Central Oklahoma » UCO AV- Askey and Vance Aff

UCO AV- Askey and Vance Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:20
  • UCO AV Aff- Mo State Rd 1

    • Tournament: Sample Tournament | Round: 1 | Opponent: Sample Team | Judge: Sample Judge

    • A

    • Thus the plan: The United State Federal Government should substantially increase its democracy assistance to Yemen by expanding the Safe Age of Marriage program.

      25-35000 girls everyday are forced to trade their childhood for a life defined by isolation and violence

      Malhotra 10 The Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Forced Forced Child Marriage Child Marriage in the Developing World Testimony Submitted to U.S. House of Representatives Human Rights Commission s Human Rights Commission By AnjuMalhotra, PhD Vice President of Research, Innovation and Impact International Center for Research on Women l Center for Research on Women Washington, D.C. July 15, 2010 http://www.icrw.org/files/images/Causes-Consequences-and%20Solutions-to-Forced-Child-Marriage-Anju-Malhotra-7-15-2010.pdf

      Forced child marriage is a life-changing
      El Salvador it is six to one. 3
      Life is not good for women in Yemen, this is further exasperated by child marriage 

      Oxfam in 2010 (How Change Happens: Campaigning on Early Marriage in Yemen; September 21; www.oxfamblogs.org/fp2p/?s=safe+age+of+marriage&x=0&y=0; kdf)

      Here’s another interesting example of how to do
      viewed as an economic liability by some families.  

      While there are laws on the books, they are nothing more than rhetoric

      IPPF in 2006 (International Planned Parenthood Federation and Forum on the Marriage and the Rights of Women and Girls; Ending child marriage, a guide for global policy action; www.unfpa.org/webdav/site/global/shared/documents/publications/2006/endchildmarriage.pdf; kdf)

      This is despite the existence of numerous international
      development assistance to address this gross rights violation.

      Even human rights groups ignore these “invisible” children

      UNICEF in 2011 (Early marriage- Child
      _earlymarriage_07mar.pdf; kdf)

      Despite the efforts of reformers in the early
      to analyse the full impact of this practice.
      The US is failing to take the lead on the issue

      Global Aids Alliance Fund 2010 http://www.globalaidsalliancefund.org/index.php/c4_site/interior/%20obama_pledges_action/

      Tonight’s State of the Union address is a
      exempt inheritances of $5 million or more.

      Thus the plan: The United State Federal Government should substantially increase its democracy assistance to Yemen by expanding the Safe Age of Marriage program.

      Contention Two: The Advantage

      Child marriage is the ultimate form of dehumanization
      IPPF in 2006 (International Planned Parenthood Federation and Forum on the Marriage and the Rights of Women and Girls; Ending child marriage, a guide for global policy action; www.unfpa.org/webdav/site/global/shared/documents/publications/2006/endchildmarriage.pdf; kdf)

      Child marriage is culturally packaged as a social
      and advocate for an end to this practice.

      Child marriages perpetuate the feminization of poverty 

      IPPF in 2006 (International Planned Parenthood Federation and Forum on the Marriage and the Rights of Women and Girls; Ending child marriage, a guide for global policy action; www.unfpa.org/webdav/site/global/shared/documents/publications/2006/endchildmarriage.pdf; kdf)

      In many countries child marriage is linked with
      livelihood capacities of large sections of society persist.

      Child marriage entrenches the impact of patriarchy

      Mercier 2006 (Jacqueline Staff Writer, Boston College Third World Law Journal, “ELIMINATING CHILD MARRIAGE IN INDIA: A BACKDOOR APPROACH TO ALLEVIATING HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS”, http://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1084&context=twlj&sei-redir=1#search=%22Child%20Bride%20Patriarchy%22, Vance) 

      Sagade emerges from an introductory sea of demographic
      unknowingly contributes to the strengthening of patriarchy.”2

      Patriarchy is at the root of all impacts

      Warren Cady 1994 Karen J., Duane L., Professors at Macalester and Hamline, Spring, http://www.jstor.org/stable/3810167?cookieSet=1

      Conceptually, a feminist perspective suggests that patriarchal
      degrees of justification for war (Cady 1989). 

      Child marriage undermines development efforts and locks women into a perpetual cycle of poverty

      Malhotra 10 The Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Forced Forced Child Marriage Child Marriage in the Developing World Testimony Submitted to U.S. House of Representatives Human Rights Commission s Human Rights Commission By AnjuMalhotra, PhD Vice President of Research, Innovation and Impact International Center for Research on Women l Center for Research on Women Washington, D.C. July 15, 2010 http://www.icrw.org/files/images/Causes-Consequences-and%20Solutions-to-Forced-Child-Marriage-Anju-Malhotra-7-15-2010.pdf

      Not only does child marriage paralyze young girls’
      live in poverty and raise children in poverty. 

