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Cal HoPr (Hodgman-Pramanik) Aff

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:20
  • Islamophobia 1AC - Gonzaga

    • Tournament: Gonzaga | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • asAmerican fundamentalism is on the rise – Anti-Muslim rhetoric threatens to turn the political sphere into an echo chamber of racism, sacrificing any remaining semblance of critical thought on the altar of bipartisanship

      Giroux 11 (Henry A. Giroux, Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, formerly Boston University, Miami University, Penn State University, "Breivik's Fundamentalist War on Politics, and Ours," August 3, )

      The tragic slayings in Norway raise anew serious


      a noble practice and democracy has a future.


      Status quo democratization epitomizes this logic in its attempts to prove Western Superiority over the Middle East by constructing Islam as anti-democratic and inherently threatening

      Teti, 2007 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)

      The literature presents – or implies – contrasting


      [...] regulated for the good of all.”39


      This historical narrative creates an adversarial relationship to Islam which pervades U.S. foreign policy – this is exemplified by current allocations of democracy assistance which exclude Islamist parties in an attempt to pick the winner and ensure the advent of a Western-style liberal democracy

      Kull, 9-5-’11 (Steven, Director of Program on International Policy Attitudes, “Why Muslims are still mad at America”

      On the ten-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks


      their aspirations, they grow resolutely hostile.


      The current policy of “allowing” Islamist participation while simultaneously engineering elections against them ensures Islamophobic control over U.S. political party assistance

      Carothers, Director Democracy Carnegie, 2011 (Thomas, Feb 24, “How not to promote democracy in Egypt,”


      As the U.S. government assesses the uprisings


      exclusion would be a good way to start.


      Islamophobia constitutes a blatantly racist and ideological worldview which MUST be rejected – the alternative is genocide and extinction.

      Munjid, 2011 (3/27, Achmad, president of the Nahdlatul Ulama community in North America, “Overcoming Islamophobia in the United States,”


      Remember, as institutionalized hatred, Islamophobia has


      enemy. Everybody knows what the consequences are.


      The pursuit of “stability” is based on this fundamentally racist decision calculus in which Arabs have no agency and violence done to them is rendered invisible

      Yezza, 2011 (Hicham, February 5, editor-in-chief of Ceasefire, “Real Arab democracy Vs mythical “regional stability”,” )

      However, one of the less charming aspects


      political calculations at their expense must end now.


      Dehumanization of foreign populations is a pre-condition to war

      Collins and Glover, 2002 (John Collins, Ass. Prof. of Global Studies at St. Lawrence, and Ross Glover, Visiting Professor of Sociology at St. Lawrence University, 2002, Collateral Language, p. 6-7, The Real Effects of Language)

      As any university student knows, theories about


      mental gaze from the physical effects of violence.


      Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should make political party support available for Egyptian political parties regardless of their religious affiliation.


      Providing aid to Islamists is critical to force democratization away from Islamophobic fundamentalists - Western superiority hinges on the view of Islam as anti-democratic, sanctioning subsequent disciplinary attempts such as revoking aid and military intervention.

      Teti, 2007 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)

      [The bio-politics of failure:


      liberal forces which it sought to undermine.50


      We must recognize our complicity in democratization – opposing its harmful practices can only take place working within the structures we inhabit

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 54-55)

      Taking Derrida’s lead, Spivak insists that deconstruction


      Freire), and ‘accountable positioning’ (Haraway).


      Effective decision-making should begin with how we constitute ourselves as ethical subjects - we must refuse Islamophobia whenever we can

      Kouros '97 (George, Yale Law Graduate, And Holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Emory. “Become What You Are,” p. 35-42) *we don’t endorse the gendered language in this ev

      Unlike systems of ethics which take the subject


      greater quality of life than the inauthentic self.


      Constructing this ethical subjectivity must begin from a profoundly contrarian spirit which refuses to capitulate to social injustice

      Salaita, 2006 (Steven, associate professor of English at Virginia Tech, “Anti-Arab Racism in the USA,” p. 218-220)

      Other situations replete with anti-Arab racism


      pretend to respect Arabs while looting their resources.

  • Questions?

