Central Florida » UCF Taylor Johnson & Christina Vitolo Aff

UCF Taylor Johnson & Christina Vitolo Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:20
  • Egypt TRC 1AC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Inherency
      Current military regime will not hold a truth and reconciliation commission- a public means for channeling frustration is key
      Stack and MacFarquhar ‘11
      LIAM STACK, NEIL MacFARQUHAR, New York Times, “Egyptians Get a View of Extent of Spying,” March 9, 2011, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/10/world/middleeast/10cairo.html?pagewanted=all
      ”Like so many other milestones, … as happened in Mubarak’s era.” 

      Thus the Plan: the United States Federal Government should give informational and material assistance relevant to a truth and reconciliation commission in Egypt.

      9/11 mediates our relationship to the Arab Middle East- cycles of revenge have been diffused throughout US foreign policy and create a discursive matrix that transforms grief into abstract security logic
      Sadiki 9/11
      (Laribi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The 9/11 state of mind”, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/09/2011910134022241376.html)

      Nothing compares to 9/11 - two … reproduction and memorialisation of 9/11.

      The result is a framing of Arab Spring that codes transitions in terms of a fantasy of absolute American control- current US policies seek to topple leaders at any cost to create a global cascade of revolutions that removes all checks on American power- engaging this framing is key
      Russia Times 9/14
      (“US backing for Arab Spring bearing ‘strange fruit’”, http://rt.com/news/arab-spring-us-backing-509/)

      “The US has strongly backed … religious animosities, tears communities apart".

      The impact is extinction- 9/11 exposed the vulnerability of the US, locking us into a fantasy of total control of world history- this superpower syndrome exaggerates the reality of threats, producing a series of apocalyptic confrontations that end in the destruction of the planet
      Lifton ‘3
      (Robert Jay, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Psychology, The City University of New York, Superpower Syndrome, pgs. 8-11)

      “More than that, 9/11 is … the irredeemable stubbornness of reality.”

      9/11 has particularly shaped the relationship between the US and Egypt- the Mubarak regime maintained its stronghold on power through US military aid and support, administered in exchange for support with counter-terror operations- the US policy of extraordinary rendition executed there is part and parcel of an American logic of revenge that consistently places concern for terrorism above democracy
      Napoletano ‘11
      (Brian, member of the International Socialist Organization and the former Public Relations officer for Purdue University Students for Justice in Palestine, “The Egyptian Revolution and Democracy”, February 16, 2011, http://www.eurasiareview.com/16022011-the-egyptian-revolution-and-democracy/)

      “By most accounts, the popular … Palestinian territories, and countless others.”
      The institutional logic of revenge has bled into the Egyptian protest movements- cycles of revenge throughout the country threaten to collapse democratic movements and make long-term regional stability impossible- creating a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation is key to short-circuit cycles of vengeance
      Ignatius ‘11
      (David, former executive editor of the International Herald Tribune, “The whiff of revenge taints the Arab Spring”, May 27, 2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-whiff-of-revenge-taints-the-arab-spring/2011/05/26/AGqytyCH_story.html)

      “Revenge, at first though sweet, … happened in post-Hussein Iraq.”
      These institutional logics of vengeance end in extinction- they create a cyclical culture of violence that risks escalation- you should prioritize methodology because only creating patterns of thought outside of post-9/11 foreign policy can overcome knee-jerk demands for retribution
      Rosenberg 9/11
      (Paul, Senior Editor of Random Lengths News, “9/11's self-inflicted wounds are the worst”, http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/09/2011910115157366771.html)

      “In short, it's indisputable that … thinking of others as well.”
      A truth and reconciliation commission is key- the current framing of the transition in terms of vengeance against Mubarak ensures an arbitrary witch hunt for those accountable for past political repression that prevents the country from resolving structural concerns- only a TRC can transform institutional logics
      Michael ‘11
      (Marc Michael, Open Security, “Egypt After Mubarak: Finding Truth in Transition,” 22 February 2011, http://www.opendemocracy.net/opensecurity/marc-michael/egypt-after-mubarak-finding-truth-in-transition)

      “As the angry slogans, joyous … a first step in that direction.”
      Specifically a TRC over the role of war on terror in Egypt creates an atmosphere of accountability and dismantles post-9/11 logic of exceptionalism and vengeance
      Giraldi ‘9
      (Philip, Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest and former counter-terrorism specialist, “Truth and Reconciliation”, http://original.antiwar.com/giraldi/2009/04/13/truth-and-reconciliation/)

