenic climate change

      Anderegg et al 10 (William, Professor of Biology at Stanford University; James W. Prall, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto; Jacob Harold, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Stephen H. Schneider, Professor of Biology at Stanford University, Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment, "Expert credibility in climate change," 5-9, PNAS, vol 107, no 27, http://www.pnas.org/content/107/27/12107.full.pdf+html)

      Preliminary reviews of …regarding anthropogenic climate change.


      And talking about the impacts of climate change is necessary to force action to prevent extinction.

      Dabelko 97 Associate director of the Environmental Change and Security Project at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and Simmons, director of the Environmental Change and Security Project (WWICS) [Geoffrey and JP, “Environment and Security: Core Ideas and US Government Initiatives”, SAIS Review, Vol 17, No 1, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/sais_review/v017/17.1dabelko.html]

      Undoubtedly, environment and security … will continue to be instructive.


      Contention 2 --- Democracy


      Western support is decisive to the success of the Tunesian model.

      Esposito 12 [John, Professor of Religion and International Affairs, Georgetown University, “Tunisia's Revolution, an Example for the Region?,” 1-30, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-l-esposito/tunisias-revolution-an-ex_b_1241720.html]

      The government -- the … of political suppression.


      Both the EU and the US working together is key.

      Youngs 4 [Richard, Director of FRIDE, “Transatlantic Cooperation on Middle East Reform: A European Misjudgement?,” October, ]

      Better Alone or Together? … to democracy promotion.


      Democracies boost standard of living

      RAMOS  06  Researcher at Centro de Estudos das Américas, Universidade Candido Mendes

       Antonio Pedro Ramos, RESENHA Democracy and development: political institutions and well-being in the world, 1950-1990,  

      In the last chapter, … people’s standard of living.


      Democratic freedom iscritical – insures value to life, and allows people to rule themselves – insures no famine, or genocide will go unquestioned. 

      RUMMEL  09  Professor Emeritus of Political Science  at the University of Hawaii [Rudy (R.J.) Rummel, Democracy, Democratic peace, freedom, globalization, This entry was posted on Sunday, January 18th, 2009 at 4:02 pm, ]

      In the world today, …emphatically, a moral good.


      Criticism of governance focus undermines all democracy.  Governance helps other democratic reforms.

      Richard YOUNGS Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor @ Warwick ’11 “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion” http://www.fride.org/download/WP106_Liberal_Democracy2_jan11.pdf p. 8-

      Flowing from this, … for today’s democrats.


      U.S. democracy assistance and leadership shouldn’t be reduced to imperialism.

      Larbi SADIKI Politics @ Exeter ‘9 Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy p. 160-163

      No deconstruction of the …response to the GMEI.


      Exclusive focus on method causes endless paradigm wars

      Wendt, professor of international security – Ohio State University, ‘98

      (Alexander, “On Constitution and Causation in International Relations,” British International Studies Association)

      As a community, … caricatures of science.


      Sharing expertise via technical assistance is a bridge between activism and policy, just like roleplaying in debate – endorsing the plan text inculcates valuable decision-making skills

      Guilhot, research fellow – Social Science Research Council, prof sociology – LSE, ‘5

      (Nicolas, The Democracy Makers, p. 185-186)

      This last point … socially located actors.







      democracy solves conflict – multiple ways

      LAPPIN  09  PhD candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Luc Reychler

      Richard Lappin, What Democracy? Exploring the Absent Centre of Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance, Journal of Peace, Conflict and Development, Issue 14, July 2009,


      The relationship between …warfare and civil war. 19


      Even minimal democratic gains contain liberatory potential.  

      Jonas WOLFF Peace Research Inst. Frankfurt ‘8 “Three Tensions of External Democracy Promotion When a Universalist Script Clashes with Diverse Paths”  http://www.wiscnetwork.org/ljubljana2008/papers/WISC_2008-328.pdf p. 16

      The specific hegemonic …“something intrinsically revolutionary” (Guilhot 2005: 31).


      timeframe of solvency is a key issue: administrative environmental discourse is key to the effectiveness of short-term policy.  it complements other environmental representations and strategies.

      Jenneth PARKER Co-Director of the MSc in Environmental and Developmental Education @ South Bank Univ. ‘3 in Realism Discourse and Deconstruction eds. Jonathan Joseph and John Michael Roberts p.  82

      In this way the social ..micro to macro politics.


      case outweighs—climate change is a greater risk than biopolitics

      ECKERSLEY 4 [Robyn, Politcs @ Melbourne The Green State p. 89-93]

      Yet such an … can remain productive


      Biopolitics is not the problem – it’s totalitarians societies which are bad – our strengthening of democratic structures prevents their impact

      Dickinson ‘4 (Edward Ross, University of Cincinnati, “Biopolitics, Fascism, Democracy: Some Reflections on Our Discourse About “Modernity,” Central European History, vol. 37, no. 1, March)

      In an … characterized Nazi policies.




      Resentiment thesis is wrong quality and intensity of life don’t trade off with security—Nietzsche overgeneralized his own experience.

      Eugene WOLFENSTEIN Poli Sci @ UCLA ‘2K Inside/Outside Nietzsche p. 217-218

      Although Nietzsche arrives … is human, all-too-human.


      Perm – do the plan and all nonmutually exclusive parts of the alternative

      William CONNOLLY Political Theory @ John’s Hopkins ‘5 “The Evangelical-Capitalist Resonance Machine” Political Theory 33:6 p. 880-881

      The point is to …not every mode of resentment.


      Tunisia wants judicial independence

      Ghazi 11 [Myriam Ben, “,” 8-7, ]

      The release of … figures put to trial.


      Embracing insecurity is a strategy of the privileged.  Their alternatives presumes some degree of personal security necessary for the freedom to live life as you choose.

      Ken BOOTH IR @ Aberystwyth ‘7  Theory of World Security p. 104-105

      Perhaps the most … question in the first place.


      Security key to avoid fascism—We should manage violence instead of trying to create a metapolitics of difference and peace.

      Ole WAEVER Senior Research Fellow @ Copenhagen Peace Research Inst. ‘2K in International Relations Theory and the Politics of European Integration eds. Kelstrup and Williams p. 284-285

      The other main … violence and mutual vilification.


      Political judgement isn’t just the will to power—we can make judgments about better and worse without triggering resentiment.  

      Eugene WOLFENSTEIN Poli Sci @ UCLA ‘2K Inside/Outside Nietzsche p. 225

      In the version of …nihilism and moral suicide.


      Always a value to life – highest ethic is preventing extinction

      Bernstein ‘2 (Richard J., Vera List Prof. Phil. – New School for Social Research, “Radical Evil: A Philosophical Interrogation”, p. 188-192)

      Jonas goes "so far …among the objects of your will." (IR 11)


      Turn: Our scenario-evaluations are crucial for ethically responsible politics.  Theoretical kritik is insufficient—we need realistic as if stories to generate changes in practice. 

