Emory » Emory AM Adler-Marshall Neg

Emory AM Adler-Marshall Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:24
  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • Neg:Emory AM
      Round # 7 Tournament:Shirley
      Vs Team: Whitman HZ
      Judge: Steve Pointer



      Off Case Args:

      EU NED cp

      Econ aid cp

      Orientalism K

      T Demo assistance = direct


      Case Args:

      Saudi DA on case


      Block Strategy:

      Econ aid CP



      2nr Strategy:

      Econ aid cp




      Neg:Emory AM
      Round #5  Tournament:Shirley
      Vs Team: MoState FG
      Judge: Jensen, Will



      Off Case Args:

      T for


      Gov shutdown politics (econ)

      Renewable shift/oil prices DA (warming)

      EU fund NEDCP


      Case Args:



      Block Strategy:

      All but K


      2nr Strategy:

      Oil DA


      Neg: Emory AM
      Round #4  Tournament: Wake
      Vs Team: Oklahoma GL
      Judge: Dave Register



      Off Case Args:

      T – DA = direct political transfer, not development

      Framework – must defend USFG action

      Israel DA

      Condition the plan on inclusion of women – patriarchy NB

      Tragedy K


      Case Args:



      Block Strategy:

      K, T


      2nr Strategy:


      Neg:Emory AM

      Round # 1 Tournament: Shirley

      Vs Team: Georgia DV

      Judge: Aaron Hardy



      Off Case Args:

      T: direct democracy

      Oil DA (high prices good)

      Politics (government shutdown)

      EU-NED CP



      Case Args:

      UN fails: coalition of willing solves

      No terror

      Prolif inevitable


      China doesn’t get drawn into ME war

      ME war doesn’t escalate


      Heg inevitable


      Block Strategy:

      2NC: t direct democracy

      Oil disad



      1NR: condo



      2nr Strategy:

      Oil DA

      Politics DA

      Case: UN fails, war doesn’t escalate heg inevitable 

    • Use the button to Add an Entry.

      Use the second box for cites formatted with wiki syntax or plain text, such as that exported from Verbatim 4.

  • 1NC - Orientalism

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The Orientalist discourse of democratic transition constitutes the MENA region as perpetual threat and opportunity for Western colonial powers.  The provisional acceptance of actors who fit the liberal script justifies the surveillance and elimination of those who don’t. 


      Andrea TETI IR @ Aberdeen ‘7  “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism” http://www.abdn.ac.uk/pir/notes07/Level5/PI5000/Teti%202007%20Confessions%20of%20a%20Dangerous%20Paradigm.pdf


      4. Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism

      This section will argue that the positionalities and some of … towards Islamist parties.



      Orientalist forms of security guarantee genocidal conflicts -epistemological exclusion lays the groundwork for physical violence.  

      Pinar Batur, PhD @ UT-Austin – Prof. of Sociology @ Vassar, ‘7 [“The Heart of Violence: Global Racism, War, and Genocide,” in Handbook of The Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, eds. Vera and Feagin, p. 446-7]

      At the turn of the 20th century, the “Terrible Turk” was the image that summarized the enemy of Europe and the antagonism toward the hegemony of the Ottoman Empire, stretching from Europe to the Middle East, and across North Africa. Perpetuation of this imagery in American foreign policy …. The 21st century opened up with genocide, in Darfur.



  • 1NC - EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights should offer all necessary funding to the National Endowment for Democracy to provide democracy assistance for __________________.


      The CP solves better - EU-NED coop prevents backlash to US assistance

      Gershman 06 – President of the National Endowment for Democracy [Carl Gershman, “The Backlash against Democracy Assistance,” Testimony to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Jun 8, 2006, pg. http://www.ned.org/about/board/meet-our-president/archived-remarks-and-presentations/060806]

      The new repressive climate in certain states has in fact highlighted the benefits of non-governmental and civil society-based approaches. Maintaining and highlighting independence from government, such initiatives demonstrate that democracy promotion is …" profile of democracy assistance and also leverage additional resources.


      Democracy cooperation stabilizes the Black Sea region – It’s a conduit for instability throughout Eurasia

      Garber 08 - Deputy Assistant Secretary of State [Judy Garber, “Transatlantic Perspectives on Black Sea Region: U.S. seeks to promote cooperation among countries in the region,” Keynote Address at the Woodrow Wilson Center Conference, 10 June 2008, pg. http://www.america.gov/st/texttrans-english/2008/June/20080612162948eaifas0.3606836.html#ixzz1S5cj0Z00]

      The Black Sea lies at a strategic crossroads of … and the broader Middle East.



