Bahrain 1AC
- Tournament: GSU | Round: 2 | Opponent: Gonzaga | Judge: Ron Stevenson
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Contention 1: Bracketing Good The United States determines its relationship with other nations in terms of their strategic importance – understanding how we have crafted our relationship to Bahrain is critical to unmasking and altering this trend. Winegard 11 [Ben, recipient of the Ronald E. McNair fellowship at the University of Missouri, B.A. of sociology at Grand Valley State University, PhD psychology student at the University of Missouri, “Understanding Bahrain: How Bahrain Shines in Light a Light on Imperial Policies,” March 11, 2011. http://www.zcommunications.org/understanding-bahrain-how-bahrain-shines-a-light-on-imperial-policies-by-ben-winegard] If one were asked to … or democracy in Bahrain Furthermore, Bahrain is at the heart of US security policy and demonstrates the entanglement of security concerns with human rights issues Newkirk 11 [Anthony, contributor to Foreign Policy in Focus, professor of history at Philander Smith College, “Bahrain and Human Rights,” FPIF.org. July 22, 2011. http://www.fpif.org/articles/bahrain_and_human_rights? utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+FPIF%2FMiddleEastNorthAfrica+%28FPIF+Regions%3A+Middle+East+%2 6+North+Africa%29&utm_content=Google+Reader] It is becoming painfully … a defender of justice. We must keep human-rights justifications for action SEPARATE from any securitizing—the introduction of security discourse hijacks human rights into a broader “development” agenda that justifies perpetual war and intervention Kuhn, 2008[ Florian P. Kühn, M.A./M.P.S., Research Assistant, Institute for International Politics, Helmut-SchmidtUniversity Hamburg, Holstenhofweg 85, 22043 Hamburg, P +49-40-6541-3566, florian.p.kuehn@hsu-hh.de Draft Paper prepared for the 49 th International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, March 26-29, 2008: Panel “Securitization of Development or Developmentalization of Security?” Equal Opportunities: Exploring the turning point between Securitization and Developmentalization http://opus.unibw-hamburg.de/opus/volltexte/2010/2329/pdf/isa08_proceeding_252911.pdf] To protect the ‘own’ …claiming to avert, including war. Maintaining a security framing to the Middle East places the US as an external moderator that recreates war and intervention Yaseen Noorani, Assistant Professor in Near Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona, 2005. “The Rhetoric of Security,” CR: The New The Bush administration perpetually … for the foreseeable future. Plan: The United States federal government should provide testimony to the Bahraini Independent Commission of Inquiry detailing its complicit role in the repression of political opposition in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The success of truth and reconciliation commissions can only be realized through the incorporating of outside bystanders - this process is critical to effective policy making Kirmayer 10 [Laurence J., MD McGill University in the division of Social and Transcultural psychiatry, “Peace, Conflict, and Reconciliation: Contributions of Cultural Psychiatry,” Transcultural Psychiatry. Februrary 2010. http://tps.sagepub.com/content/47/1/5.full.pdf+html] Truth and Reconciliation: The …to some common goal (Chayes & Minow, 2003; Kelman, 2007; Shulman, 2007). Contention 2: Role of the Ballot The way we frame our policies matters – politics is about unconscious moral values which are created and maintained through rhetoric. Justification matters for effective policymaking Rockridge Institute 07 [“Frames and Framing,” progressive think tank that uses neuroscience and cognitive linguistics to shape argument form and phrasing for progressive values, former website: rockridge institute.org/aboutus/frames-and-framing/index.html, link not active currently] Expressing progressive political ideas … order to improve political debate. This is true for the aff – Understanding how we justify US interests is critical to resolve entanglement of contradictory values Nicholson and Schaffer 11 [Kailyn and Anna, Task Force from the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, “Chapter 4:The Relationship between Rhetoric and Policy and its Implications for Effective Democracy Promotion.” The Future of U.S. Democracy Promotion: Strategies for a Sustainable Fourth Wave of Democratization 3/10/2011. https://digital.lib.washington.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/1773/16487/Task%20Force%20C%202011%20Web.pdf?sequence=1] C. Implementation: Rhetoric in Action? .. region and without‖ (Bali and Rana, 2010). Don’t be fooled by the negatives claims that there are rational or scientific reasons for existing policies. This sort of scientific thinking only tells part of the story. When used exclusively, it denies qualitative aspects of life, places us on a myopic, genocidal trajectory, and is simply inaccurate. There are multiple levels of human existence – scientific rationality explains only ONE. Changing the way we think about human rights and security, and the language we talk about it at the level of single decisions can change our relationship to it at a macro level. The decisions we make can build bridges that change the world. Frey 2004 [Robert, Editor and Publisher of BRIDGES: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology, Philosophy, History, and Science. M.A. in Modern Jewish History from Baltimore Hebrew University, and a B.S. in Biology, and a dual Master of Science in Management, The Genocidal Temptation: Auschwitz, Hiroshima, Rwanda and Beyond, “The Power of Individual Decision-making in Generating Hope in the 21st Century: Neutralizing Genocidal Tendencies. I would give you page numbers, but the card is actually the entire chapter – Thank you Nick Miller] Parker J. Palmer, who has … truth and objectively justified terror.
| 10/21/11 |
T Answers
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
We meet TRC is rule of law Villa-Vicencio 2009 [Charles, Ake Visiting Chair at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University in collaboration with the Nordic African Institute, “WHERE THE OLD MEETS THE NEW Transitional Justice, Peacebuilding and Traditional Reconciliation Practices in Africa,” Claude Ake Memorial Papers No. 5. 2009. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:gROW-skhbLMJ:nai.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:279374/FULLTEXT01+Villa-Vicencio,+Charles.+2007.+Where+the+old+and+new+meet:+Transitional+justice+and+traditional+reconciliation+practices+in+Africa.+Paper+presented+at+the+Claude+Ake+memorial+lecture+2007,+Uppsala+University,+Uppsala,+Sweden.&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjeUMj7n7dWdviSFXc2sPI66xXCbxyW3HF3iks-rWilDpZXa3G9mrmWl9ddUg5VOge4hIWLxx3O7UyCY4s3m0Jszu5EiUDPcSDl5Y3gMyqdAV2hYhTv4FJasipvJ7o6dVYts9XU&sig=AHIEtbQ4yC50bX2ukRgxltvSm6DvYGawwg&pli=1] Human rights actors … standards of justice. Human Rights is democracy assistance GAO 03 [United States General Accounting Office, “FOREIGN ASSISTANCEU.S. Democracy Programs in Six Latin American Countries Have Yielded Modest Results,” Report to Congressional Requesters, March 2003, pg. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d03358.pdf] The United States has … international observers. BICI is a TRC Sacirbey 2011 [Diplomatically Incorrect, Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey is former Foreign Minister Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina at the United Nations. "Mo" is also signatory of the Rome Conference/Treaty establishing the International Criminal Court and supporter/witness of the ICTY-"Yugoslav Tribunal". Mo also has engaged/promoted events furthering developing ideal of "diplomat-artist." Mo has a law degree (Tulane Law School) and MBA (Columbia Univ.) having worked as investment banker on Wall Street. Tom Osborne is 20+ year UN based journalist working as ABC bureau chief and as President of UN Correspondents Association (UNCA). Prior to UN media career, Tom served as local broadcaster and started career in politics on behalf of Robert F. Kennedy Presidential campaign. Susan Sacirbey has worked in travel and hospitality industry including in areas of media, promotions and advertising. Susan is also passionate regarding her work with foundations providing medical/rehabilitation assistance to child victims of war and natural disasters, oppressed peoples and humane treatment of animals, “Professor Bassiouni to Investigate Bahrain Unrest, by Ambassador Mo,” July 30, 2011. Film Annex. http://www.filmannex.com/posts/blog_show_post/professor-bassiouni-to-investigate-bahrain-unrest-by-ambassador-mo/32718] Bassiouni “Underwhelmed” by … upon the rule of law.
| 11/04/11 |
DA Answers
- Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 1 | Opponent: Wayne State | Judge: Beier
Saudi Relations Saudis have moved on – lack of US delivery on Arab Spring, Israel, and Iran issues Riedel 8/24/11 (Bruce, senior fellow in the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. “Brezhnev in the Hejaz.” The National Interest, September-October 2011. http://nationalinterest.org/article/brezhnev-the-hejaz-5733?page=show.) Despite President Obama’s …alternatives to the east. Saudis are pissed but decades-long defense and energy cooperation prevents real split Teitelbaum 7/17/11 (Joshua, visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law. “Empty Words: Saudi Blustering and US-Saudi Realities.” Advancing a Free Society, Hoover Institution. July 17, 2011. http://www.advancingafreesociety.org/2011/07/17/empty-words/.) The problem is the Saudis … by some Saudi officials. Framing Saudi Arabia as a threat only furthers the neoconservative imperial agenda Mahajan 04 [Rahul, PhD, publisher, serves on the Administrative Committee of anti-war coalition United for Peace and Justice, Board of Directors of Peace Action and Advisory Board of the website Occupation Watch, http://www.empirenotes.org/10182004commentary.html] John Kerry does the same thing, … back U.S. imperialism. Their securitized portrayal of China relies on an insecure American national identity – these descriptions are not objective and create a self-fulfilling prophecy Pan, 04 (Chengxin, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Faculty of Arts, at Deakin University, 2004, Alternatives 29, p. 305-07) China and its relationship …2001 spy-plane incident. No risk of U.S.-China war – the PRC knows it would get crushed in a conflict and would need to build up its military for more than 10 years to stand a chance. Bandow 3-7-08 (Doug, former senior fellow at the Cato Institute and former columnist with Copley News Service. “Turning China into the Next Big Enemy.” http://www.antiwar.com/bandow/?articleid=12472) But the Defense Department …a first strike capability. KORUS Obama spending all of his capital on jobs US News 9-12 [Will Congress Pass Obama's Jobs Bill? http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2011/09/12/will-congress-pass-obamas-jobs-bill] Obama is putting … hand him a win?" Currency bill comes before trade Reuters 9-15 [UPDATE 1-US senator wants China bill vote before trade pacts http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/16/usa-china-trade-idUSS1E78E20V20110916] WASHINGTON, Sept 15 (Reuters) - …by foreign competition. That derails trade bills Inside US Trade 9-9 [CHAMBER MAY OPPOSE ALL POTENTIAL SENATE AMENDMENTS ON GSP/TAA BILL, Lexis] On the other hand, … specific whip count. The belief that humans can understand or control climate change is hubristic – the plan replicates the technological mindset which brought us to the brink of destruction in the first place Hill, 06 (Prof. at University of Sydney “DESIGN WITHOUT CAUSALITY: HEIDEGGER’S IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE FOR ECOLOGICALLY SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE”, http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/ocs/index.php/AASA/2007/paper/viewFile/38/19, 2006) At this point, …we can control. Obama’s got 99 problems Kiely 9-5 [Patrick J. Kiely, Labor Day: The state of the union; http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20110905/EDIT05/309059996/1021/EDIT] The Rasmussen Reports …near junk status. Winners win – Obama needs to stand up to the GOP Blow 9-9 [Charles, writer for the NYT, Rise of the Fallen? http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/10/opinion/blow-rise-of-the-fallen.html] So why does it feel … from both sides. No catastrophic impact – climate models are flawed and real world data disproves. Idso & Idso, 2011 [Craig D., founder and chairman of the board of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, B.S. in Geography from Arizona State University, his M.S. in Agronomy from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln, and his Ph.D. in Geography from Arizona State University, former Director of Environmental Science at Peabody Energy, faculty researcher in the Office of Climatology at Arizona State University; and Sherwood, President of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, former Research Physicist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service, Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Geology, Geography, and Botany and Microbiology at ASU, M.S from UMinnesota, receipt of the Arthur S. Flemming Award, "Carbon Dioxide and Earth’s Future," 1-31-11, http://www.co2science.org/education/reports/prudentpath/prudentpath.pdf] As presently constituted,…which they aspire. Obama won’t spend capital on the plan Weisbrot 9-11 [Mark Weisbrot is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, in Washington, D.C.. He is also President of Just Foreign Policy, The Decade of 9/11: war without end, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/09/2011910151711228528.html] If all this sounds pessimistic, … purely opportunistic reasons. No SKFTA – tea baggers, unions, textile industry Hooper 9-10 [Molly K., writer for The Hill, “Obama-backed trade pacts could be heavy lift for House GOP” http://thehill.com/homenews/house/180751-obama-backed-trade-pacts-could-be-heavy-lift-for-house-gop] House Republican leaders … the source said.
