Chico » Chico McNutt-Parker Neg

Chico McNutt-Parker Neg

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:20

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • Will pass – Obama’s Capital Key – SKFTA key to the alliance

      Kim 9/6 (Sukhan, “Pushing the FTA to the finish line,” Korea Joongang Daily, September 6, 2011,
      Despite these hurdles, the 


      get on with ratification of Korus FTA.

      Autonomous USAID democracy aid is unpopular – Perceived as stealing congressional authority

      Melia 5 (George, Inst for Diplomacy-Georgetown, “The DemocracyBureaucracy”,
      A beleaguered foreign aid agency is trying 


      endanger USAID’s relative autonomy.

      SFKTA is key to deter North Korea (and is key to hegemony and the alliance)

      Hiatt 10 (Fred, Editorial Page Editor Washington Post, "Will the U.S. commit to free-trade with South Korea," Washington Post, April 12, 2010,
      In a world of dangerously failed states and


      U.S., in that regard, are timeless." 

      War in Korea triggers every impact – kills the ozone, global ag, the economy, & prolif regime

      Hayes and Green 10 (Peter and Michael Hamel, Victoria University AND Executive Director of the Nautilus Institute, "The Path Not Taken, The Way Still Open: Denuclearizing The Korean Peninsula And Northeast Asia," Japan Focus, January 5, 2010,
      The consequences of failing to address 


      priority consideration from the international community. 

  • EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Counterplan Text: The European Union should do your aff.

      First is solvency - The EU has an effective infrastructure to assist democratic transitions through a variety of means - it’s based on equal partnership

      Tocci and Cassarino 11 (Nathalie, Deputy Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome, and Jean-Pierre, professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, and scientific advisor at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome, “Rethinking the EU’s Mediterranean Policies Post-1/11,” Istituto Affari Internazional, March 6, 2011,
      The Arab revolts do not call for Europe 


      the neighbouring countries too.

  • Democracy Assistance K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The aff’s exportation of western-style liberal democracy dominates the population of the recipient country 

      Conway and Singh 11 (Janet and Jakeet, Professor of Sociology at Brock University and Professor of Political Science at University of Toronto, “Radical Democracy in Global Perspective: notes from the pluriverse,” Third World Quarterly, Vol 32, Iss 4, May, Sydnor)
      One face of this imperial 


      of the Third and Fourth Worlds.

      The benign representation of “democracy assistance” masks transnational corporate and state interests in the aff

      Gerald Sussman 06, teaches urban studies and communications at Portland State University and has published widely on the international political economy of information technology, mass media, and development.  The Myths of ‘Democracy Assistance’: U.S. Political Intervention in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe,  2006, Volume 58, Issue 07 (December),

      U.S. interventionism, except perhaps 


      favorite place of lodging.

      Turns case – Middle East democratization ensures failure of the aff 

      Mohamad G. Alkadry 02, is an Assistant Professor of Public Administration at West Virginia University. He received his doctorate from Florida Atlantic University., “RECITING COLONIAL SCRIPTS: COLONIALISM, GLOBALIZATION AND DEMOCRACY IN THE DECOLONIZED MIDDLE EAST”, Administrative Theory & Praxis Vol. 24, No. 4, 2002: 739–762,
      In writing this article, history kept getting in the way of theory.


      decolonized Middle East even grimmer.

      The alternative is SOCIAL REVOLUTION.   Reject state-based democratic projects in favor of a revolution against our current social order.  We must try to build a new society or risk perpetual war and global fascism.
      Herod 01 (James, a long-time activist/organizer in anarchist communities ,“A Stake, Not a Mistake: On Not Seeing the Enemy”, October, )
      How many centuries of mass murder does 


      and from which it will be next to impossible to escape.  

  • Tunisian Trade Unions CP

    • Tournament: SFSU | Round: 6 | Opponent: Pepperdine | Judge: McBride

    • Text: The United States federal government should substantially increase funding for democratic institution building in Tunisia if and only if the Tunisian provisional government mandates independence of trade unions from government operation and state control.

      We have a solvency advocate – independent trade unions are key to effective democratic transition.

