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Cal HP (Hodgman-Pai)

Last modified by Administrator on 2012/10/17 22:20
  • Islamophobia 1AC - Harvard

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention 1: Islamophobia

      The upsurge of Anti-Muslim rhetoric threatens to turn the political sphere into an echo chamber of racism, sacrificing any remaining semblance of critical thought on the altar of bipartisanship.

      Giroux 11 (Henry A. Giroux, Global TV Network Chair in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University, formerly Boston University, Miami University, Penn State University, "Breivik's Fundamentalist War on Politics, and Ours," August 3, http://www.truth-out.org/breiviks-fundamentalist-war-politics-and-ours/1312390288)

      The tragic slayings in Norway raise anew serious


      a noble practice and democracy has a future.

      This is apparent in status quo democratization, which attempts to prove Western Superiority over the Middle East by constructing Islam as anti-democratic and inherently threatening

      Teti, 7 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)

      The literature presents – or implies – contrasting


      [...] regulated for the good of all.”39

      Specifically, we “allow” Islamist participation while simultaneously engineering elections against them

      Carothers, Director Democracy Carnegie, 11 (Thomas, Feb 24, “How not to promote democracy in Egypt,” http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-


      As the U.S. government assesses the uprisings across


      exclusion would be a good way to start.

      By attempting to rig the game for Western-style liberal democracy we cede U.S. foreign policy to Islamophobic forces, locking in an adversarial relationship historically responsible for massive violence

      Kull9-5-’11 (Steven, Director of Program on International Policy Attitudes, “Why Muslims are still mad at America”


      On the ten-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks


      religion and their aspirations, they grow resolutely hostile.

      Attempting to preserve stability by cultivating Western-allied regimes is based on a fundamentally racist decision calculus in which the price for Islamophobia is paid in Arab blood

      Yezza, 11 (Hicham, February 5, editor-in-chief of Ceasefire, “Real Arab democracy Vs mythical “regional stability”,” http://ceasefiremagazine.co.uk/editorial/freedom-vs-stability/)

      However, one of the less charming aspects


      political calculations at their expense must end now.

      An Islamophobic political discourse is a precondition for violence – the language used to exclude populations from civilization is essential to manufacturing consent for war

      Collins and Glover, 2 (John Collins, Ass. Prof. of Global Studies at St. Lawrence, and Ross Glover, Visiting Professor of Sociology at St. Lawrence University, 2002, Collateral Language, p. 6-7, The Real Effects of Language)

      As any university student knows, theories about


      mental gaze from the physical effects of violence.

      Islamophobia constitutes a blatantly racist and ideological worldview which MUST be rejected – the alternative is genocide and extinction

      Munjid, 11 (3/27, Achmad, president of the Nahdlatul Ulama community in North America, “Overcoming Islamophobia in the United States,”


      Remember, as institutionalized hatred, Islamophobia has


      enemy. Everybody knows what the consequences are.

      Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should offer political party support for Egyptian political parties regardless of their religious affiliation.

      Contention 2: Solvency

      Providing aid to Islamists is critical to reclaim democracy from Islamophobic fundamentalists by shattering the notion that Islam and democracy are incompatible. Prioritizing liberal principles and the revocation of aid are two sides of the same coin – both sanction disciplinary interventions to re-establish the superiority of Western democracy

      Teti, 7 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)

      [The bio-politics of failure:


      liberal forces which it sought to undermine.50

      We must recognize our complicity in democratization – opposing its harmful practices can only take place working within the structures we inhabit

      Kapoor, 8 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 54-55)

      Taking Derrida’s lead, Spivak insists that deconstruction


      Freire), and ‘accountable positioning’ (Haraway).

      Effective decision-making should begin with how we constitute ourselves as ethical subjects - we must reject Islamophobia whenever we can

      Kouros '99 (George, Yale Law Graduate, And Holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Emory. “Become What You Are,” p. 35-42) *we don’t endorse the gendered language in this ev

      Unlike systems of ethics which take the subject


      greater quality of life than the inauthentic self.