      Poverty is a systemic form or violence that kills hundreds of millions of people—its impact is greater than a never ending thermonuclear war
      Abu-Jamal 1998 [Mumia, award-winning Pennsylvania journalist, A quite and deadly violence. http://www.flashpoints.net/mQuietDeadlyViolence.html]

       The deadliest form of violence is poverty
      great and terrible violence passes away with them.

      Contention Three: Solvency

      Democracy assistance is an effective means for combating childhood marriage
      USAID 2009 (Issue Brief- Preventing Child Marriage: Protecting Girls' Health; www.usaid.gov/our_work/global_health/pop/news/issue_briefs/prev_child_marriage.pdf; kdf)

      Significant numbers of girls in the developing world
      have become increasingly interested in addressing the practice.
      USAID supports a number of programs at the
      models that could be replicated in coming years.
      Forming Child Marriage Eradication Committees in Nepal In
      , which is now awaiting the president’s signature.

      The Safe Age of Marriage program is proven effective—expansion of the program is the only means to eradicate child marriage

      McCollum in 2010 (Betty [Rep. of Minnesota]; CHILD MARRIAGE: WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY TO PREVENT IT; States News Service; August 19; kdf)

      In developing countries, one in seven girls
      by providing them with educational and economic opportunities.

      We must set aside questions of magnitude for the probability of our aff impacts—nothing outweighs the violence of early marriage

      Gordon-Zolov and Rogers 2010 (Terri, assistant professor of comparative literature at The New School, Robin, associate professor of sociology at Queens College and the Graduate Center at the City University of New York “Introduction: Citizenship”, http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/wsq/summary/v038/38.1-2.gordon-zolov01.html, Vance)

      Even when ostensibly gender neutral, citizenship shapes
      much as with those of their male counterparts.

      You prefer our systemic impacts first—probability must be evaluated prior to all other considerations

      Rescher 83   Prof. of Philosophy
      Nicholas Rescher, University of Pittsburgh Professor of
      the Theory of Risk Evaluation and Management” 1983  

      The rational management of risk calls for adherence
      rationale motivates the recourse to ''effectively zero'' probabilities. 

      Our affirmative elevates private sphere problems to ethical significance- ethical judgment is impossible without an investigation of the gendered constructions of the world around us

      Hutchings 2000 Towards a Feminist International Ethics Review of International Studies vol 26 pp 111-130 Prof of International Relations at the London School of Economics

      According to feminist ethics the nature and conditions
      is possible for anything to be ethically significant.
      The failure to ground decisions within an ethical framework ignores the construction of the practices and institutions of patriarchy construct the political choices they offer

      Hutchings 2000 Towards a Feminist International Ethics Review of International Studies vol 26 pp 111-130 Prof of International Relations at the London School of Economics

      In the above argument, I have tried
      effects of assumptions about universal humanity or justice.
      Our ethical framework embraces an ethic of risk- to strive towards repairing the structural conditions of patriarchy even if we cannot undo all of it

      Welch 2000 Sharon D. Prof. of Religious Studies and Woman’s Studies at University of Missouri, A Feminist Ethic of Risk, p. 67-68

      With an ethic of risk, action begins
      recognition of the depth and persistence of evil.
      Failure to stand up to oppression in the face of unpredictable risk is the ultimate failure of ethics- to not resist injustice is to die

      Birden 02 Re-Thinking Resistance: On Welch and Foucault Susan Birden SUNY, Buffalo State College In E. S. Fletcher (Ed.), Philosophy of education 2002: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society (pp. 101-109). Urbana, IL: Philosophy of Education Society http://ojs.ed.uiuc.edu/index.php/pes/article/viewFile/1800/510 

      Welch envisions a postmodern approach to theorizing and
      To stop raging against oppression is to die.

      Embracing the ethic of risk is key to avoiding inevitable genocides and war

      Welch 2000 Sharon D. Prof. of Religious Studies and Woman’s Studies at University of Missouri, A Feminist Ethic of Risk, p. 17-19

      This particular view of social ethics and public
      explore elements of this theology in chapter 8.

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • AAff: UCO AU

      Round #2   Tournament: Wake

      vs: USC PW

      Judge: Izak Dunn



      Plan Text


      USFG should expand safe age of marriage act throughout Yemen.