      Cranton 11 (Timothy Cranton, Cornell University, intern at the American Enterprise Institute, "Arab Trade Unions: A New Force," March 15,

      The revolutions that have swept
      engine of dictatorship for another.

      trade union independence is key to co-opt the influence of security apparatuses – failure to consolidate revolutionary opposition through independent organizations drives the working class to terrorism

      Taafe 11 (Peter Taaffe, General Secretary, Socialist Party (CWI in England & Wales), "Challenges to rule of kings and dictators continue," August 3,

      Nor was it Al-Qaeda or the method
      union organisations are completely independent of the state.

      Terrorism causes extinction

      Sid-Ahmed 4 (“Extinction!” Mohamed Sid-Ahmed, staff writer, Al-Ahram Issue 705, September 1, 2004,
      What would be the
      whole planet, we will all be losers.

  • Saudi DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • - pushing democracy assistance will collapse US-Saudi relations
      Tarpley 2011 (Press TV interview with Webster Griffin Tarpley, author, journalist and lecturer from Washington, June 18, "Saudi Arabia alarmed by US intentions", SRM)
      Webster Griffin Tarpley: Well,
      to destabilize the kingdom. 

      Relations decline over the Arab Spring will drive the Saudis to proliferate
      Guzansky, 2011 (Yoel Guzansky is a research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University. He joined INSS after serving at Israel's National Security Council; "TEHRAN TESTS SAUDIS' NERVE ON NUKES",  July 1, LEXIS, SRM)
      UNTIL recently it appeared
      of more than $US300 billion.

      Saudi prolif leads to fast regional prolif
      Center for Contemporary Conflict 2004  (“Conference on WMD Proliferation in the Middle East: Directions and Policy Options in the New Century”
      James Russell from the
      ensure U.S. engagement?

      Rapid prolif causes pre-emptive nuclear war.
      Heurlin 2005 (Jean Monnet Professor of European Security and Integration at the Department of Political Science of the University of Copenhagen, and Sten Rynning, "Missile defence", p 162-3)
      Arms control and non-proliferation regimes
      in addition to the cost-enhancing MD project.

  • Orientalism K

    • Tournament: SFSU | Round: 2 | Opponent: USC PuMu | Judge: Sarah Stone-Watt

    • The affirmatives description of the Other as fundamentally knowable and the presumption that this described subject ought to be reformed to meet Western standards is Orientalist.

      Said, Palestinian Activist and Former Professor at Columbia University, 1978
      [Edward, Orientalism, p. 3-4]

      [Related to this academic tradition, whose fortunes, transmigrations
      texts I call Orientalist. ]

      Their stereotypical portrayal of the non-West makes war inevitable and prevents the affirmative from solving.

      Marrouchi, professor of postcolonial literature at LSU, 1998
      [Mustapha, “Counternarratives, Recoveries, Refusals,” boundary 2, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 205-257]
      [At the most basic level


      Said's silence would certainly be one.]

      Thus our alternative - Reject the ahistorical depictions of the 1AC.

      Their Orientalist assumptions dehistoricize non-Western politics, centering the European and sidelining the non-West – Only a historicized approach solves the affirmative and overcomes Orientalism.

      Marrouchi, professor of postcolonial literature at LSU, 1998
      [Mustapha, “Counternarratives, Recoveries, Refusals,” boundary 2, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 205-257]

      [I shall now return to the trope of the past,
      are constantly being made  afresh.]

  • Round Reports DVC 11

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Round 1 - 

      NEG vs. Fresno BaCa - Tunisia Aff

      1NC: T - substantial, T - USFG action, F/W, EU CP, Case

      2NC: T - substantial, EU CP, Case

      1NR: T - USFG action, F/W

      2NR: F/W

      Round 4 - 

      NEG vs. Cal Poly - Yemen Aff

      1NC: T - material assistance, EPA Politics, EU CP, Case

      2NC: EPA, CP

      1NR: T, Case

      2NR: T

      Round 5 - 

      Neg vs. Los Rios - India Rels/Egypt Aff

      1NC: T - direct assistance, F16 Politics, India not going to space CP, Case turns

      2NC: CP, F16

      1NR: T, Case turns

      2NR: CP, Case turns

  • EPA Politics

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC

      EPA Regs will pass but Obama is fighting them

      LA Times 10/10 (“A GOP assault on environmental regulations,” LA Times, October 10, 2011,,0,1099289,print.story)

      Republicans in the House AND anyone who breathes.

      Block restrictions costs political capital

      Bravender 11 (Robin, “For EPA, climate tough in Senate,” Politico, January 12, 2011, EP

      But for Democrats AND and protect public health.”