      Michael C. WILLIAMS International Politics @ Wales (Aberystwyth) ‘5 The Realist Tradition and the Limits of International Relations p.165-167

      Moreover, the links …same old dichotomies.

  • 1ac Tunisia judicial reform

    • Tournament: ndt | Round: 4 | Opponent: cal hp | Judge:

    • Aid Now



      Aid now – includes 100 million in econ aid announced Thursday

      DEM DIGET  3 – 29 – 12  

      US gives $100 million to support Tunisia’s transition,


      The United States will donate $100 constitution will not be based on Shariah law.

      1AC---Adv 1


      Advantage 1 --- EU Relations


      The status quo is not strategic – makes cooperation useless.

      Hamilton and Burwell 10 [Daniel S, Executive Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations; Executive Director of the American Consortium on EU Studies; Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Research Professor at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins, and Frances, Vice President, Director of the Program on Transatlantic Relations at the Atlantic Council, former executive director of the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland, "The Setting: The United States and Europe in a G20 World," Chapter 1, ]


      The United States is the most important partner you had to do it, but it was painful.


      The plan solves --- it provides a foundation for future strategic cooperation.

      Wittes and Youngs 9 [Tamara, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs at the U.S. Department of State, research fellow at the at the Brookings Institute, and Richard, director general of FRIDEassistant professor at the University of Warwick“Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach,” January, The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, no 18]


      Tensions between the United States and the …Middle East can, cautiously, be rebuilt.


      The Middle East is key to the alliance and the successs of future policies.

      Castello 11 [Carles Castello-Catchot, assistant director of the Atlantic Council’s Strategic Foresight Project, “A Transatlantic Weakness to Avoid”, New Atlanticist Policy and Analysis Blog at Atlantic Council, 9-19-2011, http://www.acus.org/new_atlanticist/transatlantic-weakness-avoid]


      The transatlantic community is … is still ours to shape, and win.


      The impact is all global problems – the US has to change its current stance.

      Stivachtis 10 – Director of International Studies Program @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute  [Dr. Yannis. A. Stivachtis (Professor of Poli Sci @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute & Ph.D. in Politics & International Relations from Lancaster University), THE IMPERATIVE FOR TRANSATLANTIC COOPERATION,” The Research Institute for European and American Studies, 2010,  pg. ]


      There is no doubt that US-European  against those who do not share that vision.


      The plan specifically is key to coordination.

      Greenfield 11 [Danya, deputy director of the Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East at the Atlantic Council, “A US-EU Action Plan for Supporting Democratization: Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia,” November, ]


      Both the US government and the … successful transition to real democratic systems.


      Spills over to cooperation on other foreign assistance.

      MFAN 11 [“,” 6-30, ]


      In the face of trying economic times …current foreign assistance programs.


      Key to stabalization of the Balkans.

      Larrabee 11 [F.Stephen, Distinguished Chair in European Security at the RAND Corporation, former vice president and director of studies of the Institute of East-West Security Studies in New York, e served on the U.S. National Security Council staff in the White House as a specialist on Soviet-East European affairs and East-West political-military relations, “1. Unfinished business in Europe,” ]


      The Western Balkans are an important … Bosnia and enhancing stability there.


      Causes civil wars and aggressive regional ambitions.

      Marinkovic 3/1 [Milan, “Perspectives for the western Balkans in light of the ongoing European crisis,” ]


      In point of fact, intrastate … regional interests more assertively.


      Global nuclear war.

      Scherbak 08 – Advisor to the Chair of the Parliament of Ukraine [Yuri Scherbak (President of the Institute for Sustainable Development of Ukraine), Ten Theses about the Russian-Georgian Conflict: A View from Ukraine, Heinrich Boll Stiftung – Warsaw, Nov 2008, pg. ]

      2. The war in Caucasus attested that frozen conflicts, … against its weak neighbors can lead to a new global conflict.  Pg. 2-3


      Russia will use nuclear weapons.

      Daily Mail 11 [“War drums: Russian general warns border conflicts could lead to ‘nuclear war’,” 11-17, ]


      A chilling warning of nuclear war joint cyber command center based in Estonia. 




      Plan: The United States federal government should support judicial reform measures in Tunisia in accordance with the EU Tunisia action plan.


      1AC---Adv 2


      Contention 2 --- Political Islam


      Tunisia is at a critical crossroads --- tensions are at an all time high.

      AFP 3/19 [“2‘Tunisian revolution at a crossroads’,” ]


      Tunisian president's office has … are not compatible with Islam.”


      If successful Tunisia will be a model of progressive liberal Islamic democracy.

      Akyol 11 [MustafaTurkish political commentator and author, MA in History from Westerners, put your faith in the 'Islamic Calvinists'; 
       As democracy spreads through the Arab world, Islamists are becoming more progressive, pragmatic and liberal,” The Times, 12-28, Lexis]


      Some of the Westerners who used to …religiosity based on free choice.


      The world is watching Tunisia --- its the intellectual center of political Islam.

      Shadid 12 [Anthony, reporter for the NYT, “Islamists’ Ideas on Democracy and Faith Face Test in Tunisia,” ]


      But no less dramatic was the shift … back to the Middle East.”


      Western support is decisive to the success of that model.

      Esposito 12 [John, Professor of Religion and International Affairs, Georgetown University, “Tunisia's Revolution, an Example for the Region?,” 1-30, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-l-esposito/tunisias-revolution-an-ex_b_1241720.html]


      The government -- the liberal-secular-left-Islamic … opportunity to their citizens after decades of political suppression.


      Both the EU and the US working together is key.

      Youngs 4 [Richard, Director of FRIDE, “Transatlantic Cooperation on Middle East Reform: A European Misjudgement?,” October, ]


      Better Alone or Together? Europeans risk becoming …approaches to democracy promotion.


      Judicial indepence is key.

      Ramadan 12 – 12  professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Oxford University and a visiting professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies in Qatar. He is the author of Islam and the Arab Awakening. Tariq Ramadan,  Tunisia's challenging future,


       I last travelled to Tunisia almost 25 years ago… failed and discriminatory school system.


      Tunisian stability enables the country to play a mediating role in the region.

      Warren 12 [Alex, co-author of , “,” 2-23,  ]


      Seven years and one revolution … for regional conferences.


      Potential for conflict in the Mediterranean is high --- energy concerns.

      RT 2/26 [“New Mediterranean oil and gas bonanza,” ]


      The Middle East could soon  Israeli natural gas. 


      Drags in all great powers – and starts a Cyprus-Turkey conflict.

      UPI 11 [“East Mediterranean gas conflict could drag in U.S.,” 10-12, ]


      The brewing confrontation  be dragged into any conflict."


      Energy wars cause extinction.

      Klare 6 [Peace and World Security Studies-Hampshire College, ]


      "As famine, disease, … involvement in these forms of conflict.


      Reinvigorated AMU encourages integration of the Western Sahara – prevents armed conflict.