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Tex

    • Aff:

  • 2AC - China DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Aid is being given to Egypt now

      Arnold, 2011 (Aug 16, David, “Foreign Aid Stirs Debate Amid Egypt’s Democratic Hopes,”

      The recent round … May by USAID. 



      The United States … exacerbates these challenges.

      issues don’t spill over – China will avoid a significant conflict


      Four features distinguish … spy plane incident.

      Asian wars not likely

      Bitzinger and Desker, Rajaratnam School of International Studies, 8 (Richard A., sr. fellow @ the school of international studies @ Nanyang Technological University, and Barry, Dean of the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Survival, Volume 50, Issue 6, December, Informaworld)

      Yet despite all … Asian international politics.

      Pursuing stability drives volatility underground, creates greater conflict in the future – true for hyper-focus on specific scenarios and Islamist threats

      Taleb and Blyth, 2011 (Nassim, Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering, New York University's Polytechnic Institute, and Mark, Professor of International Political Economy, Brown University, Foreign Affairs; May/Jun2011, Vol. 90 Issue 3, p. 33-39)

      Why is surprise … stability without volatility.

      Description of China Threat is not objective – stems from a flawed liberal epistemology – creates self-fulfilling prophecy

      Pan, 04  (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost)

      What does this … category of otherness.

      More evidence

      Pan, 04 (Political Science, Australian National U, Chengxin, Department of Political Science at Australian National University, “The ‘China Threat’ in American Self-Imagination: The Discursive Construction of Other as Power Politics”, Alternatives, June-July, ebscohost)

      Likewise, with the …  the practical realm. 

  • 2AC - EU CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • CP not sufficient to solve EU Islamophobia

      Buruma, 11 --- Professor of Democracy and Human Rights at Bard College (7/8/2011, Ian, “Europe without Turkey,”, JMP)

      From the perspective … faith will resist it.

      Can’t solve --- EU is in disrepair and fatally flawed 

      McKie, 11 (7/18/2011, Andrew, The Herald, “The European Union in its entirety is beyond repair,” Factiva, JMP)

      The crisis in  … The rest is bull.

      No impact to European influence – economic factors overwhelm the CP

      Haass, President Of CFR, ’11

      [Richard N. Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, Director of policy and planning at the State Department from 2001 to 2003, “Why Europe No Longer Matters,” June 17th 2011,]

      Europeans will play … undergone a transformation

      Islamophilia K – Accepting “good” muslims because of their similarity to us is the flip side of Islamophobia – used to violently promote liberalism – that’s Kull. More ev

      Shryock, Professor Anthropology Michigan, 2010 (Andrew, “Introduction: Islam as an Object of Fear and Affection,” in “Islamophobia/Islamophilia: Beyond the Politics of Enemy and Friend,” ed; Andrew Shryock, p. 9-11)

      If we grant  … into potential enemies.

      CP displaces the need to act ethically on institutional processes – no solvency and justifies racism

      Van Oenen 06 (Gijs, Senior Lecturer in Dept. of Philosophy @ Erasmus U. Rotterdam, “A Machine That Would Go of Itself: Interpassivity and Its Impact on Political Life,” Theory & Event, 9:2)

      The observations by  … on our behalf. 

  • 2AC - Cap K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Cede the political - critique can only overcome power and produce change when articulated in the language of hegemony

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 138-139)

      There are perhaps  … deflect their claims.

      Political calculations that prioritize combatting one form of oppression over another make BOTH inevitable – ignores the interrelation of power

      Mikdashi, 2011 (Jun 29, Maya, Co-Founder of Jadaliyya, PhD candidate at Columbia University's Department of Anthropology, “What is [the] left?,”

      I have been  … our principles, now.

      Neoliberalism can represent itself as benign ONLY through the erasure of racism – perm is key

      Roberts and Mahanti, Dpt. Of Geography and Planning Univ of Toronto 2010

      David J. and Minel .1le- Neoliberalizing Race, Racing Neoliberalism:  Placing “Race” in Neoliberal Discourse; a paper first presented in 2008 at the AAGs in Boston, MA in April; published online February 18th; ANTIPODE, Vol. 42, Issue 2; pp. 248-257, March.,_Racing_Neoliberalism_Placing_Race_In_Neoliberal_Discourses_.pdf

      As a consequence … an important role.

