8 |
Zizek 1NC
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Democracy assistance to Egypt is used to mask the extension of American imperialism into the Middle East. Turns the case – the plan will be implemented only in so far as it guarantees resources for the West Dixon 11 doctoral candidate in the Department of Development Sociology, Cornell University. Marion, Review of African Political Economy, "An Arab Spring,” 2011 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03056244.2011.582766) Western governments have AND the Washington Consensus. Resisting capitalism’s reliance on economic evaluation is the ultimate ethical responsibility – the current social order guarantees social exclusion on a global scale Zizek and Daly 2k4 (Slavoj and Glyn, Conversations with Zizek page 14-16) For Zizek it AND otherwise sound matrix. The Affirmative’s demand for urgency is a product of hypocritical outrage meant to extend the privilege of global capitalism – our alternative is to do nothing in the face of the affirmative Zizek 2008 Slavoj Violence p 6-8 Let’s think about AND causes this violence.
| 10/12/11 |
4 |
Framework 1NC
- Tournament: Henry Clay | Round: 6 | Opponent: Capital | Judge:
A. Interpretation: The affirmative must present and defend the hypothetical implementation of [plan] by the United States federal government. (BOTH) “Resolved” proves the framework for the resolution is to enact a policy. Words and Phrases 64 Permanent Edition Definition of the AND establish by law”. The USFG is the government in Washington D.C. Encarta 2k http://encarta.msn.com “The federal government AND in Washington DC” B. Violation – C. Vote neg 1. Topicality – they don’t defend the resolution, which is a voting issue to preserve competitive equity and jurisdictional integrity 2. Fairness – their framework allows infinite non-falsifiable, unpredictable, totalizing, and personal claims – impossible to be neg 3. Switch-side debate – spending every round theorizing about your K is unproductive – you cannot know your argument is true unless you consider both sides of it 4. No offense – you can read this arg when you’re negative – to win this round, they have to prove why reading this aff and not being topical is good 5. Topicality before advocacy – vote negative to say that you think they are not topical, not that you don’t believe in their project This is an a priori issue Shively, 2k (Assistant Prof Political Science at Texas A&M, Ruth Lessl, Partisan Politics and Political Theory, p. 181-2)JFS The requirements given AND agreement or harmony. Limits are key – infinite political theories exist, artificial limits are key Lutz 2k (Donald S. Professor of Polisci at Houston, Political Theory and Partisan Politics p. 39-40)JFS Aristotle notes in AND actual political systems. We control external impacts – abandoning politics causes war, slavery, and authoritarianism Boggs 2k (CAROL BOGGS, PF POLITICAL SCIENCE – SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 00, THE END OF POLITICS, 250-1) But it is AND muddling-through theories.
| 11/11/11 |
6 |
Derrida 1NC
- Tournament: UNLV | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
giThe affirmative’s attempts at creating democracy to come is a fraud- This recreates the US’ power over Egypt by giving them a gift which debts them to America and forecloses the possibility of justice. Arrigo and Williams ‘00 (Bruce A., Christopher R., professor of @ the University of North Carolina, associate professor of criminology @ the University of West Georgia, Possibility of Democratic Justice and the "Gift" of the Majority : On Derrida, Deconstruction, and the Search for Equality Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice) “This article conceptually … affirmative postmodern thought.” The Aff’s focus on [Iran/Muslim Brotherhood] is part of an Orientalist narrative leads to the oppression of Arabic people globally El-Sayed ‘11 (Rhodes Scholar; Doctoral student, Oxford University Abdulrahman, The Orientalist Narrative Distorting the Egyptian Struggle for Freedom, February 9, 2011, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/abdulrahman-m-elsayed/the-orientalist-narrative_b_820523.html) “Orientalist framings have, … and Muslim-American neighbors.” Arrigo and Williams ‘00 (Bruce A., Christopher R., professor of @ the University of North Carolina, associate professor of criminology @ the University of West Georgia, Possibility of Democratic Justice and the "Gift" of the Majority : On Derrida, Deconstruction, and the Search for Equality Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice) “The gift has no idiosyncratic … refer to as democratic society.”