      Simanowitz 12 [Stefan, “Prospects for peace in Western Sahara,” 2-8, ]


      We would prefer settle … a prelude to building Maghreb unity.’


      North African war goes nuclear

      Coetzer 11 [“Towards a World War III scenario,” 11-1, ]


      Coinciding with the Fukushima nuclear … obscure the real objectives of military action.

      Failure to resolve the conflicts between Islam and secularism risks armed conflict and extremism

      The National 12 [“Confrontation in Tunisia possible but not inevitable,” 3-1, ]


      The situation in Tunisia, … a serious interest in the future.


      The risk is high – daily attacks and weapons from Libya.

      Schemm 3/9 [Paul, “Tunisian Islamists spark fear of culture war,” 3-9, ]


      Every Friday, bearded men in …armed rebellion are easily at hand.


      Spreads to the Middle east and goes nuclear.

      Primakov 9President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation; Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; member of the Editorial Board of Russia in Global Affairs., article is based on the scientific report for which the author was awarded the Lomonosov Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2008 (Yevgeny, The Fundamental Problem, “The Middle East Problem in the Context of International Relations”, Russia in Global Affiars, Vol. 7, Number 3, July-September 2009, http://kms1.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/ISN/105702/ichaptersection_singledocument/71a40dca-23cb-411d-9c5d-a7ce495e2522/en/12.pdf.]


      The Middle East conflict is unparalleled in not completely rule out such a possibility.


      U.S. democracy assistance and leadership shouldn’t be reduced to imperialism.

      Larbi SADIKI Politics @ Exeter ‘9 Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy p. 160-163


      No deconstruction of the GMEI …formulators' response to the GMEI.


      We shouldn’t refuse assistance – double standards are more imperialist.

      Richard YOUNGS Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor @ Warwick ’11 “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion” http://www.fride.org/download/WP106_Liberal_Democracy2_jan11.pdf p. 5-7


      Third, central to critical … by incumbent autocratic regimes.


  • 2ac Tunisia aff v cal hp

    • Tournament: ndt | Round: 4 | Opponent: cal hp | Judge:

    • It’s/For


      a. Its refers to the decision to support democracy – the design and implementation can be by others

      Huber 8

      [Daniela, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of International Relations, “Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies,” Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62, March, p. 45-6, Informaworld]

      Method looks at the …an international partner.


      b. for means on the ground

      Lappin, 2010

      [Richard, PhD candidate, Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, has participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, Carter Center, visiting scholar at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade under the JoinEU-SEE program, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation,” http://www.cejiss.org/sites/default/files/8.pdf]

      Democracy assistance can ,,, media groups and political parties.


      3. Their authors go aff

      KATES & LIEF  06   VP HIV Policy @ Kaiser Foundation and Sr. Associate, CSIS  & Senior Associate at CSIS and Consultant to UNAIDS



       b. Bilateral and Multilateral Channels,,,as an implementing agent.


      c. They moot the topic literature – generic words ignore how democracy assistance works

      Mitchell & Phillips 8 [Lincoln A., associate research scholar at Columbia University's Harriman Institute, David L., director of the Program on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding at. American University, THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY, Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies – Colombia University, The Atlantic Institute of the United States, “ENHANCING DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE,” January,]


      USAID‘s DG efforts include … NGOs to receive grant support for their activities.


      7. Counterintrepretation – For means on behalf or to the benefit of

      Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 08 ()

      For  • preposition 1 in … occasion in a series.





      We solve EU unity

      Peterson and Steffenson 9 [John, Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Edinburgh, and Rebecca, Professor of Political Science at Northern Illinois University, “Transatlantic Institutions: Can Partnership be Engineered?” British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol 11, Issue 1, pages 25-45, February]


      We develop three main arguments. … an increasingly single player, with the EU as its institutional focus.





      Western Saharan war destroys phosphate reserves – extinction

      Pearce 11 [Fred Pearce is a freelance author and journalist based in the UK. He serves as environmental consultant for New Scientist magazine and is the author of numerous books, including When The Rivers Run Dry and With Speed and Violence. In previous articles for Yale Environment 360, Pearce has written about the environmental consequences of humankind’s addiction to chemical fertilizers and about how agribusiness threatens a critical African wildlife migration, ]


       If you wanted to really mess with … of phosphate. We continue to mine the rock — or we starve.



      Successful model resolves Israel/Palestine and ensures a Pax Mediterraneo

      Savir 12 [Uri, “Tunisia as a model,” 2-3, Jerusalem Post, Lexis]


      In early 1994, I visited Tunisia. I … as it has for the Arab Spring.


      Nuclear annihilation

      Nawash 9 [Kamal, president of the Free Muslims Coalition, Legal Director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), attorney with degrees in business and law and international legal studies, “Israel/Palestine Conflict May Lead to Nuclear War,” 1/10, ]

      Surprise, surprise, once again the Palestinian/Israeli conflict … There are no other choices.




      Politics – Jackson Vanik


      1. Aid fights now

      Cornwell 3-23 [Susan, “Palestinian Aid Closer To Being Released Amid Heated Negotiations In Congress,” ]


      House appropriators on Tuesday comment specifically on talks.


      2. Just passed legislation – Obama used capital and it involved spending fights

      CBS News 3-29 [“Congress passes bill to keep highway aid flowing,” ]


      Congress passed a stopgap three-month … over the past two weeks urging Republicans to pass the Senate bill.


      3Logical policymakers can do both


      4. Democracy aid is bipartisan

      Inboden 10 [William, Distinguished Scholar at the Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the University of Texas-Austin and a Non-Resident Fellow with the German Marshall Fund, “,” 11-18, ]


      Meanwhile, notwithstanding the fact … brings a longstanding commitment to human rights and democracy


      5. No JV repeal without anti-Russian measures. Obama can’t overcome opposition. Their U card doesn’t even come close to saying it will pass.

      James George Jatras, 3/23/2012. Principal, Squire Sanders Public Advocacy, Washington, DC. . “Russia Profile Weekly Experts Panel: Will Russia Graduate From the Jackson-Vanik Amendment?” Russia Profile, http://russiaprofile.org/experts_panel/56357/print_edition/.


      Until very recently, I would…few) can continue to block it.


      6. Vote no – the 1ac was the presentation of the plan – costs capital to vote against it


      7. Winners win

      Parnes 1-16 [Amy, writer for The Hill, President Obama’s new two-step, http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/204377-obamas-new-two-step]

      Call it the Obama two-step. President lose, Democratic strategists say.


      8. EU-US relations solve the impact better – bigger economies, more countries and reciprocal trust means cooperation will more beneficial



      9. fiat solves the link – plan passes immediately


      10. Security overwhelms economics. Either we resolve NMD, and that solves relations, or we don’t, and that overwhelms Jackson Vanik.

      Alexey Pilko, 3/23/2012. Research Fellow, Department of Modern and Contemporary History of European and American Countries, Moscow State University. “Russia and the US: another chance?” Voice of Russia, .


      Russian President-Elect Vladimir Putin  And their prospects remain unclear.