      Escalation in the Black sea region causes extinction

      Amineh 03 – Professor of International Relations @ Webster University [Mehdi Parvizi Amineh, Ph.D (Ph. D in Poli Sci @ University of Amsterdam & Senior research fellow and Programme director of the Energy Programme Asia @ International Institute for Asian Studies) “Globalisation, Geopolitics and Energy Security in Central Eurasia and the Caspian Region,” Hand-out of lecture held on June 19 2003, Clingendael International Energy Programme, pg. http://www.clingendael.nl/ciep/events/20030619/20030619_amineh.pdf]

      The increasing involvement of the US, the EU,  and crisis in Iraq.

  • 1NC - Ladies CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The United States federal government should condition (the plan’s democracy assistance) on a pledge to support women’s political, economic, and social rights


      Democracy Assistance should come with strong conditions on the inclusion of women’s groups—only this can guarantee continued women’s participation in politics


      Islam, 2011 [Shada, Brussells correspondent to Dawn, pakistans oldest and most widely read news publication, http://www.dawn.com/2011/05/28/women-power-in-arab-lands.html]



      THE world’s richest nations have … to become passive bystanders in a post-revolution Middle East.





      We’ll isolate three net benefits:

      First, Partiarchy—persons in powerful positions have a moral obligation to reject it—this is a decision rule

      Superson 09 [Anita, prof at UK, “Feminist Moral Psychology,” published in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Psychology, 1-30-09, http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/feminism-moralpsych/]

      Yet other feminists might blame or hold responsible women who do not resist their own oppression. Some argue that women have an obligation to resist their own oppression, at least under certain conditions, and so are responsible for resisting. Carol Hay responds to the view that women's having an obligation to resist their own oppression unfairly restricts their … in doing so: when the risk of harm to herself is significant, she is free from the obligation.



      Second, Inclusion--Women’s inclusion is key to durable solvency for democracy and US influence—it’s the key issue

      Coleman, 2011 [Senior Fellow and Director of the Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy Initiative; Director of the Women and Foreign Policy Program, July 26th, http://www.pomed.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Policy-Brief_Coleman.pdf]


      As the political landscape of the … in the Middle East.



      Third, US Credibility—American failure to prioritize women’s erodes belief in universal rights and undermines the US more generally

      Juul, 2011 [Peter Juul is a Policy Analyst at American Progress. http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2011/06/saudi_women.html]


      Additionally, the Obama … our own values and the tide of change sweeping the region.


  • 1NC - Oil DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Prices are sustainably high.

      Wharton 11 (Knowledge @ Wharton, Online Publication of the Wharton Business School, Crude Reality: Why High Oil Prices Are Here to Stay, March 16th, http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article.cfm?articleid=2732)


      Oil prices swung wildly this week, rising to near … GDP went down by 30% to 40%," Pack points out.


      But those prices are contingent on further instability.

      Hulbert 11 (Matthew, Senior fellow at the Center for Security Studies in Zurich, The Downside of High Oil Prices, February 2nd, http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/the-downside-of-high-oil-prices/430204.html)


      If further evidence was needed to … that want to replenish state coffers and boost political egos, but they carry two major risks.


      High prices solve warming.

      Yetiv 6 (Steven A., Professor of political science and international studies at Old Dominion University, America benefits from high oil prices, February 6th,



      From Wall Street to Main Street, people … us less vulnerable when oil starts to dwindle in the future.



      Brandenberg 99 (John & Monica Paxson, Visiting Prof. Researcher @ Florida Space Institute, Physicist Ph.D., Science Writer, Dead Mars Dying Earth, Pg 232-233)


      The ozone hole expands, driven by a monstrous synergy with … hardy microbes surviving.

  • T - Democracy Assistance

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Fostering democracy must be the primary purpose of democracy assistance.  Indirect assistance undermines the value of the term and explodes the topic.

      Lappin 10 – Visiting Scholar in the Faculty of Political Science @ University of Belgrade [Richard Lappin (PhD Candidate in the Centre for Peace Research and Security Studies @ University of Leuven, Belgium & Participated in over a dozen democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE/ODIHR and Carter Center.)“Post-Conflict Democracy Assistance: A State of the Art’, Cahiers of the Centre for Peace Research & Strategic Studies, No.85, 2010]


      Establishing the definitional clarity of democracy assistance is an … the recipient countries. It does not therefore include economic and social aid programmes.’174 pg. 33-35


      B. Violation

      Only political contestation is DIRECT

      CAROTHERS  03  Sr. Associate at Carnegie – general DA expert

      [Thomas Carothers- June 2003, IS GRADUALISM POSSIBLE? Choosing a Strategy for Promoting Democracy in the Middle East, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/wp39.pdf]


      INDIRECTLY PROMOTING DEMOCRACY … are not to Washington’s liking.