| 11/11/11 |
7 |
Marx 1NC
- Tournament: UNLV | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
A MATERIALIST ACCOUNT OF OPPRESSION IS CRITICAL—A CLASS-BASED FOUNDATION ALLOWS US TO LOCATE THE ACTUAL STRUCTURES THAT STITCH LOCALIZED OPPRESSIONS INTO A GLOBAL SYSTEM OF CAPITAL. MATERIALITY PRECEDES THE CONSTITUTION OF THE SUBJECT THROUGH LANGUAGE hennessy 2000 [Rosemary, Prof at SUNY Albany, Profit and Pleasure: Sexual Identities in Late Capitalism, Routledge] “At the bottom of … meaningful through language.” Meszaros 95 [Istavan, Prof. Emeritus at Sussex, Beyond Capital: Towards a Theory of Transition]p. 738 “Thus the role … power of capital.” Vote Negative to validate and adopt the method of structural/historical criticism that is the 1NC. THIS IS NOT THE ALTERNATIVE, BUT IN TRUTH THE ONLY OPTION— METHOD IS THE FOREMOST POLITICAL QUESTION BECAUSE ONE MUST UNDERSTAND THE EXISTING SOCIAL TOTALITY BEFORE ONE CAN ACT ON IT—GROUNDING THE SITES OF POLITICAL CONTESTATION OR KNOWLEDGE OUTSIDE OF LABOR AND SURPLUS VALUE MERELY SERVE TO HUMANIZE CAPITAL AND PREVENT A TRANSITION TO A SOCIETY BEYOND OPPRESSION tumino 2001 [Stephen, Prof English at Pitt, ““What is Orthodox Marxism and Why it Matters Now More than Ever”, Red Critique, p. online] “Any effective political … as social theory.”
| 11/11/11 |
9 |
Israel 1NC
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
US-Israeli relations are stable now due to security commitments, but Netanyahu is on the fence.AFP 7/28 (Agence France Press, “US voices commitment to Israel in defense talks”, accessed online p. http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5geTNCvh7ob5Fjg1JK3gIkxvubSWg?docId=CNG.257ca886195e82c183202f64ad9ed6e5.1071) “WASHINGTON — The United States on … Middle East peace.” History has established ideological barriers – Israel can never accept democratization of Arabic countries as anything *but* a threat to their security.Waxman ‘11 (Dov, associate professor in political science at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York “Israel’s Demophobia”, Foreign Policy, Februrary 18, accessed online http://mideast.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/02/18/israel_s_demophobia) “Israeli antipathy towards … them that chance.” That independently implicates and threatens US-Israeli relations.Byman ‘11 (Daniel, Prof. in Security Studies @ Georgetown, Research Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy @ Brookings, “Israel’s Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring”, Washington Quarterly, Summer, Volume 34, Issue 3, accessed online p. http://www.twq.com/11summer/docs/11summer_Byman.pdf) “These apocalyptic predictions … that democratization succeeds.” Stable US-Israel relations key to Middle East stability.Kramer ‘6 (Dr. Martin, fellow at The Washington Institute and senior fellow at the Olin Institute @ Harvard, “The American Interest,” Fall 2006, http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC06.php?CID=980) “My answer, to … West’s sworn enemies.” These wars escalate globally – culminate in extinction.
Moore ‘9 (Carol, BA in Polisci @ Wane State, “Six Escalation Scenarios to Nuclear World War III, 16 February,http://pakalert.wordpress.com/2009/02/16/six-escalation-scenarios-to-nuclear-world-war-iii/) “Israel is especially … movement can stop it.”
| 11/11/11 |
1 |
Democracy Assistance T
- Tournament: UNLV | Round: 6 | Opponent: Binghamton | Judge: Andy Casey
Interpretation: the aff must be one of four major types of democracy assistance- political reform, party assistance, rule of law programs and transitional justice. Allen ‘11 Michael Allen, Democracy Digest, June 6, 2011, “EU ‘needs a Euro-NED’ to promote Arab democracy,” http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/06/eu-needs-a-euro-ned-to-promote-arab-democracy/ “The EU can … .” Violation: The community radio projects are not any of these things – they do not directly reform politics, assist a party, create rule of law, or aid transitional justice Standards 1. Better Preparation and Limits. Their interpretation unlimits by allowing hundreds of cases that involve cooperation, training, and arms sales to topic country militaries or armed rebels. Negatives will not be prepared with relevant positions and evidence against every military action that the US government could make toward the topic countries. We know that the US is heavily involved militarily in the Middle East, so the potential is great. 2. ground. If the affirmative has better contextual evidence saying that its specific program is considered to be democracy assistance and not some other form or a kind of democracy promotion, it meets the violation. Effects T confuses T with solvency and requires a subjective, not objective, judge decision which is unfair. VOTING ISSUE. For reasons of fairness, education, and communication.