| 11/04/11 |
K Answers
- Tournament: Kentucky | Round: 1 | Opponent: Wayne State | Judge: Beier
Anthro (Idaho State) We politicize human rights – turns masking. We expose the inconsistency between US rhetoric and practice on democracy. Eva ERMAN Government @ Uppsala ‘5 Human Rights and Democracy: Discourse Theory and Global Rights Institutions p. 10-11 Once again, a rights … of such ends. Anthropocentrism is inevitable --- evolutionary history Nicoll and Russell in ‘1 (Charles, Prof. Integrative Biology @ UC Berkeley, and Sharon, Dept. Physiology-Anatomy @ UC Berkeley, in “Why Animal Experimentation Matters: The Use of Animals in Medical Research”, Ed. Paul and Paul, p. 153-155) The development of … inherent human tendencies. Hudson - Agamben ignores the actual differences between liberal democracy and totalitarianism—his failure to engage in cost-benefit assessment means he’s a fanatic who only thinks in absolutes Heins, 05 (Volker, visiting professor of political science at Concordia University and Senior Fellow at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, 6 German Law Journal No. 5, May, http://www.germanlawjournal.com/article.php?id=598) Agamben is not …ignore this difference."[54] PIC out of Plantext Social structures might be constructed but cannot be wished away. There will always be some form of domination within any system—the rejection of the concrete progress of the plan in favor of a vague alternative leads to ethical paralysis and cooption by the right. Price 8 Richard, Professor of Poli Sci @ University of British Columbia, “Moral Limit and Possibility in World Politics” Published online by Cambridge University Press 03 Apr 2008 Such divergences points … compared to what? Critique can only overcome power and produce change when articulated in the language of hegemony Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 138-139) There are perhaps …deflect their claims. Refusal to participate in state institutions doesn’t mean that they go away. They’ll just get filled in by the right-wing nut jobs who are the real root of the problem. Informed debate guided by real-world problem solving checks elitist control which creates foreign policy disasters. Walt ’91 (Stephen, Prof. IR U. Chicago, International Studies Quarterly, “The Renaissance of Security Studies”, 35(2), June, p. 231-232) A Second Norm … self-interested parties. Education at the university level is the only way to grow and spread feelings of solidarity—we must stress integration into a global knowledge society Voicu, 2000 [Doctor in political sciences, (international law) of Geneva University (1968); doctor honoris causa in international law of Assumption University of Thailand (1998); alternate representative of Romania to the United Nations Security Council (1990-1991); ambassador of Romania to the Kingdom of Thailand and permanent representative to international organizations based in Bangkok (1994-1999); visiting professor in Assumption University since February 2000. ABAC Journal Vol. 25, No. 1 (January-April, 2005, pp. 1-24)] The UN General Assembly … moving towards humanity.” (28) Shouldn’t cede the political on democracy assistance – promotes left authoritrarianism. Jonathan MURPHY Senior Lecturer in International Management @ Cardiff Business School ’10 “Democracy? That’s so last year”: exploring the backlash against democracy promotion” Paper presented to Critical Governance Studies conference Warwick University, December 13 – 14 2010 http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/wbs/projects/orthodoxies/papers/101213_muphy_j.pdf p. 19-22 There is a long ….democracy over authoritarianism. Debates by non-government actors about future crises are critical to social movements—dystopian visions are mobilizing transnational movements that are effectively pressuring governments into preventing everything from nuclear annihilation to slowing the spread of AIDS. Kurasawa, 04 (Professor of Sociology, York University of Toronto, Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004). In the twenty-first century… mass human rights violations). Permutation solves – adding women as a category of analysis better reveals androcentrism’s relationship with the world Peterson 05 [V Spike, Department of Political Science, University of Arizona, Tucson; “How (The Meaning of) Gender Matters in Political Economy,” New Political Economy 10.4 Dec] Across disciplines, … inequalities of power. Case turns the k - war causes worse violence against women Cockburn 10 [Cynthia, visiting prof in the Dept of Sociology at the City University London and honorary prof at the Center for the Study of Women and Gender at U Warwick, "Gender Relations as Causal in Militarization and War" International Feminist Journal of Politics 12.2 Jun] Third, looking through … operation of power. Whiteness (Oklahoma BC) Their method just reverses the winner-take-all, zero-sum model of method and epistemology. This zero-sum relationship is a counter-productive starting point for engaging the issue of U.S. colonialism in the Middle East and North Africa. The kernel of rocklike identity of “the oppressed” undermines their attempt to build co-existence. Paul ARMSTRONG English @ Brown ’3 “Being ‘Out of Place’: Edward Said and the Contradictions of Cultural Differences” Modern Language Quarterly 64 (1) p. 111 In 1994 (the year after Culture and Imperialism), … and epistemological conflict. Education at the university level is the only way to grow and spread feelings of solidarity—we must stress integration into a global knowledge society Voicu, 2000 [Doctor in political sciences, (international law) of Geneva University (1968); doctor honoris causa in international law of Assumption University of Thailand (1998); alternate representative of Romania to the United Nations Security Council (1990-1991); ambassador of Romania to the Kingdom of Thailand and permanent representative to international organizations based in Bangkok (1994-1999); visiting professor in Assumption University since February 2000. ABAC Journal Vol. 25, No. 1 (January-April, 2005, pp. 1-24)] The UN General Assembly was …moving towards humanity.” (28) Shouldn’t cede the political on democracy assistance – promotes left authoritrarianism. Jonathan MURPHY Senior Lecturer in International Management @ Cardiff Business School ’10 “Democracy? That’s so last year”: exploring the backlash against democracy promotion” Paper presented to Critical Governance Studies conference Warwick University, December 13 – 14 2010 http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/wbs/projects/orthodoxies/papers/101213_muphy_j.pdf p. 19-22 There is a long …democracy over authoritarianism. Debates by non-government actors about future crises are critical to social movements—dystopian visions are mobilizing transnational movements that are effectively pressuring governments into preventing everything from nuclear annihilation to slowing the spread of AIDS. Kurasawa, 04 (Professor of Sociology, York University of Toronto, Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004). In the twenty-first … human rights violations). WHITENESS isn’t to blame – too broad, no empirical support ANDERSEN 03 Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at the University of Delaware Margaret L. Andersen, 2003, “Whitewashing Race: A Critical Perspective on Whiteness,” in White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism, ed Doane & Bonilla-Silva, p. 28 Conceptually, one of …meaning hardly anything. We advocate taking on the role of the critical democrat – that’s the only way to create change Warren and Hytten, 2004. (John T. Warren. Professor of Communications – Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Kathy Hytten. Professor of Communications – Southern Illinois University Carbondale. “The Faces of Whiteness: Pitfalls and the Critical Democrat.”Communication Education. Vol. 53, No. 4) The benefit of …engagement with racism. It doesn’t apply. We are a criticism of one aspect of the United States colonial legacy. Criticizing other aspects of its history is not mutually exclusive with the affirmative and are resolved better by it. Critique can only overcome power and produce change when articulated in the language of hegemony Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 138-139) There are perhaps … deflect their claims. Refusal to participate in state institutions doesn’t mean that they go away. They’ll just get filled in by the right-wing nut jobs who are the real root of the problem. Informed debate guided by real-world problem solving checks elitist control which creates foreign policy disasters. Walt ’91 (Stephen, Prof. IR U. Chicago, International Studies Quarterly, “The Renaissance of Security Studies”, 35(2), June, p. 231-232) A Second Norm Is … self-interested parties. “View from Nowhere” accusations are self-contradictory Scharff, 07. (Robert. Department of Philosophy- University of New Hampshire. “On Weak Postpositivism: Ahistorical Rejections of the View from Nowhere.” Metaphilosophy.) All of this, however, is … as if from Nowhere. Social location destroys effective politics Smith, 94 (Sharon. Leading member of the US International Socialist Organization, International Socialism 62 Spring, http://www.isj.org.uk/index.php4?id=311) The politics of … of getting attention. Focus on social location allows the oppressors to stay in power Walby, 03. (Sylvia. Professor- University of Leeds. “Beyond the Politics of Location: The Power of Argument in a Global Era.” Feminist Theory.) Mohanty and other … scaling of differences. African Womanism (Towson RW) On March 29, 2011, the Bahraini police stormed the home of Ayat Al-Qurmezi. She was arrested for reading a poem critical of the Al-Khalifa government and the abuses it committed, the abuses the government of the United States permitted because of the role of Bahrain in our global security apparatus. We read her words as an act of solidarity with the Bahraini protesters: Hear me: You, the elder, the "good man", who "safeguards justice" (so you have always declared), if I were to make excuses for you, I, for you, for the things you have done, I would only look the fool, for you would continue in your ways, and murder us as "traitors". Hear me: Hear us all, for we all demand likewise - both sects, all Bahrainis: You must go. Take His Majesty with you, and leave your deeds behind. You, oppressor, from where do you derive your power, the power to keep your people down? - all your people, even women even children even men. Yet you call for "dialogue", even in the midst of your brutality? No! ... No! ... One word: No! One demand: Give us back our Bahrain. Return this country to its people; to us, its people. Our Bahrain is ours. No root cause. Blaming systems of thought or action is pointless. Violence is always proximately caused. Curtler ’97 (Hugh Mercer, Prof. Phil. – Southwest State U. “Rediscovering values: coming to terms with Postmodernism”, Netlibrary, p. 164-165) At the same time, … postmodernism, however. Debate about potential catastrophes enables preventative action Kurasawa, 04 Professor of Sociology at York University of Toronto [Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004] In the twenty-first century, … human rights violations). Critique can only overcome power and produce change when articulated in the language of hegemony Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 138-139) There are perhaps … deflect their claims. Refusal to participate in state institutions doesn’t mean that they go away; they’ll just get worse. They’ll just get filled in by the right-wing nut jobs who are the real root of the problem. Informed debate guided by real-world problem solving checks elitist control which creates foreign policy disasters. Walt ’91 (Stephen, Prof. IR U. Chicago, International Studies Quarterly, “The Renaissance of Security Studies”, 35(2), June, p. 231-232) A Second Norm Is … few self-interested parties. the alternatives focus on negativity and the importance of a particular starting point chills movements and prevents coalitional politics—our focus needs to be both global and local, both individual and state based—ONLY a global strategy willing to integrate disparate movements and demands can create effective, powerful movements. The lens of solidarity is essential to do so. Brand-Jacobsen, 2005[Kai Frithjof Brand-Jacobsen is founder and Director of the Peace Action, Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR) and Co-Director of TRANSCEND, and is on the Executive Board of the TRANSCEND Peace University (TPU) where he is Course Director for the courses Peacebuilding and Empowerment and War to Peace Transitions. He has worked in Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Russia, South Eastern Europe, North America, Colombia, Somalia, Cambodia, Aceh-Indonesia and the Middle East at the invitation of governments, inter-governmental organisations, UN agencies, and local organisations and communities. He has written and published widely, and is author of The Struggle Continues: The Political Economy of Globalisation and People's Struggles for Peace (Pluto, forthcoming), co-author, together with Johan Galtung and Carl Jacobsen, of Searching for Peace: The Road to TRANSCEND (Pluto, 2000 & 2002) and Editor of the TRANSCEND book series published together with Pluto Press, Constructive Peace Studies: Peace by Peaceful Means. He is a member of the Executive Board of the Journal of Peace and Development and the Executive Board of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution. In 1999 he was founder and Director of the Coalition for Global Solidarity and Social Development, and in 2000, together with Johan Galtung, he was founder of the Nordic Institute for Peace Research (NIFF). Since 1996 he has provided more than 250 training programmes in peacebuilding, development, and constructive conflict transformation to more than 4000 participants in 30 countries. http://www.globalsolidarity.org/articles/peace_means_kai.html] Peace by Peaceful Means Dear Friends, The discussions … are all necessary.
