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Cal HP (Hodgman-Pai) Neg

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  • Democracy K - Harvard Rd 3 v Kansas KK

    • Tournament: Harvard | Round: 3 | Opponent: Kansas KK | Judge: A Garen

    • 1NC

      Democracy assistance is tied to an understanding of order as entailing Western liberal forms – this is the basis for coercive interventions

      Hobson 9 (Christopher Hobson, Department of International Politics Aberystwyth University, Alternatives, “The Limits of Liberal-Democracy Promotion”, #34)

      Key actors seeking to support democracy abroad, such as the United States, have tended to understand it in a rather specific manner. The...either the political will is lacking and needs to be generated, or the conditions for agency are prevented by unfavorable local conditions.

      Their approach to democracy assistance attempts to prove Western Superiority over the Middle East by constructing Islam as anti-democratic and inherently threatening

      Teti, 7 (Andrea, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, “Confessions of a Dangerous Paradigm: Democratisation, Transitology and Orientalism”)

      [The bio-politics of failure: Disciplining the Failed Other] A key element which closes the loop of confessional politics, allowing it to reproduce...illiberal practice, and capitalism’s need for economic expansion, conjured up precisely the anti-liberal forces which it sought to undermine.50

      This ontological commitment to ordering insecurity is the root cause of conflict, makes violence and serial policy failure inevitable

      Burke 7 (Anthony Burke, Int'l Studies @ U of New South Wales, “Ontologies of War,” in Theory & Event, Vol. 10, Iss. 2)

      This essay develops a theory about the causes of war -- and thus aims to generate lines of action and critique for peace -- that cuts beneath…Clausewitz's thought -- and thus in our dominant understandings of politics and war -- tragically violent 'choices' will continue to be made.

      Their credibility advantage is the clearest manifestation of this logic

      Noorani 5 (Yaseen, U of Arizona, Tuscon, "The Rhetoric of Security," in The New Centennial Review," Vol 5, No 1, Spring, pp. 13-41) 

      The U.S. government’s rhetoric of global security draws its power from simultaneously instantiating Schmitt’s vision of the political as ...within itself in a manner that extends from the relations among states down to the inner moral struggle experienced by every human being.

      Vote negative to reject the affirmative’s security politics – effective decision-making should begin with how we constitute ourselves as ethical subjects

      Burke 2 (Anthony, Int'l Studies @ U of New South Wales, “Aporias of Security,” in Alternatives 27, p. 18-23)

      Refusing Security It is perhaps easy to become despondent, but as countless struggles for freedom, justice, and social transformation have...of an other that never returns to the same. It would be to ask if there is a world after security, and what its shimmering possibilities might be. 

      AT: Perm

      only a radical break allows us to break the stranglehold of security

      Neocleous 8 (Mark Neocleous, Prof. Professor of the Critique of Political Economy; Head of Department of Politics & History at Brunel University – West London, “Critique of Security,” p. 184-6)

      The only way out of such a dilemma, to escape the fetish, is perhaps to eschew the logic of security altogether - to reject it as so ideologically...does not mean dealing with it politically, but bracketing it out and handing it to the state; it requires us to be brave enough to return the gift.143 

      2NC Link

      Islamophobia turns every internal link – root cause

      Kull, 9-5-’11 (Steven, Director of Program on International Policy Attitudes, “Why Muslims are still mad at America” 


      On the ten-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, many Americans are wondering whether the risk of a terrorist attack against America has...freedom to practice their religion. When they feel that America is threatening their religion and their aspirations, they grow resolutely hostile.

      Democratic movements become a strategic tool diverted to regional military interests – this fixation on strategic logic that renders all life calculable v

      Burke 7 (Anthony Burke, Int'l Studies @ U of New South Wales, “Ontologies of War,” in Theory & Event, Vol. 10, Iss. 2) *we don’t endorse the gendered language in this ev

      Man's empire over creation -- his discovery of the innermost secrets of matter and energy, of the fires that fuelled the stars -- had not...transformed and perverted by such calculating, enframing reason: human lives are reduced to tools, obstacles, useful or obstinate matter. 

      AT: Realism

      Anarchy is what states make of it

      Grondin 4 [David, master of pol sci and PHD of political studies @ U of Ottowa “(Re)Writing the “National Security State”: How and Why Realists (Re)Built the(ir) Cold War,” http://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/ieim/IMG/pdf/rewriting_national_security_state.pdf]

      A poststructuralist approach to international relations reassesses the nature of the political. Indeed, it calls for the repoliticization of practices...Dominant theories are, in this view, dominant discourses that shape our view of the world (the “subject”) and our ways of understanding it.

      AT: Framework

      politics is more than just the action or mechanism of the plan, it includes how those things are implicated by our particular ontological projects

      Kouros '99 (George, Yale Law Graduate, And Holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Emory. “Become What You Are,” p. 35-42) *we don’t endorse the gendered language in this ev

      Unlike systems of ethics which take the subject as their starting point and build an ethics out of a truth of the subject (e.g., the Kantian...self-formation, what one is is never fully articulated. The authentic self demonstrates an overall greater quality of life than the inauthentic self.

