US is disengaging from Libya- which means limited funding for UN mission
Los Angeles Times 9/1/11, lexis
Despite signs of dangerous fractures among ...postwar stabilization effort, if necessary.
Libya does not currently have a police training program
New York Times 9/4/11,
TRIPOLI, Libya — Libya’s interim ...weapons when told to do so.
The Libyan transition will fail without increased international assistance.
Ronald Bruce St John, affiliate professor at the Institute of International Studies, Bradley University (until 2006), served on the International Advisory Board of the Journal of Libyan Studies and the Atlantic Council Working Group on Libya, 8/30/11, “Why democracy has a good chance in Libya,”
After that, the road ahead ...people are up to the task.
Police training is key – Iraq and Afghanistan prove.
Dobbins and Wehrey, RAND, 11
James Dobbins, director of the International Security and Defense Policy Center at the RAND Corporation, and Frederic Wehrey, policy analyst @ RAND, 8/23/2011 (
Second, there are no Western ...participate heavily in such an effort.
Libyan instability causes nuclear war
Stephen Lendman, 2011 (Stephen, Harvard BA, Wharton MBA, six years as a marketing research analyst, now writes on vital world and national topics, including war and peace, American imperialism, corporate dominance, political persecutions, and a range of other social, economic and political issues, 7/6, “Libya - Flashpoint For World Conflict”,
Scott told Progressive Radio News Hour ...than WW I seemed in early 1914.
Libyan instability causes right-wing resurgence in Europe
CSM 9/1/2011 (
A politically stable Libya is particularly ...immigrant political forces, she adds.
Right-wing backlash will end the EU
Macleans (Canadian weekly news magazine) 8/19/11,
The first signs of trouble for ...less relevant to the global economy.”
EU collapse causes nuclear war
James Dunnis, former Australian consul in East Timor who wrote the definitive book on East Timor’s history and UNTAET Expert on Crimes Against Humanity in East Timor, 8/16/11, “A financial storm gathers: one we can weather,”
Most Europeans will never forget their be prevented at all cost
Libyan instability crushes Italy’s economy
James Kanter and Judy Dempsey, NYT, 2/24/2011 (
Part of the reason for anxiety prevent an influx of migrants.
Crisis in Italy collapses the eurozone
The Gazette (Montreal) 9/9/11, lexis
Senior EU officials are speaking privately wouldn't resolve the debt crisis."
Euro disintegration causes global economic collapse
The Economist 9/10/11,
Barry Eichengreen, a monetary historian runs in other peripheral countries.
Economic collapse causes global nuclear war
Merlini, Senior Fellow – Brookings, 11
[Cesare Merlini, nonresident senior fellow at the Center on the United States and Europe and chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Italian Institute for International Affairs (IAI) in Rome. He served as IAI president from 1979 to 2001. Until 2009, he also occupied the position of executive vice chairman of the Council for the United States and Italy, which he co-founded in 1983. His areas of expertise include transatlantic relations, European integration and nuclear non-proliferation, with particular focus on nuclear science and technology. A Post-Secular World? DOI: 10.1080/00396338.2011.571015 Article Requests: Order Reprints : Request Permissions Published in: journal Survival, Volume 53, Issue 2 April 2011 , pages 117 - 130 Publication Frequency: 6 issues per year Download PDF Download PDF (357 KB) View Related Articles To cite this Article: Merlini, Cesare 'A Post-Secular World?', Survival, 53:2, 117 – 130]
Two neatly opposed scenarios for the ...secular absolutes such as unbridled nationalism.
US expertise key to stability- acting through the UN prevents backlash
William Bauer, Worked @ North African NGO, Middle East Studies Degree from Exeter, 8/21/2011 (
So, what is next for ....S. has to offer.
Aid decreases the probability of conflict
Savun, Political Science Professor, and Tirone 11
Burcu Savun, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh and Daniel C. Tirone is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 55, No. 2, April 2011, Pp. 233–246 Foreign Aid, Democratization, and Civil Conflict: How Does Democracy Aid Affect Civil Conflict?
What is the substantive effect of ...substantively as well as statistically significant.