| 11/04/11 |
Tunisia Election Monitoring 1AC
- Tournament: Vanderbilt | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Plan Plan: The United States federal government should support the European Union Election Observation Mission for Tunisia. Contention 1 – Strategic Partnership The US-EU partnership is not strategic; that makes cooperation useless Hamilton and Burwell 10 [Daniel S, Executive Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations; Executive Director of the American Consortium on EU Studies; Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Research Professor at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins, and Frances, Vice President, Director of the Program on Transatlantic Relations at the Atlantic Council, former executive director of the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland, "The Setting: The United States and Europe in a G20 World," Chapter 1, http://transatlantic.sais-jhu.edu/bin/k/u/shoulder-to-shoulder-book-finaltext.pdf] The United States is the … do it, but it was painful. Coordination of democracy assistance to the Middle East is vital to retooling the alliance Wittes and Youngs 9 [Tamara, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs at the U.S. Department of State, research fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institute, and Richard, director general of FRIDE, assistant professor at the University of Warwick, “Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach,” January, The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, no 18, http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/2009/01_middle_eastern_democracy_wittes/01_middle_eastern_democracy_wittes.pdf Tensions between the United States … cautiously, be rebuilt. Democracy cooperation stabilizes the Black Sea region – It’s a conduit for instability throughout Eurasia Garber 08 - Deputy Assistant Secretary of State [Judy Garber, “Transatlantic Perspectives on Black Sea Region: U.S. seeks to promote cooperation among countries in the region,” Keynote Address at the Woodrow Wilson Center Conference, 10 June 2008, pg. http://www.america.gov/st/texttrans-english/2008/June/20080612162948eaifas0.3606836.html#ixzz1S5cj0Z00] The Black Sea lies at a … the broader Middle East. Escalation in the Black sea region causes extinction Amineh 03 – Professor of International Relations @ Webster University [Mehdi Parvizi Amineh, Ph.D (Ph. D in Poli Sci @ University of Amsterdam & Senior research fellow and Programme director of the Energy Programme Asia @ International Institute for Asian Studies) “Globalisation, Geopolitics and Energy Security in Central Eurasia and the Caspian Region,” Hand-out of lecture held on June 19 2003, Clingendael International Energy Programme, pg. http://www.clingendael.nl/ciep/events/20030619/20030619_amineh.pdf] The increasing involvement … the war and crisis in Iraq. *CEA = post-Soviet Central Eurasia Coordinated democracy assistance paves the way for future cooperation Amirah-Fernadez and Menedez 9 [Haizam, Seenior Analyst at the Mediterranean and Arab World Program at the Elcano Royal Institute for International and Strategic Studies and Irene, Juan March Foundation, “Reform in Comparative Perspective: US and EU Strategies of Democracy Promotion in the MENA Region after 9/11,” Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3, 325–338, December] Differences in approach … for political liberalisation. Failure to change our stance towards Europe ensures they become a counterweight – accesses every impact including North Korean nuclearization Stivachtis 10 – Director of International Studies Program @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute [Dr. Yannis. A. Stivachtis (Professor of Poli Sci @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute & Ph.D. in Politics & International Relations from Lancaster University), THE IMPERATIVE FOR TRANSATLANTIC COOPERATION,” The Research Institute for European and American Studies, 2010, pg. http://www.rieas.gr/research-areas/global-issues/transatlantic-studies/78.html] There is no doubt that …who do not share that vision. North Korean nuclearization triggers multiple scenarios for nuclear war – first strikes, proliferation, and loose nukes Baltutis, 09 (Aaryn, writer for the San Antonio Examiner. “North Korea's Infinitesimal Threat” 7-22-09. http://www.examiner.com/x-16803-San-Antonio-Political-Buzz-Examiner~y2009m7d22-North-Koreas-Infinitesimal-Threat) Despite U.S. State Department … right now more precarious. Korean war escalates to global nuclear war Rich, 09 (Instructor of Economics, History and Political Science @ Delaware County Community College [Don Rich (M.A. from John Hopkin University’s School of Advanced International Studies (90)), “North Korean Roulette: The Danger of the Sarajevo,” FEBRUARY 27, 2009 4:03PM pg. http://open.salon.com/blog/don_rich/2009/02/27/north_korean_roulette_the_danger_of_the_sarajevo.]) The extensive and complex … that cannot be definitively traced to anyone. Contention 2 – Democracy Failure to synergize US and EU approaches means neither is very effective – the best way to ensure democracy is to support on the ground EU programs Youngs 4 [Richard, Director of FRIDE, “Transatlantic Cooperation on Middle East Reform: A European Misjudgement?,” October, http://cddrl.stanford.edu/publications/transatlantic_cooperation_on_middle_east_reform_a_european_misjudgement/] Europeans risk becoming so …change in the Middle East. US-EU election monitoring needed to maintain progress towards democracy Walker and Tucker 11 [Christopher, director of studies at Freedom House; Vanessa, managing editor of Countries at the Crossroads, Freedom House’s annual analysis of democratic governance, “Tunisia: The Arab Spring's Pivotal Democratic Example,” August, http://www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=694] POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR … countries in the region. Coordinated assistance is the decisive variable in ensuring a democratic Tunisia Hamid 11 [Shadi, Director of Research at the Brookings Doha Center, Fellow at Saban Center for Middle East Policy, former Director of Research at the Project on Middle East Democracy, former Hewlett Fellow at Standard University’s Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law, “When Pro-Western Regimes Fall: What Should the U.S. Do?,” 1-13, http://www.democracyarsenal.org/2011/01/when-pro-western-regimes-fall-what-should-the-us-do-.html] One month ago, Tunisia … this is the time to stand? Tunisian transition is underway but it will fail. The short term risk is implosion – that risks instability and a reversion to authoritarianism PACIELLO 11 Research associate at Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome and lecturer in Economic and Political Geography of Development at La Sapienza University of Rome Maria Cristina Paciello, Tunisia: Changes and Challenges of Political Transition, MEDPRO Technical Report No. 3/May 2011 4. Possible scenarios for the future … political intentions are not yet clear. Middle East conflict triggers nuclear warfare—end of the Cold War increased the risk of escalation Primakov 9—President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation; Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; member of the Editorial Board of Russia in Global Affairs., article is based on the scientific report for which the author was awarded the Lomonosov Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2008 (Yevgeny, The Fundamental Problem, “The Middle East Problem in the Context of International Relations”, Russia in Global Affiars, Vol. 7, Number 3, July-September 2009, http://kms1.isn.ethz.ch/serviceengine/Files/ISN/105702/ichaptersection_singledocument/71a40dca-23cb-411d-9c5d-a7ce495e2522/en/12.pdf.] The Middle East conflict … rule out such a possibility. Tunisia provides a model of democracy for the rest of the Arab world Allen 11 [Michael, Editor of Democracy Digest, “Tunisia: home-grown revolution needs foreign support,” 1-27, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/01/home-grown-revolution-needs-foreign-support-say-tunisians/] The turbulence has given .. out manoeuvre the moderates.” Lack of an Arab model for democracy spells doom for other Middle East transitions Diamond 10 [Larry, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Freeman Spogli Institute at Stanford University and director of Stanford's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, “Why Are There No Arab Democracies?,” Journal of Democracy, Volume 21, Number 1, January] The second external factor is … clearly to liberal-democratic norms. Democracy spurs democracy – it makes it more attractive and more likely to be modeled SANDBERG 11 Associate Professor in Political Science at University of Halmstad, and Associate of, and Guest Researcher at the Centre for the Study of Cultural Evolution, Stockholm University [Mikael Sandberg, Soft Power, World System Dynamics, and Democratization: A Bass Model of Democracy Diffusion 1800-2000, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 14 (1) 4] Conclusion This article applies a system dynamics … systemic mix of these factors. US influence with emerging Middle East democracies key to contain Iran Feltman 11 [Jeffrey, Assistant Secretary of States, "House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Middle East and South Asia Hearing; on "Assessing U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities and Needs Amidst Economic Challenges in the Middle East." 3-10, Lexis] The Middle East is in … other interests in the region. Iranian hegemony causes nuclear war Ben-Meir 07 (Alon Ben-Meir professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs at NYU, Realpolitik: Ending Iran’s defiance, 2007, http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Security-Industry/2007/02/06/Realpolitik-Ending-Irans-defiance/UPI-69491170778058/) Feeling emboldened and unrestrained, Tehran … not halting its nuclear program. Democracy solves conflict – multiple ways LAPPIN 09 PhD candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Luc Reychler Richard Lappin, What Democracy? Exploring the Absent Centre of Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance, Journal of Peace, Conflict and Development, Issue 14, July 2009, http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/JPCD_ExploringAbsentCentrePostConflictDemocracyAssistance.pdf Security The relationship between democracy and … Ted Gurr, ―inhibits communal rebellion‖ 25 .
| 10/21/11 |
T Answers
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T – Must be Material Counter interpretation- election assistance is part of demo assistance Mitchell & Phillips, 2008 [Lincoln A., associate research scholar at Columbia University's Harriman Institute, David L., director of the Program on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding at. American University, THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY, Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies – Colombia University, The Atlantic Institute of the United States, “ENHANCING DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE,” January, http://www.acus.org/files/publication_pdfs/65/Enhancing%20Democracy%20Assistance.pdf] A toolbox of approaches … confidence in democratization. T- Its Use of intermediaries is how democracy assistance works Amirah-Fernadez and Menedez 9 [Haizam, Seenior Analyst at the Mediterranean and Arab World Program at the Elcano Royal Institute for International and Strategic Studies and Irene, Juan March Foundation, “Reform in Comparative Perspective: US and EU Strategies of Democracy Promotion in the MENA Region after 9/11,” Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3, 325–338, December] In terms of convergence, the … programmes are becoming increasingly ‘gradualist’. Its refers to the decision … can be by other groups Huber 8 [Daniela, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of International Relations, “Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies,” Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62, March, p. 45-6, Informaworld] Method looks at the way … country, or an international partner. for means groups currently working … the ground within a given country Lappin, 2010 [Richard, PhD candidate, Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, has participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, Carter Center, visiting scholar at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade under the JoinEU-SEE program, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation,” http://www.cejiss.org/sites/default/files/8.pdf] Democracy assistance can be most … , media groups and political parties. Should is equal to obligation WORDS AND PHRASES 53, Vol. 39, p. 313. The word “should”, denotes an … . Baldassarre v. West Oregon Lumber Co., 239 p.2d 839, 842, 198 Or. 556. Elections, governance, civil society are topical experts and especially carothers conclude. Lappin, 2010 [Richard, PhD candidate, Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, has participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, Carter Center, visiting scholar at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade under the JoinEU-SEE program, “POST-CONFLICT DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE: A STATE OF THE ART,” Jg.28, Vol.85, 2010, http://soc.kuleuven.be/web/files/9/51/Vol85.pdf] The Democracy Template Despite the … in post-conflict democracy assistance. Majority of democracy assistance programs are carried out by third parties – not US agencies Mitchell & Phillips 8 [Lincoln A., associate research scholar at Columbia University's Harriman Institute, David L., director of the Program on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding at. American University, THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY, Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies – Colombia University, The Atlantic Institute of the United States, “ENHANCING DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE,” January,http://www.acus.org/files/publication_pdfs/65/Enhancing%20Democracy%20Assistance.pdf] USAID‘s DG efforts include programs … grant support for their activities.
