Plan: The USFG should substantially increase advisory support to those committed to constitutional reform in Bahrain.
Bahrain is in political deadlock - plan key to negotiations that spark reform before violence erupts
Gershman 12/1
The core of the problem...they can seize this opportunity and realize its full potential.
Current Silence by the US allows extremists to lead opposition, ensuring another wave of violence
Ulrichsen 4/25/11
( silence-falls-on-arab-spring)
The choice to suppress demonstrations... the next explosion could be greater still
Advantage 1 Hegemony
Without reform, the opposition will force fifth fleet withdrawal, but no alternative location exists.
Dietz 4/21/11
Matar Ebrahim Matar, a leader of the opposition...distasteful to the US as relocating the fleet would be to Saudi
Now is key - any imbalance of power forces the Fifth Fleet to relocate, and current assistance is failing
Stimson Center 7/21/11
The home base of the US Navy's...Have an interest in preventing any of these scenarios from materializing
Subpoint A Iranian Deterrence
Fifth Fleet withdrawal collapses Iranian deterrent and allows takeover of the Strait of Hormuz
Goodspeed 2/14/11
There are concerns large-scale...elsewhere in the Arab world suddenly engulfs the emirate
Allowing Iran free reign collapses hegemony from lack of credibility
Etzioni 11
As of the beginning of up to its commitments overseas.
Subpoint B is Bases
Perceived complicity in Bahraini crackdowns causes other host countries to shut down bases
Cooley and Nexon 4/5/11
The use of force and foreign troops...autocratic friends under the bus.
Pulling out of even one base collapses hegemony - can't deter adversaries or assure allies
Koplovsky 10/23/06
Based on some of these previous arguments... furthers diplomatic initiatives and contributes to economic development
Hegemony solves nuke war and extinction - multipolarity is inevitable but absolute US power smooths the transition and is empirically correlated to perpetual great-power peace.
Barnett 3/7/11
It is worth first examining....the stage for the pacific century now unfolding.
US hegemonic decline causes global great power war, collapses trade, and spreads protectionism.
Zhang and Shi 1/22/11
Over the past two decades... will inevitably be devoid of unrivaled US primacy
US democracy assistance nullifies extremist influence and enables dialogue towards reform-mere endorsement is insufficient. A reformed Bahrain is best for US hegemony, and the US is key
Aziz and Musalem 11
The Saudi monarchy watched in longer a lofty ideal: it is in the United States' national interest.