Iran net gains – other countries fill in.
Flynt Leverett, Fmr Senior Director for Middle East Affairs at the National Security Council, 9/1/2011 (
One should also question ….likely to follow him.
New regime will work with Iran.
Flynt Leverett, Fmr Senior Director for Middle East Affairs at the National Security Council, 9/1/2011 (
Second, while most Iranian … post-Assad environment.
Doesn’t solve conflict.
Fettweis 10 [Christopher J., fifth year doctoral student in the University of Maryland's Department of Government and Politics. His primary interests include US foreign and national security policies. His dissertation, currently titled The Geopolitics of Energy and the Obsolescence of Major War, focuses on the relationship between oil and conflict. Mr. Fettweis has a BA in History from the University of Notre Dame, Threat and Anxiety in US Foreign Policy, April 2010 Survival, 52:2, 59 - 82]
One potential explanation … expenditure are unrelated.
No Iranian military conflict – Obama won’t resort to war
Clemons 10 [Steve, Senior Fellow & Director, American Strategy Program, New America Foundation, Stop Hyperventilating: Obama Will Not Choose War with Iran, July 23, 2010,]
While there … with that option.
No Iran impact –
Zakaria 9 (10-3, Fareed, Editor Newsweek International, Newsweek, “Containing a Nuclear Iran”,,
So what does that leave? …the Western world.
Civil War
Giving democracy assistance doesn’t make the opposition win
1. Assad will emerge stronger – opposition can’t seize power. Their evidence is just wishful thinking.
Flynt Leverett, Fmr Senior Director for Middle East Affairs at the National Security Council, 9/1/2011 (
First of all, it is …thinking.
2. Successful Assad overthrow causes widespread sectarian violence and regional nuclear war.
Valerie Szybala, specialist in Middle East Affairs @ Policymic, Fmr Researcher @ Israeli-Palestine Center for Research and Information, 6/3/2011 (
As the Syrian government …flaunts its nuclear ambitions.
3. No risk of military defection – “all or nothing” paradigm vis-à-vis Iraq.
Wayne White, Adjunct Scholar @ Middle East Institute, 6/3/2011 (
Reacting to one of …. all or nothing paradigm.
4. No external intervention – lacks international support.
Daniel Serwer, Senior Fellow @ Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, 8/30/2011 (
There is no real …. regime violence.
5. Assad overthrow causes ethnic cleansing – the impact is their Syria/Israel war scenario.
Flynt Leverett, Fmr Senior Director for Middle East Affairs at the National Security Council, 7/18/2011 (
Ongoing turmoil in …. form the non-Sunni minorities.”
The plan creates percieved hypocrisy – aff is too little too late.
Hossein Askari, Iran Professor of International Business and Professor of International Affairs @ George Washington University, 7/26/2011 (
While the Arab …. would be left hanging.
Saudi support guts credibility anyway.
Francesca Fiorentini, Editor of Left Turn Magazine, May 2011 (
With respect to monarchy, the popular p…. $60 billion in weapons from the U.S.
Sectarianism takes out solvency
Steven Heydemann, senior vice president at the United States Institute of Peace, 4/4/2011 (
Perhaps. Yet this grand vision of a truly new Middle East rest on exceptionally wobbly foundations. This is certainly the moment for the U.S. to lend …. devastating consequences.
Assad will coopt the plan.
Thomas Pierret, Postdoctoral Fellow in Near East Studies @ Princeton, and Kjetil Selvik, Asst Prof of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages @ Oslo, 2009 (
The specificities … associations managed by religious
Engaging the opposition destabilizes the transition – re-creates Iraq.
Peter Harling, Iraq-Syria-Lebanon Director of the International Crisis Group, 8/30/2011 (
The second mistake to …..ought not be encouraged.
Aff fails – no new leverage
Marc Lynch, Associate professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University, 4/27/2011 (
The core of the …on Syria’s course.
SQ solves internet spread, but western assistance causes regime action to shut down access
Jay Ulfelder, former research director for the Political Instability Task Force, 6/13/2011 (
If foreign governments …targeted regimes.