Chico » Chico Novice Neg

Chico Novice Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:20
  • Demo Assistance K

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • Democracy assistance is a form of imperialism that subjugates the people it tries to liberate.

      Conway and Singh 11 (Janet and Jakeet, Professor of Sociology at Brock University and Professor of Political Science at University of Toronto, “Radical Democracy in Global Perspective: notes from the pluriverse,” Third World Quarterly, Vol 32, Iss 4, May)
      One face of this imperial 


      Third and Fourth Worlds.

      Middle East Democratization uses neocolonial logic that ties itself to the logic of dehumanization and colonialism. The Western imperialism maintained through democracy forces the destroys any form of identity making the process of democracy impossible. 

      Alkadry 2 (Mohamad G., is an Assistant Professor of Public Administration at West Virginia University. He received his doctorate from Florida Atlantic University., “RECITING COLONIAL SCRIPTS: COLONIALISM, GLOBALIZATION AND DEMOCRACY IN THE DECOLONIZED MIDDLE EAST”, Administrative Theory & Praxis Vol. 24, No. 4, 2002: 739–762)
      In writing this article


      Middle East even grimmer.

      The alternative is SOCIAL REVOLUTION.   Reject state-based democratic projects in favor of a revolution against our current social order.  We must try to build a new society or risk perpetual war and global fascism.

      Herod 01 (James, a long-time activist/organizer in anarchist communities ,“A Stake, Not a Mistake: On Not Seeing the Enemy”, October, )
      How many centuries of 


      next to impossible to escape. 

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Counterplan Text: The European Union should do your aff

      The EU solves democracy promotion in the Arab world

      Abboud 10 (Noufal Abboud was Project Coordinator at the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) project on Democracy in the Arab Word, focusing on elections, political parties and women’s participation in politics in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan.  He has a MA in Human Rights from Mahidol University, Thailand, and a Licence en Droit (BA in Law) from University Hassan II in Casablanca, Morocco; "Regenerating the State in the Arab World: The Role Of the European Union in Democracy Building";
      It is only with 


      either catalyst or teacher.

      EU more effective than the US

      Wittes and Young 09 (January, Tamara Cofman, deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs at the U.S. Department of State, Richard, director of the democratisation programme at the Fundación para las Relaciones
      Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE) in Madrid, and lecturer at the University of Warwick, “Europe, the United States, and Middle Eastern Democracy: Repairing the Breach,”
      While American and European 


      is a striking distinction

  • Saudi Arabia DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Unique Link - pushing democracy assistance will collapse US-Saudi relations
      Tarpley 2011 (Press TV interview with Webster Griffin Tarpley, author, journalist and lecturer from Washington, June 18, "Saudi Arabia alarmed by US intentions", SRM)
      Webster Griffin Tarpley


      to destabilize the kingdom. 

      Relations decline over the Arab Spring will drive the Saudis to proliferate
      Guzansky July 1st, 2011 (Yoel Guzansky is a research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University. He joined INSS after serving at Israel's National Security Council; "TEHRAN TESTS SAUDIS' NERVE ON NUKES", LEXIS, SRM)
      UNTIL recently it appeared 


      more than $US300 billion.

      Saudi prolif leads to fast regional prolif
      Center for Contemporary Conflict 2004  (“Conference on WMD Proliferation in the Middle East: Directions and Policy Options in the New Century”
      James Russell from the


      to ensure U.S. engagement?

      Rapid prolif causes pre-emptive nuclear war.
      Heurlin 2005 (Jean Monnet Professor of European Security and Integration at the Department of Political Science of the University of Copenhagen, and Sten Rynning, "Missile defence", p 162-3)
      Arms control and non-proliferation 


      the cost-enhancing MD project.



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Created by on 2011/09/26 15:25


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