The United States federal government should expand its civil military support element to support political contestation throughout Yemen.
ADV 1- Military Group Think
Advantage 1 – Military Group Think
Dod should take the lead in Yemen through CMSE- it acts as a test case
Kotlow 3/31/11 - Visiting Senior Service College Fellow at The Washington Institute. Former Defense and Army Attache at the U.S. Embassy in Yemen and Lebanon [Colonel Kazimierz "Kaz" Kotlow (Former political/military advisor to the Multinational Force (MNF) Commander in Iraq.) “Countering Extremism in Yemen: Beyond Interagency Cooperation,” Small Wars Journal, March 31, 2011]
Extremism, especially violent extremism… more systemic and less personality dependent.
Yemen’s key- the approach will be the model
Mitchell 8/1/11 - Foreign Service Officer with USAID. Assigned to a tour in Yemen (80s) [Robert E. Mitchell, “Yemen: Testing a New Coordinated Approach to Preventive Counterinsurgency,” Small Wars Journal, August 1, 2011]
An American-designed strategy …to other states in varying stages of failure and where American anti-terrorism programs are not yet active.
This makes escalatory warfare inevitable- attacks are coming
Chossudovsky 10 - Professor of Economics @ University of Ottawa [Michel Chossudovsky (Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), “Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran,” Global Research, August 1, 2010, pg.]
Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads. … Venezuela and Cuba are also the object of US threats.
CMSE solves- two internal links
a. Interagency- It creates genuine cooperation between the DOD and other branches
Lightsey 10 – Major assigned to the JFK Special Warfare Center and School’s 1st Special Warfare Training Group. Combat tours include on to Qatar as commander of a CMSE that had elements across Pakistan, Tajikistan and Yemen. [Major Ross F. Lightsey Sr.,“PERSISTENT ENGAGEMENT: Civil Military Support Elements [CMSE] Operating in CENTCOM,” Special Warfare | May-June 2010 (Vol. 23, Issue 3) Pg.
In ongoing irregular conflicts, the … these countries because the enemy is reaching out to those neighboring regions.
b. Internally- trains military personnel civilian skills necessary to change mindsets
Shemella 06 - Program Manager for Combating Terrorism @ The Center for Civil-Military Relations, Naval Postgraduate School [PAUL SHEMELLA, “Interagency Coordination: The Other Side of CIMIC,” Small Wars and Insurgencies, Vol. 17, No. 4, 449–457, December 2006
Although CIMIC has become a term of art, it is important to remember … shows destructive competition occurs more often than constructive cooperation. Pg. 449-451
Cooperation attempts are occurring now- only the plan makes them substantive
Shemella 06 - Program Manager for Combating Terrorism @ The Center for Civil-Military Relations, Naval Postgraduate School [PAUL SHEMELLA, “Interagency Coordination: The Other Side of CIMIC,” Small Wars and Insurgencies, Vol. 17, No. 4, 449–457, December 2006
Decision-makers can create … require for success. Pg. 452-456 *CIMIC – Civil Military Cooperation
The aff solves the military and the K doesn’t - status quo military training reinforces closed mindsets that dictate a military reality
Wright Mills 1956 Professor of Sociology at Columbia University. A maverick social scientist who taught in Copenhagen, London, and Mexico City in addition to the United States. “The Power Elite”
In the twentieth century, among … with the interdependence of economy and warfare, is at the top level of the military educational system
Military response in Yemen now is counterterrorism- makes failure inevitable
Johnsen 7/21/11 – Ph.D Candidate Near Eastern Studies @ Princeton University [Gregory Johnsen (Former Fulbright Fellow in Yemen & Former member of the USAID's conflict assessment team for Yemen) “Drones Instead of a Strategy,” Waq al Waq, July 21, 2011, 12:44 PM,]
Now, contrary to what some seem to believe I'm not an … replaced by new recruits.
ADV 2- Civil War
Advantage 2 – Civil war
Civil war is coming now --- tribes are being forced to pick sides
Yemen Post 9/14/11 (U.N. Warns Against Civil War in Yemen
In its last report on Yemen, the … Saleh does not bow to his people’s demands.
Tribes are supporting the al Ahmar family to violently resist Saleh- the US will ignore this
Gundun 8/4/11 - U.S. spokesperson for Yemen’s Coordinating Council for the Youth Revolution of Change (CCYRC). [James Gundun, “Yemeni Tribes Unify Under Western Darkness,” Palestine Chronicle,” 17:02 08/04/2011, pg.]
As this operation would provoke a new round of hostilities, Yemen’s …of the country or Somalizing it,” Yemen’s revolutionaries have committed themselves past the point of Saleh’s return.
This silence radicalizes the opposition – US must actively support good governance
Naouss 4/1/11 – Research Associate @ United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Communications Coordinator @ Carnegie Middle East Center. [Robert Naouss (Masters in history and international relations from 'Université Saint Joseph') “How Reluctance in Libya and Yemen Bolsters Al-Qaeda,” Policymic, April 2011, Pg.]
The present situation in Yemen is … only when it suits them!