      Representation is unavoidable – some people will always be absent from material decisions - it’s critical to actualizing a social imaginary 

      Laclau, 2000 (Ernesto, with Slavoj Zizek and Judith Butler, “Contingency, Hegemony, Universality: Contemporary Dialogues On The Left,” p. 211-212)

      4. Finally, representation … universality is achievable. 

      Abandoning democracy because of its western roots is ethnocentric and justifies dictatorship

      Sadiki, 2004 (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The Search for Arab Democracy: Discourses and Counter-Discourses,” p. 12)

      But adapting democracy  … practice of democracy.15

      Criticism of formal liberal freedoms and institutions is only made possible by the privilege of those operating inside them - reject the neg’s Stalinist impulse to impose communism and equality over the universal arab aspirations for freedom and democracy

      Kacem, 2011 (Medhi Belhaj, studied under Badiou, leading young French philosopher, “A Tunisian Renaissance,” interview by Alexander Galloway, Jan 31,

      There seem to  … the twenty-first.

      Anti-interventionism resorts to orientalist narratives seeing Arabs as needing protection from outside influence – historically this has justified dictatorship 

      Sadiki, 2011 (Larbi, Jun 6, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The mathematics of the Arab Spring,”

      On the Arab … to speak back.

      Positive political signal key – historical context of American Islamophobia means a neutral stance segues to exclusion of Islamists. 

      Sadiki, 2009 (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter,  “Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy,” p. 280-281)

      US pressure has  … and political goals.’25

      Revoking aid is empirically a disciplinary mechanism – in Egypt it punishes moving from Mubarak to Islam

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 84-85)

      Troublingly, there are  … 1970s (Raffer & Singer 1996: 126).

      Result of the alt reinforces western hypocrisy by only keeping aid for the secular military 

      Strasser, 2011 (Max, June 26, freelance journalist and writer in Istanbul, “Can USAID Be a Force For Good In Egypt?,”

      Millions of American  … to the military.

      Pure opposition to transnational institutions ignores your own complicity

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 70-71)

      Moreover, it is  … the “First World”’ (1990b: 96).

      Analysis of power relations solely through economic structures is ethnocentric, and only re-inscribes economic dependency in lieu of third world agency

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 10-11)

      From the postcolonial  … European parameters. (Hall 1996: 250)

      The goal is not to withdraw from the state, but alter functioning of power through new political participation

      Zizek 9 (Slavoj, Prof. of European Graduate School, Intl. Director of the Birkbeck Inst. for Humanities, U. of London, and Senior Researcher @ Inst. of Sociology, U. of Ljubljiana, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, pgs. 129-131)

      The Hegelian answer … such a "dictatorship"?

  • Islamophobia 1AC - Harvard

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The upsurge of Anti-Muslim rhetoric threatens to turn the political sphere into an echo chamber of racism, sacrificing any remaining semblance of critical thought on the altar of bipartisanship.

      Giroux 11 (Henry A. Giroux, Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, formerly Boston University, Miami University, Penn State University, "Breivik's Fundamentalist War on Politics, and Ours," August 3,

      The tragic slayings in Norway raise anew serious


      a noble practice and democracy has a future.

      This is apparent in status quo democratization, which attempts to prove Western Superiority over the Middle East by constructing Islam as anti-democratic and inherently threatening

      Teti, 7 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)

      The literature presents – or implies – contrasting


      [...] regulated for the good of all.”39

      Specifically, we “allow” Islamist participation while simultaneously engineering elections against them

      Carothers, Director Democracy Carnegie, 11 (Thomas, Feb 24, “How not to promote democracy in Egypt,”


      As the U.S. government assesses the uprisings across


      exclusion would be a good way to start.

      By attempting to rig the game for Western-style liberal democracy we cede U.S. foreign policy to Islamophobic forces, locking in an adversarial relationship historically responsible for massive violence

      Kull9-5-’11 (Steven, Director of Program on International Policy Attitudes, “Why Muslims are still mad at America”

      On the ten-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks


      religion and their aspirations, they grow resolutely hostile.