      1ac Advantages




      2ac Offense



      1ar Strategy




      2ar Strategy



  • UCO AV Aff- Texas Swing

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • UCO Dominant ideology defines of our democracy as the ‘best of all possible worlds’. This legitimizes atrocities and keeps us from working toward future improvements. Instead, democracy should be utilized as a specific site to challenge dominant ideology.

      Badiou 2001 (Alain, “On Evil: An Interview with Alain Badiou” http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/5/alainbadiou.php, Vance)


      In truth, our leaders and propagandists know


      real ideas and real projects depends on it.





      Our ideal ‘democracy’ is one that excludes all of those outside of it. Democrats believe that ‘non-democrats’ possess an unrequited love for our form of elections; this allows current state ideology to push non-democrats into a world marked by disease, war, and famine.

      Badiou 2011 (Alain, Emblem Demo, Page 6, Vance)


      Despite all that is devaluing the word democracy


      outside finally prove they deserve to come inside.


      The democrat/non-democrat dichotomy allows America to contextualize war and peace as being one in the same, and never ending.

      Badiou 2004 (Alain, FRAGMENTS OF A PUBLIC DIARY ON THE AMERICAN WAR AGAINST IRAQ Vol. 8, No. 3 Summer 2004, pp. 223–238 ISSN 1740-9292 print/ISSN 1477-2876 2004 Taylor & Francis Ltd http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals)


      From the moment we begin to live indistinctly


      ” against the barbarian aggressiveness of the poor.


      However, Egypt has proven this ideology to be flawed, and it must be safe-guarded to prove democracy is universal.

      Zizek Nov. 14, 2011 (Slajov, “Neoliberalism in Crisis”, http://neoliberalism.org.nz/2011/11/slavoj-zizek-%E2%80%9Cneoliberalism-is-in-crisis%E2%80%9D/, Vance)


      Obviously the “standard”, what we call 


      of the end is clear. Saudi Arabia.


      THUS THE PLAN: The United States federal government should offer anti-corruption assistance to Egypt.

      Despite the recent changes Egypt is still ripe with corruption.

      Ahram Online December 1 2011 (Al-Ahram Establishment, Egypt’s largest news organization, “Egyptian corruption still riding high: watchdog”, http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/3/12/28219/Business/Economy/Egyptian-corruption-still-riding-high-watchdog.aspx, Vance)


      Awareness of Egyptian corruption is still riding high


      of public-sector anti-corruption efforts. 


      Anti-corruption is a universal goal due to the major implications it risks on every sector of life including democracy.

      Chodosh 2009 (Professor Hiram E. is Dean of the S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah, “Corruption and its challenges: the battle to stop a universal problem”, http://www.mallat.com/imag/pdf/Chodosh25Sep09.pdf, Vance)


      Corruption is increasingly seen as a universal problem, deeply embedded in many national

      legal systems, and also transnational in nature


      , as another example, is riddled with corruption

      Corruption creates “haves” and “have nots” of internal politics, the same as American foreign policy does with the democrat/non-democrat dichotomy. These are used by the State to stripe the political agency and dehumanize.

      Edkins 2003 (Jenny, Journal of Human Rights, v.2 n.2, Jun, .International politics, University of Wales)


      The debate broadly centers on establishing normative principles


      and produces the same dehumanized and depoliticized subjects.

      This form of dehumanization outweighs all other impacts.

      Montagu and Matson 83

      Ashley Montagu, Esteemed Scientist and Writer;




      The contagion is unknown to science and unrecognized


      conventional name, of course, is dehumanization.


      The affirmative would solve back by return political agency taken by corruption – This is the essence of democracy.

      Badiou 2005 (Alain, “Metapolitics” Pg. 15)

      You can take any doctrine and label the


      that future are gradually becoming visible even now.


      Do not attempt to confide our plan to simple text. It represents what Zizek calls a  ‘metaphoric condensation’ - a call to an end corruption and advance democracy for a universal.

      Zizek 2006 (Slavoj, senior researcher at


      Universal Exception, pg. 183-186)


      Let us begin with the question: 'What


      of the entire society against the party nomenklatura.

      The political struggle proper is therefore never simply


      a post-political, rational society.3

      It is thus politicization that re-emerged


      Committee was simply to guarantee fair treatment for the

      journalists; however, the Committee turned into


      focusing on the particular problem of their plight.

      All arguments we make are performances that define our identity.