  • Shirley Bahrain Shiites CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The United States federal government should substantially increase it economic assistance directed at the Kingdom of Bahrain's Shi'ite community.  The assistance should support housing and infrastructure development and compensating Bahraini employers for increased labor costs from hiring Shi’ites.  The assistance should be conditioned on the Kingdom of Bahrain substantially reducing its number of work visas. 


      We solve – Economic grievances at the heart of the protester discontent

      Gause 3/18/11 – Professor of Middle East politics @ University of Vermont. [Gregory Gause, “The economics of Bahrain's Sunni-Shiite divide,” Marketplace, Friday, March 18, 2011, pg. http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2011/03/18/pm-the-economics-of-bahrains-sunni-shiite-divide/]


      Kai Ryssdal: King … and you don't renew visas when they expire.


      We create a safety valve that stabilizes Bahrain. Qatar, Kuwait, and Abu Dhabi proves

      Barrett 2/21/11 [Raymond Barrett “How a broken social contract sparked Bahrain protests,” Christian Science Monitor, February 21, 2011, pg. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2011/0221/How-a-broken-social-contract-sparked-Bahrain-protests]


      The longstanding social contract among … foreigners in the Gulf.



      Poor resource allocation is the key issue.  They pushing for democracy only because it is currently a salient issue

      Langfitt 3/8/11 [Frank Langfitt, “Bahrain's Poor Live In The Shadow Of A Monarchy,” NPR, March 8, 2011, pg. http://www.npr.org/2011/03/08/134367989/bahrains-poor-live-in-the-shadow-of-a-monarchy]


      Protests Give Voice To Long-Held Frustrations

      Maha Hussain Al Mandeel… people wanted to do the same."


      6.  Shiite unemployment and visas are key issues

      Gause 3/18/11 – Professor of Middle East politics @ University of Vermont. [Gregory Gause, “Is Bahrain's Regime Next to Fall?,” Interviewer: Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor, CFR.org, February 18, 2011, pg. http://www.cfr.org/bahrain/bahrains-regime-next-fall/p24169]


      Q: Do the Shiites have … foreigners working in the country."

  • Iranophobia DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Saudi Arabia’s paranoid about Iran – The plan causes them to aggressively protect their interest in Bahrain

      Khouri 10/19/11 - Director of the Issam Fares Institute of Public Policy and International Affairs @ American University of Beirut  [Rami G. Khouri, “A Saudi-Iranian cold war takes shape,” The Daily Star, October 19, 2011 01:10 AM, Pg. http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Opinion/Columnist/2011/Oct-19/151642-a-saudi-iranian-cold-war-takes-shape.ashx#ixzz1dIj74F4k ]

      Concerned about Iranian encroachment in Iraq following the A….will take the initiative to protect itself.


      Paranoia will cause them to view the plan as siding with Iran

      Keeler 3/16/11 - Middle East journalist who has lived in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. [Chris Keeler (BA in international relations and French literature from Wesleyan University), “Saudis in Bahrain, Where Now for the US,” Notes From Amedinah, March 16, 2011, pg. http://notesfromamedinah.com/2011/03/16/saudis-in-bahrain-where-now-for-the-us/]


      For Saudi Arabia, intervention in the domestic affairs of its … majority of Shi’ite in Bahrain closer to Iran.


      Expansion of Iranian influence in Bahrain is perceived as a unique threat – The Saudis are willing to risk war to prevent it

      Obaid 10/25/11 - Senior Fellow @ King Faisal Center for Research & Islamic Studies [Nawaf Obaid, “A Saudi perspective on the alleged Iranian plot,” CNNWorld, October 25th, 2011

      12:05 PM ET, pg. http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/10/25/a-saudi-perspective-on-the-alleged-iranian-plot/]


      RIYADH - The alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the ….protect Bahrain.


      Saudi attack on the Iran economy will trigger tanker wars that escalate to involve the US  

      Aryan 10/24/11 [Hossein Aryan, “How Might Saudi Arabia Retaliate Against Iran For Alleged Plot?,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, October 24, 2011, pg. http://www.rferl.org/content/what_could_saudis_due_to_retaliate_against_iran/24369526.html]


      Some four months ago, according to "Newsweek," Prince Turki al… between Iran and Iraq.