| 10/21/11 |
DA Answers
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Tunisian Elections Backsliding in Tunisia revitalizes terrorism Zarate and Gordon 11 ( David A. Gordon, Program Manager and a Research Assistant with the CSIS Transnational Threats Project, and Juan C. Zarate, Senior Adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the former Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism, Summer 2011, 'This is an abridgment of “The Battle for Reform with Al-Qaeda,” The Washington Quarterly Summer 2011) Even the very nature … of the Arab Spring. EU-US solves Archick 11 [Kristin, Specialist in European Affairs for the CRS, “U.S.-EU Cooperation Against Terrorism,” CRS, 7-18, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RS22030.pdf] Successive U.S. administrations and many Members … or finding sanctuary in Europe.
| 10/21/11 |
CP Answers
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Coordination CP Tunisia key to relations Durac and Cavatorta 9 [Vincent, Lecturer of International Politics of the Middle East at University College of Dublin, visiting lecturer in Middle East Politics in Bethlehem University in Palestine and External Examiner on the International Relations programme at the University of Plymouth, and Francesco, Lecturer in International Relations and Middle East Politics at Dublin City University, “Strengthening Authoritarian Rule through Democracy Promotion? Examining the paradox of the US and EU Security Strategies. The case of Bin Ali’s Tunisia,” British Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol 36, Issue 1, http://doras.dcu.ie/481/3/british_jour_midd_east_studies_2009.pdf] At first glance, …the European Union. UN Recommendation Global governance is a fantasy global problems don’t require global solutions Sally ‘5 (Razeen, Co-Dir of European Centre for International Political Economy, PhD from London School of Economics, Senior Research Associate @ South aFrican Institute of International Affairs, Visiting Prof. @ Institut D’Etudes Politiquas in Paris, Economic Affairs, “AID, DEVELOPMENT, GLOBAL GOVERNANCE: NEW INITIATIVES AND REHASHED IDEAS”, 25:3, September, Ebsco) Underlying these new aid … the path to development. Solvency deficit – consult causes delay Grieb ‘2 (Kenneth J. Grieb is Professor and Coordinator of International Studies at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. His is a author of several books dealing with Modern Latin American and United States Diplomatic History Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy – available via: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_gx5215/is_2002/ai_n19132358.) International relations … and regional issues. The elections are October 23 – delaying until after that makes monitoring useless Ottaway 11 [Marina, “Tunisia: The Revolution is Over, Can Reform Continue?,” 7-13, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/2011/07/13/tunisia-revolution-is-over-can-reform-continue/3ljo#] For that reason, … are in the government. UN do the plan Partnerships with the EU are critical to rebuilding US credibility in the Middle East Katulis, 9 – a Senior Fellow at American Progress, where his work focuses on U.S. national security policy in the Middle East and South Asia (Brian, “Democracy Promotion in the Middle east and the Obama Administration,” The Century Foundation) In addition to taking these … democracy in the Middle East. Legitimacy is key to ensure the stability of the international system Zakaria, 11 – Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University, & editor of Foreign Affairs magazine & Newsweek Internationa & professor of IR and political philosophy at Harvard and Columbia University (Fareed, “Post American World 2.0,” Published in 2011) 6. Legitimacy is power. The … the world for so long. Tax Credit CP can’t solve any of the aff- confusion, lack of coordination, and signal [and links to politics/spending] Dobransky 11 (Steve, Adjunct Professor of Political Science – Cleveland State University, and MA – Ohio University, “The Coming Crisis in U.S. Foreign Aid: Policy Options for the 21st Century”, American Diplomacy, 3-7, http://www.unc.edu/depts/diplomat/item/2011/0104/comm/dobransky_coming.html) Policy Option #6: Promote Private Organizations in addition to USAID and/or the MCC This option calls … the contractor Blackwater (now, Xe).
| 10/21/11 |
K Answers
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Neolib Their impacts are empirically denied. Democracy assistance transfers resources instead of extracting them and facilitates self-government instead of domination. Roland PARIS Director of the Centre for International Policy Studies and Prf. @ Graduate School of Public and International Affairs @ Ottawa ’10 “Saving Liberal Peacebuilding” Review of Int’l Studies 36 p. 348-350 Although there are … imperialism than others. The alternative’s totalizing understanding of capitalism makes endless revolutionary violence inevitable. Claiming you don’t advocate violence is insufficient – the negative’s social analysis structurally necessitates genocidal violence. Christopher Finlay, Prof of Political Theory @ University College Dublin. "Violence and Revolutionary Subjectivity." European Journal of Political Theory. 5(4). 2006. In line with this notion,… ‘as if by Grace’. Democracy checks the impacts of capitalism and is a pre-requisite to long-term solutions G. Shabbir CHEEMA Principal Adviser and Programme Director Division for Public Economics and Public Administration United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs AND Linda MAGUIRE Evaluation Specialist UNDP ‘1 unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/un/unpan005781.pdf p. 10-11 While it is often claimed ... to be short-lived. Orientalism Utopian realism is best—criticism of conventional IR is most effective when paired with concrete policies to alleviate US threats to others. Ken BOOTH E H Carr Professor of the Department of International Politics at Aberystywth University ‘5 Critical Security Studies and World Politics p. 272-276 Although constructivism … could not be higher. Alternative concepts for democracy assistance have no political traction. Their reframing gets stuck in academia. Milja KURKI Principal Investigator of ‘Political Economies of Democratisation’ & International Politics @ Aberystwyth ’11 “The Limitations of the 'Critical Edge': Reflections on Critical and Philosophical IR Scholarship Today” Millennium DOI: 10.1177/0305829811411997 p. 2-3 This pessimism on the … for the world at large.4 Focus on reps hinders understanding of policy by overlooking questions of agency and material structures Tuathail, 96 (Gearoid, Department of Georgraphy at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Political Geography, 15(6-7), p. 664, science direct) While theoretical debates … that is human history. The alternative sacrifices democracy on the alter of western theory Kacem 11 [Mehdi Belhaj, Tunisian writer and philosopher, “A Tunisian Renaissance: Interview with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem” translated by Joshua Jordan. http://www.lacan.com/thesymptom/?page_id=1046. ] As a Tunisian, I was … postmodern leftist fascist. Perpetual criticism of Orientalism is dogmatic and politically counter-productive. Being against power guarantees that nothing changes. Daniel VARISCO Chair of anthropology and director of Middle Eastern and Central Asia studies @ Hofstra ‘7 Reading Orientalism: Said and the Unsaid p. 287-289 By his own admission, …., to move on. Objectivism Our framework is to maximize the lives saved – it’s the only way to treat all people equally Cumminsky, 96 [David Cummisky, professor of philosophy @ Bates College, 96 Kantian Consequentialism, p. 145] We must not obscure …sacrifice some to save many. Emancipation and opportunity for autonomous choice-making in government is a universal human aspiration. Their criticism justifies oppression. Ronald INGLEHART Poli Sci @ Michigan AND Christian WELZEL Leuphana University Center for the Study of Democracy ‘5 Modernization, cultural change, and democracy p.288-291 Moral Aspects of Human Development …the" Asian values" debate. Plan isn’t new spending Sheridan 11 [Mary Beth, “U.S. to give $20 million to help Tunisia’s fledgling democracy,” 3-23, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/us-to-give-20-million-to-help-tunisias-fledgling-democracy/2011/03/22/AB3VpxEB_story.html] The State Department announced…who oversees the program. Valuing autonomy absolutely becomes a trojan horse for tyranny. Erich LOEWY Medicine @ Illinois ’91 Suffering and the Beneficient Community: Beyond Libertarianism p. 63-64 When communities assume …of absolute freedom.24,25 Value to life is inevitable. People have to be able to determine their own value. Shouldn’t abandon decision-making to market economics. Evaluating political and social consequences of policy proposals is necessary and no more demanding that decisions within markets. Greg HILL Dept of Finance Seattle ‘6 “Knowledge, Ignorance, and the Limits of the Price System” Critical Review 18: 4 p. 403-405 If we now follow the … at variance with one another. Market freedom requires coercion. Mark NOTTURNO Fellow @ Interactivity Foundation ‘8 “Economism, Freedom, and the ‘epistemology of ignorance’” Critical Review 18: 4 p. 434-436 The priority that Hayek …way of achieving" (1968,185).