      Constructing this ethical subjectivity must begin from a profoundly contrarian spirit which refuses to capitulate to social injustice

      Salaita, 6 (Steven, associate professor of English at Virginia Tech, “Anti-Arab Racism in the USA,” p. 218-220)

      Other situations replete with anti-Arab racism


      pretend to respect Arabs while looting their resources.

      Finally, our commitment to social justice can transform foreign policy - viewing the identity of the state as static abandons a critical opportunity to challenge domination

      Schwedler et. al 11 (Jillian Schwedler teaches political science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst Josh Stacher is an assistant professor of political science at Kent State University  Stacey Philbrick Yadav is the coordinator of the Middle Eastern Studies program and Assistant Professor of Political Science at Hobart and William Smith Colleges Jadaliyya June 10 http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/1826/three-powerfully-wrong_and-wrongly-powerful_americ) 9/4/11

      We can expect that Islamists are likely to


      support for what they have come to represent.


  • 2AC - Capitalism K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Failure to recognize our complicity results in the worst forms of Orientalism – displaces guilt over our institutional privilege by blaming the other

      Chow, 1993 (Rey, Comparative Literature—Brown University, Writing Diaspora, p. 2-4)

      For readers who know something about China,


      a concrete realization in the denigration of others.

      Cede the political - critique can only overcome power and produce change when articulated in the language of hegemony

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 138-139)

      There are perhaps several other social movement campaigns


      state to quash them or deflect their claims.

      Turn – only engagement with state institutions can create positive social change – the K perpetuates neoliberal structures of domination by causing paralysis

      Green, 2011 (Maia, professor of Anthropology at the University of Manchester, “Calculating Compassion,” in “Adventures in Aidland: The Anthropology of Professionals in International Development,” ed: David Mosse, p. 48-51)

      Attempting to shift the situation of the child


      social dislocations accentuated through pro-market policies.

      Engagement solves extinction

      Boggs 1997  Carl, National University, Los Angeles, Theory and Society, “The great retreat: Decline of the public sphere in late twentieth-century America”

      The decline of the public sphere in late


      collective interests that had vanished from civil society.

      Political calculations that prioritize combatting one form of oppression over another make BOTH inevitable – ignores the interrelation of power

      Mikdashi, 2011 (Jun 29, Maya, Co-Founder of Jadaliyya, PhD candidate at Columbia University's Department of Anthropology, “What is [the] left?,” http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/2012/what-is_the_left)

      I have been reading accounts of the demise


      us from acting with our principles, now.

      Analysis of power relations solely through economic structures is ethnocentric, and only re-inscribes economic dependency in lieu of third world agency

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 10-11)

      From the postcolonial standpoint, dependency ignores (


      European parameters. (Hall 1996: 250)

      Criticism of formal liberal freedoms and institutions is only made possible by the privilege of those operating inside them - reject the neg’s Stalinist impulse to impose communism and equality over the universal arab aspirations for freedom and democracy

      Kacem, 2011 (Medhi Belhaj, studied under Badiou, leading young French philosopher, “A Tunisian Renaissance,” interview by Alexander Galloway, Jan 31, http://www.lacan.com/thesymptom/?page_id=1046)

      There seem to be two arguments in the


      keep our eyes on the twenty-first.

      Anti-interventionism resorts to orientalist narratives seeing Arabs as needing protection from outside influence – historically this has justified dictatorship

      Sadiki, 2011 (Larbi, Jun 6, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The mathematics of the Arab Spring,”


      On the Arab side, return to autarchy


      inferiority, and an incapacity to speak back.

      The goal is not to withdraw from the state, but alter functioning of power through new political participation

      Zizek 9 (Slavoj, Prof. of European Graduate School, Intl. Director of the Birkbeck Inst. for Humanities, U. of London, and Senior Researcher @ Inst. of Sociology, U. of Ljubljiana, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, pgs. 129-131)

      The Hegelian answer is that the problem or


      are we to achieve such a "dictatorship"?

      Zizek appropriates and ultimately eliminates Islam from their political project – risks fascism and religious violence.

      Almond 9 – Ian, Bosphorus University, Istanbul, “Two Versions of Islam and the Apocalypse: The Persistence of Eschatology in Schlegel, Baudrillard and Zizek,” JOURNAL FOR CULTURAL RESEARCH, VOLUME 13, NUMBERS 3–4, (JULY–OCTOBER 2009) http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/14797580903101227)

      If Schlegel and Baudrillard belonged to a tradition


      after his conversion at the gates of Rome.