      “Circumstances in the United States … president of the United States.”
      An international TRC is key- merely involving the US is not enough, holding the US accountable is the only possibility of beating back exceptionalism and producing a shift away from logics of revenge
      Parodi ‘5
      Carlos A. Parodi, Illinois State University Professor in the Politics and Government Department “Truth Commissions and US Hegemony,” Charting Transnational Democracy: Beyond Global Arrogance, Pages 104-106, 2005

      “Truth commissions are institutions created …the entrapments of global arrogance”
      TRC fails arguments miss the point- the process creates an affective transformation away from vengeance and produces democratic agonism
      McAdams ‘11
      (A. James, William M. Scholl Professor of International Studies @ University of Notre Dame, “Transitional Justice: The Issue that Won’t Go Away” The International Journal of Transitional Justice, Vol. 5, 2011, 304–312)

      “At this point, I can … man for the last time.”

      Interpersonal violence arises from reactions to systemic and institutional ideologies and practices- only investigating responsibility thoroughly and acting on all dimensions allows us to move forward and effectively criticize configurations of power relations that gave rise to violence in Egypt. Refusal to include the US in a truth commission reflects the violent ideology that allowed extraordinary rendition to continue unquestioned, simply because the US was too powerful to upset.
      Parodi ‘4
      Carlos A Parodi, Illinois State University Professor in the Politics and Government Department, Acclaimed international truth commission expert, Meeting of Latin American Studies Association October 7-9, 2004, “Readings of the Final Report of Peru’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission”
      “Defining responsibility for the violence … as happening exclusively between nationals.” 

      This is a question of violence that occurs against normal people every day- any risk calculus that ignores this violence is elitist garbage manipulating risk parameters to exclude the largest cause of violence in service of the rich
      Scheper-Hughes and Bourgois ‘4
      (Prof of Anthropology @ Cal-Berkely; Prof of Anthropology @ UPenn) (Nancy and Philippe, Introduction: Making Sense of Violence, in Violence in War and Peace, pg. 19-22)
      'This large and at first sight... a chronic “state of emergency”'   

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aff: UCF JV
      Round # 3  Tournament:
      vs: Trinity BM
      Judge: Kirk



      Plan Text

      The USFG should provide informational and material assistance relevant to a TRC in Egypt


      1ac Advantages

      Cycle of revenge


      2ac Offense

      MIC turn

      Societal healing turn


      1ar Strategy

      Extend offense and some D


      2ar Strategy

      T, reasonability best

      Aff: UCF JV

      Round #1   Tournament: Shirley

      vs:UTSA EL

      Judge: Mabrey



      Plan Text

      The USFG should give informational material assistance relevant to truth and reconciliation commission in Egypt.


      1ac Advantages

      9/11 politics of revenge –> extinction (lifton)

      Egypt revolution as revenge --> extinction


      2ac Offense

      Spanos indites

      “Democracy to come” link turn on K

      Case as a DA to Alt


      1ar Strategy

      Link Turn and Perm, Solv indites on Spanos


      2ar Strategy

      Link Turn and Perm, Solv indites on Spanos


  • 2AC v. San Antonio Spanos

    • Tournament: Wake Forest | Round: 1 | Opponent: Texas San Antonio EL | Judge: Paul Mabrey

    • TRC’s don’t produce objective truth, they produce narrative truth that has considerable conciliatory power

      Chanbonpin ‘11

      Kim D. Chanbonpin, Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, “We Don't Want Dollars, Just Change":Narrative Counter-Terrorism Strategy, an Inclusive Model for Social Healing, and the Truth About Torture Commission,” Winter 2011 Edition, http://www.law.northwestern.edu/journals/njlsp/v6/n1/1/index.html

      The commissioners of the [South African]  the events on November 3rd.


      Ideological sources of violence and systemic responsibility for abuses in Egypt must be addressed- simply pointing a finger at the SSI is insufficient. Only accepting our individual responsibility and understanding the way that different ideologies impacted influenced that responsibility allows us to move beyond systemic abuses. This means that any counterplan or alternative should be held responsible for the ideological system it utilizes or it doesn’t solve the aff.