      Attempting to preserve stability by cultivating Western-allied regimes is based on a fundamentally racist decision calculus in which the price for Islamophobia is paid in Arab blood

      Yezza, 11 (Hicham, February 5, editor-in-chief of Ceasefire, “Real Arab democracy Vs mythical “regional stability”,”

      However, one of the less charming aspects


      political calculations at their expense must end now.

      An Islamophobic political discourse is a precondition for violence – the language used to exclude populations from civilization is essential to manufacturing consent for war

      Collins and Glover, 2 (John Collins, Ass. Prof. of Global Studies at St. Lawrence, and Ross Glover, Visiting Professor of Sociology at St. Lawrence University, 2002, Collateral Language, p. 6-7, The Real Effects of Language)

      As any university student knows, theories about


      mental gaze from the physical effects of violence.

      Islamophobia constitutes a blatantly racist and ideological worldview which MUST be rejected – the alternative is genocide and extinction

      Munjid, 11 (3/27, Achmad, president of the Nahdlatul Ulama community in North America, “Overcoming Islamophobia in the United States,”

      Remember, as institutionalized hatred, Islamophobia has


      enemy. Everybody knows what the consequences are.

      Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should offer political party support for Egyptian political parties regardless of their religious affiliation.

      Contention 2: Solvency

      Providing aid to Islamists is critical to reclaim democracy from Islamophobic fundamentalists by shattering the notion that Islam and democracy are incompatible. Prioritizing liberal principles and the revocation of aid are two sides of the same coin – both sanction disciplinary interventions to re-establish the superiority of Western democracy

      Teti, 7 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)

      [The bio-politics of failure:


      liberal forces which it sought to undermine.50

      We must recognize our complicity in democratization – opposing its harmful practices can only take place working within the structures we inhabit

      Kapoor, 8 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 54-55)

      Taking Derrida’s lead, Spivak insists that deconstruction


      Freire), and ‘accountable positioning’ (Haraway).

      Effective decision-making should begin with how we constitute ourselves as ethical subjects - we must reject Islamophobia whenever we can

      Kouros '99 (George, Yale Law Graduate, And Holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Emory. “Become What You Are,” p. 35-42) *we don’t endorse the gendered language in this ev

      Unlike systems of ethics which take the subject


      greater quality of life than the inauthentic self.

      Constructing this ethical subjectivity must begin from a profoundly contrarian spirit which refuses to capitulate to social injustice

      Salaita, 6 (Steven, associate professor of English at Virginia Tech, “Anti-Arab Racism in the USA,” p. 218-220)

      Other situations replete with anti-Arab racism


      pretend to respect Arabs while looting their resources.

      Finally, our commitment to social justice can transform foreign policy - viewing the identity of the state as static abandons a critical opportunity to challenge domination

      Schwedler et. al 11 (Jillian Schwedler teaches political science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst Josh Stacher is an assistant professor of political science at Kent State University  Stacey Philbrick Yadav is the coordinator of the Middle Eastern Studies program and Assistant Professor of Political Science at Hobart and William Smith Colleges Jadaliyya June 10 9/4/11

      We can expect that Islamists are likely to


      support for what they have come to represent.


  • IMET 1AC - USC

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Plan

      The United States federal government should offer military education democracy programming for Egypt to substantially increase Egyptian participation in military education democracy programming.

      Adv 1 – Transition

      Advantage 1 is Egyptian Transition Failure

      Egyptian revolution is at the crossroads – conflict between SCAF and newly elected officials will erupt unless both sides can be accommodated

      Alterman, Director of the Middle East Program at CSIS, 1/2 (Egypt's real revolution, International Herald Tribune, Lexis)

      The Egyptian revolution did not happen last winter


      not a victory, but an accommodation.

      This tension turns Egypt into a ticking time-bomb – failure to bridge the divide between SCAF and the public destabilizes Egypt

      Zakher, Head of the Secular Copts Group, 12-29-’11 (Kamal, “Unrevolutionary Pace” Al-Ahram Weekly,

      The lack of transparency and obfuscation pose the


      in a position to have a veto power.