AND, that makes it easier for terrorists to use Yemen as a launching point for attacks on Saudi oil supplies
Juneau 10 [Thomas, Middle East Policy Council Journal Essay, “Yemen: Prospects for State Failure - Implications and Remedies” Volume 17, Issue 3, pages 134–152, Fall 2010]
The convergence of multiple and intensifying challenges raises the strong possibility that Yemen… hard evidence of the group’s plans.
AND, that causes prices to skyrocket
Markman 4/5/11 - Journalist and Portfolio manager for The Markman Portfolios [Jon D. Markman, “Rising Oil Prices: Is Yemen Next?,” Seeking Alpha, April 5, 2011, pg.]
Going forward, however, the next culprit… oil exporter that is then not exporting.
It will destabilize Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province - Oil prices will skyrocket
STRATFOR 4/21/11 [“Islamist Militancy in a Pre- and Post-Saleh Yemen,” April 21, 2011 | 0859 GMT, pg.]
The real heavyweight in Yemen is Saudi Arabia. The Saudi … in channeling jihadist efforts toward the al-Houthi threat.
Oil price will reach $300 in the near term – Critical industries will shutdown
Babej 3/29/11 - Contributor to Forbes [Marc E. Babej, “A Saudi Oil Supply Disruption-The Ultimate Marketing Crisis Scenario,” Forbes, 3/29/2011 @ 01:48PM |pg.]
And still: in 2011, the term “unlikely” doesn’t … Energy and Chemicals Practice in the Americas.
Global energy wars & expanded fossil fuel use
King 08 – Researcher @ Center for New American Security [Neil King, Jr. (Columnist for the Wall Street Journal), “Peak Oil: A Survey of Security Concerns,” CNAS Energy Security Visionaries Series, Center for New American Security, JULY 2008, pg.]
Many commentators in the United States and abroad … take the wise steps and avoid the rash ones. Pg. 13-15
AND, US-China war risks World War III
Starke 09 – Colonel in the US Army [Colonel Timothy J. Starke, “China’s Military and Space Transformation: Implications for U.S. and Northeast-Asia,” Strategy Research Project, 24-03-2009, pg.]
Prospects of violent conflict between the … of China’s true intentions. Pg. 1
AND, Arctic conflict will be a US-Russia nuclear war
Matthews 09 [Owen Matthews, “The coldest war: Russia and U.S. face off over Arctic resources,” Daily Mail, Last updated at 10:08 AM on 19th May 2009, pg.]
The year is 2020, and, from the Middle East to Nigeria, the world is … and destroy entire cities.
Starr 10 - Director of Clinical Laboratory Science Program @ University of Missouri [Steven Starr (Senior scientist @ Physicians for Social Responsibility.), “The climatic consequences of nuclear war” | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 12 March 2010, Pg.]
This isn't a question to be avoided. … would cause a global famine that could kill one billion people.
Expanded Coal use causes warming and massive species fallout- risks extinction
Hansen 09 - Director of Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies [James Hansen (Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences @ Columbia University and Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Iowa), “Coal-fired power stations are death factories. Close them,” The Observer, Sunday 15 February 2009, pg.]
A year ago, I wrote to Gordon Brown asking him to place … contribution to the number that would be committed to extinction if carbon dioxide rose another 100 ppm.
Warming is real and anthropogenic
Rahmstorf 8 [Richard, *Professor of Physics of the Oceans at Potsdam University, Global Warming: Looking Beyond Kyoto. Edited by Ernesto Zedillo. “Anthropogenic Climate Change?” Page 42-49]
The first and crucial piece of evidence … anthropogenic global warming is a reality with which we need to deal.
Our governance assistance is key - It resolves the underlying grievances that will facilitate conflict escalation
Walsh 10 - Civil affairs team leader in the Pacific Command supporting 97th Civil Affairs Battalion (Airborne) [Captain Sean P. Walsh (deployed to Iraq in 2007-2008 as a member of the 2d Stryker Cavalry Regiment and served as a rifle platoon leader and civil military planner.), “Divorce Counseling: Civil Affairs Proponency under a New Support Paradigm,” MILITARY REVIEW, November-December 2010]
Described by the Army as “gun-toting … of pursuing a grievance.”4 pg. 71
We provide a micro-scale diplomatic model that solves
Lightsey 08 – Major assigned to the JFK Special Warfare Center and School’s 1st Special Warfare Training Group. Combat tours include on to Qatar as commander of a CMSE that had elements across Pakistan, Tajikistan and Yemen. [Major Ross F. Lightsey Sr., “Civil Affairs Support to the Surge,” Special Warfare, March-April 2008, Volume 21 Issue 2]
DIME principle - Commanders in the 21st-century Army … areas and to jump-start local economies. Pg. 21
CMSE will coordinate with local community leader – We expand their governance capacity and accountability
Lightsey 10 – Major assigned to the JFK Special Warfare Center and School’s 1st Special Warfare Training Group. Combat tours include on to Qatar as commander of a CMSE that had elements across Pakistan, Tajikistan and Yemen. [Major Ross F. Lightsey Sr.,“PERSISTENT ENGAGEMENT: Civil Military Support Elements [CMSE] Operating in CENTCOM,” Special Warfare | May-June 2010 (Vol. 23, Issue 3) Pg.
So how have these engagements brought us closer to stability in … total military involvement in that critical region.