      Shapiro ’97 (Michael J., Professor of Political Science at the University of Hawaiiʻi at Mānoa, Violent Cartographies:

      Mapping Cultures of War. University of Minnesota Press, 1997.)


      All analysis and accounts of past wars share


      -making narratives thought which they are shaped.

      Debate presents the prefect condition for metaphoric condensation. Our particular demand as the affirmative will always resonate best, because it is a particular demand for the universal that cannot be politically denied.

      Zizek 2007 Slavoj, Resistance is Surrender, London Review of Books, 11/15 http://www.lrb.co.uk/v29/n22/zize01_.html


      The lesson here is that the truly subversive


      which can’t be met with the same excuse.

      Voting affirmative resonates into something beyond just the act of voting—it creates the space for universal politics by exposing the violence of the current system and wills a new one into existence

      Dean in 2005 (Jodi [Associate Prof


      _new_version.doc, kdf)


      I’ve argued thus far that Zizek rejects the


      that this exclusion creates the space of politicization.

      So, what does universality exclude? Zizek


      no ‘itself’ absent this ‘beyond’).

      The Apocalypse is coming now. Our only chance of avoiding it is a change of ideology to unite people for a universal goal.


      Zizek 2009 (Slavoj; First as tragedy, then as farce; p. 87-94; kdf)


      For this reason, a new emancipatory politics


      as the chance for a radical emancipatory renewal.

      Particular demands of the State do not make us a part of the State; rather they are how we can effectively act to challenge it.


      Badiou and Hallward 1998 (Alain and Peter, Politics and Philosophy An Interview with Alain Badiou http://kenrogers.org/archive/archive/files/d6cb5e2fb00f2fa6755afc231f05a7ac.pdf, Vance)


      The third and final point of change concerns


      than in an radical exteriority to the state.


      Working through the State is the only way to not legitimize its authority.


      Zizek 2007 Slavoj, Resistance is Surrender, London Review of Books, 11/15 http://www.lrb.co.uk/v29/n22/zize01_.html


      So what should, say, the US


      – will be possible also in Iraq!’


      Rock me momma like a wagon wheel, rock me momma any way you feel. Heeyyyyy mommma rock me. 

  • UCO AV Aff- UTD

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Democracy

      Egypt was not the end historic discussion of democracy but a beginning that is now occurring around the world. It’s a metaphor that resonates beyond Egypt through Occupy to this very debate.


      Walter Dec. 19, 2011 (Walter B., Journalist invited to Gouth Institute, present at Egyptian uprising, “Between Sun and Midan Tahrir Measure”,



      , Vance)


      But it is not the case. The


      we are allowed to bring in Midan Tahrir.


      The history we construct will determine the way this debate plays out. The choice is between constructing affirming the need for this discussion or denial of change.


      Shapiro ’97 (Michael J., Professor of Political Science at the University of Hawaiiʻi at Mānoa, Violent Cartographies:

      Mapping Cultures of War. University of Minnesota Press, 1997.)


      All analysis and accounts of past wars share


      -making narratives thought which they are shaped.

      Denial of change is a dangerous choice, because the dominant ideology defines of our democracy as the ‘best of all possible worlds’. This legitimizes atrocities and keeps us from working toward future improvements. Instead, democracy should be utilized as a specific site to challenge dominant ideology.


      Badiou 2001 (Alain, “On Evil: An Interview with Alain Badiou” http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/5/alainbadiou.php, Vance)


      In truth, our leaders and propagandists know


      real ideas and real projects depends on it.

      In opposition to the affirmative advocacy stands a ‘democracy’ that one that excludes all of those outside of it. Democrats believe that ‘non-democrats’ possess an unrequited love for our form of elections; this allows current state ideology to push non-democrats into a world marked by disease, war, and famine.


      Badiou 2011 (Alain, Emblem Demo, Page 6, Vance)


      Despite all that is devaluing the word democracy


      outside finally prove they deserve to come inside.


      This is the justification for unending American violence around the planet.


      Badiou 2004 (Alain, FRAGMENTS OF A PUBLIC DIARY ON THE AMERICAN WAR AGAINST IRAQ Vol. 8, No. 3 Summer 2004, pp. 223–238 ISSN 1740-9292 print/ISSN 1477-2876 2004 Taylor & Francis Ltd http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals)


      From the moment we begin to live indistinctly


      ” against the barbarian aggressiveness of the poor.



      Egypt’s failure in a democratic transition will be used to justify that “democracy” is not a universal goal that should be pursued, and that the Egyptian’s simply were too primitive.