| 10/21/11 |
Tunisia Political Party Support 1AC
- Tournament: Harvard | Round: 1 | Opponent: UK KK | Judge: Petite
The United States federal government should provide political party support in accordance with the European Union’s Tunisia neighborhood action plan. Advantage 1: Strategic Partnership The current US-EU partnership is not strategic – that makes cooperation useless Hamilton and Burwell 10 [Daniel S, Executive Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations; Executive Director of the American Consortium on EU Studies; Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Research Professor at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins, and Frances, Vice President, Director of the Program on Transatlantic Relations at the Atlantic Council, former executive director of the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland, "The Setting: The United States and Europe in a G20 World," Chapter 1, http://transatlantic.sais-jhu.edu/bin/k/u/shoulder-to-shoulder-book-finaltext.pdf] The United States ... it was painful. Coordination of Middle East democracy assistance is vital to retooling the alliance Wittes and Youngs 9 [Tamara, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs at the U.S. Department of State, research fellow at the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institute, and Richard, director general of FRIDE, assistant professor at the University of Warwick, “Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach,” January, The Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, no 18, http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/Files/rc/papers/2009/01_middle_eastern_democracy_wittes/01_middle_eastern_democracy_wittes.pdf Tensions between the ... cautiously, be rebuilt. Cooperation over democracy assistance is crucial to amending the alliance Melia, 9—Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, at the United States Department of State. Melia's portfolio includes Europe, South and Central Asia, and international labor rights. (Thomas, “Supporting Democracy Abroad: Transatlantic Cooperation at a Crossroads,” November 19th, 2009, http://transatlantic.sais-jhu.edu/transatlantic-topics/Articles/eu-us/forging-eu-us-partnership/us-eu_book_democracy_thomas_melia.pdf) The United States ... democracy in the world? Scenario 1: The Black Sea US-EU democracy cooperation stabilizes the Black Sea region – It’s a conduit for instability throughout Eurasia Garber 08 - Deputy Assistant Secretary of State [Judy Garber, “Transatlantic Perspectives on Black Sea Region: U.S. seeks to promote cooperation among countries in the region,” Keynote Address at the Woodrow Wilson Center Conference, 10 June 2008, pg. http://www.america.gov/st/texttrans-english/2008/June/20080612162948eaifas0.3606836.html#ixzz1S5cj0Z00] The Black Sea ... broader Middle East. Escalation in the Black sea region causes extinction Amineh 03 – Professor of International Relations @ Webster University [Mehdi Parvizi Amineh, Ph.D (Ph. D in Poli Sci @ University of Amsterdam & Senior research fellow and Programme director of the Energy Programme Asia @ International Institute for Asian Studies) “Globalisation, Geopolitics and Energy Security in Central Eurasia and the Caspian Region,” Hand-out of lecture held on June 19 2003, Clingendael International Energy Programme, pg. http://www.clingendael.nl/ciep/events/20030619/20030619_amineh.pdf] The increasing involvement ... crisis in Iraq. *CEA = post-Soviet Central Eurasia Scenario 2: North Korea Failure to change our stance towards Europe ensures they become a counterweight – accesses every impact, including North Korean nuclearization Stivachtis 10 – Director of International Studies Program @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute [Dr. Yannis. A. Stivachtis (Professor of Poli Sci @ Virginia Polytechnic Institute & Ph.D. in Politics & International Relations from Lancaster University), THE IMPERATIVE FOR TRANSATLANTIC COOPERATION,” The Research Institute for European and American Studies, 2010, pg. http://www.rieas.gr/research-areas/global-issues/transatlantic-studies/78.html] There is no doubt ... share that vision. North Korean nuclearization triggers multiple scenarios for nuclear war – first strikes, proliferation, and loose nukes Baltutis, 09 (Aaryn, writer for the San Antonio Examiner. “North Korea's Infinitesimal Threat” 7-22-09. http://www.examiner.com/x-16803-San-Antonio-Political-Buzz-Examiner~y2009m7d22-North-Koreas-Infinitesimal-Threat) Despite U.S. State ... now more precarious. Korean war escalates to global nuclear war Rich, 09 (Instructor of Economics, History and Political Science @ Delaware County Community College [Don Rich (M.A. from John Hopkin University’s School of Advanced International Studies (90)), “North Korean Roulette: The Danger of the Sarajevo,” FEBRUARY 27, 2009 4:03PM pg. http://open.salon.com/blog/don_rich/2009/02/27/north_korean_roulette_the_danger_of_the_sarajevo.]) The extensive and complex engagement of Four Great Powers, and that means in order of importance for the North, China, Japan, Russia, and of course the United States, ... traced to anyone. Advantage 2: Tunisia Policy Credibility in the Middle East is low now due to a lack coherent Tunisia policy. Robison 11 (Gordon, Teaches Middle East Politics at the University of Vermont, Taught Islamic history at Emerson College, Will Obama walk the talk in Tunisia?, Special Column @ Gulf News, January 26th, http://gulfnews.com/opinions/columnists/will-obama-walk-the-talk-in-tunisia-1.752012) America's political and ... the right thing. Despite successful elections, serious governmental support is necessary to prevent polarization of the Tunisian people Churchill, 11—an independent development consultant based in Tunisia. His blog, "A 21st Century Social Contract," offers a perspective on life in Tunis since the fall of President Zine el-Abedine Ben Ali (Erik, “Putting Tunisian Democracy to the Test,” October 17th, 2011, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/17/putting_tunisian_democracy_to_the_test) This Sunday, Tunisians ... Ben Ali regime. US backing of Tunisia specifically is essential to precipitate democracy. An emphasis on the economy will hinder political change Innocent, 11 – a foreign policy analyst at the Cato Institute and blogs for The Skeptics at The National Interest (Malou, “Populist Discontent in Tunisia,” January 18th, 2011, http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-skeptics/populist-discontent-tunisia-omen-other-us-backed-regimes-the-4739) Washington can take ... from bad to worse. Recognition of the Islamic government is key to reverse perceptions of the US Etzioni, 11— served as a senior advisor to the Carter White House; taught at Columbia University, Harvard, University of California at Berkeley and is a professor at The George Washington University (Amitai, “Tunisia: The First Arab Islamocracy,” October 26th, 2011, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/tunisia-the-first-arab-islamocracy-6084) Tunisia, significantly the ... we hold dear. Coordinated assistance is the decisive variable in ensuring a democratic Tunisia Hamid 11 [Shadi, Director of Research at the Brookings Doha Center, Fellow at Saban Center for Middle East Policy, former Director of Research at the Project on Middle East Democracy, former Hewlett Fellow at Standard University’s Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law, “When Pro-Western Regimes Fall: What Should the U.S. Do?,” 1-13, http://www.democracyarsenal.org/2011/01/when-pro-western-regimes-fall-what-should-the-us-do-.html] One month ago, ... the time to stand? The EU neighborhood policy is key to ensure long term political reform in Tunisia Dennison et al, 11—member of the European Council on Foreign Relations, which is the first pan-European think-tank. Launched in October 2007, its objective is to conduct research and promote informed debate across Europe on the development of coherent, effective and values-based European foreign policy (Susi, “After the Revolution: Europe and the Transition in Tunisia,” European Council on Foreign Relations, March 2011, ecfr.eu) Supporting the development ... region this time. Scenario 1: Credibility US credibility ensures the international order remains peaceful Hendrickson and Tucker, 4– * Robert J. Fox Distinguished Service Professor at Colorado College** Professor Emeritus of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University (David C. and Robert W., “The Sources of American Legitimacy,” Foreign Affairs, http://www.cfr.org/world/sources-american-legitimacy/p7473) THE ROAD HOME There is no simple ... that conviction again. Relative power is declining and regaining legitimacy is the only way to ensure that the United States seamlessly enters a post-American world with leverage and power to ensure the stability of the system Zakaria, 11 – Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University, & editor of Foreign Affairs magazine & Newsweek Internationa & professor of IR and political philosophy at Harvard and Columbia University (Fareed, “Post American World 2.0,” Published in 2011) 6. Legitimacy is power. ... world for so long. US will become uncooperative and desperate. Hegemonic wars will ensue. Goldstein 07 - Professor of Global Politics and International Relations @ University of Pennsylvania [Avery Goldstein, “Power transitions, institutions, and China's rise in East Asia: Theoretical expectations and evidence,” Journal of Strategic Studies, Volume 30, Issue 4 & 5 August 2007, pages 639 – 682] Two closely related, ... to the possible crossover.19 pg. 647-650 Power transition alone causes extinction Nye 90 - Former assistant secretary of defense and president of Harvard's Kennedy school of government (Joseph, Bound To Lead: The Changing Nature Of American Power 1990, p. 16-17) Some suggest that ... know it may end. Scenario 2: Democracy Tunisia provides a model of democracy for the rest of the Arab world Allen 11 [Michael, Editor of Democracy Digest, “Tunisia: home-grown revolution needs foreign support,” 1-27, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/01/home-grown-revolution-needs-foreign-support-say-tunisians/] The turbulence has ... manoeuvre the moderates.” Democracy solves conflict – multiple ways LAPPIN 09 PhD candidate at the Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Luc Reychler Richard Lappin, What Democracy? Exploring the Absent Centre of Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance, Journal of Peace, Conflict and Development, Issue 14, July 2009, http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/JPCD_ExploringAbsentCentrePostConflictDemocracyAssistance.pdf Security The relationship between ...inhibits communal rebellion‖ 25 .
| 11/04/11 |
K Answers
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Assistance K (UK KK) Permutation – do the plan and reject the politics of objectification. Perm – commitment to specific reforms key to break away from teleological liberal-democratic paradigm. Thomas CAROTHERS VP for Studies @ Carnegie Endowment for Peace ‘2 “The End of the Transition Paradigm” Journal of Democracy 13 (1) p. 17-19 It is hard ... and the state. Critique of democracy justifies slavery and genocide on the basis of relativism. Democracy is fundamental to emancipation. Ronald INGLEHART Poli Sci @ Michigan AND Christian WELZEL Leuphana University Center for the Study of Democracy ‘5 Modernization, cultural change, and democracy p. 300 Democracy is not ... worth striving for. Refusing democracy assistance is imperial autarky – people on the ground dislike US double-standards more than any political model Richard YOUNGS Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor @ Warwick ’11 “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion” http://www.fride.org/download/WP106_Liberal_Democracy2_jan11.pdf p. 5-7 Third, central to ... incumbent autocratic regimes. Spanos K (Concordia NS) Accept all ontologies. These questions are unresolvable. Arnd-Caddigan and Puzzuto ‘6 (Margaret, Assistant Prof. Soc. – East Carolina U. , and Richard, Associate Prof. Soc. – ECU, Qualitative Social Work, “Truth in Our Time”, 5:4, Sage) From the authors’ ...