Thus the plan: The United State Federal Government should substantially increase its democracy assistance to Yemen by expanding the Safe Age of Marriage program.
25-35000 girls everyday are forced to trade their childhood for a life defined by isolation and violence
Malhotra 10 The Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Forced Forced Child Marriage Child Marriage in the Developing World Testimony Submitted to U.S. House of Representatives Human Rights Commission s Human Rights Commission By AnjuMalhotra, PhD Vice President of Research, Innovation and Impact International Center for Research on Women l Center for Research on Women Washington, D.C. July 15, 2010
Forced child marriage is a life-changing
El Salvador it is six to one. 3
Life is not good for women in Yemen, this is further exasperated by child marriage
Oxfam in 2010 (How Change Happens: Campaigning on Early Marriage in Yemen; September 21;; kdf)
Here’s another interesting example of how to do
viewed as an economic liability by some families.
While there are laws on the books, they are nothing more than rhetoric
IPPF in 2006 (International Planned Parenthood Federation and Forum on the Marriage and the Rights of Women and Girls; Ending child marriage, a guide for global policy action;; kdf)
This is despite the existence of numerous international
development assistance to address this gross rights violation.
Even human rights groups ignore these “invisible” children
UNICEF in 2011 (Early marriage- Child
_earlymarriage_07mar.pdf; kdf)
Despite the efforts of reformers in the early
to analyse the full impact of this practice.
The US is failing to take the lead on the issue
Global Aids Alliance Fund 2010
Tonight’s State of the Union address is a
exempt inheritances of $5 million or more.
Thus the plan: The United State Federal Government should substantially increase its democracy assistance to Yemen by expanding the Safe Age of Marriage program.
Contention Two: The Advantage
Child marriage is the ultimate form of dehumanization
IPPF in 2006 (International Planned Parenthood Federation and Forum on the Marriage and the Rights of Women and Girls; Ending child marriage, a guide for global policy action;; kdf)
Child marriage is culturally packaged as a social
and advocate for an end to this practice.
Child marriages perpetuate the feminization of poverty
IPPF in 2006 (International Planned Parenthood Federation and Forum on the Marriage and the Rights of Women and Girls; Ending child marriage, a guide for global policy action;; kdf)
In many countries child marriage is linked with
livelihood capacities of large sections of society persist.
Child marriage entrenches the impact of patriarchy
Sagade emerges from an introductory sea of demographic
unknowingly contributes to the strengthening of patriarchy.”2
Patriarchy is at the root of all impacts
Warren Cady 1994 Karen J., Duane L., Professors at Macalester and Hamline, Spring,
Conceptually, a feminist perspective suggests that patriarchal
degrees of justification for war (Cady 1989).
Child marriage undermines development efforts and locks women into a perpetual cycle of poverty
Malhotra 10 The Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Causes, Consequences and Solutions to Forced Forced Child Marriage Child Marriage in the Developing World Testimony Submitted to U.S. House of Representatives Human Rights Commission s Human Rights Commission By AnjuMalhotra, PhD Vice President of Research, Innovation and Impact International Center for Research on Women l Center for Research on Women Washington, D.C. July 15, 2010
Not only does child marriage paralyze young girls’
live in poverty and raise children in poverty.
Poverty is a systemic form or violence that kills hundreds of millions of people—its impact is greater than a never ending thermonuclear war
Abu-Jamal 1998 [Mumia, award-winning Pennsylvania journalist, A quite and deadly violence.]
The deadliest form of violence is poverty
great and terrible violence passes away with them.
Contention Three: Solvency
Democracy assistance is an effective means for combating childhood marriage
USAID 2009 (Issue Brief- Preventing Child Marriage: Protecting Girls' Health;; kdf)
Significant numbers of girls in the developing world
have become increasingly interested in addressing the practice.
USAID supports a number of programs at the
models that could be replicated in coming years.
Forming Child Marriage Eradication Committees in Nepal In
, which is now awaiting the president’s signature.
The Safe Age of Marriage program is proven effective—expansion of the program is the only means to eradicate child marriage
McCollum in 2010 (Betty [Rep. of Minnesota]; CHILD MARRIAGE: WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY TO PREVENT IT; States News Service; August 19; kdf)
In developing countries, one in seven girls
by providing them with educational and economic opportunities.
We must set aside questions of magnitude for the probability of our aff impacts—nothing outweighs the violence of early marriage
Gordon-Zolov and Rogers 2010 (Terri, assistant professor of comparative literature at The New School, Robin, associate professor of sociology at Queens College and the Graduate Center at the City University of New York “Introduction: Citizenship”,, Vance)
Even when ostensibly gender neutral, citizenship shapes
much as with those of their male counterparts.
You prefer our systemic impacts first—probability must be evaluated prior to all other considerations
Rescher 83 Prof. of Philosophy
Nicholas Rescher, University of Pittsburgh Professor of
the Theory of Risk Evaluation and Management” 1983
The rational management of risk calls for adherence
rationale motivates the recourse to ''effectively zero'' probabilities.
Our affirmative elevates private sphere problems to ethical significance- ethical judgment is impossible without an investigation of the gendered constructions of the world around us
Hutchings 2000 Towards a Feminist International Ethics Review of International Studies vol 26 pp 111-130 Prof of International Relations at the London School of Economics
According to feminist ethics the nature and conditions
is possible for anything to be ethically significant.
The failure to ground decisions within an ethical framework ignores the construction of the practices and institutions of patriarchy construct the political choices they offer
Hutchings 2000 Towards a Feminist International Ethics Review of International Studies vol 26 pp 111-130 Prof of International Relations at the London School of Economics
In the above argument, I have tried
effects of assumptions about universal humanity or justice.
Our ethical framework embraces an ethic of risk- to strive towards repairing the structural conditions of patriarchy even if we cannot undo all of it
Welch 2000 Sharon D. Prof. of Religious Studies and Woman’s Studies at University of Missouri, A Feminist Ethic of Risk, p. 67-68
With an ethic of risk, action begins
recognition of the depth and persistence of evil.
Failure to stand up to oppression in the face of unpredictable risk is the ultimate failure of ethics- to not resist injustice is to die
Birden 02 Re-Thinking Resistance: On Welch and Foucault Susan Birden SUNY, Buffalo State College In E. S. Fletcher (Ed.), Philosophy of education 2002: Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society (pp. 101-109). Urbana, IL: Philosophy of Education Society
Welch envisions a postmodern approach to theorizing and
To stop raging against oppression is to die.
Embracing the ethic of risk is key to avoiding inevitable genocides and war
Welch 2000 Sharon D. Prof. of Religious Studies and Woman’s Studies at University of Missouri, A Feminist Ethic of Risk, p. 17-19
This particular view of social ethics and public
explore elements of this theology in chapter 8.