| 11/11/11 |
5 |
Derrida K - Community
- Tournament: UNLV | Round: 6 | Opponent: Binghamton | Judge: Andy Casey
El-Mahdi ‘11 (activist and assistant professor of Political Science at the American University in Cairo Rabab, Orientalizing The Egyptian Uprising, 4/11/11, http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/1214/orientalising-the-egyptian-uprising) “Since the beginning … are being outcast.” The affirmative promise of community building and emancipation through radio projects should be seen as a threat. Each community they say will be able to create programs that suit its needs address the community concerns. The community will use the radio station to coalesce together. The communities they build will be closed over – contained within the content and identity put out over the airwaves – fortified and ready to challenge communities proporting different messages. The 1AC becomes a mandate for exclusion.Caputo ’97 John Caputo is the Thomas J. Watson Professor of Religion Emeritus at Deconstruction in a Nutshell A Conversation with Jaques Derrida 1997 (107-109) “Deconstruction gets blamed … as a tap.” Alt Text: Reject the affirmative constructions of democracy and community.Democracy does not exist in the status quo – and the affirmatives use of the USAID and the embracing of community forecloses their ability to spur rhizomatic movements. Rhizomatic movements are only possible when we open ourselves up to new thinking. The emancipation that the aff desires is only possible when we disavow strict notions of communities bound by similarity and open ourselves up to new knowledges about Egypt and repurposing the USAID and democracy. We must create space for thinking and acting based on new knowledges that highlight and attend to the multiplicity of voices, motivations, experiences involved in the democratic movements at the center of the affirmative.Caputo ’97 John Caputo is the Thomas J. Watson Professor of Religion Emeritus at Deconstruction in a Nutshell A Conversation with Jaques Derrida 1997 (122-123) “All of which … calls for it.”
| 11/11/11 |
3 |
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
1Our interpretation—the affirmative should have to defend that action by the United States federal government is normatively desirable.Resolved means to enact by lawWords and Phrases 64 Permanent Edition “Definition of the … establish by law”. The United States federal government refers to the actual governmentBlack’s Law Dictionary 90 6th Ed., p. 695 “In the United … and township governments.” Should implies obligation to actionMerriam-Webster 2 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 2002, 10th Edition, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/should “Used in auxiliary … propriety, or expediency.” B) Violation—the aff does not defend the United States federal government actionC) Vote Negative—1) Without Limits debate becomes impossible—T is a jurisdictional voting issueShively 2k—Professor of Political Science, Texas A & M Ruth, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 181-2 “The requirements thus … agreement or harmony.” 2) Role of the negative: Our interpretation has a clear vision for the function of the negative team. We must disprove the desirability of their advocacy. If there is no predictable limit on what the affirmative can do, the negative is excluded from the debate. We become passive observers of their presentation. Our interpretation is the least exclusionary because it provides a place in the debate for negative teams.3) Process impact:– this is the only academic forum where we get education based on clash and competition. If we aren’t able to prepare in advance for affirmatives the round becomes a 2 hour conference presentation about whatever books & articles they are reading, This education o/w any content specific education because a) you can get content specific education in any other forumb) Without critical thinking skills developed through clash and competition we can’t effectively act on content-specific knowledge English et al 7Eric English, Stephen Llano, Gordon R. Mitchell, Catherine E. Morrison, John Rief & Carly Woods, all former debate coaches, “Debate as a Weapon of Mass Destruction” http://www.pitt.edu/~gordonm/JPubs/EnglishDAWG.pdf “It is our … of mass destruction.’’ c) without clash-based education we are likely to come to the wrong conclusions about the content b/c we don’t see both sides4) Epistemology: All aff claims are uncertain. Unpredictable advocacies are not subject to the type of rigorous scrutiny and testing that is required for a claim to be granted. If their claims are not predictable it means they are not subject to rigorous testing and should not be treated as true. You cannot evaluate the validity of their aff arguments until you conclude that it is topical because unTopical advocacies are not subject to the same amount of scrutiny and testing. This means the aff can only claim offense from their interpretation, not from the value of the 1AC since the value of the 1AC has not been established through rigorous debate. 5) Switch-side debating on the topic is uniquely important. It allows debaters to become better advocates and increases critical thinkingDybvig and Iverson 99 Kristin Chisholm Dybvig, and Joel O. Iverson, Can Cutting Cards Carve into Our Personal Lives: An Analysis of Debate Research on Personal Advocacy, http://www.uvm.edu/~debate/dybvigiverson1000.html “Not all debate … stance on issues.” 6) This debate is about competing interpretations. They must have a sustainable interpretation of debate that includes their affirmative or they should lose. If their interpretation provides no limit on affirmative action, it doesn’t matter if we have good arguments against their aff b/c they can’t provide an interpretation that would allow their aff and protect good, predictable debates in the future.
| 11/11/11 |
2 |
Should T
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Interpretation: “Should” is used as a function to express obligations Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 2002,Merriam-Webster’s Inc., Tenth Ed., http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary “Used in auxiliary function … propriety, or expediency” B. Violation – ought does not express obligation just that it is a likeable option.Dictionary.com 2011 “used to express … to be ashamed.” C. StandardsPreparation. Their neglect of “United States federal government should” means that any person’s individual viewpoint can become the reason to vote in a round. The negative cannot be prepared to challenge any viewpoint, but can be ready to debate government action. Pre-round preparation improves education for everyone in the debate. Clash and ground. When government action is debated, beliefs and potential actions need to be connected so that comparison can occur. Their advocacy assumes a disjunction between what they do and what the government does, so comparing one viewpoint to another is like apples and oranges because no single agent is held responsible to others. Common grounds are key to critical testing of claims in debate and an educational experience. Semantic accuracy. They moot the word “should” and try to substitute the word “ought”. Mooting words out of the topic makes clear communication impossible. D. VOTING ISSUE. For reasons of fairness and education.