      Egyptian instability causes Israeli-Iran nuclear exchange that engulfs the entire region

      London, Professor emeritus at NYU, 10

      (The Coming Crisis In The Middle East,

      The coming storm in the Middle East is


      in both an emotional and physical retreat from the region.

      Egyptian stability is the defining factor in whether Israel and Iran go to war

      Byman – Professor Security Georgetown - 11 (Summer, Professor in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University, Washington Quarterly, “Israel’s Pessimistic View of the Arab Spring”)

      Gaza offers the risk of a high-


      a dangerous escalation that could spiral into disaster.

      Israel war poses the highest risk of escalation – Israel thinks Iran is irrational so deterrence logic fails

      Nili, PhD Candidate PolSci Notre Dame, ’11 (Shmuel- IDF Captain Media and Communications Division, Spring, “The Nuclear (and the) Holocaust: Israel, Iran, and the Shadows of Auschwitz” Journal of Strategic Security, Vol 4 Issue 1, p 37-56,

      It is a gross mistake to think that


      pay any price to achieve its messianic goal.

      Egyptian instability tanks the global economy – stable Suez access key to global trade

      El-Erian, ’11 [Mohamed A. El-Erian, Pimco chief executive officer and co-chief investment officer, Faculty @ Harvard Business School, “Egypt's Improbable Path Traces Four Points: Mohamed A. El-Erian,” Jan 31st 2011,]

      How Egypt evolves in the next few days


      a secular movement could be hijacked by theocrats.

      Broad statistical models prove – unmanaged economic declines lead to global conflict

      Royal, Director of cooperative threat reduction, ’10

      [Jedediah, Director of Cooperative Threat Reduction – U.S. Department of Defense, “Economic Integration, Economic Signaling and the Problem of Economic Crises”, Economics of War and Peace: Economic, Legal and Political Perspectives, Ed. Goldsmith and Brauer, p. 213-215]

      Less intuitive is how periods of economic decline


      economic-security debate and deserves more attention.

      METs are effective at quickly resolving disputes between civilian and military officials

      Cope, Senior Fellow - Institute for National Strategic Studies, 95

      (International Military Education and Training: an assessment, McNair Papers, Lexis)

      DSAA has launched an intensive effort to reinforce


      desiring to participate in these programs.

      The US military serving as an effective honest broker between Egyptian political and military factions solves best – heavy handed approaches will backfire

      Boston Globe 11 (2/1, Back democracy, not Mubarak; US must help spur change, Lexis)

      Obama should call for consultations between the current


      will be needed to build effective political parties.

      Brokering conflict between SCAF and civilian leaders is the only way to resolve the Egyptian political crisis

      Al-Anani, Scholar in International Affairs at Durham, 12/26 (Civilian-military negotiations inevitable,

      One of the facets of stalled democracy in


      of both sides to overcome their mutual denial.

      IMET training solves – creates officer restraint that makes conflict with civilians less likely

      Toronto, Professor Middle East Security at Army School of Advanced Military Studies, ’11 (Nathan, November, “Active Inaction: Interagency Security Assistance to Egypt” Interagency Paper,

      The second indication is a shift in emphasis


      active inaction suggests—is an achievable goal.

      SCAF is influenced by IMET – training creates a culture of respect for human rights as long as they still play some role in politics

      Philippe Droz-Vincent - assistant professor of political science and teaches at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris – 11/10/11, Is Military Rule in Egypt Really Temporary?

      A new bargain will necessarily emerge between the


      post-Mubarak, post-SCAF Egypt.

      The ability of civilian leaders to limit the


      a new posture in this time of uncertainty.

      We don’t need to win a full relinquishment of power to solve – the US can reduce SCAF control enough to restore stability

      Hilal, Director - Middle East Task Force - New America Foundation, 11 (11/25, Egypt needs a new road map, not just elections,

      Most crucial of all, the poorly planned


      end up on the wrong side of history.

      Adv 2 – Military Access

      Advantage 2 is Military Access

      Obama’s inaction on Egyptian military control will create a break in the alliance – only executive leadership to reformulate military assistance solves

      Diehl, Editor - Washington Post, 11 (12/11, Obama is lagging on Egypt,

      The story of that statement is a good


      it needs to come from the president.