  • 2AC - Daoism K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • We should not abandon morality – making ethical claims does not require absolute certainty, but instead the recognition that we are thrown into a web of social meanings and can choose to do with them as we wish – we must recognize that the acceptance of a prior value is a pre-requisite to any discussion – their correlation of morality with foundationalism makes them identical to the logic they criticize

      May 08 (Todd, Prof. of Philosophy at Clemson University, “The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière,” p.104-112)

      However, the claim of universality need not


      to be claimed for progressive thought and action.

      Calls for change are the best means to celebrate life – inaction breeds resentment

      May, Lemon Professor of Philosophy at Clemson University, ‘5 (Todd, “To change the world, to celebrate life” Philosophy and Social Criticism, Vol 31 No 5-6, p 517-531, SagePub)

      To change the world and to celebrate life


      willing to take your world up for you

  • 2AC - T-Increase

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Increase means expand eligibility

      Massingale, Illinois Statehouse News, 11 (1/4, Madigan’s fiscal restraints: Pension increase votes and spending caps, http://illinois.statehousenewsonline.com/4823/madigans-fiscal-restraints-pension-increase-votes-and-spending-caps/)

      Madigan on Tuesday actually touched on that exact


      an expansion of the category of eligible individuals.

      Democracy assistance is directed towards elections

      IFES (International Foundation for Electoral Systems), 2011, http://www.ifes.org/Content/Topics/Democracy-Assistance.aspx

      Topic In Brief:

      Democracy assistance can be defined as the legal, technical and logistic support provided to electoral laws, processes and institutions.

      That includes political party support but ensures limits

      Thomas Carothers- sr. associate at Carnegie- June 2003, IS GRADUALISM POSSIBLE? Choosing a Strategy for Promoting Democracy in the Middle East, http://www.carnegieendowment.org/files/wp39.pdf

      INDIRECTLY PROMOTING DEMOCRACY The second identifiable U.


      understand U.S. policy more accurately.

      Makes no aff topical – all democracy assistance is inherently an offer, and other exclusions could prevent any parties from receiving aid for all affs


      Election assistance should be a means to an


      should not seek to influence particular electoral outcomes.

      Normal means – DA changes by shifting $

      Strasser, ’11 (Max Strasser, Reporter for Al Masr Al Youm, “Egypt warns of foreign meddling as US pushes on with democracy programs,” July 5th 2011, http://www.almasryalyoum.com/en/node/474767)

      The United States Agency for International Development (


      be delivered to US democracy-promotion organizations.

      They misunderstand political party assistance – it’s not handing out cash, increase means expanding who can come to training sessions

      Al-Ahram, ’11 (“Reiterating the differences”


      A group of Egyptian political


      democratic system," Feltman said.

  • 2AC - Gender K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • ShiFailure to recognize our complicity results in the worst forms of Orientalism – displaces guilt over our institutional privilege by blaming the other

      Chow, 1993 (Rey, Comparative Literature—Brown University, Writing Diaspora, p. 2-4)

      For readers who know something about China,


      a concrete realization in the denigration of others.

      Political calculations that prioritize combatting one form of oppression over another make BOTH inevitable – ignores the interrelation of power

      Mikdashi, 2011 (Jun 29, Maya, Co-Founder of Jadaliyya, PhD candidate at Columbia University's Department of Anthropology, “What is [the] left?,” http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/2012/what-is_the_left)

      I have been reading accounts of the demise


      us from acting with our principles, now.