‘God’s eye’ perspective. Imperialism impacts are empirically denied. Democracy assistance transfers resources instead of extracting them and facilitates self-government instead of domination. Roland PARIS Director of the Centre for International Policy Studies and Prf. @ Graduate School of Public and International Affairs @ Ottawa ’10 “Saving Liberal Peacebuilding” Review of Int’l Studies 36 p. 348-350 Although there are ... imperialism than others. No policy failure. Language is clear enough to use common assumptions. Policy and theory do succeed on this basis. Harvey ’97 (Frank, Associate Prof. Pol. Sci. – Dalhousie U., “The Future’s Back: Nuclear Rivalry, Deterrence Theory, and Crisis Stability after the Cold War”, p. 138-139) Linguistic Relativism. One ... pursued that strategy. The end of western democracy does not mean the happy utopia the 1NC describes--rather, it is local authoritarian rule, a near guarantee of genocide, and the possibility of new nuclear wars. Shaw 2001 [Martin Shaw is a sociologist of global politics, war and genocide. He is Research Professor of International Relations at the University of Sussex The unfinished global revolution: intellectuals and the new politics of international relations http://www.martinshaw.org/unfinished.pdf] The new politics ... politics, are intertwined. Permutation – do the plan and rethink thinking, to retrieve the forgotten or airbrushed history that western metaphysics has left in its wake. This would include a retrieval of ontological criticism and the contradictory histories that informed our obliteration of Vietnam and imposition of democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq. Either the alternative is strong enough to overcome the plan or it is insufficient to overcome the imperialism that exists in the status quo. Utopian realism is best—criticism of conventional IR is most effective when paired with concrete policies to alleviate US threats to others. Ken BOOTH E H Carr Professor of the Department of International Politics at Aberystywth University ‘5 Critical Security Studies and World Politics p. 272-276 Although constructivism offers ... not be higher. Assistance scholarship no more suspect than critical theory – their authors face ideological, academic and career pressures. Dianne ROCHAELEAU Geography @ Clark ‘8 “Political ecology in the key of policy: From chains of explanation to webs of relation” Geoforum 39 (2) p. 716-727 (Science Direct) 4.2. The moral economy ... other living beings. Refusing democracy assistance is imperial autarky – people on the ground dislike US double-standards more than any political model Richard YOUNGS Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor @ Warwick ’11 “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion” http://www.fride.org/download/WP106_Liberal_Democracy2_jan11.pdf p. 5-7 Third, central to ... incumbent autocratic regimes. Reflexive advocacy avoids oppression Amartya SEN Nobel Prize in Economics ‘3 “Democracy and Its Global Roots Why democratization is not the same as Westernization” The New Republic October 6 p. 34-35 The value of public ... of current affairs. The alternative sacrifices democracy on the alter of western theory Kacem 11 [Mehdi Belhaj, Tunisian writer and philosopher, “A Tunisian Renaissance: Interview with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem” translated by Joshua Jordan. http://www.lacan.com/thesymptom/?page_id=1046. ] As a Tunisian, I ... postmodern leftist fascist. U.S. democracy assistance and leadership shouldn’t be reduced to imperialism. We should aim to build on the productive components of America’s overlapping democratic identities. Larbi SADIKI Politics @ Exeter ‘9 Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy p. 160-163 No deconstruction of ... to the GMEI. Our scenario-evaluations are crucial for ethically responsible politics. Theoretical kritik is insufficient—we need realistic as if stories to generate changes in practice. Michael C. WILLIAMS International Politics @ Wales (Aberystwyth) ‘5 The Realist Tradition and the Limits of International Relations p.165-167 Moreover, the links ... the same old dichotomies. Critique of democracy justifies slavery and genocide. Democracy is fundamental to emancipation. Ronald INGLEHART Poli Sci @ Michigan AND Christian WELZEL Leuphana University Center for the Study of Democracy ‘5 Modernization, cultural change, and democracy p. 300 Democracy is not ... worth striving for. Democratic advocacy avoids Westernization. Public reasonsing facilitates debate on key economic and social choices. Amartya SEN Nobel Prize in Economics ‘3 “Democracy and Its Global Roots Why democratization is not the same as Westernization” The New Republic October 6 p. 28-30 It is important to ... they were championed. Democratization movements must engage state institutions. Viviene TAYLOR Social Development @ Cape Town & Special Advisor to the Minister of Development (South Africa) ‘7 “Recasting Power and Transforming Governance: A feminist perspective from the South” Development 50 (1) p. 29 Some countries are ...engaging with power. Their impact is exaggerated – even minimal democratic gains contain liberatory potential. Jonas WOLFF Peace Research Inst. Frankfurt ‘8 “Three Tensions of External Democracy Promotion When a Universalist Script Clashes with Diverse Paths” http://www.wiscnetwork.org/ljubljana2008/papers/WISC_2008-328.pdf p. 16 The specific hegemonic ..., “something intrinsically revolutionary” (Guilhot 2005: 31). Shouldn’t cede the political on democracy assistance – promotes left authoritrarianism. Jonathan MURPHY Senior Lecturer in International Management @ Cardiff Business School ’10 “Democracy? That’s so last year”: exploring the backlash against democracy promotion” Paper presented to Critical Governance Studies conference Warwick University, December 13 – 14 2010 http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/wbs/projects/orthodoxies/papers/101213_muphy_j.pdf p. 19-22 There is a long ... democracy over authoritarianism. Baudrillard K (Concordia NS) Political focus on pain and suffering is crucial to our humanity Vivian Sobchack, Prof. of Theater, Film and Television @ UCLA, ’91 Science Fiction Studies 18.3, “Baudrillard's Obscenity,” p. jstor As I started out ... ourselves to death. Their attempt to dodge consequences reinforces conservative authoritarianism B. Franks, Prof. @ University of Glasgow,2007 Political Ideologies 12.2, “Postanarchisms: a critical assessment,” http://eprints.gla.ac.uk/4472/1/4472.pdf To return to .. anti-hierarchical social relations. (22-4) “Simulation” doesn’t preclude normative policy making Ziauddin Sardar, Professor of Postcolonial Studies, Department of Arts Policy and Management at City University, London, 98 Postmodernism and the Other, p. 24-7 It is futile to ... for genuine debate. Epistemology doesn’t determine policies Owen 02 [David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton, Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7] Commenting on the ... vicious circle arises. Relegating human suffering to the realm of simulation is just nihilism, crushing politics. Kellner, 89 Phil. Chair @ UCLA, 1989, Jean Baudrillard, p. 107-8, Douglas Yet does the ... to embrace nihilism (see 4.4). Cuomo K (Concordia NS) they can’t solve—feminism can be easily coopted for militarism Blanchard, School of International Relations at the University of Southern California, 2003 (Eric, Signs, Summer, ebscohost) As state managers ... our critical attention. Incorporating their representation of non-military threats into security would paralyze policymaking because it makes the response to structural violence seem too insurmountable WALT 1991 (Stephen, Professor at the University of Chicago, International Studies Quarterly 35) Because nonmilitary phenomena ... these important problems. Security K (Concordia NS) Security key to avoid fascism—We should manage violence instead of trying to create a metapolitics of difference and peace. Ole WAEVER Senior Research Fellow @ Copenhagen Peace Research Inst. ‘2K in International Relations Theory and the Politics of European Integration eds. Kelstrup and Williams p. 284-285 The other main ... and mutual vilification. Kato K (Concordia NS) Foreclosing representations of the nuclear apocalypse prevents rational action to prevent nuclear war Saint-Amour, professor of English at Pomona College, 2000 (Paul, Diacritics, 30.4, projectmuse) The call for ... is really over. Refusing to confront the possibility of nuclear war fosters complacency and thwarts efforts to stop apocalypse Schell, 1982 (Jonathan, Journalist and Peace Activist, “The Fate of the Earth,” p. 231) Two paths lie ... from the end. Fear K (Concordia NS) Fear appeals mobilize for action against nuclear war. And failure to discuss the consequences of nuclear war means the discussion gets dominated by trivial issues that lose focus on preventing war. Caldicott ’86 (Helen, MD, Founder – Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament, Co-Founder – Physicians for Social Responsibility, and Lecturer – New School for Social Research on the Media, Global Politics and the Environment, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, “Helen Caldicott on Tactics”, May, Ebsco) "A Historical View ... of Nuclear War.
| 11/04/11 |
DA Answers
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USAID Trade-Off - Pakistan (UK KK) Alt causes – Pakistan’s screwed Sheikh 08 (Nawal, 10/28, “Global financial recession and Pakistan,” The Nation http://www.nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/Opinions/Columns/29-Oct-2008/Global-financial-recession-and-Pakistan/1) It seems as ... here as well. Younger generation, new diplomacy, and new responsibilities make Indo-Pak nuclear war impossible CSM 8/1/11 (Talking is Good, Christian Science Monitor, http://www.thespec.com/opinion/editorial/article/570954--talking-is-good) Exhibit A is ... Nations Security Council. Recent budget negotiations mean that if something’s on the chopping block, it should’ve already been cut. Pincus, 10-1-11 [Walter, Washington Post, “State Dept. reeling from budget cuts,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/state-dept-reeling-from-budget-cuts/2011/09/29/gIQAm87ODL_story.html] The State Department ... to her agency. US and EU partnership means the plan goes through MEPI Amirah-Fernadez and Menedez 9 [Haizam, Seenior Analyst at the Mediterranean and Arab World Program at the Elcano Royal Institute for International and Strategic Studies and Irene, Juan March Foundation, “Reform in Comparative Perspective: US and EU Strategies of Democracy Promotion in the MENA Region after 9/11,” Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3, 325–338, December] In terms of ... becoming increasingly ‘gradualist’. Tunisia means the plan goes through MEPI Sheridan 11 [Mary Beth, “U.S. to give $20 million to help Tunisia’s fledgling democracy,” 3-23, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/us-to-give-20-million-to-help-tunisias-fledgling-democracy/2011/03/22/AB3VpxEB_story.html] The State Department ... oversees the program. MEPI’s not USAID Allen 9 [Michael, editor of Democracy Digest, “MEPI – empowering democratic actors, reflecting local needs,” 5-29, http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2009/05/2567/] The Middle East ... MEPI local grants. Even if there is a tradeoff – it’d be from Yemen WORLD TRIBUNE 9 – 9 - 11 http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/WTARC/2011/af_tunisia1132_09_09.asp The Pentagon proposal ... the official said. China Bashing - Boehner Capital (UK KK) No trade war from the bill Paul 10-13 [Scott N. Paul is the founding Executive Director of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, Chinese Currency Bill Won't Spark Trade War, http://www.usnews.com/debate-club/should-congress-interfere-with-chinas-currency-policies/chinese-currency-bill-wont-spark-trade-war] The consequences of ... level playing field. No risk of U.S.-China war – the PRC knows it would get crushed in a conflict and would need to build up its military for more than 10 years to stand a chance. Bandow 3-7-08 (Doug, former senior fellow at the Cato Institute and former columnist with Copley News Service. “Turning China into the Next Big Enemy.” http://www.antiwar.com/bandow/?articleid=12472) But the Defense ... first strike capability. China bashing inevitable – Obama will just use the WTO Reuters 10-13 [Analysis: Obama to challenge China on trade as election nears http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/10/13/us-usa-china-trade-idUSTRE79C72820111013] The Obama administration, ... complaint, Bacchus said. No chance of a discharge petition Dayden 10-12 [David, Senate Passes China Currency Bill, http://news.firedoglake.com/2011/10/12/senate-passes-china-currency-bill/] The one tool ... night’s Presidential debate. Payroll Tax Cuts (MSU BC) US-EU relations key to global economic growth. Combine GDP is 57% of the world economy – counterweighting from Europe would destroy international trade and economic growth. Rhan, director general of the Institute for Global Economic Growth and an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute 07 (Richard, June 19, The Dangers of European Anti-Americanism, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=8286) The rise of anti–Americanism ...f the world's total. Tax cut doesn’t boost the economy – consensus of economists. Lochhead 9-11 [Carolyn, Economists doubt payroll tax cut will create jobs, http://articles.sfgate.com/2011-09-11/news/30141162_1_jobs-plan-president-obama-obama-plan] Economists are ... the Obama plan. Econ decline doesn’t cause war. It’s empirically denied by the last recession and the three oil shocks in the past half century. And, econ decline means countries can’t rally support or get together the resources to go to war – they’re more likely to turn inward. D. Scott Bennett and Timothy Nordstrom, February 2k. Department of Political Science Professors at Pennsylvania State. “Foreign Policy Substitutability and Internal Economic Problems in Enduring Rivalries,” Journal of Conflict Resolution, Ebsco. In this analysis, ... substitutability between them. Link’s inevitable. Obama pushed close to $55 million in new Tunisian aid since January, and promised another $30 million in loan guarantees. CBS, 10-7-2011. (“Obama says US has enormous stake in Tunisia.” <http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/10/07/ap/preswho/main20117458.shtml>) President Barack Obama ... Tunisia since January. No payroll cut – key GOP opposition Sullivan 11-7 [Andy Sullivan, Reuters, Top Republican opposes extending U.S. payroll tax cut, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/07/us-washington-summit-tax-payroll-idUSTRE7A66W420111107] President Barack Obama's ...an open question. Not top of the agenda. Democrats aren’t putting jobs issues on the floor until later in the year because they want to increase urgency to get it passed. The alternative is a Republican filibuster. Beutler 11-1 (Brian, Talking Point Memo’s senior congressional reporter, “Senate Dems Face Major Challenge On Key Part Of Obama Jobs Bill,” http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/11/senate-dems-face-major-challenge-on-key-part-of-obama-jobs-bill.php DA: 11/4/11) Senate Democrats will ... must-pass measures. Obama will just do it via executive order. He’s started taking a series of actions to do the jobs plan internally, because EVERY Republican voted against the original one. NYT 10-23 [Jackie Calmes, Jobs Plan Stalled, Obama to Try New Economic Drive, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/24/us/politics/jobs-plan-stalled-obama-to-try-new-economic-drive.html] With his jobs plan ... to a vote. Winners win. Hunter 10 [Daily Kos Contributing Editor, Political death by a thousand cuts, http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2010/11/17/921164/-Political-death-by-a-thousand-cuts] It may be a petty, ... little power plays. No capital – internal tension and no credibility Ambinder 11-8 [Marc, Why Rouse's Expanded White House Role Isn't a Vote Against Daley, http://www.nationaljournal.com/whitehouse/why-rouse-s-expanded-white-house-role-isn-t-a-vote-against-daley-20111108?mrefid=mostViewed] As the press ... "we can't wait."