      Democracy Assistance kills capital – Bush jacked it up forever

      Lappin 10 (Richard, Ph.D. Candidate at University of Leuven, “Obama and Democracy Assistance: Challenges and Responses,” Carnegie Council, February 1, 2010,

      Unfortunately though, the  AND remain a preserve of U.S. foreign policy.

      Solves warming – reduces GHG’s, gets modeled globally, & sparks broader US efforts

      Galperin 10 (Josh, Policy Analyst and Research Attorney, “EPA Greenhouse Gas Limits to Take Effect in 2011,” Clean Energy, December 30, 2010, CR

      Despite what you may have AND  to slow our changing climate.

      Global warming leads to extinction

      Stein 8 (David, Science editor for The Guardian, “Global Warming Xtra: Scientists warn about Antarctic melting,” July 14, 2008,

      Global Warming continues to be AND fauna beloved to man in the world we share.

      Top of the Docket

      It’s the Top of the Docket – the GOP is pushing EPA regulations as a way to save jobs and the economy as a platform for the 2012 election.  Democrats are blocking now but they’re starting to side with the Republicans. This subsumes all of their thumpers args

      McAuliff and Graves 10/9 (Michael and Lucia, “War On The EPA: Republican Bills Would Erase Decades Of Protection,” Huffington Post, October 9, 2011,

      America's environmental protections are under AND with the idea that regulations harm the economy.

      Will pass – it’s the top of the agenda

      MASCARO 10/9 (Lisa, “As Senate gets ready to take up jobs bill, GOP targets EPA rules,” Star Tribune, October 9, 2011,

      Republicans largely oppose the measure AND regulations and elements of the new health care law.

      Will Pass

      Republican pressures mounting but Obama is key to block oncoming regulations

      Alpert 10/18 (Bruce, “Environmental Protection Agency,” Nola, October 18, 2011,

      Since assuming control of the U.S. AND  rules requiring "the least burdensome" standards. 

  • Katz K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • They theorize power wrong – their project shuts down a Marxist approach to politics. Focus on micropolitics renders capitalism invisible as violence continues unfettered.

      Katz 2k (Adam, English Instructor at Onodaga Community College. 2000. Postmodernism and the Politics of “Culture.” Pg. 104-105)

      Contemporary attempts to conceptualize these




      contradictory processes of material production.






      Embracing a methodology of anti-capitalism is a precursor to all action – without declaring war on capitalism, all forms of praxis are bankrupt and all revolutionary politics stifled.


      Katz 2k (Adam, English Instructor at Onodaga Community College. 2000. Postmodernism and the Politics of “Culture.” Pg. 127-128)

      Virno does recognize the danger that a politics




      genuinely “new” politics.



      Capitalism renders whole populations standing reserves, making widespread extermination inevitable, culminating in the destruction of the planet


      Internationalist Perspective 2k (Spring 2000, “Capitalism and Genocide”, #36,

      Mass death, and genocide, the deliberate




      recourse to mass murder.



      The Alternative is to vote negative: The only way to open up space for a new kind of activity beyond merely “global capitalism with a human face” is to renounce facile calls to direct action. Doing Nothing is the only starting point away from capital.


      Zizek 4 (Slavoj, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Social Studies in Ljubljana, 2004, Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, p. 71-74)

      The stance of simply condemning the postmodern




      or, rather, was – about).







      Their whole epistemological approach is tainted by the violence of production – this makes independent thinking impossible and cuts off the ability to think through the result of their proposed action. That means they lose.


      Katz 2k (Adam, English Instructor at Onodaga Community College. 2000. Postmodernism and the Politics of “Culture.” Pg.199)

      The core of these antinomies is the




      foundational mode of political action.




      to that of a ‘glitch’ in an otherwise sound matrix.





      Local changes are doomed for achieving global change, this prevents anti-capitalist action.


      Katz 2k (Adam, English Instructor at Onodaga Community College. 2000. Postmodernism and the Politics of “Culture.” Pg. 146-147.)

      Habermas’s understanding of undistorted




      cultural studies public intellectual




      Their micropolitical approach does capitalism the ultimate service by rendering it invisible. This allows the triumph of capitalism to march on.