      Ignoring method --> serial policy failure – bigger i/l to policy education

      Burke 7 (Anthony Burke, Int'l Studies @ U of New South Wales, “Ontologies of War,” in Theory & Event, Vol. 10, Iss. 2)

      This tells us much about the enduring power of crude instrumental versions of strategic thought, which relate not merely to the actual use of...discourses and events which then preordain militarism and violence as necessary policy responses, however ineffective, dysfunctional or chaotic.

  • IRC Lobbying CP - Harvard Octas v UTD DR

    • Tournament: Harvard | Round: Octas | Opponent: UTD DR | Judge: Fisher,Bankey,Evans

    • Round 1NC

      CP Text: The United States Federal Government should remove Internal Revenue Code lobbying restrictions and treasury ATF guidelines on charities and foundations that offer assistance to foreign NGOs to provide political organization assistance for Syrian opposition groups.

      Removing IRC lobbying restrictions ensures direct funding by charities and foundations of foreign NGOs that solve the aff

      Crimm, Professor - Law - St. John's, 05 

      (Democratization, Global Grant-Making, and the Internal Revenue Code Lobbying Restrictions, 79 Tul. L. Rev. 587)

      This Article focuses on the latter group of foreign NGOs, whose endeavors are critical to the democratization processes, perhaps especially in...now. The price to be paid domestically and abroad for not doing so far outweighs the risks of refraining from cautious experimentation.

      Donations from foundations and charities to foreign NGO’s are more effective than the USFG in providing democracy assistance to the Arab world

      Jenkins, Professor - Law - Ohio State, 07 


      International aid is a powerful weapon in promoting civil society and advancing social and economic development across the globe. To that...root causes of terrorism, international aid efforts to promote civil society and democratic governance advance U.S. security interests.

      The counterplan provides the greatest boost to US credibility – philanthropic assistance is identified with the government yet garners greater legitimacy because it’s distanced from the government

      Jenkins, Professor - Law - Ohio State, 07 


      Nye primarily views international nonprofit organizations as attracting their own followers, giving them clout to influence governments. 98 To...ground. This production of attractive cultural values, in turn, produces benefit - in the form of soft power - that inures to the state writ large. 

      Our net benefit is civil society development:

      The Federal Government will dominate every step of the democracy assistance project – undermines legitimacy and prevents the establishment of indigenous capacity

      Carothers, Director – Democracy Program – Carnegie, 09

      (Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Assistance: The Challenge of USAID)

      A second key problem for USAID’s democracy and governance work also rooted in its basic operating procedures is the externality of the...of outside actors (especially foreign governments with significant geopolitical interests), the legitimacy of such efforts will be questioned.

      Democracy Assistance from the US government and intermediaries displaces local civil society growth - direct grants from philanthropic organizations key to formation of indigenous capacity critical to long term development

      Jenkins, Professor - Law - Ohio State, 07 


      The creation of incentives to funnel grants through U.S. intermediaries is troubling because such a shift impacts not only the nature of...has the effect of redirecting the flow of institutional charitable funds away from foreign organizations, which can be especially crippling.

      Development key to check resurgence of terrorism

      Wilner, Senior Fellow - Security Studies - ETH Zurich, 11 

      (Opportunity Costs or Costly Opportunities? The Arab Spring, Osama Bin Laden, and Al-Qaeda’s African Affiliates, www.terrorismanalysts.com/pt/index.php/pot/article/view/155/html)

      Cleverly, Al-Qaeda has placed itself in a position to once again gain traction among disaffected Arabs and Muslims if and when these...political stability and hope, take root, Al-Qaeda’s narrative will have been given another chance to resonate with disaffected communities. 

      Global nuclear conflict

      Morgan, Professor of Foreign Studies at Hankuk University, ‘9 (Dennis Ray, December, “World on fire: two scenarios of the destruction of human civilization and possible extinction of the human race” Futures, Vol 41 Issue 10, p 683-693, ScienceDirect)

      In a remarkable website on nuclear war, Carol Moore asks the question "Is Nuclear War Inevitable??" [10].4 In Section 1, Moore points out...generations in a nuclear winter that could last as long as a 100 years, taking a savage toll upon the environment and fragile ecosphere as well.

      AT: Perm Do the CP

      2) Its denotes possession – the counterplan doesn’t have the USFG increase its assistance

      Glossary of English 05  


      Mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs are the possessive pronouns used to substitute a noun and to show possession or ownership. EG. This is your disk and that's mine. (Mine substitutes the word disk and shows that it belongs to me.)

      4) Private aid from foundations is wholly separate from government programs

      Desai, Fellow at Brookings, 10

      (Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Wolfensohn Center for Development at the Brookings Institution, and Associate Professor of International Development in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, 42 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 1111, Summer)...contracts, they simply followed official aid policies. Now that they are financially independent, they have developed their own voice. 