      Military cooperation will be cutoff unless the United States reverses perceptions of our over commitment to military control

      Byman, Senior Fellow - Middle East - Brookings, 11 (2/9, Democracy in Egypt: What Are the Risks to the United States?

      Mubarak, after all, was a friend


      realistic outcome for U.S. policy.

      Loss of Egyptian military cooperation would be a devastating blow to US global military operations – we would not be able to adapt to loss of Egyptian facilities and air space

      Wood, Chief Military Correspondent for Politics Daily, 11 (2/5, At Risk in Egypt's Turmoil: U.S. Military Access to the Middle East,

      Also suddenly at risk, along with Bright


      That should serve as a cautionary tale.''

      The perception of declining military cooperation with Egypt undermines deterrence globally – reinvigorating the relationship is key to freeing fleets for other theaters of war

      Said, Military and Tech Advisor - Al Ahram Center, 04 (Assessing the United States-EgyptianMilitary and Security Relations,

      As a result of the Camp David peace


      it routinely waives this regulation for American warships.

      Primacy dramatically reduces the risk of great power conflict – power projection stabilizes regional conflict and dampens miscalculation

      Walt, Professor of International Relations at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, ‘2 (Stephen, Spring, “American Primacy: Its Prospects and Pitfalls” Naval War College Review, Vol 55 Issue 2, p 9, Proquest)

      second consequence of U.S.


      not necessarily a better one. A compara.

      Specifically, naval power projection is key to preventing war in Pakistan and global conflict escalation

      Cropsey, Senior Fellow at Hudson, ’10 (Seth, September/October, “Ebb Tide” The American Interest,

      Only one statement can be made with certainty


      abject weakness would be an invitation to calamity.

      Pakistan collapse causes Indo-Pak nuclear war

      Perkovich, Vice President for Studies at Carnegie, ’11 (George, November, “The West’s New International Security Challenges” Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies,

      Since 2008, Pakistan has continued its descent


      so willing to sell India what it wants.

      Conflict will escalate globally

      Pitt, Managing Editor of, 9 “Unstable Pakistan Threatens the World,” NYT and internationally bestselling author

      But a suicide bomber in Pakistan rammed a


      world on a collision course with unimaginable disaster.

      US decline is not inevitable – it is built on a strong foundation of military power projection

      Beitelman, PhD Candidate at Dalhousie U, ’11 (David, September, “U.S. Remains the Only Superpower”

      Superpower. We’ve all heard the term yet


      it’s important that we remember what they mean.

      Making a visible shift in military to military relations from a kinetic to a non-kinetic emphasis by increasing CMR education is necessary to credibly signal US support for democratic aspirations and restore US credibility

      Lahoud et al, A team of 6 Social Science Professors from West Point, 11 (6/29, The ‘Arab Spring’: Investing in Durable Peace)

      In view of the pro-democratic desires


      therefore increase the visibility of its IMET programs.

      Shifting military assistance towards CMR education avoids Egyptian backlash

      Toronto, Professor Middle East Security at Army School of Advanced Military Studies, ’11 (Nathan, November, “Active Inaction: Interagency Security Assistance to Egypt” Interagency Paper,

      A third option, “active inaction,”


      . achieve its security assistance goal in Egypt.

      The plan is a necessary middle ground – conditioning aid doesn’t solve

      HRF 11 [Human Rights First] (11/22, a non-profit, nonpartisan international human rights organization based in NY and DC, Promoting Reform in Egypt,

      As Egypt undergoes negative and messy incidents on


      has changed for the United States from 2010.


  • IMET 1AC - Texas

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Plan

      The United States federal government should offer military education democracy programming in Egypt to substantially increase Egyptian participation in military education democracy programming.

      Adv 1 – Transition

      Confrontation between the SCAF and Islamists is about to happen – the Muslim Brotherhood just reversed their position

      Kirkpatrick, 2-9

      [David D. Kirkpatrick, Cairo bureau chief for the New York Times, “Muslim Brotherhood Demands Military Cede Power in Egypt,” February 9th 2012,]

      The Muslim Brotherhood demanded Thursday that Egypt’s


      with the demonstrators violently is a mistake, a sign of weakness and mismanagement by the Ministry of Interior,” he said.