      11. No legislation – done internally

      Arieff 6-27 [Alexis, Congressional Research Service analyst in African Affairs, Political Transition in Tunisia, ]


      • In early June, USAID  political transition totals $10 million. 109


      12. Capital not relevant

      Dickinson 9 [Matthew, Professor of Political Science at Middlebury College, Previously Taught at Harvard University under the supervision of Presidential Scholar Richard Neustadt, Presidential Power: A NonPartisan Analysis of Presidential Politics, May 26th,]


      As for Sotomayor, from here … did you pay for?  I’m shocked…SHOCKED!


      13. Benefits of cooperation are overstated – Russia has no influence

      E. Wayne Merry, 3/15/2012. Former State Department and Pentagon official, is senior fellow for Europe and Eurasia at the American Foreign Policy Council. “Retire the ‘reset’ with Russia,” The Washington Times, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/mar/15/retire-the-reset-with-russia/.


      Russia lacks effective  and realistic normal relations.


      K 2ac


      1. Framework – status quo versus competitive policy option – prefer it --- key to topic specific education and avoid infinite regress that unlimited critical prior questions allow --- we are the middle ground --- they get the K without the alternative or prior questions


      2. The government has asked for US assistance – that’s Espsito. AND Tunisia wants judicial independence

      Ghazi 11 [Myriam Ben, “,” 8-7, ]


      The release of Ex-Minister Bashir … see ex-regime figures put to trial.


      Refusal of assistance is more imperialist

      Richard YOUNGS Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor @ Warwick ’11 “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion” http://www.fride.org/download/WP106_Liberal_Democracy2_jan11.pdf p. 5-7


      Third, central to critical … are not to be captured by incumbent autocratic regimes.



      There are no prior questions

      Owen, 2—Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton (David, Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7)


      Commenting on the ‘ dangers, and so a potentially vicious circle arises.



      3. Perm: do the plan and all non mutually exclusive parts of the alternative reflexivity about the dangers of democracy assistance retains the emancipatory and utopian potential of their alternative. The purity of the alternative is desirable, but impossible.

      Jonas WOLFF Peace Research Inst. Frankfurt ‘8 “Three Tensions of External Democracy Promotion When a Universalist Script Clashes with Diverse Paths”  http://www.wiscnetwork.org/ljubljana2008/papers/WISC_2008-328.pdf p. 18-19


      The result of this three-fold … promotion policies that are low key in ambitions and means.




      4. Only way to prove equality is through action – US has to back up its words with action – that’s Espisto. Alternative can’t solve – doesn’t set up an independent judiciary as a key goal – means culture wars are inevitable.


      5. Their over the top impact claims eliminate meaningful distinctions between past atrocities and the plan. When compared to a nebulous alternative, political action is always insufficient leading to total paralysis and rejection of real positive changes.

      Sikkink 8 Kathryn, Professor of Political Science at the University of Minnesota. “The Role of Consequences, Comparison, and Counterfactuals in Constructivist Ethical Thought” 2008 http://www.polisci.umn.edu/centers/theory/pdf/sikkink.pdf


      Ethical arguments of these different … political paralysis. One finds it difficult to act.


      The alt links to the K – the principle of equality establishes a new form of expertism.  The 1NC declares that only a certain type of popular politics meets the proper definition of democracy.


      6. Critique of American identity alone fails—we should re-narrate American security concerns towards inclusion

      Vibeke Schou PEDERSEN Copenhagen ‘3 “In Search of Monsters to Destroy?” International Relations 17 (2) p. 30-32


      This forces us in turn, to consider … got. As such it is ours to with as we please.


      Threat construction isn’t sufficient to cause wars

      Kaufman, Prof Poli Sci and IR – U Delaware, ‘9

      (Stuart J, “Narratives and Symbols in Violent Mobilization: The Palestinian-Israeli Case,” Security Studies 18:3, 400 – 434)


      Even when hostile narratives, … mobilization, and a security dilemma.


      Vague alternatives provide insufficient reason for rejecting liberal democracy assistance.

       Roland PARIS Director of the Centre for International Policy Studies and Prf. @ Graduate School of Public and International Affairs @ Ottawa ’10“Saving Liberal Peacebuilding” Review of Int’l Studies 36 p. 356-357


      Such misinterpretation would  alternative to liberal peacebuilding?


      Hold their alternative to a high threshold – critics of liberal democracy assistance do one-sided impact calc with only vague responses.

      Roland PARIS Director of the Centre for International Policy Studies and Prf. @ Graduate School of Public and International Affairs @ Ottawa ’10“Saving Liberal Peacebuilding” Review of Int’l Studies 36 p. 353-354


      Mistake 5: oversimplifying moral … to societies emerging from conflict.


      Democracy assistance isn’t controlled by capitalism

      Richard YOUNGS Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor @ Warwick ’11 “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion” http://www.fride.org/download/WP106_Liberal_Democracy2_jan11.pdf p. 6-7


      A fourth contention is that … of democracy support policies.


  • 1AC Tunisia Round 6 v Dartmouth ER

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1AC---Adv 1


      Advantage 1 --- EU Relations


      The status quo is not strategic – makes cooperation useless.

      Hamilton and Burwell 10 [Daniel S, Executive Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations; Executive Director of the American Consortium on EU Studies; Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Research Professor at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins, and Frances, Vice President, Director of the Program on Transatlantic Relations at the Atlantic Council, former executive director of the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland, "The Setting: The United States and Europe in a G20 World," Chapter 1, ]


      The United States is the … but it was painful.


      The plan solves --- it provides a foundation for future strategic cooperation.

      Wittes and Youngs 9 [Tamara, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs at the U.S. Department of State, research fellow at the at the Brookings Institute, and Richard, director general of FRIDEassistant professor at the University of Warwick“Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach,” January, The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, no 18]


      Tensions between the … can, cautiously, be rebuilt.


      The Middle East is key to the alliance and the successs of future policies.

      Castello 11 [Carles Castello-Catchot, assistant director of the Atlantic Council’s Strategic Foresight Project, “A Transatlantic Weakness to Avoid”, New Atlanticist Policy and Analysis Blog at Atlantic Council, 9-19-2011, http://www.acus.org/new_atlanticist/transatlantic-weakness-avoid]


      The transatlantic community … ours to shape, and win.


      The impact is all global problems – the US has to change its current stance.

      Stivachtis 10 – Director of International Studies Program @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute  [Dr. Yannis. A. Stivachtis (Professor of Poli Sci @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute & Ph.D. in Politics & International Relations from Lancaster University), THE IMPERATIVE FOR TRANSATLANTIC COOPERATION,” The Research Institute for European and American Studies, 2010,  pg. ]


      There is no doubt that  do not share that vision.


      The plan specifically is key to coordination.

      Greenfield 11 [Danya, deputy director of the Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East at the Atlantic Council, “A US-EU Action Plan for Supporting Democratization: Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia,” November, ]


      Both the US government …transition to real democratic systems.