      Zizek Nov. 14, 2011 (Slajov, “Neoliberalism in Crisis”, http://neoliberalism.org.nz/2011/11/slavoj-zizek-%E2%80%9Cneoliberalism-is-in-crisis%E2%80%9D/, Vance)


      Obviously the “standard”, what we call 


      of the end is clear. Saudi Arabia.


      THUS THE PLAN: The United States federal government should offer good governance assistance to Egypt.

      This action creates an ideological break and spurs discussion about democracy for a Universal goal.


      Bracking 2010 (Sarah, College of Law University of Manchester, Annual Law & International Development Training Programme, “Governance and Corruption”, 27th November,

      http://www.a4id.org/sites/default/files/Governance%20and%20Corruption.pdf, Vance)


      Weber and Talcott Parsons (1997: 80-82) good governance is the mode under which public goods are distributed on the basis of ethical universalism. Good governance also makes reference to the rationalist, social welfare maximisation paradigm and the common good. A governance mode based on rational-legal authority has an opposite in patromonialism, clientilism, patronage, and nepotism. Ethical universalism and government impartiality stand opposed to particuliarism. Thus high-level corruption most commonly defined as: “the misuse of public office, public resources or public responsibility for private - personal or group – gain” (Szeftel, 2000: 407)


      Must shift the discourse on democracy to that of good governance this is key to addressing the problems of liberal democratic exclusion


      Sadiki 04 Larbi, Prof of Politics at University of Exeter, The Search for Arab Democracy: Discourses and Counter-Discourses, p. 5-6


      Thus, while diverse epistemic communities continue to


      women, amongst others, in liberal democracies.


      Metaphoric Condensation

      The plan text resonates beyond itself into what Zizek calls a  ‘metaphoric condensation’ - a call for good governance and advance democracy for a universal.


      Zizek 2006 (Slavoj, senior researcher at


      Universal Exception, pg. 183-186)


      Let us begin with the question: 'What


      of the entire society against the party nomenklatura.

      The political struggle proper is therefore never simply


      a post-political, rational society.3

      It is thus politicization that re-emerged


      Committee was simply to guarantee fair treatment for the

      journalists; however, the Committee turned into


      focusing on the particular problem of their plight.

      Voting affirmative resonates into something beyond just the act of voting—it creates the space for universal politics by exposing the violence of the current system and wills a new one into existence

      Dean in 2005 (Jodi [Associate Prof


      _new_version.doc, kdf)


      I’ve argued thus far that Zizek rejects the


      that this exclusion creates the space of politicization.

      So, what does universality exclude? Zizek


      no ‘itself’ absent this ‘beyond’).

      Debate provides the prefect condition for metaphoric condensation. Our particular demand as the affirmative will always resonate best, because it is a particular demand for the universal that cannot be politically denied.


      Zizek 2007 Slavoj, Resistance is Surrender, London Review of Books, 11/15 http://www.lrb.co.uk/v29/n22/zize01_.html


      The lesson here is that the truly subversive


      which can’t be met with the same excuse.

      Achieving the Universal is essential to manifest an ideological shift in order to avoid the coming apocalypse caused by the blinkering effect of the current system, making focus on multiple catastrophic scenarios impossible.


      Zizek 2009 (Slavoj; First as tragedy, then as farce; p. 87-94; kdf)


      For this reason, a new emancipatory politics


      as the chance for a radical emancipatory renewal.

      The State

      However, do not be confused. Our particular demand on the State does not make us a part of it. It is how we can effectively demonstrate proper State action and challenge its current flaws.


      Badiou and Hallward 1998 (Alain and Peter, Politics and Philosophy An Interview with Alain Badiou http://kenrogers.org/archive/archive/files/d6cb5e2fb00f2fa6755afc231f05a7ac.pdf, Vance)


      The third and final point of change concerns


      than in an radical exteriority to the state.


      It is possible to advocate good governance in any location. We should not be identified by where we take action but why we took action.


      Youngs 11, Director-General FRIDE, ’11 (Richard- Professor Politics University of Warwick, February 11, “Misunderstanding The Maladies Of Liberal Democracy Promotion”


      Third, central to critical perspectives is the


      not to be captured by incumbent autocratic regimes.


      This movement we represent going across the world is proof that you can have universal democracy without inegalitarian economic system.

      Zizek Oct. 10, 2011 (via Eric W. Dolan has served as an editor for Raw Story, “Slavoj Zizek: Marriage between democracy and capitalism is over”, http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/10/10/slavoj-zizek-marriage-between-democracy-and-capitalism-is-over/, Vance)


      “We can see that for a long


      there are pagans who are worshipping blasphemous idols.”