      Zizek 99 (Slavoj, professor of philosophy at the university of Ljubljana, The Ticklish Subject: The Absent Centre of Political Ontology, 1999, pg.  218)

      It is in fact as if, since




      the tolerance of differences

  • Politics - Tax Cuts DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Tax Cuts 1NC

      Tax Cuts will pass, they’re the top of the docket and they’re key to the economy


      Weisenthal 11/11 (Joe, “Washington: Is A Massive Tax Hike Just A Few Weeks Away?,” Business Insider, November 11, 2011,

      There's been a lot of … we predicted in the previous section.

      Capital’s key


      Longbottom 10/13 (Wil, “'I won't take no for an answer on jobs bill': Defiant Obama vows to continue despite Senate defeat,” Daily Mail, October 12, 2011,

      Senior White House officials … Americans now back the bill, according to SBS.

      Democracy Assistance kills capital – Bush jacked it up forever


      Lappin 10 (Richard, Ph.D. Candidate at University of Leuven, “Obama and Democracy Assistance: Challenges and Responses,” Carnegie Council, February 1, 2010,

      Unfortunately though, the Bush … remain a preserve of U.S. foreign policy.


      Tax-Cuts key to the economy – failure to extend them leads to a double-dip recession


      Temple-West 10/6 (Patrick, “Payroll tax cut needed to avoid recession: Zandi,” Reuters, October 6, 2011,

      Failure to extend a payroll tax … close to another dip -- then we need to act soon," Casey told Reuters.


      Royal 10 (Jedediah Royal, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction at the U.S. Department of Defense, 2010, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises,” in Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, p. 213-215)

      Less intuitive is how periods of … first paragraph of this chapter.

  • Saudi DA - New

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Saudi 1NC

      The Arab Spring puts the US and Saudi Arabia on a collision course – US support for democratic movements will ruin US-Saudi relations – cuts off US oil access.


      Nasr 2011 (Vali Nasr, Bloomberg View columnist, Will the Saudis Kill the Arab Spring? Bloomberg,

      In his speech last … as a direct threat to them.

      Saudi Arabia wants a hand in Egypt to counter Iranian influence – the Saudis fear that any number of forces sympathetic to Iran will fill the void left by Mubarak.


      Reuters 2011 (Reuters, February 7, 2011, Saudi Arabia fears Egypt unrest could bolster Iran's role in region: analysts,

      Yet the Saudis may feel … on good terms with Iran.


      Saudi-Iran tensions increase oil prices and shocks and cause an arms race


      Spindle and Coker 2011 (Bill, Maraget, WSJ, 4-16,

      "The cold war is a reality," … looming nuclear arms race in the region.


      Saudi-Iran conflict goes nuclear- Saudi will get nukes from Pakistan


      Guzansky 11 (Yoel, “research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University”, The Australian, July 1,, accessed 8/3/11,)

      UNTIL recently it appeared that … that help guarantee the continuity of the regime. 

  • Anti Politics K (K version)

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Anti-Politics 1NC (K Version)


      A. Link and Uniqueness

      First – Policy Equivocation

      Equivocating on policy implementation makes poor curriculum and turns their [insert ism] arguments. The reason for the right’s ascendance into the mainstream is the Left’s focus on theory instead of action. Viable, practical political action is the only way to implement the otherwise self-referential, contradictory world of critical theory. This also proves the solution to the Right is university students like us – a uniqueness trend they reverse


      Gitlin 6 (Todd, an American writer, sociologist, communications scholar, and author of 14 books, “The intellectuals and the flag,” pg. 67-69)

      Weak thinking on the …  where most people live.


      Second – is our long Chandler card, it:

      -          Proves trade-offs between forms of “politics”

      -          Makes Epistemology K of their authors

      -          Beats “link of omission” – silence on “formality” breeds passivity


      Chandler 7 (David, Professor of International Relations at Chapel University, “The Attraction of Post-Territorial Politics: Ethics and Activism in the

      International Sphere,” Inaugural Lecture, May 2007,

      However, politics is no less important … and engage with the world


      Third – if they bother making a uniqueness argument - they’ll say “politics is screwed-up now”.

      But, if the World’s too “conservative” it’s because our form of political engagement is TOO THIN. It’s linear.


      Chandler 9 (David, Professor of International Relations at Chapel University, “The Global Ideology: Rethinking the Politics of the ‘Global Turn’ in IR,” Journal of International Relations, Vol 23(4): 530–54)

      While the Cold War discipline … of collective political engagement.