      Gender bias is not an inherent element of democracy assistance but a failure of scholarship to actively inform practitioners – the perm solves best – this is their 1nc author

      L. M. Handrahan - adjunct professor at American University – 2001, Gendering Ethnicity in Kyrgyzstan: Forgotten Elements in Promoting Peace and Democracy, Gender and Development, Vol. 9, No. 3, Humanitarian Work (Nov., 2001), pp. 70-78, JSTOR

      This research confirms the body of academic literature


      of promoting democratic institutions and preventing ethnic conflict.

      the narrative of “white men saving brown women from brown men” is paternalistic, makes violent intervention inevitable



      Rather than understand Orientalism as solely a creature


      mother, and the properly reproductive family. 55

      Framing feminism in terms of “women’s” voice has crippled opposition to patriarchy – it reifies a rich white privilege to theorize and actively excludes minorities by treating other identity considerations as secondary

      Lugone and Spelman, 83 (Maria, Department of Philosophy, Carleton, Elizabeth, Department of Philosophy, Smith College, “HAVE WE GOT A THEORY FOR YOU!: FEMINIST THEORY, CULTURAL IMPERIALISM AND THE DEMAND FOR ‘THE WOMAN’S VOICE,’ Women’s Studies’ international forum, Vol. 6, No. 6., p. 574-575)

      But what more exactly is the feminist demand


      but through the sharp observation stark exigency demands.

  • 2AC - Kappeler K

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Cede the political - critique can only overcome power and produce change when articulated in the language of hegemony

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 138-139)

      There are perhaps several other social movement campaigns


      state to quash them or deflect their claims.

      Rejection of power leads to resentment and inevitably fails – only the 1AC recognizes we are inevitably tied up in power

      Newman ’00, (Saul, Postdoctoral Fellow @ Macquarie U, Anarchism and the Politics of Ressentiment, Theory & Event 4:3, muse)

      However perhaps one could argue that this desire


      engaging with, rather than denying, power.

      Turn – only engagement with state institutions can create positive social change – the K perpetuates structures of domination by causing paralysis

      Green, 2011 (Maia, professor of Anthropology at the University of Manchester, “Calculating Compassion,” in “Adventures in Aidland: The Anthropology of Professionals in International Development,” ed: David Mosse, p. 48-51)

      Attempting to shift the situation of the child


      social dislocations accentuated through pro-market policies.

      Engagement solves extinction

      Boggs 1997  Carl, National University, Los Angeles, Theory and Society, “The great retreat: Decline of the public sphere in late twentieth-century America”

      The decline of the public sphere in late


      collective interests that had vanished from civil society.

  • 2AC - Engagement CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Shirley ROuMore ev – withholding AID from the MB punishes moving from Mubarak to Islam

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 84-85)

      Troublingly, there are several instances of withholding


      1970s (Raffer & Singer 1996: 126).

      This means the CP is not a sufficient political signal – still perceived as hostility to Islamists

      Sadiki, 2009 (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter,  “Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy,” p. 280-281)

      US pressure has nonetheless induced electoralism in all


      to pursue specific economic and political goals.’25

      CP is the SQUO - Diplomatic overtures to the MB are rhetorical gestures which change nothing

      Mozgovaya, 6-30-’11 (Natasha, “Clinton: U.S. engagement of Muslim Brotherhood not new policy” http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/clinton-u-s-engagement-of-muslim-brotherhood-not-new-policy-1.370482)

      United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denied


      political system that we would like to see”.

      CP links to politics – any spending is sufficient

      Richter, 11 (4/12/2011, Paul LA Times, “Debt worries stymieing U.S. financial aid to help Arab nations in transition; U.S. lawmakers not only have shut the door on new spending to stabilize countries rocked by the so-called Arab Spring. They have resisted proposals to shift money from other foreign aid programs,” http://articles.latimes.com/2011/apr/12/world/la-fg-mideast-aid-20110413)

      The Obama administration's efforts to use foreign aid


      resistance from appropriators in Congress, aides say.

  • 2AC - Ban DA CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • The CP does not occur in a vacuum – it comes on the heels of having provided $65 million to liberal parties

      Arnold, 2011 (Aug 16, David, “Foreign Aid Stirs Debate Amid Egypt’s Democratic Hopes,” http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Foreign-Aid-Stirs-Debate-Amid-Egypts-Democratic-Hopes-127824353.html)

      The recent round of pro-democracy funding


      according to statements made in May by USAID.

      More ev – withholding AID from Egypt punishes them for potentially moving from Mubarak to Islamists

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 84-85)

      Troublingly, there are several instances of withholding


      1970s (Raffer & Singer 1996: 126).