      The construction of the ideology at hand our discussion challenges, would embrace violent atrocities that occur under the government. Even if the affirmative on face does not outweigh objection, it should still be voted for as a rejection of the splitting effect of the law.


      Zizek 2006

      (Slavoj, senior researcher at the Institute


      Universal Exception, pg. 63-66)


      Superego is the obscene 'nightly' law that necessarily


      one wishes to be swallowed by the earth.)


      Representational politics operates in cracks of power to promote real democracy and create discourse of ethics


      Giroux 2001 (Henry, Professor of Media Studies at Toronto University, “Private Satisfactions and Public Disorders: Fight Club, Patriarchy, and the Politics of Masculine Violence”, http://www.henryagiroux.com/online_articles/fight_club.htm, Vance)


      Any attempt to critically address Fight Club and


      human suffering and works to prevent its reoccurrence.


       Rack city kids, rack rack city kid. 



  • UCO AV Aff- UMKC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Observation 1: Inherency

      Anti-SCAF protests are erupting now in Egypt

      El Deeb Jan. 20, 2012 (SARAH, Reporter Associated Press, “A year later, Egypt activists seek more revolution”, http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gi94YrqdFWEH8PvhsuTaWEyN_Daw?docId=109452a5b5304e27b6189b3e88779ba6,Vance)


      A crowd of anti-military activists suddenly


      when parliament convenes and on the Wednesday anniversary.

      U.S. support for protesters has only been rhetoric.

      MSNBC Nov. 2011 (“Egypt protesters get US support for power transfer”, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45433867/ns/world_news-mideast_n_africa/t/egypt-protesters-get-us-support-power-transfer/#.Txmxl2-0zi5, Vance)


      Tens of thousands of Egyptians demanding an end


      cannot be trusted to hold a clean vote.

      SCAF is going to maintain power over Egypt post-elections

      Kirkpatrick Dec. 2011 (DAVID D.


      , Vance)


      Egypt’s military rulers said Wednesday that they would


      it will not have power over the constitution.

      SCAF is extremely oppressive

      Bullimore 2012 (Kim and is currently working with the international human rights and solidarity group, “Egyptian protests demand end to military rule”, http://directaction.org.au/egyptian_protests_demand_end_to_military_rule, Vance)


      According to Amnesty, in an attempt to


      the problem, because they are the problem.”


      Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should substantial increase the Middle East Partnership Initiative’s civic education program throughout Egypt.

      America backing the protest ensures that SCAF will allow the democratic transition to occur.

      Alexander 2011 (Jeffrey C., Professor of Sociology at Yale University, “The Military Must Go: What President Obama Must Do to Save Egypt’s Democracy”, http://ccs.research.yale.edu/documents/public/1112/Egypt%20Op-Ed.pdf, Vance)


      This gerrymandered public power has rung some victories


      “The People demand that SCAF must go!”


      Observation 2: The Advantages


      Advantage 1: Democracy

      We must shift the discourse to that of epistemological assumptions of democracy. This is key to addressing the problems of liberal democratic exclusion

      Sadiki 04 Larbi, Prof of Politics at University of Exeter, The Search for Arab Democracy: Discourses and Counter-Discourses, p. 5-6


      Thus, while diverse epistemic communities continue to


      women, amongst others, in liberal democracies.


      The epistemology we challenge it that of the Democrats that believe that ‘non-democrats’ possess an unrequited love for our form of elections; this causes a construction of policies that to push non-democrats into a world marked by disease, war, and famine.

      Badiou 2011 (Alain, Emblem Demo, Page 6, Vance)


      Despite all that is devaluing the word democracy


      outside finally prove they deserve to come inside.

      This legitimizes atrocities and keeps us from working toward future improvements. Instead, democracy should be utilized as a specific site to challenge dominant ideology.

      Badiou 2001 (Alain, “On Evil: An Interview with Alain Badiou” http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/5/alainbadiou.php, Vance)


      In truth, our leaders and propagandists know


      real ideas and real projects depends on it.

      Egypt’s failure will perpetuate this flawed epistemology because it will have proved they were simple non-democrats that were incapable.

      Zizek Nov. 14, 2011 (Slajov, “Neoliberalism in Crisis”, http://neoliberalism.org.nz/2011/11/slavoj-zizek-%E2%80%9Cneoliberalism-is-in-crisis%E2%80%9D/, Vance)


      Obviously the “standard”, what we call 


      of the end is clear. Saudi Arabia.