      B. Impacts - They’ll say “conventional politics is bad – it links to our 1AC K”. That’s fine – every time they say “neg links”, we’re saying: “yes, and neg impact turns”. 

      Here are our impacts:

      First – Anti-Politics dooms their project, threatens the planet, cedes politics to the Right – culminating in extinction.


      Small 6 (Jonathan, former Americorps VISTA for the Human Services Coalition, “Moving Forward,” Journal for Civic Commitment, Issue 7, 2006)

      What will be the challenges … a project that seeks to do just that.

      Second – Anti-Politics causes racism in two ways.

      It’s comparatively better to work within the State


      Grossberg 92 (Lawrence, Professor of Communication at the University of Illinois, “We Gotta Get Out of This Place,” p. 390-1)

      But this would mean that … minorities into a new majority..


      And, it attracts a tyrannical response that backfires – empirics prove


      Hogan 7 (Michael, Honorary Associate in Government and International Relations at The University of Sydney, “Anti-political sentiment in contemporary liberal democracies,” Australian Review of Public Affairs, Volume 8, Number 1: August 2007, 1–1)

      The issues of ethnicity and … the institutions of democracy and capitalism.


      C. This position has three implications:

      It’s a disad to the 1AC’s emphasis on critical theory and their strategy for advancing political change.

      2. It’s a solvency takeout – the systems they critique remain unchanged and their approach to curriculum will only empower the Right.

      D. The alternative is to vote negative to engage politics

      Institutional approaches are the only way to avoid the collapse of all movements and effectively challenge the flawed state policies.


      Grossberg 92 (Lawrence, Professor of Communication Studies at UNC Chapel Hill, We Gotta Get Out of this Place: Popular Conservatism and Postmodern Culture, page 388-389)

      The demand for moral and … institutionalization, even if they are impure and compromised.

  • Heidegger K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • 1NC Shell

      The affirmative’s attempt to proliferate the internet as a form of “democracy assistance” is indicative of their fixation towards a technological mode of efficiency.  This reliance on modern technology seeks to enframe all being, casting the earth and everything on it as a standing-reserve that can be consumed without recourse.


      Thiele 95 (Leslie Paul, professor of political science at the University of Florida. Timely Meditations: Martin Heidegger and Postmodern Politics. 1995, p. 195-196)

      Modern technology reveals the … entire experiential field of human being.

      This drive for management and technological control reduces the people it’s meant to protect to mere resources to be consumed – culminating in the extinction of them and all other modes of thinking – ontological damnation.


      McWhorter 92 (Ladelle, Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Studies at Richmond, Heidegger and the earth: Essays in environmental philosophy, Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1992, pp. 6)

      The danger of a managerial … of which we may never dream

      Even if that drive for technological efficiency doesn’t cause it – ontological damnation outweighs extinction


      Zimmerman 97 (Michael Contesting Earth's Future: Radical Ecology and Postmodernity, Berkeley, Calif. University of California Press. p.119-120)

      George Sessions say that if … people would be as good as dead.


      Our alternative is to do nothing – the necessity to ‘act’ is a result the engrained technological efficiency – only by refusing to act can we allow ourselves to be open to new forms of thinking.


      McWhorter 92 (Ladelle, Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Studies at Richmond, Heidegger and the earth: Essays in environmental philosophy, Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1992)

      "Thinking today must concern itself … current ways of being human

  • Round Reports CSUN 11

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Round 2 - 

      NEG vs. Fullerton AT - "The Saved Night"

      1NC: Anti Politics K (K version)

      2NC: Anti Politics K (-Alt)

      1NR: Alt, Case

      2NR: K (+Alt)

      Round 4 - 

      NEG vs. Los Rios Chowder & Danstan - India/Egypt Aff

      1NC: T - direct assistance, T - substantial, Katz K, Heidegger K, Adv CP, Case

      2NC: T - substantial, CP, Case

      1NR: Katz K, Heidegger K, CP Theory

      2NR: Heidegger K -____-

      Round 6 - 

      NEG vs. ASU Dunne Sanchez - Egypt Constitution Reform

      1NC: EU CP, Democracy Assistance K, Tax Cut Politics, Saudi DA, lil Case

      2NC: EU, Politics, Case

      1NR: Democracy Assistance K

      2NR: Democracy Assistance K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:


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