      Spills over to cooperation on other foreign assistance.

      MFAN 11 [“,” 6-30, ]


      In the face of trying … foreign assistance programs.


      Key to stabalization of the Balkans.

      Larrabee 11 [F.Stephen, Distinguished Chair in European Security at the RAND Corporation, former vice president and director of studies of the Institute of East-West Security Studies in New York, e served on the U.S. National Security Council staff in the White House as a specialist on Soviet-East European affairs and East-West political-military relations, “1. Unfinished business in Europe,” ]


      The Western Balkans are … enhancing stability there.


      Causes civil wars and aggressive regional ambitions.

      Marinkovic 3/1 [Milan, “Perspectives for the western Balkans in light of the ongoing European crisis,” ]


      In point of fact,  interests more assertively.


      Global nuclear war.

      Scherbak 08 – Advisor to the Chair of the Parliament of Ukraine [Yuri Scherbak (President of the Institute for Sustainable Development of Ukraine), Ten Theses about the Russian-Georgian Conflict: A View from Ukraine, Heinrich Boll Stiftung – Warsaw, Nov 2008, pg. ]

      2. The war in Caucasus  can lead to a new global conflict.  Pg. 2-3


      Russia will use nuclear weapons.

      Daily Mail 11 [“War drums: Russian general warns border conflicts could lead to ‘nuclear war’,” 11-17, ]


      A chilling warning of  command center based in Estonia. 




      Plan: The United States federal government should support judicial reform measures in Tunisia in accordance with the EU Tunisia action plan.


      1AC---Adv 2


      Contention 2 --- Political Islam


      Tunisia is at a critical crossroads --- tensions are at an all time high.

      AFP 3/19 [“2‘Tunisian revolution at a crossroads’,” ]


      Tunisian president's office … are not compatible with Islam.”


      If successful Tunisia will be a model of progressive liberal Islamic democracy.

      Akyol 11 [MustafaTurkish political commentator and author, MA in History from Westerners, put your faith in the 'Islamic Calvinists'; 
       As democracy spreads through the Arab world, Islamists are becoming more progressive, pragmatic and liberal,” The Times, 12-28, Lexis]


      Some of the Westerners … a genuine religiosity based on free choice.


      The world is watching Tunisia --- its the intellectual center of political Islam.

      Shadid 12 [Anthony, reporter for the NYT, “Islamists’ Ideas on Democracy and Faith Face Test in Tunisia,” ]


      But no less dramatic … back to the Middle East.”


      Western support is decisive to the success of that model.

      Esposito 12 [John, Professor of Religion and International Affairs, Georgetown University, “Tunisia's Revolution, an Example for the Region?,” 1-30, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-l-esposito/tunisias-revolution-an-ex_b_1241720.html]


      The government -- the … citizens after decades of political suppression.


      Both the EU and the US working together is key.

      Youngs 4 [Richard, Director of FRIDE, “Transatlantic Cooperation on Middle East Reform: A European Misjudgement?,” October, ]


      Better Alone or Together… approaches to democracy promotion.


      Judicial indepence is key.

      Ramadan 12 – 12  professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies in the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Oxford University and a visiting professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies in Qatar. He is the author of Islam and the Arab Awakening. Tariq Ramadan,  Tunisia's challenging future,


       I last travelled to … and discriminatory school system.


      Tunisian stability enables the country to play a mediating role in the region.

      Warren 12 [Alex, co-author of , “,” 2-23,  ]


      Seven years and one … venue for regional conferences.


      Potential for conflict in the Mediterranean is high --- energy concerns.

      RT 2/26 [“New Mediterranean oil and gas bonanza,” ]


      The Middle East  cent of Israeli natural gas. 


      Drags in all great powers – and starts a Cyprus-Turkey conflict.

      UPI 11 [“East Mediterranean gas conflict could drag in U.S.,” 10-12, ]


      The brewing confrontation between … be dragged into any conflict."


      Energy wars cause extinction.

      Klare 6 [Peace and World Security Studies-Hampshire College, ]


      "As famine, disease, and … in these forms of conflict.


      Reinvigorated AMU encourages integration of the Western Sahara – prevents armed conflict.

      Simanowitz 12 [Stefan, “Prospects for peace in Western Sahara,” 2-8, ]


      We would prefer settle … prelude to building Maghreb unity.’


      North African war goes nuclear

      Coetzer 11 [“Towards a World War III scenario,” 11-1, ]


      Coinciding with the Fukushima … objectives of military action.

      Failure to resolve the conflicts between Islam and secularism risks armed conflict and extremism

      The National 12 [“Confrontation in Tunisia possible but not inevitable,” 3-1, ]


      The situation in Tunisia, … interest in the future.


      The risk is high – daily attacks and weapons from Libya.

      Schemm 3/9 [Paul, “Tunisian Islamists spark fear of culture war,” 3-9, ]


      Every Friday, bearded men … rebellion are easily at hand.


      Spreads to the Middle east and goes nuclear.

      Primakov 9President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation; Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; member of the Editorial Board of Russia in Global Affairs., article is based on the scientific report for which the author was awarded the Lomonosov Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2008 (Yevgeny, The Fundamental Problem, “The Middle East Problem in the Context of International Relations”, Russia in Global Affiars, Vol. 7, Number 3, July-September 2009, http://kms1.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/ISN/105702/ichaptersection_singledocument/71a40dca-23cb-411d-9c5d-a7ce495e2522/en/12.pdf.]


      The Middle East conflict  completely rule out such a possibility.


      Model of political inclusiveness necessary to avert extremism in Central Asia.

      Peimani 9  Sr. Independent consultant with the UN, Head of the Energy Security Division at the Energy Studies Institute at the National University of Singapore

      (Hooman Peimani, Conflict and Security in Central Asia and the Caucuses, pg 351-352)


      Without exception, the … promote their destructive ideologies.


      Now is combustible --- have to be more politically inclusive to prevent extremism.

      Eurasia 2-21 [“Central Asia Entering a Minefield – Report,”


      A new report  enter the fray,” it asserts.


      Extremists cause instability in Central Asia --- escalates to global war.

      Peimani 09  Sr. Independent consultant with the UN, Head of the Energy Security Division at the Energy Studies Institute at the National University of Singapore

      (Hooman Peimani, Conflict and Security in Central Asia and the Caucuses, pg 96-97)


      A major conceivable  they gained independence.


      Goes nuclear.

      Blank 2k  (Stephen, MacArthur Prof. Research – Strategic Studies Institute of U.S. Army War College, World Affairs, “American grand strategy and the transcaspian region”, 163:2, Proquest)


      Thus many structural conditions … capable of settling the situation.77


  • 2AC Round 6 v Dartmouth ER

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • EU – not NATO – efforts key

      Jones and Liberatore 10 [Erik and Angela, “Mapping the Future of the EU-US

      Partnership: Policy and Research Perspectives,” 1-25, ]


      Effective trans-Atlantic cooperation  considerable work to be done.


