1. Democracy assistance acts on the institutions of democracy
Snider, 10 Erin A. Snider, University of Cambridge 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, September 2--‐5, 2010 The Political Economy of Democracy Assistance in the Middle East: U.S. Aid for Democracy in Egypt and Morocco since 1990 papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Delivery.cfm?abstractid=1643741
Democracy assistance programs tend to reflect ...as a whole will become democratic.”9
2. democracy assistance acts directly on political variables
Burnell 2K Peter Burnell, prof of politics, Univ of Warwick UK 2000
Democracy Assistance: international cooperation for democratization, Peter Burnell ed p 11-12
In the largest sense then democracy ...answers to questions such as these.
We identify three links
First is the “missionary position.” The call for assistance establishes a hierarchical relationship with Western feminists as the provider of knowledge and agency – reimposing a patriarchal marriage relationship
Jane Haggis, Lecturer in International Studies and Susanne Schech, Professor of Development Studies, Flinders University, 11/2k, Australian Feminist Studies Vol. 15 Issue 33, EBSCO
Some Western feminists have adopted an ...restricted to ritual debates about words.
Third is civil society assistance. They advocate US engagement with diverse civil society groups. This imperialist ideology ensures neoliberal takeover – it creates political exclusion by demanding that groups operate within the rules of the game
Neocosmos (Professor and Director of Global Movements Research at Monash University, in Johannesburg. He is also a fellow at the Centre for Humanities Research at the University of the Western Cape) 11
(Michael, Mass mobilisation, ‘democratic transition’ and ‘transitional violence’ in Africa, 2011-03-31, Issue 523, http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/72163)
Yet the appearance of the masses ...and that is actively resisting it.
Neoliberalism makes social inequality and extinction inevitable
Wise et al. (Director of Doctoral Program in Migration Studies & Prof of Development Studies; Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mexico) 10
(Raúl Delgado Wise, Humberto Márquez Covarrubias, Rubén Puentes, Reframing the debate on migration, development and human rights: fundamental elements, October, 2010, www.migracionydesarrollo.org)
At the end of the first ...traditions in a genuinely multicultural world.
Their aff doesn’t have a chance of implementation-SCAF will backlash against all democratic programs and collapse relations that are currently on the brink
AP 2-8
AP, “Egypt's ruling generals play risky game with US,” 2/8/12, http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505245_162-57373118/egypts-ruling-generals-play-risky-game-with-us/
(AP) CAIRO — Egypt's ...longer missions mean fewer daily sorties.
Outweighs the aff
Barnett 11
(Thomas P.M. Barnett, Former Senior Strategic Researcher and Professor in the Warfare Analysis & Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College American military geostrategist and Chief Analyst at Wikistrat., worked as the Assistant for Strategic Futures in the Office of Force Transformation in the Department of Defense, “The New Rules: Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads,” March 7 http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/8099/the-new-rules-leadership-fatigue-puts-u-s-and-globalization-at-crossroads,
It is worth first examining the ...basis for longer-term stability.
Counterplan text: The European Union should substantially increase its rule of law democracy assistance for Egypt by increasing its positive deviance approach for female genital mutilation and cutting abandonment pilot programs to long-term and full-scale implementation.
EU is also modeled
Youngs, 08 (Richard, Senior Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute for International Relations Trends in democracy assistance: what has Europe been doing? FRIDE.
European donors fund more work on ...and, with it, democracy.
Plan costs political capital
McLaughlin 11
Seth McLaughlin a contributing writer for The Washington Diplomat. April 26, 2011 “Key Foreign Policy Players Try to Master Capitol Hill” The Washington Diplomat http://www.washdiplomat.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7829:key-foreign-policy-players-try-to-master-capitol-hill&catid=1473:may-2011&Itemid=471
But it's not just politicos in ...were trimmed by $39 million.
Obama’s political capital is key – needed to balance the fight within the agenda
Bruce Stokes January 26, 2011 An Agenda, If You Can Keep It http://nationaljournal.com.proxy.library.emory.edu/member/daily/an-agenda-if-you-can-keep-it-20110126?mrefid=site_searchAfter years of relative quiescence, Congress actually has a trade agenda in 2011: possible votes on the Korea, Colombia, and Panama trade agreements, and on Russia’s application to join the World Trade Organization.
Whether, when, how, ...so could be an uphill slog.
Repealing Jackson-Vanik is key to relations and cooperation via modernization
ANDERS ASLUND and C. FRED BERGSTEN June 21, 2010 Foreign Policy: Let Russia Join the WTO http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=127981016
The United States still maintains the ...needs Russian cooperation more than ever.
US-Russia relations are vital to preventing nuclear war and every global issue
[Graham, director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School, former assistant secretary of defense in the Clinton administration, Robert D., Henry A. Kissinger senior fellow for U.S. foreign policy -- Council on Foreign Relations, served as U.S. ambassador to India and as deputy national security adviser for strategic planning in the Bush administration, both co-chairmen of the Task Force on Russia and U.S. National Interests, co-sponsored by the Belfer Center and the Center for the National Interest, 10-30-11 Politico, “10 reasons why Russia still matters,” http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=161EF282-72F9-4D48-8B9C-C5B3396CA0E6]
That central point is that Russia ..., in advancing our national interests.
Squo solves – multiple NGO co-ordination efforts at all levels
UNFPA 2010 Accelerating Change: 2010 Annual Report http://egypt.unfpa.org/english/fgmunstaticpage/9a18ca02-cc9d-490b-ba11-3db469c6d26c/Activities_under_the_Joint_Programme.aspx
Since its establishment in 2008, ...radio capsules were developed and aired.
NGOs have the momentum – multiple efforts that address FGM through local communities
Centre for Development and Population Activities 99
Centre for Development and Population Activities, Egypt Country Office 1999 Ending Female Genital Cutting: A Positive Deviance Approach in Egypt https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:QWuOyoIm4eoJ:www.positivedeviance.org/pdf/publications/Ending%2520FGC.pdf+&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShird-FaJBs0XXsQBzosn7yJZ2GkyWuyo0U1wAlBZ0rRt5zroA_VH7-4PodybnZw4eZWC2zbD8RoGPIUcIMMz7rSSNKbj9VbfKR_gmDs_J8Gt4vEyNYy-vb3DjeGEAEtd4DyuGa&sig=AHIEtbRdKKX3uAwoDje3rntSuKHVZcNsuw
Despite these figures, the ...precisely what a nuclear weapon achieves.
Not the root cause
Brian Martin, Professor of Science, Technology and Society at the University of Wollongong, ’90 (http://www.uow.edu.au/arts/sts/bmartin/pubs/90uw/uw13.html)
In this chapter and in the ...for grassroots movements to uproot them.
War causes their impacts
Joshua S. Goldstein (prof of IR @ American U, Wash D.C.) ‘1 War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa. Cambridge University Press. pp. 412
First, peace activists face a ...it can mean anything to anybody.
Human rights assistance won’t be modeled
Goodman and Jinks, 2004 [Ryan and Derek, Assistant Professor of Foreign, International, and Comparative Law, Harvard Law School and Professor of Law, Arizona State University College of Law, Duke Law Journal, December, 54 Duke L.J. 621, Lexis]
Before we proceed with our analysis...reality of the current international order.