      Discussion of liberal-democracy’s exclusionary epistemology will generate into a ideological shift.  We need to risk the impossible for our challenge to take place.

      Zizek 2008 (Slajov, In Defense of Lost Causes, page 13, Vance)


      This book is unashamedly committed to the "


      and  deeper in the morass of imbecilic Being.


      Advantage 2: Ideology

      The Egyptian protesters demands embody the universal, due to all the different basic needs they request, and it’s uniting potential. We must not accept the end of the revolution in Egypt.

      Dean 2011 (Jodi [Associate Prof of Political Theory @ Hobart & William Smith August 19, 2011, “Zizek on the riots”, http://jdeanicite.typepad.com/i_cite/badiou/, Vance)


      But weren’t the Arab uprisings a collective act


      They express a spirit of revolt without revolution.


      By not accepting the end of the Egyptian revolution we can spread continue to spread their ideology to this debate.

      Walter Dec. 19, 2011 (Walter B., Journalist invited to Gouth Institute, present at Egyptian uprising, “Between Sun and Midan Tahrir Measure”,



      , Vance)


      But it is not the case. The


      we are allowed to bring in Midan Tahrir.


      Our affirmative’s ideological shift is required to avoid the coming apocalypse caused by the blinkering effect of the current system.

      Zizek 2009 (Slavoj; First as tragedy, then as farce;p. 87-94; kdf)


      For this reason...  radical emancipatory renewal.


      Observation 3: Solvency

      MEPI has the base to provide civic education programs

      MEPI No Date (Middle East Partnership Initiative, “Educating Active Citizens”, http://mepi.state.gov/mepi/english-mepi/what-we-do/inspiring-the-next-generation-of-leaders/educating-active-citizens.html, Vance)


      Leadership trainings and civic education provide youth the


      out civic engagement programs in their home communities.


      Civic Education includes Protest participation and is empirically proven effective.

      USAID 2002 (“APPROACHES TO CIVIC EDUCATION: LESSONS LEARNED”, http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/democracy_and_governance/publications/pdfs/pnacp331.pdf, Vance)


      In general, civic education programs, if


      Africa and 10 percent for the Dominican Republic.



      Debate provides the prefect condition for our discussion. Our particular demand as the affirmative will always resonate best, because it is a particular demand for the universal that cannot be politically denied.

      Zizek 2007 Slavoj, Resistance is Surrender, London Review of Books, 11/15 http://www.lrb.co.uk/v29/n22/zize01_.html


      The lesson here is that the truly subversive


      which can’t be met with the same excuse.

      However, do not be confused. Our particular demand on the State does not make us a part of it. It is how we can effectively demonstrate proper State action and challenge its current flaws.

      Badiou and Hallward 1998 (Alain and Peter, Politics and Philosophy An Interview with Alain Badiou http://kenrogers.org/archive/archive/files/d6cb5e2fb00f2fa6755afc231f05a7ac.pdf, Vance)


      The third and final point of change concerns


      than in an radical exteriority to the state.


      It is possible to advocate good governance in any location. We should not be identified by where we take action but why we took action.

      Youngs 11, Director-General FRIDE, ’11 (Richard- Professor Politics University of Warwick, February 11, “Misunderstanding The Maladies Of Liberal Democracy Promotion”


      Third, central to critical perspectives is the


      not to be captured by incumbent autocratic regimes.



      Voting affirmative resonates into something beyond just the act of voting—it creates the space for universal politics by exposing the violence of the current system and wills a new one into existence

      Dean 2005 (Jodi [Associate Prof of


      _new_version.doc, kdf)


      I’ve argued thus far that Zizek rejects the


      that this exclusion creates the space of politicization.

      So, what does universality exclude? Zizek


      no ‘itself’ absent this ‘beyond’).


  • UCO AV Aff- OVID

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    • Observation 1: Inherency

      Obama has promised to increase assistance to the democratic transition to Egypt in the Status Quo.

      Strobel 2012 (Warren journalist Reuters, “Obama set to speed aid to Egypt: official”, http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/25/us-davos-usa-egypt-idUSTRE80O24G20120125, Vance)


      U.S. President Barack Obama plans


      anniversary of protests that ousted President Hosni Mubarak.


      SCAF is extremely oppressive against people pursuing the democratic transition.

      Bullimore 2012 (Kim and is currently working with the international human rights and solidarity group, “Egyptian protests demand end to military rule”, http://directaction.org.au/egyptian_protests_demand_end_to_military_rule, Vance)


      According to Amnesty, in an attempt to


      the problem, because they are the problem.”