| 11/04/11 |
CP Answers
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EU Funds the NED to do the plan (UK KK) It doesn’t solve the perception internal link - not perceived as the US. Sims 90 – Researcher for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs [Beth Sims, National Endowment for Democracy (NED): A Foreign Policy Branch Gone Awry, A Policy Report by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs and the Inter-Hemispheric Education Resource Center, 1990] NED is a grant-making ... United States. Pg. 28 Permutation – do the counterplan. It could be normal means. Carothers 09 – Vice-president and Director of the Democracy and Rule of Law Program @ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace [Thomas Carothers, “REVITALIZING U.S. DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE: THE CHALLENGE OF USAID,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2009 12:15 P.M., pg. http://carnegieendowment.org/files/1029carnegie-carothers_final.pdf] Now, just as ... Challenge Corporation and others. Deep distrust for the NED – means it doesn’t solve Sussman 10 - Professor of Urban Studies and Communications at Portland State University [Gerald Sussman, Branding Democracy: US Regime Change in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe, 2010] As noted in ... against U.S. interference (Conry 1993). Pg. 81 Forum CP (MSU BC) Permutation – do both. Solves the net benefit and EU defangs the cost. Plan is a prerequisite to effective dialogues. Jones and Liberatore 10 [Erik and Angela, “Mapping the Future of the EU-US Partnership: Policy and Research Perspectives,” 1-25, http://ec.europa.eu/research/social-sciences/pdf/eu-us-conference-proceedings_en.pdf] There is no single ... for action first. CP is counterproductive – meetings are a waste of time and don’t contribute strategically Pawlak 11 [Patryk, Research Fellow at the EUISS, Ph.D in political science from the European University Institute of Florence, visiting scholar at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, the Center for International Relations, Center for Peace and Security Studies at Georgetown University and the Centre for European Policy Studies, “Conclusion: Transatlantic integration and the practice of cooperation,” http://www.iss.europa.eu/uploads/media/Transatlantic2011.pdf] A quick look at ... towards the US. CP is worse– adds bureaucracy without increasing effectiveness Ries 9 [Charles, Director of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy; Senior Fellow, “U.S.-EU Responses to Globalization – Working Papers Organizing a More Strategic U.S.-EU Partnership,” 12-16, http://transatlantic.sais-jhu.edu/bin/u/h/us-eu_book_organizing_charles_ries.pdf] 1. The U.S.-EU relationship ... better the discussion.
| 11/04/11 |
T Answers
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T- It's Democracy Assistance (UK KK) Its refers to the decision to support democracy only – the design and implementation can be by other groups Huber 8 [Daniela, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of International Relations, “Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies,” Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62, March, p. 45-6, Informaworld] Method looks at ... an international partner. Support to political parties is democracy assistance Mitchell & Phillips, 2008 [Lincoln A., associate research scholar at Columbia University's Harriman Institute, David L., director of the Program on Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding at. American University, THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE ON AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY, Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies – Colombia University, The Atlantic Institute of the United States, “ENHANCING DEMOCRACY ASSISTANCE,” January, http://www.acus.org/files/publication_pdfs/65/Enhancing%20Democracy%20Assistance.pdf] A toolbox of ... and service delivery. T- Its/For (MSU BC) Its refers to the decision to support democracy only – the design and implementation can be by other groups Huber 8 [Daniela, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of International Relations, “Democracy Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Comparison of US and EU Policies,” Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 13, No. 1, 43–62, March, p. 45-6, Informaworld] Method looks at ... an international partner. for means groups currently working for democracy on the ground within a given country Lappin, 2010 [Richard, PhD candidate, Centre for Peace Research and Strategic Studies at the University of Leuven in Belgium, has participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, Carter Center, visiting scholar at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade under the JoinEU-SEE program, “What We Talk About When We Talk About Democracy Assistance: The Problem of Definition in Post-Conflict Approaches to Democratisation,” http://www.cejiss.org/sites/default/files/8.pdf] Democracy assistance can ... and political parties.
| 11/11/11 |
Tunisia Political Party Support 1AC version 2
- Tournament: Wake | Round: 1 | Opponent: Rochester BC | Judge: JV Reed
The United States federal government should provide political party support in accordance with the European Union’s Tunisia neighborhood action plan. Advantage 1: Strategic Cooperation The current US-EU partnership is not strategic – that makes cooperation useless Hamilton and Burwell 10 [Daniel S, Executive Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations; Executive Director of the American Consortium on EU Studies; Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Research Professor at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins, and Frances, Vice President, Director of the Program on Transatlantic Relations at the Atlantic Council, former executive director of the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland, "The Setting: The United States and Europe in a G20 World," Chapter 1, http://transatlantic.sais-jhu.edu/bin/k/u/shoulder-to-shoulder-book-finaltext.pdf] The United States ... it was painful. Cooperation over the Arab Spring creates a framework for effective cooperation on the Durban climate rounds Castello-Catchot 11 [Carles Castello-Catchot, assistant director of the Atlantic Council’s Strategic Foresight Project, “A Transatlantic Weakness to Avoid”, New Atlanticist Policy and Analysis Blog at Atlantic Council, 9-19-2011, http://www.acus.org/new_atlanticist/transatlantic-weakness-avoid] The transatlantic community ... to shape, and win. US-EU cooperation at Durban key to solve climate change Hanley 11 [Charles J. Hanley, “EU hopes for climate roadmap, with US on the road”, Associated Press (reprinted at Taiwan News), 9-22-2011, http://www.taiwannews.com.tw/etn/news_content.php?id=1713899] Europe would renew ... nations would do. The effects of climate change are scientifically verified and will be catastrophic if no action is taken Holdren 09 - Assistant to the President of the United States for Science and Technology and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy [John P. Holdren (Former Professor of Environmental Policy and Director of the Program on Science, Technology, and Public Policy @ Harvard University & Former Professor of Environmental Science and Policy in Harvard's Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, and Director of the Woods Hole Research Center) "Climate-Change Skeptics Revisited." Paper, Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, August 5, 2008 pg. http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/publication/18472/climatechange_skeptics_revisited.html] Appreciation for this ... place their bets. A refusal to engage politically will further rollbacks of environmental protection by the right – this risks extinction. The plan’s focus on reformism is a necessary first step towards more systemic criticism Wapner 08 - Associate Professor and Director of the Global Environmental Politics Program in the School of International Service at American University (Paul, Global Environmental Politics, February, “The Importance of Critical Environmental Studies in the New Environmentalism,” Project Muse) To many readers, ... structural political transformation. Focus on climate change is the only way to convince people to take political action BAZERMAN 06 Jesse Isidor Straus Professor of Business Administration at Harvard [Max H. Bazerman, “Climate Change as Predictable Surprise,” Climate Change (July 2006): 1-15] 5. Conclusions Climate change, due ... of climate policy. Management of nature is inevitable – attempts to end our influence over nature cause massive ecological destruction Lewis 92 Professor of Geography at George Washington University [Martin “Green Delusions”] Radical environmentalism presents ... already industrialized society. Advantage 2: Intervention Despite successful elections, serious governmental support is necessary to prevent polarization of the Tunisian people Churchill, 11—an independent development consultant based in Tunisia. His blog, "A 21st Century Social Contract," offers a perspective on life in Tunis since the fall of President Zine el-Abedine Ben Ali (Erik, “Putting Tunisian Democracy to the Test,” October 17th, 2011, http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/17/putting_tunisian_democracy_to_the_test) This Sunday, Tunisians ... Ben Ali regime. Political infighting will reverse Tunisia’s democratic trajectory and increase military control Sayigh, 11-1-2011. (Yezid Sayigh is a senior associate at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut. “Armies and Civilians in the Arab Spring.” <http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Commentary/2011/Nov-01/152732-armies-and-civilians-in-the-arab-spring.ashx#axzz1d3Kdf2Zt>) But how easily ... certainly limited democracy. Western support is critical to prevent a slide toward “light” authoritarianism Abaza, 2011. (Khairi Abaza is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a non-partisan policy institute that aims to promote democracy. 1-24-2011. “As Tunisia's army quells chaos, will it hinder democracy?” <http://www.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/01/21/abaza.tunisia.military/index.html> The fear and chaos ...l of the country. Democratic backsliding destabilizes the country and causes a violent escalation Paciello 11 Research associate at Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome and lecturer in Economic and Political Geography of Development at La Sapienza University of Rome Maria Cristina Paciello, Tunisia: Changes and Challenges of Political Transition, MEDPRO Technical Report No. 3/May 2011 4. Possible scenarios for ... not yet clear. Tunisian leaders have asked for US assistance WSJ, 2011. (Joe Lieberman. “The Arab Spring’s First Democratic Election.” <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204346104576637291577418566.html>) Second, the U.S. should redouble its engagement in Tunisia after the elections—especially with new assembly members, political parties, and the civil society and ... leaders are seeking. Refusing assistance is an instance of US imperialism Richard YOUNGS Director of FRIDE and Associate Professor @ Warwick ’11 “Misunderstanding the maladies of liberal democracy promotion” http://www.fride.org/download/WP106_Liberal_Democracy2_jan11.pdf p. 5-7 Third, central to ... incumbent autocratic regimes. Tunisian democratic failure spills over – it’s the model The Guardian, 10-21-2011. (“Libya and Tunisia: Two Faces of the Arab Spring.” <http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/oct/22/libya-tunisia-arab-spring-editorial?newsfeed=true>) Two divergent paths ... the very start. The US will respond to instability in the region with intervention - Libya set a precedent Eland, 2011. (Ivan Eland is Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute. Dr. Eland is a graduate of Iowa State University and received an M.B.A. in applied economics and Ph.D. in national security policy from George Washington University. He has been Director of Defense Policy Studies at the Cato Institute, and he spent 15 years working for Congress on national security issues, including stints as an investigator for the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Principal Defense Analyst at the Congressional Budget Office. “Libyan Victory Portends Endless Intervention.” <http://www.eurasiareview.com/03112011-libya-victory-portends-endless-intervention-oped/>) NATO’s “victory” in ... similar Western interventions. Hands-off approaches to the Arab Spring devolve into Orientalist autarchy Larbi SADIKI Politics @ Exeter ‘11 http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/05/2011531132934920499.html Egypt and Tunisia ... incapacity to speak back.