      CP – Transatlantic Forum


      1. Perm – do both. Plan is a prerequisite to effective dialogues

      Jones and Liberatore 10 [Erik and Angela, “Mapping the Future of the EU-US

      Partnership: Policy and Research Perspectives,” 1-25, ]


      There is no single best … practical agenda for action first.


      2. Doesn’t solve –


      a. Transatlantic policy is determined above all by US action and support – not by what the EU does. Have to overcome what Iraq did to the relationship – that’s Schivetous and Hamilton and Burwell


      b. More aid is key to showing support for Islamists. Have to provide tangible action – forums and discourse don’t provide that same show – that’s Espito.


      c. Doesn’t build a model for Central Asia – have to implement an independent judiciary in Tunisia – that’s  RAMADAN 


      3. Efforts need money and ON the ground coordination

      Anderson 11 [G. William, “The U.S.-EU High Level Development Dialogue: Building on the Legacy of the Marshall Plan,” 6-24, ]


      Challenges. On the other hand collaboration over the last 15 months.


      4. Conditionality is a voting issue --- it encourages argument under-development and hurts 2ac strategy by making it impossible to anticipate the negative strategy --- dispo solves their offense.


      5. Adds bureaucracy without increasing effectiveness. They already have a development dialogue – just need tangible results

      Ries 9 [Charles, Director of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy; Senior Fellow, “U.S.-EU Responses to Globalization – Working Papers Organizing a More Strategic U.S.-EU Partnership,” 12-16, ]


      1. The U.S.-EU relationship … the better the discussion.


      Iran DA


      No link – doesn’t talk about Tunisia.



      Aid now – includes new 100 million announced Thursday

      DEM DIGET  3 – 29 – 12  

      US gives $100 million to support Tunisia’s transition,


      The United States will  based on Shariah law.


      Plan solves

      Feltman 11 [Jeffrey, Assistant Secretary of States, "House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Middle East and South Asia Hearing;

      on "Assessing U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities and Needs Amidst Economic Challenges in the Middle East." 3-10, Lexis]


      The Middle East is in … our other interests in the region.




      oil DA


      Energy wars inevitable – only Tunisia influence solves disputes in the Mediterreanean


      1. You have to spot us a huge risk of our democracy advantage to get a link to this disad – that outweighs


      2. No link to oil

      Cook and Cohen, 11 – * Hasib J. Sabbagh Senior Fellow For Middle Eastern Studies, Council On Foreign Relations ** Adjunct Fellow, Council On Foreign Relations (Steven and Jarod, “Media Conference Call: Tunisia - Repercussions for the Region,” January 20th, 2011, )


      As far as disrupting oil,  operating is the Suez Canal.



      4. High oil prices are unsustainable.

      Adelaja 11 (Tai, Editorial Officer @ ABC News & Master's degree with honors in Journalism from the Moscow State University and diplomas on industrial reporting from the University of Sofia, Unrelieved Reliance: Russia's Pre-Election Budget Spending May Require Adjustment as Slowing Global Demand Threatens Soaring Oil Prices, May 16th, http://www.cdi.org/Russia/johnson/russia-election-budget-903.cfm)


      Recent volatility in global … other sectors of the economy."


      5. High oil prices hurt the Russian economy --- demand destruction, inflation, and market volatility.

      Hulbert 11 (Matthew, Senior fellow at the Center for Security Studies in Zurich, The Downside of High Oil Prices, February 2nd, http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/the-downside-of-high-oil-prices/430204.html)


      This cuts to the … its vengeance out on you.


      6. Impact empirically denied. Russia’s economy is endemically weak and has been wrecked many times.


      Politics – Jackson Vanik


      1. Aid fights now

      Cornwell 3-23 [Susan, “Palestinian Aid Closer To Being Released Amid Heated Negotiations In Congress,” ]


      House appropriators on Tuesday  comment specifically on talks.


      2. Just passed legislation – Obama used capital and it involved spending fights

      CBS News 3-29 [“Congress passes bill to keep highway aid flowing,” ]


      Congress passed a stopgap … Republicans to pass the Senate bill.


      3Logical policymakers can do both


      4. Democracy aid is bipartisan

      Inboden 10 [William, Distinguished Scholar at the Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the University of Texas-Austin and a Non-Resident Fellow with the German Marshall Fund, “,” 11-18, ]


      Meanwhile, notwithstanding the … to human rights and democracy


      5. No JV repeal without anti-Russian measures. Obama can’t overcome opposition

      James George Jatras, 3/23/2012. Principal, Squire Sanders Public Advocacy, Washington, DC. . “Russia Profile Weekly Experts Panel: Will Russia Graduate From the Jackson-Vanik Amendment?” Russia Profile, http://russiaprofile.org/experts_panel/56357/print_edition/.


      Until very recently, …) can continue to block it.


      6. Vote no – the 1ac was the presentation of the plan – costs capital to vote against it


      7. Winners win

      Parnes 1-16 [Amy, writer for The Hill, President Obama’s new two-step, http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/204377-obamas-new-two-step]

      Call it the Obama …, Democratic strategists say.


      8. EU-US relations solve the impact better – bigger economies, more countries and reciprocal trust means cooperation will more beneficial



      9. fiat solves the link – plan passes immediately


      10. Security overwhelms economics. Either we resolve NMD, and that solves relations, or we don’t, and that overwhelms Jackson Vanik.


      11. No legislation – done internally

      Arieff 6-27 [Alexis, Congressional Research Service analyst in African Affairs, Political Transition in Tunisia, ]


      • In early June, USAID  transition totals $10 million. 109



      Security K 2ac


      1. Framework – status quo versus competitive policy option – prefer it --- key to topic specific education and avoid infinite regress that unlimited critical prior questions allow --- we are the middle ground --- they get the K without the alternative or prior questions


      2. Case outweighs –

      ---only way to set up a cooperative relationship with the EU – key to preventing global problems and Balkans conflict

      ---enshrines minority rights in Tunisia – prevents violent intrastate conflict, Mediterreanean Energy wars and a spillover to the Middle East.


      Epistemology doesn’t come first or shape reality

      Wight ‘7 (Colin, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics at the University of Sheffield, “Inside the epistemological cave all bets are off” Journal of International Relations and Development (2007) http://www.ciaonet.org/olj/jird/jird_200703_v10n1_d.pdf)


      In some respects, … often irrespective of our descriptions of them.19


      Perm – combination of security concerns and a realization of their limits helps on the ground and stops esclation

      Edward NEWMAN Senior Lecturer IR @ Birmingham ’10 “Peacebuilding as Security in ‘Failing’ and Conflict-

      Prone States” Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 4:3 p.  318-320


      Twenty-first century peacebuilding for sustainable peace and stability.


      We aren’t an external imposition – Tunisia started their own revolution. Refusal of assistance is more imperialist

      Richard YOUNGS Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor @ Warwick ’11 “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion” http://www.fride.org/download/WP106_Liberal_Democracy2_jan11.pdf p. 5-7


      Third, central to critical … incumbent autocratic regimes.