      AT: Perm Do Both

      2) Government involvement crowds out donations from charities and foundations

      Desai, Fellow at Brookings, 10

      (Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Wolfensohn Center for Development at the Brookings Institution, and Associate Professor of International Development in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, 42 N.Y.U. J. Int'l L. & Pol. 1111, Summer)

      The public economics literature suggests that collective action problems may block private giving for worthy causes because each individual,...activity to collect donations). The evidence suggests that fundraising crowding out accounts for 68 percent of the observed crowding-out effect.

      2nc – Solves Credibility

      2) Direct US endorsement generates backlash – takes out solvency – private foundations avoid – they are the best mechanism to enhance our standing***

      Yacoubian, Special adviser - United States Institute of Peace, 05

      (Promoting Middle East Democracy II: Arab Initiatives)

      Bolstering U.S. credibility in the region stands as a key priority for policymakers. However, given the United States’ faltering credibility in the...addressing policy interests that, by nature, are extremely long term and go beyond the purview of the traditional policymaking apparatus.

      3) International philanthropy is a powerful tool for enhancing credibility of the US government

      Jenkins, Professor - Law - Ohio State, 07 


      This Article details how international philanthropy advances U.S. security interests. Although the work undertaken by charitable...government policy should support international philanthropy not only for altruistic purposes but also out of enlightened self-interest. 

      AT: Barriers to Donation/NGO’s

      2) Lot’s of charitable activity and NGO’s in Syria – proves no significant barriers

      NGO Regulation Network 11 (www.ngoregnet.org/country_information_by_region/Middle_East_and_North_Africa/Syria.asp)

      This new vision includes the concept of new partnerships between the public, private and voluntary sectors in order to face some of Syria’s...at around 1400 officially registered (excluding branches). There are also some unregistered entities involved in small scale local activities. 

      2nc – Backlash Turn

      USFG initiatives to pump up secular groups backfires – disables those groups

      Carpenter, VP - Foreign Policy - Cato, 11 

      (2/11, What Should U.S. Do about Egypt? Very Little, http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=12780)

      The danger of meddling U.S. policymakers understandably want to see secular, democratic forces emerge victorious from the current turmoil...could be the kiss of death for those movements. Like it or not, the United States needs to adopt a low-profile role during these turbulent days. 

      2nc – USAID Bad

      a) Micromanagement – USAID oversight prevents implementing partners from successfully providing assistance

      Carothers, Director – Democracy Program – Carnegie, 09

      (Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Assistance: The Challenge of USAID)

      The procedures relating to the implementation of programs are similarly troublesome. USAID’s implementing partners reserve some of their ...implementation that is driven by the imperative of “meeting the numbers” rather than doing what is necessary to produce meaningful results.

      b) Branding – Official assistance requires it

      Carothers, Director – Democracy Program – Carnegie, 09

      (Revitalizing U.S. Democracy Assistance: The Challenge of USAID)

      Adding a dispiriting accent to the externality of USAID’s basic methods is its requirement of branding. As part of its effort to assure Congress ...obtain a blanket exemption from branding for democracy and governance programs was unsuccessful, and the requirement remains in place.

      Branding turns aid providers into targets for militants – undermines assistance

      Worthington, President of InterAction, 10

      (Why American aid workers in Pakistan need to keep a low profile, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/10/08/AR2010100802665.html)

      Overtly branding our efforts as sponsored by the U.S. government -- as the Obama administration wants us to do -- only makes our jobs...to find a solution that allows humanitarian workers in the field flexibility to brand or not, according to security conditions on the ground. 

      AT: Nobody Will Donate

      2) IRC lobbying restrictions are holding back large numbers of charities interested in funding foreign NGO’s – the CP will have a significant effect

      Crimm, Professor - Law - St. John's, 05 

      (Democratization, Global Grant-Making, and the Internal Revenue Code Lobbying Restrictions, 79 Tul. L. Rev. 587)

      Second, it was well known that after World War II public charities increasingly engaged in significant global outreach programs.  Despite the...and congressional failure to consider their suitability in a globalizing world 245 may have a chilling effect and ward off potential electors. 

      4) Huge interest exists for philanthropy to the Middle East – encouraging giving to support democracy will generate participation

      Katulis, Senior Fellow – Center for American Progress, 9 

      (“Democracy Promotion in the Middle East and the Obama Administration”,


      The new administration should increase its efforts to encourage public- private partnerships and private endowment and private sector...help advance reform in the region by getting broader and more tangible buy-in that goes beyond a heavy reliance on U.S. taxpayer support. 

  • Round Reports

    • Tournament: | Round: | Opponent: | Judge:

    • Neg:Berkeley HP

      Round # 1 Tournament: Shirley

      Vs Team: James Madison EK

      Judge: Travis Cram



      Off Case Args:

      Democracy K

      IRC lobbying CP

      Politics: payroll for tax cuts good

      Terrorism NFU CP


      Case Args:

      Civil War adv:

      No civil war

      Oil shocks impact defense

      Nuke terror impact defense

      Bioweapons impact defense

      ME war impact defense


      ADAP adv

      No interventions

      AQAP Shift DA

      Backlash/kiss of death turn


      Block Strategy:

      2nc: IRC Lobbying CP



      1nr: politics


      2nr Strategy:





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