      Parodi ‘4

      Carlos A Parodi, Illinois State University Professor in the Politics and Government Department, Acclaimed international truth commission expert, Meeting of Latin American Studies Association October 7-9, 2004, “Readings of the Final Report of Peru’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission”

      Why did the CVR omit … that still prevailed in Peru.”40


      The plan reframes international relations around the New International- the human rights regime is governed by a system of sovereignty grounded in metaphysics, subordinating questions of ethics to the whims of the United States- forcing American responsibility for violence in Egypt produces a new transnational conception of ethics that de-actives the violent force of sovereignty even as it confronts it, gesturing towards a democracy-to-come 
      Caputo ‘97

      (John D., David R. Cook Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Villanova University, Deconstruction in a Nutshell: A Conversation with Jacques Derrida, pgs. 116-120)

      This is not to say … a nutshell, by their "difference."




      Switch side debate challenges American Exceptionalism and neo-conservatism by questioning radical ideology—our evidence is empirical
      English et al 7

      Eric English, Stephen Llano, Gordon R. Mitchell, Catherine E. Morrison, John Rief & Carly Woods, all former debate coaches, “Debate as a Weapon of Mass Destruction” http://www.pitt.edu/~gordonm/JPubs/EnglishDAWG.pdf

      It is our position, however, … a ‘‘weapon of mass destruction.’’


      Spanos misconceptualizes the dialogic student-teacher relationship

      Devyne 96 (John, NYU Ed School, Maximum Security: The Culture of Violence in Inner City Schools, p. 191)JFS

      I argue that Spanos’ epistemology … splendid, but it has limits.

      Completely rejecting humanism is self-marginalizing and disables effective coalitional politics


      Perkin 93 (J. Russell, Professor of English – St. Mary’s College, “Theorizing the Culture Wars”, 3(3), p. Muse)


      My final criticism is that … of liberalism and the left.

      Extinction results from this political vacuum


      Boggs 97 (Carl, Professor of Political Science – National University, Theory & Society 26, December, p. 773-774)


      The decline of the public … had vanished from civil society.75



      -- Alt fails – its obscure and rigidly academic nature will never elicit mainstream support

      Bryant 97 (John, Professor of English – Hofstra, “Review: Democracy, Being, and the Art of Becoming America”, College English, 59(6), October, p. 705-711)

      As bracing as Spanos's subversive ,,, finds a more effective voice. 

      -- Turn – programs of action:

      A) They give up on active problem-solving

      Lewandowski 94 (Joseph D., Associate Professor and Philosophy Program Coordinator – The University of Central Missouri, “Heidegger, Literary Theory and Social Criticism”, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Ed. Rasmussen, p. 119)

      Spanos rightly rejects the 'textuality' … it can and should be.


      B) Suffering results – outweighs ontology

      Jarvis 00 (Darryl, Senior Lecturer in International Relations – University of Sydney, International Relations and the Challenge of Postmodernism, p. 128-129)

      More is the pity that … who struggle at marginal places.


      Genealogy fails – its too divorced from practice

      Lewandowski 94 (Joseph D., Associate Professor and Philosophy Program Coordinator – The University of Central Missouri, “Heidegger, Literary Theory and Social Criticism”, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Ed. Rasmussen, p. 115-116)

      The point to be made … nor a smoothly functioning diagram (p. 22l).  



      -- Turn – yardstick:


      A) Spanos rejects normative criteria for emancipation

      Lewandowski 94 (Joseph D., Associate Professor and Philosophy Program Coordinator – The University of Central Missouri, “Heidegger, Literary Theory and Social Criticism”, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Ed. Rasmussen, p. 117-118)

      But radicalized or not, Spanos's … elsewhere) in Heidegger and Criticism. 


      B) This makes social critique impossible and causes power politics to fill the gap

      Best and Kellner 2 (Steven, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Humanities – University of Texas and Douglas, Philosophy of Education Chair – UCLA, “The Postmodern Turn in Philosophy: Theoretical Provocations and Normative Deficits”, )

      Foucault denies there can be  into self-defeating value neutrality.




      Perm, do both. Supplementing Baudrillard with Derrida creates an impossibility which  allows us to rethink singularity in the most productive way.

      Hart ‘8 Sally Hart has recently completed a Ph.D. in History at the University of Chichester Volume 5, Number 1 (January, 2008). Jean Baudrillard and Jacques Derrida: At the limits of Thought   

      This, I would argue, is … being – of life/lives without ends.





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