A) Uniqueness - Payroll Tax will pass now
B) Links
1. Obama’s political capital is key to passage
Jackson 10/14 (David, USA Today,“Obama, GOP Push Competing Jobs Plans,” http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2011/10/obama-gop-push-competing-jobs-plans/1)
Look for President Obama …I'll be ready to go."
2. Plan will cost capital – financial concerns
Richter 11 (Paul, LA Times, 4/12, Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition, http://articles.latimes.com/print/2011/apr/12/world/la-fg-mideast-aid-20110413)
The Obama administration's …other foreign aid programs.
C) Impacts
1. Payroll tax extension is key to solving unemployment – creates millions of jobs
Mulligan 11 (Casey B., econ prof @ the University of Chicago, 9/21, The Logic of Cutting Payroll Taxes, http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/21/the-logic-of-cutting-payroll-taxes/?pagemode=print)
Payroll taxes are by no means …and at this point one worth seeking.
2. Lack of jobs is the key internal link to economic stagnation
Curry 11 (Tom, National Affairs writer, 9/21, budget begins colliding with demographic reality, http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44609575/ns/politics/t/budget-begins-colliding-demographic-reality/#.TqD3g0hFuso)
And of course lack of jobs … unrelated to their health.”
3. Economic collapse causes full WMD exchange and extinction
Bearden 2k (T.E., phd, Fellow, Alpha Foundation’s Institute for Advaned Study & Director, Association of Distinguished American Scientists, “The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to Solve It Quickly,” 6/12, www.cheniere.org/techpapers/Unnecessary%20Energy%20Crisis.doc)
History bears out that … biosphere, at least for many decades.