      And, the confrontation will violently escalate

      Yeranian, 2-3

      [Edward Yeranian, Cairo Correspondent for Voice of America, “Renewed Clashes Grip Egypt,” February 3rd 2012,]

      Violence spread across Egypt Friday, killing at


      violence further projects the nation's unstable image worldwide.

      SCAF backlash to the protestors will cause transition failure

      Springborg, Professor - National Security Affairs - Naval Postgraduate School, 12 (Egypt’s Elections: Ballots vs. Bullets,

      So while the election outcome to the lower


      dictatorship, Islamist authoritarianism, or political chaos.

      Egyptian instability causes Iran to incite proxies to isolate Israel – destabilizing the Middle East

      Segal, Middle East Political Analyst, ’11 (Arik- Former Assistant at the Korean Embassy in Egypt, February/March, “The Egyptian Uprising – Implications for Regional Stability: the US, Iran and Israel”

      Egypt and Iran are both regional powers that have competed


      push forward with the Peace Process. The only other option is isolation and conflict.

      Israel war poses the highest risk of escalation – Israel thinks Iran is irrational so deterrence logic fails

      Nili, PhD Candidate PolSci Notre Dame, ’11 (Shmuel- IDF Captain Media and Communications Division, Spring, “The Nuclear (and the) Holocaust: Israel, Iran, and the Shadows of Auschwitz” Journal of Strategic Security, Vol 4 Issue 1, p 37-56,

      It is a gross mistake to think that


      pay any price to achieve its messianic goal.

      Most likely scenario for global escalation – Middle East instability draws in major powers

      Russell, Editor of Strategic Insights, 09 (James- Senior Lecturer Department of National Security Affairs, Spring, “Strategic Stability Reconsidered: Prospects for Escalation and Nuclear War in the Middle East” Security Studies Center Proliferation Papers,

      Strategic stability in the region is thus undermined


      , with substantial risk for the entire world.

      Expanding IMET democracy training creates stability in the short term and sustainable civil-military relations in the long term

      Lahoud et al, A team of 6 Social Science Professors from West Point, 11 (6/29, The ‘Arab Spring’: Investing in Durable Peace)

      In view of the pro-democratic desires


      where the military respects the society it serves.

      Mobile Education Teams ensure that the plan is able to solve quickly by creating dialogue between civilian and military officials

      Cope, Senior Fellow - Institute for National Strategic Studies, 95 (International Military Education and Training: an assessment, McNair Papers, Lexis)

      DSAA has launched an intensive effort to reinforce


      of countries desiring to participate in these programs.

      E-IMET includes the highest level of military and civilian officials

      Admiral Larson, Commander in Chief – US Pacific Command, 93 (IMET: A Cornerstone of Cooperative Engagement, Available Online)

      A new and increasingly important component of IMET


      at all levels of the Sri Lankan military.

      We don’t need to win a full relinquishment of power to solve – the US can reduce SCAF control enough to restore stability

      Hilal, Director - Middle East Task Force - New America Foundation, 11 (11/25, Egypt needs a new road map, not just elections,

      Most crucial of all, the poorly planned


      end up on the wrong side of history.

      SCAF is influenced by IMET – training creates a culture of respect for human rights as long as they still play some role in politics

      Philippe Droz-Vincent - assistant professor of political science and teaches at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris – 11/10/11, Is Military Rule in Egypt Really Temporary?

      A new bargain will necessarily emerge between the


      a new posture in this time of uncertainty.

      Adv 2 – Military Access

      Obama’s inaction on Egyptian military control will create a break in the alliance – only executive leadership to reformulate military assistance solves

      Diehl, Editor - Washington Post, 11 (12/11, Obama is lagging on Egypt,

      The story of that statement is a good


      it needs to come from the president.

      Military cooperation will be cutoff unless the US reverses the perception of commitment to military dictatorship

      Byman, Senior Fellow - Middle East - Brookings, 11 (2/9, Democracy in Egypt: What Are the Risks to the United States?

      Mubarak, after all, was a friend


      realistic outcome for U.S. policy.