| 11/11/11 |
10 |
China Bashing 1NC
- Tournament: West Georgia | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Boehner preventing currency from passing—otherwise it would pass with overwhelming majorities Blankley 10/20 “Washington Considers Foolish China Trade War” [http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/tony-blankley/2011/10/20/washington-considers-foolish-china-trade-war] Of course, these are only … it got to his desk.
Boehner is barely holding the line now- House Republicans are the wild card and can override him on a discharge petition if more break ranks and he doesn’t have the PC to reign them in. Hughes 10/6 (Siobhan, , of Dow Jones News Wires, “UPDATE:On Currency Bill, Rank-And-File Republicans Buck GOP Leaders,” http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20111006-713089.html) WASHINGTON -- Rank-and-file House … a new U.S. currency policy. Congress opposes aid—seen as wasteful spending and is partisan Rogin 11 (Josh, staff writer, Foreign Policy, This Fight Ain't Over, http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/08/04/this_fight_aint_over?page=0,8) The November 2010 midterm elections, … into the 2012 presidential season. Recent arms sales to Taiwan put relations at the brink – passage would kill relations, increase unemployment, cause a trade war, and send the global economy back into recession Martina 10-10 (Michael Martina, 10-10-2011, “China: Currency law would hurt U.S. jobs growth,” ) BEIJING (Reuters) - China warned the … centuries-old sovereignty over the waters. Collapse of relations cause US-China War Kerr 99 Paul, Research analyst at the Arms Control Association “Taiwan: Maintain the Current Ambiguity,” CSIS Prospectus, Volume 1, Number 1 - Fall 1999, Stable US-China relations can … relations with the United States. That causes global war and extinction. Straits Times, 00 (“No one gains in war over Taiwan.” 6-25-00. avail. Lexis) THE high-intensity scenario postulates … see the destruction of civilization.
| 11/11/11 |
- Tournament: UF | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
PTC will pass now, but funding worries make it a battle. Congress must act before it expires at the end of February.Katz and Ratnam 2/3 Ian Katz and Gopal Ratnam http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-02-03/boehner-says-he-s-confident-congress-will-extend-payroll-tax-cut.html House Speaker John Boehner said ... to meet again Feb. 1.
Changes to Middle East policy sap Obama’s capital Khouri 10 (Rami G., Editor of the Daily Star, “The Primacy of Domestic Politics”) http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=38679, 4/28/11)At the end of an ... national political cost-benefit analyses. - Passing new plans will hinder Obama's other agenda items. 3 reasons why this is true: Money, Time, and Political capital. Feehery July 21, 2009 Commentary: Obama enters 'The Matrix' ... important priorities like health care. Failure to extend the PTC would send the global economy into a double-dip recession.Fels 2011 [Joachim Fels is Morgan Stanley's Global Head of Economics, based in London. He is also a member of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney's Global Investment Committee. Joachim's research focuses on monetary policy, the global liquidity cycle, and inflation, December 15th, 2011, Global Economic Forum, 2012 outlook, http://www.morganstanley.com/views/gef/, uwyoamp]Our bear case: full-blown ... easing preventing a worse outcome. Global economic decline increases the risk of World War III and global nuclear war
O'Donnell 2009 [Maryland native Sean O'Donnell received a B.A. in History from the University of Maryland. He is a Squad Leader in the Marine Corps Reserve and is currently a graduate student at the University of Baltimore studying law and ethics, Baltimore Examiner, "Will this recession lead to World War III?" , http://www.examiner.com/republican-in-baltimore/will-this-recession-lead-to-world-war-iii, uwyoamp] One of the causes of World ... However sometimes history repeats itself.
| 11/12/11 |
0 |
Round Reports
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
Neg: Central Florida JV Round 5 vs. Arizona State MV JV Meed Off case: Marxism, China Bashing Case: Western Fem Turns, Biopower Defense, Democracy Assistance Fails
Block: Everything
2NR: Western Feminism, Marcism Round 2 Neg: UCF JV Round #2 Shirley Vs Team: Louisville WV Judge: Halli Tripe Off Case Args Capitalism K Case Args Identity Politics Bad Block Strategy Capitalism K Identity Politics Bad 2NR Strategy Same as Block
| 11/12/11 |
- Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:
| 02/07/12 |