      This means the CP is not a sufficient political signal – still perceived as hostility to Islamists

      Sadiki, 2009 (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter,  “Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy,” p. 280-281)

      US pressure has nonetheless induced electoralism in all


      to pursue specific economic and political goals.’25

      Result of the CP reinforces western hypocrisy by only keeping aid for the secular military

      Strasser, 2011 (Max, June 26, freelance journalist and writer in Istanbul, “Can USAID Be a Force For Good In Egypt?,” http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=47350)

      Millions of American tax dollars are being funneled


      than half of that goes to the military.

      A2: Neolib NB

      Anti-interventionism resorts to orientalist narratives seeing Arabs as needing protection from outside influence – historically this has justified dictatorship

      Sadiki, 2011 (Larbi, Jun 6, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The mathematics of the Arab Spring,”


      On the Arab side, return to autarchy


      inferiority, and an incapacity to speak back.

      Abandoning democracy because of its western roots is ethnocentric and justifies dictatorship

      Sadiki, 2004 (Larbi, Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics at the University of Exeter, “The Search for Arab Democracy: Discourses and Counter-Discourses,” p. 12)

      But adapting democracy is not tailoring it to


      West monopoly over the practice of democracy.15

      Islamophobia is not confined to neo-cons, but remains prevalent in liberal and leftist groups as well - resisting Islamophobia means ethical solidarity and supporting oppressed groups for WHO they are, rather than according to our own political standards

      Atzmon, 2011 (Feb 11, Gilad, Masters degree in Philosophy, University of Essex, “The Left and Islam,” http://dissidentvoice.org/2011/02/the-left-and-islam/)

      In the West we can detect two ideological


      than for what we expect them to be.

  • 2AC - Israel DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Their DA should have been triggered – it was just revealed that the U.S. met with the MB

      Blair, 10/2 (Edmund, 10/2/2011, “U.S. met with Egypt Islamists - U.S. diplomat,” http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/10/02/idINIndia-59662020111002)

      CAIRO (Reuters) - U.S


      where we are coming from," he added.

      Disputes between the US and Israel are inevitable and brief

      Cohn, Editor in Chief - St. Louis Jewish Light, 11

      (5/26, U.S.-Israel ties will survive Barack-Bibi dust-up over speeches, http://www.stljewishlight.com/opinion/commentaries/article_777f5fb8-87cd-11e0-8521-001cc4c002e0.html)

      Since the establishment of Israel on May 14, 1948,


      war-torn and violent region of the world.

      The DA is inevitable within their decision calculus – we must refuse Israeli blackmail

      Moore, 2009 (December, Carol, “Israeli Nuclear Threats and Blackmail,” http://www.carolmoore.net/nuclearwar/israelithreats.html)

      Israel’s threats to use nuclear weapons, including


      remains a potential victim of this horrific strategy.

  • 2AC - Consult Turkey CP

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Should means “ought

      American Heritage Dictionary 10 [“should,” date last modified, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/should]

      That means we just need to make a recommendation

      American Heritage Dictionary 10 [“should,” date last modified, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/should]

      Used to express probability or expectation: They should arrive at noon.

      resolved means to decide

      Princeton Wordnet 10 [“resolved,” date last modified, http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=resolved]

      S: (v) purpose, resolve (reach a decision) "he resolved never to drink again"

      Resolved is before the colon and not in the plan text

      Webster’s 2k (Guide to Grammar and Writing, http://ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/marks/colon.htm)

      Use of a colon before a list or an explanation that is preceded by a clause that can stand by itself. Think of the colon as a gate, inviting one to go on… If the introductory phrase preceding the colon is very brief and the clause following the colon represents the real business of the sentence, begin the clause after the colon with a capital letter.

      The CP’s use of turkey as a model and bridge between the West and Islam is islamophobic – Turkey’s democratic credentials are premised on its ties to the West

      Yanik ‘9 (Lerna K., Prof. in Department of Political Science @ Bilkent U., “The Metamorphosis of Metaphors of Vision: “Bridging” Turkey’s Location, Role and Identity After the End of the Cold War” Geopolitics, Vol. 14, 531–549)

      Excerpts from the Turkish elites show that using


      United States and the EU practically and discursively.