| 11/22/11 |
K Answers
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Virilio K (Rochester BD) History provides no guidance – there is nothing to say that today’s experience of speed is fundamentally different from any other. Focusing on history risks making us dead and blind to present problems like the AFF. Derrida ’84 (Jaques Derrida, Prof. of Humanities – UC Irvine, “No Apocalypse, Not Now,” Diacritics, Summer, JSTOR) We are speaking of ... or intimidation. Debate about potential catastrophes enables preventative action– spurs collective solutions to nuclear war and environmental threats Kurasawa, 04 Professor of Sociology at York University of Toronto [Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004] In the twenty-first century, ... human rights violations). Even if the plan never happens, we should pretend that it does – key to actual change and empowerment Innes and Booher ’99 (Judith, Director – Institute of Urban and Regional Development and Professor at UC Berkeley and David, Visiting Scholar at the Institute, Journal of the American Planning Association, Winter, Vol. 65, Iss. 1) Our observation and ... sense empowers individuals. Reps-focus fails. It ignores the underlying material structures that create the representations. Only the aff makes in-roads to altering the structures that create negative representations. Taft-Kaufman, 95 (Jill, professor, Department of Speech Communication And Dramatic Arts, at Central Michigan University, Southern Communication Journal, Spring, proquest) The postmodern passwords ... that fuel them. Focus on representations directly trades off with building effective strategy for dealing with security issues. Olav. F. Knudsen, Prof @ Södertörn Univ College, ‘1 [Security Dialogue 32.3, “Post-Copenhagen Security Studies: Desecuritizing Securitization,” p. 361] Drawing on the ... it as ‘desecuritization’. Embracing insecurity is a strategy of the privileged. Their alternatives presumes some degree of personal security necessary for the freedom to live life as you choose. Ken BOOTH IR @ Aberystwyth ‘7 Theory of World Security p. 104-105 Perhaps the most ... the first place. Fear inevitable – the aff isn’t an decrease, just a reallocation Sandman & Lanard, 2003 [Peter Ph.D. in Communication and Professor at Rutgers specializing in crisis communication; Jody, Psychiatrist, “Fear of Fear,” http://www.psandman.com/col/fear.htm] Fearfulness is so ... to frighten them. Repeated meta-analyses prove fear appeals motivate adaptive behavior. Witte and Allen ’00 (Kim, Prof. Comm. – MSU, and Mike, Prof. Comm. – U. Wisconsin Milwaukee, Health Education & Behavior, “A Meta-Analysis of Fear Appeals: Implications for Effective Public Health Campaigns”, 27:5, October, Sage Journals) At least three ..., and behavior change. Value is individual – a universal claim of no value destroys autonomy – turning the K SCHWARTZ, HENDRY, & PREECE 04 Professional Metaphysician, Senior Lecturer, General Practicianer Professor, Academic Surgeon [“Medical Ethics: A case based approach,” Lisa, Paul, and Robert] Those who choose ... ends in themselves. Representations of death and extinction are vital to challenging corporations and states that would have you believe otherwise—our deployment of these representations are vital to challenging the normalization of the apocalypse McMurray, 96 (Andrew, Indiana University, Postmodern Culture, March, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/postmodern_culture/v006/6.3mcmurry.html) This idea that the ...malignant global economy. U.S. democracy assistance and leadership isn’t reducible to imperialism. The US has a multifaceted persona that the impact doesn’t account for – commitment to democracy has grown exponentially with the it’s role as a superpower. Larbi SADIKI Politics @ Exeter ‘9 Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy p. 160-163 No deconstruction of ... to the GMEI. Iraq/Afghanistan comparison is a red-herring – failures of coercive regime change prove we should do case by case evaluation. Laurence WHITEHEAD Politics Fellow @ Nuffield College ‘9 “Losing ‘the Force’? The ‘Dark Side’ of democratization after Iraq” Democratization 16 (2) p. 237-238 In this exploratory ... years to come. Reflexivity about the dangers of democracy assistance retains the emancipatory and utopian potential of their alternative. Jonas WOLFF Peace Research Inst. Frankfurt ‘8 “Three Tensions of External Democracy Promotion When a Universalist Script Clashes with Diverse Paths” http://www.wiscnetwork.org/ljubljana2008/papers/WISC_2008-328.pdf p. 18-19 The result of this ... ambitions and means. Imperialism impacts are empirically denied. Democracy assistance transfers resources instead of extracting them and facilitates self-government instead of domination. Roland PARIS Director of the Centre for International Policy Studies and Prf. @ Graduate School of Public and International Affairs @ Ottawa ’10 “Saving Liberal Peacebuilding” Review of Int’l Studies 36 p. 348-350 Although there are ... imperialism than others. Alterations of the democracy assistance process fail – there’s only a risk the aff solves by being actively responsive to local requests Michele ACUTO Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy, School of Social Sciences, and Department of International Relations @ Australian Nat’l ‘8 “Wilson Victorious? Understanding Democracy Promotion in the Midst of a "Backlash"” Alternatives 33 p. 465-467 Among the various ... translated into practice? even minimal democratic gains contain liberatory potential Jonas WOLFF Peace Research Inst. Frankfurt ‘8 “Three Tensions of External Democracy Promotion When a Universalist Script Clashes with Diverse Paths” http://www.wiscnetwork.org/ljubljana2008/papers/WISC_2008-328.pdf p. 16 The specific hegemonic ... intrinsically revolutionary” (Guilhot 2005: 31). Even if liberalism is inadequate – it would be a lot better than the status quo. Liberalism isn’t the root cause of existing harms because conservativism, not liberalism is the dominant global ideology. Romand COLES Political Theory @ Duke ‘5 Beyond Gated Politics: Reflections for the Possibility of Democracy p. xxi Political liberalism is ... theirs - be fruitful. Incorporating their representation of non-military threats into security would paralyze policymaking because it makes the response to structural violence seem too insurmountable WALT 1991 (Stephen, Professor at the University of Chicago, International Studies Quarterly 35) Because nonmilitary phenomena ... these important problems. [Sissela, Professor of Philosophy, Brandeis, “Applied Ethics and Ethical Theory,” Ed. David Rosenthal and Fudlou Shehadi] The same argument ... world not perish. Ecoapocalypse K (Concordia NS) Reps-focus fails. It ignores the underlying material structures that create the representations. Only the aff makes in-roads to altering the structures that create negative representations. Taft-Kaufman, 95 (Jill, professor, Department of Speech Communication And Dramatic Arts, at Central Michigan University, Southern Communication Journal, Spring, proquest) The postmodern passwords ... that fuel them. Saving the environment requires effective political engagement—environmental philosophers must abandon abstract ‘biocentric’ theorizing in order to build the public support necessary to create effective policies. Avner De-Shalit, 2000. Professor of Political Theory at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Associate Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Environment, Ethics, and Society, Mansfield College, Oxford University. “The Environment: Between Theory and Practice,” p. 4-6, Questia. However, it would be ... replace political philosophy. Even if our claims should be critically examined, they should still be used as the starting point for philosophy in order to appeal to the public. Avner De-Shalit, 2000. Professor of Political Theory at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Associate Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Environment, Ethics, and Society, Mansfield College, Oxford University. “The Environment: Between Theory and Practice,” p. 29-30, Questia. A theory in political ... economical considerations, etc.) Apocalyptic representations spur movement for action Fuyuki Kurasawa, December 2004. Professor of Sociology, York University of Toronto. “Cautionary Tales: The Global Culture of Prevention and the Work of Foresight,” Constellations 11.4, Ebsco. In the twenty-first ... human rights violations). The alt doesn’t solve the aff - only a pragmatic approach can solve real world environmental problems. Bryan G. Norton, 2005. Ph.D. Professor of Philosophy at Georgia Tech, Ivan Allen College School of Public Policy. “Sustainability: A Philosophy of Adaptive Ecosystem Management,” p. 48-49, Google Books. One of the defining ... values, and goals. Reps-focus fails. It ignores the underlying material structures that create the representations. Only the aff makes in-roads to altering the structures that create negative representations. Taft-Kaufman, 95 (Jill, professor, Department of Speech Communication And Dramatic Arts, at Central Michigan University, Southern Communication Journal, Spring, proquest) The postmodern passwords ... that fuel them. We must point out environmental problems in order to spur action Casey 03 Distinguished Professor at SUNY Stonybrook [Ed “Eco-Phenomenology” (p. 187-88)] An ethics of ... nothing will ensue. Assistance scholarship no more suspect than critical theory Dianne ROCHAELEAU Geography @ Clark ‘8 “Political ecology in the key of policy: From chains of explanation to webs of relation” Geoforum 39 (2) p. 716-727 (Science Direct) 4.2. The moral economy ... other living beings. Repeated meta-analyses prove fear appeals motivate adaptive behavior. Witte and Allen ’00 (Kim, Prof. Comm. – MSU, and Mike, Prof. Comm. – U. Wisconsin Milwaukee, Health Education & Behavior, “A Meta-Analysis of Fear Appeals: Implications for Effective Public Health Campaigns”, 27:5, October, Sage Journals) At least three ..., and behavior change. Value is individual – a universal claim of no value destroys autonomy – turning the K SCHWARTZ, HENDRY, & PREECE 04 Professional Metaphysician, Senior Lecturer, General Practicianer Professor, Academic Surgeon [“Medical Ethics: A case based approach,” Lisa, Paul, and Robert] Those who choose ... as ends in themselves. Prior questions don’t determine policies. Focus on epistemology devolves into reduction-ist theory-driven paradigm in which we strive for epistemic perfection, and so we never engage in action. Owen 02 [David Owen, Reader of Political Theory at the Univ. of Southampton, Millennium Vol 31 No 3 2002 p. 655-7] Commenting on the ... vicious circle arises. The aff supports the Islamist ruling party – that breaks down Orientalist hierarchies. Andrea TETI IR @ Aberdeen ‘7 “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism” http://www.abdn.ac.uk/pir/notes07/Level5/PI5000/Teti%202007%20Confessions%20of%20a%20Dangerous%20Paradigm.pdf Perhaps the best ... against infectious irrationality Serial policy failure is only a call for preventive action – like the aff. The alternative is quick-fixes that don’t solve anything because the problem is too complex. Kurasawa, 04 (Professor of Sociology, York University of Toronto, Fuyuki, Constellations Volume 11, No 4, 2004). Moreover, keeping in ... if left unchallenged. The end of western democracy does not mean the happy utopia the 1NC describes--rather, it is local authoritarian rule, a near guarantee of genocide, and the possibility of new nuclear wars. Shaw 2001 [Martin Shaw is a sociologist of global politics, war and genocide. He is Research Professor of International Relations at the University of Sussex The unfinished global revolution: intellectuals and the new politics of international relations http://www.martinshaw.org/unfinished.pdf] The new politics ... politics, are intertwined. Permutation – do the plan and rethink thinking, to retrieve the forgotten or airbrushed history that western metaphysics has left in its wake. This would include a retrieval of ontological criticism and the contradictory histories that informed our obliteration of Vietnam and imposition of democracy in Afghanistan and Iraq. Either the alternative is strong enough to overcome the plan or it is insufficient to overcome the imperialism that exists in the status quo. Utopian realism is best—criticism of conventional IR is most effective when paired with concrete policies to alleviate US threats to others. Ken BOOTH E H Carr Professor of the Department of International Politics at Aberystywth University ‘5 Critical Security Studies and World Politics p. 272-276 Although constructivism offers ... could not be higher. The alternative sacrifices democracy on the alter of western theory Kacem 11 [Mehdi Belhaj, Tunisian writer and philosopher, “A Tunisian Renaissance: Interview with Mehdi Belhaj Kacem” translated by Joshua Jordan. http://www.lacan.com/thesymptom/?page_id=1046. ] As a Tunisian, I ... postmodern leftist fascist. U.S. democracy assistance and leadership shouldn’t be reduced to imperialism. We should aim to build on the productive components of America’s overlapping democratic identities. Larbi SADIKI Politics @ Exeter ‘9 Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy p. 160-163 No deconstruction ... to the GMEI. Critique of democracy justifies slavery and genocide. Democracy is fundamental to emancipation. Ronald INGLEHART Poli Sci @ Michigan AND Christian WELZEL Leuphana University Center for the Study of Democracy ‘5 Modernization, cultural change, and democracy p. 300 Democracy is not ... worth striving for. Democratic advocacy avoids Westernization. Public reasonsing facilitates debate on key economic and social choices. Amartya SEN Nobel Prize in Economics ‘3 “Democracy and Its Global Roots Why democratization is not the same as Westernization” The New Republic October 6 p. 28-30 It is important to ... they were championed. Democratization movements must engage state institutions. Viviene TAYLOR Social Development @ Cape Town & Special Advisor to the Minister of Development (South Africa) ‘7 “Recasting Power and Transforming Governance: A feminist perspective from the South” Development 50 (1) p. 29 Some countries are ... engaging with power. Their impact is exaggerated – even minimal democratic gains contain liberatory potential. Jonas WOLFF Peace Research Inst. Frankfurt ‘8 “Three Tensions of External Democracy Promotion When a Universalist Script Clashes with Diverse Paths” http://www.wiscnetwork.org/ljubljana2008/papers/WISC_2008-328.pdf p. 16 The specific hegemonic ... intrinsically revolutionary” (Guilhot 2005: 31). Shouldn’t cede the political on democracy assistance – promotes left authoritrarianism. Jonathan MURPHY Senior Lecturer in International Management @ Cardiff Business School ’10 “Democracy? That’s so last year”: exploring the backlash against democracy promotion” Paper presented to Critical Governance Studies conference Warwick University, December 13 – 14 2010 http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/wbs/projects/orthodoxies/papers/101213_muphy_j.pdf p. 19-22 There is a long .... democracy over authoritarianism.
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