Democracy assistance is a form of imperialism that subjugates the people it tries to liberate.
Conway and Singh 11 (Janet and Jakeet, Professor of Sociology at Brock University and Professor of Political Science at University of Toronto, “Radical Democracy in Global Perspective: notes from the pluriverse,” Third World Quarterly, Vol 32, Iss 4, May)
One face of this imperial
Third and Fourth Worlds.
Middle East Democratization uses neocolonial logic that ties itself to the logic of dehumanization and colonialism. The Western imperialism maintained through democracy forces the destroys any form of identity making the process of democracy impossible.
Alkadry 2 (Mohamad G., is an Assistant Professor of Public Administration at West Virginia University. He received his doctorate from Florida Atlantic University., “RECITING COLONIAL SCRIPTS: COLONIALISM, GLOBALIZATION AND DEMOCRACY IN THE DECOLONIZED MIDDLE EAST”, Administrative Theory & Praxis Vol. 24, No. 4, 2002: 739–762)
In writing this article
Middle East even grimmer.
The alternative is SOCIAL REVOLUTION. Reject state-based democratic projects in favor of a revolution against our current social order. We must try to build a new society or risk perpetual war and global fascism.
Herod 01 (James, a long-time activist/organizer in anarchist communities ,“A Stake, Not a Mistake: On Not Seeing the Enemy”, October, )
How many centuries of
next to impossible to escape.