      Democracy assistance assessment should evalute possible courses of policy action.  

      Sikkink 8 Kathryn, Professor of Political Science at the University of Minnesota. “The Role of Consequences, Comparison, and Counterfactuals in Constructivist

      Ethical Thought” 2008 http://www.polisci.umn.edu/centers/theory/pdf/sikkink.pdf


      Ethical arguments of these … finds it difficult to act.



  • 1AR Round 6 v Dartmouth ER

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Results in economic stagnation and civil disorder.

      Tsyvinski 10 (Aleh and Sergei Guriev, Professor of economics at Yale University, Director of the New Economic School in Moscow, July – August, Russia's "Resource Curse": How High Oil Prices Are Stunting Reforms, http://www.oilandgaseurasia.com/articles/p/123/article/1273/)


      Can Russia escape the … and dangerous civil disorder.


      Fuel inflation, hurt interest rates, make budget targets vulnerable.

      Ulatov 11 (Sergei (Economist), Karlis Smits (Economist), Olga Emelyanova (Research Analyst), and Victor Sulla (Economist), under the direction of Zeljko Bogetic (Lead Economist   and Country Sector Coordinator for economic policy for Russia and the general editor of the report). Lucio Vinhas da   Souza (Senior Economist) and Shane Streifel (Consultant) contributed on the international environment and the global oil   market. Karlis Smits (Economist) prepared the note on public expenditures. Sylvia Bossoutrot (Sr. Operations Offi cer and   Country Coordinator for Private Sector and Finance for Russia) and Lawrence Kay (consultant), Sustaining Reforms under the Oil Windfall, Russian Economic Report, Number 24, March 2011)


      Fiscal policy – return … 2 to 3 percent of GDP.


      Makes spending less effective.

      Pirani 11 (Simon, Emerging Market News, Political risk blamed for Russian investment collapse, May 15th, http://www.emergingmarkets.org/Article/2830679/Political-risk-blamed-for-Russian-investment-collapse.html)


      Sharp falls in investment  will catch Russia short fiscally.


      High oil prices cause a wealth gap --- turns David

      Belton 11 (Catherine & Neil Buckley, Writers @ the Financial Times, Russia in dilemma over Arab unrest, March 15th, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/7dd04742-4f29-11e0-9038-00144feab49a.html#axzz1Mwr6tydD)


      But high oil prices  remains at about 70 per cent.


      High oil prices cause Russian adventurism.

      Mufson 7 (Steven, Staff Writer @ the Washington Post, Oil Price Rise Causes Global Shift in Wealth, November 10th http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/11/09/AR2007110902573_pf.html)


      Russia, the world's … has been cut in half.


      Our claim is proven by robust statistical studies.

      Applebaum 11 (Anne, Former editor @ the Economist & The Washington Post, Columnist for the Washington Post and Slate, When oil prices rise, Russia has freedom over a barrel, January 4th, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/03/AR2011010304070_pf.html)


      The judge had already … heard a better explanation.


      Evidence in the context of DA

      Gerald Hyman, director of the Office of Democracy and Governance of the U.S. Agency for International Development's Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, 2002, Debating the Transition Paradigm: Tilting at Straw Men, Journal of Democracy 13.3 (2002) 26-32


      So, to parody the … for dealing with these challenges.


      The impact is a collapse of politics and effective plan implementation.

      Kratochwil, professor of international relations – European University Institute, ‘8

      (Friedrich, “The Puzzles of Politics,” pg. 200-213)


      In what follows, …assumptions. Interest in pragmatism




      Case outweighs --- specificity.


      Predictions don’t have to be perfect, just good enough

      BRUCE BUENO DE MESQUITA, Julius Silver Professor of Politics at New York University, July 18th, 2011“FOX-HEDGING OR KNOWING: ONE BIG WAY TO KNOW MANY THINGS” http://www.cato-unbound.org/2011/07/18/bruce-bueno-de-mesquita/fox-hedging-or-knowing-one-big-way-to-know-many-things/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+cato-unbound+%28Cato+Unbound%29


      It is hard to say … progress toward better prediction.




  • 1AC v. Emporia GW - Round 8

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • EU Partnership Advantage


      Contention 1: Partnership


      The US-EU partnership is not strategic now – makes cooperation useless

      Hamilton and Burwell 10 [Daniel S,




      The United States is the most important partner


      to do it, but it was painful.


      The plan provides a foundation for future cooperation through improved coordination.

      Wittes and Youngs 9 [Tamara, deputy




      Tensions between the United States and the European


      Middle East can, cautiously, be rebuilt.


      Joint action on the Arab spring restores the alliance and creates momentum for future policies

      Castello-Catchot 11 [Carles Castello-




      The transatlantic community is weaker and more divided


      is still ours to shape, and win.


      Strategic alliance solves all problems – US has to change its current stance

      Stivachtis 10 – Director of International Studies Program




      There is no doubt that US-European


      against those who do not share that vision.


      A framework of cooperation is vital to effective policies that reduce the risk of warming.

      Lempert 1 [Robert, Senior Scientist at


      , Finding Transatlantic Common Ground on Climate Change?]


      Whether to retain, modify or replace the


      wide range of plausible climate-change futures.


      Warming causes extinction – we can’t adapt.

      Tickell 8 (Oliver, Climate Researcher, The Gaurdian, “On a planet 4C hotter, all we can prepare for is extinction”, http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/aug/11/climatechange)

      We need to get prepared for four degrees of global … warming caused by human emissions could propel us towards a similar hothouse Earth.


      Our methodology is sound – qualified scientific consensus overwhelmingly supports anthropogenic climate change

      Anderegg et al 10 (William, Professor




      Preliminary reviews of scientific literature and surveys of


      , and public forums regarding anthropogenic climate change.


      And talking about the impacts of climate change is necessary to force action to prevent extinction.

      Dabelko 97 Associate director of the Environmental Change




      Undoubtedly, environment and security research, rhetoric


      and security matters will continue to be instructive.



      Political Islam Advantage


      Contention 2: Political Islam


      Tunisia security deteriorating – tensions are at an all time high

      MEO 3-31 [“Mustapha Ben Jaafar


      of chaos in Tunisia,” Middle East Online]


      TUNIS - Tunisia's parliament speaker voiced alarm Friday


      the January 2011 revolt risked being rolled back.


      Western action provides a signal that we believe in Ennahdha – helps success

      Esposito 1-30 [John, Professor




      The government -- the liberal-secular-


      to their citizens after decades of political suppression.


      Failure to synergize US and EU approaches means neither is very effective

      Youngs 4 [Richard, Director of FRIDE




      Europeans risk becoming so fixated with disassociating the


      to supporting political change in the Middle East


      Specifically implementing judicial independence measures are critical to preventing polarization

      RAMADAN  3 – 6 – 12  professor of


      the author of Islam and the Arab Awakening.