      Public opinion shapes Egyptian policy – all political actors will want to be seen as responsive

      HellyerSenior Analyst at he Abu Dhabi Gallup Center11

      (8/23, Public opinion, political strategies and the new Egypt,

      There’s a new Egypt now — an Egypt where


      Those who have not realised this need to catch up, fast.

      SCAF will face an Iranian-style purge – reaching a solution now is key

      Mallat, 12-27 [Chibli Mallat, Visiting Professor of Islamic Legal Studies at Harvard Law School, “Saving the Egyptian Revolution from the Military,” December 27th 2011,]

      It is probably too late. Too many


      to continue leading the Middle East nonviolent revolution.

      Loss of Egyptian military cooperation would be a devastating blow to US global military operations – we would not be able to adapt to loss of Egyptian facilities and air space

      Wood, Chief Military Correspondent for Politics Daily, 11 (2/5, At Risk in Egypt's Turmoil: U.S. Military Access to the Middle East,

      Also suddenly at risk, along with Bright


      That should serve as a cautionary tale.''

      The perception of declining military cooperation with Egypt undermines deterrence globally – reinvigorating the relationship is key to freeing fleets for other theaters of war

      Said, Military and Tech Advisor - Al Ahram Center, 04 (Assessing the United States-EgyptianMilitary and Security Relations,

      As a result of the Camp David peace


      it routinely waives this regulation for American warships.

      Primacy dramatically reduces the risk of great power conflict – power projection stabilizes regional conflict and dampens miscalculation

      Walt, Professor of International Relations at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, ‘2 (Stephen, Spring, “American Primacy: Its Prospects and Pitfalls” Naval War College Review, Vol 55 Issue 2, p 9, Proquest)

      second consequence of U.S.


      not necessarily a better one. A compara.

      Specifically, naval power projection is key to preventing war in Pakistan and global conflict escalation

      Cropsey, Senior Fellow at Hudson, ’10 (Seth, September/October, “Ebb Tide” The American Interest,

      Only one statement can be made with certainty


      abject weakness would be an invitation to calamity.

      Pakistan collapse causes Indo-Pak nuclear war

      Perkovich, Vice President for Studies at Carnegie, ’11 (George, November, “The West’s New International Security Challenges” Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies,

      Since 2008, Pakistan has continued its descent


      so willing to sell India what it wants.

      Conflict will escalate globally

      Pitt, Managing Editor of, 9 “Unstable Pakistan Threatens the World,” NYT and internationally bestselling author

      But a suicide bomber in Pakistan rammed a


      world on a collision course with unimaginable disaster.

      US decline is not inevitable – it is built on a strong foundation of military power projection

      Beitelman, PhD Candidate at Dalhousie U, ’11 (David, September, “U.S. Remains the Only Superpower”

      Superpower. We’ve all heard the term yet


      it’s important that we remember what they mean.

      Making a visible shift in military to military relations from a kinetic to a non-kinetic emphasis by increasing CMR education is necessary to credibly signal US support for democratic aspirations and restore US credibility

      Lahoud et al, A team of 6 Social Science Professors from West Point, 11 (6/29, The ‘Arab Spring’: Investing in Durable Peace)

      In view of the pro-democratic desires


      therefore increase the visibility of its IMET programs.

      The plan is a necessary middle ground – conditioning aid doesn’t solve

      HRF 11 [Human Rights First] (11/22, a non-profit, nonpartisan international human rights organization based in NY and DC, Promoting Reform in Egypt,

      As Egypt undergoes negative and messy incidents on


      be avoided. To do otherwise would set a

      Shifting military assistance towards CMR education avoids Egyptian backlash

      Toronto, Professor Middle East Security at Army School of Advanced Military Studies, ’11 (Nathan, November, “Active Inaction: Interagency Security Assistance to Egypt” Interagency Paper,

      A third option, “active inaction,”


      . achieve its security assistance goal in Egypt.

      IMET can bolster a transfer to civilian rule – solves instability

      Alterman, Director Middle East CSIS, ’12 (Jon, January, “Egypt in Transition: Insights and Options for US Policy”

      Recommendations 1) Focus on long-term goals


      leadership that different strategies would yield better results.




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