      All life on the planet will be destroyed

      Hirsch 06 - Professor of physics @ University of California, San Diego. [Jorge Hirsch, “Israel, Iran and the US: Who Will be Blamed for Nuclear War?,” Global Research, July 24, 2006, pg. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=2807.]


      In the end of course we will all lose. Because the nuclear genie, … a three-billion-year old experiment, life on planet Earth, comes to an end.

      1nr cards on the da

      War escalation will be difficult to contain – History is on our side 

      Bloomfield 11/9/11 – Former legislative director of AIPAC and Washington representative of the World Jewish Congress. [Douglass Bloomfield, “Washington Watch: Brinkmanship could spark Middle East war,” Jerusalem Post, 11/09/2011 22:20, pg. http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Article.aspx?id=245001]


      In reality, an attack is more likely to provoke wider ….learned that the hard way in 1967.


      5. The DA turns the case – US intervention prevents a Saudi-Iran mutual understanding and that makes it impossible to resolve the Bahraini dispute.

      Khajouei 10/9/11 - Master's Degree in Middle East Studies [Mohammad Khajouei, “Iran And Bahrain: Necessity Of Mutual Understanding Of Interests,” Iran Review, October 9, 2011, pg. http://www.eurasiareview.com/09102011-iran-and-bahrain-necessity-of-mutual-understanding-of-interests-oped/]


      Let’s be frank, the key to crisis in Bahrain …responsibility in this regard.


      4. Obama’s response to Bahrain is distinctly different from the rest of the Arab Spring

      Daily Beast 11/10/11 [Eli Lake, “Bahrain Opposition No Pawn of Iran’s Mullahs, Shiite Leader Says,” Nov 10, 2011 10:00 AM EST, pg. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/11/10/bahrain-opposition-no-pawn-of-iran-s-mullahs-shiite-leader-says.html]


      While President Obama was .. this month on the unrest in the country.


      5. Iran’s terror plot has bridged the Saudi-US divide – They are cooperating to undermine Iranian influence

      Hua 11/4/11 – Researcher at the Strategy Research Center of China International Studies Research Fund [Hua Liming, “US-Iran conflicts could intensify,” China Daily, Updated: 2011-11-04 08:06, pg. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2011-11/04/content_14035116.htm]


      No wonder, the US chose the "assassination plot"…power struggle in the Middle East.


      6. No US intervention in Bahrain now

      DeYoung 11/7/11 [Karen DeYoung, “In Arab Spring speech, Clinton defends U.S. stance on Syria, Bahrain,” Washington Post, Published: November 7, 2011, pg. http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/clinton-defends-us-stance-on-syria-bahrain/2011/11/07/gIQAsAJ9xM_story.html]


      The Obama administration’s decision to…circumstances on the ground.”


      Saudi Arabia perceives its relations with Iran as zero-sum. Shiite empowerment in Bahrain is key  

      Boucek 9/21/11 - Associates at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace focusing on the Middle East. [Chris Boucek, “Iran vs. Saudi Arabia,” CNN, September 21st, 2011, 10:11 AM ET, pg. http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/21/iran-vs-saudi-arabia/]


      Q: Where are the proxy battlefields…terms.


  • Shirley - Econ Assistance CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Economic assistance cp

      The United States federal government should substantially increase it economic assistance directed at the Kingdom of Bahrain's Shi'ite community.  The assistance should support housing and infrastructure development and compensating Bahraini employers for increased labor costs from hiring Shi’ites.  The assistance should be conditioned on the Kingdom of Bahrain substantially reducing its number of work visas. 


      We solve – Economic grievances at the heart of the protester discontent

      Gause 3/18/11 – Professor of Middle East politics @ University of Vermont. [Gregory Gause, “The economics of Bahrain's Sunni-Shiite divide,” Marketplace, Friday, March 18, 2011, pg. http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2011/03/18/pm-the-economics-of-bahrains-sunni-shiite-divide/]


      Kai Ryssdal: King Abdullah made a rare appearance on Saudi Arabian ….don't renew visas when they expire.


      We create a safety valve that stabilizes Bahrain. Qatar, Kuwait, and Abu Dhabi proves

      Barrett 2/21/11 [Raymond Barrett “How a broken social contract sparked Bahrain protests,” Christian Science Monitor, February 21, 2011, pg. http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2011/0221/How-a-broken-social-contract-sparked-Bahrain-protests]


      The longstanding social contract among many countries….many such foreigners in the Gulf.



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