      However, the United States provides billions in funding to SCAF.

      Worker’s Vanguard 2011 (Worker’s International Vanguard League


      , Vance)


      The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (


      and smashed the armed repressive forces of Gaddafi.


      Observation 2: Implications

      As long as there is a strategic interest in the Middle East corruption and preemptive military action will be a part of the imperial agenda.

      Zizek 2010 (Slajov, Living in the End Times, page 9, Vance)


      To take up only the last point,


      it might succeed relies on a fantasmatic vision.



      These fantasy driven disaster scenarios becomes self-fulfilling prophecies. We begin waiting for them to occur until they shatter our world.

      Zizek 2002 (Slavoj, senior researcher at the Institute for Social Studies in Ljubjana, Welcome to the Desert of the Real, pg. 15-20)


      The Wachowski brothers' hit Matrix (1999)


      postponed (or the films were even shelved)

      should thus be read as the 'repression' of


      seen the same thing over and over again?

      SCAF is good for stability in the region but they are oppressive, while democracy and freedom should be universal for all, but undermine our interests. Fantasy is used to create focus on minor impacts; instead one should use such fantasy to challenge the nature of ideology, one that is headed for mutually assured destruction.

      Zizek 2009 (Slavoj; First as tragedy, then as farce;p. 87-94; kdf)


      For this reason, a new emancipatory politics


      as the chance for a radical emancipatory renewal.


      Thus the plan: The United States federal government should offer a substantial increase in democracy assistance to The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces in Egypt in constitution writing, and presidential election.


      SCAF will do its best to ensure it can maintain power through post elections, but there is an inherent conflict being set-up between the Muslim Brotherhood and SCAF that cannot avoid clash.

      Geopolitical Diary 2012 (Strat for Global Intelligence think tank, “Muslim Brotherhood Will Continue To Support Military, For Now”, Feb. 3, http://www.stratfor.com/geopolitical-diary/muslim-brotherhood-will-continue-support-military-now, Vance)


      Much needs to happen between now and June


      see the process through to June and beyond.


      Observation 3: Solvency

      Our funding of SCAF is the only true political act, it short-circuits the classical notion of a liberal tolerant democracy and exposes the exclusionary violent framework on which it is founded.

      Baxter-Kauf 2009 (Mike PhD in Comparative Literature from the State University of New York at Buffalo where he studied contemporary American literature and Lacanian psychoanalysis, formerly the Director of Debate at Macalester College and currently coach at St Paul Central High School, In Debate More Than Itself: An Introductory Discussion of Slavoj Žižek and Psychoanalytic Thought in Contemporary Debate, Pg. 4, Vance)


      More often than not overidentification will be invoked


      nothing left in the world but you.”) [i]


      Calling for inclusion in the privileged democracy is not a means to achieve a universal, rather it reintrenches the exclusion of those outside of the democratic category.

      Baxter-Kauf 2009 (Mike PhD in Comparative Literature from the State University of New York at Buffalo where he studied contemporary American literature and Lacanian psychoanalysis, formerly the Director of Debate at Macalester College and currently coach at St Paul Central High School, In Debate More Than Itself: An Introductory Discussion of Slavoj Žižek and Psychoanalytic Thought in Contemporary Debate, Pg. 4-5, Vance)


      Pretty strongly connected to this affirmative attempt to


      the background of a set of unwritten rules.[1]


      Nothing outweighs the affirmative because only the affirmative challenges the silent violence that occurs under the law.  

      Zizek 2006 (Slavoj, senior researcher at the Institute for Social Studies in Ljubjana, The Universal Exception, pg. 63-66)


      Superego is the obscene 'nightly' law that necessarily


      one wishes to be swallowed by the earth.)

      By identifying with the “oppressor” the United States must destroy SCAF, this is necessary to attempt to continue the illusion of difference between the two agencies while exposing oppression the U.S. supports.

      Baxter-Kauf 2009 (Mike PhD in Comparative Literature from the State University of New York at Buffalo where he studied contemporary American literature and Lacanian psychoanalysis, formerly the Director of Debate at Macalester College and currently coach at St Paul Central High School, In Debate More Than Itself: An Introductory Discussion of Slavoj Žižek and Psychoanalytic Thought in Contemporary Debate, Pg. 4-5, Vance)


      It is sometimes hard to understand precisely how


      of personal dignity, democracy, and freedom.”[2]

      The Baxter-Kauf article our solvency comes from can now be found at 


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