      Fear of Middle Eastern proliferation obscures the root cause of weapons spread through an epistemically circular justification for western intervention

      Behnke, 2000 - Lecturer of IR at the University of Reading (January, Andreas, “Inscriptions of Imperial Order: NATO's Mediterranean Initiative” http://www.gmu.edu/programs/icar/ijps/vol5_1/behnke.htm)

      David Mutimer (1997) has argued that


      matching more and better information with proper conceptual tools

  • 2AC - SCAF DA

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • N/U Assistance to Egypt Now

      Washington Post 9/22

      (Obama faces hurdles in aiding Arab Spring countries, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-faces-hurdles-in-aiding-arab-spring-countries/2011/09/22/gIQAEqcOuK_story.html)

      For its part, the Senate Appropriations Committee


      numerous visits from U.S. officials.

      Arnold, 2011 (Aug 16, David, “Foreign Aid Stirs Debate Amid Egypt’s Democratic Hopes,” http://www.voanews.com/english/news/middle-east/Foreign-Aid-Stirs-Debate-Amid-Egypts-Democratic-Hopes-127824353.html)

      The recent round of pro-democracy funding


      according to statements made in May by USAID.

      The military has reversed their position on foreign involvement

      NYT 10/2

      (Military gives groundon politics in Egypt, http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/world/52669520-68/military-agreement-constitution-election.html.csp)

      Egypt’s interim military rulers have


      that they would be barred as an intrusion on Egyptian sovereignty.

      The military wants support for the MB – they are working together

      Sabra, Analyst - Eurasia Group's Middle East practice, 10/5

      (Update from Cairo, eurasia.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/05/update_from_cairo)

      On Oct. 1,


      to rejoin protests.

      No SCAF backlash – connections to US too strong

      DunneScholar-Middle East Institute11

      (2/12, Former staff member of the U.S. National Security Council, After Mubarak, http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/middleeast/2011/02/12/after-mubarak/)

      First, the ability of the United States


      this program and retrenchment if it does not.

      Aff key to secular/Islamic coalitions

      Yacoubian, Special Advisor to the United States Institute of Peace, 07

      (Special Report 190, Engaging islamists and Promoting Democracy a Preliminary assessment)

      Cross-Party Cooperation. A crucial part


      and the country’s first true multicandidate presidential election.

      Checks the military

      Masoud, Professor - public policy – Harvard, 11

      (Fall, Washington Quarterly, Liberty, Democracy, and Discord in Egypt)

      The contention between liberals and Islamists comes at


      principal goal of Egypt’s liberals and democrats alike.



  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • ShirAff: Berkeley HP
      Round #3   Tournament: Shirley
      vs: Whitman HZ
      Judge: Tim Barouch



      Plan Text

      USFG should offer aid to Islamist groups that don’t repudiate violence


      1ac Advantages



      2ac Offense



      1ar Strategy



      2ar Strategy
      Islamophobia pre-condition to their impacts 

      Aff: Cal HP

      Round 2   Tournament: Shirley

      vs: TX LM

      Judge: Bausch



      Plan Text: USFG should offer political party support for Egyptian political parties that don’t reject violence.



      1ac Advantages: Islamaphobia



      2ac Offense: Grammar of encounter—morality good,  structural causality good, Floating PIC’s bad

                                                     Cap K: oppression interrelated, rejection fails, aff solves neolib, and materialism bad



      1ar Strategy: Cap—Perm Grammar—impact turn



      2ar Strategy: cap k—perm


  • Islamophobia 1AC - Wake

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Contention 1: Islamophobia

      Current political party assistance includes the Muslim Brotherhood in an attempt to moderate Islamists and secure U.S. strategic interests

      Democracy Digest, Nov 4 (2011, “US will be ‘satisfied’ if Islamists win Egypt’s election,” http://www.demdigest.net/blog/2011/11/us-will-be-satisfied-if-islamists-win-egypts-election/)

      The United States would be “satisfied”


      and sometimes even with arms,” she argues.

