Shell – Democracy Topicality
A. Definition: Democracy refers solely to the principle of popular sovereignty
Gilbert 2009 [Jeremy, Teaches Cultural Studies at the University of East London, “Liberalism Does Not Imply Democracy,”]
There is one… enacting in the world.
C. Violation: The affirmative lacks a defense of DEMOCRACY – instead, they attempt to affirm the Nothing, but democracy requires a Nothing to be a democracy at all.
Reasons to Prefer
- Limits: liberalism is set of political values, including civil and political rights, individual autonomy and public discussion. The affirmative would allow any plan mechanism that merely promoted a liberal value. The list would be huge and unpredictable, destroying competitive equity.
- Topic directionality: allowing the promotion of a specific political tendency means they also justify any other values which could potentially be expressed democratically. This makes the topic multidirectional.
Schmitt 1988 [Carl, Professor of Law, The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy, p.24-5]
If all political tendencies … who themselves decide.
- Education: the confusion of liberalism with democracy constrains political debate and promotes ideological escapism
Mouffe 2000 [Chantal, Prof of Politics & International Relations, The Democratic Paradox, p.92-3]
So we have to conclude … morality or rationality.
Topicality is a voter for fairness, education, and jurisdiction.
Burn it Down
The imagining of civil society requires a false historical imagining of the position of the slave. The slave serves as a necessary backdrop for the understanding of the subject object relationship. There is no emancipatory project without first realizing ‘no slave no world’ and ‘no slave in this world’.
Frank B. Wilderson III, 2010, He graduated from Dartmouth College, Columbia University with an MFA, and University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Film Studies. He teaches African American studies and drama at the University of California, Irvine Red, White and Black; Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonism. P12-13
Regarding the Black position, … Columbia University awaits an answer
Modernity is the foundation upon which the ontological relationship of master/ slave is set in place. It is one thing to notice that the experience of the slave isn’t unique to the black body or black flesh, but this misunderstands slavery as an ontological category that informs western thought. Like why the ethical implications of enslaving the black body were never spoken of upon its origin.
Frank B. Wilderson III, 2010, He graduated from Dartmouth College, Columbia University with an MFA, and University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Film Studies. He teaches African American studies and drama at the University of California, Irvine Red, White and Black; Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonism. P14-15
It would be reassuring … banishment from) ontology.
Struggles to end human suffering ignore the original marker of human value in modernity. The ontological category of the slave, ‘the slave has no place in this world.’ The body upon which gratuitous violence is enacted… must begin with the category of the slave.
Frank B. Wilderson III, 2010, He graduated from Dartmouth College, Columbia University with an MFA, and University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Film Studies. He teaches African American studies and drama at the University of California, Irvine Red, White and Black; Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonism. P19-21
It is highly conceivable … social death of Blacks.
The judges should vote negative to deny their capacity to act as subjects.
While the actual completion of the act is structurally impossible, the contemplation of questions it presents are the only way to situate debate on true questions of ethics. Rejection of this call manifests the fundamental disavow of black suffering that affirms the capacity and ethicalility of the neg team while black suffering that makes that capacity intelligible in the first place. This mediation is precursor to all legal interrogations, for only here can the epistemological blindness of white academia be confronted with the fundamental ethic truth that turns assumptive logic of all their scholarship on its head; for it is Incapacity, not Agency, that is the only ethic stance. In a world of SLAVES it is UNETHICAL TO BE FREE. It is only in moments of Incapacity, can ethics and thus all subsequent legal questions become coherent
Frank B. Wilderson III, 2010, He graduated from Dartmouth College, Columbia University with an MFA, and University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Film Studies. He teaches African American studies and drama at the University of California, Irvine Red, White and Black; Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonism. P44-45
Due to the presence of prior existing … incoherent, uncertain at best. [
Wilderson Concludes p49
Again, if accumulation and … violence of genocide.
The Revolutions Did Not Happen
The Egyptian Revolution was a pseudoevent. Like the Gulf War before, its relation to reality lies solely in the eyes of the viewers on TV, the experts making analysis day after day, and the college students pontificating on its democratic “revolutionary” nature.
Hearns-Branaman ‘12 [International Journal of Baudrillard Studies Volume 9, Number 1,
Dr. Jesse Owen Hearns-Branaman, “The Egyptian Revolution Did Not Take Place: On Live Television Coverage by Al Jazeera English”]
We can say…
without cameras present.
This image of the “revolution” portrayed in the media framed the protests as the cause of change while negotiations occurred in closed-door meetings between international governments and resulted in little more than the military “cleansing” themselves of the “Mubarak figurehead.”
Hearns-Branaman ‘12 [International Journal of Baudrillard Studies Volume 9, Number 1,
Dr. Jesse Owen Hearns-Branaman, “The Egyptian Revolution Did Not Take Place: On Live Television Coverage by Al Jazeera English”]
But what did we …….Police and their eventual disbanding (see MacFarquhar, March 15, 2011)].
The assertion and defense of the democratic nature of the revolution is based on the assumption of democracy as the end of history
Hearns-Branaman ‘12 [International Journal of Baudrillard Studies Volume 9, Number 1,
Dr. Jesse Owen Hearns-Branaman, “The Egyptian Revolution Did Not Take Place: On Live Television Coverage by Al Jazeera English”]
First, the spontaneity …. would be rude to assert otherwise.
The news media produces the simulation of crisis to hold us hostage to the imperatives of power the Affs affirmation of this truth only ensures the system remains in place
Baudrillard, Professor of Sociology, 1994 [Jean, Simulacra and Simulation, p.37-9]
The moralists of war, ….as the referential of cruelty).