AT Remove 5th Fleet CP
Kickout causes Iran emboldening
Smith 11 Sr. Editor @ Weekly Standard—The Bahrain Crack-Up, Aug 8, 2011, LEE SMITH, Sr. Editor @ Weekly Standard
There have been … gets tough.
The only warrant is Saudi emboldening—but kickout causes worse brutality
Trombly 11—Daniel, GWU International Affairs student, "The unconvincing case against the Fifth Fleet", June 11, Slouching Towards Columbia, http://slouchingcolumbia.wordpress.com/2011/06/11/the-unconvincing-case-against-the-5th-fleet/
It is not clear …offshore balancing works.
Fifth Fleet Key to Middle East stability and economic growth
Trombly 11—Daniel, GWU International Affairs student, "The unconvincing case against the Fifth Fleet", June 11, Slouching Towards Columbia, http://slouchingcolumbia.wordpress.com/2011/06/11/the-unconvincing-case-against-the-5th-fleet/
Additionally, the Fifth … important to the US.
Aircraft Carrier key to hegemony – also key to deter China’s new carrier
Shraberg 11 (Aaron, “Near-Term Missions for China’s Maiden Aircraft Carrier,” Global Security News, China Brief Volume: 11, Issue 11)
As China’s maiden … an aircraft carrier.
Ability to deploy carriers guarantees crisis management – prevents conflict escalation
Eaglen 8 (Mackenzie, Senior Policy Analyst for National Security at the Heritage Foundation, “Aircraft Carriers Are Crucial,” Washington Post, July 31, 2008, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/30/AR2008073003078.html)
For any U.S. president, … ready to serve."
AT Russia Oil DA
1) No Link - Russia would support an end to the violence- they were part of the international criticism of Assad
The Turkish Weekly 11 Tuesday, 2 August 2011 “Defiant Assad Praises Troops After Deadly Syria Crackdown”, http://maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=410228
However, Moscow on … targeted, including Assad.
2) Turn: High Oil Prices Cause Russian Dutch Disease Which Collapses Democracy And Short Circuits All Econ Offense
Shlapentokh 6[Vladimir Shlapentokh, PhD in economics @ Soviet Academy of Sciences, professor of sociology @ MSU , “Intoxicated by high oil prices: Political Dutch disease afflicting the Kremlin”, Oil & Gas Journal, November 6, http://www.ogj.com/articles/print/volume-104/issue-41/general-interest/intoxicated-by-high-oil-prices-political-dutch-disease-afflicting-the-kremlin.html]
Seemingly, the Russian … closely monitored.
3) Oil Price Alt causes: Strait of Hormuz closure and US sections
AP Today! Record oil price looms amid Iran quarrel, http://www.fin24.com/Markets/Commodities/Record-oil-price-looms-amid-Iran-quarrel-20120103, Jan 03 2012 07:50 AP
Frankfurt - Iran's threat …is very unlikely.
4) Russia’s Economy’s collapse inevitable, Multiple Warrants
Aleksashenko 11[Sergei Aleksashenko, former deputy minister of finance of the Russian Federation and former deputy governor of the Russian central bank, is a scholar-in-residence in the Carnegie Moscow Center’s Economic Policy Program. “Russia: Stable but Critical”, July 21, 2011, , Sergei Aleksashenko, former deputy minister of finance of the Russian Federation and former deputy governor of the Russian central bank, is a scholar-in-residence in the Carnegie Moscow Center’s Economic Policy Program.
While few things …which candidate wins.
AT neolib
Neoliberalism Good – General
Don’t buy their trend-worshipping philosophers – neoliberalism does far more good than harm
Christoph Blocher , Vice President of the Swiss People’s Party, 5-18-06, “Neosocialism versus Neoliberalism?”. http://www.ejpd.admin.ch/ejpd/en/home/dokumentation/red/archiv/reden_christoph_blocher/2006/2006-05-18.html
Indeed it has …that of neoliberalism.