      This inclusion of Islamists is contingent on a pledge of non-violence – Islamists are accepted only insofar as their politics are liberal in character and align with our interests

      Klapper, Associated Press, Nov 7 (Bradley, US to work with Arab Spring’s Islamist parties, articles.boston.com/2011-11-07/news/30370414_1_islamist-state-hillary-rodham-clinton-obama-administration/2)

      Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton declared Monday


      East under Hosni Mubarak’s three-decade rule.

      As a consequence, Salafist parties are coded as dangerous, illiberal, and violent

      CSM 11 (7/15, Former Egyptian militants turn to politics, Lexis)

      In the Nile River city of Luxor,


      the emerging salafi groups might turn to violence.

      The construction of moderate Islam hinges on promoting the Muslim Brotherhood to counterbalance the Salafists – this strategy underlies our overall approach to the Middle East

      Inbari, Oct 27 (2011, Pinhas, World Jewish Congress senior consultant on Middle East affairs, “Political Islam and Europe: Caveat Emptor”)

      This is not to suggest that the US


      Muslim internal conflicts, they target the US.

      This Islamophilia is the necessary ideological supplement of Islamophobia – demonization of Islam can only be legitimized by contrast to an acceptable moderate Muslim idealized as the mirror image of the Western liberal subject

      Shryock, Professor Anthropology Michigan, 2010 (Andrew, “Introduction: Islam as an Object of Fear and Affection,” in “Islamophobia/Islamophilia: Beyond the Politics of Enemy and Friend,” ed; Andrew Shryock, p. 9-11)

      If we grant that Islamophobia fits this simple


      who think and act differently into potential enemies.

      Furthermore, Islamophilia locks in a disciplinary framework which includes good Muslims only insofar as they legitimize the marginalization of bad Muslims

      Shryock, Professor Anthropology Michigan, 2010 (Andrew, “Introduction: Islam as an Object of Fear and Affection,” in “Islamophobia/Islamophilia: Beyond the Politics of Enemy and Friend,” ed; Andrew Shryock, p. 18-21)

      The conditions that make the language of enemy


      citizenship, faith, and society it favors.

      By requiring the Muslim Brotherhood to confess the sins of Islamism, status quo democratization attempts to prove Western Superiority over the Middle East by resurrecting the view of Islam as anti-democratic and inherently threatening

      Teti, 7 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)

      The literature presents – or implies – contrasting


      [...] regulated for the good of all.”39

      An Islamophobic political discourse is a precondition for violence – the language used to cast Islamists as threatening is essential to manufacturing consent for war

      Collins and Glover, 2 (John Collins, Ass. Prof. of Global Studies at St. Lawrence, and Ross Glover, Visiting Professor of Sociology at St. Lawrence University, 2002, Collateral Language, p. 6-7, The Real Effects of Language)

      As any university student knows, theories about


      mental gaze from the physical effects of violence.

      Islamophobia constitutes a blatantly racist and ideological worldview which MUST be rejected – the alternative is genocide and extinction

      Munjid, 11 (3/27, Achmad, president of the Nahdlatul Ulama community in North America, “Overcoming Islamophobia in the United States,”


      Remember, as institutionalized hatred, Islamophobia has


      enemy. Everybody knows what the consequences are.

      Thus the plan: The United States Federal Government should offer political party support for Egyptian political parties that don’t reject violence.

      Contention 2: Solvency

      Providing aid to violent Islamists short-circuits the confessionary framework which accepts Islamist democracy only if Islamists moderate themselves. Promoting moderate Muslims and revoking aid are two sides of the same coin – both view the failure of Islamist democracy as inevitable, sanctioning intervention to re-establish the superiority of Western democracy.

      Teti, 7 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)

      [The bio-politics of failure:


      liberal forces which it sought to undermine.50

      We must recognize our complicity in democratization – opposing its harmful practices can only take place working within the structures we inhabit

      Kapoor, 8 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 54-55)

      Taking Derrida’s lead, Spivak insists that deconstruction


      Freire), and ‘accountable positioning’ (Haraway).

      Effective decision-making should begin with how we constitute ourselves as ethical subjects - we must reject Islamophobia whenever we can

      Kouros '99 (George, Yale Law Graduate, And Holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Emory. “Become What You Are,” p. 35-42) *we don’t endorse the gendered language in this ev

      Unlike systems of ethics which take the subject


      greater quality of life than the inauthentic self.