      Tariq Ramadan,  Tunisia's challenging future,




       I last travelled to Tunisia almost 25


      poverty and a failed and discriminatory school system.


      Failure to resolve the conflicts between Islam and secularism risks armed conflict

      The National 12 [“Confrontation in Tunisia possible




      The situation in Tunisia, the cradle of


      rather than a serious interest in the future.


      The risk is high – daily attacks and weapons from Libya

      Schemm 3-9 [Paul, “




      Every Friday, bearded men in shin-


      a new armed rebellion are easily at hand.


      North African war goes nuclear

      Coetzer 11 [“Towards a World War III 



      Coinciding with the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan


      to obscure the real objectives of military action.


      Criticism of governance focus undermines all democracy.  Governance helps other democratic reforms.

      Richard YOUNGS Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor


      Democracy2_jan11.pdf p. 8-


      Flowing from this, fifth in our list


      – hardly an appropriate model for today’s democrats.


      U.S. democracy assistance and leadership shouldn’t be reduced to imperialism.

      Larbi SADIKI Politics @ Exeter ‘9 Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy p. 160-163


      No deconstruction of the GMEI would be complete


      Arab opinion-formulators' response to the GMEI.


      Hold their alternative to a high threshold –


      -sided impact calc with only vague responses.

      Roland PARIS Director of the Centre for International


      of Int’l Studies 36 p. 353-354


      Mistake 5: oversimplifying moral complexity Mark Duffield 


      to provide assistance to societies emerging from conflict.


      Focusing on the details and inner-workings


      real world problems like poverty, racism and war

      McClean, 01 – Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, Molloy College, New York

      (David E., “The Cultural Left


      /david_mcclean.htm, JMP)


      Yet for some reason, at least partially


      and its own implicit principle of successful action."

      Those who suffer or have suffered from this


      our social hopes, as I will explain.

      Leftist American culture critics might put their considerable


      of nations under a "law of peoples?"

      The new public philosopher might seek to understand


      for the so-called "managerial class."




  • 2AC v. Emporia GW - Round 8

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Hip Hop 2ac


      1. Framework – status quo versus competitive


      get the K without the alternative or prior questions


      Communication not before all else – thinking of the world in a certain way doesn’t make it so


      Fiat doesn’t mean the aff doesn’t occur –


      theoretical impacts of that enactment to the alternative.


      2. Perm – do the plan and send hip hop – bottom of the 1nc proves that


      ---Paris – even if some components of


      the aff that is beneficial you should vote aff

      ---McClean – have to engage in policy


      the space will always be filled by conservative elites

      ---Youngs – although governance and the process


      understand that assistance is critical to achieving those gains


      3. Tunisia will say no – means


      force we will MAKE Tunisia accept the message.

      Amara 3-21 [Tarek, “



      Nevertheless, the minister has faced criticism from


      symbol, to sing at the Carthage Festival.

      Will say yes to the plan – have requested assistance from the US to set up their government.


      4. Case outweighs –


      A. Warming – its real, anthropogenic


      that’s Lempert, Braganza, Sify and Anderegg.


      Wise evidence says that warming disproportionally affects minorities – only we access a route to solve warming


      B. Tunisia – its become increasingly polarized


      security and resource concerns – we’ll ignite another Iraq


      5. perm – do the plan and culturally engage



      They are just as theoretical as the affirmative


      is absurd and turns all of their connectivity arguments

      Craig IRELAND American Culture @ Bilikent (Turkey


      Consequences Cultural Critique 52 p. 93-97


      This Thompsonian notion of experience, as many


      are the potential consequences of such a turn?



      They link to themselves – hip hop as a form of cultural assistance for democracy treats the MENA as part of a geopolitical chessboard

      Hisham AIDI Fellow Open Society Foundation (New




      In April 2010, the US State Department


      hop against what they call “jihadi cool.


      AND we’ll preempt their offense – precisely because


      roots is the reason that State will use it

      Omar EL-KHAIRY Graduate Student in Sociology


      Culture and Communication 2 p. 128-129


      The year 1956 saw the first American government


      hear from us’ (Cohen 2007 : 275).


      8. Floating PIKs are a voting issue –


      a. Aff ground – allowing the neg


      1ac – makes it impossible to be aff.


      b. Infinitely regressive – they can choose any part of the aff – makes it unpredictable


      9. Their strategy LIMITS politics to ONLY


      performance assimilate to very limited norms of experience. 

      Joan SCOTT Harold F. Linder Professor at


      Identity” October Summer p. 16-19


      The logic of individualism has structured the approach


      to whatever is taken as majority or dominant.


      10. Alt fails – appeal to bodily experience doesn’t spillover to create resistance.

      Craig IRELAND American Culture @ Bilikent (Turkey


      Consequences Cultural Critique 52 p. 100-101


      The very fact of a group's difference,


      experience warrants our attention with a certain urgency.


      11. Ethics boil down to saving the most lives

      Bernstein ‘2 (Richard J., Vera


      Philosophical Interrogation”, p. 188-192)


      Jonas goes "so far as to maintain


      objects of your will." (IR 11)

      12. Policy proposals are the only way to effect democratic change

      Sikkink 8 Kathryn, Professor of Political Science




      Ethical arguments of these different types are ubiquitous


      paralysis. One finds it difficult to act.




      Local resistance must be combined with larger struggles to effectively resist.

      Gills – 02 [Barry K, Chair


      norms can accommodate such a form of governance.


      Alternative cedes the political to neoconservative foreign policy of coercive leadership.  Democracy offers an alternative to imperialism.

      Richard YOUNGS Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor


      _jan11.pdf p. 12-13


      Current international political trends are complex and still


      systematised into common or comprehensive new approaches.21


      You don’t change anything – there is no


      endorsement of counter-values doesn’t create political change

      John G GUNNELL Political Science @ SUNY Albany 




      Although political science and political theory began to


      for democratic practice remained as ineluctable as ever.


      We often fail to recognise how much contemporary


      more than the discursive residue of unrequited hope.


      Using debate as a site of activism to encourage social change fails

      Atchison and Panetta, 09 – *Director


      **Director of Debate at the University of Georgia

      (Jarrod, and Edward, “Intercollegiate


      ., 2009, p. 317-334)


      Debates as Sites of Community Change

      The debate community has become more self-


      for collaboration, consensus, and coalition building.


      Structural violence is an obscure metaphor. Its use cannot lead to positive changes because it conflates distinct and generally unrelated problems of violence and poverty.

      Boulding ’77  (Kenneth, Faculty – U


      Johan Galtung”, 14:1, JSTOR)


      Finally, we come to the great Galtung


      disservice in preventing us from finding the answer.



      We should have narratives of global engagement. Progressive limitations on harm and emotional attachment to others are necessary to avoid environmental destruction and genocide.

      Andrew LINKLATER Woodrow Wilson Professor of International Relations


      Ed. Ken Booth p. 315-318


      Kant constructed an image of the complexities of


      -violent harm from relations between social groups.





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