Neoliberalism Good – 2AC Extinction
Moving away from pure-market neoliberalism allows anti-market forces to discredit the natural laws of capitalism and destroy humanity (gender paraphrased)
Israel Kirzner - professor emeritus of economics at New York University and the author of many books about Austrian economics - August 2006 “The Anatomy of Economic Advice, Part I” http://www.fee.org/publications/the-freeman/article.asp?aid=5609 [nfb]
Mises was, as …von Böhm-Bawerk).
1. Perm: Do Both
A) The alternative can overcome the SQ. It can overcome the plan
B) Perm solves:
Collectivism is inevitable. Compromises between pure theory and data driven economics is key to prevent alternative failure.
Steven R. Kangas, journalist, BA in Russian Studies, 1996 “A Critique of the Austrian School of Economics: METHODOLOGICAL INDIVIDUALISM” http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/L-ausmain.htm
In debates between … of civic-mindedness.
Perm solves their methodology arguments
Roger Koppl, Professor of Economics and Finance Fairleigh Dickinson University, Forthcoming. Rational-Choice Hermeneutics. Journal of Economic Behaviorand Organization, 2004, http://www.csun.edu/~dgw61315/RCHfinal.pdf
In the modern … of human action.
Neoliberalism Good – 2AC Solves Violence
We win the race to the internal link – every relevant example in the last thirty years suggests that neoliberal market policies dramatically decrease violence
John A. Tures, Associate Professor of Political Science at LaGrange College, 2003, “ECONOMIC FREEDOM AND CONFLICT REDUCTION: EVIDENCE FROM THE 1970S, 1980S, AND 1990S”, Cato Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3. http://www.cato.org/pubs/journal/cj22n3/cj22n3-9.pdf
The last three … past three decades.
AT Jackson - Vianick PLX
Passing controversial polices boosts capital
Singer 9 (Jonathan, Juris Doctorate candidate at Berkeley Law, “By Expending Capital, Obama Grows His Capital,” My Direct Democracy, http://mydd.com/2009/3/3/by-expending-capital-obama-grows-his-capital)
Despite the country's … as a result.
Not top of the docket – the pipeline decision will drain capital before the tax-cut extension can even be discussed
Daly 1/2 (Matthew, “Obama, Congress begin 2012 in oil pipeline dispute,” Washington Times, January 2, 2012, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/jan/2/obama-congress-begin-2012-oil-pipeline-dispute/)
President Barack Obama …energy to extract.
Winners win
Green 10 (David Michael, professor of political science at Hofstra University in New York, “The Do-Nothing 44th President,” Op-Ed News, June 11, 2010, http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Do-Nothing-44th-Presid-by-David-Michael-Gree-100611-648.html)
Moreover, there is … what they did.
The DA is not intrinsic to the plan – logical policy makers can pass a payroll tax cut extension and send democracy assistance to Bahrain.
Give a Russia war impact zero probability – politics, military superiority, economic concerns, and nuclear security all check war
Thomas Graham, senior advisor on Russia in the US National Security Council staff 2002-2007, September 2007, "Russia in Global Affairs” July - September 2007,The Dialectics of Strength and Weakness
An astute historian … relations with Russia.
Even a rapid US-Russia war would end in peace negotiations before nukes were launched – Russian generals concede.
Colonel General LeonidIvashov, President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems. July 2007 “WILL AMERICA FIGHT RUSSIA”. Defense and Security, No 78. LN
Ivashov: Numerous scenarios …negotiations into motion.
John Kerry supports the plan – wants civil society freedom in Bahrain
Rozen 11 (Laura, reports on the world of foreign policy from Foggy Bottom to the White House, the Hill to Embassy Row, for Foreign Policy's reported, daily online column, The Cable, “U.S. urges restraint on Bahrain after overnight attack,” Politico, February 17, 2011, http://www.politico.com/blogs/laurarozen/0211/US_urges_restraint_on_Bahrain_after_overnight_attack_on_protesters.html)
A top Senate …greater political freedom.”
Kerry key to the agenda – our ev is specific to the current administration and Middle East foreign policy
Traub 7/14 (James, “The All-American,” New York times, July 14, 2011, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/17/magazine/john-kerry-our-man-in-kabul.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2)
The last time … good in each case.