Libya is a key test case for multilateral institutions- post-Gadafhi commitment is key to international credibility
Robert Danin, Senior Fellow for Middle East and Africa Studies, CFR, 8/22/11, Council on Foreign Relations, “Post-Qaddafi Instability in Libya,”
But Libya is also important for ...Western oil interest in that country.
The US is refusing to assist Libya and it’s causing tensions with the international community
Jennifer Bendery, former correspondent for White House and Congressional leadership at Roll Call, 8/25/11, “Obama Unlikely To Sink Money Into Rebuilding Libya, Experts Say,”
WASHINGTON At a time when ...or financial assistance, he said.
Sustained commitment in Libya through the UN is key to effective international collaboration
POMED citing Brimmer, PhD in IR from Oxford, 9/10
( Project on Middle East Democracy, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to examining how genuine democracies can develop in the Middle East and how the U.S. can best support that process, 9/10/2011,
With the context of global changes...robust in order to be effective.
The US is perceived as disengaging from the UN- this hinders multilateral leadership and cooperation
Brimmer 9-7
(Esther Brimmer, PHD in IR from Oxford, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Remarks at the U.S. Institute of Peace, Sustaining America's Global Leadership: U.S. Priorities at the United Nations, September 7, 2011,
So amid these calls for U...just a perfect platform for it.
US commitment to post-conflict stability assistance in Libya boosts UN legitimacy
Patrick, CFR, 11
Stewart Patrick, Senior Fellow and Director, Program on International Institutions and Global Governance @ Council on Foreign Relations, 8/25/2011 (
Peacekeeping is an excellent deal for ...choose among their own international obligations.
UN credibility key to U.S. multilateral leadership
Margon and Norris 11 (Sarah Margon, Associate Director of the Sustainable Security and Peacebuilding Initiative at the Center for American Progress, and John Norris, executive director of the Sustainable Security program at the Center for American Progress, April 2011, Withdrawing from the United Nations:A Misguided Assault,
The United Nations enhances our national ...campaign and in providing humanitarian assistance.
US credibility within multilateral institutions is key to global stability
Stewart Patrick, Senior Fellow and Director, Program on International Institutions and Global Governance @ Council on Foreign Relations, 6/3/2011 (
You can find that argument in ...its behavior in a given institution.
US leadership in the UN prevents war, climate change, and disease
Brimmer 9-7
(Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Remarks at the U.S. Institute of Peace, Sustaining America's Global Leadership: U.S. Priorities at the United Nations, September 7, 2011,
Here in the United States, ...engagement at the United Nations works.
HIV destroys immunity- enables opportunistic diseases
NewsDay 1
(NEWSDAY 5-31-2001 (
Today, with the AIDS epidemic ...bird viruses and farm animal parasites.
Zimmerman 96
(ZIMMERMAN AND ZIMMERMAN 1996 (Barry and David, both have M.S. degrees from Long Island University, Killer Germs p
Then came AIDS…and Ebola ...Matrix, by Robin Marantz Hening.
Collapse of the UN results in international anarchy and the end to civilization
Spencer 11
(Christopher Spencer, Former Senior Advisor International Organizations, Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 1-15-11, GLOBAL ISSUES AND UN RELEVANCE)
It is not about the ...than previous UN debates and commitments.
Failure to slow the rate of warming results in extinction- environmental collapse
(John, Geologist at several federal agencies, Baltimore Sun, “Ticking time bomb”, 12-15, L/N)
The Arctic Council's recent report on .... We have to act now.
PLAN: The United States federal government should offer police training assistance to the United Nations for Libya
The US can earmark funds to the UN
Brett D. Schaefer, Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs at Heritage's Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, 2/3/10, “Time to Rein in the U.N.'s Budget,”
Extrabudgetary Resources. This obfuscation of ..._01.pdf (January 20, 2010).
Democracy assistance means the transfer of funds, expertise, and materials to groups working for democracy, including international institutions
Richard Lappin, participant in democracy assistance missions with the UN, EU, OSCE, and Carter Center, University of Belgrade political sciences visiting scholar, Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, 10, Volume 4 Issue 1, ―What we talk about when we talk about democracy assistance: the problem of definition in post-conflict approaches to democratization‖, p.187-8, accessed 5-16-11
Democracy assistance can be most accurately ..., media groups and political parties.