      Constructing this ethical subjectivity must begin from a profoundly contrarian spirit which refuses to capitulate to social injustice

      Salaita, 6 (Steven, associate professor of English at Virginia Tech, “Anti-Arab Racism in the USA,” p. 218-220)

      Other situations replete with anti-Arab racism


      pretend to respect Arabs while looting their resources.

      Finally, our commitment to social justice can transform foreign policy - viewing the identity of the state as static abandons a critical opportunity to challenge domination

      Schwedler et. al 11 (Jillian Schwedler teaches political science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst Josh Stacher is an assistant professor of political science at Kent State University  Stacey Philbrick Yadav is the coordinator of the Middle Eastern Studies program and Assistant Professor of Political Science at Hobart and William Smith Colleges Jadaliyya June 10 http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/1826/three-powerfully-wrong_and-wrongly-powerful_americ) 9/4/11

      We can expect that Islamists are likely to


      support for what they have come to represent.


  • Shirley Rd 8

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • A2: “Egyptian” PIK

      The phrase “Egyptian” was central to the revolution in January – it’s a universal symbol uniting religions and all sectors of society

      Kouddous, 2011 (Jan 31, Sharif Abdel, senior producer of Democracy Now!, “Democracy Now!’s Sharif Abdel Kouddous Live from Egypt: The Rebellion Grows Stronger,” http://www.democracynow.org/2011/1/31/sharif_abdel_kouddous_live_from_egypt)

      There really is an unbelievable feeling of community


      really symbolizes what’s happening here in Egypt today.

      The word Egypt isn’t colonialist – it’s over 2000 years old

      Casselman, 2010 (William, author, “The Many Names of Egypt,”


      However, visiting Greeks had a great deal


      < from Latin Aegyptus < from Greek Aiguptos.

      Their critique of political terminology fractures politics – makes movements impossible

      Churchill 1996—Ward, former professor of ethnic studies at Colorado University at Boulder, From A Native Son, Semantic Masturbation on the Left, p. 460

      There can be little doubt that matters of


      the real work of effecting positive social change.

      A2: Ethics K

      Cede the political - critique can only overcome power and produce change when articulated in the language of hegemony

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 138-139)

      There are perhaps several other social movement campaigns


      state to quash them or deflect their claims.


      We should not abandon morality – making ethical claims does not require absolute certainty, but instead the recognition that we are thrown into a web of social meanings and can choose to do with them as we wish – we must recognize that the acceptance of a prior value is a pre-requisite to any discussion – their correlation of morality with foundationalism makes them identical to the logic they criticize

      May 08 (Todd, Prof. of Philosophy at Clemson University, “The Political Thought of Jacques Rancière,” p.104-112)

      However, the claim of universality need not


      to be claimed for progressive thought and action.

      Connecting individual responsibility to large structures is key

      Butler, 2004 (Judith Butler, Professor of Rhetoric at UC Berkeley, 2004, Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence, pg 15-18)

      So, is there a way, in


      and acting radically and well about global options.

      Engagement solves extinction

      Boggs 1997  Carl, National University, Los Angeles, Theory and Society, “The great retreat: Decline of the public sphere in late twentieth-century America”

      The decline of the public sphere in late


      collective interests that had vanished from civil society.

      Individual rejection is insufficient – absent pushing to change state policy, elites use this as an alibi for violent practices

      Wendy Brown 2006, Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the age of Identity and Empire, pg 99-101

      In the immediate aftermath of the September 11


      rights is within the ambit of raison d’état.

      A2: Speaking for Others

      The alt’s use of postcolonialism as total negativity makes deciding between greater and lesser evils impossible – makes producing a better world impossible

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 57-58)

      But while I disagree with the criticisms of


      odds with her otherwise Marxist-deconstructivist leanings.

      Prioritizing theory over action is orientalist – privileges western intellectual agency over third world political actors

      Kapoor, 2008 (Ilan, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, “The Postcolonial Politics of Development,” p. 47)

      A second dimension of academic cultural imperialism is


      once again, the subaltern is not heard.




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